Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-03, Page 1R-OiBER-"i -CUNNINGHAM... I-- • - Tract° For Canatts :Saws, Axednd Guns New goods best .quallty Culteryand lamp goods Lll to 4ttite Cana- dlatt ,TI'ade. 'SEE, WREN_ YOUR By Y0i WILL HUY . - WHEN SEE 0i TAYLOR. • '1,`,`Jr• A. ITOKNOW, I-0 FRIDAY, FaRDARY LUOKNOW. Capita paid :up Reserve Fund - Total Assets President -.ToriN Su BP Yice, President—A. G. RAMSAY. , DIRECTORS: 1 ` TOTIN PROCTOR,* CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. WCOD, A. B. LEE7Tor-Onto). Cashier—.T. TURNBULL. - $1;250-opoo ..$65k),o6O - $7:979,646 " sAynvog BANK—Himrs- 10 to 3, . Satur- JO to 1.9 Peposits of 81 and upwards received ani.t interest allowed, • -- SP- 4.41Z.:DEP6SiTS also reCeived at ettr rent rates; of interest. . • P114FTS nn Grleat. Britain and the United States bought and sold. . • J . C. BROWN, SPB-.Aok;kTT, DENTAL et. S. JEROME, if. D. S. Wingbam, will be in LuOkno-w on the .seeond and fourth day and Saturday of each month: -Good sets for 810. Finn' and e.vtracting a specialty ,- Office -at Cainis''Hot€1. LEGAL A... IVIALCOMSON,', _BARRISTER11 , • -Solicitor,. Conveyancer.. etc.,..(late of Cameron; Holt & Cameron, G-cderich).... Office - at Traver's oid stand. . MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT • law, Solicitor in. CaneerY, Convey- ancer, Commisioner, etc. Office. Over the barber shop. n ARROW & -PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- teTs-, Solicitors, etc, Goderich, Ont. • • J. T. GARROW, QO,PROUDFOOT. - •• . A..-McD.ONALD, M. I). C. M. O. Office; Kintail. R. ELLIOTT,--oFilag AND. RESI, dence, Ontram itreet, sece ud door north of Little'S she' store, - Tx R. TENNANT, _ -PH Y S 1 CIA. N, _IV Surgeon and.Aceoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 -toll _a. m ail from 2 to -`5 p.-ra. . DMeD. GORDON, -M.D.., C.M., F.T. e, *A.S.t• *M.C.P.S.0 Physician„, Sur- geon, and AccOucheur. Office next- do,* to W. • _ implement shop. Residence Ross street, south of D. R. McIntosh's_ store. • . TIR:. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS _KJ eitherbymailor telegram pwmptly ittended to. Charges moderate; Residenile, Outram street, oimosite. Dr. -Elliott's and • se%Cnd door north of SENTINEL Office. MUSICAL TVITIOPJ. E MISSES LITTLE ARE PRE: . pared to give mnsic-lessons: on the piano or organ. For further particulsrs apply at the yesidence ofiW.U. Little, Ross street. ' NERAL '1V4-0_,NEY TO lAYANNON RE.AL ESTATE . security for aTik time, at the -lowest - rate of interest The principal may be paid at the end -ofthe time, or a part of the princi- - palmay be paid each year, interest Ceasing on 'the amount paid, For further particulars, to., apply to ANGUS STEWART, 14.1.CkilOW: SOOIETIES J. G, T. SEPOY LODGE, -NO, 384. • meets in the south- end. -Lodge "ROMP.. - in the :Temperance Hall, Lucknow, every. Tuesday evening at 8 e'cleck, D. --K. WEE - TER, p. T:, S. MATHERS. Sec. - C. T. --tAihe: regular, .monthly • meeting"of the Wemen't Christian . Temperance Unioli will be herd every second Wednesday of each month in th Odd Fellows AGENT - Elan; Lnckiaow,-- at 3 p. m. Mits. W. -H. 1 - 9 SMITH, President ; MRS. HoRNEtL, Secretary., •'BANKERS,- - - Or Luoknoo.Banking Comp y. - .1 LUORNOW, FEI3',In 31ST, 1893 "TOT -HE FARMERS: We have the following farm properzies for fiale.sheap and oneasy terms Of payment, viz:: ; -IvKinloss Township a 50 acre farm,: 4100 acre-ifarta and a 150acre farm and a 200 'acre famin Huron Township a200 acre farm ;.in WeieWaNanosb Township farm of 100 aer‘s and -1 farm of 150 acres, n. the Township ,of. Ashfield two firms of 100 acre!, eich„,-.in Turn- • berry Township; only a few miles from the town of Winghath, /00 .acres of I timber land, and a. grazing farra of 250 acres in the....,Town- . ship .of Kicarcline, baVe_a large quantity f money to lend. on -first mortgages on farm Or _village. property et5 pe.r ceLt. interest up.:- The rate is gov-- erned according to the 'class of security. We -also lend small amount' of money on . second .nko_rtg.