HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-03, Page 4IIIIIMESINIMMOMMAINISIMMasso ' : t. t U • •-CITE LIBERTY TO UTTER ANLL TO `ARGUES F:REELF ACCORDINGTO THE DICTATES OF CON,KIENCE; WE -R1Z1 ABO v,E_ -� LL OTHER LIBERTII S • liuoix31.Ovos mar., 3rd j; .1303.::. ARCHBISHOP 000-1c ireland, has i sued 1 appeal to the Iris i factions to unite and help secure t1ie . passage 'of the Irish Home Rule Bill If -the Irish- themselves cannot bury . the .,hatcyhet :to ' vote and work for -the- Bill people will begin to :think . they •do not want Houle -Rule .after all. ;_ TUE; Ontario Government is loiig to have a . grand ' blow-out. It is : to': celebrate the opening of the new Parliamentbui lings; and; will be a very swell.'affair. ' = It • is not often the', Ontario Government opens its heart, but it is -said it will do-- so_' to; the extent of $4,000 or $5,600 and do things ell. he Luckno‘k Sentine ruce 0oLint�, .ri PRESIDENT. C A. Mallory in opening the grand convention of - Patrons of Industry .in. Toronto -on Monday °:last?. referred to the- satisfactory results of their concerted action against thesalt Lind. - binIer ;twine combines, - and he predicted: the destruction of all the monopolies, : -if ' members were . -.only agreed -. _Reviewing the ' Work.' of the past year, he stated that 600 new lodges have been" founded in. ; Ontario, and thatin this Province the member- ship is close upon 100, 000 .Ile, advocated the formation of a Dominion lodge: Delegates ` are -in attendance from every- town in. -Ontario,. as well as five from '.Quebec A Movement " ' is on foot for the .ariialgamation of the Patrons Of Industry with the Grangers. A:PROTEST is enteredby the Victoria Ward& against the growing habit of allowing -Public bodies' to appoint or elect -officers and decide questions by ballot. - The .. theory underlying ' the use , of : the ballot in;. representative bodiesis altogether false The ::right to rote by ballot - it says, . implies . an exclusive ownerilip of the vote. cast. PROF; CLARK in the Qanudian Maud- Elected representi es of the people do. zine mentions the case of -a:teacher _ in not own their votes . They ; are, Crus- one`'of the public schools Who carefully tees, of a power' .which is to be used :instructed her pupils not to say "Thank- jot the public arid it has' a right . to ;-b h know how its vote is cast y the ware- yau" ar "If<you _please," on the ground • elected 'to-do its voting Councilors that ..they 'savored of'- servility. It' is are elected tb Vote:: upon behalf of the' case . clear of the spirit of ipeople democracy =according to their own jud - =_ � gone mad, and merits the: attention' : meet. They exercise their ownudg_j of an. inspector with a club • .-lent, but' their votes belong tot the °. • -._.ells us. LNrTE:D Mates journal' -tells � .' _ President Cleveland : was tha��.lien asked..last month,,"Will the Mcicinle y Bills be., . repealed?" he. answered,. "I should; like to hnow What else :NV‘., . are zA .wer for.": Such_ a4p re' eal is -a, pa _ consummation: Much to be desired by _ those who wish: for honorable -con mer- tial peace en the,North-America i. con-" talent::: Tt'IE *English papers containing the reports of "lion -Edi ara Blake's speech- - :In the House of ` Commons on Honie Rule h2ve arrived, and the Gobe, Mai and -London Advertiser are printing .,copious extracts. 'Mr Blake followed. 111r ' Cb am beilain, who had spoken for lin hour and a half in . his best vein. -The.* Canadian : ,seems . to o have done _credit to himself = and his subject. He n ' was' tlistened. towith-att' ention a.an - _ d cei'd numerous congratulati.cns re ra. 1N_T ITOB . is in., favor *With • Icelan Fi,Vha hate .'colonized their in such .urnOers as to 1ead-. our lei hbor: .% to :beleic-e that the -whole of iiceland will soon take 'up : quarters in. the Prairie gr-PThe_. akef` = fir t -class LO• inee.F y 'settlers.a e : of weather. `. the sh. p . - _nothing_ scares them:They are- :indus- • trious, frugal and' orderly and:: as such are • looked upon .as , most desirable immigrants and Manitoba means' to - get a's many of them as possible TEE name of Mr.. -Charles: 11 Mac- kintosh, of the Ottawa Citizen,_ is again mentioned " for -the - `Lieutenant-Gov- - ieu en n - ��enti a t-Gva - ernorshiP ' of the .North 'West ' Terri- tories, to _ succeed Mr: ° Toyal whose time is -up. - A ".better choice -could not be Made.