Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-17, Page 7c • e ,F,00,a1Me. T" . a • TASIJIONS:AND FANC . • Undo- telles Well to theLFore BOth..NoVelty atidi Style. . , Sew ritaki tier oriamenti,--aocietra - • Stocking4 Ati Inserte4 with Beat Lace -- Latest -Diefe,--rone- Dinier-Tabie Decora- Ions-Ob.rue Dance- -Measures - once More ht. vog,ste=-New.shirts, Bermes and reierines-,raus for Empire and rompop. dourGowns. - :.LosetitoeteJannary. is Eiaidthat some 4). • -- - `women always loctk as if they had .just p„ stepped_ outof &bind- . box, to .uSe. the ad-- •)iesepted and; time -hon - \i ored phrase. Those who possess this gift are usually of limited _ height...eghose .who' te -ft-, do not.posSeiiii itwon- = '..der how on...earth it is. -managed: The m• em- .• riable- neatness and -composure of setbilinients seems tebe almost miraculous. Even. 'a robin is oecasio ly - somewhat dishevelled_ Of aspect, :but ese hfianan robins never. • r . An alarm et fire .WaS given .in. 'Fs. country • houseAnd everyone turned Out in terror of What might be going to -happen.-; An. 'observer, whom. little escapes even in Such moments as' theSe, Wrote to. -a friend that he liatsle.altwatSs entertained. a vague that isightcape stvere a:portion offeminine mightgear untsi thai, o,ccasion; but that he: :had then .diseoveredethat otimping pieswere the only mars adopted'. by 'English wernen of keeping their heads ' warm - on ',winter nights,. He- a:so rernarked On the Pictur- .. „esque. appearance Of a*.hanclsOmb .girl in. a scarlet teaegown, with. a cataract of eurling, ka.V611 hair- fletvine down -the hick it, . - - - and ended :et." Little -Miss Precieeeturned outna neat els ever in seow7white..dimity, • with OtiA"S and frille looking as if they had that menteet been rireeed out, and net a hair of her head -disordered. She must be •• thinking- -.of tidiness when .she'e. asleep." Few,- could steed etichi:a test as:this, and indeed such iVtr ileAtnes would he alrifie monetonous et it were uniVersal. !The Puri.- •-tanseesaved if wed t- -ee': hc;i-v ralieh they ; - - , • - • made os ressehoutay : .curly • -locke that. escaped: frosi. thti thraldeni. of the .small, oloSe _ Capt. Ilete pGet e.vere - yet sung a Pa -titan withunt eivin? her at least. one such:mutinous r':.ng of solt7hair THE IttfPFLE:ILEADED . - . _ Bat, on the st;!f'3:- lift' 4 a' there . are girls. who ,perposely rut -11 a their- headi all oye.i after aviertazil..-ed _their hait, because they think it suit a them ' to - look tslightly, diehevellect.. ' Those girls; do not is :-Et rule • belong to the cuitnted claeses, . though _ now antl-then their example is 'followed by Soint; who sbould. know °better. There ' is a . pleasant Medium between. a :too ms.the- this is generaliteaChieved by the well- / . matieal pfeciaiou. and a saes f con style; and - dressed, _ As .a • na.- an of considerable social ' ekperience remarked. not long age, ".I can gplacte 4 a wcimur vii.h a gelirapSe at -the back._ of hey': -head. l-lier coiffure .is sa'signi- ficant." It is. sterv tisuk.and rethinds one - indirectly of - Dr.. -Wendell llolin.4'• shrewd remark that to. hear 4 person pronounce the sheltie Word- "how '' told him More about thatindividuel- than he Could have gath- • ered on the sable& in an hour's information - from a third. person. - -. - - •. • TO:R....NEW -.SKIRT SUITS DeiNT-t---ripue,ese - ........_ . . T.he fact -these-he new skirti fit as closely as jey'er . on the 'hips -renders them yety. - becoming to the owners.: of. pretty figures. Some are -gathered , in with a little `felnests all ratieds aestyle-that will be more -fully tionized .when -sombre fabrics are in . hand, while others are, Sheathlike IA their smoothness and plainness. :One ofthe new . bodices is remarkably' becoming, the cloth' or ENI:ge overdress being cut - away to show a beautifully braid.edeor embroidered 'yoke; • which DJ •Orttinu.erl:in a .diniinishing point to •the waist. The overdress being lined with a narrow: edging Of fur wherever it berders Upon ' tHe _embroidery, thke-ffectis • T1. -very.geod. - The! sleeyes are fulled intolong gist puffs; alio 'zoYered with embreidery; and very etterthe skirt of the &eels is . e ' ' stroideit- and fur to bring it : edged with! • into afanity_:...