-ages .and first .Chattel-niortgages, We do a generitl ba,uking busine5s in. all its branches, , alio:* nterests on deposits,: Issue drafts on all .Oanadian poiuts - and on. t.h• Am-erican! Exchange National Bank, Bank, NeW Yoi le, city, arid -which are .accepted anywhere throughout the United States, -make collec- tion in the -Staths-, Ontario, Quebec, ManitOba or the _North...West, and cash cheques on anY. place. -Lending: Money 4n- farmers notes a. specialty:. - • - L - We effect insurance, on all classes of build- ings, either in .Stock or.Mutnal Companies as -desired. Rene but first class. Companies rep-. iesenied; • GEO., A. SIDD 'ALL, Manager -.-INsuRANcE, FIRE AND MARINE, ....„ 'GUELPH. ,Teie hone :No, 10-5,.. .1, 4 NULIA H CHURCH --SERVICEB11 a.- in. and 6:30 p. m, ..Sunday School, • 2:30`p. in.., • Superintendent, Wm.. S. Holmes. Adult ela_41 every Wednesday evening_ at '8 o'clock; Bible and prayer bo'bklesson's. All are welcome.‘ REV.•W; J; ComfoR, Pastor. ITC,KNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- tnte. R,eading roomlopen everyevening. - from 7 to -10 p. m., exCeptingSattrdays ;when - the hours will be from 26 p. -ita. The thin librarian will -be in attendance ag these 1- • . t hours. D. Pres! I,!1 1G.. BrnED0bH, eeretacri, C.T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains -leave Lucknow.for outh at 6:18 a m 10:48- a, m. a,nd 6:20p. -North at 12:30 p. in„ 4:0 ` /74 and 10:28 THE SUBSCRIBERtHAS OPENED_AN - • office in the building east of the ; SkrprEL. Printing.! OffiCe, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEAS...ES,: DEEDS, MORTGAGES. AND- WILLS . i Q A RE ITILY, ,‘PREPARED.. . Plans ,s.peci catione and estimates for build ings, m I1S, bridges, etc..!, _ -furnished on short notice. - .-JAS, SOMERVILLE-.' LiicknoW,RT 11.1891 -Farmers,: look to: yonr -own interest'. and insure •your - farm buildings and !;private dwellings in ,.the.. 1- - LONDON MUTUAL. . 1116-iarge-Premitiiii.Notes tequiked --1 . CAST" SYSTEM : 50 cents, to 90 cents per $100 for three .years-, IT- .W Lodge INT . 112 ineets evcry'F±iday evening at 8 o'-Olock in their hall, _Campbell street.' All brethren .`ciordially invited. I.J.1‘,1pLEott, N, Grand; '11. If. PIERCE," Recorder. - • -O. F.,COURT 41 'Sherwood No. 50, LucknoW. Meet - every first and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. - Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. - r24 It LATTHIE, C. R. D. D. YULE SEC. . • " • A 0-.-11. W. Tic-CIZNOW LODGE OF ,0 the Andent Order United Workmen, meet the Oddfellqws hall on the last and frecond Monday evenings of each month a - eight &Clock. Visiting brethren -cordially invited. I): PATTERSON, Yas,ter Workman. • E. D. CAMERON, Recorder. • - • • - • JOHN LANE-. -Also agent, for th Phoenix,. of London, England., MI entio33. To obtaintho-bp4.Pic-Os for your.. • _ t is to your advantge to use - - • • • • • PINE LIVERPOOL and bring it toliig„40t-iti., rolis weighing from -211i-19 _ in tubs. Crocks or pails at 1 this seaon do not bring as -gpOd R.C.SPAWNS co. LICIZCOMOU out to buyer& looking Tor r VES Not ouble to iho go ds Ev er b dy solicited T LOWS rd, P93. WHOLE O. WELCOMED HO _WARDEN. BRYAN- RECEIIZES ROYAI:REcEPTIO$.