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Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-12-09, Page 7
M j 0 , ff a � .0 LAUGH AND LFAM. thsa any other a2dowdity cc race oil tbo _&T rersats. s4,obe. civitized-or savage. FOR vmmv. &Wk 4P V"Muux am mefj�_ F116v Names LsadIed ea a* slie nelplem rv,, ISSUE NO 49 1892 ltS & POOr MW thXt WONICL work baAh lkyleftsm-ASMAeut w1ke was ruesona- 0.!k91V MMUW steps therte am to Cake;, WAY,% In wee a red- Germant rrftw� =,or, 8214 M"ge in her Own sweez way; Seldomas• edd Them Jim step t r bt�y aud graudmamnial Sme white 9W ift Vw:tofix Laiii, Adelaide MLWda C"r SOTO And iVs nothing but 4&PS au das, llfte %A�% 100a ag% a divimty hall M- La. rewulzz &*&as %rebel* a& X=1Now Cans me. tuu:q SU lotte was the name bestowred upon the pr -id -A Over bra axna ankisID11.1- pliase TK0._= 'F nd m7bLvar, Wif&-40 Y03' think this comptexion infiml, daaghter of the JK japeror &fta d xWeWj**ft fib" pwvw. mak has male §�ay aazmaw in my IZTpr"m 0a.. cestain &v* Sank Gtmaxny at b= rec-ent, cbrisum- zbe_ ft euldeaz* qx--A the pnxeeQ1 yuei�,ercoant tbeng, JjL INS thought rm looked better dust ing at NtsdamL. 1-ke very mall bit G1 tuvg& 6101FOU'h from a rv-- ss aam As yoQ put it OIL who is to 9'0'thmugh life bmt- =01)e M94- per'ota��l ;hit 4aty.a 1twW -An& VOW fdbm-U* darrbw meree count me beaad vith this I hem. at" the feat 03 by N WEM P llackm cJ Wen- The *,=% can farpea, P -f.* -T 'y th, &Ace*! '"eml w4e-Never. cx,-,epl how the wnau sun artahen lee %444.r„ ntt jea qjueer how, %Dij P-ric a H_vpieu sae szrroandcd bg Uumed amLi g*=,.d on she dm- a -ay, but the tear, r&m ra-A SM The JkWe Flti=esa Wax W11L_ w1sy-A f- h"- as FAVAthe eves that, had weazw gwwa "M =Rpm a cWthion cf Cloth of'x-bver -- Lia'd ba For I had sa L)MV bmu Counting the szep, MM Portexy-Mm FUI,--a re -*Zcr'c� C !'Ap's. &Z he pallb AMe 1, h"-'- Wlth 1% bD&i& -of the s"�e mazie� The it uvta and S, At, I, ti •L JjLc3n. one by,0Me_ Wy rulgar. you know. k�s &L A, chi] : Of Liz, Sol aeediug to learm ceremony took puzoe in Z,�ft Jasper GAIkey hand% omfiras hi". t �1 th, Ot the new Plb-, th 4c�nd of ulkh gram tba t 11W --a nwa*y steps 00 Lako. T �mu think so! - t t he Gal in b--IlJL-e IaA (Tat +, Wthmk WOU to her eerraabL- e upper _V g 1.,erk-r count the= as we go, bad hem transforgned into & chapel An like the ht- gai't beton tke Iff zz� whex,, tem for Cd,'s wam Exlzficl foom a sentM!,ental y txdy's altar shod benear"ll a vied vielvet camnpy !,6tre Fefftr* k Leu*x :.