Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-03, Page 3• 7 e
Breach of Promise.
t She had flirted, been engaged -
= Ralf a score of times and raged,
Over every handsome men that crossed b.
life ;
Till at length a poor old fellow,
W was wrinkled, rich and yellow,
Asked this -modern maid if' she would: be his
But she led hind such a -dance,
That he, qui eunused to-prance--
liike a bear upon a -rape, at the behest-
: Of a girl hos sole desire
Wm; to try and make grim buy her
Costly, presents,- one day .lift her like the r -
Straighti a she couinnenced proceedings
In the ci ui•ts.. a red when the pleadings,
II4d;been settled, why, her la %yet.
Of the bal 'i to liea.l-the srnarI
O •a maiden's broken heart
.And the jury gav-e.her $20,000,.
tow convicts Are `t re.£ted, -in the Tennes• - see :liiueag
on Cair Spelt: Love with: Almost 'Any :of the
I- . • • letters• -
";The: Iast-month of -leap year- is more
than half gone," _- mused ` Adeline Musgrave;.
as she arranged_ her hair and put a little
rouge :(just tree merest trifle) on each .Cheek.
She was expecting_. Charles Puttitoff-to
" I think Charlet loves me," she Mused;
and -there : is - -re Tly .no -reason why we
should not be married, but he seems,: o:need,
encouragement.- Pet haps . ail .young". men
do. I must. try to encourage him." -
Her- hair and complexion having.: been
arranged to. her satisfaction;. she sat down
to await the -corning of Charles; and to look
over the .evening paper.
" 4h..! There's.. an idea !" she - said,. and -
laid the paperidown to -think itover.
and hollo* cheeks;
and dull,sunken
eyes, dont always
mean that a woman's
old. - Half the time,
they only: show .that
she's overworked or
Two Dudes _,The " Went Broke Settllag
You cannot tell by the look- of lead
how -far he can jump." This was demon -
palms, who Some dine ago called ab &hotel
over the mountain. The landlord. was -in
homespun. The yoting gentlemem walked
up to -the bar, and the lay -out of
bottles, of them exelaitned, .4. Say, Jim
*hat will you hairs 'V I gnats PII try
little Scotch whiskey, Have you' got any ?"
The proprietor answered in the affirmative.
" I guess have a taste of Irish whiskey,':
said the other. " 'can serve you," vitas
the landlord's answer. " No, never mind
the whiskey, we'll litaye some ,champagne I"
And the dudes smiled, and thought they
had the country Boniface in a tight plice.
But no sootier were the worda otit of the
'Buyer's " mouth than the wires had been
cut and the bottle -stood On the bar, "
did. not mean that !' apologetically
marked the young Man. . "Then you hed
no _business to Orcter it !" The dudes:drank
the wine, which waia much.easier joie than
ing for it, Judging 'by the way they had
to go through every 'pocket to serape
SUM finally forthcoming, but_not with-
out borrowinghelf a dollar from their Orlst
who were eittingin the next room waiting
for their male companions to ". get through
with their qiiizzing and fun, you know."'
Later iu the evening, when the two sat in
the parlor, Adeline remarked
" 1z saw a good conundrum. to -day."
-.. a o " "What was -it V'.
e "' Which are the most observant :Iettera of
,; the alphabet R.'
" I 11 haire togive that
up.: Which are.
N. Bi Now. which: are the most worth-
`` I'll give that up,- too."
• " N O:: That sort= of thing -could be
extended indefinitely, .couldn't it :? Let's
see if -we can'make some ourselves ?".
"-Ver well. Which is the deepest
letter ?"
Edward Iludson, wbo sag he spent tW
and a half years tis a •convict miner - in • t-.
coal minee. in and cif ar 'Briceville,: Tenn.
tells Chief of -Police Daitsch, of. Cincinnati, -
a horrible story-ofthetreatment. accorded
`the eonvibts., _ Et says the men are divided
into gangs and have d certain. amount to .do
each. day. If the ' fail. to get oat the .re-
quired amount,. -they are "neaten with_ an.
inetrament?which :very Much resembles the
Russian knout. All are whipped, no matter
if all but one or two •did their- share.:: He
claims that he has -seen - conviets the from
this.t eating, and Hu.3son-ia hini.self .a:mas
r sear _ ` Every -cut of the knout •draws
eo Two.. men he had known con rnxt
suicide to avoid-ptitishment, and others -had
sen known-_-to-_pull -great pieces_ of -state
dos upon themselves; hoping to matin
theense ves-ao that, theycould note work
the mince. Huidaoii's story:ison $linewith
that of a very erre-nen t- professor- of .national
repute whe: recen by investigated the Ten.
