HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-24, Page 1•
itTracto Fot-Comatia-
t - - -•
• saws, Axes aauit Guns
;New .10yolis best quality
I Twittery auellatup goods.
dian Trade
- -
vy0V WILL WV W.1.1E.N
Good, In uona.eints' •
1 .. , i
!lad on
527 Yr -1
No trou le to shoiyi
goods Every
body. Olicited
us for
. .
Ulgt1,411T.---'.'24tli • 1093
Capita paid up
Reserve Fund
Total -Assets
_President --JOHN STIT.FLET.
Vice- 'President ---A. G.11! AmsAy.
Foux PE9Groit', CHAR. G-URNEy, GEO. RoACIT
A. T. Wean, A. B. LEE..(Toronto).
Cashier—j. TURNBULL.
SAVI1V BAY7r -4116-nrs 1( toa ; ghtur-
aa:-.es.-10 to 'I'. Depositsof -Al and upwards
-veived and interest
SFr aTAL DEPOSI.T.g.also received at cur,
ient rates of interest:
DRAFTS. on Great -Britain and the United
.States botufht and s1d-
,-J.. S. !JEROME,- L. -D. S.
Wini-Airun'---w ill be in Luck -1:10-w
on the second: and fourth, Fri-
day and Sabirday of each .month. Good 8Qts-
fOr310-.7.' Filiing and extractino, a specialty
- Office at Gain's Tiot€1.
r • Solicitor, Conveyancer, -etc;;; (late of
- Cameron, Holt t Cameron, Gbderic Office
at, Traver's old stand.
11 moRs.iSoNr, -- ATTORNEY -AP
• law, Solicitor in Cancery„. -Convey-
ancer COmmisioner, etc: Office.: over- the
_barber shop•
ters, Solicitors etc., Goderich, Ont.
• .
. A. MoDONALD, M.]).:, C..M. C. P. S
0 Q. Office,„Kintail. '
- JL dence, Outram street, secoud doer north-
. of.Little's shoe stere, •
IL TENNANT, P 11 Y S 101 A N,
ILJ Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery ow.
"posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from. 9 to 12
m., and from 2 to 5- p, m.
Physitian, Sur-
g.eon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W,
.Hill's implement shop: Residence Ross street,
south of D. R. McIntosh's store,
R. D. GEDDES, . V. S., ' CALLS
either by mail or telegram Promptly
_attended to. ChaVes moderate. Residence,
Outram street, opp-osite. Dr. -Elliatt'S and.
second door north of SENTINEL_ office.- --
IL pared to Five music lessons on the piano
pr organ. For fiirther particulprs apply at
the residence of W. -IT, Little Ross street.
- infonommomm*-.
security for any time-, at the lowest
rate of interest. The principal may be paid
at the end ofthetime, or a part of the princi-
pal May be paid each year, interest ceasing on
the amount paid,. For further 'particulars,
Etc., apply. to ANGUS STEwART, Lilcknow-,
- T...SEPQY .LODGE, N0.384.
A.. meets inthe south end. Lodge -Room.
in the Temperance--ilfall, Thicknow.,, every
. irgesday evening at 8 0.-"cleck, D.. K. 17.V.0-
- Rug, 0, T, S..MATHERS, See, -
C. T. IL:— The .regular monthly
_meeting of the Wrmen's '-Christian
Temperance 'Union _will be held 'every second
Wednesday of, ach month in the Odd Fellows
Hall, Imcknow,- at 3 p. m. MRs. W. H.
SMITH, Pregideut ; MRS; HORNELL, Secretary,
LU C c N :0 W
ttifP-'4'f*.t;w4-' meets. every Friday
evening at 8 'o'clock
ill their hall, Caniakell.street All brethren
' Cordially inyiteil: Ic.J.:mcizon,-N, Grand;
H, IL PIERCE, Recorder. -• 8
... .
• Sherwood, No.
50, Luoknow: meet -
every first and third
Monday in every
month, in the Or-
ange hall. Visit-
ing brethren a r e
. cordially invited.
LYoNs, C, R.
Or Luciinow Banking
_ s_LucKNow, FEB'y 1.93
-We have the following farin- prop ties for
sale cheap and on easy termSrof payment-, viz:
-Tn Kinloss Township -a 5f) acre farm; a 100
-aCrefarni. and a 150 acre •faini and a 200 acre
2- farm- in -lluron'ToWn ship. a 200 aOre.farna ; in
WeseWawanosh Township a farm of 100.acreS
-an& a farm of 150- "acres „ in the Tow#ship. of
• Ashifeld-two.fairMs of -100 acres each;
in Turn -
berry Tdivnship, o'rtiy few miles -.from -the
town of Wingham, 100 acres of timb, r land,-
• and a grazihg,farm.of 250 acres in tbe
ship of Kicardine;:
We have alarge quantity of money to lend
on firstrniortgaires on fan:1'i. 'or *village property.
