HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-24, Page 8r ^ 1°1-441 0114. - 7 , • -C;1•14•"'",;1266•"61....., •0046,1=a' . • - • .. • , • • • - - • btiNotice in Your Name ... PuAll partC Nn.. attention will be paid to anonyi-. is eindebted to me for book mous _ communications sent to - the . accom,.As-nanst ca.,11-ad settle the same editor' of the SOTINEL,- and - intended . at once, either by note or cash, or they for PUblication. We must .haye the will be placed in court for collection. STEWART, LUCk110W- Planing- xame .of the atithors in every IIOcase,-not WALTER , Liquor'Licen.ses , Overcoats-, and Ladies' necessarily *--for Pubfication/ but as a Mins. • -elNiantles and jackets.- In.. o-rder to oTeatly reduce .onr -stock ;the above 'lines .!._ we .- are pfter-ing [thein at ..._ --... • - -. _guarantee of- goodfaith 1 • fits Valentine . Applications for licenses throughout 'yoang yaribusinspectors •up till the 1st of I . female called at the home of a f province will be received by the It is said that a heavily veiled the farmer -6f Kinoardine toNvriship on the April. Applicants must furnish the k taming a- fine .S0.111ple ties asla,pndsmen at -the tinae of making "...evening' Of: sure St. Valentine S- Day„: uataa-e.'of t.W.o..goocl and.- siif6.cient • t -t. • TI - • the rtunor 13,e, :fablse Or'itrue: -so :cant, -6t license -Must 'fOniSh 9,P -certificate d SliONY • • say, -. ew - - of an enabryo avriculturist. 'Whether application.- - Any a plica t for a greatly prites as the it' a 1$!.qs e con • • ' . . . • - • . Overcoats. for ,$5.50 tor 10 for .7'75; $12 for. t$9.251and $14 for and- Jrkjets for $3.75 ; $5.50:foir $4, NV $4 50 $10 for 11. or 6. $12 for 9 ; 12 50 for- $9.25; and $19 toi Beside g the abov. _a large. number 0 our Bargain Coim will be to your i gee. we have Imes on - whih teTest'" to dit111110C11 uris S a. -1* -t• -o - G. •& B. South -L. 11,,& B. N6rth• - ROV--rooa • 1C5.niongh- Kinloss •- W. &-B, North (loderich - •-- interthediate Points is. it & B. NOvt.h. Langside V,� &.z. sni.-kth H. &B., South • H. & B. S•ontb. -W. G.& B.North Halyrood _ ; inlough Kinloss ARitrvis. . , 3481p. in, 1 9 00;p. m, " - 10.3Wp. • Tuesdays atld a 00 icit -in- -Fridays - 9..30p. me •10.00 a.m•-• 3.-20 p. _ ' Daily . .. Ed tors Soclat. The;nat. . Court Sherwood, • - _ Canadlan- Order .o resters; of this Village? and. their friends' -Will- hold ,.-a sOcal in their lode.rooM on the' first. .Monduiy -. evening . in -: March.- -' 'Ail energetic com,rfrlittee has.been.:- appoint- ed to lbok afterthe.arrangements and everything will- be done to. make. it li, pleasant ailair. : • - ---- ° . . - 0 . • . The mernbers of .the' Liacknow .Curling :Club -'-fiever.•. had a, better opportunity ,of indulging: -in, their f4,yorite pastime than. during the present winter,: Since the advent of - cold -Iteather Jimmy flunter has kept the ice in -prime: , .conditio-n and on Mondlay,. Wednesday and "Friday evenilios-the lovers of: the roaiina . game can and do enjoy . themselves right royally. Bigl Bliz:ard A .ragee the, genuine North West blizzard here all day Sunday, which was orst ever experienced- for many years, andduring-the- night the mer- cropto 6 degrees WOW Zero:Urydped1 • The wind blew a perfect.- hurricane and the blinding snow struck the l face. like _Small particles of ice. The trains -froni. the north were 'blocked till noon -on Mon.day When the track was cleared. by tie- snow -plow. Many old resi4ents claim it Was the - worst storm !ever' witnesSed in this place: by a majority of the electors entitled• to - - . - . 'vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly in the polling stab -division in which the premises sought to. be licensed are situated, _and the Majority Must include t 1e on on third of the said who a•Aat the time bi- . • . • . • . - such application residents within thpoilrng e sub-divisoni 0115.41-.. Easter Cards .The custom of sendingi Easter cards ha- been somewhat given up of late years, but this spring titre will be an effort- to revive it. Inst4a4, however, of using the Cards prepared. 'for, shop patronage they will more 'often be &Ede at home by the lia4d of affection. Excursion to Manitoba The Grand TrUnk and C. P.R will continue to run their cOlonist excur- Sions from all parts of t Ontario and _Quebec to Manitoba °aud the - North West on Tuesday Feb. 28th, and every -Tuesday during March and April. A colonist Sleeper will be attached to every eicaursion train leaving. Terrible Accident A terrible accident happened to Mr. °John- Bell,• a well-known citizen -of . „ POngannO.n. The Rev. Mr. Kerrin will deliver a lecture in. St Paul'sChurch Dungan. non, ..on Wednesday evening, March lsti on "Life , in the Argentine ihejaublic,”. connalencing-at' 7 - o'clock. As-iMr• Kerrin spent nearly four years among the natives in that Republic before comino•t.) to Canada he is. able to. . speak from 'practical . observatipn, of the -country ;,,t1).e manners and; Cus- toms of the people. The leture T.- will be i illustrated by examples ° of native songs. •Adinission 15c--11.11 are i. wel- / .1 , , . come. OddfellOvve Social . The annual sdoial the Indepen- dent -Order of OddfellowS - ' the village was held in their 'lodge-- room ct on Thursday evening last and like all other entertainments- usually given by 'this boy wits a pleasant .affair, The audience was. very - large .and . the ,-viell furnished and Spaciousroom was taxed to its. fullest - capacity With Oddfellows, their lady friends and. Others, The Committee- .of Management; . MeSsrs. Dr. Gordon, Chairman, Harry Pierce, Geo.- Lawrence,. A. McKenzie- and °- Taylor, had . everything nicely arranged/ and a gre-at deal _ of the pleasure and success of the Social was due to. their .energetic management. The mu-_ -programme Was .Of- the highest order- • and included Several fine selections by the the I.Juckno-w Orchestra, the Harmonica Band and vocal solos and. duets by the Misses -Latla Berry, .Emana.Peart, Nellie Mills. Tuesc14,- by having his foot andlower part of torn. -off . while putting a belt on a pulley in his brother's' furniture *factory. ..The: doctors have amputated the Shattered: .' limb; _but, little hopes.: are entertained _for this recovery: • - New Regalia .. The OddfelloWS of this village have ois71.recl froni.Messis. Morris, Of Toron- to,. a new . outfit of regalia for: their degree team Which will cost Some $325-. They ha„ve,Iso recently purehased,frona- the Gbderich Organ Company, through, their agent G. W. Berry, a -fine' - organ for use the lodge room. /The - Lucknow- sociey is. one of -the strongest _in:this part of the Province.- - • Enjoyed the Nap It is said that -a certain young man of the village, who- is .nOt-particulaxlv Ada--- BurgeSs; E.•. MCLearl Aggie. He "Buys" Your Grain If any of our readers are taken in by fthe travelling fakirs, it is not ;because we have not time ani time again warned them against it through the colomns of the SENTINEL. At the present time there is a plausible scamp, dr perhaps a dozen ofj them, going/through the country with a new racket, but worked on tae old skin -game principles. He makes a contract with each farmer for his -wheat, agreeing to pay $1.00 a! bushel delivered at the nearest station when- ever he desires it. In order ..to , bind the contract he pays a little down and • " - " - ats as good and the many intricate dverae,nts and turns • were pre- formed - in. - perfect time and pre- icision. Miss Ea+.5on 'Whitely, ably. -presided at the pia'no. • Mr. ° Richard- son, f Paisley, .,.who