HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-17, Page 8:
f .0 day
• I
In Overcoats an
Mantles .and Jackets. .
In order t.o greaitly. reduce
• .
onr stock in the above
we. are ofreinig them at;
greatly reduced prices as the
following, qu'otations- will
w -
Overcoats, $5 for
for $5.50 ; 8. for
for 7.75, 12 for $9,20,
1 'A .rarain..Twister .
Three boys A B and. C start from the
ber- • 13 being un uc y p tirre on round
•the -T.Tn.ited States -
25 cent pi eCe. On -.one -there. are -no -
less ... -than 10 _repiti;tions of. the number
The supers Aution about -letters held
the num-
t into'same •
roun -a. ctrc . .
erice-at .the rate- of 9,-12 and 15 :yatd$-
per --second r.essectiVely. When and
ivhere., will: they all .three b& first
together -7
direction sanie to go
0 ards in circUmfer-
. 13. -There are13 -stars. , 1
in the scroll on the. eagle's beak 13
. Marginal feather S in each wing; 13
.tail feathers, 13 parallel -lines in the
shield,. 13 horizontal bars, 13 leaves
' h th r claw and
13 letters in the two words ' quarter
T\rlantles.. tTacitetS..
:tor, •
fot • .$4,..504 :$10_ for $7.75,
-:$12 for 12,4751a.forf:$9'..25
and r19,for.414.-..
Besides-. the..abeiVe..we haie
large _numbef '.of, lines -()11
our Baruain. • Counter which
will be to yOux _interest to
on thei.r branch in t eo e
.dollar. '
peer) Snow
. Few of our readers have any-concep-:
tion &f the.amonat of snow that has
fallen in this seclon :during -the
piesent From a .report furt
-nished us by: Wir.:.Malemn- McDonald,
Of West Wavianosh, -Who ...looks _after
these matters for the Gov-ernment,--we
learn:. that fiont._ the ..21.st of - October,'
to the 12th .of -February,. 113, days,•
raisn _fell on ;awl- Snow daft;
Since the first Of. Decernber the snow
fall has been. 98 inches or 8 feet .
2 inches on.. the. eVel, .This amount
"should :certainly s isfy.- all •ordinary---.
mortals. -
Running at 1,0%e
.There is a by -la
against horses.-ru
streets, and,
notified b
laws -m
•CAW111014, till11110.g:11-
Hours 8 a. m. to 7. p.m..
!: & B. :soUth
. Holyrcpd
• .5V, G. B, North
Goderieh. • .
• Intermediate points
•14.:g.&1.3.. -North
W,G. B:,Sntith
& B.,- South.
.H. & ii.South
W.G.& 1..North
- tanlose
240p. m.
, 348 v. in,
900 p. 311, 44
• It
10:30 p. m,. - -
.3 00 p, m„ Fridaisc
10:00 a.m.
3-20p. m•
4.30 p.m.
. •
..County Lodge •
• ::•The : --annual-rMeeting of the West
Brnee ,County Orange Lodge was held
. on ....Tuesday.; of : last Week; at :the
--Orange Halt, -Bervie. Notwithstan.d-
ing.•-ptie- Very, inclement: weather the
roarliS being almost' cOMpletely-blocke
in places upwardsof.60 dele-gates were
in---afttendanCe besides some.25: visitors:.
The following officers were elected :for
current -,year and subsequently-
stlled by W.. Davison, T. C.
vit.1-,w-,700.: Master, J. 11. :Scott ;
M., SO..Mc.Farlane;
Hall; Fin,- Sec.,
R_erc... Sic. • G M. Barri§ • TreaSirer,
R. Of ;•11/fcBrien ;
Tr'fasurer, J. 0. T.ohnSton ; lst ..Depy
d� J. .P. Quinn -;--2ncl'. Deputy .14d.,
Jan Portice. .By1aT Majority VO•te the
rLodge dedid.ed to attend_ the'nekt.12.th
'July celebration -at- Ripley that being.•
-.the only 'place .excetst: HaMilton, from;
.which an inVitation had been, reaelVe.1.-
• - - .•
'he next, annual meeting:. of _the-
-ounty Lodge will he. held. in Orange:
Hall, -_'T.Acknow,:. on the .first- TueStlay
in March,in. 1894, at o'clock,.P.
r. Campbell intends • shortly
opening,._a new 'grocery store in the
-shop late occupied by Wit A. S. Camp-
bell and next to Berry'S _Furniture
inf the. village
ng at !large bri the.
e constable has been
.the-:i.Council.: that the
st :enforced- futUre,. we
otiee on behalf ofthe- constable,
to. those parties Whose animals are at
. _
Rooms: •
Bost -on. Eng -direr _ At a social in
the Pointe- Preloyterian Church
South Boston, *Miss _Agnes Bo-wes, a
efaa.rnaing yonag elocution.ist - gave
several well ••rendered Scotch selec-
tions which -were especially • enjoyed.
