HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-10, Page 8Large quantities of spriiig.
goods - are.. now arriving
weekly. and- our -[ stock'
Satple and Fancy Dry goods
Ready-made °things arid
Mal -Ales. Hats and_ Caps,
Boots and Shoes, -:+.etc., will
soon be complete, aiad we are
pleised to be able to say that
e Lu ck now
inel, Bruce
:Hunting On Sendiy.
We:have reeeived:a communicatiofl.
from a resident. of West Wawanosh in-.
which he.-eharges a : Lucknewite with
desecrating the Sabbath day by -.. fax-
hunting.- The writer _says. the hunter
- travels on snow Shoes -.and 1 -ii accOm-
I-Panid .134.37- t*o. dogs .and if he -is • again
seen hunting '• tile township on a
:Sunday he will be Proseented.
. . -
Worrans, Foreign Missionary Society
The Wornans' .roreigii.* Missionary
SOCiety- ofthePrei.bytery. Of 111.aitlaAd
will hold their annual theetinsein Kneic.
.ChurCh,.s Kincardine, ..nekt Tuesday,
14th -inst. The : Rev: Mr. Wilson
returned ionary_ from India
address' a public Meeting in the e ening
in...connection iiith-the presentation of
the W. Fe 1\11, Society's annual report..
All are .cordially_invited
we will offer better -values Making Them Hustle
than. ever.
Every Director of the __ Kinloss
. . Brandi Agricultural' -Society will have
Itt the above line.s -13e to whack ."
. . . is yea -1 or secure -
found "many - -midi three new members to the AsSOciation...
- -
Pubiic Notice -
y, Friday March 10th
xpress Robbeti
A parcel containing $225 was stolen
from the lalcknOw expresg officei some
time. between Saturday. afternoon Feb:
25th and Monday 27th.he package
arrived here _on -the mail tr in at feur,
o'clock and- was deposited in the large
safe in the express office, but on the
owner. of the money calling for s it on
Monday it could not be found, The
Safe was. locked by the agenz, Mr.
McDonald, before leaving the office On
Saturday night,' and it was also found
locked when he returned on -Monday
morning. ' How -the moriey*was liken. is .
a mystery, but the suppositidn. Is that.
• the package was. removed from. the safe
sometime on Saturday evenini4 before
the safe w as locked . The genera
tor of _. the Corals -any and a
'All parties indebted to me'for_book-
accounts must call and settle the same
at once, either by note or -cash, or they
will be placed in court, for. 'collection.
WALTHR STE-wAmr, Lucknow Planing
Oard of Thanks
Lanes,. Co... IliirOn; March 7, 1892.
We the Undersigned, wife and child-
ren of the Thomas' .Finlay, wish,
through' the r.:Cohinins- of it-.9ut 'paper, to
tender Our *heartfelt thanks te-the
Vices 'during his trying. illnegg,-•
anent.. T. .r INLAY -AND FAMILY..
Sym, pat.h.i.zed. with us. -out bereave -7.
, , m
May .0ause - .
• The large anaeunt Of sn.Ow at present
on the gionri.d.•Makes •the -probability
.of eqtensiVe.. spring' -floods imminent:
Should rain: set in and . carry off the
silo* rapidly floodS are Sure- to occur;
Spring -freshets_ alwas- source
..greatexpense . to; Municipalities, :-bsr
carrying off bridges and. culverts- and
causing ...washouts.. The -Warden re--
ceived a telegram .an Thursday . that :a
large county :btidge near Paisley had,
been carried away. •
. •
kind friends who rendered kind ger-
This -will acid a:good-deal tO reVe-
belo w t -he nue of the funds -as aS :making th.e
• • • • •
Wo find that Staple goods Directors..ake. deeper.l.nterest.i.4the:
. . . .
- • sitccess -of .the society.. 1.1r: ...Peter
-•ahil Prints; :Are'. Moving :yery the
s'e 711.e. object
. out. Shatild fdly 'of- tqaderg.
