Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-17, Page 277 j a a E ar 0 T p 7 % A raheekff. For all th&tw is antifiag to he ;al that in -all probability din bylbe di I wherk L*d Rawenhold is Ushere. tly -frOMAOM 8 0 uld pleva sJ3 -hiih-6940le - She riew it -had big ismiss his own 'CoUntry I wu all th6 *ay in. months Ir 'had thro shrewtily. :81miling. Snriau� wbo pe n Up to'see'lier. J dOn)Lt'..-MI' Utelling.-you. n satisfied *itlt the way inwhioh she has my� P - onel with whom was Madly -ankibus to-s�%114 am 6 nine elf to. a he finds MM LPPOSS She. thinks Rtonly �,c ii(le'' d here y -visitor to -day r his: W, E' G -RT 1,mustspeak to.6r h ed doubtless orded the ieceived. me. C d 1 th.6 eyes -:of - the, OU46 WOma hi dhim 'in inlitir6 ch&!Rco of iminopse h ri rell 4' it" had foreve per apsy kill' n Piece -of she -Can -,h eng pp -ran, :b1aAgdard- of cojirse lob, 16-elesi tile ad.� enthini'away') B don -nly aged Upo me. a, i&i Of Cal) -noes of Its m6sej�. For, the oi cha 6' - . neettle pp ptess er 7pri., tory -ha -&at thought broke�. kno;v; the truth 6f,, At -w t d to �,Lj.dy Mildred. een viacialy 7- -th Ketched �mfierxbl d itself -6 13ds. min' work, 60 ihongb- she h d b ht _not_ eVen allu' The down I e ihol I , n X for an astanit--thent-she Ong deL 'to th%*u pnesen.. .. titt, rig --there fat the la-st hour- - -, 7, Of ""L anessarwavers, -van' ean. siWif bly out -e of a side -door jo YfU L ill-conceed6f i�itlticn, re"Ole Pralso 4pset and Was t1l she.went face Was."flusKedl eager vith rgh ..:­ ­ . His before U, but fo cost him,,b6aides -drive where a th 6 t6ward the oor to 06Ba beiblind -if she -were for the A as don't &-ess me I or - Pre e �Edia, I shoix1d - wrevehed aff�ir -had. tbou�h he scarcely waits py V ne L ter I -- -him t rible heartbiLflaings * f in- time. n ;euttera VVQrjj of tirongeudear- xrIyL dislike -to Meet him. And he-tak a r gives. her 0 . . -lov -m ist interce 11 - 1 himvvhE th -the Other -factor c � se odil p rti=L he. 1��4d; an irk At ed .:him . MO %a have f . . *h , - i L, �ijjst�e�d walking. his� hor -0f�L10LhV1jIIe88A!4- goe �An aj6 looks which fe*--w f and himself t3d Edith a away alone without 01 of -th estroy. er men, I -and-- had -threjten6d to�d 'd alla ssa­sita -t withatan t handi Vane iRg-j- h7er - As hial. inadlyi enhold had. put hith embl "able- d. a" moreover) AI ini' Lord'R v and .. L '. I - - ul. ties iced, you, at doe 'live. W C' Se 'unque X6, -no, wbr -L t - U.' i f he re iused to mariyb.49 stion&bly -VA Won 11old2 in e every -nerve I-Wom- an. rests - a heuzi throbtaing 'viol wha -is caltir:-:4 tr �ti.. most L�rd. Riven an -a not time -between m at e kioiisly zmd-patafully, Ire an s halC A beeli too lateg must not 1" ut uiv.Ei, ilig a�t� k h SCM3 �nd it -is. more. -thal tels. t.har. lwiy tryings not r d' MS e- - iii g. of his iij n -d th Apo b' appeat -for ayaip4thy from a very.handsoln honor a- a -land --dis- of p had suoth.. si j.e, wou ery r, -ram . g nul e ar d d�ffli that all b�6 !bye) ges, ha' a Ave nde. A P you g man: wh ae etion ot Is -'e t SUCCes ful y,. to 16o,& iated aiu4 workin� in.-ttie;oth r Biit she do'es u 4 deal of ve di d cost him.,a* gr kingL ges life. k hei tihe ia� qu-Ite peraWk S .1 ka th 0' anci of MP. degire.pearsoniffl to ry Re 3nd c 0 L 'I&ter-. mingj Accident4l Pat, Oi. 110r, for. -SODfier T. . ) u0e herself Anst.-ib1ly ow wa X. It- ident and t M d i A"'idi'and says., witb: money-ao 0�11) -but see - Y pleti8ed. all her ower of -4 -,trifling Ine'l He -draws �a low �hp-ir in a cl, ati P ry Cousi ei kneel or si-t* orbs:�61tbough'he a e ttav 'gat -to get n bb ear he,. not very Chang to the, kindest smil rant. and ric ;-it. -had cost' -couraeL of. our" lives i ngisquile an po�p ri � e,,. , . h ' 1,151 ". . - -dot .4 f '- . - 1,V loded 9 et.ibq of- ao. e. S11d. woo a adi L6r,3. 