&h the bodice. - tt ' • ' Another -rsiTey beemning bodice was the • joke tiqueje tofithsfolds of ..th.b dress fabrics coating : ir6in the shoulders ..and meeting• - alien t an inchbelow- theetealst, the 'inter- Yening spaee betotts the yoke being filled in - with dark velvet. A very charming- dreg • made in this style is in pinkish heliotrope _ cloth, the embroidery in gold and silver • and shades of amethyst and the velvet in Panay purple. A band-of.the latter berders the *lilt,: and the-- long- cuffa. are in em- broidery, while the full- tipper -sleeves are- • donageted of yelvet.- •- • - •' - • - BERTFIESt PELERINES AND BTIFFENINGS.' Each: succeeding :week the fashion plates 'bear il. closer reseinblance to those belong-. • ing to ithe era our great grandmothers - prim;. .belkichiw . little .. figures that: we have hitherto,- kiettn wont to regard with., a -smile of arnuaeinent: not 7altogether . un-- - mingled with derision. Now, however, we are rushing on to our -fate, and berthese _. pelerineif and , Stiffened, -skirts- -are. the first Words with milliners; and We, . the - long-suffering slaves of fashion, are prepar- ing to accept them without a murmurs. With one exception—that of the crinoline, against which even lords solcreationhaye deigned to . raise their'veices in protestation: It is a. re-. lief to turn to the Empire period. For tett- • - . gowns more especially this style is &repro• - ae'hable. Imagine a waistrees robe of tow- - ..ered broche shot with the palest pink and _ green,e_watteau-pleated• - at the .yoke, •and I. sleeves Of rose -pink velvet, softened • by - draperies of filmy ecru laces Sky-blue and bleck-is a *pularcoinbinatidn lot evening ;Wear. . We lately camel across a pretty tea - gown with the tight -fitting under -dress of light blue silk: - This. glimmered faintly through black accordeon-pleated grenadine. - The huge puffed: sleeves were of blue silk partly Veiled with lace, and the deep square _ . yoke,. also of, silk, Was deeply fringed witk set. . - -• . -. The new fans to accompany- the :Empire and Pompadour gowns , are -chiefly of the . LOilit.XF. land.onis XVI. period, Some charming examples are copied from the antique. They are about half. the size of a modern gauze fan, and ?generally_ id. white. -sink - beautifullY -painted . with figures and' _ / , - . . , flowers and elaborately mounted on -carved, and gilded -mother-of-pearl. is'ovErmgs IN * HAIR ORNAMENTS AND. STOCKINGS. - • Some very novel hair ornaments are now in evidence. ..They are in the shape of . the feather that adorns the wicked red Cap Of Mephistopheles, and which are fastened by a hinge to a comb of tortoise -shell; se that they -can be were in- several different • posi- tion. They are very ingenious and be- coming.- Among brooches some are formed to imitate:bows and ,rosettes, of varieus shapes and sizes. . They are -made in bril- liants and are extremay graceful. They are copies of thoseworn by the grand dames of -the Fren4h nobksse at the latter. end- 'of the last century.- • The latest fad in Stocking's is the inser- tion of a bit of real lace, on the 'foot and ankle. . In white silk socking4 white iac.b is introduced,'''. While baok hca_ is let into colored silks,, an: h...as . bine, pink-orred, 'Shoes andgown'reustof -course be en suite. The .newest silk stockings . are all .Made in tSvo Colors', and. :claiiitk: and -very fanbiful some of there are. - • _ - , Emse.sens,. ezenEs, TURQUOISES_ AND- • • ' TU.I4li0-1SeS and dianiends are the favorite jewels of the Duke. and .Ditchess. of burgh's eldest 'd.aufghter, who. .isnew the .Princess of lteerriania. . The combination is one that has 'been growing in favor with the smartest potpie- sinee • the: marriage: of-. Princess Leiria° of, Wales. - In the PrineeSs. Ferdinand - of 'Roes ania's Case there is anether and a personal reason, also an inte.esely womanly -6ue -for - this preference; -namely, her: charming 'personal -appearance. s Her pretty - pink and white .'censPlexioie her wavy "fair' hair'and her eyes are particularly adapted. tothe becomingS nessiofterquOises to.her. The tiara; necklet andearringsgiven to her by her father are =test exquiSite; and there is 64e Of her..even, ink -gowns- with WhiCh:they will look quite .perfect. .