HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-03, Page 5' - • 12 I M 0717=wra gi Lir The . • - :11 ucknowaentinel, Bruce 0ounty, March 3rd ,by the defendants of this -whistle in imnber of. cusionier • Atisiptesent-position. ,.. 1 one been aperson.- It has no- .tf.temptod te .- be -.1 - T fast year he paid Mr . . T . A -..yoqng;_ . .., ... . . . . . . - explained Why this. whistle would not Rock City,, Ia.; 4500 -fOr: lar0,•est 'order - seured _by an , • 8*e answered its purpose equally CafalOgue is verY interesting and hbuse, out 9f sight...froin the highWay,., be with out It, 4ives a bird.seye on being placed i.;ear.of the engine no One who plants Seeds can afford. to :as such:whistles-are usually placed. vieW. -of the establishment together . Elad been -called upOn- to consider with the- interior Views - of hi -s Seed . . . . the questio-n of negligence, seems to Houses, showing 110 W the work is - me doubtful that, p-ven if the defend- carried on,. and photographs of persons -ants *ere entitled to.. use the whistle who have won prizes. - :in its present position, rn thEi. manage- . :His ...Seeds are sbecorning :known - _mem. of thei.r mA)rk.s, thatt —us ii --6 - , • eiywhere for their excellent quality fy them in using it., as on this occasion 'rid Mr. Mil's- guarantees to please -4,11 on the mere poS.sibility that some ptr- his uStomers. *- After -.lodking this son might be making anitinauthorized- CatalOgue.alt through we would advice I Se Of the water.. not searched- ,our readors. to write tor one at OnCP frr a.uthorifY -on this _point, but see for it is free to anyone applying, -and- ,' Seotf 4. wife -., v. •G. T C. P., try- Some of his Seed this spring.... 347, zupra.-- -The resultiS Ifina -allthe isSuea_ for Alp plaintiff, and -assess his damages at - . -brie hundred and twenty -fu -e dollai s, e 'mount- agTeed Upon by consent, in:ease I should find for the. plaintiff. :And I order judgment to be entered acCOrdingly for that sum, with :cos-ts after the 'second day of the next April sitting of the:court. r Feb: 20th, -189,3. WALRERTON., -Qu Monday :night :of this- week* W -a4. _burnt -4 Stable helonAi:ng-.. .Mr. 3-..11Orrison of thiS - town. - Several - • - . - bows. were -in'tne sta!)16 and -*could not sax...ed. Cause offire utik nown: . Mr. A.: Rumford forseveial yeafs.. • foremau for Mr this: town .• has .bought out•a business in:Harriston. - ;This :is a busy Week : thong. *the church people. The Metho4tists had a big .:tea -meeting on. Monday and a -sObial.. on _Tuesday, .1:k-night,i -while on 'Thursday:the “Catata Daniel" is to be given in the, Presbyterian ehtiroh:. &new' brick -store is to be bruit - this' sPring for Md Muir, -druggist who is comino'in froPort -We have four Medical Men here now aad til=4.e are, it is said. two others to came shortly; so that the sick folk- wilLnot want for attendanc Warch..n Bryan 4 c in town las week -on: county- business. . • • ▪ McKay, a .-Well-k.nOwn pubhc - - . • • Scheol-..teldher of- this..town, s retumg _ from- the. professii,n at the end of next taiOnz-th: • — . . 'On 4eQ,-)-unt of the 1.nelemenoy of the . -z.v01-ther cln. Sunday; .i1E9th„ the evening , ;-,-;:eilvices in the church here; •' were- di's- ,. . pensed- v.ith. • The tea -meeting on the 20tli.-was 176-4 exl attended - considering- the -.roads. _ ..The ministers present; - were Revs. Ro-dg-ersc A. Potter, - And Karren - the Rev : S. Kenner bein.)