'Riveftho" Ing :'as -- E4 I it- j fi Id L - 9 Go back to her now� inj knteli op nion of i� dertain 4,e Are -load6& *1 -04, 0- lod b ing. lag-. sodieb ex reme ating as-* 41- ( - him tt e goo .L - f to 4 !1� ra L. c in -uly thb, dic J ag titebl-Inair --a lesi YOU tters ly ready. -to lay T f ishl: on. whiich� is-- t alid -need tr, a e sun:der- thora ia n6 susp-wio�a of th Do nob let- us haim any MOr ml L -heai fervo wh st) other -Pop I cc iLbout'­ ave 9 with-: tfelt �hol T i �r odigal -down the w leay.ei Lord' R ously, ar- S&J dtifsaof tlier,emrneq, .. - L I I - I , -i - his eager. steps, d'evo second- bUA -he retradb had Wfi�n Van"s jaf�Veji iM choa& to. say he �rdeh.j al n -h,�rd :-thti' ough t t 0 ddj� �nd Which es"hers6lf bac.k to the gi -9 d. at%' ding8 he that weare 80 Ovtu P With ai-bav . rying'.' the. -uafor- 8 e -bet b un h6 - -does. not I htbs;� to, w 16f is I�OkjnC, qui Oct. Illeek, and t for hiar, ai e 11 s us re lkdith whO.-L ling, .that -all is 6o L -h bt: flo, r us, let beha,% a badly in no .� max a Lr her with his e e �a expres,40n, lily woma f wo tp. TeLlent -.-i- aTJ ehe apw�s in 'i - who --ie-kiBts or- him �6 tttudte- � - - - bet hO*ever nothing hs., Sim oono n, -The eame d: -as though 7 .0 eiOled d I -1i I nt a affered -tb an t eas a,- �Metvul shade of i O�Poiatpie iim-�,. hai care o' W to sh pange.of re I.have-taken ve ry as -e e was a, app e'r entignee very- gharof xxie .. J) a edi.: dnt e - inorse.. She ha Van d: w r good edwi h be* h4py-'? He is her h' lea' oulc rhly-. disple -he ik h �h is,hig ul�ite woman n *10 'ttie . un or _U d4na her inoignatic Take I h cc f . o'se rA o L A -la- tone Bit ts th ntuied- anywhere ne%r P 'PaL e Ily 41 the same. W Inom6n. a el f t hiinds, his e3 h' aken one 0 �es apeak Aji(j) -IOV* ihe- all -..:Rsven" -Van ssa, I.. have -'no in gthose; fe. VP tien �e- Ig JSL_ ]a e evim LOY -VOIUMP-S. hearzd Ycnwe says, heir -,charmed ci 1 You 'are - too p ro-'�Loking I to her, re hera, h- i- hbr heirt. ght pa;riah ad jhd` J ot deadA C ith .011a far rode overi, utelY p f, -slug 1. w.3,% not very h* d-h-",sbifr-�,d. A.atiaiage­ 6motioli. t 8 are min of Raven. ol hold. e The word th in er an W y- �j6 telf- 'fie' Ome f not �oluutar Aitting in If. - WX Ave I donel &1061 -ssix r It a no she fe . as n`V b - He iloes i6k It, neef Rve CO 'i0n 911 - ititui i th4L neigh orhood els. if - insane -.Edith -was ks M ra Bra don. demur 0 those -6 butwit-h the P Pow YOU I . -have Us vthait �brouqh-t hi'm into putlaff'had made: her ily rePet the -. t Ad :en & paie I to mankind im reail- e h -giv etendiug sent t poor boy, away' her sex who k td Undish- 11� erro.'r to sily their -WAY fro itest bliss life: holdt t o- --hours to rn ke up He L j e all tho She is very. we come- to gt�ie'Es- grei w I -a m Lc jiteld � too ea It is. verY46.011 -of." hits.eager' win. an- houi,,..perhaps.. Tef,6'hod- C.M trteS to W ber jla�d &ua she at -tho"radniep't rephe th .0Z collrae 'nd. -then F r ��cesj and had -comelO­ the con' 16U im, in Monti; she ithdraw iffix treat hi -doorways. Oe"s%me their d don to ade'vous 'i�; eo vi�ry -try; Lim She 'ao 'that. be- ,..o e f o� apgaars in. ible, to come... m --a d' h sion -Ah�t . th;�je - could.'. be - -no, -manner !aYg,: 'he . our le c 'Ali With- tenfold -force -au c U 1, Wsbameialaad rue -a ciuuvu .011er him ubgd repurns tances ,o, asking all be*.erY'Lgl%d to do him g Ish i�g alone here, sh -Y fifip a u""nder thavircums­ bibd 1�'obs6rvesVanessa.,- the '!only c4 "him i - -E, te. You wl at Andz b:P, refohi th meet I e. uses- herto.g not: exj a look of 'chill. ObjePtirOl . �ay - anii dih wro g must jeo,6-auything more of -t in . . . -Lord R�,venhold.to �81. .. I I' - -he Crtes, Itaising �n t-,. oi- aving an though he �were- an Un Big' e -kafeeling la 72 . . -mean 9 D steat. a you h 'half an -�r-prme­ as, weloofimle ... ­ 4 *h W ave hi' k ii ii. qu to Say$ t s d he y ive Teturned prol. ig 6 rode, h,8! now an( f�r"evexy! 6ne to do not that -you nv 7s chat. ntruder though by -no. gJIL' Y re, on ce in IOU kitidl env' here brenst of the voic; agaiii, that YOU 9, 0 fission un.6 --she - f t ..e 101189 r as the 0. cc -'d,ull fof.yO'qj to -b -Is If with bpen- a. Ing r It Mint awf ally He bre$ a u ir .