- The emeralds in Queen present,: .03 I yery. beautifully designed pen- dant,' are of Wondel•fut beauty,but sapphires and - turquoises: are .the jewels inost. stilted to- a fair girL Eineraide- arid rubies look superb_ on it-'brueette,. and all:Moat-be set with diamond's to Spasm effict.' • - DINNER TABLE FREAKS Ot FANCY. Some of the new .dinner -table decorations have been7 -wonderu1Iy prety. and efttctive. At it decal :table:: the only fioweri were Christmas -re ees- and peineettia s. 'T heyeyere arranged -with asparagus tops and fern fronds in crystal-glasees,--- inlaid \with gold; and the effect Was particularly -refined -4144 lovely, Poinsettias were used -only Sparingly. They . are_ so big and so imposing that ja Attie of them goes a long way. :* Another table had on it nothing but frosted holly- and mistle- toe. - The frosting .Walsdone- in sortie *ay by which all the leaves *Ore.'. white and glistening, a tiny portion of the-searlet ber- ries showing on tbe.:.helite :Whilethe rest :of the berries .:tvere apperently frost -flecked. - In the centre of - the table . there was a. crystal dish set in Silver .andfilled with frosted foliage and berries, while out of the centieroe one pure white pancratiuth Illy, with 4 White Silk banner .springing up out of the heart Of :it, bearins... the wish "A' Happy Ne* Year," in frosfed_silYer letters: The.lighte Were ail bright red. REFORMATION see TILE DANCE AtEAsuitE. - The :favorite dance* item on every '-,pro- graMiab hi -116w the. Barn dance, a -sort of cousin of the Pas de Qqatre, but about: as much like that elegant- measure as Sir Roger de CoverleY is to:a minuet de la: cour.. The The Barn- dance is more like •the ,Oldepolka- mazurka than 'anything. It is dia- -tinotly lively and therein is tbe. secret of its: pepularitys We ;are., evidently- at, the beginning of a; great:reaction fromtheball- :room-languor 'which has obtained' for so -long, It is quitensual. to see several .couples skip. • light-heartedly- and light=Soniedly through. -even. the exquisite Waltzeit. from " Faust;" -whereas suah a proceeding : even last winter, Would. have -been- regardedas inpst unerthodex.-. .The tinartething news, - days is to be sinarb., and. the.; noble _art. of dawdling _ hat :died Of being' overdone: ; s s THE COSTLY FUR Ni There is a lady well-known in London - 'society for her affection of a Russian liber- ality of fur in her turret:tit.. Her servants are almost ' Obscured by their capes and cuffs. • She wears for garments, reclines on a fur carriage "rug, and has another over her knees. • There have been times when -ene has smiled -at this iiiosyncrasy, but during the recent cold weather one almost wept froth envy ;of the comfort of it. It was impossible to =keep warm on some of the days, and the run on cherry brandy at the confectioners' was serious. It is a. lucky thing that British spells of Arctic Weather , are neither frequent nor -lengthy. - GIBBONS •TOOTACHE. GU* WS as a. temporary fihling and stops toothache In- stantly. Stild• by druggists. *- A Thieving Forovera week a large hawk has been creating great .-excitement at the G. T. depot, Dandat, having carried off the best portion of a bundle of sheep hides belong- ing to Mason & Son tthat was placed on the platform On Saturday. However his hawk - ship took a dislike to mutton and having a •desire to partake of something more -palat- able .he Made straight for_Agent Irwin's hen coon): Onteing informed of his presence there, Mr:. -Irwin; by a well directed aim with a revolver puts a bullet' through his breast. It measured nearly four feet from tip to tip of the-_ wings.; the, bird is being stuffed by an expert at t. George. Absurdities in. the Criminal *a*-: Judge Taschereau has addressed a letter to -'the Attorney -General of Canada with suggestions for improvement in the Criminal • Code of Canada for 1892. He points ..out a great many absurdities in. the punishments for criminal offence. For example, a, poor servant who attempts to steal ever so small