- •nessee system, and ,described it as Worse
than Siberia.•---• incin4ati• Enquirer.
It -won't do -t6 e*periment With Ca--
tarrh. There's 'the constant danger Of.
driving it .to.the lungs. Yon can have a.
perfect and permanent. cure -with Dr.
Sage's- Catarrh. Remedy'.
• " .That's right. Now" which, is the Chinese
Letter V'
`•` There are two Chinese letters -T and
`'How sinart you are !'s said the young
man.- "Here's another : Which letters are
themost deeply in debt ?"
F" I'm sure •I- don't know."
-6.4 r. 0. -U.:"• .
"-Good enough;" replied the girl.- _ "Now
which is the dearest letter 2"
U," replied. the° young man, gallantly,
as in -duty bound
-" Oh, Charles'!" -exclaimed the girl; ` .How=.
kind _you are to•G stay so ! Well, I'm sure
papa will be -willing, for he said only yesater-
_day .what, an: -estimable • young man -you
were !" -
.Further`.detailti -are unnecessary.. ' - It
understood . the wedding will `occur. about
Easter —Pittsburg .?JhronieleTelegrapk.
-Temperance and Other items.`
.$igh.lice;xse works so well (!) -in; Chicag
that within fhe years the saloons .have
increased 85 per cent., *bile the .populaticn
- -has. advanced 10 ner cent.
As the seconds iaves' ig ition -into' General
Booth's schemes has clearly. vindicated =1a-ni
- . and the° Army, it were well for tree. critics
to be silent and lend a hand.
committee. from the; Illinois W. 0.'T.
visited- the Sta.-4e Legislature.` last week,
:in the interests of- the, three.measureswhich
they wish revised—municipal suffrage,.. a
hone for erring warren; and a higher age of
.By due observation I have found that if
the murders and macslairghtere,`the-burgla-
ries and • robberies, the riots- a ad tumults:
slid- ether enormities that have:happened
• in that time; (twenty, year) were divided'
into live parts, four cif .thein have been 'the
-issues and product of excessive drinking.—
Si'-LTi atthew hale, Chi. - Justice ofEngla :td,
.Zs ;. 0
"Rev. Thomas Dixon,,- l un the preacher
• who so eearlesslyattacks Tammany. Hail, in
- his- lecture -on. " - Modern =Cita " 'solid
�` brie --man 'who prays like. an, angel on Sun-
day and voles like a ' devil - on, Monday 'will.
find himself in the clutches of the. -devil at
last. People say we must wait for •public
sentiment before -we can .have-- better°laws
tell you are 50 years _behind senti-
ment now, and enforcement .Of law` is a
hundred yeare;. behind' sentiment.. Oer
cities-mustr be saved, or' our nation is lost.,
• and, if they ttre saved theyt�nuat be saved by
the cl iirches. rt. . .
Iuhtunioul P'an sliiment,. .,
A' suicide in the State Penitentiary at
-Lincoln,, Neb, has caused, great ` excitement
and. discloses modes of piunishtnent that afire
Cruel and inhuman...* Fer insubordination- a
prisoner was .e.entiriedlnethe. dungeon. His
hands: were handcuffed behind -his back and
o the hinds thus boundTtogether was
-attached a.s i-ong cord, passin. g around the
neck ; tr .preven r the_ rope chafing- the neck_
he naturally held his. hands -ars .high to Viiia
hack . as possible. - He was _kits in this. posi=.
tion,- having d clined. to make the apology
demanded' by- the warden.. Tied in.' tkis
way,- he could take no rest night or -
He succeeded: -in: some way. in Slipping his.
body back through his :hands, bringing the
rope in :frent,:of him.' He then loosed :the
rape ands�"u pure desperation hanged
eTf: .'News.
' twork.of Humanily. - t
There ` is an' agitation in :Hamilton over
roteeting the mo tortnen: on -the _ elects is
earth—con. the exp mire they suffer by:stand-
ing on the_platforn s. Strange'to :say, the
• management of the -road assert that if the
drivers are t .p'oteeted. more accidents are
- likely to occur.. : Here the driver's are
-covered all the year round, - and an .accident
has never- happeeed- on the line, .although
at times t}ie: cars run: very fast. Surely the
than who is shielded fromthe biting blast
Must have. -is wits under better control
than the fellow who is-_ stamping his feet
and keeping his eyelids- from freezing to-
o-_gether. .By; all means protect the men and
they will , ,eceme better servants. St.
Catharitne. urnal -
- * It 'Depended on the Roy.