happened to e in the village that - evening also gave a. cola le of comic recitations" with good effect. The-LacroSse boys have reason. A.. • • to feel proud �f the s-ucceis...of the en-- tertainment., !This May Be So 1 .. i "As a general thing sa,ys an author- lity, fl, cold, steady winter, Stich as we have bit'd So far, is an advantage to the amoral business of the country. Cattle Come ina better condition in spring. after a cold winter than therslo after open'ones/ - such as we have had _ in ntario for the past five -years. Thee is nothing which insures' with more certainly a good crop of. winter wheat than to have it lie .for weeks under a heavy coating ,of snow. Such a snow as we have now' protects the roots oE the plants, keeps the ground war16, and renders it less subject to uphe,avals from the frost in the spring. And it is claimed by many that a heavyfall of snow is the "poor' man's . • i . manure," as it contams within itself a fertilizing agent' (ammonia) of consider- able ., . value. - - and-Latira- Berry. ,A couple of recita: tions by Past Grand, Bro..- R. Pierce, ;of:Brantford, and Miss .130'4, were - well received -and ioudty:-applaudect. In response to a. vote ofthanks from the OddfellOWs, .B.rO.. Pierce made -a _pleasing ,and happy- reply.. -Speeches were also Made by theiRev.. R. _ Anderson - of St'.. Helens • -Rev• • J1 ' 3 _ ,Milis,of -Lticknow., and P. G., .Brol.. John -Peart.-... .The chair 'Was' occupied by Past: (4 -rang Jas. -Bryan:. agrees to pay the retnainder 'when' the wheat is delivered:',- He only ap- proaches -those who. have large' quanti- ties._ He gets the contracts- and Will hold them, never calling for the wheat, -but will worry the farmer into . giving him a nice little sum to "release the -Contract." The Carnival The - fancy dress Carnival in the rink on -Thursday evening last, though not . as ,la,rgerly attended ..as ,vious one, was a brillian and the oututs of, the ma`, were exceptionally fine and ,the' corn- • . •the• pre- ' - t quarders , :istwomrgramomus • LIT6KM NOW ARKETS.. Fall Wheat, per bughet. ...... Peas ' " .. . :55 " Oats 6 ‘ • . 20 ‘` Barley, Potatoes - cc • " . .40 Butter,:rier lb.. . rolls .16; tub .16 -to 17 Egg, per dozen.... . ...... Hay per ton...,. I .0 .. . Plod. per cwt .. . - Turkeys per lb....4. .... . Geese • ." Ducks- ". "..,.. .. Chickens ''."- Dried apples"" " ": : , • Ta,llow - ' " ' " - . 01 - L .. Lard" . " " - ... • .11 Pork per cwt. $8 , • Died in New' Orleans • Many of our readers will regret to leain the, death of Duncan McPherson, eldest on of Capt. John McPherson; of Kincardine, and for many years a resident of Lucknow,- which took place at New -Orleans on Sunday, 12th' inst, Duncan had been in Mexico for about 15 months, having gone southfor the benefit of his health.- The lung- tro6ble however; with which- he suffer -- ed could not be overcome, and he decided . to return' home., He was °eleven days on the water before reaching . Savapnah. On arriving at ew Orleans he .clecicled to go to the hospital for treatment -and a .rest before proceeding on his homeward journey. The skilled physicians saw how near death their patient was and advised him At once Capt. New Orleans a . Lacrosse Concert - : There.- Was- A large and appreciatr . .. . tive ' audience --in the town -hall; on .TueSday - evening .last_ to _greet the - Sepoy LaCrosse.Club,4n- their annual entertainment,. The.„bays left, nOthing. Undone. or spared no' expense to pro-. Cure the best .available :talent an the - 6f 1 Province.i and to make the Concert a success, and and- none felt more keenly . the - Aisiii-pojniment, at the non-a•-rriVal- of. the': leading.