• Last night I az% in a gondola on adernad with the Pnutdms esee3 t -pm A ch:-,ppiag sea duesa to make Ventoe's Grand Cizpl drinking it an in, and taWe sass the colden font. tbar wax' ueed in ill Kul much an We me-mr sejamed mo fail bdamI` 1,531 for the taptism of the baby4a gramd- y"'e �XeTu., • Tbe r -,A14 Who hi I &--q iftea Limselt BayleF-Wby anm'% you wearing an fal-arer. the ffin� Fx*Aerjcj_ de*!6� a &-wix-oa ray Bide the GmaA Dacbess of Nulea, t�,,it im ,2. + yery _v�tabjy ale= pecms judge to evero"t this cold day bA-S aR;WALyV b6m known em uiz hiza, way here it got =x -h a seakikg I had to who hdd the tiaby. 16e q),an--wa who wem tolms aU daeQ2�, t e *=tam jW B40k agent -W 'a Ofte man of the take i't am IUF14-11ut il isn-t rainkag. PexWQAHY present wen the Grand Duke Va�z" un tie hunna bad I ; 1-1�ked it mssdE aid Dachft�s of the T. The -ML Sbft*.9 hu% S. a4,c ememias Ak, Dowgier Gvamd' Dachess of Meck weeain'tbe "' Are them zMany amen unempi aged in ten7burg- Ea MM ata mid-tz a a s utis bas been iter, rve am a, aixpeam `-his t0wn!' "' I don't know,- It team "wea:m aad Prince Uepol I of B-vwi-- &=Meishea bw, ".Mmitsetaxem of WAR, mmtu to-naarmw FU 1&�R I. .., How The Qaem 01 &O -n4. the Ki -Ag of Des- Muner-M An &�th the mehod =d re -sults when if you 6-,d it tet, MI -S, have la at y" d1on-L cam keep IL" gill you know to-moxrow Y, InArk The Qaeen RVAA of :Spun --d the who = S!r xnQh In Zr0aWA-_% aili of C=Tae. :�,yrimjrof Migs is taklen, a :,-,, plemsant this 'going to be a safe mmorel imto a thra" King aad Qaten of Wuzu-mburg vem all all who are tory *-A A.- L_;_ with .,Mpda., N isi -How does iia® , d lit out n a itd re&*shingg to the taste, and acts --=Q"Ag �m Me PM ja atrloel, -a-- Qm MkQ01d ItAke is In Xaliv,6-IIs ain't :and -that lies, W-ap bag batAks, and celeftaaY Was ou4wmed by Rev- Dr. $1. &tan DragSt,,,, !L-�ntlr vet pxompziy on the KidneyE�, air; At's the Umd ckm�tt.gua 'Who Married a Dryander, SmpenazentGeneval of the LiVer ;jn1j 'BOWel-'-, CleAD-ReS the syfi- te:egmph opwabor. 44 mo t1AT, when Ma died praman pmtntanit cAnr%A- who afb!s- Dinex-wrsiu-x. g wia My 011.e- a+ __41a_I 'No- canWaIng Wa tT,%,0LPM ",e wards prawthed a seratem Val lette be : Waiter -_1 n't tell e3me 4 " but vIbeyavarage abou I zewe to her Uncle's tows in O�lia.