t from 5i.P4r cer,t,interest -up-. The rate is gov--
erneilaccording to theclass of security; We
also lenci-sniall amounts of- money on, second
:-Mortgages.aAd ais.t chattel- mortgages.-
We do a general banking business , in all itS-
branches, :allow interests: on depoSits, issne.
draft S' on all Canadian. .Points and' on the
American- Exchange National. Rank, New
Ym k City, and -which are aecepted anywhere
throughout. the United:States, Make collec-.
tionsinthe States, Ontario-, Quebec, Manitoba
or tlaeNorth-west,- and cash cheques on any,
Place,. Lending money on fanners notes a
specialty, - - i• -
We. effect Insurancd, on all classes -1)i:dia-
l/Zip, either in -Stock or Mlitual ComPardes- ars
desired. None but -.first class CoMpa les rep. -
'resented, • - • • -
ra-E0 A. SIDDALL, MJanagr
Roise-RT v.uNr4iNGHApa..
Telephone -No,' 195.
a. ha; and- 6:30 p, m, Sunday School,.
Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes.
-Adult -class every Wednesday --ev6ing at
8 o'clock, Bible-ancl„prayer book -lesson's: All
are welcome. REV. W. J. CONNOE, pastor.
tute.Reading room'open-every!evening
from 7 to 10 p. rn., excepting Saturdaym,711Pn
the. hours . be from to 6 p. . The
librarian will be in attendance durfitg these
hours. D. D. YULE, Presii?..r...t 1G,
.00.13RDOCIas, ;Ce,cifetatis
. •
the Ancient Order 'United Workmen,
n:fr-cet iiTthe. 0 ddferlows hall, dn the last - and
second' Mo ay evenings Of each Month. a --
eight • Viating brethren 'cordially
invited. D. PATTERgoNi Master Workman,-
- R. D. CAMERON,- Recorder. -
Trains leave Lucknew for south at
1048 a, ra. and 6120 g
. 8 a. -M,
North at .12;30'p i,, 4:92: i);:.-•..1@, arcir1„0128‘.
. 1, .:
office in the building . east of rithe
SENTINEL Printing -Office,
Plans,specilications and.estirnates f r 'build
lugs,. mills, brid•
. • • •
sollshortT notice, -•
hu‘inow Jan..189.1;. _
Farmers, look_ to your own InterBt an
insure. your farm buildings mid .
. private dwellings In the -
50centsto 90 cents per $10,0 for three.years,
• • . ••. -
i-J01.1N-: LANE
- Also agent' -.fOr the Phoenix, of. rondons,
England, ' 1
armors eniio
Ta obtain the best prices o
it is to your advantage to use
and bring it to market in rolls
weighing from 2 lb. to 3 b, or
in tubs. Crocks or pails at
this season do ,not bring as
good prices..
NCM y tiems-swv:fiti_upfoisentine-1 Readprs
. - -
- _
—Fish. of all kinds at.Carapbell's..
—Misses R. and D. Davison are
visiting friends in lyingliani.,
—Mr. J. -M. Robertof Dungan-
non, gave us a call on Tuesday
• .
Mr. Ginn, of :Detroit, was the
guest Of Mrs. IC J. McLeod last week.
--Fresh Teas and. CoffeeS.at'Camp;
----There - 2 eclipses „during
1893 both of the suri. The first will
be in April and the second in October.
The. Rev. J. Cooke, Ph. *D., Of
. .
will preach missionary -ser:
-mons in the Methodi'st church - on
-1,Suriday next. _
. person who stole a. black
dog with a short. tail belonging to. G.
W. Berry had better return it, 113 : he
, is well known. °
—Entrance examinations Will be
bell's • held in jurie_next at Lucknow, Paisley,
Tara-, Walkerton, Kincardine, Tort
---Miss BeV, of -WinE,flaam, w.s--
guest: of - Mss - _13; - McInt64. Elgin, Teeswater; Tiverton and Wiar-
The village of - Brussels has
had ariothe? $15,500 'fire.on .Satiirda'y
night last.
—You can get No. Labrador her
--A lodge of -United Workmen was'
instituted' in Chesley last week by D.
D. Master Briggs.
—Miss Maggie McKenzie who . .
been visiting friends in Toronto re-
turned. home- on Friday last
—Mr. D: McDonald is in Toronto
attencling,thetfuneral of his clisughter-
in-law, Mrs. D. H McDonald, this
.n anction. sale of farm,: -.stock
and implements, the property of .Mr.
- . Wm. Hay. be held at north half.
lot ,,25,- con. _6, .Kinloss, on 'Monday,
Feb. 27th, at 1 o'clock —JOHN PpRvis,
- Easter falls this..year.oa the first
:-Sunday in April, :which is three weeks-
parlier than last year. - After Such a
vigorous. *inter- as this, the wish is
, doubtless- general...- that. . an early
; Easter may Incan an early- spring also,.
