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Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-25, Page 5
4. "-- 41ay ort O rsrwwrarY The Dan$ats+ choir added much to the AL , the ser- vices by the effect n of well aleiected music. ° 'r ASSY' , CIL ' The above (fou, moot on Saturday, Npv. 5th. Members all present. Minntea ofa,previe meeting read and l �Q1Qlll� Ti Ulla 'Til 1 1l 115 .. '1##31! #�ROF��RRT11" q IN 1) HAS .RAND FOR TOWNSHIP OF 38 HARVEST IN TILE COUNTY OF BRUCE 1 EXCURSIONS j*ND:ER AND BY 'VIRTUE OTS' THE Cfl� power "of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the of Bale there will be offered for sale auction at the ',Cain house" m the - adopted...- . _ _ _�r�# - _ _ - _ _ The followingrotulecks were iss fed and ordered pam—john 'Ki1pattiak, deepening drain un S. R., 3 and 4, $1, also work Sn S. R. 9 and 10, con. 1, $25 ; Thos. Stothers; for gravel, $1.60, Gist? inspecting on N. G. R., Ashfield share $7.30 ; Panl Smeltzer, gravelling and inspecting on N. G., road, $103.93 Jacob Miller, gravelling on . N. !x road, $36.25 ; Thos Ford, planking on 8. R., 6 and 7, $2 ; Angus Beaton, gravelling, $1&50 ; Alex. Murdoch, inspecting, $3 ; Jacob Miller, fixing ditch on S. R,. 9 and 10. $20 ; Thos. Smiles, for work at Dungannon, $6 ; F. Glenn, gravel ons G.' R., '$ : M. Russel, rep. road, con. 4, $1.25 ; 'Geo. Armstrong, for gravel, $3 ; Jas. Bor- nelins, plank, S. R. 6 and 7, $2.36 ; Jacob • Miller, gravelling on North Boundary, $36,70; Jas. Webster, in- specting, -$3.75 ; Dr. Jas. McKay, a visit to Mrs. McGinty, $4 ; F. Glenn, for gravel, $1.0.90 ; A. Taylor, for lum- ber utu- ber and rep. to bridge, S. R., 3 and 4, S-'22 01 ; Alex. HeAt*tt, plan 'lig cul- vert, S. R. 9 and 10, $3 ; W. Lannan, break :+ater, D. 'L , $1.50 ; Ralph Nixon, gravelling . S. R., 9 and 10, $8 ; J. Ritchie, removing culvert • and widening glitch, $3 ; F. Jury, for gravel. 17.08 ; R. Frazer, for spread- ing gravel, l k'' M ;' l,iro-ut, pork and wood td E.. Carrie, $5.75 ; K. McKenzie, ,grading con. 12, $7.50, also inspecting, $2.50 ; Pat Wallace, r-- maving culvert and cutting ditch„ 810 ; Jas. Drennan'rep. culvert, $3 ; W. T. Johnsecn, gravelling exon. 12, lot. 2, $22,75 ; Jas Ienc•iy, for graw:elling, coni 7, 1 . and 2, :50.69 ; M.. Shackelton, inspect; ;1,4, c l 0 G2 ; $ S. Reid, "fur raVel ling con. 4, $26.45 ; John Whitl. y, • iapecti n•„ $2 ; Jas. Johnston, wood, to Mrs. Griffin', $1 Patrick Moran, for,gravel, 50c., also gravelling S. R., 3 and 4, $12.27 ; Jas. Howey, gravelling con. 12, $28.75 ; W. Shackelcon, inspecting $3.50 ;Jas. Howey, gravelling, S. R., 9 and 10, $36. also gravelling con .12, $19.97 ; Jos. A. Naid, for planking culvert, 2 ; R. Drennan; rep.tiring culvert, S. R. 6 and 7 $21 50 ; W. Misner, for plank, a3G.t9rJ ; Ed. Flynn, Mistake in taxes; . $5,.22 ,; R. Irwin, for gravel, $11.52 ; M. Dalton, . bal- ance on drain, $1 ; Peter Austin, stoneing and rep. a: Int 16. L. R., $1 ;. W Rutherford,. gravelling con. •12, lo'. 5, $30.5.0 ; Thos Garvey, stoneing and posting Finn's hill, $100 ; H. Me- Intosh. rep. gravel pit, $3.50 ; David Stroud, rep. culvert on Boundary, $4.25 ; Reuben Tiffin, rep. culvert on boundary, $1.25.; Isaac Ensign, rep. culvert . with . cedar, $1 ; John Mc- Donald, ditch on hill, loot E. '•h. 11, • $2.50.; K. McDonald. dith' on bound- ary, $2 ; F. McDonald, ditch. on Boundary, lot 14; w2.50 ; Jas. Mc- D,,nald, rep. hill with stones and a ditch, $13.75 ;. F. McDonald,ditch on S. R. 12 eon. 13, F. 40 ; D. :Camp- bell, rep. nil:. L. R. $10 ; H. M c Donild,'rep hill on L. R., $1.50: Jas. Dnnity, gravelling an Boundary, $S.10 ; R. ricDona.id, inspecting, $3 John McDonald, g,ravellin_, $4.30: M. Bo -- ler, for ditch, S. R_, 6 and 7, .e2 ; John, Sinnot, for ditch on S. R. 6 and 7, $4.62 ; �v . 11. Brown, rep. scraper, $2 ; John Murdoch, for'gravel, $8.4-4 : Jas. Griffin, Wn.. Kilpatrick and W. Stot"hers, for selecting Jurrors, each. C.mnciil adjourned to meet again on Dec. 15th. --W. STOTHEBTS, Clerk.