- - - , . .
such as (Jottcmadesi -Slurtyngs C-afris-an was the father (4:the Motion
- - * dent will see that the law is fully car-
of purchasges' most cases however, receive a cc -gentle.t on the
- - shoulder?' frain, the big Bailiff, don't be
beim& th. have :diet -A -made .up , •
- - • . . too .,5e.r.o.u.s_iy-adartile4..- -4-ust handl-Inv:
-13efop-z--.fhp.-. busy -Sefts:Oty Opens .- out a: aollar - and see• hoW. his manly'
Tr\. qs. for .Silese,goo s quickly, became Atireaitbieq,111,
o ntenance btoaden.• -out and
(1.- - - smiles
. • . •
11131- 'other lines yon:may,;. Lessons for_ The Entrance:
_ .
Hours_ $a. m. --t0 7. p.m.
AilAT..14 . ARRI1VB.
..- - -- - - -
. W .. G. & B. South - _ - G:11. a, m,
L. & B. North 3.2-30 p. na, -
.-Kintouol. 20) p. na.,.-
' Kinloss -- -.
W, G. & 13 -;North - .- 3:4g p.
,Goderich: 2 ..'.
: Intermediate points f . "9 op p. in,
* 1;,..1--1. & B. North. .19.30 p...M.;
• - • : • - Tuesdays an
- Langsid.e -3 oo..p,m-, -Fi:idayk!. ,
W-, G. & B. :south .1-,
. ft- H. &Bt., South c
H. &B. South 10-.00 ;.m,
W. (4' B.Noith: -3-20 p. in •
tit , pod 4 ;30 p.m.
• inlou,,,kbh
rCinloss .
.The follo-wing are -the lessons for the
entrance examinations in July, 1893 :
Pictures of .Memory, The Barefoot.
. Boy, The Death of th-e Flower,: The
-Pace Against- --the. Pane; . From the
Deserted Village, Resi&-nation Rincf
Out, Wild Bells- Lady Clare, j-aCques
. . b •
Cartier, - Robert Burns, Edinburgh
. in
.A.ftet Floulden,. National Morality,
Shakespeare, Theil‘lerchant of Venice
-First reading, The Merchant -. of
Venice -Second '-reading. The selec-
lions for _ •memorizations are .-The
Bells of Shannon, To‘-kary
Rink Out Wild Bells, Lady Clare,
Lead 'kindly Light, Before Sedan,
The Three Fishers, The Forsaken Mer-
man, To a Skylark, Elegy -Ns7ritten.,)in
a Country Chiirchyard.
d Marriage Belli
-eittari and Tirthitil Rttr5
. •
.Th; meMbers of Old- Light Ledge --
No.' 18.4, A.. ---,F.. and A.. -.M., intend
- oivinor a Orancl "At iHo- Me" in- the_
Ttiwn Hall •here ' on the evening: of
Tuesday, iLlpril 4th, :commencing * at
eight - o'clock. Tne ;:.society- intend
_ ma -king it the Masonic event. of tho
Debate atOlover. Valley
The ,-.Clover Valley and, Hemlock
city debators meet pn the platform-- m
Clover V-aney on Tuesday 14th
the subject being- "Resolved that .'a
monarchial form of government is Per--.
ferential to a Republican, form." - The
; -
A pleasant event took place at the
residence of Mr. James 'Martin,- of
Wawanosh; onMarch1st when Miss
Rachel Martin was United:in-marriage
to Mr. John A. -Fleming, of Hamilton,.
Pembina county. 'Dakota; by the Rev.
Mr. , Geddes - Whitechurch.
John 1 -1 -Gillies, of Cannon,- Manitoba,
'acted as -best a,u.d Miss Mary'
Martin, -Sister of the bride --.-as -brides-
maid. About eighty.. guests ..wete
present, and !after' the cereinony all
.sat - down to ..811EaptuouS . rep -at.
. _
Among the vuests present were Ar
A social in " connection with the
Lucknow Presbyterian. church ,will be
held at the residence of Mr. Alexander
Ross, Victoria, street, on Thursday
evemils• 16th at -which a programme
of short speeches, recitations aril
music will be given., A collection: in'
aid of Sabbath School subscription to
Lucsivarir MARKETS.
-Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .64
Peas . ct, .55 4‘...55
building fund will be taksn up,.. and
liberal one . is 'desired. All are - in-
Vited: '• On the .-,following .e.-Vening.: a
social Specially. for the children of th
Sabbath School will be...given the
spent a ceuple-, of days in the
investigating the robbety; bu
n�{ action in law as been
The loss is a serious one to Mr. -1 Mc-
Donald and We hope he will succeed
• in recovering the money.
so, far
Presbytery and, W F S of Maitland
Reduced -Railway lare. to Kinea'r-
dine- on Tuesday,- .14th inst., will . be
alloWeel to all going. t6 Pr-esbyterv• or
W. F. M. S. meeting.All going- to
- .
either of _these- -.meetings should buy
single.. fare ticket.- and - get. CetifiCate,
'from- 'railway -.station agent,
when 'signed. by Clerk of . Presbytery
and prese_nted.ta agent at Kincardine .
will entitle - theholder to .aireturn
ticket -for one - third faie. An extra',
coach Will b attached.
MeNABti -Cier
iow,March 7th; 1893;
=Granulated, standard
ciatineals at Campbell's..
Is -All are -invited to the
terjan social on the 16th inSt.
Campbells stock is now Complete
in all: the lines kept in a first class
grocery. .
. .
. lodge has "declared an open meeting,
and will heartily welcome all. A good
programme of vocal and 'instrumental
-rausic will be furnished by. the leading
talent of the surrounding eountry.
Come on, cothe all. •
Presby -
PO t ate:es
and Mrs. Aes1.6tt,-- Orec• Mcintosh;
and Neil 1 inntcul,..Neil,Gillies, of N.
Dakota, ar..d, ex -Warden Jas.: Gaunt. •
The: young couple took an eastern trip
,*with. the - well Wishes of-..nhinerous •
A Pleasant Soda.
• A Most enjoyable evening was spent
by: the Foresters! of C.ourt, SherWood„
.0: 0: E.,. and their invited guests last
Monday evening..- programme .
consisted•of.: .singing, ..instrinnental
recitations -And shert. speeches
Chief. Ranger . Jas.. Lyons -ably filled
the chair and in a-i'neat. and well worded,
speech opened the.. ente.rtainment,
ding all a hearty . *Welcpnae. The
I:Tarns:mica band.played a--•-nuraber of
Selections Which were highly appreciat-%
ed.. The Lucknovi Orchestra -consiet--
of • Messrs.:: -Armstrong,
Geddes and McDonald, With Miss
LaliaBerry accompanist, Made
their part one: of the most -.attractive
features of the Programme, . Miss
McDonald and. . Thos. .Reid. gave.
recita,tions which were much -appreciat-
ed. - Miss Dawson, of Kinloss, sang • a
number Of _Solos which - were --highly .
enjoyed. . -Miss Berry :and her talented.
'troop of, boys gave a.muSical-feast. -
Short, speech,' Complimentry to the
society on the success' of the entertain-
ment, was made by Itieve-Bryansafter
which Bros. -D. D. 'Yule ' and -Thos.-
Mathie: also addresSed... the,. meeting...
Another interesting' portion._ of 'the.
.pro.grarnme was the two Whistling solos
by Mr. George Ellis- WhiCli..14,erewell
recieVed. and .loudly applauded. One
of the -. chief features :i'af the pros
,grarn me WO a snnaptue4s repast
provided by ladies. The '‘..-spread
was all that could be desired, and the
great Success.. of the social is largely:
-due to the ladies., enioyed - thein -
selves heartily and Many- were, the-.
hints that the- Faaesters svaUld -sisdn
sagain give another of their .enjoyaisle
. socials, - ,
Nevei-'.Had a Failure
I left Glasgow :on .June 2nd, 1888,
and .went to Carberry-kn. Manitoba.
I worked on.a-farta the rst year and:
earned three hundred dollars: 1 have
maw, besides the farm, a goad stock of
.farhaing implements' of my own:
have also three good horses and .twelve
• good calves, lsesides "geo.C1- stock' of
poultry and pigs, all of 'which. are paid
. for., have never had -a failure-. in
erops, nor have I -! suffered --damage-
-- from any cause.. ' .
Welland, , Man -4 Oct., 1892
The Vi I loge liltistrated
The Toronto.. Ledgar .Qf Saturday
.. 1 -
last contained a -concise history. Of t e
village. from -it.s formation -and-. a
. -
-Mr.. Dawson, of the Queen's city,
who is visiting fnends in the Joinity,
gave us a on " Wednetday.