C. .Cameron of Goderich,
. .
who is at presen.t atFlorida states
' that he be b-ack. by the 1st of
alien,Alisrs.s...peRp.odbinegrt Lit. fnegw- d „ e - • h
onweoefksStrvithh. piVithe-e-arsmanomt--ertetd70.5wdneg.rete•sertella'nwiitthis here arch. He says it is a good deal
her sister, Mrs. John" Grail -aim,. Burn with the blizzards, •
—The melon will. Make amend - for
getting:full twice last month- by not
W. TY. Little has .sold his large stock getting; full- Eit - all this ynonth.. That
of furniture to G. W. Berry. Y91.1 I is perhaps the humorous aspect; but
can Idol out for bargains in that _ne.
—Dr. Bonnar, of Chesley, has been
appointed superintendent of the sani-
there is a more interesting one in. the
fact that a cmon.th -without a full moon
only happens once in twenty years... .
tairy exhibit at . the World's Fair, . .,—The cost of,taking the census in
"Chicago * - - ' — j - - . 4 . :the county -of Bruce amounted to
—A number of iKincardine -' and $4284.58, namely, North Bruce
Ripley - young ..people - attended lthe. $1594.51 ; West ' Bruce $1359.64,
"Sep )y" lacrosse . concert _ on Tuesday East Bruce _$1f30.61. The : corn-
irg last.. . missioners were in the West, . Robert
•_ 1is-s Maggie Anderson, of Harri, Baird, in. the north,- .Jos. M. White
start, and 1Vliss Martha Deachman; of and in the East, Edward Kilmer.
Fbrdwich, are the gueSts Of Mr. James . —The salt men have_formed-another
Bad, of Ashfield. ' • • association,' _ with -headquarters - at
--A-meeting of the directors ofS the Clinton, John Ra.nsford continuing as
KinTossi Branch Agriciltural Society secretary, and W. M. Gray, of Seaforth
.held in the Mechanics".. I sti-
tuta on. Saturday, Feb. 25th, at one.
—Mr. -G. W. Berry has bouaht out
the furniture business of Mr. W.1 Tr.
Little,. and will for 'a time continue
both warerooras till the latter stock is
cleared out.
Mr. J. S. McDonald, of Huron
township, and. President of _Bruce
County Association Patrons of Indus-
try, spent a couple of days in the
village last week with old friends.
---:Thehigh court of the Indepen ent
Order of joresters will' meet in Sarnia
bstt the middle of August. There
will be about 500 delegates from all
parts represented to take part' in the
You can buy furniture all the way
from 12 to 20 per centdiscount
for a week • or two at the furniture
store lately occupied by W. TT. Little.
The stock must be cleared out. G. W.
_handre the subject well The subject
was "Which can be p oduced the
cheaper, -a pound of beef r a pound of
cheese." Bro. D. G.. Me enzie was- .
captain'of the affirmative or )beef".
.13, R. .11/eNay hadthe n gativ6, or.
"cheese" • side, there ,ere four
speakers .on., each side, obt. 'Mur--
doch, - formerly a merchant of Dun-.
gammon, was chairman. ani gave his
decission in. favor Of chee a It was
for toinstruct each othei that the
&bate was got up; mote 11 likely
follow. .1
-Grange and P. of Indu
make their meetingS very
having essays. on various s
..„give a small prize for the b
each subject. I think'', they
some good information and variety of
id- also be
•tels, they
. I think
• •
try might
ofitable by
biects anq
st one on *
-opinions to study out`; it Wo
an educatorfor the wri
would search for infotmatio
being tipresident. There js conik-
natiiin in prices, the --object being to j
facilitate busineis transactions at a
minimum of -expenses.
—Mr. W. J. Sheffield, an employee
a •
of Mr. Thomas Bell, of Wingha,m,
while, workingL at a s-lpiz planer the
other day, by some meansi his hand f
came in contact with the knives,' and I
--The Dominion govern -Went has
annou.ced that the voters' list for the
.House of Commons will be revised
during the present year. This looks
- as if a general election is not far
distant. The last revision of the
Dominion voters' list in Bruce county
cost the Government $2083.19, and
the total cost in the Dominion was
• . - .
-all his fingers --on his • left hand were.
taken off. Itis not likely that Mr.
Sheffield will ever be able' to work at
his trade again, as the 'fingers. are
- taken off -close up to the, hand,-
---4t is announCeel in the postmaster
General's- report.- that - letter cards
will soon be issued- and that, the size-.
of the post Card .is to be increlsed.:
Twenty-five and fifty cent stamps are',
also: being prepared. -
The Independent Order of Pores,:
• , -
ters of the Village will meet.Only. pne
month in future On the third :Thiirs.