- 1LTr•. ,Mackintosh has done his- share, of fightening and.. Ie not Made n`made him: self rich, however: valuable his servic_es.' have been_ to -others . The duties of ' the position -he is so, eminently qualified to perform, -and few men in the- Province are in constitutional' hGtter posted law:: _ people, -and the use of :the _ ballot de=: prives ' the :.people of. .their right . to - scrutinize every act:; of elective:'re '-Pre sentatives This is'presisely the 'idea as -maintained-'by _Mr, =Root. Purvis, Reeve of. Kirnlnss, 'at the last ' nesting of the County Council,: for the.eI'ection: 4 -Auditors_'He claimed _that the use �f of the -•ballot-in such- cases, = was. ;illegal and:detnanded that the yeas and nays be given.. WEST: AW NOSH CAW "NT CIL. . .Met according to adjournment on Saturday' 18th inst.' :' Members all -present, Minntes of .. previous :meet i g were 'tread and approimd. The treasur.- er's report for January showed balance : and receipts amounting to, -.$3296.11 and expenditure -$2794 94 leaving a balance of $411.17 on hand. A. 'petition was read from 'J James Johnston: and -13. .other ratepayers_ ask- ing: _ the. council ' f or a grant towards supplying. wire" for the fence the along sideline opposite S. h: of 24, concession 2, the road, at this- place being greatly obstructed ,by snow` drifts:_ : The.' matter was left over for.: future action it -"being too -late :to remedy- the.matter this .season.. Imo. Bryce, secretary of the Tro:vin- ' cial-Board of ? ' . Trade -said at a lectin in bon - Toronto this. week ek that Canada;- would _ u -Undoubtedly dly be visited by -cholera and strongly Urged- the. i g y g- . he importance tl -' f a cities;: tows , o . l villages and other -i p ahties- insisting ,manicp _ upon: the racist rigorous system of cleanliness:.bein :at g .being 'once , ursued. • The season o f .the .eaar P �. =- is approaching when local Boards ' .of Health are enerally activelyen a ad g gg, in spring cleaning: - The annu 1 clean= jug •Zct oder, -but some thg;,.4onab..e. } Alli have to . be Ile offers $1,500 `tou try s to -fior largest, club _ order . attacks of • • A petition- signed-- by 29 ratepayers asking to have the tax on aogs dispen- {seda ithin the manic alit.:. w:as- read. 1' Moved by Mr: Medd sec by Mr Dur lin that the council grant .:the request of the petitioners and that a bylaw dispensing with the levying of 4: a tax on dogs:- be prepared.—Carried. An account from Mr: Wettlaufer for. goods` C ai supplied` - -I) . ' 11�IcCr g ._ . was not recognized.. The : Reeve and the clerk ..were authorized to sign, a petition asking the Government to submit;: to the people a vote on the •question of the total prohibition -of the lipuor-=traf6::e. P Kell yypresented' a. petition signed - by. ratepayers of the_ municipality ask in g :: that_the_ bouudaries' of S; S. No. "5,: be altered so as to _- rovide for the for- mation of , a - new section between portions of East Wawanosh and. -Hull ett Moved - by -Mr. Meddsec -by Mr: Durnin that this council appoint an: arbitrator: -Carried. The auditors presented their report • which_ on.- motion of Messrs. Durnin and Todd Was j` adopted. * The clerk was instructed to have the : usual number of copies: printed. -Moved by. Gibson sec by Medd that that the .. Reeve and Clerk revise, : if necessarY� the PoundkeePers by-lawlaw and 'have it_ rinted..:'alono- with: the:. P a =auditors report.-Carried.:-= -The-following cheques were - issued ,George Taylor, inspecting -` ravelling E...B.,-1R 20' yards . -of- gravel, ravel 2 • Thos Durnin memorandum book 40 cent ; JohnlV abs r audit in' treasurer's book ::$6 J. : B. Weath.er_ he d, auditingtresurersbooh: 6: Caron il ad Darned -meet Saturday April 8th. ' L Clerk.„ R. � MI LER C .. Wim.<.- i:� •'r�as< -! ',6,-1•.„ 2r'': ay• March ---3rd f"'3•.tea'+¢a #. E4. Sprin Dods that have arrived, em from e newest and best patterns. t . F lar astockof has nowt= on hand a g awrenc� h,as • •7 ndn -. , parties ante..._ - all' and - - work -this fg purchasing. ork _ ew urnac - � ff It 0 Hemakinga spew. .. is alsop �' : , - - . _ stock f all : - . •- .' - '- fail - � has as usual a full st c � - ld not ail to:. give him" .a :call. - Re e should- � g �, stove or furnac - kinds of ware, Japanesed ` ware, Pressed ndles, Cow chains, Rope s an Lamp Goods.-".: _ -r a Leading Hardware; Depot: Stovepi In and Repairing promptly attended to. tea • ::SALE OF uabZ8 Poer N T1 -IE `.VILLAGE OF: RIPLEY IN E the' county Bruce, of .Under : and, pursuant to the Power of- sale contained in :a' certxin.Mcrtgage made to the Vendors, bearing date the 16th7day of Novel= -berA. D.-1687, -and which will. =be produced ...time of sale, . there will be sold -by at the..