Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-03, Page 5F V • • . • • _•• :BIOTISH 661414ECTION. And the pioppsefi Trade PoUj . . . Luc-kno*,.Jant. ,31St.' . - . . . . , . To the Editor ,of the 864tinet .. DEAR Siu.---.-The people.- -of Oanada- are at present -Confronted With- the --.-necessity of same- change. in our .trade relations and perhaps ' the most linter-- • estinkquestion that... presentg. itOlf tit) :the - mind-. of the . thoughtful - -and patriotic citizpn..jii• what would: con- duce :to the best intereits of the „mass 4b.f. the -Ganadia-n. ' ' eople,' and - lead) t6- 'a 4 . growth in population,. proriortionate to • 4 . -our Vast undeveloped natural resource** ' We havereadWith interes± and E care- fully the • recent utterancesofth two great tead,ers, as well as _those of their -lieutenants, Upon-- the subject and . , . . : . ... , • must -confess to having experience to some- .degree of .d_isaipointuien.i. On - the other hand we find. the -leadOs of . -. the party in--power,evidentli Unwilling - to make any - radical -.changes in t the • . . - - . - . • ..policy that has ptevailed.- -during. the _ _past -fifteen years with siich. -baneful .ef-- feCts to thegreat producing classes, pro- - raises certain Modifications which, are yet . undefined. :and we believe-, that. .simple moclificatiOns are not _What: _ks -_ , - -needed :but ..a complete- reversal of policy,..that‘: may- be 'gradual- in its _operatithis,. yet, sufficiently ...- distili2t - tlkat a - change will be :felt in the economic pulsee..- - On .the . other- hand: wa-- find the _leaders Of Her _ illaiesty.'s _Loyal Op os7 ition declaring t.their -intention -Of -ad- hering' to - the policy Of unrestricted -reciproc. ity. ,With the - Irnited States-, -having in ...V-ieW; of. course, the a QD- tiCni of the great Prinoiple; of. Free -_ . • Trade: :Now, we agree ' with thein- • that the soon( ..we .have-- Free VI 't cle' . •- t: prihciples the better,. as -rafter :a carotid stUdv..of Ehe.besf writer--; on. the Subject - AI -.... • . ' -J am 'convinCed. that any policy' thaf, was designed.' to benefit A,- bias& direCOys -and. the Masses. indirectly-- cauld_ nlat • possibly- lead- to. national. prosperity.• We will be '611-aritable and, assni le (/ ,that -the proinotersi-Of the N. P. ...W re • honest in 't. -,-heir convictions wh.en. -they :-advoCate -it, yet -:.-in pratice it. has. --bf,1.- found that matis - Cupidity CoUld -not let the _golden -apportnnity..pass,..hence ' liti,l. ell OT the result. - , The:question of . ..g.reateS't Mom-ent to ...us just. now - is . . how to -Arrive. a,t- a policy:that; will not . -,only briTig.at once ' a measiirepf relief •' but. under .- cleveJapinent br•inscr all.) t. - . :, -, i-) " -Auch a,.state •-,of prOsperity - that. are - bo 2. Che anci_ent ' ---protective ID , •• . • . p rlIMPleS will , be._ 'Impossible.: \ e ' notice that the .leader-. of tile ..oppos tion--.•Joes..nat7 asiert .:-NE'ery. positively got. :upon- :such - ternii as :will tit into ' - tha.t: tinrestrictQd:: reciprocity- .4i -I . ho the situation•for 1:notie that he _ will. not. aCCerz 4 'treaty that- will inelude a - '._ less term than fifteen or. twenty.year4, • which owino-qo the ra-pidly Chhiaoin .. 6 6 voadition of trade-. nawadigs, i‘• exceedingly doubtful if he can g6t: Besides, have not .. noticed any feas_.1. able plaii;-• proposed --unle&s. we go intd . a commercial an idoar.that?'. believe w6uld be diktastef..al- to- fl,le • --great 'majority of Canadians.: - • .gest,knother Course -whieh bope_ wiii bedr discusSi(in • 'Why: not reach . out for- free trade -by reducing the duties • A upon •British- goods - imported- into Canada and •thus deal - fa-ci-ly. with a, - natio that . has ..alWays..deakt-_--*fairiv , -wit". . .' -- -Thee -Will no tko..-.be--, on -y. treaty:1 i,s1/ - --, to act of • th.e J.can. assure. -you that ttkere • ,vironld be.-soine abject lesson in frc-te tia,de.vef.seA protection of such magiIi- .tude, .presented-, :to-- the _.peopleof Cana.da that refk.ctliary. extinaufsh :ibe -protec-tiOn idea and . - there is no reasonwhyin -conjunction this actthere should ndt'be;-a proposal :- Made T.T..n.ited Stites Go vern Meat. to..