HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-12-23, Page 4• It kr. u4zn wrctxnti REE LIBERTY TO UTTER' A.ND TO ARGUE "SEELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES 11e; ;Liz. 23ra,1802. THE POOR HOUSE. The Grand Jury in presenting their report to the County Court in Goderich last week strongly recom- mended the erection of a House of Refuge for the aged and deserving of the county. In replying to the address His Honor Judge Doyle gave one of the most able and powerful arguments in favonof such an institution.. we have ever listened. to. His Honor said that the references in their address to the able management of the cou:ity jail were but a reputation of what had been said by Grand Juries for years. The management, was undoubtedly -satisfactory and everything possible was done to make the inmates comfor- table. But the primary. object of this institution was the punishment of crime and the protection of society ; your presentment showed that six of the ten persons mkt confined the' e were vagrants 'or paupers, and it was not for those t The facts and figures referred t he jail was establis grand jury formed • one of strongest arguments for a house refuge. • Fortunately Christianity recognized as forming a part of_ 'ioble• British constitution, and 'Christianity taught us that it -was o silty to care for the poor and unf tunate of our fellow men. , No m beautiful and powerful illustration -duty is, contained in the' whole Bi than the story of the rich man Di. and the begger Lazarus, and for own part he copld not see''how wh We -were called to render an account our stewartship we could escape fro the.iesponsibility, which as .'Christie n men ours, in caring.for our neigh bor. Tris duty was not fulfilled by trusting our•poor in jail to associat with criminals: This he stated merel as his own views, but he would ask the jury to consider the financial aspect. - -The reports of the houses of refuge already established showed that, the inmates were .sept at an average cost of from $50 , o $60 per head per year, while we in this county, as indisputable facts showed to the knowledge of the - jury, were: paying about three tinges shat an ount,for the poor we are now •supporting, and then giving them; by the nature of the buildings and sur- roundings, a very much. inferior care and accommodation: The assessment of this. county was about 30 °million dollars; and 20 cents on every 00 in this would raise $15,000. Butt,0ve did not need to• raise that amouIt had been shown that an It of'Indust; could ample house count Industry o be. erected in'this Y $12,000. towards this we have on hand in cash $4,500 from Scot Act fines ; the provincial govern- rnent, granted $4,000,•so . that at , the • most we' would , not require to raise more than $5,000 to erect a suitable house of refuge. Surely as intelligent business men we should' not delay any longer, and' he was glad to know that steps were being taken to bring the ;natter before the electors for. discussion. The Lu,kno•%i eentinel Brum Count, Friday, Decem eF, 4+ - PRESBYTERY OlfrILAITLAND • --•o. received and acf4ted. The Rev, A, McLean, Clerk of Huron Presbytery being present, was invited to sit ae. responding--menater: _ I vas agreed that Mr. Malcolap's name be placed. on the roll for appointing moderators of Presbytery at the date in which Teeswater congregation was transferred to this Presbytery. A communication from the Presbytery of Huron was read intimating the willingness of said Presbytery, to transfer the congre- gation at Lenburn to the care of this Presbytery, also that Rev. 'A. Lean, Clerk, of the Presbytery and Rev. a Fletcher were appointed to confer with this Presbytery or a committee of this Presbytery to cbnsider the platter. AMR coLD w AT ER W. JL Geddes, Moderator. Rev, The Tress ' Met at Ppcingham, Dec. urer's and • Auditor's report were H hed. It was moved, by Mr: .Murray seconded by Mr. Ross and agreed that in reply to a communication from the Presbytery of Huron, re the transfer of Leeburn to the Presbytery of Maitland we express a willingness to receive Leeburn into this Presbytery if the transfer can be effected without prejudice to the congregation of our Presbytery adjacent to it. It was moved by Mr. Stevenson seconded by Mr. Ross and agreed that Messrs.' Anderson, A. McKay, McLen- nan with their Elders, be a cam- mlttee to co-operate .with the com- mittee of the Presbytery of Huron with the view to uniting the congre•. gatien at Leeburn with Dun ;a. and Port Albert and that doq�- ed. inittee visit Dungannon i o thbe Albert with a view to u fort Leeburn. 