---, gnable--. to attend, and the. Rev, E: Fear failed -to_ come,- The social on Tuesday evening was also well atterid _ a ed Jleproceeds iVere,about:ea, Which is -intended to go toWard buying an organ: Miss - Mary Phiullips .and Viate .Shackleton spent. a few days visiting. frien-ds al.Kint here last week. . . . -Mr Granger of the drygoqds firm,. London, t..raVe Our store -a cal12-one- day. - last week. ' , ..• , . here -is. a . practice indUlged in. by certain- n:. - * 'arid boys Of 'throwing' i c....die, i .,,, .qhurch, to :the.' annoy- ance- Di... ,.-,-,t4er..4fid... disconifiirt - of . ladies an: others. • This Ought to be , pt stop to. - GREAT SEED:'STAlic111-S.H- IVIEICIT. ▪ . , -$1,1o0for Lally Tomatoes , - . We are in receiptofa Seed Catalogue for 1893, published by F. B, Mills, fieedsman, Rose Hill, N. Y. Mr. Mills has a very novel -idea in -Otling up his -10ataleague. it is very plain, and his idea is to g1y9- his ,customers a -Very targe amountifortheirl.Money. With every,. order amounting .to. euclo or more he allows thecustomer to select - 50 cents' worth 44 packets •fre-e, their own clroice, thus you see everyone gets $1.50 for their- $1.00. , Among the Many premiums _.pffered for Cabbage, Onions, Potatoes, and Vadnsies, we might mention. the Early Tomatoes, $500 is offered to any . • • person.gfo wing a ripe one in 75 days Oz less from day- seed is sown, also $.400_ tO person growing a ripe Tomato irt least- number of days from day, ed issegwri, also $125 for next - and, 5 -tor 'next. 'Efe offers one of the!:*finest lineS. of Vegetables.and .F1owe.4 Seeds that can be found, and prices are " very reasonable; - He -offers-- $1,00- to Club raisers for largest club order and largest " Nil-. Geo. Farries, of 'Central New York, is at present visiting friends in this section. Miss":Annie Oummrngs, of West Montrose is the _guest- of .Mrs: R E.. _ - Tiane, . . A -filie babyboy arrived at.theh-ome of \V J. Agar a -few .days. ago:: , Extensive- preparations- are going On, just now amongst the patrons.of the cheese and butter factory, the Supplf- Of. will likely Jieiargely.jn . excess *Of last season--; . • 'MURDER I1I qr.REY COUNTY-. . JenniOilouch Accused Oran:Awful crime. -Coiling-wood, Ont., Feb. 16, --This roo.ining :Chief of -Police Lewis brought _ to town -rledead_ bodies of an,. aged . • wpinan and child both -supposed to .be murdered by -Jennie Meech, daughter of the former and mother Of the hater. The. alleged .crime '''vas committed on Thursday night, _in a dwelling near • • Oraigleith, _both victims being -beaten to -death and' then an attempt being made by the accused to burn ._:their -bodies, and. St? .destroy alltraCe of the John Monch, a brother . of the accused, - tells this Story. 'of it went in Thursday nialit and sawmynag ht strike -.my mother with ail axe - handle. I saw my sister kill the baby with the axe -handle. She said there Was a young.fellow, named Jim who - said he would marry .her if she got rid HOUSE AHO LOT FOR SALE.. of ' her . mother' and baby. s - - - . • •tt • ••••••- -":" • • gworIciignia,miiiammunioassiawanAgrauirisielhaniimanrsamelismingrO.710:airl.raid:.:..wasraeswaztavaam, I ' .AND _ The through Colonist Sleeper willibe tacked- to train leaving. Lucknow at 1(1:48 a; on ' • • • • , - - „FEB. .6A114% A-PR1L APRIL ^ ' 28 Arriving in Toion'to in time to cbmiect with the through Colonist train, via; North _ Bay and C.P.R. There will also be!an. Every- Tnenday during March a4nd April. . Baggage checkedthrough to destination-, .alSo through tickets sold No change- of - cars. • considering all these advantages -ive ex- pect to ,seCui.e the fraffio. thisseason:- For any infoi illation apply to HAYES, -.Agent G-. T.:R. - Ltrbiot` ow.