- :attraction, - Harry . Rich, :than *did the "members of the OlUb,- :as. -Ifeelingly exiaressed,by 1,he I • Chairthari, ..Mr,-- D.. Qainpbell . in- his opening rernarks.:'..,.Rich. --Was 'coming 'from Niagara -Falls, -Where- he had been - singing. the night -before, but - missed the train at :Harrisburg,-..alid was un- able . to get here in time, and -consg- • I 1, conse- quently no blame . can . be attached to ..the Lacrosse Club for his failure to -Ix) .present. '-, The other. portions of - the. iprogramine, hoWeveri. were well Carried 'mit . ancrthe-'oft repeated .404 hearty:: applause of the audience showed -that- . - • - • - .1 theY. vier() -appreciated.- The Concert :Opened with :;:a 7:Selection ifrOui Or .: Splendid Pick now - orchestrErli a- musical .orgairilation that ii rapidly conain-g -- to the. front, --and:- Whose- playing :dating. the oVening. called forth many favor- able . Coramertts :from -thoie present:: Then _came the chorus, - "Out...National . Game" by by thel:Seiaoys in - costume . Of . 'dark --blue:: and white; aftdr. which I/.1isS* , AgneS... Bo -vies,. ...of' -11a#41toia, recited "King . Robert :Of :•Sicilyr- a selection that _afforded --:'fine scope • -for .the' display ' Of her great: dramatic 'powers: : ...- But it Was:. -in ."Sandy *Mc- -Donald's : signal," "Old. ,Mose," ;-"The Pli-Cograplit,” :and "Fidding ils WAP 16 Fame,' Jthat. Miss Bowes showed to: . *the *best advantage. and for_.-P-Wslier . wig- loudly :.enphor-00,6 a .Lilcklor. first a Oari"the connty. of Bruce, of o at once telegraph home.. McPherson started for riving there on Mon- day night, thir y -six hours after his s :. $7 to .800• • $2 . .10 • .05 .06 .05 4 to 41* t son had' passed avvay to the -great beyond., The father reach -ed Kincardine with the body on Friday and was met at the station by many synapath- iz f,riends. The. funeral was' held on, Saturday and all that was mortal OfiDuncan McPherson wa,s_laid away, the ceremonies being conducted with _thr honors of the Masonic . Order. --Decea,sed was thirty-one years of age, and up to about three years ago held an important position„ in the. employ ° Armour Si Co., of Chicago. LOOKAROUND Before purchasing an organ call at Berrys furniture,store and see samples of the celebrated organ made by God--- e4ch Organ Company.- Berry don't engage any agents to • canvass the country; you thereby save all expenses o that kind. The instruments are firtst-class in every iespect. You can depend tiPon buying at the very lowest ptilices:" Churches, lodges,.. and Sunday "Selools will get special prices- - 1 -:He didn't read the papers =for tliey.hadn't any news. At least they didn't coincide with his especial views. And when he came to town -oile day wii.te criticisms ripe, :he climbed to an electric lamp to light his old- clay pipe. He hadn't. read the papers -but he knewjust -what was best. He simply touched the wire and the fluid did the rest. petiti�n for • the VariOifs-- prizes I were-. also keenly Contested. The fOlipviiing o,f, the .Chara;cters represented and avkarded ;_ Fancy Dress Maud Flbod.,-.Della • • IS -a ;native, has good Fred Matthie, Fred:: Edwards, L11:144 R. McLean A. ShOf14-01- PrOud. her. :x The- Ifi.ed.o:rneslb Cornet solo W. Armstrong,. -F. Sh.oeliottom,.•• Lena -11 .,--ena Lawrence, Molly and the two selections by the Harmonic _. -.sins McKenzie, Johil. Smith, band were also well appreciated ; while the° splendid pianoforte duet by t4e Misses -Arne and Unice Little' was admired anCt. applauded L'ky all. The beautiful solos of Miss Lalla Berry, _Lucknow, and Miss Aggie Corrigan, of Hoiyi00-d: fairly captivated th piudience with their sweet, well-trained voices and were undoubtly thet. selec- tiont, of the evening, and the liberal noted for - his Sprinting ..,,gp - 'hi . . , and Corrigan. Negro Dress - ... -13o-yd,. , . recently attended, grgeedings, 110 M. Davison, --, Pete Sandy. Double -.orig. of '"r.