• -Bring iii,your boys if yo
get good clothes for them.
and see Ccnnell's stock. -
-----:0kunciller Geode , of
as unseated by the: Tbronta Courts
last Week for lack of suffiaient pro -
!petty .qu*
-We -understand that the Rev. W.
Connor has tendered his resignation
• .29. " .30
4 .34
Butter, per lb... rolls .16, tuk.1j6 to 17
Eggs, per dozen . . . . .18
pe re rtoenw $7 to .800
Turkeys per lb... , .
Geese 46 66
DUCkS 6 " .
Chickens " ":,
Dried apples .......
Lard "•,
Pork per cwt e.
*. 4 to 4i
• Wheat -red; 6/c: ; white, 67e,
Flour -$3.15 to $3.25• , -
Barley -NO 1,:45c. -
Oats --31c.
Peas -S 8c
Dressed Hogs -$8.25 to.,8.35
:Potatoes -steady at 85e. to 90d.,.
Butter ---15c. to 20c.
. Eggs -20c. - 22c. -
Be sure Thl-S 15 the season:when young '
want to • •
• and olcl-,are wonder
oderich, ' ,ing what
tp the Church Wardens- of t Peter's
_Church. in this village and th -church
• at St,- Helens..
-auction Sale : -Of far.m stock, the
property* of Daniel Alton, wi held'
at 'east - let 14; con. 8; ,West
WawanoSh, Wednes-day,. March 22,.
1 p'elnek.- sharp.. ° Purvis, .
. .
9 - L'
--Lost. -On Saturda,y- las between
Ale*. Smith's oatmeal mill mild' Holy -
_rood; dark -grey -goat 9434be. The
tinder will Oblige :by returning it to-
.3-ames -Purvis, .Holyrood, to the
nuniber• of. illustrations.:.of the public
buildings,, :- several- business -places - ad
9. number of prominent citizens.. The.
different. cuts - are nearly' all good -
:copies- of the photefgraplis supplied- a d
.with One: or two exCeptiong are -al. -
better than inaily :of the:. views that
have been -printed d other towns • rid
villages .`t in:: the `Province.. . 04
-Whale:the- Work has given good- 1
faction_to the parties interested,* lid
-as some-, ..., . . -
- 19000 - copies have been - dis ri.
butecl tliroughout.the county. it ought
LJ prove a cheap and effective adyer-
tiseinent -fot.4the - Mr. 1Vil-
Hams of the Ledger has done his w rk
well. - • -`
Village Council
Maple Sugar OroP 'This Spring
. ParinerOay that the coining spring,
•will be a great gilccess far. sugar mak-.
ing. it is Well-knewn- to those sirlibi
have engaged in that business- that
gOod. season always follows a winter,
that 'fisrnishes. eebundance-.. of cold
--. weather, The .1-naple Sap always
sweeter alter'a periad of intense frost;
and furnishes 'a large: percentage of
sugar.„.. Not .only that, but the trees
-yieid_ -a larger., quantity of sap, after a
cold. winter , than -they do' after -a
. winter that has frequent thaws and
.• •
p6flodS of warm Weather.
A:regular meeting of the, •Vil age
Council was held in• .the Council hra.:
ber on Tuesday evening last, and all
- .
very enjoyable time NVB,S spent by
all WI-id:Came -out to hear the debate
they will give to their friendS.
ALL Nfoupt rocusTS
by calling at
bn Friday 'evening. • Owiiig to the
absence of several speakers Ithe 'debate
was dropped but quite a lengthy pro
, -
gramme was presided.' It 4onsisfed of
v6cal and instrumental music readings
) s,
and recitations. Miss A.gn s Corrioan
and Miss -kiwi:kilter( both favored the
audience . with several of 'their best
selections in vocal music. lim. Harris
and See Corrigan each accompanied by
Miss Ha,rnilton (on the a gan) - gave
several pieces on the mo th-organs.
Prank Harris sang a song hich :was
well received while Solid Purvis de-
- i --
lighted the audience with -.. a splendid
'recitation. - -
the menibers were present. On. ma ion.,
of Cou.n.. G. M-ardoch ai_id Ceint
i.Patt'erson, th.e following. acdonnts
Were ordered to be. - W.
seven 'cedar' pOS-,ts;. 70. 'parts N.