-happi i 1 Will not. car,-. o me?" Mean Y eroes. r - n d by hqi Ioo.jj d h SIM a 7 ?1 a e -Manner.. his rt- ;01 re fat anyonas lonej -W e- t1sk UPOn w an . Cdald not. CA All a where I have- �86nt - tim' away. cMe desire Sy -see YOU- Pute J:;F; all� this- w d walk g her eyes wal. ve C, :a way� but&( 144ith'anmwom, hitfi-accord ha startled.when'Ravenhol ed -Edith. J dare.say wers turnin 4 90 away -she.; broken V ex-claiMS he Alps Re &ary e you loot I � . .. - 'ja 4a�y tr *to kjjOL at of the absurditY and J1YP0C d in b is L e could' not 6ne And -Mith an -.ex at _16a8t_ the Window. il "Ao -M�thizjg-desperate- in 60'. T she says.�,' tobled. waTat Youj any. -question wl ah dull;,- atL made L cs:013 wre sibn -dh his 1406 th my love, returns -Vanes 3a, L am Uot at pres her words. rift noi ye -pie keen.b a intILV *itfi me'. ivenhold a Then -e- saysi 1 voin. thee t men don't pe ran(ion'is constE the-- truth." 94 . - erate thidga Apparexitly R n0th�' do ilea' UP -old in, fa -C -1i, Prii�,- Lord. Ftsvenh say h aded­mok YL ­ e e I bavi got my -He will -drink A' througli the prete e so - e ds y8a, ay abb Vanessai in a voic y. or - . .. ' ) h 0: i An 6xultant, -f nge - on- tay w owers May :or, er. in 66 �.O&Y, led, at the ut it: Ebi I d Ould YOU pttqr..-.� g 'at nce. -wine er, smoke an two inore -Vica it>as her :h&A b 'o -.6. as Or for dinn a h411 1, M She'S6 -.here, fklid they tb rs. BraudonWas 4reelY recomilze Ma, lit swe r yo a 7 possible.- horse --.?7.. 6xtra'doze�n cigarettes., And,* will Jeel qVyte sterful -vdii )round ld MP cold. -aff6irs can ave no ry ward. 1) ur- , , ' the bel an un YO er' th, arms di til the -�e ant" �rtAle Alt And with thats iie ing bo and, :I :sea Cely think they rrif W*ll OtL n, W re Is happy And cc 4 P a in." the' -a were, so hot rden-- wis eii Edith. i te ither- a -pe& n T st -for me, departed. ne gg wb:et she ueve 6lieved-you I he i has. Come� nd id s her' worl fie� -Jej!e," dith more angry his eager- aga -0 M -:So or. ci Alid1 think u- owe hi yming Aa., am sorry.. go' and fiud' le A the: Th en E It I lier�' Id beai dis I; . ­ iays'lhe&rtil I eou� r have b than lips'to here. 'p, inst the gi( 'it Lut me, go, Yo Jy arfectiv un(, eirs And 'ds k e. -as i Aniiiog d it wen�old. mouth ,6C T 1''do not Uke e4or the. e -M 'n ba'ek hi -bi Yo -c-Thankal"Aii6weits- th*e-- yoUng man,; is :hurt me Y that. Lord-Riveiihold ltl�.a com e a. .,,,his-hea Uirow cause of hiii et .1 Iamver obgiY-.­ chd one. th-ioz' whin you'were the annou.- er � h.is MUSta .1 Urs. - Rr yisiwv Una, 44 Ymi havebeen very good of nieetirig,-, I'ag in eyes OIL alm.08t f.. C a isus. cion of tears -so 'into t - at w ba�ble, tbat he. I have .-YOU % _V done "Za purpas pro 'i leti f tien in g� all re ed -butanOteniient.. He y ou tch 6. and'kiff -me, 9he- think it mor, than 19 Y ould' 019 i He: smilds -he does. not dare he doe told ention 77 ` his h eyes.., i. nt 4- piop6si with h is wil4ly triumpliank I ; h to so,, il in - weve ,r.,, a for �:me- very.. easy for ini say inav,6,- Va n -a ness � It Are ii- h leless V. -:.a-sks a. propo-; 1 a ualy -.he a . jjys presently; ou sum -1 r0a- the prine ple madly h ding up to posej "You Op Y � appy - t �.ys Vanessa.* Use a no C Cc it- is be the. sam e. 6ad Js bi tter. ths n cc Do C&re� lway-o that :h,elp naid rs, th i elort n one n1gry, he, I f of Edithi t be a e -of his' lor&hip's. 'Vaga- never- ha�d k* d- worc me Tet- You. . �g e- a in wa� A fo ir at -cc QMte su 01 -to iy"giu yod I -e. murriaL r Why. abotild liow cau'l i bl but wound and hurt -t of Ine-- She, -suppose niti r -Able. -.An,4 des r& e ne:Vlar di an a Qff You V% x ..Sligh m. ci e Alv­ s u i 4, d nythbig 'at thoUih behaVe j,ith I only wo, d k 't my b d- hy she-, fi�d the Mrkj..tiandQn--shQuld n er how I ep, f Ctiire,� 0 Ine, d no.tweare, two at- we ab.. at me.7--that 'IS U brefore - IA UE ra am u able to conje Do�no wa 88A . j tol Ut" Jjnwj in 'bu 1 he is. -quite 'hat. !.17 n M t talk 'like- t A.(Ad sta joyou Y on are _g 0 n ialeadiu -she 'o ertai no*. lIPj krt,!