Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-12-09, Page 8The Lticknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, .December
for the following .
Oyes, ~lined and unlin
►sgaroo, . gloves, Jersey
'es, kid faced Astrachan
Sid faced ; Buckskin
fleece. lined ; Fine
sblirtp three prices ;
Ivorine collars all
Braces in abundance,
�t variety of styles and
Underwear in great
Fancy scarfs and
!§, Iciest shades, a beanti-
Full- -supply of Socks, all
-two-pairs for 35c. and
er special lines.
y us • for Snitings and
r i.eoa
as.. ns., to 7 p.m.
613x, m. Deny3E1�
2:30p. in,
3i48p.. .
r36flp;?Menders snd
�. ]t
t:34ip.'za. '
Foote for -
►g jcoutr.: ,wands for
ATO,°stoc s d
araaf,.''si :.tom 'is no
out of town to
cash price will be paid
hardwood legs at the
ak the 12th coaeeion of
. along your logs.
tbention will be paid to all.
Sawing done pflimpt.
Here is stimethng which does not
to he generally : known. All
' tteatter Ear Great .113'rBtaim sl otild
*it weighed
before sending; and under
ores* weight H the letter shoed
s.7 a '+tr-over a fine of 5d. (1flc) is
on the party to whom it is
A grand concert is to be held in
the serol house on the 6th con., Kin -
on Monday, Dee 19th. The
gramme is to consist of readings
recitations„ dialogues,, pantonines,.
vocal and instrumental 'nude, etc
Doors opened at 6:30. Admission
10 and 15c Come one, come all.
ken Dora Amount to Much
There are three important times in
a man's life: When he is born:, -when'
he marries and when he dies. And
even then his importance is over-
vershadowed .by the curiosity to know if
he is a boy or a girl, whae the bride
wore and what he Left in his wile
Vairn man germ don't cut much figure
in. this world
broke Gaol
See Gorrgeon,, of Blyth, commonly
sewn ss "F'renehhJoe" escaped from
Grelersch gaol Satty evening by
upping out the -gate where cordwood
had been brought in. He had about
taro months to serve of the sentence
w hith'had been imposed upon him for
*insulting with a club John Kelly, of
Myth. TTp to the present his where-
abouts is unknown..
lA Hannonteaalub
The Lucknow Harmonica Cli
composed of four mouth organs,
triangle, the bones and a first-cl
organist, is coning to the front. Th
have already four engagements ahead.
This is a tasteless junior musical
organization. Give ,them a chance w
aunty Ciiuucir "�a`.
The December session of the Bruce
County Coueicil last week was a busy
one for the members, and although it
only lasted three days, a large amount
of risinE was transacted. We have
not space this week to give a report
of the proceedings but will do so in
one nett issue.
! School Concert
On Tuesday, December 13th, a con -
.cert will be given in the school house Slakes. of section No. 6, as. ,Jhe pro-
gramme has been carefully prepared.
and contains attractionse for all.
Doors opened at 6:30. Chairman's
opening address at 7:30. All are
cordially invited. Admission, 15 cents.
Public Meeting
At' the public meeting of the
citizens in the Town Hall on Monday
evening last, a. motion was unanimous-
ly passed indorsing the action of the
village council, in defending the suit
at law of Roe vs Lucknow, for injuries
to a stallion owned by the plaintiff.
The accident took place last Jane
The trial will cone off at the County
Courtin Goderich on Tuesday next,
13th lust:
Drowned,in the Lake
News was received last week that
Mrs.Mrs.McEachern, a former resident ofn
Lucknow, had helost with the
schooner ,Hercules, off Manitoulin
Tcland • The schooner was laden with
lumber, and went to pieces near shore.
The crew all escaped, bit Mre. Me-<
&diem becaihe so . exhausted from
Wight and exposure as -to-be- unable to
assist in the efforts to save her and
was drowned. She was wife ' of Mr.
Donald MtEachern, and was well
known in Tiverton. The body has
been -recovered-Merton We tchrnau.