"Sepor- Feb. 21st. • .
e . •
An auction sale of farn:i stock'
and imPlements, the property of. M.r.
_john liodgin;.lot419 a.nd 20, 1st range,,
south, Kinloss, will be held on Thurs-
day; Feb,._ 23rd. Jourz • PuRvis,
liberty ;Within the Corporation.: that
tinless-thet are pladed,. under • control, -
:they will be taken to _the.. POurit "
little- Child in the Villacse had a -narroW.
escape from n,..ierious accident one day
last week by a horse that Was runnine•
loose on the :streets: Had'. the --Child
been. hurt :the- _ owner of . the
- wot4d.be liable -at - for damages.
•The sgrae* by-law ApplieS: to .• coWs
goats, •• pigs, geese, .- etc.+,
Vindictive Gossip .
.ThOie little. white lies, half truths,,j
arid dark things. hinted it.ba$:-proVedi
ruin Of Many.g :fair? ;,tigine: They I
are the hardest to -battlai-against and
. .
Often Ad More harm ..tht)
bliekeet ;a4ettSatithis. . They are not
1. -
warrant- oontridio-\,..
. •
4:31141liqt .101 Tifilt:filt#.!
-Assaulted. the: Oond:uctor-
. Tiiiiriday•, evening laSt. R.
- Con; Pratt,ls.:. Laird- and R.
;,•:"MCGee,:..0f -:ICiricardine,.1 go.
into a!
..:t157ssi with: the ConcluepOt and brakeman:
the freight train • going
-4;43-:n6w awaiting trial at Brussels for
-1-.• •
• . .
GuelpliM-r: Harry W.
• - t
.1:1Jc_gN49:kli IIIUIKET
Fall'Whopt, per bushel... s.
4 6
Butter, -per lb. 4 „rolls .16, tub',
,Eggs, per dozen
.Hay. per ton . „ ,•$7
Flour per cwt.
Turkeys per lb, ..!.
Geese • "
Ducks ""
Chickens °•-;•
Dried apples ".." . v.-.
• • i4
Rich;of Toronto; tilled the humorous
roll .adnairably ; his songs are all new
and elicitedlloud applause aryl was
repegdly- recalled- for his clever 'selec- •
‘‘The London Cockney", and
nhee. Parrot" were w.,ere ,eitc.e.ptionall.y well
Robert Wilson., of. •Glenden,
Minnesota, and formerly. of Ecuron
Township,. was spending A few , days
last week with his. old friend Mr, R.
Graham in this Village; - Mr. Wilson
has been living - in the West for 26
years and has done remarkably weli
I - 1 t
-Empire, Toronts:;;-,- :Mr, H. W.
Rich won the means of Ilk
c.omic delineations, indeed • he is a
s; ••s;--
. •
4 -
TalTow •
• Lard.. " "
Pork per cwt
tumoroun vocalist -in the fullest sense
Of the word, an , apt,mimic, a clear
flexible -voice, lively spirit, overflowing
msgerved itpro inei. Readers t .
aY* Sas. Lane, of•LaneS, has pur-
Pits. chased frona• Mr, Thomas Guy; a
humor.Suffice it to say he was
in high favor last evening.
$ewsy tte,
• o • • •
Lent commenced on. Weclnes4
-Look out for the grand conc
Tuesday 21st..
Smith -.McLean. is vi&
riends in Fergus..
Miss -Lilly - Gordon "visi
-friendS in_Brussels.'
Oshawa five head of thoroughbred
ting cattle, two cows, two heifer calves, and
a year old bull. Mr.._ Guy is one:, of
ting the leading breeders in ;Canada and
the pedigree- of the young bull will
ti.11.. app-eaTroithontthoe SWEI4oTrilidElj----'s°The prime
ting favorite, Harry W. Rich, in his
Miss' Susie -Treleaven.
friends- in Palins3rston.
Mis$ Minute -'Rowers visi
a• •••-•
W beat -red, 8c. ; white,
Flour -$3 10 to:$3.50\
Oats ---45c.
- Dressed Hogs -$8 60 to 8,-
Totatoes-,---steady at 85c. t
Butter -15c: . to 24c.
• Eggs -7-.724c. to 25e,
" .58
cc :31.