an amount gets 7 years in the Penitentiary. A person convicted of wounding cattlegets 14 years in the Penitentiary. Conspiracy to obstruct the course of justice, 7 years,_ while for conviction for obstructing the coarse of justice the sentence is only 2 years Two Good Reasons for Refusing. First Seot-elforele'. John. Come !ma' an' ha' a dram. Second Scot—F drink sae early in- ane a'ready. : essekspe •••• ^0111 . FACE AND FIGUR, It t show it; :if you're woman, have: a beauty their -;.otrii, no raatter What your features: :Perfect health, with its clear - skin, .rosy elipelp, and bright eyes, is enough to makeany Woman: attractive. - I - • .To :get perfect health, use faithfully:- Dr: Pierce's' -Fa-- , write Prescription. • That , regulates 'and promotes lall the proper- functions of -wo..; manhood,. improves d''t-gkei. don; enriches the :blood; -tps;- pels. aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep„ and restores - health, flesh and Strength, - . - .For periodical 'pains.; -proltipsui and Other -di8placernents, bearing -down ; sem, satiOns; naid,." female -1 coMplaintsregen.- .etallt, it is s: so effective that it Can be guaranteed:- If it doesn't benefit. or Ore, you have your inciney back. Is anything that -sold in this way likely .ttri just as , . Ennny-No OnerTisouglit (wit' Before. It has remained for :a .Ntoman . to invent and patent glass doors for. - The wonder is that the idea has: - not long lago been thought of by some WOMall- Whe COOlip.• All cooking. iostructors lay the greatest stress on the care to be observed opening an oven door to watch the progress of cakes or muffins. Maria -Parlott making sponge Cake touches the knob With the most delieate care and - dreading even to jar the cake within, and paeks through the -smallest crack that will afford the necessary glance. What a relief to walk boldly_up to the Oven .and, through these transparent doors, which the genius of a Michigan woman.has discov- ered, study -at leisure the progress of rising cake dough or crisping fowl: £ktaln Remedy For .Corns, one always . to be relied upon, is 'Rut- na s Painless Corn Extractor., Sure, Safe an 0 always painless. Nearly -fifty imitations rove its value. Beware of such. Get Putnam's' at druggistie A clear,pcpia.nation. Merchant to his son, Whom he -is sending on 4 mission- to an influential friend—This gentleman will treat you very kindly. you may tell him that. I- an your father and, if you find. it necessary, you may add that . you are my son.—La, Lantern& de' Coconco. NO One Need Pity You. _ _ . . . If you die of consumption without haying tried that celebrated cure, now being talked about by every One, and known as 4 4 Miller's- Emulsion-- Of . Cod Liver .03," you arelnot entitled to any pfty, -s If you Want to Stay with your friends in the flesh, do not. let an hour passe by without Bending tothe nea est drug store for "Miller's Ernulsitin ..of Cod Liver Oil." Read about- the. woruldirful gates it has wrought-. This is 'age of wonders and this -Emulsion is the product of theIiteste researches in science. In big _bottled, 50c. and •$.1, at all- drug _store's. . . She Consented. You want Me to marry, you? vliTily have you singled._ ins out trona amofig so many girls of your acquaintance?" 46 Because I Made a vow that only the loyelieet and most amiable girl in town should ever receive a proposal from me." - • r— ' 'iVhat She said. Mrs. R. Peck, K 15th street; New York City, Visited Canada last year; and ,had the good fortune to pick up Something which not only suited her, but her neighbors also. Writing the manufacturer of Nerviline she says : bought three bottles of NerYiline whikein -Canada and treated My neighbors to some Of it, and all think it is the lbws% remedy for internal or external pain they have ever used." Nerviline deserves such a commendation, for it is a most powerful penetrating, and certain remedy for pain of all kinds. Take no substitute. - No One Else Bad. Asir Show.e .Brobson4VhO was the greatest eheomnan —Barnum?' - • • : tOrailt-eOh, no; Noah.