- When it was announced last week that our popular Reeve Jas Brian' - was 'elected Warden of the County by a majority of 3 Over-Ool. Scott of Kin.' cardine,-it, was suggested by the writ- er; to his colleagues in theirillage -Council,' that some sort of an im- promptu 'reception be gotten up, and knowing your „roverbiar modesty, Mr. Editor, or Mr. Warden, r requested a small space in your columns togive your readers, who were absent, a short account of the reception The time to get it up was short, the lateness of the arrival of the Warden (it being Satur- day nicfht,) and the bottles of - heaven e - T having been opened- on the occasion d did not prevent the reception frpm ORANGE. BLOSSOMS Two llapyy Events. In West WawanosI4, 4 - The large brick residence Of Mr. James Smith: On the 1.261i -concession of *est .Wawanosh was the scene of a pleasant: gathering on Wednesday evening to ,pelebrate the marriage of Mr.-- .mith's two daug-hters Jennie to Mr John G. Buchannari, of Bay -City; and Miss; J essie to Mr. D. R Buchann.an, of Drayton, N: Dakota. Thelluptual knots were tied by the Rev: John MilIs, in the:presence of a host of friends and .relatives,: and the. scenepresented was a beautiful and .. • pictureeque. one. Hanging from ceiling.. juet above the. -contracti liarties. :was a large • bell shap boquet:of natural roses and carnatio While the Whole room - was gracefu ncirCled in a- dark green Wreath he two yoUng brides were rich ressed in. fawn 'Colored silk, han oraely trinimed and carried love - oquets -of natural flowers. _The brides aids:: were Miss - Ahnie:.Middleton being.a-grand success. _ :-The band- was engaged and at about Pi • ' . PAR.A Division Grange o. 7 met in the Grange 'hall at Param. unt on the 26th and 27th: Delegates from Pip.eriver, Langside and Whitec urch were preps .sent. A goodly_ num er of, -grangers from this viCinity we e also present, and a Very profitable ime Was spent - discussing the severa -subjects per- taining .to agricultur . Bro. Fetter, foofodWfohritinecilllcuhrgcho'- s4s.Pb eeonhasapi);e0svenas by actual test that g od ripe apples,' when fed with bran or oat .chop wilr produce More milk o a good. quality than any .kinds of ro ts. Pumpkino are 'just as good. o more apples should- go to waste this country when' such, Use can b made of them. Bros. J. J. Taylor and S. Roberton of Paramount, talked on the cheese ndustry of ParaMaunt and as a num- ber of patrons of butte factories were nresent, the two indust ies were cora- d- and taking e • yt g into consideration!,.. it *as oun that the heese factory payed t e best. Bro... Currie spoke of com Ines and thefr fled on a country and im the agrice- ural class in particular. He also read a aper trade. and ominerce, and hat effects them. learned that. can be effected in a great. many aye, and to show sorii. of the worst ays use a.short iddle and • nswer : Why is the N. P: like wart ecause it closes the Tor %of a Country nd thereby hinders he trade. and nimegce. of . that part cular country. hp is a country wit out trade and r.anierce simply no c untry at all. On the 28th inst. the roof of Davis's. at Paramount% ollapsed with _ e weight of snow.. .W.11. is now: sy clearing Away t e reek am& ill ha,ve it serene a short time 10 p. m. met at the town hall and we - - a driven to the station; followed by the t v_egicles containing the council an Other prominent citizens Arriving a the station they had little time trait until the train steamed in. Th band struck up a lively tune and a, the guest stepped from the train thre rousing cheers were given. The pro cession