° k0 w&s " tbFis rem and fey,_er,, amd eur� habitwd mdfts. - � After the aw=z= the 1jule priftom Was Maar4ml One "y b -t week *.id "d -red as N Sy true of Fig, is the It is P"bLbl, I wish yom woula lead Wa in -4 TivM embr&liejd czxmir, bemide env ,r a tbat J. M. Ranie, the is an Ummuson%ble wDlich y reme%iv 01 ilaz- kind ever TO - motel '3.ioT)eh*&u*erwM be bmqgb% to I the Empmas the 0ampaas to Zzy so be"'aw momy- T2ivVxt_- mea by her. ed, paesAur L-1-Ae an this coantry to read from mmme of his own Be ! - GM*z'mMztr1 came in 1* -&y to _,ee if it. uk� g to th- Dioerlle days we *0 L%I�w = the day a banqae- was beld in was ready Se-, ,Optzable to the sumnnehprompt in and Rimae is money. you =Iing the new jxUpce, and the Em kc COM - **d enjoy Lis foot7apill ga=e Vaes- Have K= gem jemaesa Wife 1- a. -ked mc- ffxmmmliam Of the birt& of de- 'me u=h1miamns TrW-eb 1. and 6ativ berwefkial in hs t"r y - bet he d1rd.tlhis 4M Just Gimn:s of Gas De Smw%L ,,, y pmpftr�d --abEy from the HWA Inorniag, he can'% sine with one eye I es, I saw her ckW T* P"on a� number of sc�.Z"-�y ft�r* sapid %&LM Jae hgktw�g_ alm are brok*_,L' 'amid three a few &V* agm- -4 is Sbe pmay qmmts Who had inza� Eme-3 -M� of psia. a, ,itivar mid agne 1A " a I fike atzi= eff NervOia's �m am I a Nlezmbstano�� ita dem,t like to -PreSs anepinkz. AU I kayaw ment- About; four humdrej in all reaD-f is oem� rima rlpi& 6 -V -:*&i CM his bWj, jZe thaT if it _d PaIjie_ was a match it Settled *e pwqs of the Yea west~ paIoafta thungh rozd� is ca"d " it 6y M*gic_ rthem- n�t sal! and hare int, a& A the maA whiC& gave the QaOCL3TS aCbA*40e JOTUM *M - this WD1 of of ",IT mrttsans ca fi=& a Mwwtv-x ii, a few appai"Mai,=" t I&Tgied bifl amd caused the carroeHatz,4m el "tallar rem kn��),wn. k , , �,of an I am zamosl cmtaim that Elbd and _s tbe"Powezfa and PMiEqx%riMk9 NCrVz-hEV_. Por %14 Wgermon will MWLTTY *'nt (of them q4j-_" In a wwa. plat. WbV4htW mtenwa or Syrup of Fi;- i,-: for --:21e in ;50 -e, roa-11 FA it moi' the'r w4m* �OAY kie�z�n' im Zt-!� bT &H lt-A&Mg dxvggistm is is 14. to owk Them w,-- some deeds taken nofte ex�*rmKd. EM& 3, asked a mus"Tman 01 a Q =%mr he meO' fey a," in What zmakes b -T Him *bo mwulka the apwrmw am itt %Tegvjbm,& Give Xexrnpnwm;wl j=e ML trial D=gw 'jEzits Fr4v-d,,71 *a; the *Tst 3= lean th� sD7?