HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-12-23, Page 5• • ti Chinamen occu ........... • en ane , = ruce IJounty, December py the place that (BOAR FOR SERVICE should be theirs. Will some one who thinks Chipese good and useful citizens and necessary to the prosperity of our Dominion please answer the following questions : Why did our intelligent neighbors to the south,• deka& them._ -am •. a tY_ their country? Thanking you Mr. Editor valuable space, I remain. Yours etc N. A. Mel:rtibinD Langley, B. 0., Dec. 1892. vvv ASHFIELD COUNCIL. Thtu above council met according to ' statute, all members present. Minutes of previous meeting read ar.d approved. A number of bills wev3 presented all $r those that were paid will appear in the financial statement in a few days. Moved by'`?Chambers; seconded by ickley, that this council adjourn to eet again on Monday the 26th inst. at 10 o'clock s. in. for the purpose of .gassing By-law NO. 9; to give author- ity to the trustees S. S. No. 2 of the townshi` .of Aihfield to borrow the sum of 1.a6.»8.00, bearing interest at 51 per ceiLt per annum for the terns of 12 years. W. STOTIIERS, Clerk. your El/ HERE IS THE HYPOCRITE There was a deacon in n certain .1 church ilito whose pew one Sunday a, drunken man stagg.'retl and'sltt down. The preacksr was discoid:sing about 'prevalent popular vices, Soon he ex- :lai,i ed "Where is the drunkard?" 'The d'runkeil man was just far enough gone to think that the call was person- al; so rising heavily, he replied, ''Here I am," and reivaintd standingtiwiiile the clrunkard's character a•' ap fate c:i e eloquently portrayed. 4' .X few moments' further the pr•each- •er reached another head Of his dis- +cc,urse, and asked,' "Whe;c is the 'hypocrite 9" Gently, nudging • his 'neighbor the 'drunkard said in an audible whisper, "Stand 'ap, de lie Means you this time: Stand aid( take it lik a pian, dust as I cli1`. • It will do you "good." The deae:rn was fairly doubled I-Ie'd have given twelve months' 1-akings of his drink stere to have beet. a .clear mile .down the gulch just then.' ' WOOD ' WANTED. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the, mule/signed to 30th Dec for 40 surds of good sound bod3 wood, beech and'. . maple, 4 feet in Iength. yThe lowest or any •4 (oder not neecsarily accepted 1) R McINTOSH, Sec. Public School Board . Luckn. r;,•., 15th Dec, 1892 • ,CLIC HaTICE CHARLES STE\VART, Tailor, takes occasion to thank his friends' and patrons for past favors and gives rr,t.i(ethat, lie has removed' from his vlestaud in Campbell's block and. in future Will.' be' found opposite Mc- Clure's Grocery store, in the building Formerly- occupied.by Mr. Thomas Young, Implement Agent.' i 4 Coat and 'Vest 1l1ak r wanted. ANNUAL : 'EETINC. nri1iE ANNUAL 11 t West Wawanosh' company vu1 10 hell ati• •caunon, Tuesday 17th . Lor the purpose pl 1' annual rel, r.s and alt ..(cif the receipts and exp+l • goring the past year Alto Si three directors, ha ETING OF, THE utpal fire insurance e court room, Pun- y of January 1893, iving• the directors he auditors reports tures of Lilo coniiiany Iso for the election ,1 lfrird LE1iTti; Secretary. .'er brou tow, r nately 11 ; et' 1be5 3 with •�..,_ r ,•.rr: qt into• ®p�t�intoe °PULAR at corne over neghy- U-gonechalc into chai ieedle inti ;, repeat all -rs,- Thir Three lath loop le treble British Oolujtlree laHt rows of ton, Oreg( required ver card In TOIiRIST SLEEPng three Scathe wltioui-London g' TORONTO 1 - / AT 11 lips by the air. OCT. - - the ,mis- NOV. - 4,11, Id cream DEC. 2, 91 16, a walk. never be At,ply to anemedy has f the grotbth whioh all Ine desires 'hen cold oreatn, and they ,hat they gashing- ,rnia w1'I'oronto to twacing *Y matt ' epee to be' \ Tri' Kittisr her ?" uufort Trivv Dice' In the m are 6C ever3 THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO 1 inform the public that they ail keep for • service at lot 22, con. 2. one thorough bred Burrsshire Boar and and thorough -bred Chester White Boar. The patronage of farmer, le respectfully solicited. Terms of service, $1, strictly each. _ _ J• F. MCPHLRSON & J. A, DAWSON BOAR FOR SERVICE. (I1HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I. Inform the &rune's in this section that he will keep fur service at los 67, con. 1, Kin- loss a pure bred BerkshireBoar. TE BMS -$1, strictly cash at time of service. JOHN McKENZIE, 985 4in Lucknow P. BOAR FOR SERVICE. F[AVING PURCHASED FROM H. George & Son, of Crampton, Ont., a thoroughbred Chester White Boar, I wish to inform the .public that ,I will keep him for service this season at Lot 3, con. 4, Kinloss. TERMS -$1;00 to be payed at time of ser • vice, with privilege of returning if necessary. Registered pedigree can be seen on application ALEX. NICDONALn, 985 4in, Lucknow P. BOAR FOR SERVICE. r11IIE P UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO 11 inform the farmers of this section that he will keepfor service this season at lot 14 con, 1?, est 1Vawanosh a thorough bred Chester 1Vhite Boar formerly owned by John Barcweil, • PTERMS--$l to be'paid at time of service, wall privilege of returninE if necessary. PE'1'EPt SMITH, A.ucl:now, L'. 0 BOAR FOR SERWCE THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TOO inform the public that he will keep' for service this season at lot 11, con. 8 (Eastern 1>ivision,) Ashfield, a thoroegfibred Suffolk Boar, recently purchasod in the township ..f Colborne, This animal. is no relation to my former strain, TERMS. S1 cash rt time of service ; or 1+1,25 if not so paid. PAUL SMELT%;;it Belfast P. 0, BOAR FOR SERVICE. 6 rr1oHE 5 LEI,.;IGNEi1 WISHES TO 1 inform the. public that he- will keep for service this season ac 1' 11, (3, or, 13, • Ashfield, a well haul Yoaksbire Boar. TERMS It:\.IS -•S1 1,' .lf, RI I'ChJE U85-4in Lucknow P; 0, WATEd. '300000 feet OE 1V�A1�LE LQ G -S. ATI'1'CHEI.1.. EROS, \VILL PAY ss „NIL • per thousand for the above quantity of first. class maple lags none other be taken. MI:I'CHILTL BROS, • Lucknoty HOUSE AND L FOR SALE OITUATEI) ON HAVELOCK STREET in the vilht.;e of f.%icknnw, near the sta- tion. The house is a large frame, containing tight or nine rooms; cellar, • kitchen, • etc„ and is in a good state of repair. The garden con- tains about one :Acre of ground and is well stocked with apple, cherry, pluurt and other fruit trees, The place will he sold cheap. For further particulars apply to, Hugh Mor- rison or to • J.48. A. DENNING Lucknow P. 0, FARM FOR SALE. In the township of Kinloss; on the 5th coo. being part of lot 11, on the Holyrood gravel r uill, and situated about three miles from the village of Inicknow. ' The place is well fenced, well watered; • and aiirst class (orchard. The buildings are in good state of repair, and .11 acres good bush. Immediate possession, and on easy terms of payment. For particulars, apply to James •Bryan, SENTINEL Office, nr to RICHARD HUGHES Lucknow P• 0, CLOTHES REEL TiIE NEW IMPROVED "CHESLEY Clothes Reel" ; the most complete., durable, simple and perfect reel' martifactured. 'Ibis article can be got Only through the sole agent at I.angside. 