1, with oz' The ' 19 Rev. D. M. Gordo, 1Talifax, N. S., Docnin as. ,our moderator of the next was nGeneAe. this sembly.- 'The , Rev. John G; of our -Windsor, was nominated as moat; ore of the nett Synod of Hamiitond re London. h}e A petition . from the congrebn es of Teeswater was read asking18 his sanction of the -Presbytery pro pa sale of Westminster Stating Church � of g that the proceeds of ,d of said church to be devoted to m erection or purchase of a manse. _ petition Was transmitted through 1 Session. e ' On motion of Mr: Rosy, sec. by IV. y McRae permission was given to cota,;regation ..of Teeswater to dispos, ' of Westminster church ' in accordanct with resolution of said congrega Mr. Hartley„ convener of tem ance committee, reported that fa able' answers were receiveo from ills Inspectors of public schools within the bounds, to the. Memorial re use of Temperance manual in schools present- ed to them by the committee THE County Council of Elgin closed its December session last week. In addition to other business it was decid- • ed to petition the Ontario Legislature to abolishstatute labor and substitute a commutation tax, and to make only those municipalities not in high school districts liable/for support of county pupils at high schools. , CEEW1 Mr. Jaine''s Peirce has been !lnwel this week recover. past. We hope he may soon 1 Mrs. M. Shackleton still keeps very poorly. During•the fine 'weather of last week J Curran Rut up a kitchen to his house. leclod ,here no to ;nd wood. • 1 matter with your -.M'eek ? There was a ,kes in Crewe news. 0 1 tion; • Brings a continued demand for Furs and Overcoats. Our stock though seduced still contains some desirable goods in boi�h. -above lines. In Ladies' Mantiiiigs. �z Sealettes are selling ` freely. Cash prices for the latter are $4.25 $5.00 and $6.00 per yard.' OONNELL, - ' LuclniQw. .say L T. La` COAL 8TOVES on heiwrence has now on hand.a large 'stock of • if 1892 .1893 STOVES., `r_'‘ ..�..�.4 ar • STOVES. WOOD S'TOV she -1 PARLOR STAVE S, et COMBINATIC dYh 7N STOVES, BOX STOVES. He is also making a specialty less " a store or furnace should. not fail'c to ►�f furnace work this fall and parties intending purchasing • ld she kinds of with give him a call. die has. as usual �'t full stock) of all amid n. Tinware. -;spite 91 m=are, Japanesed ware, • Pressed ware, Axes, .Ax Sia Handles, Cow Chains, •]Dope Halters, I., ora R rn, e and Lain Goods. . h p p. The h� e,° ;fading Hardware` Depot. HOS 'LAWREN0 dr4 were CKN® ' . y,f L■ m per- Stovepiping and dinner do`r�tepairing promptly atta`nded to.. Haatilt vor-)ly for leave to receive as a minister the Freshyt hur„h 1 The following were appointed. visit aid -receiving congregations a report at next'Ineeting :=pine Riv Mr. Rose and Mr. McQueen with th Presbytery elders; Dungannon a Port ..Albert, Messrs. Anderson, M Kay, McLennan and their Presbyte lders; Belgrave, Messrd.. Millan with their PresbyteGeddes e del, an A communication was received fro r. Reid stating that $80.00 wa ppointed to this Presbytery for th xpenses of .the general assembly. • I was agreed that the treasurer be in ructed to apportion the amount ask d for among the congregations on the sis of families and collect the same d remit to Dr. Reid. On motion of Mr. Stevenson it was reed that Messrs. Malcolm AI to izd er, eir nd c- ry d m s• e t st e ba, an s.g and their Presbytery elders be appKay ted a committee on tin- benefieence, • systematic The following pastoral charges were announced as entitled to send commis- sioners' to the general assembly. To send ministers•:—Huron, Chalmer's Kincardine township, Bluevale, Luck - now, Knox church Kincardine, Pine River. Those entitled to send elders, are Wingham, St. }I'e}ei}s and East Ashfield, Ashfield Melville church, Brussels, Teeswater, Cranbrook and Ethel. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Presbytery be:held' in Knox church, _ Kincardine, on the second ¶tuesday' in March at 2 p m Messrs. Malcolm and Millar were' . appointed to give missionary addresses in connection with the presentation of - the W. F. M. society's annual report. The clerk was instructed to•commu- nicate with the railway authorities with a view to reduced rates to mem- bers of Presbytery and members of the W. F. M. S. who may attend the meeting at Kincardine. A circular was received from the Presbytery of Toronto int mating its purpose to apply to the general assem- erlan c •n Canada e Rev. A. L. McFadgen B. A.:f the ongregational. church in Canada. The Presbytery adjourned to meet i Knox church, Kincardine on Tues - tar the 14th day of (March 1893 at 2 pm. ., b NOTICE ! HE ANNUAL. MEETING OF THE Whitechurch Creamery Company will eld in the Forester's Hall, • Whitechurch aturday, . 17th December, at 1 ,o'clock ve,h • the dividends will be paid, Directors elee d, and other important business trans- acte ,. All Patrons, Shareholders, and others IntereS d are cordially invited to attend: laugh tug as it 01 hat his W. Paris boo; att that her ‘nvenienct 11?') �il ""� iving the- l usual., drawing r' O �i In elktglit i Tl • . I spend such kvii gentietne .d harried 4:4,3 ®'.7 r' ,could be a '. Qi .nnlight: other the rt W _/.. } Caraven, •t1 oefore they the Esr1 tt' I 1.17" I wilt sing:, QI dam illi t ; J. J,.W, SIMPSON .. -,.ace- Secret$s own. audios oni' others, Whitechure‘, Nov. 29th,. • e e h d and 1 FOR ll • 89 yet the howl cov WEEKLY shop d thi . - .that h shot t that she tt :, oidanC . '.l:'h yes to see ants ; there in the librt' d Hal redf ae, wit m. l n Wi It was u�+l. his wi si.nr .. ary Sr' a5-4in ree. AND FARM AND H J daiffien t 4o were ge 11101— ght of th etween devot an s ht. SI.00 d, Both Papers for �`tn his i, •was a proud 00 ENLARGED AKD IMPROVED.'to w< uld rather ! :. an�d�• • A flag?( -CLASS FAMILY 11 ha sho loved' or 1 fe beautiful marrf .EACH 1VUIOIBER WILL COIVTAtelding to a 1 The y REV. bit, TALMAG{E'S SERMON deliverecle1dmg it a... room to _ Sunday previously was not ins them. o T x WANTED. AGRIWAKECULTURAL L "MATT WANDERINGS' \ terribly, laughingly QU BL.I C 1 t V G AiRICULTURAL i ATTER—Illuetritted. , LA»IES' PAaEraIllustraied. A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting reaclnst matter. �:.•...,.. � fit' • • slt) E CO Toys, Books. Fancy Goods, Xrnat,. Cards and Novelties. Also headquarters for - FIRST-CLASS . PHOTOGR.APH!HC of every description. We do all oursown work in Lucknow. SATISFACTION GUARANT KAAKE & C SUBSCRIBE NOV Price One Dollar a year in adv For the WEEKLY FREE PRESS AR AND H0,111E--' in all 1G, >a ©s :. Balance of 1892 free to news pied •di$: Agents wanted in every • trict to solicit subscriptioi�, FR • E PRESSPrgR oCO/ L PON - the could `• We will d was ; you to watch's, ' Lady CaraysPUI3i,IC ARF, IIEREI3Y CAU r17tould moments—it waved against giving any one, credit On tvd pgh a,rge dark shawl,Vt*without �ithnq l�le for they ten payment,ofthe sairi,r to hide the amber satit4..ia notice, ° we hide her heti and li, RNARD O'LAUG'rH LIN 'tro , meeting. her should q, Lucknow P.O. , her. '• Creeping along �� will know me ? Or, RAr,/ � who will care for me ?'IBS` FOR SALE. a �F p 10 e 3 v l T lie t7 She went around by the o ED HAS.FOR SALE As t lot 1+4}to distance ,Fre caught a fy -'ted (eastern Shropshire ete iv ram we& night. 1a ba ld, - a to t� dress and the silver vete rami s. For further /AartpculArs Ppiq cit t at behind thetonna of n afe sheatmw H; Reid smere er isos or to 982.4• P he could walk quite imam Lanes P. 0, ad his companion. The t nd thf►t scarcely stirred ht to her from time to h., n, but none of them` were oft not want to' listen so their • AGENTS TO SELL OUR CHOICE AND HARDY NUItSERY STOCK. • � E HAVE MANY NEW SPECIAL varieties, both in fruits and ornam3n- . tags to offer, which are controlled only by tis. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, 985.10in. • ' R ocheater., N. Si`