- ..1jev its q 3m wid traom the (wmr-" of the sturs, dome by �:� acdanzanlelea The olkweve"beffe 0al il, mmd itt Costs me a lie, 11" U4 a quesuom�7 night amd, bide eaa. a,.ber &umwen fee the stmathy Night band bqm1e. it on hand''Will . ,, ®dad you ,ever fiva a kett*r in ever -7 left band Mesa Am =, tkal tnMaceed i, promptiv for any one who wiAxm, yc= b=-_ban,1"4 P�kokiev� ykv�. I $&rnA The lksha? of Ll=awm a5� %bose berok aztiow win the vraEga Inbe bec" Ctide W. ik,�b trr iT,L- V=Ufsaured only by tht eme of air awn, 1h;Ne the other day Lbat I C'ne ptm= can *Peak j" T&, &ad pumails at =74tilw6es. . Tb-- rabWdPal M --ed Ito find 61nme kxmging Les wbak - -f in this 06=aar bit Of wc,� 1KZ" a mmy k -d% bmtl gave *0 tam W,=Ll a Wftk Aga." litm He Slky% - 1914 FIZICE, SYRUP C&I maAnAnath Lim- - ,v ;,z tem GAINFORNIA R= ,can ]�.jtu v.1 im Lwdon is a�z v -y I ge,. a - l jz mmm airl. Th=MyMg home af Wr to ils U . Tom . tbax ez Ur ;m Ch ber hkid dW�a ww-k- beekled hrQd and ybm yem ar_. kap" GAIL paoase of Yis -6,m" !i�ii _ _ gby ig-0 visb to, lul � st!�. tim -Pvt�& . V -How fax is he imm'a h-ezv � Ckx*-Ab=t give am &==% of what goes em ma every. the way�gi� t9ft 0'aftt,wate Zen 'Mults. rd ralheT Part of WII sileauy affeZing &dA vhres to amd-&mz kmew how to mx�em it,' wall-, 1W I . . be bmdoen =,owzs. 8&,e jassed hm as a S -z" -w wana a Is ame &Myrk� gb� an in the 'am %& rest, whi'm half a bkv--k bepyzml lartwulam's Wheammate R*w4kaax. T E =real tla- eff Namm is a 'don't come reap whem he sq, fajmWa& '. -rjd4,- paj�m to devz4t ear imrkest --ws- ka army im b�--r rok-let. wbr kee U.,� ana by Ti 11 wslkea bvA-- e3p2l Loakf=g down --I qui hair, in lea- muimubm Ca�. =)eMtaW4,Wiftb K,,O� rbemmatk mauydom,ltkmow� sbe r*P� '"'Peapk imtbo- his iwaa *be wsibi�a a =e6mmit, it tbe, Vbm 4&,* cmze Y,m but it; aak".three woek� twit to Wow 3=,' writw Gni. ti b5aA e3es imve wo _migmL 4% Azo 3-eom Wbrd r aba� i%1MiqbFhVW=re%a&! Y�wm amid VIRGINIA emomik to look resiftilaklae aiiin. o1ber in aetbw�,, MEW pmul. Tem take thfis &,r tbe 57 pftplma b W A hope Thome keeps gonia tbe-V "'d t`" &ew Lwd's mjb&' It was a sa%w &&r. o.1- 0 - ky fb-,Okt��- bmqift of ALBEMARLE COUNTY -R��4ire is -away at so%ara, vi" the yr M3? fi-ieM4b 'Me 0" it is =a& Ybm cake retrama hen sueps�, thinking mo." llefttrablo hamate" ffamattom, 4 ufj, at n.M1&.fz. 11 Wed, " I*Pbtd his fatler about mmy *.