HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-27, Page 8•
We .are -headquarters for -
s. All the, leading lin e
_ corset
- in
of best :Ga nadiana makes ' a
stock,, as well as some specs
makes -Th e
4in eriean
Rve -cut represents the cele-
aha _ Watch -Spring n�r���
ri: a , -:January 27th
—An auction sale of farm stock anted.
implements; the " :property . of Mr.
will _be held at lot 30, -con.
McBurney}. Feb: 1, 6,
Kinloss, on;Wednesday, _rva
shar . s—*..John Purvis,
12 : o'clock. P
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or;: calloused lumps
blemishes from horses,
blood spavin,
ring bone, Sweeney,`
curbs, �. splints, -
stifles, sprains, sore and: swollen throat,
couhs, etc. ; Save $50" by use of one
bottle. - Warranted by, A. B. Congram.
Canadian Press Association
The .Annual Meeting of the C nd ien
-Press Association. -will...;be•
Thursday and Friday,
Febuary ; 9th
and -10th, in Toronto,: in the . - Board
The programme
of Trade -building. � �
promises one of the interest andh
- s ever held by
.profitable meetings
1N chanics' institute
addition to ::
•the many : residents
Iri .oin the
of, the , village who should.
Mechanics Institute;.
we. - think it
would be a benefit: also to the farmers'.
sons :. and daughters in the vicinity to
the> winter •
become' members _ for. �would then-.
months :.ar . least. They b
access to the library of" well
.chosen books of science, travel, history,
and fiction, in the perusal o - .
the long „winter-. evenings' could be
pleasantly and profitabfy spent.
C lin Match
which ca,nnot be- excelled for
comfort and, durability.
Our inices range from
25c _up -to 1.65. Try us -for
ur ung
Our curlers went ower to w that 0
On Friday last to play the club
town` the final match fortis di tom-
in the 'Western Ontario ..Ta
etion and were:defeated by five shots.
P . .
Wingham :
D. Sutherland
4T Vanston
Dr. McDonald -
F. Patterson,
C . Knechtel
A. Mitchell
J. Neelands '
J.. `Dinsley
skip 21
Canadian Horticulturist
The jamnary No. of the - Canadian
Horticulturist gives a beautiful colored
plate of the Alexander apple, a full
pa e engraving of the editor, a,„ pen
an ink sketch pf his home, and a
view of Maplehurst fruit farm. Full
directions, with illustrations, are given
for making a cold storage house, for
-fruit ; seasonably hints for work in.
ftuit ,and flower garden, the apiary,
etc., etc. L. Woolverton, Grimsby,
Secretary of the Ontario Fruit Growers'
Association, is the editor.
Wilms AuBivz..
2:30 p.
Intermediate 'Points 9 00 p. m, `4`.
- Tuesdays and
.. lioillrood - -- 4.3.oTon. _
Reeve Bryan is Warden
M. Corrigan
john Allin
- A. McPherson.
G. Hair
G. Hair
Tennant .
skip 24
In'the evening our boys played
friendly match with the juniors of
entirely different from the previoiis
game as the following score will show :
,skip 5
ter the first-time in. its . 'history
Lucknow has the honor of having for
Reeve the Warden. of the County of
Bruce. •::The.following is the result of
the vote :
skip. 14
-McNaughton - is --Reeve of 'Bruce
Township ; Bryan of L-dcknow ; Elliott
-.of Chesley and . Scott. of .Kineardine
Farm to Rent
-.he undersigned offers' .fot rent
'lots 14- mad 15, con. 12, Kinloss, eon -
-1.Q0 acres. It is situa.ted one
Mile and a half from Kinlough. The
;farm is in first-class -condition. ,For
terms, - etc., apply to John _Young,
Kinlough EL 0:
Israel as, a -Singer .
Mr. Israel Post founder of the, no*
defunct Wiarton Encore and -late
of the 'Hepworth Journal staff has
forsaken the company ef the printer's
devil and -the inky shades of the press
room to engage in evangelistic ser -vices
as coadjutor to -Rey. E. S. Wilson of
- Iona, Blgin county. Israel Will be the
."Sankey" of the exangelists., Rev.
Wilson the igMootv " ••
Mr. Relit. -McCarron, of this village,
received a letter from . his son John
from. Ansiinia,-Algoma, in. W-hich - he
States that coal. has. 'been - found, in
lands in Algama, and that. . an agent
for . a _itealthy : Conapany had .dffered
$10;090- fo - a .six months privilege of
operating._ he mine. Gold, and:many
other- prec ous-. minerals - have lately
been discovered in . Algoma,. ..and _we
sineerily trust that_ Our townsman
roll -will - realize .to' e
t.hii highest- expectations
0 American Rheumatism .•Cure
for hetimatism -and Neuralgia radi-
cally cures in 1 -t -o 3 days, Its action
upon the system is retharkable . and
mysterious. It temoves at once the
cause and the, disease immediately dis-
ap-pears. The first dose greatly
-benefits.' i'15 cents. Warranted by A.
