HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-17, Page 4• tatanow tniod LE LIBERTY - TO:UTTER AND To ARGUE :IRERLY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES or CONSCIENCE WE' PRIZE ABOVE ALL "OTHER LIBERTIES :c Lnow, Mar. 17ts,_ 1293. MANITOBA: SCHOOLS. • the tauckr ow: eontine few additional fonts of type,- and whyI . should: not every surgeon be‘- furnished -with .a -_case of the best 'and latest.: • surgical appliances, and the 'preacher with all the commentar>~es and treatises, theological and dogmatic, that he :may require. Lawyers; as a rule, -have= -the reputation -=-whether d_eserv_ ed or not we don't purpose -to say -of thoroughly_ exhausting their 'clients •' resources: TheManitobatschool. question. was brought up in the House of -Commons t &ttawa last week ' on. a motion by Israel Tarte. Mr. Tarte is the .fire-: eatinglittle• -French-Canadian :: vrho preferred thecharges against Sir Hee-- tor Langevin_ last session: He: is a' great, fighter and is: looked upon as the - champion of everything -that is French - ,Canadian, be it race, :religion -or lan guhge His: object in bringing up the school question ,was to condemn the Government for not having brought in before they : get through with then It is to be hoped the -government will -bear this fact, in, anind before they allow themselves to:. fall into a trap -and the remedial legislation necessary - to . override the net of the Manitoba Aegis- --lature"in. abolishing; _ Separate._, schools in that province. In reply,_ however,: -Sir John. Thompson said ' that the : setbject Twas still before the courts and _that :the Government - was desirous of seeing the legal ': status of the'' ease 'established _before- taking any - action in regard. to it. The :Government. ent• is have theexchequer entirely.: depleted.. The cheek .of some.people is' truly wonderful. ; OUR readers will regret -to` learn of the death of Lady :Mowat, wife of Sir Oliver; Mowat, which took place: in Toronto _at midnight on"Sunday last,. fromi-a paralytic - stroke, but the im-- mediate cause of death - was. .supposed to be a -clot of blood in the brain. Lady Mowat was 6.8 years sof age. She wasthe daughter of 'tie "late John wart Toronto. She- married Sir Oliver Mowat 46- `years- ago. •There =are: five children Fred Mowatt, (Sheriff of Toronto), Arthur Mowat, Mrs. G.:R. ° °W. Biggar (wife: _ of- the city solicitor: of Toronto), Mrs. Thomas Langton and an unmarried daughter,. :Csf late -years Lady Mowat had been a continual sufferer from Asthma, and had asought relief in various !places: in no hurry -to deal with the question,.(*Etii.vitii c.r .eight years_ ago ; she:.: spent knowingas it does, that ! whichever. nearlya year at Mentone, . she, iive -but with little -effect.. ' �-Shs -:was priorview it takes it is bound to ve offence to her ill -health a great aid ., to. her CS one or the other of the religious- els- husband, who has often taken occasion 1� n fee -mems._ in Manitoba.. The true$,- • Manitoba •- however, er, on this. matter in. . Ina best be -inferred- . from;. what, Mr. of- .the. late Hugh J. Macdonald,. son _Sir . • . John, ._. said during fibs debate; •:•. • sanely,, that solar from wishing that the Governinent had granted the. re . nedia1 Legislation' •asked for by Mr. Tarte- to compel Manitoba.to: re. eatab= l separate schools, he.wished that vette Government - had declared that " the case having been carried to', the Highest court to which British colon- fistscould o and it having been decid. g: led that the legislature of Mantob had acted within its rights, the legis-' Cation was binding."- The only:°prof Ines that hav€, the absolute right tti separate schools are Ontario and bee. With the other provinces' it is .-a question, to be settled by themselves.: as -New Brunswick demonstrated some'! years a;o. The Jesuit act was a case_ n' the :real assistance he to _ dwell.. o , = ions reserved has on many -trying:.occas Q . -frons• his wife. :: Indo str are THE' � Patrons � :. of. Y and >ive rapidly cpm -mg to the : front _ . g .P. e$er -:promise of, being the strongest organizatiatl that the farmer4 have made yet in . -Ontario. The Grangers, who.were so strong a. few years ago, have -almost- passed out:'Of :existence. : At • the - annual convention -_:of- the ''rand Association of Patrons in Toronto some sixty: delegates were in. attendance. F The reports show ° that- .. • in which Quebec stood up for provin=- the . assented.. tial rights, and � -country eountr y - 'The school question in Manitoba -is on, . the same- footing, and whatever the . people4 of the other provinces-. may • thinkt-should be done, or should the County of -Bruce,-on-Tuesday the 21st day .0e.