A boy�one- day Iast_week called on: a Jef-
ferson avenue merchant concerning place.
"I want an .office boy," he said in -reply,
`if 'loan get the right., kinds of - a -one Ito
. you -want a job " - • ..
"Yes, sir," responded the, boy, "but be.-
fore•1: take it lid like. to _know`• if there is'I
..any n chance of promotion."
'� Well," said the -merchant` thoughtfully
"that -depends on the- boy. The last .one
we bad here owned`the whole : place = before
he had -been with es 60 days.'
At the. breakfast table
Father- to little Martha, who' has been
naughty—I know a little' girl WhO 'wasn't
geoe-this- Morning.
Father—,You know -the little girl; tori.'.
-Fither--,Can you telt me tier name?
Martha---flittle children mustn't- talk a
llobbs (on the cable car)—Yon‘ are a civil
engineervl believe sir Poles—Yes. Hobbs
--Then Why don'ttyou get up and give that'
St. Louis grain elevators aro-full, an&
1-500 lull cars Choke the railroad traOkIL
The Dates of .tire- Various Sittings; of the
€81111)1031 Fleas and Chancery courts,
.Yellowing is the lest_ of spring sitti sittings of
the High Court of Justice • -
Armour, C. J.° --Toronto (civil) March.
6th';.:Toroato(erirntwat ),;April 13th ; Mil
ton,- _April .24th.; Brampton, April: 27th.
Orangeville, May 14t . 8'4 Catharines, May
gal'; Port Arththr, .June -6th Sault Ste.
Marie, June I3tih.
1 ;se, • J Oen := Sound, March ° ' 7th
Goderieh,:: March '13th Stratford, Merck
20th Walkerton, , March :27th: ; Guelph,
April:3rd-Berlin, April l.00h ;::Brantford,.
April417thh ; .Woodstock, April= 24th.:"
Falconbridee, " .1. --Perth, March 7th,;
L'Orignal, - : March 13th,; - Ottawa,: March
-I 6th ; Pembroke, March- 28th- Cornwall,
April 3rd ;; Kingston;. April -lO h
vibe, April 17th Napanee, April 24th. -
.MacMahou, J. Picton, March 6th
-Belleville; March' 9th Barrie, March 2lst .;
Whitby; April 3rd ; -Lindsay,.- April 10th-
Gobourg, April 17th-; .Peterbordi gli, April
24.,-h `Hamilten. May -Yet.-
Street, J. ,Welland; March 21st; St.-
Thoinae, March_� 27th -;- Simcoe, . April 3rd -
Cayuga, April. 6th Sandwich, April-lOth ;,
"Sarnia, April 17th,; Chatham April 24th
London, May Std. .
Boyd, :C.—Hamilton,
March: .30th- -St:
Catharines; -April.6th:; O:aaen Sauna, April
I1th:; Brantford, May 18th Simcoe,, May
2244 ; Guelph, May.?5th. -
Frguson, J. Stratford,` .April 24th.
Whitby, May 4th ; Barrie, May8th ;: Lind -
May - Peterb000ugh, May: 29th:
Woodstock: June lat.
Robertson, J-lturonto, 3U: ay_ l5th ; Sand-
wich, -March- 13th ; Sarnia, March 20th-;
Chatham, -March 22 ad ; . Loudon, .April. 3rd
Goderich, April .17th.; St.: Thomas;; -Mal
lst ; .Walkerton, May' 8th.
Meredith;. J.= -Kingston, - March ,7th ;
BrockvilIe,: March 16th. ; Cobourg, - Marsh
; -Belleville, April 18th; Ottawa, April
25th. ; -Cornwall, May gird.
fit#:-Afiection. Difficult to Wirt mad' Easy to
A -Meeting of the Society for the StadY of
Comparative Psycholog_v" wes- held in the
lecture -room of .the 'Veterinary College,-..
Union avenue, on- TuesdaY, the 10th _inst.
the Preeident, Dr. .in'the chair._ Mr.