-day, and as the calls must be met on,
that evening, if is essential that the,
members hu1d attend every Meeting."..
writ -for libel has been 'is'sued
again -O. the .Goderieli :Signal,: at the
instance. of Mr Senior, -proprietor of
thebilliard, rOora in Qrabb's . Block
there, in response to the letter in that
accusing him of contravention
of the by-laws and in Ontario statUte.
-,Two _thousand 'dollars i3 ridnied 'S the
D-on'6forget that you can nosr-. be
supplied with the celebrated Gocierich
Organs .- . All. the'latest'improvenrrits.
.Guaranteed for .six. years •- C 11- at
Berry's 'furniture store. 11e-is's ecial
agent fOrr. this district.: Orgai . and
'plane; Stobls.kept.iri stock at the right
• 7..:;;;"1--:1.1
this _method would be better than
deitte, for some get workei up to a
great . heat and often Ov rstep, all
hound for sake of winning' he debatet,
S.haekleton sold - a
horse a ,few days ago for
Mrs. Hughes, who wag
daughter, Mrs. N. Peirce
on. Tharsday of" last w
Pierce and family. went
spend few day S at her fa
Tees water.
We hear W. Misnees so
sick is getting.better.
We hear Neil McLeod i
sore throat,- •
Miss •Ann Culbert has 1-)
a few days , with her. b
Culvert, whose young chi
abscess under its arm:
Shackletonhad a let
son in- Alberta-, N. W. T. a
they have had very nice -w
this winter till a few week
which it had been cold.'
There was a pleasant g
young people a few eveni
the residence of John 0'
had a good time
-There was only Et, small
the debate' on Friday.. T
short programme consistin
and recitations. Messrs.
Pherson and George Mcl‘
as chairmen of the de
decision was given in fa
agricultural side.
• The subject selected fo
debate is "Resolved , th
Trade Policy is more bene
country than a Protect
Affirmative.: J 'Marsha)
assisted by Wm. .Valens,
A McKenzie _D Kerr, J
McLeod. Negative : J P
tain,) assisted.by A Kerr,
'Kenzie, J Valens, D. St
Purvisand-Joe Purvis.
Mr. Isaac Hayes gave
$15E,545- folk a party on Friday
very pleasant time was
who were, present.
, .
John Pickering, jr., who was work- I.
ing up about Lion's Head for the. last
three months is home again. He says
putting on wet clothes in the morning
is not what it is cracked up to be; he
was working in the woods.
Miss Nellie Davis who was visiting
friends' in Paramount has returned to
her home - in Arthur, .Wellington
county. • -
Miss' Martha' Towle, of Nissouri, is
visiting at her brother Albert's, in
Paramount. Her mother is also visit-
ing in the smile place.
Mr. Andrew Smith contemplates
visiting his parents at Brantford
shortly. •
Paramount is keeping pace With the,
rest . of the Dominion , every
man -has a bank of his own, burglar
proof and never Kicked ; they are only
for winter use. ,
The debate held in the Orange. Hall
on the night of the 14th instwas a
guess in every sense. The Hall was
well filled with both old and young
and deep interest was, taken consider-
ingso e of the debaters who never
took part in a`public debate before they
ne young
isiting her
vent home
ek. • Mrs.
ith her to
lier's near
who was
en staying
other Sam
d had an
et, frOrn . a
d he says
ather there
ago since
thermg of
gs ago at
rowd out to
ere was a
of readings
ndrew Mc-
illin acted •
ate, The
-or of the
the next
•t -a _ Free
aka - for a
vie Policy.
'(Captain ) .
'Olds and
rvis (Cap-
p. S. Ne-
tters, Wm.
the young
veiling,. A
ent by all.
The Mechanics' •Institn e are getting
out a new catalogue : T e Institute
has been • constantly dding new
books,. so that now the library ;has
become -quite extensive for such a
small village - The boo s have all
been carefully selected a none but
the best have been purcha ed. Persons
in the neighborhood who • • not already
belong should not fail 't) join *hen
called on by the, directors You can -
net . invest one dollar in a better
Chequwplaying th'e
time around, "the corner"
days. We „ believe Ja
-generally comes out best
frequently finds "foern
• his steel.".
favorite pas.
these_ stormy ,
es 3/Iarghal1
although tie
worthy _of s
AN Ottawa despatch to the Toronto
Pews says that the EEO& 4. C. Patter-
son,. of West - Huron, will retire to
lead the Ontario opposition, and that
Mr. -Meredith will become. Minister Of
Justice. It is also said that'Sir John
Thompson will in all .probabilitytake
the .Presidency of the council in the
-event of this programme being carried.
out; We do. not • belieVe. there
- is any truth in this report.