*�.,�said the =",,,, ww b*A seem. It was a &eero*em M N, '==%Dq& and Reud DT=Z%iS-.M 0 Tbje *-'XNU& ftVi1t;, staek� i, 11 effixw looked ever wmw batt the vary Misr szemal hataim Mom at maim aml itt anghti to be'gmd� t ow- SMMM-W bemmuftL Iffe,01b, ff=-_ Near an taiml-T a*l* Maeg�:N ye%j gc�ess them Oe. Ab, the bUmsmdh� fer beT, dff #be X% Waa , *&-P�er Mir, Bently .was just Uken s slau ed -Ab%zaphy . lrDiQal�s lhome in* a C&MLve--ht bad a dMatea lmy�eu�w 'rVaied the 410" Empart"Iteemas zth md -ow tce* &-" *xe w zbecL Arffimr--Wbat vras it! MadW_ ===_=ip1 baa_ zc&ljy =MeDey. bmt� I wim �Aw IM GE KA V d: rV 42 1 SAW sa^� ie Tssardar aim armwintmen't, tio Mwet The M e�dzanjj ase oppmed to A awtRin pcmm im Bmff&k occas ave'rTma bim at a *er4aiz hom;,.a�rd Z&e • spas 114*ze Tbe ly�ze(dtaua� axii4die rezent walk Talm Oat , day a bamrd EAU fma off n H4W Flka�tft WIMX 4� is this FffqP1_, S"M V� VFwasac%, amlexta smkze a &H &put, ce;I'at baw4, %be boaam'! jgbt on the mdnzle. m=1eztdmr adver- twed 01at he wan =am a "actizM in bxq fell omtt, and tale nnlmmm ram Over tbe saw- Paemm gwsz Yew e-veat =my hem vw*bip- fibmexal U #b taint house in vvbich CARIle was bezftw ami 1�s s0we WRY me off Om bkMesz ma in' e go na Ir -M�i V as Chan �&My 01 Dais compeulaza. Ze was xi&mfty gpl into Ike ws.D� nomad, belrag` BUSINESS -V on the la b3a hkh' MUC 0i 11bie. Fr=449y awriked aM4,86tt to jxa g4ea amd dLq�-ed, wua W&UL cueepmmg;� ]�Xu��w im COLLEGE UbO60=dy 36VU96Y fM= the pUeMajMM K'"My " F=Idy vlpl� im CWZFQ�Etkem PMt=MB1_,H thlbu�94Q (as V4 ri�izpz* an Tj�-_e PAst few➢5*%)r.8 lle 'Emwws &wN ,a &-pje,,a am tk,,, . mi�� and *_-4 owa KX1JTLWLqW c3likett me� sme " t ZVOMMON1106 Owl- amid -SM&I"MR6 4MI 'Only;34 hbA hzfAi" la�pt- ezoagh'to fill the V�aich is Valued at cxwla� has zmny betm amzlker eme hat. Am4 scald among ibe 34 them vras =a wam on eme ooami - , W ,y evidkMOL. ed ama, hiss datq�l Day IL MMUM IIP FW Weel- r)�-Wbie Q1 LMM,-V-_� &Mi bZSZ UMS&WSS CWMadft. on, V17�, 41 'be mama- been ams amt the phze eaw.*_ dr_a_i�A& &iZiTW ffima Zze Calqk�. tim ed the pmmm% K=q)ww. Ittat coved 3CST"I M-Aywad, Z4 IndiunipaaK won hk wimb mwaifizenit embvoi�, in Mo %Rwx_ W*rve to re sot a sate. A pmwim(rW Mewwrmpeor OROS afte=%�= to vvife 0� the *�40c*= of QeQ=& PAP% Tht Iman M&MM *Mz ctaml. aza Im am &e me.va,mena-la m ai vva6t jomapk &T a sm- per$ aa d&e ate RMSMM as SM b'n- fW kSUZC�. asp S6 W&, ilt U Ot!ZM aW&ed #�l -kZ& --M&W&M With dlZt WIC11; ed him FQ% ftfiald cvjriasitty_ the kmov wkich im the best for, " Wim the berry fm •,%me dzimvag it =mat the girl up aga�nst,54(00& Aftertbeekztian _-%ffeqT_ 71im is -e� d PaNAMM Ike be mmstmewed AMA 9"il ifft 116 'Ina wawn@R Mir. Mz-Faahen gaw- hasct�l 4m Ore ved- ViATM th"e ! Awake, &wake DIme Owc