�, Up with a alaprity I thi- 8� litad Lreasonab 068 'this d [g &Ile t- 11' to -ey that ti successful . i brow. hink, pdrheip Me 4 V PuCkering-her pr9ttv, smooth 7 (if -the' French windo r6tUr ichedg b and th6y go ouv dt th 3 t YOU - t am 36 pei. YOU Ties and -,take -10714 to -t' t -wrong and ve a -co.as -patience' i - 2how vith ,together their. he OR of your 641 have no is B UjjdeL Stand._TOU. gtirden. ut when: cience'-, and with a -they --4-rri iteneiw�e c6ldnessij '1Y He is notto be ab ed, (I don't T #.sh kitchen, Ile shakes his head impatien y. p 0 th -left Mrs. -B nrandon tfi' w I- -think a#kri e t. �vherr& Rh therd are cerbain. subi6cts din �hates-mej -6Y t" fol to Jeut. mplain of ong mo hich- r, Ever .18 WX Cos. he a in t e - 9 '99 know I e cared to -disc' I belt.6vefsho. h very You :cc ything nice Est thin -.n v.r. -hiii-g'betwelot ex.tremes.- 6 b ing uld like to,go -1bire, -isJqQWn. you b vir there is -na 'and wretcheds - .6f.. your lif md jpf'it Lit ailly-, 1 sho T' sky a- 0 -1. P If Ionily at4east s e, you.�.. were al Ways -,V no e a h E(Vith s4 d, iid,th knew )h, no, 4o, 1 am surelshe doea A, roxio., on being &"f6 L 'the �.Oung y and here I ou -get a� chanc of ers .01 forev -of It en ..ng p IS apair. sa own g Big f h �dreyo�l-wo . -.. j! I nt*fUtures toas it a ilea, in spite. ersel man erttfri d walki ape e I Vauet 01 e%tchin har ai&il )' - uid- n6i de ana� L d'b 11 -fifty bet 'er 4ust� like a great bitt:6 and niwer Ma e &IIOW&uc 8' h6la' lkifa is- sin- f t, "bncs.- waiting :f Or I;. Yo 46 d Lord Rave'n e 0;�e 041 the-a-Ileys.- rly', Thon ere --were t )oAt is h -take ear t ;c' W ax -`e- -beco eople h.at Can uoun�0 -tand''the- tw. -'CAL P - . - Whait on ihe Any �-'Y-ouhg p h would, Buys. mj of 'her here. OU� you have I left, ber 11, P&�haps that- ke,." ga-VE� an( e3a2' R, Old bu w -er- In'. al VeX- er, avenh with t a. r 0 oreS. Y Man W c -ka his 0'. has zays�, again tak e xv , P lTs f rita oil had b vihe diiv B he le y- kindl�- of each -oth ho "p, As indioTt his he krovVs quite seriou -'asenselio. ir ettej drop� the. sub- uv�� vei b R, -nh s I pique, j, y hoise all the* ay down can best wh 40t lotuta at" L c arming as a . "'Do it, Comes - ,t F a And. 'h Jee the-nattfire of r6elings b�ing.rather -'o YOU, I bAve a4,,eal acroas The. jOE t6disappoi d him, and - right. ..-dr mroag, 's hi4i n g to recommen wg hef hand thi hen did .111rs; B-andon eVdr 9 NO crieg. Ravenhhol& pthigi iab�ly, over, Pf th46pasaional every first -get e ­ b %'c k.- aj�l I des" a " th hL .09nt pt as if ou yon since 1: yes y6d the -t -uth. pair � an trP him wi.�h as.muc en) worshipped' the at 2s hie- were --7-7 tel wl .1 n vei-�,-&nd rt- hi lift t0eto �4ing,4uj. . ' t -do anyf ment wt ich makes a man wan to on yo ei�fingq*and' were a grand duchess and; devi I, AV, erl. he, br -neiaring 0 AneaA. 'Th, t' the.:Etall'? 'iix-large: that do vou iihVive Btir up- IA& gates . I I I � : .. ..,. . . the -fiad s Uit- 1 ire pause unW6 t e gaa na a bruti? Since , to- h pejr6d Here. -E dith No. YOU. have 1110ts".) interrupis V d. k -an. illmoriti'm souje-v�,,�&t of� a;. f ),rlorn que�it� .411. m2kke r6e loe. d 4 all, grAbefal -figure- in black aheA h' %rt be4ts th- uffocatiO says-Vablesse, you w it is -knew he� se es, a it When -you first.knew me7 orshipped e, ther& Nv.bo.: Niv+-khes,- ti) .0ouceal. him-, &Y ever ydn- YOU- - Able. sin e In. s -e Af-It- W _ ill do him g ingkiolg way on v�.Irnosit -the rs�, a n As a __a TDO -d of hi omea toWa. M... 3100dj) deal of. r Solutl`on have taken dejja�hb in bdi out id hi He I juscly hlildre4.". Plf.� bnt h R-E�V n tuf�s mAv ain same'L heartless, flip &At 4a L ed he repW .3, _C �in he ady Mildr a"- I J - . . _ I . L I _SappiAe -to- chow VL anessa . I t �ts 'with j -we on S 0 IRA scou -is ou saddle in her. eligiract r. -she conduQtsl worst p" rt, of pu s; t of his it up,; an her off to LL,% Y ble ntdistastee yo er.over me. manner. . - %., , - &S she, thinksi dt possf il - , ill '- ott likely -send� Iii patie W it w t - - I I ce w M. 