HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-27, Page 3•„: • - • LAUGH AND LEARN. • - ItetWeen the Acts -She "knew theAtetfson. ' He 'told her the old, old.story,. - That`hight ere he left:her-side, * While the.curtaih hirl for a little space E--. The.villain. tlit: htwo and -bride. • Through- the dim lit, theater soft Wag. heard, .E.- The orchestra's soulfug wail. . Her heart wa, turnell to the nnigic sweet, ,• , . His faec with desire' w as pale.. • Near drew hi -3 liii.; to her, dainty ear, . Khe turned wit ir zi, ounsdioTAS sinild-----: _ I "I'm going to 6.p: ak to a Illat" he ,said F ..., .. I'll-he•back iii a Imre w hi e.". :- - . • , ,............t.......e........e.....„.......e.,..„..e_e.................... sir'? said the young Woniaia'. . citedlf ; " L. - - _ . . . JIMT PULL Will 'trust him to no•-onel`'.-.. and with indie7 of inaProve.ments--;,. nant. tread she -marched to the baggage Pieroa's Pleas - car, tied her dog and returned..-- Abotit .50 ant Pellets,' To- . T7g-1 begin with, they're miles further. On, When- the -CrinductOr-eame: .. . _ .the smallest, and along . -again, she aglrecl him t..• " Will you p .e-'-- -,the ea.siest:to take. - tell me if int dog ii. all.rielitl"- _ "1 am -;e0-. ete-e" They're , tiny, very - sorry," said the emidnetor politely, - =• ., Stgalecotited- anti- " but you tied -him -to- a trunk - and. lie wati .• billow granules, thrown of with it at the laet station." . scarcely larger ds•tard 411 Fatheis: • • seeds. Every child is ready for- them. .Bueiness w, as just olosina in One ,qt Hart; Then, after they're Wren, instead Of. dies ford's banktiwhen thai. dig.nifiect president 'Mug and shoekuig the system, they Act t One Person id an isleft-ianded. carne inlbehind the. rail anclasked . -'• Idert nit „; easy, and: natural. way. .17J:wrote "Can any of you tell the s:.ory of 'Jack ao chanc and the Beanstalk?'. I tried to tell it -to--My grandchild:last night and "'was. all Mixed up; I couldn't do it." " gJauk:.apd the Beanstalk?' Why; cer- tainly," said the genial.: eller. "It was. this way:. 6.. Jank .breught home some beans :and his -mother •threw thetn inio the Well, : , * . • , • • "Yes. . I know, bnt. where did Jack get the boatel!' asked the president;-.- •- Get the beans t:Wtiy.; he. had the beans- - Edison that ver.Y, few people know - and t4-0 eta)* grew tip out of theygoll,” the sound,of their own Voices. ' ahd the teller related a- graphic.- way the The.ca;Mien of Parie ere now forbidden to allegorical: tale,- _interjectieg little bits of Smoke pipes -while driving- a fare, • " jack the Giant . Killer," e" --Little o My Thumb ". atid. other, nursery . lingoes, showing . that- at one -tithe he was -fainiliar with little folklore. • - - ' "But Where did Jack. get. the beans -That is whit I want to know," inquired the persistent president. ; can tea ),611 all abut that,'" said : the,. newly -fledged bookkeeper."