* are some 2000 - associations, .an increase of 600 over last year The —membership: is now 35,090 ailtst 2.6,996 , in' 1892..- They are. organized in -39 counter = SALE SOF alua le Proper N THE ' VILLAGE .OF RIPI.EY the coun;,f of Bruce, Under andpursuant ursuant to the• Power of sale - contained in a Mortgage made tothe; Vendbrs, bearing. date the 16th. day of Nevem-. ber-.A. D. 1887, and which . v.-�11 be produced • at the time of sale, there will:: be sold by Public Auction by Peter Coriigatt, Auctioneer at Hodgi.n's hotel in the village of Ripley in 1r toc4p0.0n y, Frida -4 arch 17th 44, tie done, :.matters , little.; After the de- 6f the PrivyCouncil in ' lesion England- showing that-ora: had. acted with Manitoba, .in her right in -abolishing the schools. .no power in Canada could: compel her • to chane her course LEGAL CHEEK.- - 'What may be. regarded as rather... a - �h - creaky _sort of - demand is • ..tha\t ' which J. e . - m -e upon the- Governmen .'.at was ad, p Ottawa, lately by a- - deputation of • of March A.. D. 1893 at Y.! &'clock noon, -t e following valuable !I -Inge T' operty. namely All --and Sin alar the.: certain parcel or tract -of n p i a"d :and -remises situate, lying and =being in the village of Ripley in the 'County. of Bruce, and . Province :of Ontario, and being composed of e: -t half of lot 'number one hun- dred and fo;;.y one in the sr&d village of Riplei James Warren's survey of part of lot ,sixteen- in the seventh concession of the To unship of Huron, except thirtyfeet sold off the South - end to one Eliza, Long. e ave arrived, m.- rom. st a patterns AMP • w on; hand a 3aige' stock of awrence has� now ti Y r as • - � � -- - �nten: Ing pu c � furnace:work this. f ll and parties .: mace . of fu - a specialty eolalt . . also•: making P - .. � .w ._ � -- full stock of allg He i � - � • - ��. a ` as usual - a f . .to give him a: call.3 h uld not fail a stoic or furnace sho g x . _ kinds of nwareq:: 1" - -, Japanesed ware, Pressed ankles, Cow :chains, Rope s and L nap Goods. e Leading :Hardware _., spot• On the property there is a first (class :.two storybrick building n containing threegood -.: _� ; stores. isc is situated on one of the rit .:. ..; The � props y G principle streets of;this prosperous and thriving village, . . RMS—Ten per r cent on the day of .sale,. and the balance eve !thin. 30 days ;thereafter . $ave .erg and _the r. friends asking that- without' interest. In all other respects the ..: � - - • the government "sinks a conditions will be the •standing -conditions of grant to the the High Court of Justice. ChancerkiDivisi0n, Iasi associations for the purchase of 1 :books '; and that. all books : need:ed by `the law associations besupplied_ by the government, with back nutty berg Of. 'Supreme and Exchequer Court reporte- - i nsidered that his library -- when it s co .. y constitutes the lave ers chest of tools,, as well as it -does the editors; whohas_ • f o furnish his own it seems rather asked fit to n- e that we should bei etrg e_ Title deeds may be inspected at the office of the venders solicitors; For farther: -particulars apply to -the.:! Ike. - arin . .. rom .t..y, attended to. to. .:Move . Ing -.and _ F . g p P , ....n } - .out the legal profession fessi n this way-.. Why shouldit:-bei dome. 'and' why -should u Id th ele al profession receive apecial aid of this kindf from the State, - • .over and above that ranted- to . other. people. ': If the government is: to.give ��G p b _ g. books and authorities the lawyer' his _ f t d the sameliberalityto f et- it also ex the centuries past,'; x,, a��.,- . he tailor and.. !Then :them _ - _ welcome Burns frl en All hail our Robin, everi - ces for Though late we greet: the L g: �h-�. iii the of Full the fs b Auctioneer,- or to - . .