*Ross,: hall salary as collector,
Lyons tis- -Thompson; livery,. $6.0O;.
RiChard Reid; 2- Pordg weed, 441'00
Thos. 1Viatthie, fixino- town. hall dodr,'
$4.19. J, •Denni. ng was refultded
etc $5 00 D - C Tsaylor 'hardtare,
.$2 overcharge in dogsta.,x. -:The by-
laws regulating the tavern & shop lic-
enses ;-the Board ofHealth ;' the pound
keeper; the fence viewers and .the
Medical Health Officer, were all read
three .times and finally passed. On
motion of Coun. Murdooh -and second-
' db *Con Lyons the Reeve and
been is
•The careitaxer'af.-the toss
-is. a -.very aecomodating p
only charged the boys 2
the very laborious task of o
hall: door in order that lib
nship hall
rson. I -Ie
cents for
ening the
ey might
take out the organ for the reading
room on Friday evening.
The subject for next debate is "Re-
solved 'that- Napolean was a better
comma,nder than Wellingt41m.". 'Afar-
naative : Captaian -Wa-.1. - Purvis,
assisted by Wm Valens, I) McKenzie,
A Kerr; J,McKeniie', 1.) ,S atters, Jim
Purvis and John Valens. c Negative:
Captain Joe Purvis, assisted by John
Purvis, A G McKenzie, Kerr, J
Marshall,. P Corrigan, Ne Hedging,
and.A Switzer.
J 1, Ackert has start d his mill
- You. can findthere the mckt
'select stock in. Lucknow in •
Handsome Albums, Fancy
Chinaware,. Shaving Sass,
Writiag Desks, Lady's- Dress-
ing, .Glove and ‘Hudf. Cases.
Or if ypv. desire it .you can
have a' finished photo
of yourself Set itt. a handsome
again Hellas quie a las e. Steck of
. .
Our studio is pomplete ii
every' department therefore -
We do our own work right here
111 Lucknow. We 'have no
fancy show case work prepar-
ed for us.. It not necessary
because we turn out thebest
work in Western Ontario.
logs considering the. unfavorable
weather there has been thi winter.
„Mrs. A. Shoebottom, o has not
health for some
Councillors were ordered 'to sign
. 4 -
tition to the Ontario Leoislatu
favor oftakinga -plebiscite for
prohibition. Collector J. N. Ross re-
turned the roll, which together with
the Securities• of the Constable was
referred to the finance committee.
The taxes pf Mrs. Agnes, McIi?losh,
$4.60, and Mrs. R. Elder were remit-
ted as charity; and the amount of
$5.75 against the property of !Alex.
Fraser was sent tothe County treasur-
er. The -amount of non-residentprop-
erty returned was $17.25.
- • -We are glad to. *now that Mr.
•Joha Bell Who was severely • injuriecl
in Mr. Thomi
Thomas Bell's factory; s • doing
Well, and there are good hopes that he
will regain his usual health.-- Wing -
ham Tirn.es. - •'
time is somewhat better. -
5th class --D Staters, E Thompson,
Purvis. ,
Sen: M Etodgins.
Jr. 4th --.---S Thompson, S Hodgins,
S Scilly.
-Sen. 3r4.1 -S James, M .Fizell; L
Jr. 3rd -D Thompson, M James, R
, 2nd class -'-J Hodgins, 3 Donovan,
M Gamble::
. Part Thompson, B McKenzie,
N Pinnell.
Sen Part Fizell
J Perdian.
N. B.---j-folyrood school is in
If you want a first-class set of teeth
cheaper than.the cheapest, call on
No. 4, Kinloss;
De -Patters
Dr. Tennant's Office,. ),
Sysitom. 'Ron
And other tested remedies
N wry°
Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood,.
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of Ow --
Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of
Memory, Bronchitis . Consumption, Gall
Stones, jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dise
asees, St. °Vitus' Dance, Female irregularitice
and General Debility.
$3. per half pint and $2 per pint bottle,
J. M. M.
Propritor and manufacturer.
saa by Harry Days and A. -B. congraur,,
Druggists, Lucknow. -