- . Public Auction by Peter Corrigan, Auctioneer at HOIal?ish ote in h e village e of Ripley_ in the. County of Bruce, on Tuesday the.21st dp of March A. D. 1893 at 12 o'clock noon, the hollowing -valuable village -property. . namely y All and Singular that ;certain parcel, or trac t of lend and pree� m:: ises_ situate, lying and beim 'inthe vi11a� of Ripley,in the County, of ;the - Bruce, and Province of Ontario, and being composed -of east halfof lot number one hun- dred and -forty one in the said village 'Of Ripley Janice Warren's suryey part of ' of lot sixteen i. "wnsh the 0 ' h concession ion of Township- of in the-sev ° Huron, except .thirty feet sold o$ f hH South end to one Eliza, Long. pro t, On theprp .there is; a: first .,class two - . erY . - story brick. building: containing. three goo4 stores: The ,proper-ity is' -situated on' one :of- th principle_streetsof this prosperous and thriving village - da of sale the per �cent Un 1VIS =Ten y.: TER , hin 30 - days y s thereafter and the � balance =wit without interest,- Iu all other.• respects the conditions will be the standing_ conditions of theHigh Cou rt. of Justice " Chancery Divisions ' Title deeds may be inspected, -'at the office of _ the Tenders -solicitors. _ i rs , ...' For - . farther. particulars apply Y to the Auctioneer, -.-or to .- CAMERON; HOLT & HOLMES, . Vendor's solicitors . Goderich' PETER CUiRRIGAN, ' Auctioneer. Dated 21st February A. 1).1993. 997-3 • 410ENSE D15TRICT OF` BQUTH :BRUCE: I LL APPLICATIONS FOR TAVERN Hhop--or brewer's license, which is to take effect "oil 'the --first' day of: May 1893,must be filed with the inspector for this district on d ore the first. or bef y P - . �� 1sT ns ector ._:. A1�GU�STEWA �� P .,. March 1at.1893: < `'997-2 Lucknow` M SMITH choice a as just received .f - Tat o i ngs to. suit. an Trimmings S - ISH SR - SHAT SUf� �riah�e•�now for o. f�s}�1 just... - - . of l.t. ;: I a O �s Also Blouses. arranted, fast colors. - a of A nil:.: NOTICE. PUBLIC HE MILK ROUTES OF THE field Butter and Cheese Manufacturing ' Company, (Lt'd)will be let:: by public Coni - petition at the ;Factory .:onFeb. 28th'. Tuesday, 1893, at 1 o'clock. On the same date they will a1s° offer=for sale by Public;Competition thb incoming :'season's ' make of whey,'to' be fed 8 the i er n- the ComP any's pens or drawn'. of the anies. The make for the -season :. wi11 be prem. /0 tons of cheese. All persons interest BORN.. . should:govern themselves accordingly. � - ed 9_.... SPEARRS-In A sbfield, on. Friday, ':2nd inst,; THOS. E...TINLAY. the wafe of Wm. Spears, of a son. .. President. • Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns- Ind.1,- says: "I had been in a valley, I. d , distressed condi_ tion for three -years from ..Nervousness,, Weakness .o€ the -Stomach, Dyspepsia - and: indigestion until my health was gone. • I boa ht Y g one bottle of South American Nervine ,which done me more -god . than any $50 worth =of:.doctorin I ever did : in. w - l advise any weakly. person to -nee this valuable and lovel.. remedy. I consider' it the grandest_ medicine... in . the world:" A trial. bottle will convince yon. Warranted by A. B. r Oongram. E IMP I.AL ., Ti-� . E OR NET C . H ELITE • THE.S SONG FOLIO HE:.-8,0YAL FO 'THE YOUNG Y�:.. _N"C MUSICIAt'S oolh tion • -�A c iece furP• the i no'Ja p organ in °10 . num 25 cents. .7 ac Our -city tablet of fine - e and stationer in note letter ysizes The ° latest idea. Ask . to .see it.. - D. MUR • Salary and etpenses eei,.iyfrolust.,rt. Lib- eral commission. to local 1 part-time. 1;''L3. Permanei,e position. Good chance ser e.lvar ..crnerrt E lissive t' riter^J - • 1 .l:. r- uWCr9:of. Nur s - p stock '`+s/ qap ti: L:a1•:1 :4, and ori•�'sroi '^:$ +� doth C uada:a.rd United 1::Lem Clesn,l.ar'lys •:x;3' t: no to name, and /fair - • •2:"'"treatment guaran teed. • No su.rsti, - trtion ;n- o�•t u: No S from • other houses, on account of low j rices and Pr, marl a••ivanta ' .Ve can interest D.17.7y ono not ea:ming $75 = .nun-.11. -.h an Loa' arcs... to becauso:ofre- vious fa:iures in this or :other - lines. We can mats you . success. Outfit free: ` d:4 .8s for t y ticu1ars, BROWN BROS. 'Co , Continental Nurseries This hotiso is reliable.) -TORONTO, ONT. mvarsosseatsaagusgoirt- EED GRAIN FOR SALE, HE. UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR' SALE e . Golden- of 0n Side anyd 1. Giant Oats ofpure quality and free froth all other seeds.lot 12 con- 6 Ashfield . near t , , , Dungannon. 996-2- Tgos. ANDERSON Dungannon P. 1 a • a