Stevens read a lengthy and tioniewhat hum -
He thought the cat was entitled to
more study than- it usual!" .received---tbis
probably -because it does- not -seek- -to _Win.
attention: and- affection ts does the dog.,
The' natiire Of the dog is 'open and. dez
monitrative; that Of -the eat is reeerved.-
It - is easy-. to • gain -.the affection of . a
dog and difficult to lops . On: the Other
hand, itis difficult to *in the affection of a
oat - and: /may ta lose it,' A8 with all our
domestic animals, so with the cat, intelli-
gence; can-- 'only be developed in proportien
to the kindnesti and good treatment shown
toward -site He -deprecated the prietiee of
shutting out cats at night time. . By, this!
can develop an hereditary.. habit el . night
prowling._ . -Treated air they should -be,
they will. seen- abandon nocturnal wander -
lugs. HOweVer, even . -this, cete have
adiViduality,- and there:Ate some curious
Servation. goes to . show that the cat!s
native. inclination _is to hunt the or
the ratfor sport 'rather *than _for food,. and
catthat isS well cared for is mbre likely to
be Isuceessful a Sport seeker- than- a
hungry grimalkin. ; . firstly, becanse it is
more. alert, and secondly., becense it is
leaner7-: A hungry and -.unhappy cat does
otekeep its neat clean,. and the -keen -nosed
/1101188 Call therefore easilY. sniff. oat -its
whereabouts: All, cats have not the instinct
or mode -lug:- $tene,_ having been '.deprived
rtheir kittens; hey§ been known to act DA.-
osber-mothers to young mice - or rats..- and
triouser of a cat that has. net inherited the
nitinct of that form ef sport—in instinct
hat , :seems,. to rtin farnilies=--like the
ate for fox hunting -in human beings.--
Monti-ecil Gazette.
.replyfrig to any of hese atdverthomart•
° please menti this 141117er*
of Cod-liver 011 and
is both a food and
useful as a fet prod
same -time gives. vit
tody. It is beneficia
remedy. It is
cer and a the
I force to the
because it makes faf and gives strength.
Salem; Mass., ilea one of the 14: et -extra_
ordinary men ter an inhaliitant that can be -
found this. -conntry. Mies Annie - G.
Mbriarity hats stied -her farther lover, whose
name is McGraVe, $20,;000 - damages for
lereack--of premise, and- spitefully _easy_s
court that McGrave- hid meVer kissed- or
htigged her, although the3r. were engaged
for seVeral :Months. Mae .-WaS altogether
Youngwife—;Tont has a dreadful
he do ? Mrs. Youngwite—Do, why. be
never otkinad When I do.
" The coant says -he iloie netlike to fight
duels," said one.girl to another. - ." Indeed.
h43 nerves aren't very strong and the
(wise ef the pistol always makes him jump."
. is berm al for
because they. pan 'assimilate- when,
they .6annot ordinary. food.
It is beneficial for
beCause it. heals the irritetion" of the
•thrgat !nd builds up the body and
,over6omes the difficulty:
Belleville. Sold by all .odfuggietS. •
50e. und
Samples ready. i'io Agent* It0e;.,.
Star LardWorks,WootistockiaSt
Why be troll. Led with PILES EX..
TgA:11...RIEN0A.Not.,11RTTesmiNarfifroNA.0: efsBI t.S.t x s arE DRe Nsac, tc.1 wef
In the hands of T flUSANDS at has proved
sent by mail -on redelPt PtleLPPYtandicirtIregtsta
Cures Consumption,. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat.' Sold by all Druggists en a Guarantee -
Plaster will give great satisfactien.-25 tent& '
Have youCatarrh ? This Ectuedi will relieve
and Cure you. Price5Octs. ThiP Injecter for
its successful treatment, free. Remember...
Shiloh/s Remedies are sold 0[11 a guarantee.
'pure -Culture oi the Proper, Bacteria:.
It ie not altogether pleasant ttiknow that
excellence of flavor in latter or cheese- de-
pends whollY iipon.the pure culture -of -the
proper baoteria. It has alWays been plea-
santer to think that good. butter depended
upon sweet grass -and clever fOr its delicious
pends sinly upon microscopic_ vegetable
organisms -called- bacteria, second cousins to
that a quart 6f milk will sometintee mintaia
as many -as'1„000,000,000,000:
`..I1cCollum's Rheumatic Repentant..
We Should live Oa : Hundred Years.
We are century animals and have -a right
to live out that period if we can. Many coo
so Consumption has been killing oft the
flower of our youth through: the 'centuries,
but it will do no- no more. Why i
cause ." Millers Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil,"
wherever used, cures consumption' and the
coughs and lungtroubles which give rise to
it • It will be like suicide to die of consump
tion in future if : "Miller's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil ": is within reach. In big
LJottles, 50c. and $1, at all drug stores.
Telescope Fakir—Step right up, -- ladies
and gentlemen, and view the planet Mate.
Fivecents, mum. .
Old Lady --Oh, ; laws ! Hain't +it rcund
and shiny ?
Telescope Fakir--WiI1the bald headed
gent please step away from in front of the
instrument i
Don't FOrget
few days all. that is required is to apply
the old .an'cl well -tested corn ctire--Putnam's
less. At druggists.