immediately -formed into lin and started down Havelock street, to the music of the band, which kep good time considering the pitch .holes etc. Not the least important convey ance, in the procession was JiEnm 'hunter's without the cow bell. -Whe the-tawn hill was reached, Mr: Bryan had a big time of it phaking hands with both old and young:, The meet- ing was soon called to order by 'Mr. -Murdoch moving Mr. Clerk Morrison to the chair, who, on assuming that position called upon -Ex-Reeves, Ex re p -c w T 6 a s o i- 4. of " -do 7_ . up Y. tw of nd Miss Lizzie Lawson, of ..TAuckno nd -they both looked 9harming heir Nile green dresses- made in rincess style, trimmed with ric hiffon lace and white ribbon, an so Carried lovely boquets of flower he grooms ` wore the convention ress suits with/button hole boque nd were ably supported by John mith and Peter Smith; broth4rs ides, as groomsmen On completio 'the ceremony the company sa wn to a sumptuous repast, afte high a pleasant social time was kep till the "wee sma' hours ayant th .a'." The brides' were the recipien many beautiful and -costly resent§ . t a :it s. ts G.- b a a CO n.- w r co se, th bu 0 cOnn6illors present and Mr. tr; 13. Hunter to take the platform. The chairman! introduced Mr. Murdoch, who in a neat and appropriate address heartily congratulated the new Warden as also did Councillor Lyons and Ex - Reeves Dan Canipbell and. Dr.' J. S. Tenrian.t, to which Mr. Bryan feelingly and'appropriately responded. Mr. 4.. 33. Hunter sang `‘Bonnie Prince Charlie" after. which the band gave- a couple of selections. This ended the reception ..at the hall, after which Mr. Bryan was driven to his residence, accompanied by the band and citizens, and safely handed over to the tender _ cares of his good Wife. " Orno. RAPII CITY. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered in South Kiuloss next Sabbath. Mr... Rennie's family left last wilek for an extend.ed stay in Bayfield. We all wish them success for their futtire prosperity. - Mr. George Fisher, of Hamilton; is spending a month with his father, Mr. Jack Fidler. . . Mr. J.:Philips, Of Proton, is spend- ing a week -w4h his brother Alex, Philips of this place. ' A Miss Sarah MT iflaij honie 'from Winaharn visitingher brotheiss on the farm; - Mrs. Bruce Of -Toronto,- has . lately moved to this place. Mr. Alex. Campbell, cif Marquette, Michigan, is Visiting his father. Mr D earn pbel I. Miss McKenzie; of •Kinlough,_ was visiting friends here recentrk. Miss Laura Runsrnan . of Proton, spent a' few days with ,M1SS Jennie Philips recently. Mrs. James -Fisher- and her two children spent a. week in -Woodstock a short•time_ago with her sister, Mrs . - D. Q. Ross; and other friends, Mr, K. McLennan. of the Presbyter- ian Goliege,- Montreal; . 'oCcupied the Pulpit in South Kinloss No w.Year's morning and -evening Where he preach- ed a powerful sermon... He is a young Man of great prothise. We trustthat the Lord • will spare him for many . ears. . - - Among those 'present were noticed' 'Mr. J: McLean, Bay City; Dr. and Mrs. Elliott, Arr. and Mrs. A. Ross, mr. &Mrs. H. Daya-,1VIr. and1VIrs. R. Proc- tor Mrs. and Mrs.'