-: H. traded his mother's cow for them,. and his mother was eo angry that _she threw the bans out. o? the:- WindeW, 110: into the Well, and the stalk grew' _ • - - "Never mind abouttheistalk.: I've found out; where Jack got the: 'beano. Thae'e ,where -'my grandchild :puzzled-. " said" tht president, and the vaults were fooked an he haetened -hoine to straighten out the story for the little:one: 7=1:1-artj44- Pest. • . _Italy. sends 5,000,000 eggs to England every week. . Only 9 -per pent, of all operations in. ampu- tation are fatal. , • • Aged spinsters are apt to yield more and more to their felinee.: - _ • . Two persons die of 'starvation in. London, ft is Said, every week. teIgidin is - deelareti. eo be the most in- temperate country inBterope; , `-. Don't cli-slike the Woniii who is prettily dressed ; she is nob �X nO,•Jessity a fool. _ . , .. . r Clergymen come next in number. to inechaniOs under the heaki.Of inventors.• ,P It is twenty yea-rs -since -Pasteur, began . his notable expeeithents in gerraeculturce. ..1L- girl giVekher 'over -,' Mitten, . we - sup - .1 joss, becaase. a -pafr.il,ott of the _.qu_e_eion. - _ -11e,-Not. married yet f.,:eS.lie-No.- . He - 4. Impostipie I he --.So 1 ,:ain beginning to: .. , . . A Widow is 6'1e -who has buried her !his; band; a grass- widely is lite,whohai simply • , mislaid him, - _ Agnes -_i wcInaer w.b.ftlieytput •clocks on - stockings:. ItleteiSo we cad telt it. the. = colors are fast. , From- the.. Arneric*an: loe tree is Made thread;..rofie, clothing,_soap;. .sugarand beeeney, . . • . -A gallon of -Watl.ir_wotild" only Cover a -space of two gelltiate-'jf spread_ out.'in • . laver ai. inch thick.. . You cantaie weeet the tariff, but there nothing ehat 6.:4 use •04. ise ifi-dresi geed's- . . _ _ _ _ - 80 gllickly as a mou . • A coloreu. wCillait. of .1,,fylvapiS,...Ga7 who - is -70 yeas vlarcetl `- to' school for -the first tiinte Gee eteei ay. . Perto-rma-nei s- aileint'.Gre.elf.thee- tres began 0.c3- k Morning- and lasted: or Len tulle' le eeitite, 441-teelly-feee teat 1. E“lia public example of pole:ligiitettes,'-' t.117. earbon it Wt4 pu in reatithes for -t etre - Philadelphie;i.a --eilLttit-td..- to be known as the eity ot.. Accordiod. to . a. , _recent potice et:h.-A,: the boastsof25,000 •more .weinen trieu inen-; * -• .-It has -never :,ut -boon . decidedilly _coin- petent'autaorale'a .i.vhei,her snoring is 3.70 a or instriitheatal • Mitt.f. c. --Lolling it "*heet music " ticeee'r. e:eeteei ehe_Mateer at all; -Laura (to hcr CAI:An,- Who has .juSi kissed --her),-.:On, Ruct,....1. _ Rif, we- -a.O.if IPbt I -1-4.re. is ':Mr, ALAI*. '-giidelf---N;.:Ver. mind hinr,._ he la a. iliirMl: 8".•c "tttlio....c.: - ta ..r.a-j--He'Wai,-b t • now he is_iiii atn.z.ktrzt-iit- pho g-tapher- ..li .Dublin _. 4e1-Y..fk.-143,t3.. -h s Lln piadvert:se- --ment.s.2:;,1m-ir, truth -rat than intend. il,.: .- . . . .4 Wanted.; a: gealtirt-Itia.s 't .uudrtake e e . saleof a PatPrit_ fp_encine.. •'.Ehe .. advertis r guarantees fiial it:. --Nal -be fa -liable to ' the ._ undertaker.' .--, 4.4 Iden't believe that el Retie .1e -et Lit . . Why, they: ell reporta,d,lit at- the Same .. the money ttiat the neveSpa era said :he did. • figure..-- "' l_kekel.e -et; ; but -no • New 'YO4. Woman has turned up and:clainied tobe .hi , •'wife, heti thee l" --. ..