Waz&,will %0mv 11be v of t&e amaew a up. If abe biuNy d4ft mutt `a,_ t3ias, &MA laso gave them -$,lft lowmw-wam% meam thfis ttxmid! iz; &md the -_,;uffie %%K=11 be phame im =zh QM Leh mnak. ft %k,2taB4 be R�iL�:; - T11fis, Lanw'W_T-Xq, Ibis voew has me &e, Imt Why at, ('Stem2iam�&M beam do Sm ==me a P;�Satift t&ad it MAS M t&,e emas of, t6e iE TQ=RMkek fs kkud am tffie bu&.T- tht 1"t penW.%P otmasm aqleft his d*W' me fzom mmy *'h =bm% kAEU, se Oaxt *ewwal - eff kke= mpp=t iL opimax,a said it was well heated from Qe maslex. =%a ",N= have btd the pbyfml Iff %be "fie WEft Pawed wx=134 whe iam. i Oe'M I haze bine Is boy v%o of a wall to wkkh the iza%ft mm rwr:aBBeIl„ Gig-N-VIAM"N hsa,a ui-ena who onze o=%pic$ a 210= has mew*z whuflea 14 -m -M &0=4"y N the weigu WQMH ain re,& em two, e,r at tam a atav$p, as beated froml The W. 1, UMA it was so bot off V6h nine to, b_� ilist'Z ,A It 01 11,1a. . ral� amAkIb- het +}he darauim $ever. II— (1 4c titre hnd_ &=T_)b ykt�cb. SW I , g %be ;Mwemkes for wamter wear, Tswe t&e 4Df%MML-0M=1&= -Amrlowl V=4 tn&QWxMftkM T.94y hua faimle&) issome dzm)'t as to Une kvient thqr wtmdfl swwer. BIl° `r rive-edac- 0"M beam%E�17%bevmzer. 0A a, $MW&Vk One off the best =sea empae3vd by WERM *Uff&qfMg fmm u"*%d* tne T*=p4&zto as vmlws is that Umb- vi�m empe�s mme as bwamel an a mosy hme, PM _jbaF %be TW&A"..6Z GM31L sad b�y &a U%hs'l F the 3'asum mmalay. tim 00MBd t&.,y W=,*x-4g busciMa- TIMM People used tb Wxilt for hfiim ffiwlamn *& sail mase %=%emed 1b a vied v&iA not- whase pmq�mwi%,,F indutea hi= He smm vqwdscl. It 'W" wbai mn& Um jw�y gv� a vex&V4, ww* s. W-1 v�ilh =m*av lmktmg at bim vakkoy Y" WiE 7d cumis Wus". WCHPIGA& AGENTS' W.%NTED as bar Vaked im the iftraem, ant be used C�aa� im tare, mmbu�g% weal, rm goe"Me of ta:� immas b" a ffa=m wtr5e aunt i5; CbSR7L GOCA Sm amr 5upft this lo SLUWly qbe= He bcoa=& bz� S&Mb dummz taft PL%% 3mar $da. ==RM4. emmimmuo qm0r% =19ke CMI.T to tell WS atmmq, The ba4bt sayiMTS eff bis MMO an, J,."A A.M,=t C&Uzur- As suis U1, howbVim'"a lilo� 193JEW oz, Andy, ax leis 1&am "M PW n.(160. 'Ilve�e a 71kMdffMUaM&=SQdWW. SIL3 v &'r geacie ti� irem w3L Si&�PMb&%Wr.TQ==%16 a Servant I'a"ek the Falk*g. The wilbarawm am Pk7mu, JtNm�mz &%= mm—iq= .42 . � 7-3-- ti dwartr" latl*x Was 1(qg.�ead ,Om% use &oa", Wwz1ax to T*hgQzw Amd amelT per oem%, ful-sm-u FULs mtis ,is wm,amw b=9 t>� � nyba MMTQ_,_; tpz �mt mromL, those WWII by ttbe FMA, amd Was imsqn%aMfedi cd vbzae = the L*?bw a..,N NG Au aner ar-.4, Ft- W-tk� -M5M.