B. Congram.
The best resolution that we hive
seen for -the New Year is the following:
"Let us make -1893 the happiest year
in our history: <In soOiety more sim-
plieity, less shown in.the u' se of money;
more extrayagence in benevolence. In.
politics more independennce, . less
pattisanship; in_church more practical
religion, lesseontroversial theology; in
home more love, less fashion.; in, our
personal lives more hope faith, ithar-
.less cynicism,s name and selfishness.
'Potatoes "
Wanted --A servant.' girl. Apply
Wantel---20 Cards Of. green wood, -
D. 1VInrchiSon is adertising Family.
Bibles very cheap. See advertisement.
Carnival on the Sist haat to. be held
in the rink.
Flour pqr cwt..
Ducks 44 -
'The Thermorneter dropped to 15
degrees below zero on. Friday night
last, the Coldest of the season."
—The . most Oksome thing on
earth -is a fool that is near hut yet so
Lard "
Perk per cwt.
fullest exte
from the_i
Fancy Ore s Carnival'
arniva4 of the season will
he Lucknow 'skating -rink on
ening January 31st, 1893,
llowing interesting contests
will take place : Best Lady an . en
skaters--,-Fiirst Prize' pair.of vases; 2nd
handkerchief. 'Best dressed lady
. to take en
dress, a se
Brass Ba
No skater
those in
are &war
-The first
be held in
Tuesday e
,when the f
- Frozen- to Death
Mr. Jona_ Galbraith, living about
five Miles ftom Paisley went to .the'
village on Saturday of last week tO do
ing on foot for home, and. was not
afterwards seen until Monday after-
. • noon, when his body was: .found
frozen insiae his field. `He was near
home and it Was _thouccht being old
4 was . overdone 'with'', the walk home
through the storm.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns -
valley, Ind., says : "I had been in a
distressed condition for three .years
_from Nervousness, Weakness of the.
Stomach, DyspePsia - and Indigestion
until my health was gone. I bought
one bottle a South American Nervine,
which done ,ine more 'good than any
$50 worth Of doctoring I eyer did in
my life. I would Advise any weakly
person to_use-this valuable and lovely
renaedy. I Consider it the grandest
medieine in the world." trial'
bottle Will convince yam, Warranted
5.to 16
Peas 56e.
PotatOessteady at 80e. .to 90c.
. Butter -17c. to 18C.
his furniture store. .
coniirtg. -Carnival- on' Tuesday evening
Annual Meeting
On Thursday 12th inst the
meeting of Ashfield and West
nosh Agrscultural-Freiety was he
Dungannon presidbnt John
. in the chair. Minutes of last meet
were yead and adopted. The tre
W 4 -
showed balanee, of $127:00. to' 18,93
were adepted. -John MeLean :and
T: Anderson', - the - retiring . president
and vice Were -respectively re:elected
-lough - were appointed directors in
lieu.:Of L. IL Malluagh- and .Wm. ICil-
The Et
here, full
were -exc
.Arthur and -J. M, Robetts. From
the 'foregoing balance of caih on hand
.,_as - also increase- of : members and
exhibiti at the tast. Agricultural
Show, it teen that the- society
is steadily increastig. :Owing .to the
Ince was not 0.1-firge as it mightlhave;
Miss Allie Bradley, of Bervie, and
Miss Allie Stanley, of l'urple Grove,
were the guests of Mi.ss Carrie Burns
during the past week.
ne:mile -race, open to the
trance fee 25..centh, Winner
son ticket. The Lticknow
'allowed on the ice exee-pt
ostume till. -after- the. 12tizes
.tenta. Skaters in Costume,
This is the sea'son whOn young
and old are won er
ing what
Itch- on -huthan Einimat4
Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by A. B.
Congram, Druggist.
----:-Joseph Griffin, the popular
elected linzpit County o
Tuesday by acclamation.
parties. indebted t9 the. estat
a son, wallade -mist settle .on. .o
before the .20th. day: -4 Feb': next o
costs-. will be "'added without furthIr
"fires are Changing
No 'more long prices.. - Merchants
will have to do morei.wotk; turn -over
moie goods with less profits. That is
the motto at 33erry's Furniture stere.
He iS turning out treble the quantity
of furniture and Other goods in hiS
line,. because he,„. has marked his
wares doWn to bottom.priees.
el Armstrong Co. :gaVe An
who is "'TM eld favorite
sustained hiS reputation at
iann and the violin, Miss
nekton's Aramatic readings,
ptionally well ,rendered, and
elocutionist Of high. order
and emotional ability.- Miss- e
Greer's singing elicited- laud applause
and a hearty enchore, although her
first a,ppearance -with the Company
axis and consequently . she
MotTEv. To. LO
to loan_ on firs
estate at 6 per
further .12.art_ieula*
h or
. Prtvate- fun
cent. interest.