- • a aw-; fin tint Cannty on Filidil the second day of December, 1892, at one O'clock in • he afternoon, l, Peter Corrigan of the village of Holyrood in the saidCotuety, Auctioneer. • Al and singular lr>t number 18 in the eighth conceex ion of the said township of Kinloss containing about onrhundred acres more or less. •On the above property are a frame house and barn in a fair state of repair. About90 acres are cleared, and about five of the remainder have hard wood on them. ' The soil of part is a clay loam. The property is .situate about two mules from the village4d Holyrood, and about 7 mites from lmcknow along the gravel road. There is a good well on the prewises,.and an orchard. TEabis or sat.E-Ten.pe• cent. of the par chase money on the day of sale,- forty per cent. an the second day of January, 1893, and the balance to be secured by mortgage payable in five years, interest at sevenper cent. Other terms and conditions of sale can be ascertained at the time of sole or from the undersigned Vendor's Solicitors. The Vendors have a reserved bid. HOSKIN d OGDE 1C 14 King Street West'Torauto 192-3t . r Vendor's Solicitors Toronto, November 7th, 1892. —ON— , Returnarember 25, u,J Far c 1s- 4ti92 SE 'y'. 6. Return Other16th, Prom all stations inOntario return rates to HABTNEY DELQRAINE. MOOSOMIN., $28 BINSCAETB.. REC• A MOOSEJAW 'IYORKTON PRINCE. ALBERT 'CALGARY EDMONTON a3 Ott "People's Store," St. Helms, s,, age - rtsofFall and W re 0.t 1:3.143:3M13, -WW' in Natural, Scotch and Alabama Wool T k A 1-1.3,_ 13 IXE E W E, e a -,A Hygiene FTen ElasticWools. Flwels Flax4' 'le $410 BERTHS FREE—These trains from Tor- onto 1or- anto will have a limited -number of 'Colonist Sleepers attached, accommodation in 'which w ifl be alloted in- order of a on. Parties ticketing from •ager points should arrange to arrive at Taranto in time to con- nect with the 11.20 p n. train,, leaving August 16.23 an&September t,T1892. i'or full information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. 'T. R., Ijuckn�wv 0 r • AND APPLIANCE CO. 49 KI O .ST. ' W., TORONTO,, ONT. Electricity, :.s , a•Ppli ed . by the ©wen Electric; Pelt,. Is now recognized as the greatest boon otter,a to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles. and wcifi effect cures in seemingly hopeless cases whereevery other known means has failed. It is nature's remedy. end by its steady. soothing lemur that is rcadtly felt, F'OS'ITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sexual Wealruess, Sciatica. Female' Complaints General Debility. Impotency, • • Lumbago, Kidney. Diiaeases. Nervous Dlseaseas Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Lame Bach, Varleocele. Urinary Diseases., CHEAP PI1'BLICATIONS. In union there is strength. Union also induces .cheapness., A's an illustration of this we" are able to offer the SENTINEL one year, and Wi;>,•fern Arlrer ti.,i e, London, Ont., for 1893, balance of 1892 free, for only $1.50. . The Adbert rarer for 1$93 will contain i; pages of 7 columns each, and is pub- lished weekly; at one dollar per annum. Tt is a clean paper for the home,, and contains complete literary and news departments in every dumber. Subscribe at once. Address, SE.IINEL ()flee, Lucknow. PEOPLE'S POPULAR RHEUMATISM ' . It is n wellknown fact that medical science . has utterly well_ to afford relief in rheumatic cases. We venturetbe assertionthat although Electricity -has only been in use as a remedial agent for a few years, it bas cured morecases of li:heulnatism• than all other means- com- bined. Some of our leading physicians. most • this fact., off nature's are %Inemsetves of this tpa TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer' train a variety or nervous "diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency. Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure There is a loss of nerve �power hat cannot be restored by medical any doctor who wvoul d try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is =ing a dangerons, • form of charlatanism.y treated THESE DISEASES C BE CURED Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric , Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known remedial agent will supply what is lacking, namelly. nerve :or'ce or power, Impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nerveus system. HOUSE TO LET. t., W. r. Little, Lnckw w r . Kerr, Drumbo. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless. cheap. so -caned Ele Belts :eeivf'rtise.i by some coniCerLLS are ndpe d e d through the country. Thc_ in name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. We Challenge the World to show im Electric Belt where the current is under con- trol of the patient a, cotnpletet3- as this Our Trade Bark is the portrait of Dr. Owen em t,os ed in gold upon every Beli and appliance manufactured by us. Send for Cata ogue-- -hell(Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT .00.. 