• "I intenti -tee de -borate that :bean- of yours with a. leether Ineded-,5' &lig ola Brotostreo :- snaezei to'his.. daughter,' -the. other ' night ".1 i:an't, - gtit, a -liclak of gi ep any more. be cau.sp. he keepe You. uti so. late; but I Call • kick as wail as I 0:er could -see.'?-. - .. ---:. . He Spis_a:chauce To. •; He -1 teink .thiii.•,ait - (enrage' -that th ladies: wear thgh hets- in alp -,theo4re; Sh Yes e I iniretejelmit thet you men are nine Racquet, "8 ch, Oa... •irensatle:: _43. t)ttliikile g„; 9‘..:raesol. antoQhd - ' more °onside -rale; - " at, - courie. we .alvo., •moMiy whenk he's singleai hedoes when he's -44 some of. .yo4 Nv...rio get in the front row are married.'.'--- - 1 - ,., .., - . .-- .. ... ; ••`-. - . . . even -. roonist.tiiireta,t.e'a3 to leave _ you h' - --- - . .4g- 1 et,-'.''.: sighed: Betiediele- ; -" ilia a_ good . hoAm -',. . e\t,o.geect'for-tb this re al " deal More -- too." 1 , .:_.00kte ec/4:-..nti.i:eis:xoilrvic,1 a tia,14.-aih0 soul itief - .r . she.:4..tlave a toettaxa for : . . . . t: 'II JOlPic.3111 :and a abli--upi-ON; oyster ..'a' . are! .. Ifeartiess..: .Pha .77,:bei.0.1_ik.;_iic.u.c.tiiii.ii:ttli-„:1,_ey:tart'xiora:ctit?I‘4,111Ni:esitik.nh-i.tilipeitd:i9.411,m'eet:itvnue.cliaSii:. wesahl!...;_youi4.8:00-04:.-311.71'1!-- is dY-ii.g.y°-.11r. - a .61633:,,ttgot.lii,:tit il , ,„v , .)aak: of - He -7:741113) hip, tinrrah:.1 :...; -. - . gen .e . _ e o eperce t. .--- . waiit..:10,WhY de yen'4ihrrah f _ ---Scriu,sr.filrolitz3i°811:t7sou' a-- 11-u-CI'lers-"iiteen6i4tra le Po;s1t,.../jes23abt,t.7 .6. 4eei 7111±t. in his las Cu ...hoPe .-tibat., he , . tt .• ' blooms will.bf.Ei.froeh 8114 r ikaying for ---Eva. . - 970,3*I, -thole- leipeie leeethg the gut:Us Se.. T htai .s, = 78117. ritInUS:rre°4..t.li: :11-°""i;f16 .81.I:ii:;;;;13.,...,;t19...7 si. that they- Wilt teukid fragre,nee.:010. col r if to _to to keep•er-Doh..'. Yeti 1010.1g-WleA Oke'-.t'as.13-eell- Friend;:of:lititibyu- 1:r..07..d.7 : distance,: plesuald..blY Y vttty :Nolen • t ey --teach the reeipierit: -Yeeti inayefeelqu_ite tire: : ,leei. : will . pack - them - aqcOrdifilwers--robbing y I. directions. First, wrap elee ' insert jt irk.to a get my meney back, . ... , ra-n). vi„. litiiig._. . -.-y„c , sniall blossht)Mici§s!., bu. ..- .gt wd'ii,":1:7913:d;91tIelligtittele bread1:°31 , the Moisture OF.. which Willkeep If t)uta.'...zte:,.d reeted snob 1.13.• violets, ewe°. - ea' • or OtaPP: _ nev.er wet- Iiie.r.,.fiewers themselves- = ; hen s,..1ite; ;11:1; Bban" d'i t. .. _pm% padk taielos4V.in 4%041 In°813 1 pisotg tilieut..: 0.1e. bee, _. if.. ci!ir lauw. learned.to Make it at ia COoking.school. , -packed,- as direoted,_ they may. he sen ..1-a.471..i1:1:0:::11.iiincl.: -: f:1611:.6. rill.".8:1-Yit..i'-ila"-InseafIlia**ittilj. all -flowbrs With a. seeoad wax4ed. paper _Ilia parlor ,i54,- on, Art express train soli y....: t.4_ 7y,..o.nratti‘. s .been.reign-Y.,o.*:4 dre4 of miles- i-ri got*" °Oendition. ..-• " /I EsuiwV-Toi).1-3ale,- re it the he giie..ne. y‘-t..1.eat is the, r.O. ot. Of all se oler14.-,- richly ..- dresaeci-- young ; evoinan',. te- : .-: as iiimeenehed her tiek'ele . ' i T the. moiiiii. tiv.t *in; another' s- . 