'to You kno b1pah o'nL lifir fac o ch pl Ur 0 YL. d 0 un eis y6s 2 it -is qui -heis, -a not d -L,6rd. R love! Led -eyes- 4... --l"ketdrns Edith. b 5110 is f anessaL May -have seQre I. 16b k. -soft And,- M6144 There will thi bold" Saya - Vanessl' :106king.. ' 6 Us Mild'dd =Yihing buv pleased- at j- 'rising:. and. yo eceive i4-iplies Vanessa. And now .-xinki t, nOq'ueS A,611 96W- O"h . she will x nd 0 a t 0 %V ad cruel!y�.. Ing. aR ti, 'y t am B rry that --rvarsity anti urn. adds the young I ys lady"SL pf m- aingr -voung mu r s. a mannerwhic pro-, . - - M . .- . . Vanesss6 amiles in athizing hear' By with' her -CoLrftPAUjOn S I e: the blood,- - ru h ma4ly to the - yogng His- s. t&kean expression SU -takea-h6r ey'Ll _t -to L eel that by both hands in. spite I she mur of.: ch -d h3j�at&f al, s ea. friend N inexpressibly. h I penitent. that shb ottg� ied her ektr mel by her._ resistanee. 'had in MP -11 There- is L A vokes er j�in ot his bridle. reproach 2, dii�; t 1-felld*'i h d. If ..he7 - a. ­ 0 Kxtlhe gns� - ­ I - -hie I I I last . re ar Idok -' W. h, half k has.'.�.lea 8 enerF -,sh in his pyes,.- B-ut s1i4 doesnbt.. I . I .. . AeLtime Mn<l _WordaDn howl ise he. It i be in of ly convinop� was ont-a , -ate' several' gard p a 9s, i 01 n wero nol 4ren� if -there t twochil w a 4. j- c' gIVe­ d4untgi -half sea- this- Do hot let -us jD is aL t t�dihgs capricious young M L g her -1eS upon one 'Wh plea ge- ga, es in sight -of the. -0 go e.. qpir. .:'con .11P ayIng at. the lod" t' -.Raven..L away in d r ed for her oneei not� letting h Ia �`he Laya_ If I -,]je­-A.j .9, jdit. seen Nlrg., m nner fldrL a er-m -Curse reven an imi V1 ths. fugitiv e. lady- d . wora'that p' to-' _C11 -ti 'he is go cheerful w 11 en6u& thj�jt it 'is 8 ji I 'bright in h - _long Ajft'C'.S sure 0 this'sp6t he sE the touch (if the o Paael int n. sitiing in the arbor nen %the -orna- Ib You ahalliinderstaa&me before I leave -dry jl-ea­ 1�v w rlit holds jjOW he all thel--evening that El y enhold. 4ys. -And t. exi bt- But, -Jy4c6n hig-darling:.tdm his -hear . . T -� � -meal, nd 4 N76uld catch- ing. 6 fbr s o, ..many people a- till I -too women are quite as h tl r 4.wnkindly. 1,j t-hat:Edith can h6r baxids, Whic LOIds, softevs 'a 0 y - You have csre :.keus,his pa6e' *so rnu stays P, eas lord not 'As v6n -as sin( i�jl e..N ly t in: man. sear my soul," he� sayi, -, a.. . -1 a Iode 44 D- o y 6a mean to twit me w tl�. th4t min - h* xi'13eimen te mar k' a t slid h .'And Wilen a ifia e n, humbl�" c6ly, keep up.wiU nbffl- )'Mrs.. Br: ndon observes n ecit I h�rd hi 'kn :0 a 'having e C MC�SLJ e-t 1. love. y 'a with. is eyes... all 6" e..idda f 'having '_0 0 face _7 'the threattu h 6c, w1th -th6 beautiful L: - �- A ling Of hi r: LIMP de" a eye 191 w6uld gloat ove a Ind'ita?" ciies R %venholdt, W -'s. dreanii� hi voic * fult -(,f*. emotiou.- r th , -is erable r In 11 a Anaunh. of h e: a zdored warna in a, -her. ah6ll ag4ini -rough -y wretche" is nO4 9nq, 1 s0iiftly in�q Ply C iMe to' womaxil tho H, �a. look of.audh- iov-that no One tell. -yoO io before it i n_* b:, - : telyi ""For eavelu's sake let 0 _ me ien 0 n me V asks Va a, -moft) a now- Dh� I A toL SP or th' whole stoty 3. and th c 'he hag time 4. - Vaneea&. ,C hohit -a t a r 1 a I -D . !' r3heox le L' P wi, ders.tand _tfiat. mea t, rtain ent" hy,, love, j love V-0 a 111 vit ula oak. pta seevog, hiw hL claiins' &1most-belfore- ear.-. child I woiild tatake away. - - My'd Vanessa. -Va aga d -no iatqrru .4o smiling. 4 O-Qixbt �b -,t h, -s for her. ne., ra-wa her . -lily I-thb,ught:I had been. unkind, -an wan this- Not d1'. ted pOseess that -at, m ment -biushes -'her -heuxt`bepits fast., and ih4h CAYot.t. love. me blrg� utWrsjL: �Sejoinfl not.want 0 bear it -'s' -.- 9. ­ 1. .� was sorryr-- -hat.is a t un- 4, dL ing! to -say the leas b. 'unace faiel mv-ch -9 ttere by ountable.. Gli com. L 6rd Ra: nhold is not ve U Batt he in is 'ording- to an-, nde6dj 1 8 e S* ts. It is not aftogrether 0 th -to b daunted, -so.. soon. thi k �WV er sex� s* freezes other loves U t lie after -Y -bur uchlbve6!" happy2' V to tali, although - his -ob� nOK 0 a& -or.. 0 e-yous' m oasness empih%siiis.