- You see, when. he got his menagerie together he was the only man on earth who had any ShOW it all., .," McColluta's Rheumatic Repellant Is the most reliable internal remedy known for thik thorough cure of rheumatism or neuralgia. In use over 18 years, thonsifnds testify -to it. The most eminent physicians in the world agree that internal treatment is required to etadicate the ilisease from Ithe system. • Sold by wholesale and retail druggists. - I Perseverance, dear .my lord; keeps- -honor bright To have none is to hang quits l out of fashion, like'a rusty nail in monumental mockery.—Shakespeare. - Madge—How did you discover- thatf he was a boarder 1" -.Helen—Why; When. passed him the prunes: he shuddered as though he had'seen a ghost., I • "Like cures like," as the .dog said when e ate the sausage. • - , I Cablegram from Liindon,received b Lord and Lady Stanley at Ottawa on Satur- day afternoon, announced the Sudden iless and critical condition of Hon: George Stan ley, the second son of their. Excellencies. He had been seized with brain fever. Lady Stanley, it is stated,. will leave for EnOand to -day. • - - . Wer-kho-ja-usk, in Northern Siberia, is .said to be the coldest place on earth. TA.FT'St-- ASTTfMALENE Gives a Night's SweetSleepand A, Gennine'Seettish Poet. • i Perhaps because simplicity of style s favored by simplicity of national customs 'asul manners, and because simplicity is the ghest art in literature when a writer *Illy has anything to say, the Land o. Cakes is Prolific of poets. Evert country produces verse -makers, but Burns land is the fountain of more genuine expression of human feeling, which is, afterall, the main thing in music and verse, thin any other $pot on the globe. The bards of Scotland have made. love -ditties .and folk -poems for the world. Haig a rare Scot indeed who has not at some time told the feelings of his, soul in verse. Now and then, all over the ;world, such a Scot sings- so pure -a .strain that all within hearing listen enchanted, and his scing ' uplifts and sweetens 'many lives. • Such a singer was a Buffalonian, who died a few days ago at Derby, N.- Y., .where he retired to be 'a farmer several years iso, ieaving-the bustle and business ana cares of the city behind hint Samuel Davidson well -.known, through his rarely melodious Iverse, to thousands of News 'readers. It is not our purpose to quote at length from his writings now. e They are familiar to msist readers. - A few �f his lines come to mind at once in the time of his pat sing away. He -- was 'a thorough Scot—patriotic, domestic, 'gallant._ Many of his verses will live. He had a power of 'receiving impressions not less rare than his power of expresaing what Was in him. —Huffalo _News. Turn About. "Every time you spill anything on the tablecloth you must give me a cent," said Frank's mother. And do 1 get a cent every time I don't piii ?" anxiously asked Frank. " I know. whybees never. sit_down " said Walter. "Why, - my.dear ? " asked his mother. "'Cause they has . pins in their *coat tails and they'te afraid to.' Secretary .of the Treasury Foster has 'ordered all United States consuls in 'Canada to personally seal cars containing -merchan- dise destined .for the United States, and which is transported under the consular sea ystem ISSUE NO NV= replying to ani of these AsI ertimosant- "please mention this - . Persons afflicted with t any throat or lung tr •-should _resort to that Most: Excellent -Reme Of •Pure .Cod Liver Oi Hypophosphites of Lixr Soda. No other prep effects such cures. iscArtsiosi.e-Beware ofsnbst Genuine prepared laiPSeott fit Bown Belleville. Bold by all druggists. 50c..and $1.00. with e and atiou TERNA1.717INTERNAL, °F1::U GYRE GUAR Why be troubled wit ITCHING ':RBEz RECTUM ANUS when :;L'vrimn Inhands of TeiSANDS1 perfectly invaluable./fese casesofga3ioEs.o Sent by mail on receipt of price CLARK ;HERBAL CO., 186 ADELAIDE 87- TEEti PILES, EX.