'it2rItig loktigati,Z. -4;"eNirYaaame ' :-Ieti.ds tah,veeei; nete'r, sorry, bitjou can't have-; y.eui. tiogin this c• ri:.m.Ilite ee•-.The deeperate troAli Ito :110 thug ! agatzvet the rules.-". . `. k r ehall hold- n _ he Ad:elf yer aoy--atiyeiriiiiti. 6i! *00101 - .reatoloteu?,..,.pT:hecee.d.0818000srpate. . trarnp Wtlif-tben $1.11W-16 my lap all the.wei,""she replick " nod,Titnia Oterk---No. ' sile-t- .. .dog .hesre.,.. . it ride The Sioux City (Ia.): .StOve-Viro.T.10 lOckea: _ Neeaf, ' rit fasfiputiiii -lin right out 76 woion moul.dete,- Ond viill. .. 'take - 0 a, ' - 4,-!; Piget yo! ORO. I --aog, non-union ilxitiN • - . The UnirOli squeexe.. - The "lemon Squeeze' craze :bids- fair te dome up' again this • winter .as .a 'poptilar athusernent. - Each member. of the part firings a _lemon which is eat open, the.eeed- being traeon.eut, counted and dropped into .affar,- -an accurate - hut trictly 'pri,:vatereCord being Ige'pt-of numberput in.. After all. .are -,-in, each guPsses as to' the entire nuniber. -ofseeds, and prizes are dietributed to e Most succesafel guessers. . Any other seei: y fruit, applei.or-Oranges for instance, may be substituted for eiccoliuncs ethetimatic Have you tried.. flail 'greatest 4M -ern& remedy.? .If 'do se at encerif IR any form. .-Uied: succesqullie 18 - years. lifousands -Canada and the testif) to ;thorou,4li cures -end iniprove'd • health after all .Other treatment - and cases were considered hopeiees.- New Use for " _ The Farniglings D-aier-lt pair of ear- muffe. Yes, sir. Here they are. Sup: peep you find the weather rather:nipping, The Patron -Oh, bOtlier the 'weather: want the ear-mutls to wear to the com Opera this evenmg. - • . The finnuttei . . Comes and brings- with it. aching corrs.. -Putnam's Painless. Corn Extraeior - n9er fails toremoveCorns promptiy, painlesidy and With absolute certainty.. Try Putition Corn Extractor.. Sure,. safe, p%injess, . .- . Woman s Curiosity. , - "John," .* she sail, as. they. left the spda fountain .. ••• - _ "What ieeit?" "Wasn't_ 15 cents a good deal -to. pay for .. . a glass of sarsaparilla?" - -- .. P • . , * - WHIN' .2.. illaiti'llig - fiera , toothache- ute Gibbener 'Toothache Gum. . 8e.14. ty ay' druggists .' ''for any, reaction -afterward. Their helr) Icests.y-Constipafion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, (Sick or piliolis _Headaches; and all derengenient.el of. the liver, , stomach, and. bowels: are promptly relieved and perman- ently cured.- - • - • 1.`hpyrre put upin egkiss vials; which- keeps then/ always fresh- and reliable, unlike the ordinary pills -in wooden,- or pasteboard boxes. • • - • And they're the cheapest pipsyonean buy, for. they're ggaranteed to give satisfact4on, or yo4 :Money is return4 -You-pay only for the 0:?oci you get. :YOUNo BLOOB. youith" No iongei'a Barrier' to -Suecess, hi - ! - „the states. - .