Anniversary Services
The anniversary services of tte
Methodist ehnrch were held on Sunday
last, when the Rev. Wesley Casson, of
HHaariston, preached to large congre-
gations on both occasions. The Rev;
gentleman is an able, earnest and fluent
speaker and his discourses were. both
effective and • appropriate to the occa-
sion. His'serm n in the evening was
-wallyeepe good and much appreciated.
by . the .Targe audience present. ° . The
collections and stabseeipt ons amounted
to a ire over $304, which goes too, the
trust fund of the .church..
For the Poor House
There was a lively time and a large
crowd at the. -meeting of the ' Cherry
Grove dation of Patrons of bee
dustry en Tuesday evening. The
queetion for detuate was resolved et6r at
the County of Bruce should build
a County Poor House's The. affirma-
tive was ably sustained by Messrs T.
F. Patterson. and G K Halbert, and
the opposition by Messrs, J. S. Hamil-
ton and A. D. Patterson. The question
was strongly debated en , bode -sides
and the 'greatest interest prevailed
anions t• the audience during the
discussion finally It was decided by
die committee of judges, that: the
County should build a Poor House.
Other Patrnri lodges throughout the
counties should also have this subject:
debated at their meetings;
The Season's Crop ..
After a careful investigation the
Ontario Department of Agriculture
has come to the conclusion that the
crop of 1892 ininthis province has been
to some extent disappointing. In
eight of .the leading field crops the
yield has been below the average 'ef
the past eleven years. Ageiizst $trig
there is an improvement is 6ve crops
namely, fall wheat, mangel-wurzels,
carrot`,, turnips and hay. The acreage
under cultivation does not vary a
great dead . although it is apparent
that the farnners areraising fesdbarley
and rye than £othneriy. Potatoes are
very much below the average both in
quantiy and quality. It appears also
that the fruits have in some 'focalities
turned out poor crops, with the ex-
eptioe of fall or early apples, which
ave been altogether too�.plentiful for
arket. In the i�
ihe weather is
sponsible for the indifferent showing
e heavy rains followed by a pro-
nged drought had a damaging effect
open, nearly every branch of agricul-
re. Ontario, like every other coun-
ty has. to take the good with the bad
rid although we have not an unicom-
rtable abundance, the crop is
ufficiently Ice ;e to yield a fair return
r the labor expended upon it. .
Directory Melting
A meeting of the directors of the
Kinloss Branch Agricultural' Society
will be held in the Mechanics' Institute
room on Saturday next, December
10th, at 1 o'clock p. m. A full
attendance is requested.
Lacrosse Concert
Lawes :onceete evilletakea: _ l
in the village in the near future in
the interest of the Sepoy I
Club. Look out for bills. If the
lacrosse- boys take energetic hold of h
the people may expect something good.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Come in. and see our elegant display of
oil paintings, engravings, bamboo
goods, etc, at Berry's, Furniture Store.
-Boys suits in all sizes alre ito'w in
stock at very low prices,-WeConnell
-Parties owing A. McKinnon will
ace= -please -call- and settle, as his account"s
aro made out,
-Featherbone corsets are said to be
the best Get them at Connell's.
-See our trimmed hats for $1 ; all
bargainat at special bargainsat Mrs,
A Good Teacher
Miss Burgess, a painstaking an
competent teacher in the Wingham
public school, has resigned. and heft
year will endeavor ' to impart know
ledge to the youth of Lucknow. Her
auccestor here has not yet been
appointed.-Wingham Advance.
Rebecca tegree
Grand Secretary J. B, Kings, of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows, of
Ontario, will institute a ledge of the
Rebecca Degree in the Oddfelow's
hall here this (Friday) evening at
8' oclock. Those who know claim
that the:. Rebecca Degree is one of
the finest instutions in connection
with Oddfellowship and should be
popular with the ladies of Lncknow
and vicinity.