-Not 'That abut or Tough.
Stanhotte—That Was awfully tough
Bird_ you sent me "yesterdaY'.
Bartlettaood heavens, you :didn't- eat
the. poor Parre4 did you.? -
Swore So and,Osed inch srulgar
temporary filling and StoPs toothache ins•
I'm sorry Em rich." " So -ani I. Every-
body Will sar that you bought me."
The ingiortation of kangarees for western
prairies'is the aim of .Henry' S. Adams, .4:of
Sydney, Austeadia, now in Kansas.
We send the inarveleni French
Remedy CALTHOS free, and a
-legalguarantee that C.b.i.nos will
CURE Spernuatorrhee.Verleeede
stud irEtSTORE Loot Niger. •
ave You
Do -you stiffer with rheirmatie pairs' in
body or liinhe ? If you have Used every-
thing available without relief, ask. your
drdggilit for this .valuable internal remedy,'
neatly put up in dollar bottles by W.- A.
McCollom; sTilsoriburg. Sold by wholesale
druggists of Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton,
London. and Winnipeg.
in -ME HEAD.
stores the sense of smell and drives away thQ
RULL HEA DAcitE experienced by all who have
- brueeists. Sent by -mail on receipt o-.1
. price by addressing -
Is the. afily Rapl and -Certain'
ails:Sore Shoulders and
An Wounde. on
1/01?8E8'.A1110 CA:ME
take no :ahem 'Or *sample sent ley mail et.
eceiptsit.price, 5 tents, by...
'Toronto, thatp
111nree or Habit.
Beggar (at the -Surgery door)--=-DOetor,
might I be so boId as to ask you for a -little
relief.; I am yery badly,' off. Eve got four
Doctor-.---Hutn-7-show me your tongue.
That no remedy in the market affords an&
prompt relief in toothache, neuralgia . and
rheumatism as Nerviline, And Da action in'
cusps of crainps, colic, eta., is simply
marvellous, Remarking -this to -a -physician
of experienee he. Stated that from his kno*-
ledge..of the- composition of Nerviline no
remedy coUld surpass it aS a family remedy;
and that in every household a bottle. of
demands. •• Iteaderi of this pAper shciuld try
• :Aloes or grOtl'I.Tsorrat
'MICHIGAN- '11Y,IthigeoP"d8!ce.'11,4Vealt
FiOlt chureheAschoolN eto.. And vsnl
' be -sold Most favorableterms
--4444.r. to R. M. 1111110.13LiVoit
Prices with cost of delivery in ally part
Iof Canada furnished on application. .
" I understand you built your . $4,000
louse within' the, limit ? g Yes, sir."
"How did you do it ?" "1 increased the
Mrs. Lodge Hick—John. which is Worse
cholere or cholerine ? Mr. .Lodge
Oh, cholerine, I suppose vbutterme is wbrse-
than butter, you know.
One of the hardest limes to love -all
enemy is When he 888MS to be prospering
like a -green bay tree.
oilers for sale at low ,figiires asid'on easy terras
cho,ce staliions this above breeds; also
pedigreed Improved Large Yorkshire riga
Students are in attend
ance -from British Cdumbia
on the west to -Quebec on
the east. Our gaduates are
most successful -in obtaining
good positions. Write for
handsome,. circular to
SP EN OE— -efic McCUL-
Gives a Night's'
Largest and best hisiness colleges in Canada.
- ,Catalogues free'
. for sample of the latest and fa test soiling
npvelty on record. together with . our sixteen
ps go catalogue; illostrating over. 150 agents'
Toronto-NoveIty Co Toronto.
.1.: givea in exchange for old, UseCiass_tage
and bill stamps; -etc. - Send all that you can..
Ituirdleki- Italaniazoo, Mich.; IL S.A.-
Itir are using our name and- remits Oil •
certain -patties; Without ptopeeption-
Secure orders for $01114 ot-an infenov quail
As 'aline are notified- that allI-Osir
are Rtamped with our wie -80 t the
position can be detee t once.
We want several mo pushing
-se at yon need no
-sit up in nighty's**
tor -breath for teatsit
Canadian (Moe, IN Ad418014.0
Toronto, .
treet West„,
Sufferer. :Give Express au& Post Office address.
riteetee Ifillriams, Publisher, Toronto
Risoly; Remedy ibr Catarrh le the
Sold- by druggists or seat bytisil,
E. T. iffesseRkes,Warten,
COTTOAt YAk-N ace. -OF
eucceSs is a_c_biev04 by making A olds,
regarditur reliable inn -comes In Sissrthandit