- - .1 :-... ,•-•- A'young:tnan:laun -.hell. -onb. to -day, at . a ;itme .whereevery chance - he can desire is -giv.in 140.! Tae old -tine hesitancy to trust, , iinybody ainder.40 ;years of age with a large position OtereepotteibilitY -ie gone. Yoiiih - •and'heniorii are as familiar now 85age:and honors were a'generatiOnago,honors every- where, too, in .governaient,.. art-, -.literature, and . pe Lerninently businetis,. remarks tlit... gew York !Ledger. - '- . • , - . • - . Mere. ants 'cOntrolling huge concernie of good Capacity, aud ethe . demand ie lily Plebea nie poSitivel : , preiin on . young -men. er-eater: itliAn :the - supply; .. -Oratorio :art :` Wagging rtheie - jaws". in , pulpits is -tot Scotch- have it, at an age that -, would haw: Jeen heteredoxin. Jonathan -EdWards' 7 day... Paul sai - : •" Let no mad 'despise thee -be aus e lencie3. would have , it read, "Tbecanse, of. 1 e of thy youth." Seine modern tn- e thy age. ' -'i • - ' •• _ . - Z. : - • . 'Properly guarded, :- the recognition . of i-oniag Men is akcellent.. -It needs a carefu: -4election - to clid.40- them, and we youngei - i.oys inustFnotagegate to ourselves a mono- - (NAV of gifti-and grades., . . Of ccurSeil. no piing . Man -can- succeed Who does inot _week and _:work. hard. . An. ilderly man -can- afford to be leisurely in his .. novements, .: NO so. his -juvenile brother. The Clerk .the always bas-,-ont eye on the 1 ick and he other On the -ledger Will ever be' a.clerk and nothing more.: Indeed, not ilways .that, . maybe. As,snming. honesty. (for- what earthly need is thereto tell an aspirant .for_succes4 be must be honest ?), no parent - -need be. :anti; ale concerning the -fit! um of a lied -*leo has average ability,an_d- principles of btisiresti. .. - 'More -than his:u:Should- . he , prove, lira, self inanyWay an expert, :his :powere wtb:. have a more Cheerful eeeegnitioa .and amp! reward in the -United 'States than in:. 413 c, . -other spot on.. the :face- 01 the _part 4. .- Tie, . 'problem Ole" The boy, *J.-D.1m will . he b• - genie ?" is easier of sedation heie than any:. ... . ... . ... .where else. ' , .• - . -• - . • - - . They Got It AnGast. - - or many. years scientists. tried to cone centrate the blood, ileshand. hone making qualities contained in the N,orwegian cod.- . They only partially succeeded.. But by new Chemical 'processes, rendered feasible by electrical forces,. the .life-giving' properties ofthe oil have all been captured; and are safely imprisoned • within., that, -famous .remedy which is talked .bout all over the • country, known as -"Miller's Editilsion: of CO'l Liver 1.)- Physiciansacknowledge that. his is -the greatest discovery,- or s rathea -the. perfection of -a discovery, ever: given. the world. 'To say that it mires consume tion" -by making 'blood, flesh' and .bone fel the patient is quite enough:- . 'It is -a reiried • •thatyositively requireee_no Puffing. Many young people have be* Saved ' by its use. In big bottles, 50c. and $11 at all drug stores Ball-Eyea Scientists. : Mrs. Hayseed -Who are those- gentlemen ruertin' into our barn to get out o' th"rain ? Daughter -They are a pirty of scie,nt lets who are staying at the hotel. They've been out on some. expedition or 'other. Mrs. Hayseed -74 don't see where their eyes: was las' night. e Any one might 'it knOwn from 'di' new moon it was goin' o rain; It was tipped up 80 it 0001daYt hold water if it tried. . no -Not Beni - 1 . . s. t. . Velte . about in hierotttee egee‘,_,4. eee -- wawa law that prev.ent-ed VicWreeted -4nee kings," replied johniles.rnedly..,I - No •Vasear . girl has. ever be divOtced from her husband.ts. the proudfassettien of Vassar graduates. - • . .. ' •.; • ••.