-- ES,ULOEF14, ING CLAOF ' r. RK'S 'that° read? has proved. //s,_ even in Drusgiatts addre 1. E.ST, TO • i t s •(HCURE 25u 500101,2° , • ; Cures Consumption, coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all.Druggists On a Guarantee. : For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's,Porous ; Plaster will give great satisfaction. -5 cents. CATARRH REMEDY. Have 3ret ClaYarr'1447-glhlsRemedy willrelieve and Cure you. Price 50cts. ThiP Injector for its sttecessful treatment, free. Remember, ; Moles Remedies are sold on a guarantee. We send the mafvelonsFrencli Remedy .CALTHOS free; And 'a ..,LeTgaolpg.riztaterieetillt.c-ALizazin CURE Spermatorrhea,Varieceele and RESTORE Loot Vigeer. andaym pay ifo Hsatscfioed: o Sole American genta, Cincinnati, ave nlvseor, rUats.Egr.-CLARK'S CATARRH CURE. . it . . , THRO-AT ANIOTNCOUSREE, tOTDTA IN THE -HEAD, HAY RRH IN THE HEAD FEVER, INFLAMED PALATE AND TONSILS, re- stores the sense of smeill anti drivesaway t4e €D.iitHEADACHEexppraencedIawho has Latrrh:ne00tueyiiworkwndeppric: 5.0e. at Druggists.- Sent by mail on receipt 'o-.: . price by addressing _ _ CLARK CHEMICM. GO..188 ADELAIDE ST .WEST. illialiffe ONSUMPTI-ON-. . Valuable treatise and -two bottles oirnedicine sent 'Free te any Sufferer.- Give Express and Post Office address. A : SLOCUM & CO 186 West Adelaide Street. 7oronto Ont. Samples ready. To Agentsi.0e. Star Card Works,Woodstoek, Ont • - FOR ALE. 13,000 Aerees of good farm- ing Lands, title perfect, on Michigan Central, - Detroit & - Alpena & Loon Lake Railroads, at p iceA, rang ng from $2 to $5 per acre. These lands are close to enterpd ing ne w towns, churches, s hools, ete.. and will be sold o- mostf4Torabl 'terms. Apply to IL RI. PIERcE, west -Bay city, or to J. W. ciU RIM; •Whitmore,:lilich. Please men- tion this paper -when' ,Tet. A - Econ.:Troy always ist7.8. -A. -4-3,„ 1, Forty beaiitiful de-igns :of Pinkish .Patterns e- Catalogues free. ;Agents Wanted. L 1 HAZELTON, -Guelph, Out. 7-1 .•••• OinameandP.O. address WillmailTELALBOTTLE Dr..TAT Bnos.tMEra- crersCo.,Rochester,N.Y. Canadian (Mee 186 . Adelaide Street West . Toronto. • . • - • I - so. tha- eroineeti- n sit upall nightgasPing for breath for fear of .stiffOration.Onreimipt 1-1E-DOLLA MAKER' IMURSEWNG FOR IT- OR.SENDA3C STAMP FOR PARTICULAR PRICE usr, SAMPLES, corrav YARfil ttc.: OF OUR ifIVITTING MACHINES CREELMAN BRO.S.MCPS GEORGETOWN, ONT. D Feb,k93. ATLANTIC PACIFIC. ' Students are in attend ance from British Columbia on the west to Quebec on the east. Our graduates'are most successful in obtaining good positions. Write for handsome circular to SPE N C E & macula. LOUGH, Principals, liamil- •t o n n'siness "College, Hamilton. • AGENTS VIIANTED For our -fast-selling Subscription Beek* Bibleskand Albums. Bend ler Circular. .Ad, &OBI WM. Bawds, Publisher, Toronto. ; . . Plso's Remedy for- Ckstarrh le the ilest, Easiest .to Use, and Cheapest. ••••ice and bottleaf medicine sent Free to an and rest 'Office address. • qtassit. Toroats. Oat • • ' • Sold by druggists or sent Isy.mall,„ 500. * Hazeltine, Warren, Po. - - . • Is the only. Rapid and awn . - Tiealer tor-Scratehes, Cjorks, • Galls, Sore Shoulders All Wounds on HORSES AND Ask your drug' kist for Tetra Balsam an take no other. Or sample sen by ma receipt, of price, 25 cents, by sEqswou No: 6 , Welflngtjtns, Fast, Toro loo Ont. curious eecentrici BEAFTIrinta by fine original QUEEN Dr. 0. 'P. Brown' Shakespearian mAaw Send for copy. J. 47 Grand St., Jers ies'illustratal ngravings in unique itiStt 111 a II iba n Brown City. N. Ja6. 4Pita A Positive- Cure- for Di CROUP will be sent free by of $1. Active agents -wante For terms, testimonials, etc., ap IA.REV H. DIE bliteriar and ail on reocipit everywhere ly to LAMM, obis,- Oat ATE AGENT N ave 111 - sell orn Rose s, Fruits. Experience unneces Expenses paid weekly. Perma No security required. Must as to good character. - GBARLES H. CEASE. R Attention this paper. _ _bed and at once, ist entalshrubo - Trees and Salary and, .ent positions. h references ester, N. Y. - PUBLISHER OF CA VD/AN h NEWSPAPE HAMILTON, Prices with cesb of :deIiyerdjin any part 01 Canada furnished on applicEltIon. CLYDE8, a a . . AND YORKSHIRE COA _MR. FRANK RUBNELL, offers for sale at low figures and choice. stalliMui of the above pedigreed. HER& Oak a easy terms • 'breeds, also NrOUNG • LADIES SAND e ENTIAMIEW I. -swoon ise achieved by in the right • direction. card . Toronto, • for circular giving full information. regarding reliable maii courseitn Elhortbaue Bookkeeping, Tycw:itr.g. Penmansidp, Cuj - • v