-redn co- all -duties down. to. a. revenue _basis. and • abolish alto- gether some of the -twist objeotionable, • ones, and it. would - .appeal? :that the • - political .4mpathy :of the people there- - respond ;: the :great FarcarT-Organizati64,. the ..PatronS of- Industbry; in their -platform declare' for the inaiteriance of llritish connec- -tion and .for freer trade. relatiori rn air and equitable -terim,: tyith the. world; and-__ Sir', such a plan' as I have roUghly outlined seems' toilead 'in that .direction. _My sole p few thOughts . 'and disthission, versed, so; tha - -.better educated - ffect so much en so in offeriiig these invite consideration h favorable and ad- -may all become hose subjeets that aterial r s e it - . - PoPr Y. WM.- VA.L.ENS. A petition is c the village of Wiart -IT:General, praying tha &.strate be appointed. f% Salary. 1. L Licit 17.1 0.W.SeMirtel ASEGIELD M' . Bower's mill on the .-12th con. is in full blast. We. expect the yard- -Will soon be full of logs. ' Cupic! seems'to by shooting his , , arrows with good aim for we have no less than two wedding at the hame time and place. - . a The attendance in country --chool has been small during the month- of .Januarybut we hope the weather.. will take up for -the. better'. • Mr, 1VIcKeith, _13: --con;-, has been dangerouslyill- of pheunornina, but we. are glad to:hear he is :getting .better. - The following- is- the sanding of S. S. No. 5th class --A • Gardner, -.13 W Gardner. 4th :elass--H Anderson; A • Brown, R Gardner, J Reid, E ckarelner. - . Sen. 3d M1ardrierr'E. E" Reid, R Wlister:;:L ;Hunter. Hunter,..R Hunter, E • Gardner,. J Helrn, L Habeck. Sfen..2nd--7-;,:.X.GaWtrey F,-AnderSOni Gardrier•,..13: Webs ter,_1. Gardner,.J,Hunter, L Webster: Hackett i?at- 0 Broin.. - ADDRESS ,--AND TAR EONTATIOht. • • Lucknow, Feb. 1st _ _ 1 TQ' Mrt9 Wnz" McDonald : -DEAR M ADAM7---It having lately Come to our knowledge that. We are about to lose in you a young lady who has .for several years been citizen.- in our Midst, one whose modesty and conduct in private 'life -.-has commanded the :respect of all and especially of those with whom you were best 'acquainted,. On behalf- of - the citizens We have hastily taken advantage of thc oppor- tunity here afforded to present you with these pieces of silverware: with the assurance that the good will of all Will follow you from your home to \Ve ho - the'new. pe -that yotir table May never Want.; that you Will z find .friends.equally true in the far west; and trust that. your Wedded hfe With Ithe respected partner f we all` know SQ- Wellonay bring o your choice, _ . - you that future hippness you so - richly deserve Signed on ..behalf . of your friends=, -JAMES L.--1-.P-ATTE-4sOR;-iii-W.m. ,AND.E RSON . • : '-cl.E.TLlfi.Qg;S MUTUAL vx4g- . Arir.0E- TeesWater,- Jolt 7th,.. e -annual Meeting of the ineinbers was --.1.1914 in. the .towli halt Peter Clark, 'president, in'the- chair. T -he _minutes of last annual meeting 'having' been .read it was Moved by Messrs. Ro&s. and Smith,- that the Minutes as. juSt read be adopted.Carried. -The . ch-lirmari then „requested the: . . • . • 9 auditors; Messrs. Watson ancl McRae, to .bring in and read their report . .Mr. McRae read a. detailed Statement of the 'receipts " and; _expenditures- of ,- . . the company for -the year ending 31st Dec, 1892 as shown -in secretary' . ) _ . . : treasurer's - books'. .and reported as follows.: ."We have .made a careful investigati/n into the -affairs of - the . ki-coMpany: 1-We_find that at the . audit ^ . ' • -of 1891 the there are 5 crease of 2 risks carrie ,,, 747,05-0, 0 were -464 at this audit: 1 mernbers,- being an in at audit .1891: the :total - by company amounted ta- :.:this, audit:the risks amoiinted. to. $706,979, being an in- crease of .$59,929: . ,We &Mid- -correct vouches -for- every expenditure.. ..We saw deposit-- reiieipts' on bank for $70 -and. found -1-16-. cash in treasurer's hand _ $729.29 to correspond With the balance • required in.leaSh; hook. We saw that ..the.p.remiuhr notes in the Custom of treasurer .Correspanded. with • amounts 'entered in the policy register.' Signed 13, Watson, J McDae.