••* a • Proportion or the Sexes. Over the whole world- the proportion of the sexes is about equal, but in separate parts of the world it varies greatly. • For instance, in the States there are 98 women to 100 men, in Europe there are rather more than 100 women to 100 men. Canada has 95 women to 100 men.- In un- .iv?.lizad countries the men are believed i4.igely to outnumber" the women, this on, a;ecount of the fact that more men are leaded to carry on the ware in which. such people are eonstantly engaged and because 4 the.rougher ways. of living. • Chilly'Call - The Editor -Take that chair, Miss Bodin. Miss'Boatin (with a rollof manuscript)-- Phank'you, I will ndtt take the chair, but Plait be glad to occupy it white, I read you Rpen1 on icicles. - • . _- Exit Applitaut.- . Shivering Tramp (at- backdoor) -Please, 4ir, • hain't you fief any cold witties ? • • Frost, --Yea; sir; I am sa ice•creant lealer. s, Clot It FInaHy, . • .11e -The Van- Buskirk girt married for money, did -she did not? $fte-tres batshe had to divorce to "get • The fathionable dressmakers are respon- s hie for the 'statement that the girl who •lecee has come to stay. - • 4 . . • Blown Ist rep 1893., loitay of tiles. -ad.Terlh pease meatio* this asaper. e Wealth Oh. Is in Pure Rich -Blood; to enrich the blood is like putting money out at interest, 151 Of hire N rwegian Cod -Liver an Itypophosphites . - posseses blo d. enriching properties in a iemarkabl degree. "ire you al run Idown? Ta6i Scott's Ernulsion. Almost as Palatabye as Milk: . Besure and get the genume. , i N Prepared onlY by Scott &Bovine, Belleville. • Cures Consumption, Coughs., Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists;on a Guarantee. For a -Lame Side, Back Or chest Shiloh' s Porous - -- _Plaster will give greatsatisfactiob.-45 cents. .. HILOWS CATARRH -REMEDY. Have you Catarrh? This Remedysvill relieve and Cure you. Price=50cts. ThiftInjector for its successful treatment; free. Remember, Shiloh's Reinedies are sold on a guarantpe. 5 We send ti.e rnaryelons French TtemetlY CALTHOS free, and a legal guarantee that CALrups will STOP Discharges & Emissions, CURE Sperrnatorrlren.Varieonele ahd RESTORE Lost Vigor. Use zt avnde4rvion ay ifsaLCo.,tisje VO Sole American Agents, Cindnnati, Ohio. TEED WhOLJyRbeEtrOonbUleAd Rvpriti, TERNAL OR'tNTERitAL, FISSURES, uLcEmi ATION, PIING OR SLEED0lircaqicril 43,RnieptEhTehlihMiya rtri nod, fine vo. Aff T4 .14 Jefuessw:iiii iDesum eit Pc:reCLARK CHEJVHGAI. , 18ail Sent by mail on eecelpiteocEfrimpeBriv:esiesTFb.a:Fillissarkg;irT'evgill)relutre:Insivite!ffi eSeotilY1OinngVasitallabdline.g. PRICE $1.00 at Druggists t so, USE Dr.CLARICS CATARRH CURE. It tever fails.. IT CURES CATARRH IN THE HEAD TI-IfMAT AND NOSE, COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY 7EVER, INFLAMED PALATE