- t y he] 69 -,t 10 to provei nis 0 -easy at M on y to ks iit -and time I don't lov yd Edit I bittekL wn utter' -e 7 up in cc not All I. he ssygiil-ca efiin lee f,%ble J.1id'. n Aff 9. P. Brandmi goo(fridght. -an int(4ffei- You mean tha%mi h ode Of onor (poor ith, W& eyes. swear it a al ti to his mistres§, the c. h ,-okives to Lord -01 in y4u-t I,doe i i wan -wanting in he or Aigai _k c h ppoint %No gh -j$ I )'Of 01=1 I -- YOL . -- V at. . I enough, Ven -thou d: -be somewh I dot nolt a Ydu� &v( H.e& kno*s.,. . - i. � - ­ : . . 1, : U. Y qnd Sikya_ VajjeS P - whic' ubu-1 if, nOt, be-- alLP" e rt Q 0 If -he'ad- ieve the truth day preventffu M "tel anijbif ting tlie tau t �so -en� ttx,­ atrangdr. heavd, Sud you.will- n as Aoi an �u I e- -L5t -got.m' a-.9 re�tl Polite -D V hit - but. she. do,'.. returnO Vanes 9 Ali e woman as era im -11 it'vo his hef, a -he ju-st- an , U : .- ­ I th6i-infa�nt apect' tirely an r kly n, th te Al ators, 1: *. 4. arn, h- e unrea- -Mon to her. Van cold .,4 W nbm6ing her.," `1� is', the c6nver, a an§Wero' -his, Vr you W, oar prog�xi woman desi Wc"IkU. Cq�n 'You "The child n: -64blesied cries -of- -the Ro r did runt' rE be sistent. 1g, gla;nce-at aving' P! ot 'think' --a able -and I who. am Con b )r as isa uader2s,L that -I jc�ds� k. with h howeverg ftidlicit"who is�h' d gredab a ti e. ij ip) -,,,.Let me W41 W ens %ven- -- _nLot prol'.1 n givei-ahe,is heb o -e sort of -thin Von have Ut acing sa e;- t one And You forg, I '�ge�darlihg t 'imid �bo d for w -t -Lord idl-thlit' Achird-1)&n0j, Jy-enerf the Vicar % condone profess, -id yet. th 16 ereft f hi'Lt you- a s e never. -h-i 0 nfi ehed in men ai to. the a to;7y it Witt critic'Alyin r bther Pair is a lo-" hold. re-inTsulting, me liy d eslat, o the -thinks eaga b hear-, & J�dig�ed lai;�k ver r, au. ex ng �o av e,. -had. any 4 or-. Me delight uIL. us b&au 11 her, V&4*66" t %cks bL. It ht feeling f . hoL-� i h c., - , f i -e lover to te a'tjgi1--%U.rL r brain lo te Y- r he�r rq, 16haraiin,rr 'N�ord-eo L ndekl ':or h ae�eina'a gLaj e -some an L W W�ipt) 4"h is.hand d has pi etty ais, alive hi -18t my b de" r-: hasband �p'jand.to esati�afied 'With �hja antd rdener t w -&ar, a sh&­-dee "not pertn�b`116 Ge. d �i:i -'Go- - iii nd.: pron011-aced befQ1 aniterview ne, away rom er, aniiOrs, you ravoleyourself on his a de an lover to n rees e, - he Iaarly demonstratesthat a, -t - Yitjtjj�" (71j%ta�rkeej �R I -P ... read r thought explanations. e A: It 61d tur b or n ff e -n vau S, M 10 a.,., at4ndg L lookin Water aiLd i cs.Yo' must not 10�d %Ven. a e ready.. to qui®el with-, Me. I c 6 rush love, tf ahiis of her, w e sa. Aet�.,cting her intf ut, .9- that,. not �Jorge the -Whc U .-sai . )31 L -, . .1', ­ . . I 'L,. � I a. M h d thtdlugh �erly diiap... ljotto his -arm Ass ana that 11,,7 er a 11 E d it, h's: yond: f6eling PeThapg -more "A d I I -- A -rises: h One' n a a .. . - L 9 CaU08 te pro ving),.Y. la otf this; aps a is MOF Is` Ther,6 a- '001 h ho!A "-ih6 0 -an is differoji . ight -as an nt n e ai, ever !A66 r - r Ci between shing 'sot, imodyne lmd at once. ­ d �4 the what. .e And to Edith. ping bank' She wUl b h ha 0 and -navaseous drug. pays.- Riith; 11-1-SUPP'se �s q after..& long 15%, :9 'd -treating him he uses, - ii itb his arms - aid W proved a bitter.. . .-I a, t -I swear meii%' kir giou ass. looking for me. e to;;-day'L marks: -P A% not, that L I jjj ..You id I 0 siontimen U a n ui�t be. a most egre 'I You" Ah�dfn6t go,, ry , , ei - forbids hi T"I P h rie 1 8 M ful manner you CL I V%UID881% PO VdIV N�aj-at to Po J e c ilthough ld e ve in spea a -v own An ey would -a ought. to h d I.think th Yt tej � me. il Yod�-h 0 g dith, allude t hjA ts -a- timewhe --she "it,.alwa�a ha d e ka -ly av retunaa vane'saas ClArial , e eii - and e -P or 9 little gleafii of h - cc 0 vq-hich w Is+ �A Va:noSs some 'with a tie si6ys In o6e YOU-.. . - -6 only pliep sturdily V - beed buil - _ - a, -false: . vet 1 1a I e -i, and.. build'ing Up6n 1 .1 - f her, can te A dij;g . nice rm nsiders them -t have �been disho fing to� illY, shut m a t6�ru -h into." - otj-�jp I -n Q.t k:e -half if I bad not wilft y opo -a 1116 13 n-tly h re an (.H oe -of whm-17 a geatur . e of distaste, C piped 9 It in ful e' as Gt+ W uth �vo an h.)Ur. OUg 0 der- him. El tr, .