. A. Lawson _Mr. and Mrs Jas. Bryan, .Mr. and Mrs. • i D. C. Taylor, Mrs. and Miss_ E. Whitely, Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Cater, tucknow ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greer, Mr. and. Mrs. W. Wilson, Miss M. -and John and William Mo- Pherson, Mr. Wat Wilson-, Mr. and MTS. W. Barber, West Wawa,nosh ; 111r. and, Mrs. D. Sutherland, Wing - ham; Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Ashfield, and others. The Lucknow band serenaded the bridal party and ere -liberally entertained. The appy couple intend spending a few days with friends here, and will leave for their. respective homes on Mon- dalnext. The SENTINEL extends to them our hearty congratulations and good wishes. HEMLOCK CITY The annual meeting of the Hemlock City milling -company, (ltd,) was -held here 'on• -Thursday afternoon last. A large number. a -farmers and share- holders _were present - and much business of importance was transacted. The old:board .of direceors being re- turned. The mill has done _exceed- ingly well during the Past year and the farmers and general public' are fully alive to the propriety of support- ina a farmer's mill and thereby pro- teezling themselves from* unjust re- turns -from dishonest millers. • , - , -- Miss NelIie Davip of rthus village, - ilc^rtioii tiiingt tpfrsiernedse8nt-a.:t Kintail- and F. D. Clarn)K is home a ain after his. wedding trip to London lid 'vicinity. - The foxes have evn ently. -missed Dan, our local - sports en this -while back, for one of -them entured too near Dares abodewhen he found to his sorrowwhat he w loDking for, . but he is 'at large yet a sader and a wiser -fox. 11 - Mrs. Samuel :Ander on , of Ne- braska is under the . arental roof again at Mr, Alex. Mur °cll.'s. ' . Word wae' received, la eiy from Mr... .Jaines Anderson, of - Maiiitoba, . form- • erly of this place, and ulore recentli • •of • Bruce township, t at • he 'was burned out and lost ever thing in th house but the clothes t at were on them at the time. Caus of Ere via a defective stovepipe. .. . -Last week a -band of ewelry ped- dlers when going their -r unds gulling .people, it appears it was they that got bitten and for once in. a lifetime the fools are the wise people. His story ran like this, that he tr veiled for a firm, in Toronto and the owed him 4000 in -wages and to do him a favor they gave .him their samples .to sell and ket his money before the &edit- ors will • He sold quite a-- nura- b-ei of watches represented to be solid 18 karret gold at all the way . from $5 to $20. • Some of the . watches are turning black' already. • Sonne wanted himto take the ' whole . lot .to the jewelry store and sell them that .they would be very glad to get them at higher prices. He was com- pletely stuck. . Miss Sarah, Fletcher. of. Clover ey, intends going to London *oil tended visit. . . is M-: J.- IVIurrry,bf ora4.W.-reath re intends going on lam extended We beleive that she intends. ing Brainpton,. Tor& to, Milnico, LANES even We heartily congratulate the Editor of the SENTINEL upon the honor he -v-all received at the hands of his fellow ane. county.. councillors as ,,Warden; _ we think they .placed the right man in ' .Cent the ;rig. ht place. - - -Miss-Ida•Finlay is_ visiting friends tit5' in PeIerboro. visit - We are sorry., to- report Mr. Thos. Paris, Ingersoll, etc. . Finlay is on the sick list- this. -week, .Pitch -holes are all the - g but --hope to -soon.be.able to report his full recovery, • Mrs. W H Reid has just returned from visiting friends at Kinlough. The posters are issued announcing the grand oyster supper to be held in the School' house on Feb. 10th. T E. Finlay ,and H White canvassed the.. :neighborhood this "week taking .new stookforthe cheese and i -butter factory. - .bang and up she goes. Miss Mary McKenzie i home. after spending a few weeks.wit • friends in • Goderich. —The merchants 'of W,ngharn ]ave. decided to close their res ective places of business at seven.o'cloc eacheven- ing except Saturday and preceding a. holiday- on and after . Wednesday, February "Ist.