-CAMERON, _HOLT- & HOLMES, Vend -ors solicitors,; Goderich: •- .... PETER CORRIGAN, Auctioneer. Dated 21st -February-A: D .1993 997 3 _- T OF !SOUTH m SE DISTRICT LICENSE BRUCE., THE LEADI GOODS MANT F'A T _ r-B-;--res�:nts,t�lve 'will[ ne{ a egs � t0 announce �that,his representative .. �� "WEDNESDAY,... HIT Ei.Y HOUSE, .r:.. _ ated Hail o With afull line of -hip .ce18br fo •4 THE IMRERIAL'. THE O0RONET TMS ELITE THE STANDARD SONG,,FOLIO OLIO . � � ..... �I� : CODI - r1S1111;'` Gentler , p :Ladles and- . . bath pees, wtC1 tc. es, =e goods are:made on: Scientific ;Principles and so These:. . . Call - - � -- �detection ibis. •-oss ' their is imp nature copied 1 . close Y ..._ - It costs:nothing to try Lid be . convinced. and see .heir a . thenar : 1 timer leer at --CATIONS FOR TAVERN, LI P L% A.P , 'license, which is to shop or brewer's h p . Bt - mu_ .` 893 . I of May �. first take effect: on the $ t day , be filed with the inspector fore this_district on April. ril. of before.the first dayp or - ANGUS STEWART, Inspector, : - �_ 997-2. Lucknow' - March let, 1893, - RHEUMATISM CURED IN :A ;DAT'. American: Rheumatism Cure South ll is :.. radi- cally Rheumatism and Neura g action cally: cures_ in 1 to 3, -days. Its . . upon the system is . remarkable and .. y -removes at -=once ,the - It , mysterious... ca use-- an_d the disease immediately dis- The :first dose greatly. appears: Th . .. - j greatly �' benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by. A. e anc.aa B.- Congram: HITEL LUCKN OW, .. WEDNESDAY, -MAR8-H 22., 1&931 M. SIQ U FAVORITE A collection . easy. pieces fur ''the pl Q. and organ in -10 numbers, :Each 25 cents. - T. �ur�: city o , tablet of fine' • . , stationer'.. in note and letter sizes. The latest idea. Ask to see it - ;PROPER:. =- LE - AB IR -DES HAT: VERY as` the"Ledd- Farm" Lot.22, . T tknowny Y- real On ._ w fu e -no. h is -West Wawanosh, Co n. 5.-•r- Ie= comfortable.. the premises are:: ---A. food, large, com t frame barn • L shlaped,. frame house, 'a large_ he same a stone nth t ine " de 75x45 feet, and: underneath , stable, a never -failing spring is found on the art of the lot and two .good wells to the back p - .thebarn front, : together with a cistern. at n , which furnishes. ample water supply,_ 30 acres =of hardwood bash, large orchardofrincipaliyy i fruit,90 acres. tinder rasa and the hal.: winter fruit, a g hal- slice wen well cultivated. the in `' lie best farms, This'. being one - :oft Township, it ought to find a ready sale, and particulars,;apply dor Terms'to_ . M. CO1tRIGAN, 1, Lucknow: -HUGH NIa13,RI5ON. , Or -to, JOHN MCCABE,.in rear: of. for:lot, Rebecca ' Wilkinson, - of : Browns - says': •-- "Ihad been in a valley,: end,, distr ss ed 'condition- for threee .years ea, rn from Nervousness; Weakness of ,Stomach Dyspepsia Iiid•gs ion until -my ` health was -gone. I botight - Nervine !can hA mer .o u t onebottle of S 1 Cott W • . : olid than any ch done- me !Ore.. y : whi Q In yr did _. tor in �Ie. � oc fd. ho w rt 50 worth_ g weakl. -my - lite. I Would advise. any y Ie and lovely uKb _ person to use; this: -wal . '!Consider it the remedy..c grandest I g medicine in the world." A trial Warranted "onvince ou.:: .Bottle. -will c y. hy A. B. Con ram. • •-En fish S a vin Liniment ni m ent r em oves -all hard,. soft or calloused iumps and blemishes from . .. .- , -horses, b lood apav in , • curbs, _s lints - ringbone, sweeney, stifles; sprains, sore and:swolllen 'throat, coughs, - etc. Save $50 by use of ; one bottle• ' : Warrante_d by A. B 'Congran . is _.. — -- Salary and expenses weekly from start.: Lib- eral commission to local part-time agents. Permanent•position. Good chance for advancement. Exclusive territory. Largest growers of Nursery stock in Canada, and only_ growers in both. Canada and United States. Clean hardyy.s�tocl. o from etonam,andfair ptlier: ,estreat . houses ;on :( guaran- teed. . I ` . No subs* ;.'• ... „�' account- of our and n 3n prices io low to erg.. No .. • peculia- advanta j m 't1 interest We can Pe - es. S e • -g es.earning 75 anyonot e s-- no8 . t nses. month and e. n .expenses.- . per __ _:1 Dot hesitate becauso of pre, re i:. p or : 'Vous failures in. this other' ua s ucce S9 •� a1� 0 0 nm e C A Y n .�YV • i e s 1 ticulars' ar i a dress for , OutSt free. , A particulars, erie BROWN BROS. le:„ Continental Nur, a. NT. Thfs house ia:i^eliab ) 1'ORoh'�'O, o T_ SES D GRAIN FOR SALE• UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALB quYy an an � of One -Sided Golden . •Giant Oats of ure quality and free from all near Ashfield a .Ash other seeds. Lot 12; :con. 6 , Dungannon. Ti os. AwDERsoN .996 2 Dungannon P, d 4. 4