6 Us 17 _
• .18
to .800 •
4 to'
• .04 "4..-
• • • • 0°. • • •
This is the season wh
and. old. are -won
ing what
hum. o.,rous songs tnti harmoniouS.feei..-:_
- • tation were' received with exceptional
friends in Durham and vicinity. -
rival set:vices are being .favor, "The Parrot and bis. ever•
held'every evening in the Methodist, *popular "He Gets Mo -ie Like. ilia
church. . • - • • '• Dad TVery Day" were the hits of the
tion in polio they I.
• intelfrmidermine. the . glp.o4..ropiitationc.
...-dOes • -.the tiny drop *ear -away .the *
stone.' A person -T blacken
another's character way -•
little better than he who pr1oirs his
purse, and there are ikknie Parties- right
her in _-,and ..faaway, wbo ifr.
•ithey 'Wonld..only
Mit . this little. piece Of •' knowledge -to
• 4-• the ..j...-
,memOty,. and 'prf,icticse i • . e . commun.
ity'", at r.large : beic-recievecl-- of1%.
--great-f. deal Oltizinec.elsarY gossip. -
A Regular Attendance Demanded
The former School Law requiring
children between the ages of 8 and 14
years to attend school 100 days in the
year has been -none away with; The
preseut law states that children of the
prescribed ages -must attend schools
regularly during the whole term.
- k . r kik , ik . • , .
i Leatir e : on tretari,d . '
we predicted 'in. a- future issue,those .4he attended the lecture l in ti*
Town Hall on Tuesday evening,' by the:
Rev. W. Walsh,- of 13.raiiiptou,--enjoyied.-
themselVes- to :their , fullest capacity.
It was the -finest lecture ever given in
the village,:7-lind . fully' gusteditect he
Rev: -gentleman'S reputation. as One - of
the greatest .tilatforro.-SpeakerS: in ..ttie--
krtivinCe, :: The.. Whole i -clisCourse --Was
replete . - with true ._ „Trish *it: ,Oid
pioasantryi-. and.. it timesthe audience
sat falinost. spellbound With: ad4ire-
ation at:, the "°._ speaker : :e1O.qpeutly
pictured -. to . them,':. in - the-. ' choicest
language, --the ' beautiful landscapes,
rugged r. Mountains; . .:ancient.':':CastleS,i.
and .otiior:interesting sights to . be se.et.i.
in the Green. Jae; . While- , the nex.:.
instant..: they: Were '-eOnv_Ulsed. :.with.
laughter; as -. the :lectnrer's v006'111.1
, .
.powers_ . of ' : rnimipy -'1'.werei,- -used : to:.
illugtraite the various .characters Of the
people met within his:trayelS thkongh---
that-- land. : ' His desariptiOn- ,:of.. sea. -
• Remernbei. the assembly on 'Wed- evenisg,
, •
D. young
hey will give ,to theii
1;ty eal* at
• frien s.
nesday, Feb. 22nd Inst. Admissiort.,
--gomebody ought i'
start *if' ,
filine, does not twitter "Whetlier they -be
of religious, , $• i
social literary, beneolelit
- ,or charitable, A man who has tibt
J. the the tithe .or the "_indintition to littera
Mises -two or, three meetings every. evening
25 . .•
- .
Annie NO -ads Kiiicar
la: the, guest at.eWa
.this village, :• _ ;...
-77-The.fancy -,dresa- carnival .- .in
bieiffeir. • • • is.toO Miich of:a home- bird. .
few more societies Lucknoive YOu can ftnil ther
'rink tbia (Thursday) _eVening-prO
•Patrons of Industry
The Huron County Association of
• the Patrons of -Industry- held -their
annual in the ,Council Cham-
ber, Clinton, on. Tuesday. The f,;1 -
lowing Officers' were elected -Ifor - the
current' year Gaunt,' West
Vrawanosh, President4- T. , Bean,
Dashwood, Vice -Pres. ; j. II: Gard--
ner; Ashfield, Sec.--Treas. • J. Currie,
tast -.Wawanosh,-- Sentinell- Auditors,
IL CaMerou and W..- 'Wilson, 'West
Wawanosh. Various batters relating.
- to the farmers -Were discUssed. .The
next.meeting will be _held in Seaforth;.
A Progressive Institutipri
- .• •
k L
select .stoc
liandsothe Album
W -D k d
adiaa -Foiester ing, GloVe ,and. Hn
(ThUrsday) evening. was Well reCeived---and. in 'response or. if you desire
• -The „Oddfellows of the' village-, The a_n
intend,having-their annual social: this Bowes' reading the "Dandy Fifth" • •
TO Maggie.' Wiitherlyt- enejabre. recited the "Sailor's Yarn." -i have a:highly"... fi.nis.