- • SEED GRAIN- FOR.$41.i.E. 1 itE.TTI\TDERSi.0-NED HAS: AT LOT 8,. ; con. 7, (E: 10:)7: -Ashfield, a quantity of. the..celetTated ,Early -Rosedale oats .ami Mummy peas at reasonable prices. .:Crintianted; pure from all foreign' _seeds; and firit-C16ss in quahty : - ROBERT J. FINN IGAN- i IDungitnnon. CAVEATSJ TRADE- -MARKS,: DE3ICN- PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, . For ormatiOn andfreeHandbook write to - MIINN & CO.. 861 BROADWAY, NEW YORK:. Oldest bureau, for securing' patents in -America. Diery patent- taken out by us is brought before ' the pubhg-by notice given free of charge the . - ne• . 7 n IC 4 tr • Largest'circulation of any_scientise paper in the World. -Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent . man should be without IL Weeklyt_S3. 00 a * y_ear; $1.50 six months. .Address MUN.N CO.9 riP314.1811ERs2.36143readvray, New Xork City • • • . ...Mo. ' father used t. 6. rim - ;imali.: Jennie Made. me help, her to bury..vothei and baby, and Said she would 'Do the if 1 said an .1. got -a pig's head I was in town. -Jennie .•aet paper and ttiedto hum the . bodies.. Mother's toes and- i'eet are all peeled as though frozen. We buried her in the snow near' the track in.. a- hole. -We-- put the baby under the John became a 'little. mixed and _ Said afterwards. his ;mother was tlead- When ...he -got home; and it,wai Friday' the. -inurdt. was committed; tint he „ . - corrected him -self on • this point. • He-.. added that his .sister took- the train -for, Meaforal on Friday -morning n -said she would be back Saturday.He _ did'. not ' know . whereshe. was nor could.. he tell _the names of the parties-- -1..vhom she would _he likely to go to Dr.. -A. •- R. _Stephen,' .gorner,-. will o1c:1 an inquest here - tomorrowCyowds of people „viewed the bodies of the dead to day . . rgigt: UNDERSIGNED OFFER - FOR -sale 6 -superior young 1)11115 ranging from S months to 2 years, These are the right sort, thick- and fleshy: and. will all Make sh4W animais- Correspondence solicited. or comeand see., * E GAUNT &SONS St 'Helene rFiH ,YEI3Y•DESIRABLE PRO/?ER.: • ty known as the "LeddY Farm" Lot 22, 0on:;5. West Wawanosh, is now for sale. Oii. the premises are:--A..good„.. large, comfortable -frame house,, a large f0.,Ine barn L shaped, 75X45 feet, and. underneath- the same a stone 'stable, a never -failing spring is found on the -back part of the lot and two good wells 'to the 'front,- together with -a cistern __at the .barn,_ -which-- furnishes ample water Puppis?, 30- acres -of hardwood:bush, large orchard of principally winter fruit 90 acres under grassandthe bal-- . . mice well cultivated. . . This being one of: the best farms in- the Township, it. ought Us find a ready sale, For Tenni and particulars, apply to M. COORIGAN, HUGH moRRisoN, 1..,_uckno. Or to JOHN McCABE, in rear of for lot, FOR SALE OUSE AND LOL. FOR SALE ON 1 JL Ross St. also lot for saleonHavelock I St. near the G. T. R. Station. On easy terms. Apply to Jas. Kerr, Drun2bo, or Hugh . Merrison, Lue..know. ITUATED ON HAVELOCK STREET in the village of Lucknow, -near thel sta- tion; The house is a large frame, containing- . -eight or utile rooms, cellar,- kitchen,. etg., and is in .8,-goo,c1 state of repair: The gan-den COD: tains about one acre of ground and is well stocked with apple, cherry, plum .. and Other - fruit trees. The place will be sold cheap. . . . For further particulars apply to Hugh 1V.Lor•- . mon or -to . _ el A 8. A,. DENNINQ ,Lucknow P. 0 UCTIONEER •. ----7- REAL .