- It was Moved and seConded..that the-aticlitor'8. report. . a& read be. adopted. . • • . . . . • . The chairman' then..caledfor.nothin--: ations- for • ---tWo directors .--inStead -Of Samuel -:1Kirkland..- and. ..Andrew 1VIc- Kague Who ' -retired. by-rotation:at this date, when Messrs. , :Dunbar ---• and McKee smoved-phat tire two retiring. directors be r••761peted, no '-other nomi nations bOng,:. Made -'AfeSsii& • Kirkland and MCICagu. Were by ashow*of hands- •junam.Ously elected directors .- forthe letigding: threeyears no other:. business being 1;iroug4.fortvard- tho.. chairman deolared.the;_ineeting closed. 'AmmsoN' Secretary. . I . g: circuIatec1.-442- old- settler says' that, in the: .- • •• • ". • . o the Attorney- ,vinter 9f. 1832-3 there was sleighing eninsula, with land it was dOn xception of a slight thaw:in January.„- - Police. .111agi- from Nov. •the 24th till 461 the 15th tInuously cold with the Bruce kio unty, A.USTARLIA.8- latest i eligfous census- - -.* incluOing'NeW-.Zealand and Tasmatia, 44000:her a poiftulatiOn. of .3;801,693, exeinsive of abOridineS and : Moaris,. gives the following figures to the-ntim... . . . bet of the adheteiits of the principal - churches :1-:churali; of England,* 1,48.8,- -.:$66; Roman -Catholic's, 799,824; byterians, 493,483 ;-.-.Methodists, 463, 097.; .Independent; '79,434 , Baptist, .87,185 ;.LiitheranS, 76,432, 'Salvation ArtnY;142,r813 ;. gives one a shudder to 'read of a country -without4toVes or furnaces or steam. heaters.. -Such-a country, how- - eVeriiii Southern Europe, and indeed _ all of -Europe but the extrethe north: . _ . - When such a country has'cold.Weather, - grate fires and Pans' of - charcoal are . the only.protection It can -cointhand. Just now and for -Severalweeks past, the tempertizre all. :along. the north. . . - shore of the Mediterranean has ranged .several- deg . degree. below. the freezing • point, and the people have been exces- sively uncomfortable. ,No othbr co -un - try, has, the means of making itself so comfortable in winter as our own. RHEUMATISM' CURED IN A DAY. -- South .Arnerican. -Rheumatcsm' Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to.3 daYs. _ Its action upon the system' is remarkable- and mysterious. It- removes at once the cause and the disease im-rnediately dis- appears. The . "first; dose greatly benefits.' -75 cents. Warranted by A: Con.graM. FOR SA -LE OUSE AND . Loi, FOR SAE ON ' Ross St. also lot for sale oil Havelock . - St.- ni•ar the G. T. R, Station. - On _easy. terms. - Apply . to Jafi. - Kerr,- Drumbo, •01. Hugh ... illorrion, 1_4110o -10W. ' • . • CARETAKER tplANTED. -PP.LICAT.IONS WILL BE RECEIt' ed.by.theUndeitigned up to the 15th of tras..inonth for • caretaker' of lAucknvw Public SchoolService to cow -Mei -ice at once.- Ren-:-. quird citi1eF3 oda beleaemi tbe. Secre- tary, • Lowest or any. tender not necessr,rily ac- cepted - - • •D 13.,111c NTOSH; Lueknow,!. Feb . -.1st, 1893, Secretary : . • SE AN OR SAL •Ort.liary At the "People's Store," ments of Fall and Wint - e • Helens, . large' consign - 1\7 T'S u 1\1- 13 WM) Natural, •Scotch and Alabama Wools Xi-A.1)1M S 1:11\1"DiJWM Hygiene" French Elastic Wools.; , 'anneal mgolias in seasonable variety o suit the approaching season; nice .dressy ..colors'And, Make. a -speciaIty in Gent's ord ..gti.1,rnteed-to fit.' All other departme • - assorted with the newest igoOs in the Highest market price paid .for B :proguee. Romember the place. red work---ev4y suit ts are equally well - arket. tter, -Egg's and Other Ia the placd. to make your sel cROCKERY, CLASSWARE.GRO-CERIE I have in stock the. foil° Dried Apple Extract . Fizs Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine • Gingers -Apples :Blacking Black Lead Blue. . Baking _Powders -Barley, pot Bath Brick - eans Brooms Baskets • Btushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned G -cods Cocoa - Chocolate • 0-orn,.canned• Corn meal' Ourra,nts Currie Powder ITUATED ON HAVELOCK TREEr in the village ot n. r the sta-ticn.1 The house is -a large frani , containing eight or 'nine rooms, -.cellar, kitchen:„. etc„ - and is in a good State of repair: Tlie garden - con- taing about one are of ground_ and is well ..stocked with apple, cherry, plum. and otlr fruit trees. _The: place . will' be sold .chea For further particulars apply to Hugh Mor- rison or to • - - •• • A8. -A; DENNING - LucknoW P. 0 E HAVE MANY INI EW -SPECIAL , 'varieties, both in fruitsan d ornam;m- ls to -offer, .which are controlled only by us.: e pay commission or salary.. -. Write us at ce for terms.. and secure choice of territorv MAY. BROTHERS, Nurserymen, . . Rochester, N.