• _ •
i_a•-ale..gtieSt. :Of , seeendlart -prograniine
;'.SlioebOttorn this:Week. • _ .'slietaVe.'"•"YierriCky'S -Convention r a
the =0.4
itietoW itt
T'5 • :D.ress='
f. Cases.
t. -you
. .
. ed.. photo
Of .yourself Set *111 lhandsoine
4 ,
• • huniorous. • ;Tee- itation w.hiCh evoked
•-t k "
--Rather than come to: Lucknow u1SionStof laughter. -14s1 Bowes
last 'week the -B.r.1.1_ase.IP. dlirl-e. rei-f°r_Cet-(1,4: - c6wilillvappear_ at the "Sepo. y" concert. on
their game to Lucknow.
, - - - ; Feb. 21st.,
'other amnsements hi the rinli•td-liighti, ' -
,machine :Will. be sold _ on-- Saturday-,
.---Under Seizure :for taxes -1 sewing
Go and seethe fancy dresses .apd , - - • ,
'Feb. 18tii, 1893, at one •o'clock at the
TOVilt. Hall, - by public auction for
taxes .and Costs if not redeemed before
that date:-.4a,n.- 30tli, 1893- -- John
(Thursday 16th,) _
Mr.. Peter -Torrence left on, Tues-.
day_ for Altua .to atOnd the funeral
of his father, Mr. James Torrence.
_Sickness and its p
tp • • . . . 9
differ -Ant-- piSs6.11ciets .the-. steamer,
.liztiA'wonderfu4teal,-:a4: those r of ..the
audience Whd..had- been „there -therti:
can:fully: attest..:tad 'T:fritYn-A
--Don't miss hearing Miss Agnes
Ross- collector.
the Sepoy Lacrosse Concert, Tuesday comparison, and it is not unfair when
2ist, ° a very
_Kincardine Reporter In making
high standard is -taken we
Bowes, elocutionist of Hamiltc,on, at
Mr.'John Henderson, the popular might give it as a just opinion. that
Deputy Sheriff, of Walkerton, Was in Miss Bowes on the "Quarrel Scene"
papers on. jurymen. Siddons, a laxly Who a go
few years a
the village on,. Wednesday, Serving coines.fully up to the greatMrs.
selves ' 'the.- .A.ncienf, Order of -United Work_ _ start . to 2 -finish the lecture -. `6,5 '.ati
'•37,6en, has Cpriaplated his annual repOrt. intellectlia trea;t;-. devOid, • of :anyti.iing..
.for the year. -- 1892: • On . December - to hurt the. fellings •of - any, hut yet
• kst, ' .189.2.,- th_d- members numlaerecl brim full Of information...and ' :mirth -
25,859; ha_ tt-vii ths tand inf.:4. the formatiOn 13i1ovoking anecdotes; an -d: k9cid• !luator.
of tilt', Or?.:nd Lodgs, of:Manitoba; :took rhe_ chair was occupied-- by . _ r..,,Fret . - • -.. ,..-.
7----t•- Bruce .. Herald-HWe--.- have lately
1)214 ;IbenaVers_ from - the Ontario. Grundy, whO".-fillAd- the duties of that .
*urisdictiop_: The increase for the .10ffiefe• with :hisf: usiial, 'AilitY) a-0 tli, '6"6.ri 17.116°13.:' by• Miss ';i*sit'te:.•Al;-"-
- -_ .year was 2,303 The cash -recieVed - .pleilaid -. •PrOlirstirprne. ;of- .vee41-., and; -ander, - 'Miss -1Knox • and *r.Sari - 1-stird
-arqounted to $.445,603:and out ofthiS instrimente..l. mlisic given by.. the. -choir Bailey, but irc or. _oPiiiiion Miss Bowes -
ciaries were .,.paid..: - *$100-.115. - the: Lucknow- Orchestra, .- "the milk).- ...exe6N- 44Prix gAl: ."geppy" concert
. , -
M. D. • Gaider/Grand Recorder of
• • • - - • - • ki - •
• The'Lli' cknosiv, BrasS: Band: Will sent ..eritiCal. aUclience$ wild': en-
-* " free en air 'Concert -16r'. h, ay. • .4, n., - 'thuSia. over ; the ° rendition. of • the .
. .
Our -studio- is
eery .depirtmet#
we do our °Wit wor
in:, Imcknow.- .-W
fancy show case WQ
ed for us; It is n
•because. we Orn o
work in 'Western
hour - before the LacrosSe . Concert same_ selection. . "Sepoy . concerte .
opens: Tuesday _, .