„44$ X .ESTATE,. • --4111-0E,_AND: akINERALL AQE:Ncy. - SALES :ATTE1.1).MI.) IN.AJ.L. PNRT'S. .._orthe County aridsatisfacticri-guaiT.ntee.d,r• A-ntunberlif: ' • --- FIRS1r-OLASs. FARMS Forsaie 011reaSonable.-terras:-. _ OHN g KINGSBRID9E:P. , .1;f. For Particulars ABOUT THE, Niers rains AND THE Bond to your, 'lowest Railroad - Agent and obtain a copy of ..Frtt .attsiont!il • • -..eft:•:.• • ':-rt:,•!'-• • , • Lj 1 I.APples... Blacking ' 1 Black Lead 1 -Blue. Baking Powders. - Barley, pot ' - Bath Brick . Beans • . • - Brooms- • Baskets - Brushes • Biscuit Coffee Confectionery *Canned Goods .-CoCoa - Chocolate Corn, canned -Corn: Meal Currants . Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut ' Da.tes 1 0 "a 1:4•04/410.3*.l..;*"'.' 4 . • 14' :t% o, • --T§411,0 placoto make se1etions in CROCKERY.;:a0SWARE, GROCERIES & P1101,11.1 NS* 1 have in stock the 'foltotving' iDrced .Extracfs. - : tPish-, canned • 'Fish, dried 1-G-elotine Ging,ers 'HopS - 'Honey Ink- . ,Inctigo 4Licoride 'Lime Juiee , , Lemons ;Larnps • -1,Matches i -Mince. Meat 'Meal ; IMaearoni • • 'M6tard ;Meats, 0411104 ;Magnesia 'Nuti • Nutmeg- **' Oil, olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor' Oranges. ? - • Oat Meal .. • !Peels Pipes Pickles Pearline Peas, dame fl Pepper Raisins Rice - iRiceSago Flour Salt Salmon Sardines : Senna Seed's.. ° Sugar • Syrups ; odii, Soaps Spices Starch . M.tratvberries, canne Sulphers Tapioca- ' Tomatoes, cam* Teas , Tobricooes Vermicelli Vinegars W . ' ashboards Washirg Crysta- Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets _ Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets !Tat -ets Water Sets .Crean, Sets . ..... iBerry Sets . . f„Toilet Sets . . . . No. I Flour always on hanct; Goods' deliVered to any part of the town. . .., .. . • jOhh Bull on one side of the -wall, Uncle Jonathan on the other. . . Find Sir John Thompson's face in the glove cut. . The publishers of "The Canadian Music Folio" will give 5'50 In Cash to first person sending in a correct answer to the above pu zle (by having the face marked thus: X); .$25 in cashto the second coiect answer; 1/15 to the third correct answer; $10 to the fourth corf ect answer, and $5 in cash to every tenth"These prizes are not large, but we award every d, correct answer to the close.ollajust as adver- Hied. See the list or prize -winners in ourir _ ast contest at the bottom ofothls.advertisernent; . • If yau'are in doubt concerning the 'merit we claim forthis beautiful . . publication, write to some friend- here or any. Toronto papers,' who cant% easily vouch for what we say. • ' - , ' " - . . • You want latest and most popular music, and you .- want -It at the lowest prices. Send ns 30 co. and after you-, receive the Folio -if you are not satisfed,' write us, and we will cheerfully ' return your money. The most pron4ment musical peopte in Canada are among our subscribers. , .,. , ....