49 King St. W.., Toronto. Mention this paper. Jolill Gritilil, AUCTION EER FOR HURON 00. ON'�WAY P)RTIES 'c' iIIN • sh O OB0 JIBE bia, f; e Oregon, Calif() i • a -- ,A.ngolias 1193 seasmable variety In TOL7UIST SL'EF•PINC: ((:Y11tS, Toronto to SealaleWithout C'hnuge.. Zea=1ng TO1 e%%TO "E3`EltY FXt1D IT Al! 11.30 W'..lI - • 222 1892 NOV. - 4., 11,,.18, DE'C,�2,S X6,23 SD Applyto any C. P., R..AgentIar fullparticnlais. �R SALE• DRESS GOODS suit the approaching season, ENT' .OVERCOATS in nice dressy colors and Styles - I make a specialty in Gent's ordered work---rev to fct_ other departments are et) •' 11 we'd assorted with the newest goods in the 3-n-airket. Highest e0,1 ! et price. paid for B DMA ,^ , Eggs and !other produce. Remember the place., 'Milli DOLLARS DOLLARS 'WILL PUT - chase a splendid farm of 200 acres, Kinloss, Co. Bruce, 180 cleared, with all a .ecessarybm'Idings, orchard-. water and apples. JOBB J. STEFBiENS, Teeswxterr. :MCLEODS System nenovator, MRS. R. MURRAY, M. CO ' RIG N'S Is the place to mike your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROtz 1 '> & PROVISIONS. f have In stock the folio AA -. • And other "tested remedies SPE d * AND ' 14.NTHDOTE ---F0 o° Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Sleeplessness; Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory,'' Bronchitis, ,Consuni �ti?n, Gall Stones. .Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees, St. Vitus' Dance; Female Irregularities and General Debility. Sl per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABOBATOHi': - Go -DENIM, OW. A. WL M OD, I'ropriatorand Manufacturer. Sold Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Drugs, Lucknow. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES Ari ENDED IN PARTS •of the Counts and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS Forsltle on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KII GSBPiDGEP.0 r'• r• O. 0•: THE HU Leads tbem an for Family Groceries p1e Ckrin� Black Lead Bine T3ai ins Powders Barley, -pot Bath P.riek Beans Baskets Brushessh Bi4 c W4 Coffee Confectionery 'Canned Goods 'Cocoa 'Chocolate Corn, calmed Corn meal Currant Currie Powder -Cream meter 'Cocoanut Dates o. 11 Flour • Pried Apple acts canned dried RGe'.lotine 'Ger Mops -Money '6 rim ridge rice Juke flw nys on %nun. reg ' }niL, olive IOi1 sweet 40ii, castor ,Oranges Klatt N110,11 ams ,ems Pei; ' Tickles •eas, :canned Tice a•ce Wlour agt, Salt 'Salmon Sardines ems reds• :Soda c,alrs Spices Str iwvbeiniea, came `Suiphe�rs "Tapioca Tcmntoes, tamed Teas Tobaccoes T5'rmu.+-:Fi "4""inezmrs aA�� ards ni, Vi' a trie1(C,� stei oodenwere • inner Sets east Cakes li firmer• Sem •'Tea Set stet. Sets Crean Sets Sem ToRetSeta, ?Goods & livered to miry rat ie town. CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY, UTUMN IS HERE I YES, i t is a. fact that Fan )has moved, • I W D ; DTI® esu irtAA nes �iha; Illaci Is better prepared than ever to mem, the urYts of his Baa.. -a oaeeaa many OT.S artmeutry► Slack . contains a assort of W OME ?'S FINE DO1�e C' OLA SHOES. '(both buttoned and laced,) Which are s- • h. • t rites that -wE L . astonish you. - • ' BOYS AND T'S fit:AN lr 'SHO'ES • vv. , 3ra e Just the kind for The Fall and Winter -wear. . Ladies' lime Buttoned and Laced Kid Shoes ' worth 13,-.2.-50. , L` MF'N'S WEAR we also lead the trade, :ani ar seTmg aspecial line of metes . at $1.75, 1-.'9O and A)( , ,cb �cau not/be sussed for the unor�ey, 0 4.7 The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Vaue obtainable in LucknoW.. 'JOHN ELL1OT. Gro ry Departlitent In this department we caiy a fall Mme of fresh Tea Groceries, Canned 'Goods, Etc. IN TEAS we are Bring astoI ling values in Japans 2,5c and 35c ; Fine Black Teas only 3ac .and Yrrtmg Hysorls 25c, worth double the money. . IN CROCKERY we have a full ra.rlge ell' betust iftil n er Sets rami r g in prices from $6.5Q to 14.50, also a frt crate, of Glassware .just opened. - (Cc,me and see the new- and ewand designs. Painted Flower • Pots, som'eih- fir, new handsome, a nice lot to select from. MGive us a call. We bought these goods light and scant to give everybody an opportunity 4pf securing smut the bargains. H SA