-the th �t Of seeitk you sgairj�. &:ad 4 Upon nd wicked littl ' -c rshi !t46 Good-bye�", utters 9 lith..." rnin,, ly r atL Might com MY i herwon Y -d Edith _--in. -A melan g as 1 40 -now. jTe it is, am -e3 nd. 'o*W�ob + E, of -it' -' n- wron 00 eplies wh- the -hor fi' rbii into theii, rightLor Who Nvil 1. come i n- 33% we Agii se and the c il ify -sha x i071 �ojy--�'t6jje. L do.. not' deservi to -be. th'You .1 Ion aikd.mot ' reyou 1 7 God ho �r 11 Lbet� tect- Mrs.;, Bkikjidom- rQ.m ord �d Could bel WiL Provolimg.y. His' bre pr�, jition Vanessa, Som y h p -dub - t he L' day.-_ on - wjlj�be very is a-a-ecraIk d., then R%venhold comes to Lt e Edith. j.reaut b� it: bittor g"" nhola incli happy. -And An- When, will. astif i demonatrativ -B-, t ut SIB rs' 'hides th hi or this 11 -ter ns ce an L EL his fi sorry out. which he is so. eager V* ab n f ie same av, Gas still i ow -know'-qu Les, .she mike E mili -'flighty- Mo.. Va=3sa. EMijj 6d vhichdisp�lessojt her- ritig -at -cc all --Ir ask him: happy! I That de6fdes thp- ikab 1A.6": -her he' jt_ -L beatings -her red!-nesP' h�,D�K of -&'I ing, st6i ite ly�eil ald X14 t. she 4ods..not'splak'- ou Id- it -p .1 .. I d -Vanema on. y. sayoi irielevantl Bab Van* sa i �Poy zhelwin 1�ip� half arted. -'Yet t a to: have a secrbt. cou, B 11 y ee obstinately �j '01a awl in i 04 '-shall see. Ve. m d f Sb Gbod-b rien e y all h 914ce he by L rien W twadh ofthe­-ola PresentIv he- turns, -94 - a—no �Lot ji . . . . e _6f'Marriag wi th A -Must. be going.- -the. not entertain thi id -Bub when."Aheis - one in her room at Lwd Ravei�hold Me :L leat mo nd lilt M A - i, R-avent a -certainly fi6t a5 d- huskyt in._ -1 - - I . , . I . -- Q�i age th6-- , mile fQr, pain. told, y oub. QJ got agea, not for two years7 n best. But�R joo p1que" y o he sayz, in. V -i lea t bests for's Y6�rat the very tar -16 *Oni-d ea her il, ingr with ar It .�j ght !of it two -a slight totWe dMillot voice. 4- helooks int�niely aer�oua- Her ger r h6�1&st i qUite a A ne the W face we 9 a f n 4 be an indec6ne lars.1 of an ifri�rent to UI'd be to elna er. one� ap ttre at the Y 'he ­ b -er 1;1P ery resolutely., Rt;,a,seUae- of a n, 1 -holds out hit hand -will ne he-re�lies, who hid been -so good. a v.; JV. does] he v f�� 'neth IC1011 - ­ A . 1 .1 lie ste r Ing ov4r,. he but 011ifig mf M-OrY,of the mall 100K G u-9 Ing-, sfmul ian,661Y. ),Ojaiziug appi�,­4L. - 1 hi-, ridin�r wh -the color f -her. d bean�oo devote& e -e to --her to -whoin'she h.96 t o C1 tP A - - U�ters quit, 13, t is;%*, e li`�g of ies nd 1 ries, w Ravenhold- tri o bh%ke-. her Is '(j a- e utit telleme hen 1,w�y; e memory I in his f W66 'i er omised devotion'to us jhu,-,-baa ow a ver. A, v, -o,%vT.. are she think e may 1,00met4) the.Vicaiiako bv te-aderestj moat'urgent v 11 see. U p-naorro -.o�f lov* , resolution the -r.n c 9 1 Lord to-mori W. e, N - he is is .-inflexible. Th�-U$ Bud ,ran(,. e,, her w.morning v-11iis b XA ­ . - I e nd. an a.ne r K -V C 4 V1. -have seen d j5ture, he Pushes i4 1� L day she f! n -VTi is, "�61dwad lon�61y. his narrow grave? R -A P I me to.. Rat -you. 0011y� th.-a pusio ate ge ut-love i i 1-atr ear t is R )f,theliving is a 2troiqg�e motive dIFF Ld &k e, I - 1. 1 d we: sh%-Il _g Ch ttrides to thia end -of the enh�ld &s'he plies, p8rverse y.- + are 8 -�y b4ck his er B,.tt&r jadeec h t-0 in: Lon -on- In et ro! md, returz 'th6autdinn." an- "n ts her with a r6ni -h owir th;w fealty to, k Ard the :me d the dead -a 10 v confron P uinn. lie h6a., :EL W .6 Y the.&ut vaking in t e �mw Fess hich, froi,p 114a.-e-tQ t.% -&Ve Qk� d�-h -aiid -to con I Wa6rLit-though on V feells it inip') old Is.iCom- Unde 3 is i nnusu. )t So hol Mrs B-. U it 11�aa always e tste4dt T .--tnenu any iahre From the first mv 'feat of -delight tha th het rs�yL, ar le to go, ba6k. there. hi It is a old atory, i`) fo how ';t -R h w be re. _.bite tsinitimee with .- is - dYeRs w I I V n wav- -1418 dl-" ac - ..