- . CONDITIONS.—Every person sending an answer mast enclose with , . 'same ten three -cent stamps (30 cents) for 'one• month's trial subscription to the Folio, which contains this month the following latest music :: - "LA SERENATA" Waltzes. "OVER THE WAVES" Waltzes, "'HEART OF MY HEART," 1/00;511. - "BRAN' NEW LITTLE C0011," vocar, and also In Schottische and Polka. 41 MY'MOTHER'S KISS," Vocal. "FACES," 00MIC. "ANDALUCIA" waitzoe, containing in all $6 pages. ' Write to -day and you may receive a prize that will repay you many times over for your trouble. You will not lose anything, for the music. - alone'.cannot be bought elsewhere for five times the amount of your remittance. . - - - . List of prize -winners in our last competition: Miss Clara. Morton; 5 Melbourne Place, Toronto, $25 cash LMIss May Strange, ^Hamilton $15 cash-; Mrs. W. Vanalstine,- 6o Oak st.,--,City, $10 cash; illts Iva Bonner, cor. Yorige and Queen sts, city, $5 cash; Miss Carrie Davies, con Sherbourne .and Carlton, $5; E. W. Eman. 6o - Pembroke st., $5; Mit. H. L. Aylmer, 141 Alexander st., Montreal, $5 ; Mrs. F. Alaokelcan, 102 Calllethie St.) 'Hainilton, $5; Mrs. Dr. Gauvieau, . $t. Isidore, Que.,15 ; Geo. Moirisette, Three' Rivers, Que., $5 : Vincent Green, Prof. of Music Trinity College, Port Hope, $5; Gertrude L. .Young, 9care_of Dr, Young, Virden, mat., $5; Mrs. Rev. G. Lockhart, Alexander, - Man., $5 ; Miss Crawford, Brandon, Man., $5 : James _Leckie, 323 Alfred st., -Winnipeg, Map., $5 r Chas. Becker, Imperial Hotel, Vancouver, B. C., $s ;- Miss Susie -Extence; Mountyleasant, Vancouver, B; C., $5. .. - You are missing a big snap if you Miss this month's number. Address.: CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO, I 19 'Victoria St.., Toroniof Can. - 4 asumarmiceems.amourioor• • XEOUTOR..'S S\LE OF-- - FARM PROPERTY rTUTE EXECUTOR'S - 0F THE- LATE - X - _Kenneth Matheson, offer for sale or rent the . estate- ittif the sail de. Ceased Kenneth Matheson. being , COM• posed.of the -west half of lot No. 3, W.. D., lati con. Ash -field,- containing 100 acres, more or less. *.There is on these '.premises, two dwelling houses, one log barn With -farm stabling, _; two young orchards beirino.. •fann is well watered'.and- extra well fenced withcedar rails., • . • . For terms of sale or rent apply on the pre- . • . poises or by mail to . . . • . JOHN J McKENZIE Lochalsh P.O. ' , • - Ashfield. ACRES- (MORE' OR LESS) GOOD 1. land, with large 2 story frame house 'and out buildings, barn, etc; .20 grape 'irines • .good water, good iodation, ithin half aroile of the station.,; easy terms, . Particulars May be had from - T. W. HILDRED, Lucknoir ED: ,.:400.1T. -aro :SELL 0.11R.. - cHoim •Axn. Eputpy , E HAVE MANY -NEW SPECIAL - varieties, both ni fruits and ornamiu- tals to offer, which are controlled only by us, We pay commission or salary: Write us M once for terms, and seenre choice of territory MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, 98540In. _Rochester, N. Y - s Leads them all for 1215,17 Groceries AND` - 'ANN:gill GOODS,* Fruits.of-All Ktiido in ,"Segigint. FINE -TEAS. A SPECIALTY. •The ,4a)gest 'The Chincest Goods, qe-Best Vaite ontainabio. in Luckow, ELL1OT. WANTEO. 00,000 OF. ]1O�a ,ITCHELL° -BROS. WILL PAY $8 per thousand for the above quantity of hrst class maple logs, none other be taken.' ° MITCHELL BROS,. Lucknow. feet , •