ANC, TONSILS, re- ..4.oreS the sense of smell, and drives away the ?ULL HEADACHE experienced by all who havc -sAtaxrh. Oriellottle will work wonders. . Price at Druggists.' Sent by mail on receipt o-coi CHEM- ICAPLil. .bty8GaZIEtAlresDsEinSTg TOIWN:10 FROM *ATLANTIC TO PAcina Students are in attend ance from British Columbia' on the west to Quebec, on the east. Our graduates are nr4st sucee-sful. in obtaining good • positions. Write for' hn.nds.ome circular to •SP ENCER pft I .OUGFT, Principalg, Hamil- o F4,n e s s College; amiltpfi.: - TO Lax • BUSINESS , COLLEGE liONTO; OM., and 441111t4TFO1{D, Oat gest and hestbusiness colleges in Canada. ' Catalogues free = - . BRAVir la:ELLT,OTT. PR,nirol.pALS. • 4rs." Free.' FrEei to sesandtboroughiy examine at the ex- press bice, then- if foundtobeallwe claim for it and entirely satis- factory, pay the express agent $4.48, and take the .watch. Otherviise it willbe, returned at our and you will not he 810E8 AND YORESHIRE COACHER& . MR. FRANK RUS/sTELL, Cederville, Out., offer- for sale at loW figures and on easy terms cho.ce stallions of the above breeds' also yedigreed Improivtd Large Yorkbhire' rig& ta 15.00 per pair. DOA/1010N SIL VER COliPAN1r; Tx-rEl HAVE '13EE/41 INFORMED MUT. vv c. rtein pa. Iles, without proper author ity are nsIng our naerte and, reputation • secure orders for go -d- of an inferior qualify rizke Public are 'iotiftedihat all ear goada artamp'dwithour same so.thatthe int pooltion can be de ected at once. -- Wt want severalmore pushing men to at* agents. liONINION Minn COUPANY• - 1 TOMO", Ont. . =HR. TAFT'S- ASTEMALBNE Gives a Night's SweetSlecpand ofname and F.O. addreRs willmaIlTRIAL BOTTLE Dr. TAFT BROS. 'MEDI- CENR( o.,ReehPseter,N.Y. sT •Canadian Office, i86 Adelaide Street We a TorontO. sO,that you need aV sit up all nIghtgasplog for breath for fear or snfroc,atien Onreecipt N81,1 M pwri N. __"nt Pivots BibleS and Albt-616-`1510.-Tad:dire‘m: Als. dress Ws. BuloosA,Rablisiser,40r------ SUWON! iS achieved making a wove in Vie right Wood:1. 4gre, siixtrt Booulteetalta, TVA'"? merest eto. expense JI DOLIA MAKE Re. KYOURSEWING MACHINEA FOR IT - OR SEND A3 Ce STAMP FORPARTICULA, PRICE LIST,SAMPLE:k 0770141 YARN,84c. OF -culThil:Lbatcht: p;!Is_u_abclelt.7415; tworess bottles ofmediciPei • .ittges.O.Looeirificeoriamitotuoto,usurc.,0-$5ra_atit gooa rem tr°n1 tt 11iess Utadsto elr ntergign'4"w ign6 sitertoturecosi'yEevaaterwa:baltiesetaton1114::r1:1 vioui please _t"T Ter 'When ...,rtect criveZbeinvit •••••,.•,1%. church, an -Lie other • (N. J.) bride was ove enentonsquestion was • .cuo WHERE ALL ELSE fAlLq ase .cough Syrup.. Tastes GocIn . tiuld.--Solo by druggist ' OLIN G • 04. 417011114-10- eard Calleitiving intorookticas, Torootp, -CiTet ..-regardmv . reliable ritinc9VisigaiWisksit '50$10010199 et. eallini 4:.01-4241699 1:"°-°°°12717110AD15113: ''°Cr 'T".'1 412141‘1-7-21-1r eses4-11. direvieggiesi - Apt -of Pelee C ts, DLO, _ 001."(101/11ris waisted. 11110/._ . , 1 pert" monthPee g:Li We an 0 ling-OD°Iiiiailures t liesitatelII uttit tb can areZu• ROWR DRdidaresa rnak; house is reliable.)l•Cap CoatineT2 - " TORoiTIT ,.• A _1(