- , . 'i - itewould'seem' Ug i8"'One" t ,%ven tb,.,�" he! 1. S airt Ult .-Of the Fiivift-e.yla,ugQ.6f-hek-�6olo-ri, .:.. w., -SA r�ough voici) 1. 8611, Ia 9 _r, I. li--m6ld in be6n' u' p � 6 mucti he had -NI:116'cii th6 inew yo lemur _jjjjg 9, 13 stens a b] a8h-rose, .1 tervlew- WI yo th, V�&igj3a..;�Ji. h%d bided She �14 �-Vn-1)6tlnful, murmurs -Ad snia r. oF.-om Ia - 'wit -eat and - thwart. and try. -me no KRY, I) she' dl.ov(!rJker ti0i t. fw V X7a 1 tell you to, her qc, -1 to e ted t3.m li ox ..jin sti-peibumO 8,! h:,; puts. on her OLV; -8 - . . ff h c, at -1. now, She ij3. i6=01t­ ra te r v &it pje2ahm let M6 go. t, An e o.;m 'li 6s t, sho t ould. be- in ra grave, zhtaked to cannot, I will not,, w Wf plem lit.:, f rom h whil fra tux e v h rs6lf,humm1` Z,,a waltz Ma-, I Vi CC SRO COO t orrow .. -1 caji upan o -a .-.t t ijD d -and - -until -for you�Lsh hULsband'.1 d af Y YL ea ti go -away an seg. OU ME If you ike. e V list- I -will ev�l sb�a. ans,% that otbtx wr;et6e& aff-Ar- had had. me. .-to �.gam, try to f orgit 6CX you.- e cri6e, his voice sud- Axvenhold -hi J.t itqr - . - aying re b�C a I -10W e, V -v-er 1-t* iv ,�4 tb orld 1 1 -Led uijL( h-o;wl t to Lord, oh, 19 he A— YE, -te are. re- No v inds it. IM blov;. 0 r. Hw� dispioportiqua. gah jivided 0�sgesslon aorning the f be Ana,h ttle to.iiiyt-fiing.- R e ri denly chang�i -Xbr6me tenderness, -o-:punishm.',an1Ls in- is wt n ves lity-;she he, beinda over her y; b T1 itj.tle M rd'3 t thellid-11,'- possible-tO Bel 11rufal -efil-, * Wa for.' -df h�r habd shb-getsher fideto-ward your heart "T Ile -113,VFj t", ,Bt iiritabi where is . lwr�, hini- In-- thinks'. -itterl' aio!n st'ate of thehighe e 11 fling away appiness ye,,- 'h i C;u a `�ieil v; Good -b Is r Why will yo Who-., which- the world might 'bpil- ediinte . . ' e Ls.tajtS at e n f �t -.16-ve it !a latimilid to Fnky� h very sound :.sh cannot Jwork, o P0A ar 1 Now utes ffi -knows in a ye at may lf4p h6ld- A a m, --wh OLC�l man r -play. our youth and ves ch h�v� ach 0 c'c- jill -to-haorroW She- sita s My. SW fo tea -.read . . r ze -h returns Ao e Ouse we Are. Voth in the nith of uttdru, io.vousb - i ome what will rd. one 7 enrad li-ght 0 at'fe -bower and - _'he I ' Li [�okibg after her Once. she 'the ios6 `1 -4. %rc r vv- ,arlvv Pi qr) an st�mmer before -of th a.,gr c thin6ng'-she' has. -be ein there -at least an - -. , n'-� - ejoy )y I t ds! I life, w %o. y niay be. reeoncileia- tio the �Cost' e have allth0i diVin: es. a e a .0 pervene f way Ioward,'thtt-,&5�v b jj- and ftiak I little r is �:othifig but your, but 1he affair- -,turns, R114 11M, r .'as and*the.e S: atcoa 'i6� with. her. h mou 9 -1 hou W NN an M MOTY its. ra� tare -83he: wajftd�rs up P'na do q- r a rangeoL h Th6n %he ing- the two happietit A , L , �9 L 1. event o -dr r -b r igy chints -tbc *hi(�hth-e - can V his eve w�i in the bi, .&r, itigmatize r g'estu­ 11. . . by' 6the 1 -will to PLr' bei 1-rj - . . , . - -Y fl 'Lpl, Aw to -me' th * "wietched glances - creat euth ii res on Gad a L that is. a ljorse atLd i des qaven in an i. witfit h old -'fashioned mirror -4 W11, -And he;T 6�re au-ite wl�; -A d -herselfln..tiho - f ]Keart �vhi alks with'.winge looksat .1 Vau U- n di. of irLtb: 1434 -he," h&d. simply.a A Uawed- �bimarul Ist-V t. �Iy ut-11-1, n. -Ho* glad-* she is� �ou . Ahe.winAo.wl takes -countless, CIOCL n 'of isappol -tOw&l tj f rom a �sort of'v ary d nit�--: febt - -I th6 ws ber -scra be Vfk, dr x garde MO k. When at in e' t., &4 her. to ift Be a ia'st ihe hears e.- ine). sh acted � on that impul The the, chiming ana loo:k-. rkt ; -.wbat an cruish.,and �.zormea-t ft� had e-. -tho.-bell, 4pr- heart, quil ti says in a t her in the -D. t d. S6 _th Idud sunrithojis. "af T H: E, '�:N cost�- h461 It-. had. dra�gc �h h nr�-ma -he 4 --f 11-y- 'eJAtr"eFsc( - hot Cot suffboation- t Crime :16: d, ed -b to to . . b a w. U �he 'o -at this ti thri)Uggh the i, a:d ex M for -told Pe If th -troublea -O'Ge- ti 1 ile . --m' which Brandon. hat. at the -VraY 4 7.. A de� ]h h n he eA h 0 e� R L & A �jjjW M&I