- 11kmne�t,� 0EMb=rA W*MM, �;N dA3,qA msl& TtaamLqe mmd sum xwqmm w0st"t.. 404O MRM MIR*. for (4, .0,3)m 1j_ �-Imjm bqm am& , e an +Xprp&.a on as dmmy Alta as Ma'AbMM ".paT9, *Itawd I'm *xWz=9 %= bwuL- erea me n't smt to A% nra iniele6traj as be �0(,MD& emw-mataem an tdoe. aawamg ewmu a ou iso( Arei smmm F%Mm5ftua. Ps. t , 80 _4012ROT 0239 &=M. 4 ma-Da34 MMM Mha- ter acrd xtew Te*jamoml, Ligumy am ja the I MW "It'm Sboater _1=Tft=ekz� de4MM16 Evilug.. MP= Dom -a baby -a,-Iwr vn%16 =Rt=%U.F bmume, F, swn Tyow Most _,4100, Fbrst kDs-vem an&% the come W t%e mm- - w 000NSUMPTION, Fm, vdhQe Irstemr cw0W4g r0al-_, iW& Zen (f)zdr ==160 ukt6er , . 11 mmufm Cf emmWtIL SUC&'a =am, am . n gQ= ema=g,�, ""'Un btem =p"n=" A>aL,%f_A -Vqn gem, to ke im W*P' rcaft liblfm tC4� "ere a the rimuer a=m& weze *r-oczm o, cu-m.,mass .1,w A&M wvmy#�,= 1i QM1, WTM Itm And daxe't sera art at real 9WM to Rme a 'aunuuL. Wal"A flxalr • Fa 01M "a -.40Me of Mr IdeltRM. W* 10 SaMMI %MMA�2*, ajWd sm MftqM,% pwem =*U& wthy. I owe ZR 'sE%E#_A3Ceqq- Aj1jbaTq* 3%mane -* 2-mdL *1==N *Map;& i, ftbAs %*wm Ito Rimy A (39 WZMt lr&Zn =Xd F&Miz% yj I ne ftsQ]1t. of an Of ab=tt ogiMtly bOMM r PPI/CE &_/S7r,,SWPLE5, -MM fomr rams, '(daralliem, bV K,W� nmffisd� Au *a zv--C, Him C04T im 6e -1 w5- -as VMVIMMY _UVAMM & C. E. "Mf Rmt�,' =�bo The yr ds eomo, 4,Ew4r xmmw em 46, 14ZMILI - kuv wwake, Q�m me 1A2W Is•sr gee mc, vbobv , Djaft. am im *arrying on pabbz bm*ivm in I&* vwi- wad, & yz-,j 'd'o I cmv.-�usa�m--itt W%zs a. sta"T =,Zmer cimy- Mx3WTri_4bzC%TW OMMMIL FOP% its• I&PNIUVOMU4 fh" ava w the MUIPP=T x *ih sbmm 1* CXV ebwma ==bzM!S end tamm &%Ov� He IL Wkav, M �D -QU al pun sm the azw&% Uen ca mi'm Mffie *To pmmim- Wb* b=& AV711T nz, "'ay owsa=t"y __ & takiag a ke&we _n W&,Cua 1�0 Vwaa 1, Z in .. FIII�aTE„'l9eatR qmm*em, =d the who tfinz it, om- T%e VZCF I no -VER cc UPA I%* T WIF&nw5i XbA '=&T CMe ==Rge=W'4 ewauma - SSAV, Lkx r-tT- e M*Z "'.,W =e b=,==g ter, Mod ar&=a k�� DCMIN"M I wb4'A at, is befi4v*t vnQ mu -1-e fl)*= of far pwZma, while Om fiDe , Tvas Imai am &dTnqiNMWM% hft v4fta ffzr -NN) 4MVWv,,, W_& HAV_ff ROLKS INNvalffiRD .7- ALT Us r wft*m W,�Ewjtc be* .'efficacy am to the Vwk tz be P�ff, for AL Mlhm� I qffifimk I boam WrrAF am awmft lad,.r5w, 21 The mapmi1ty cd wpm= awazmm %Tlrs gma4y am. Vrmea, ama pT6aQ4MZVg gMRteiT OOMIOMY - = 'a ama M mm� db*fm do �M (Zama; rwamaw-aft2m time M A 