---ShaT,--flights2 of oratory- of . Race, Lady and Gent---Llst,- D. •.:Law- siePtiffealk-‘cher Law - arousing • him. -.When • rence and.Liziie. Lawson-; ...2iid, : Geo.' . . . 1 , 'e meeting was .over a friend -stepped Johnstonand-Elsie McLaren. -.. Boys • 4ong and shook the. .young .t_naii-- Race. -,--.- ist, W. Corrigan ;2nd,_ . J. cilpoine,---,"said _lie,' v, -rake. up; ' . its. Small. Barrel -Race . - E McCorvie. ° time to go home:" ile woke- :up,., Comic Costuine,f'Gent-.-,-JaMes , Gay. -rubbed his eyes and -„said.:2 "What. 140; Beat s Costume, .Gent -,--- A. Kaake. - - you going honfe'now -for?. Ain't .yiiti . Lady Character - Costume c haiie any meetip.g:TI , Laren. . „ 'appl: use given wa richly deserved The fancy chess drill by sixteen young Men in full-dress suits and . black plug . • • -• TORONTO MARKETS. Wheat --red, 68c., white 69c., Flour -43.15 to $3.30. Barley -No 1, 45c. ' Oats -35.o. Peas -58c1 , Dressed.11ogs-48.50 to 8.60 - Potatoes -steady. at 85c. to 90c. Mutter -15c. to 20c. *Eggs+28c.. to' 30c. • This is the season: when young and o1 - are wonder • . -, .• , -The Undersigned begs to announce to the citizens . of, LUCknow: and sur- rounding country that he:hasopened (Alt a stock of -groceries in ..:the store lately - OCcupled- by A.. S. - Campbell; Merchant -Tailor,. . where _le will be , pleased to Meet :all his old _friends and as Many new ones as consider it -to :their interest to -;call. .My good§ are all neW....ani...f. rieetii-sbe,dyb_bfuogiihtbierdintg'a: 'Will sell right. ..D. rti - - - • _ , .. .... • • ....riknWie,.saYs: an eininent physician, . is 4 vigorous -movement . Of :the, jaws, 0: if . in act'•"ef mastication. Inthe-Case- , of a child a -wad :* Of. paper Should. :be Oacediaithe mouth, and be should be instriiated to chew. it iiaia. It •is . the` t - - - . Movement of the jaws -that stops the 111{7 of blOod.'-.-.A -simple remedy but Worth. trying.- ' ' OVERLOR-.Pp }laving_ purchased. 'the -stOck .6f.- furnitureipictUres, etc:, from W. tr.': 14-ttte; I ani Overloaded with goods. . Thostockmust-be Cleared Out. Ana. - niarking the .goodS away down. Now vi.'1 be your opportunity to secure par - .lo - -.suits. - Bed-rootn. Suits/ • lounges, siiii6lboardsi- in. lit'Ot e-v-erything in the . .. furniture lin- e. Goods will be offered - in, the 61cl:stand of Mr.. -Little. G. W. mg what' EN IS they will give to thei.r triads. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT,. ALL YbUR MITTS WILL VANISH by calling at ART STUDIO. You can find there the most. sblect stock in Lucknow Handsome Albums, Fancy Chinaware, 'Shaving $ets, Writiag Desks, Lady's' Dress- ing, Glovp'and. lindf. Cases. Or ifiou desire it you can have a highly finished -photo of yourself set in a handsome a - ) I I s VV1$ Our studio is complete in every department therefore we do our own Work right here in -Lucknow. We have no fancy show case work prepar- ed for us. It is not necessary because We turn out the best work in Western'Ontario. . TRELEAV PNOtOCRAPHERT LUCKNOW: eOth If yoU want a fitsWlass set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, canal br. Tennant's :0 • 1,41- UCANO • ter Syst:.S0310 LE°Dlvatn, -And , other .tested remedies . SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE - FOR Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood'. Dyspepsia; Sleeplessness, Palpitation of tht. Heart, Liver Complaint, 'Neuralgia, Loss el Memory, BronclAitis, Consumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary St. 'Vitus' Dance, Female Irrep1aritie3 and General Debility, $1 per half pint` and $2 per pint bottle.' LABORATORY. G ODE RI01:11. 011T. J., M. NI cLEOD., Proprietor and Manufacttl% 2 Sold by Harry-„Dtws and A. -13. Congragra BERRy. Druggists, Lucknow.