-A meeting of the directors of -the .: 1V1r. • R. D.. Caneron is attending
wiThbe held in the mechanic institute -Workmen .in Ts:lion-to this week as a
on Saturday, Jan. 25t11,..at-one o'clock. reireseritlitive of Luckn.ow Lode of
. .
riense,in seeming high-class talOt and. - 7.----CqmPbeilfd.rd Herald -The favor -
.they 'certainly deServe a bulinP ir house was Mr. . Rich, of Toronto. Bit
Kinloss branch agricultural Society the Grand Lodge meeting . of Unite _
. . .
Se.:poys spared -1-nO .,ex- of that Order
. • r'
on Tuesday' first appearanCe On. the _platform pro•-
duced a ripple of laughter which , was
,Brantford. ip•., running oi)r.4.tjon. proiongpd a;nd increased into roars as
The Ontario Government too is -f.,ks_ing .he sang -11_ is humorous s°ngs-'
_ • . caricatu-re. His seleetio_ ns, "Th?
„pi Binder twine will. likely .sell2 .6rass. er'" .B°Ys (14 the
at.. the central_
new binder twine 'factory at .
mplete 'ill •
right here
have: b.° „
k prepar-
nee ssari
t`tt best.
014 • Sa1001; alltA Two wee!
this Season at 8 ti.14 IreA;rts,"• ;were -taitth, proyciking and .
he was -recalled- .14y 'loud --.encoreg, to
which he gracefUlly fesponded every
Tho certificates- issued- numbered, the?. -band and, the- bealitaful--sa° by Feb. st. •
- 3,542. - The total insuranCe in force is Miss 'Berry :were also Igreatly -auetiOn-.-sai.o of far stock
5,1,2_58,00(), There 'were 16 assess- appreciated by the large audience. -At' and inapleMents, the•prop- erty of Mr. _
Ment, the -second year in tbe history the close a' vote. of thanks wast4ndered Win. Hayes, :Will be held at north half
of -the -Order that they have ,ever, .the -Rev,, bn _Motion of the lot 25, con... 6, •Kinloss, on- Monday,
reachect----that. .nimber. The average Rev. NIL% COnners and the Reeve, and Feb. 27th, at -1 o'clock.-.-.3.on PuR,Vis
• - aSseSsment for.. thirteen- years has been; Titlie "sina01100-.-P•ind,he.4rtY reSPOnSe..:9f- Auctioneer.. -
LucloioW udeITIAited A -or ,
14.86-, or, $6 98 per • ,•5100.0, the oldiexice slrvita. that. -the.( leCture Port :Perry.. -Statida,rclie..;-con:,
is in a flourshing condition,' and-:- since 4 -Montreal Gaze
tt.e W.
iiie 7 -lune had been ully appreciated
• its organization $6000. have been paid Rich achieved a groosuccessiand con F1arry W. Rich), of Toronto. is a; host
widowii of deceased members tributed largely . in keepin.g up the in himself.... He has a fine voice,1 and
• e village. merrrment. as a humorist cannot be sur assed. •
- 'he 'evening -was
Cert in t
''iied- '•-• • :being PfljPke4!; Mr.
time. .• :•
•--Toionto Mail -That which con-
stituted the most pleasing and artistic
portion of the entertainment Was the •
humorous songs and caricature mono-
logue by Harry W. Rich. . His
impersonations are 'stamped with a
certai4 originality which' makes them
hiihly attractive. His. character
songs, "The Society Actor," and "Boys
of the Old School," aretrueto nature,
yet extremely humorous. The -num-
erous encheres bestowed on Mr. J,
Rich's efforts are coanizant of the. fact Proprieto
that he is one or the. public's best •
p Sold by Harry -Days
entertaineri. Druggists. Luolmow. •
iroti. Want a. first -
cheaper than the chea
Dr. Tenizane$ 'Office,
Mid other tested .remedies _
as oi teeth
est, on °
- -FOR
Impure, NV,9.1,c aid • Im overished 131tiodl.
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, a1pit4i61L of the
Heart, Liver Complaint, euralgia,' 'Loss of
Memory, ,BronchitiA, C(nasnudinirploi:a,ry
Stones Kidne3
asees, St. Vitus' Dance, T male Irregularitie
and Grpneral Debility, •
per half pint aid $2 er pint bottle,
Lesogxrouv. _GoDpicti, ONT.
• •
.and 3.1airufaetffirer,
A,: ]„;Congraulf•
• ' I