- Y ta W on 68 v.er "IAll things come to them • Cream Tarter . %Cocoanut _ Dat -es Hops Haney Ink A. In dig() • • Licoride . Lithe Juice Lemons. !Lamps !Lard • IMatches 1Minee Meat• • - Meal •= - Macaroni . !Mustard • •11Vleats; canned •1 -Magnesia ' 'Nuts • . _ Nutmeg. Oil, -olive Oil, sweet . iiOil,Pgaesat° r , Oat Meal Pails• Peels-- Pickies- Pearline • " up Peas, Canned PepperRaisins -. Rice - Sago •• Salt Senna Seeds Sugar • * 'No. I Flour always on hana. Goods delivered to R SALE. rriH AT VERY DESIRABLE PROPER • ty known as the "Leddy Farm!' Lot 22, Con. 5: West Wawanosh, is now for,sale. On the premises are: --A good, large, comfortable frame house, a large frame barn L shaped, 75x45 feet, and underneath the smile a stone !gable, a never -failing spring is found on the back part of the lot and two good wells to the 'front, together with a cistern at . the bafzi, 1which furnishes ample grater supply, 30 acres. :of hardwood bash, large orchard of principally winter fruit, 90 acres under grass and the bal- lance well cultivated. .1 This being. one of the best farms in the ,TownShip, it ought to End &ready sale, , For Terms and particulais, apply to. M. CORRIGAN.. I Lucknow HUGH MORRISON, , Or to JOHN McCABE, in rear of for lot. who wait. o rover Should Road: - "All things come to those who go after them." We are after you just .1(yvv;with Family Bibies at such low rices as welI .cOm- 1440 Atte tiiott.':..:11,aVe:,. you'ever heard of Family Bibies at Well:..Wre have . .a- largeritocki6f: Fa,m1Iy. Bibles 7 than most wholesale. You will have no agents tra jr.elliOgeripenSesto,:.pay.We .botigli:tJthOap: 'aucl-: to sell.• .Prices will do it :-H.1:S Is 131.1817 1 STOCK TAKING, and Itas a lot of Salary and expenses weeklyfrom start. Litk.: eral commission to be.aipart-thne agents: Permanent position. Good chance for advancement. Exclusive terrItoz7. • • _est growers of Nursery.stock in Canada, and‘only_growers_ in both Canadaltnd United States. Clean, hardiaistfck true to name, and treatment guaran- teed. No substi: tution in our orders. No competi- tion t), 11.4 • from Other • houses, on account of low prices and peculiar advanta- ges. We can interest any one not earning $75 • per month and expenses. Don't hesita_te becatuse of pre- vious failures in this., or other lines.We can make you a success. Outfit free. "Address for particulars,' BROWN BROS. CO., Continental Nunerfes This house's reliable.) TORONTO,- NT. ,•;- • - ctions il Soda - ';Soaps iS ioos LP - ibtaroh . IStrawberries, came , -. . iSulpbers - Tapioca Tomatoes, cunned• .:1Teas • •• '‘Tobajccoes Vermicelli Vinegais Washboards . Washirg Crystal Wooderiware Whiting- Diri.ner Sets Yeast Cak• es Dinner Sets - /Toe sets ' ,Water Sebs Cream Sets Berry -Sets Toilet Sets any part of the town. ' EXEC: -TOWS. SALE OF FARM PROPERTY HE 1XE0 TOWS OF THE LATE Kermrth, atheson, offer for 'sale or rent the estate of the. -sail de ceased Kennet Matheson. beim- com- posed of the webt half of lot No 3, W. D., 12th_ con. .Ashiiel containing 100 -ac res, more or less: There i on these iirernises, two .dwelling houses, one Jog barn - with Irrm. stabhng ; two young ' orchards behring. fam iq well %irate 'ed aud extra well foxed. with cedar ruls j• ' • For terms of -sae or rent -apply on the pre- inisesor bymail to JOIMT MCKEIZ1E. . Lochalsh AshEeld MAKE NOTIC IL Forbid from in on that part. of oethe township of belongs to the-ostat ° TH Notember, 28th, 1. t.CANADIAlid ftAittyk.".' \ --ALL PER 8 ONS uttingtimber or trespa§ii- at No. 13, in the 11 con. est Wawanosh, 'which f the late MALS TirompSOAshffeidN Benfgent14170 etilitair.e*Sat.00331/71.197".-1,' 8, F00 Fa 5 -tennis ICAtihOlAti.; rAcl Fl C a