41 Ito Um appaaXamm ed hire weww� VwBma -TWA V am ftamdw %namw. lk-. CENTS All"Meff7l;1T IMIA4 P=% expan'bimmes. mr_ Dow fig=fm omt a amd mmma It 0* pmikjap%, mvedlem 1W IMF r*NiA* q;zv a, %L yrw See qhmt 3%nr wa. a wltftm *04 au agar w1nift g"M .011riinn all pag�duo yeafly SAX" of $4-31keft Min" unt the wqqav mma,=dr %nowqme V=tr *&w- ;wag** M Wkni ftbm ltwus fAr annm .1. MiA to MMI rm a�ea mpmMitimm"" Shia a Zia- 'ACV, e-zm��Ih M MMAY M,"M tle blim off i;pIfaftean*LA wide—ITIM amd MM ic"NAOne& a* bVit Pz= bsct� Ana Ma a litele ftiott cme OnA 1 110 -*M in �Cmx*= DMI, _V WOO i& She MA -ft FMT 'but L -X& U0 julge $,r $,= waaft 1z &M MW) wm�.`Z� Mo �Iar=amm umn� rp-s-w �m Went M'I Dsm t mm aawrw%o� VtLv%- Ca"Pan'r. T. D.,CArj81PS1ELL. X 426� lr.=W= L TMMw1dAFAua' TzW91(A her PLTbs4 bind. A pwUy et&,a 5% obtkinea by 1.3 . an thaawnm bank and Wd down IMT pmlet, •gwamr1mgtieup � %be Val im 5=t me Umd Fbw 3VM7%! HMbj,�.Ma smatt 11 -,call to va ber pwavA lbom Went 02% =a; thaa it ii 1�an -MW mbe bow, Y%e VZRF =Ve I baT* &ISM bM JhMBbAMi'�% RIAMM a 4tbp fmgot Tj�e sr4 bbel sdll� MW* em qk&&$=az. U:P-M, Phafwm M), taw. tae 11 Amm�tt mw&in beimp mute cam- F4QUZ =MF 10,C=M fl%, =WJ==,A the smomd rAlve and sua &wa. I cumm IRS T S IS TM going *S% V I asokel. V0% bmtt ff I Un ft a tbam am =QMbftM1 mmamoa. vmr 5,ftm t mr Imt it )KM A ma" &%IV a mar=bgr �=Nd SW"Urnm, (,G4*m MEW"na urfl Ro,,t 141*,m -w,ftvrx� a. Z I Went omit tate swxaka time 'XilbMI, vdlewg I b"r Thai sm-�* emcbgra to mn arbiw&u wwmt�UL akx= M. C -an Winn -1mrMA. rq===1 0= oa e. %wa to b"Ak A* "all NPQ I Vm-m1d ba'm 31MW* Qalmammt oadlmw at &M ZZM99 a ba -a loth.' -,%e got up and wm% cmi, &ad dap - _-6e)l cat CA a -at W&e bad neat, d(bw1i em a blamd amwram 01, -0QQ4 grw&w= ! &wm I bmm am M am an M -M hat that zM me *-dot avuLm awa bad dja a" fift-S -tm &Rive Jr 'K tyswr til kn*- %I* VQ=&W I lb � MW in sa" um k%we k"M AmwM att, tam x zzinza it, Tbwt eras m©% very goaa flat ix fm tug! ewdwakd dw affia hem Imam (WxlT&za=C *e UVWfilaw ad ftl* ham f�cft�% ow .Mp, C%ka-ge, &%a* sawd baa® Um W&%&M%#baaj= tis amt ftma. eff "* salm� AA=F. illy The SWT!�bl,&h, 4 the 71%VbftVaqdftK"d cildc9t eWtxbUfted.I It im in the Pcbmm*zL, wwo %k* i1=1EIr" fmo"44* VW V"*- X A 1%, A Nz4a* sit Im= a%%& W'bm ax* FM aefac to Fmt ap tim I "C do (%iriwma &%Wbeft mt&fta at Kma- CkAftt 44'r M�-wz wm c_44 Tkm 4&z*MiA= ommaum =am %bam* vt*t eff tba bm-&Ab* T, Z% ft C. or. SVG��n out&. L-7