Sabbath School Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Sabbath
School association of this village will
be held in the Presbyterian church
on Thursday evening, Dec. 8th, at 8
o'clock, p. in. Subject under discus-
sion "Duties of S. S. teacher to his
class in and out of school," introduced
by Mr. Matherson. These meetings
have' been held in the: different
churches since the month, of May and
though they have been fairly well
attended,' the attendance is not as large
as it should be when we consider the
large army of Sunday School workers
we have in our village. We hope all
those who are interested in this great
work will come along and let our
efforts be united in advancing „the
interests of a. work fraught with So
much importance to our young people:
Poultry For Marketing
The following information on dress-
ing poultry should be pasted up in the
kitchen of every farm house : „ Abstain
frons feedingpoultry24 hours before
hilling All poultry, but more especi-
ally turkeys, should be Wiled by
bleu in the neck, and plucked
clean while the body is warm, leaving
on head end feed es well es the
feathers on wings and .tail. Do not
draw the entrads:or scald the birds,-
The last process is readily detected by
buyers, who. will not pay within 1 or
2 cents per pound of the . price they
will give for dry picked- geed& Lett,
tern cool oto, then draw the feet lip
Tinder the breast and put the - head
under one of the wings, '`tie them up
plump to keep them in shape. . Before
parking poultry should be thoroughly
dig andcolds if packed with the
animal heat in, they will be almost
sure to spoil_
When seleting Xmas presents and
new year's gifts why not purchase
sornething useful as well as orna-
mentaI- lEi a have the goor)s that
will suit; beautiful pictures, lovely
upholstered and easy chairs. fancy
rockers. Drop in and see our goods.
Meet matter whether you buy or not,
will he pleased to have you call at
Berry's Furniture Store -
-Lost Orr Stauffer, Campbell or
Havelock streets, a , black leather
purse, containing two the dollar bills,
some silver, a silver thimble with the
initials "R M-" on it, alto a railway
ticket from Lucknow to Ripley. The
finder will be suitably rewarded by,
leasing the same at W. Connell's store.
-A meeting to aid in circulating
the Bible wilt be held on Friday, Dec.
9th, in the Gardner school house, 12th
Ashfield, • when .interesting addresses
are expected. All are invited, Ca
rnencing at 7:30. Collection at close
in aid of fund.
Hell% hello I Look here. Now
is the time to buy the best ff.anning
mill and bagging attachments made in
the Dominion. It is manufactured
by Manson Campbell, Chatham, Ont_
Capacity 60 to 80 bushels per hour.
4500 sold last year. It may be seen
at work every Saturday at Cain's hotel
stables,, Inglis St, Lucknow. Nixon
Sr House, direct from factory. Inquire
for them at Cain's hotel, Lucknove
-Rev. J. Mills and J. Kenner ex-
change pulpits next Sabbath. The
fanner preaching in the interest of the
Methodist Missionary . Society at
BIake's at 10:30 ; Hackett, 2:30 and
at Rope at 1:30.
-A few good sets of furs just ;re-
icecieived at Connell's. Also muffs and
storm collar&
-Millinery from now to the end of
the season at •very low prices at Mrs.
-.Musical instruments of all kinds.
Aecordians, concertenas, mouthorgans
violins, autoharps, banjos, and. other
kinds at Harry Days'. '
--For well -saved Hemlock .bark
$4.50 and $5 pet cord will be paid at
the Wingham Tanning Company.
-Another lot of overcoats just to
hand this weekWe bought them
cheap and our rale is to sell as we buy
at Connell's.
-You will find it well worth your
time to examine Wallace's large and
choice stock of solid gold and gold
filled watches in gents' and ladies
-A few of those nntra trimmed
coats still left. These are scarce
goods. Also some other leading lines
at Mie Smith.
-Beautiful dolls. Toys of all
kinds, .games of the latest kinds, iron
trains, banks, etc., at Harry Days'.
-It -is just giving things away. A
Japanese wall pocket\and a pound can
of baking powder fir thirty cents at
-Drop in and see our elegant
stock of jewelry if only to get prices.
Don't think we will he offended if you
should not purchase. We will he
pleased to give prices. -J. WALLACE.
-Any lady wanting a sealette coat
can secure a bargain in an end of
sealette at Mrs. Smith's.