-,.- G..- W. _Berry -has cOntracted with
the:WholeSale Manufacturers of 'furn-
iture .for,:a large corisignment -of
finely finished goods; : Conie along and
-see -What you- can de with ..yery little
The dangerous practice of "c, tch-
inf,,r on bobs" is in full vogue itiSt at
present That so -Me of the urchins
are not injured from their recklessness
is a wonder.
Mr. G. W. Berry has extended-
wtts in
wes not
13een an
Open Your Eyes
Look in.to. Berry's Punitive store
and see the photograph, frames. he- is
offering-- for 25e. 50c. and $1 each.
. These goods are l'ar below the regular
You can find ther
.select stock in, L
iKs, La
u desire
,ighly finis
t her laest, as ithere had not
otiportunity of practising her
-of the concert, however, was the violin
laying 1. of little Ethel Atrastron.g.
is more than a prodigy ; she is a
artAst of such astonishing ability
never been equalled by any one
in Canada, and the strength
viith which -she plays areas
are the tone, taste and
altogethet one of
ing that we have_had
his furniture Viiiirerooms, and now
occupies the store formerly occupied
one next.the barber shop:
and powe
Perfect finish_
:efforts. litre being.. m4tlek--4- to get : the 1
tevin 4.11'on Raturdai. evening.,-.: 28th
Mr. A. S. Campbell has remov-
ed his tailor'shop to the store fornaerly
occupied by Mr. C. Stewart, and Mr,
SteW art las removed:to . the building
at the cornor of Staffer and. CanaPbell.
auction'sale..Of' farm ,stock and
Gibson will be held- at lot 7,. con.
' Asp -afield, :on 'Wednesday, Feb.
'Writiog De
ing, Glove
of yourself set in a
(Intended for last Tieek.)
r. N. Pearce is still sick and his
recovery is doubtful, but under _the
care a. Dr.- Case we. hope he. will. re-
cover, but it will -be sOme tiine at best
_before/ he . be able t ti arourid.
implements, the, property of J
Ias. Pearce also.continues poorly.
D: ThesslOni has been siCk
she is better now.
There has -. been dreadfUt stormy
weather here.for some time -past and
the side line 3 and 1 between the' 4th
anct•th con: has been_ impassable for
over 'two weeks.
They have gotten- -81 voluines for
the, S. S. library here. and have 26 -
More to.g. et yet. When they get the
ren-iainder Of the boeks.we will have a
pretty good library.
the report of the Orange dedi-
cation last week the n.ame- of Master
the most -
f. Cases;
t you ,b cqn
ed pilaf)
Our studio is c mpletp
every departmen therefore.
we do our oWn wor right here%
fancy show case Vir rk' prepar-
ed for us. It I's n t nebessairy
because we tuna out .the bes
Work in Western Ontario.
Wallace Corrigan was left out by the
conapositor, from the list.of these who
compose the celebrated Hariminica
An auction sale of farm stock and
Implements, the property of Mr. Wm.
Barr will be held at lots 37 and '38,
1893; at o'Clock iiliarp.74ohn Purvis,.
is-nowlabent safe
railway _journey e.aS .4 -is
eyery carried
railways of thts_ cont
The traveller by- ,re:
fetefathers:Who jo
stay. at
by. the
ent were. killed.
(This weeke new.)
Tt is our sad- duty to announce the
death -of Mr. N. Pearce, wbich ,took
plaCe on Friday,. 20th inst. He -was
an old and respected- resident of this
place, havingliVed on the same farm
since a small boy, hiS father being
one of the first settlers . hi this part
Of AShfield. He took rheumatic- fever.
about three weeks ago, -and .. suffered
intehsely till death put an end to
to his sufferings,. -He leaves a widow
and four small children:to mourn his
lois. They have the sympathy of the
entire community. -Deceased was one
of a famiiy*of seven brothers and one
Sister; of .which all are -living except
two brothers. His- sister, . Mrs;
John Stevenson . residei at Port
Albert. •
s :enjoys_
If you want a first -
lass. set tee
Am. 25, the.wife -of James Barlogell, of a. SOld by Harry, Pays ana A. B. gong:140k
BARICWELI.- In As-hfield, on Wednesday,:
. Ana =Other tested remedies -
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness; Palpitation of th0.
Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, , Loss of
lieraory, Bronchitis . Consumption, Gall
-Atones, Jaundice, Iddney and.Urinary
asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularitiffe
said General -
$1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle.
- Proprietor and Afpnnfactenix.