966-t•f . A, A. CROWSTON Teeth Teeth } If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than tate cheapest, 'call on D) P:'t t e ont Dr. Tennant's Office, Luck -yaw, ONT EXECUTOR'S SALE (- _ -0E----- OF FARM FARM PROPERTY THE EXECUTOR'S OF THE -LATE Kenneth Matheson, offer fur sale or rent the estate of the sail de; ceased Kenneth Matheson, being cow-= posed of -the west �haD. 1f of 1o�1Yo :mow: -, 12th con. Ashfield, containing.100 acres, niore or less. There Is on these premises, two dwelling houses, one leg barn with farm stabling ; two young orchards bearing. farm is well watered and extra well fenced with cedar rails. ` For terms of sale or rent apply on the pre-, mises or by mail to . ' JOHN J McKENZIE• Lochals P.O. Ashfield. Executor's Notice T MAKE NOTICE --ALL P E RSONS ARE Forbid from cutting timber nr trespass- ing on that part of lot No. 13, in the 11 con. of the township of West Wawanosh, which belongs to the estat of the late - THOMAS THOMPSON A,hfield November, 28th, 1892, .10 FOR SALE, 1 A.0121,15 -MORE OR 1..1.55) 000D land, with large 2 story frame •house and out buildings, barn, etc. 20 grand" vines good water, good location, within half aniile of the station ; easy terms, Particulars may be had from T. W. HILDRED, Lucknow HE TACE TOLD Attention'. i's this time directed to a handsulnl, silver tea service now on exhibition. - it' is specially mentioned that it may be specially remember- . ed. There are also tile staples and many novelities•iti ilve- ware the public, are. 'invited to • see. • . PLUSHI PAPETERIES with. scent bottle and sat'chet pow- der, don't forget to ask about them; LEATHER COOS -- :? re generally of the best and very' servicable. We have purses; Wallets, shopping bags, music cases, .collar and cufl holders. BOOKS-i'llis is the seasoil' for procuring S. S. libraries, Don't send ' awayuntil you. have seen our stock and got ,our prices. • Our 'family Bible, our pocket Bibi es, our large print Bibles for old: people, our childrens' hooks and booklets are' still worth a notice. And clonit forget the nic.le alarm clocks. D. MURCHISON. erra�mmiand sson towlocal part -tame start. agents. Permanent position. Good chant for advancement. Exclusive territory. I at gest growers of Nursery stock in Canada, and only growers in both'Canada and United'' States. Clean, hardy stock true to name, and fair .steatment guaran- teed. No substi; tution in our order*' No. competi- tion from other houses, on account o f low prices and, peculiar advanta- ges. We can interest any one not earning 875 per m .nth and e>penses. ~ Don't hes it,•ttebecause ofpre- vious failures in this or other lines. we can make you a success. Outfit free. Address for particulars,' BROWN BROS. CO.;'Continental Nnrserieg This house is reliable.) TORONTO;- • NZ, RS. MIT has just opened twotlier of those fur -trimmed JACKETS also a choice lot of ladies • SILK ..T1.d1E --�---AND HANDKERCHIEFS suitable for Xmas, presents. Children's . Washing Ties -'and Fancy Handkerchief's Fancy goods of all descriptions just received at MRS. SMITH'S: Millinery- of all kinds mark- ed away down. A call ' is solicited. 23rd ont!nua1iy •s i ng At the "People's Store," St. Helens,. large consign -- outs _. ' of Fall -and- Winte Goods in .leavT'S in Natural, Scotch and Alabama, Wools. 1.,A -DIES tJTN DERV7:a on " Hygiene " French Elastic Wools. Flannels :int" Zllnizelette Angolias in seasonable variety U DRESS GOODS to suit theENTS approaching season, OVERCOAT$ in nice dressy colors and Styles. I make a specialty 4in Gent's ordered work=every suit guarpteed to fit. All 'other departments are equally well assorted with the newest goods in the market. Highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs and other produce. Ren%ember the place. S■ R. MU -Ay, ao VI.Cps Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CRRCERIES & PROVISIONS. Apples ' Blacking Black Lead • Bine Laking Powders 'Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee • Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned ' Coxn meal Currants Currie Powder, Cream Tarter • Cocoanut' Dates !,have in stpck the following .Nutmeg • Oil; olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickles Pearline . Peas, canned Pepper • Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar . Syrups I)rlepp1e •. Extracts Fir's. ' Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine Gingers' Hops Honey Ink . Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, cannel` Magnesia Nuts , 'Soda • !Soaps ' Spices Starch Strawberries, canne Sulphers Tapioca Tumatces, canned Teas • Tobaccoes • • Vermicelli •Vinerrars' Washhoa'tds • \Vashirg'Crvstal \\'ouden ware Whiting Diener Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Sets !Cl'ean., Sets 'Berry Sets Inner Sets No, 1 Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. ' BOAR FOR SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNEID WILL KEEP for service at Lot 12 conA 10, .Ashtield, E. D., a thorough bred Chester White •boar, "Royal King.", • PEDIGREE :-"Royal King" was sired by King Tom, bred by E, D. George. Putnam, Opt., 2nd. sire, Rcyal 72 ; dam Ada 188, by Seth 124 ; 2nd Lady Jane 171 ; 3rd" sire, Royal Chief 117 ; dam Graceful 164 ; 4th sire Wake- man Boss ,• 'dam Sweepstakes 13Z.; dam Short Nose 41 ; 5th sire Perfection 9 ; dam'Lady R; 135; 6th sire Billy the second; dam Sallie F. 25, by• Pioneer 16; dain Lady Florence 2nd, 24; by Wakeman 'Chief 6 ; loom Lady- Florence {original). " Royal King's" dam was Lucknow Lass, bred by E. D. George, Putnam, Ont.; and sold to J. E. B'arkweil, Ashfield; registered No, 4261; vol. 3 2tid cam bred by .T H Eaton, S ate of Ohio; 3rd dam Vino, 7,124 ; vol. 4 ; bred by E D George; sired by Freddie. III; dam !Holman 's III; etc, etc; TERMS -•8100. cash : 81 25 if not so paid. JAMES ALTON Belfast P O FARM ,;FOR SALE.; • FARM CONTAINING 100 ACRES, A' situated lot 13, con, 7. in the Township of Kinlues, Co of Bruce. Frame house, good orchard, well watered and sonveuiently situ- ated. For particulars apply to E. NICHOLSON, Proprietor, . or to Thorndale, Ont. PETER CORRIGAN, • ' . Holyrood P. 0. - LIME FOR WOOD . PARTIES INTENDING. TO BUILD during the coining season, and wishing to exchange cordwood• from three to fide feet in length, for lime condo 89 at the lime kilns, lot 21, eon..3, at Langside. Pine, hemlock, tamarack and cedar will be taken in any quantity in exchange for lime. JOHN Fli.tSEB, Langside P. 0. SHORT HORN BULLS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER ' FOR sale 6 superior young hulls ranging from 8 months to 2 years, These are the right sort. thick- and fleshy and will all make show animals. Correspondence solicited or come and see E GAUNT .t Sorts • St Helens. BOAR FOR SERVICE man UNDERSIGNED WILL' KEEP .I for service a well bred Chester White Boar at lot 17, con. 13, %Vest Wawanosh, The lot is known as the Silver Grove Farm. , TER MS --$1 FOR SALE, OstiON.7 X/ r DOLLARS WILL , .PUR chase a splendid farm of 200 acres., Kinlpss, Co Bruce, 180 cleared, with all necessary buildings, orchard, water and apples. JOHN J. STEPHENS, • Tees water. MCLEOD'S System Renovator. And other tesed remedies . - SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE - -FOR------ Impure, Weak and Impoverished • Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness. Palpitation of• the Her.rt, Liter Complaint, Neuralgia, ,Goss of Memory, Bronchitis, ('onsuniption, ' Gall Stones; Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. , 81 per half lint and 82 per pint bottle. LABORATORY.' - GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. • Sold by Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. THS HUB Leads thein all for Family Groceries AND CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SP6CALTY. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best f/a ue obtainable in Lucknow, JOHN ELLIOT. 9