-Fine b plush and leather goods,
albums, writing desks, . work boxes,
dressing cases, shaving cases, suitable
for' a nice holiday or wedding present
at Harry Days. •
-Mrs. Smith is showing a beauti-
ful lot of ladies' silk handkerchiefs
and ties suitable for Christmas
-=You can see as fine a line of fancy
goods (for holiday presents) is ever
was shown in the village if you step
int° Harry Days' store.
-D. Murchison .has for sale. the
Xmaso number of the Dominion Pius -
freed, a Canadian production most
highly spoken of by the press and a
very suitable present to friends abroad.
Also the Canadian Almanac, a mine of
valuable irnformat ion for everybody.
-Call in and examine my stock of
fancy goods, toys, Xmas. cards, etc.,
before you make your purchases for
Xmas, and we will be pleased to show
you any line we have.
-You can buy a full bed -room suit
for 510; a board with mirror for
$7.50 .; centre table for $1.80 ; fancy
covered rockers for , $1.80 ; a' nice
lounge for $5.25 at Berry's Furniture
-Having engaged the. services of a
first class watchmaker, Mr. J. A, Arm-
strong, late of Ryrie Bros., Toronto,
and a graduate. of Horology, 'I wish'
to state that business will still be
continued in the old stand. Customers
may feel assured of having their fine
watch and clock work done promptly
and in a first class manner. All work
fully warranted. -Mus. JNO. WALLACE.
-The Guelph Mercury says : "It
is worth while being insured with
the Gore District Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company, of' Galt, these times.
For two years past a rebate of twenty
per cent. on premiums paid etas been
returned to members, and it is pleas -
to learn that the Directors pre-
sume on the same results from their
management in the year now ap-
proaching a close. Mr. Cunningham
is the agent here."
takes occasion to thank his friends
and patrons for past favors and gives
notice that he has removed from his
old stand in CampbeIl's Block and in
future will be found opposite Me-
Clure's Grocery store, in the building
formerly occupied by Mr. Thomas
Young, Implement Agent.
Coat andVest maker wanted.
The following are, quotations from.
the Toronto street markets on Wed
nesday last :
Wheat -No. 2 spring, 66e. to 62c ;
white 63c. to 65c; red winter, 62c. to
Pee No: -2;'54te-t0 55 ,
Barley ---No. 1, 50c. to 51e. ;(No. 2
44c. to 45c.
- Oats -No. 2, 30c. to 31c.
Floor -Extra, $2 8 0 to ' $2 90 ;
straight roller, $2 95 to $3 00.
Fall Wheat, per bushel.....62 tq 3
Peas .....00 "142
Oats 44 .....00 " .26
Potatoes .35
Butter, per lb... rolls .16, tub .15 to 16
Eggs, per pound • .10
Hay per ton $6 to 7.00
Flour per cwt • • 1.75 to $2.
Turkeys per lb .08
Geese " .t .04
Ducks " .06.
Chickens " . "- .... ... .05
Dried apples "" 31 to 4
Tallow " ".04,
Lard .08 to .09
XMAS -1898
This is the season when young
and old are wonder
ing what
they will give to their friends.
by calling at
You can Find there the most
select stock in Lucknow in
Handsome Albums, Fancy
Chinaware, Shaving Sets,
Writing Desks, Lady's Dress-
ing, Glove and Hnd€ Cases.
Or if you . desire it you can
have a highly finished photo -
of yourself set in a handsome
aitrosr rara240
Our studio is complete in
every department ` therefore
we do our own work right here
in Lucknow. • We have no
fancy show case work prepar-
ed for us. It is not necessary
because we turn out the best
work in Western Ontario.
+ + +
• Where you can get Bargains
fclr cash. Just received a large
large stock of all the Ieading
lins of
Boots & Shoes
Also a great variety in Men's
Women's tend Children's Rub-
Men's Long Boots
Worth $2.50. Single pair
for $2.25 ; 2 pairs for $4.00,
$1.20 boot. 1 pair for"$1,10,,
2 pairs for $2.00. Women's
Tweed. Slippers, 18c, 20c, 25c
per pair.
Call and secur-
of Boots at
00 -