HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-25, Page 1tv
4yolx" Pahj,
V"'i SUPIldur as
WHOLE 1110. mt
VOL XUL— 46 it
IVP t.A,i,
I - :1 pen- it)ui+ iubt closed at a)rL
TR. Wffu L]Iiu1 F,;L1(!. Pitl_Wk Wl�!Sll �CC'111 .
-4iste(l by Rev
R_ X!, C f L i "16,11 0or tliv Iuilillu uanCt' Of rilC The ppt,�ttx :U, Ll)fV Lita-
I r lill""' Tl hurch. ha_-
, .1:11.111*011 )E W"'HIL111 -",itiv-' )UL4 El"All F-111, le
011 -ill., I
• 11l(jIllVV ot,-eil 3 1111111ther have "pro -
t -114. illArr-er wa!� U=H
IT-,trMi%rr_, vrlllr IWTI -hv Lil ,�jt)rj and beclimeadded to
'TtTnI7P`t'Mt1W1 71niii'li'vilEllif -m(Itm , i Ill, Timitle inro In zes,,"j t!,ta,-
111ii-M )Ililtdlnps, Md - I i
I . j:-) ul X �uxlwdi_n�� rM
&,niuli: rnwitit. iiLffie, `011(LT-11il !IV 'H 1 1 WWI �-Ile Iarz(, aulimer if tile zivc,
111. Mu+.. NW.. '14) 7- lit! ML"- rat". A- levy. liaious, service
uh. .11;v, .1' -:fin 's W(I which Will bc The ljtiltrtt�rlY rP
Mas-.. M 1.1nii :1,0101illit nded
LONDON M.W. I- -in tlio dloelz! I-.ptlill -onnectit,ii witll� the held ax Zion w is nuTnerou-slyatte
UAL. a admuch enjoyed.
Z. 5'riLid; -trhulial ' I
L n '1011P
invert Uvidim 1,) 6 Uian cru:, I; in lwa. 5111CH Han-.!
m till- Tliv husines., meeti. was held ab
4- .1,M11411L it ,ll'the P;L the ffnances were
Maly pk--Moiil�
. I t-0 `zrarMt� On, D!cenilhon I t!i. tion ruj
PoL-4-mill 5IL-tdim-i Ynnm s.Tlitj-v, that ara' traubILA -itlij Ifound in improvett condi
�%',11 showh
I im'd at -t faiL tX) ziee Ilim is nig " and thirry
wwut eyf!L, I Oniparod with- last year.
1K, 1R. T-nilmr.. IDPI'lTy JOHN LAME ralgell, aw. t,hil difurqnt 117017,7,
t1lo atilounui
Le film he wiiL lie lipm it, tlw NV, ill the , Hunid-pality dollars were �dtle(l tq -tile,
lluusu until '3avul%li-Ly nuon, Salary. , Tlie� Blake's church was
i6l 0:11.41 14ectluil:
k_ le rimit - Ion 111,813 W inst. by Rev. J
-lot. rLiltykillm;. tt-- % -(111 11,&r pr on the 133th
-pl-c. Godlerich. fWhu
t1jrt =13 tiffirE Sl t
'SO Intl1w, ih. 1�t 'A ti IT ;T - 63 il 7-11)rnrarnlorniiil.�.and evening, RA -v
nion L 36 "4 - o
millit.1i'. ih. tzhu .1 7 01) 100 01) Nills takillt.! tilt, service av -�:X Tht-
IRIL. wli4b- ap al ii!)
ev L 0 dollars.
L6� Q�j".6 1: t win., over tiny Ph =-= I . 3 'M collef•tion 1 ',7
ill%'iWtiL' 'I H7 09 k 53 '1 1 11) Cu 3TOTILISty a iplendid, v -ml Was sPr_
(CAL, )y
3*_1 I') o3
the Tbest prles, 6M t-dji-�4 0111I.W. ti t ved by thi. ladies r which a, public
4 -262, 1 jilpetil,14 was.lit-Id, presided over lip the
dit. lary 'Villie'; 11
.1 - pastor and iciftr,ssed bV Rev,J. `tills,
110MGTI OT L t)0 LOU of) L 5 - D)
\W L-10 I D ILI,, rq, R. 14. G. Anderson and J.
tiiu 'Ma6i'llit; )IlTillr Mllihlol' of ...... P
]B7U 7-F'T`J—Rl�Rj� )It .1*,c1l• lat, i.4
lulk. 1.,.. I't
ItMdi, in.Lontii, Lot, 30 3 to 11,L)wpll. The service.4 w9re all crow, I-
reldirrvi ir, to b)� use IlWrrilvilt Lil -,lit! Ithill'sict-111orlin'. 7 �1*1 1,4 e is frame vpneerpli
WISHillt; 11 *�, ThePtstrictur
.4i;Rt �' __ Tir, -wri .. ..... Yr- TneTnher 4 't, tile w4lork
-ur. IT 3.11 35
w i . 1) 6 c k :1, 0
tip-ric r 00
1940 (1(111 P
t fl. The 1111il(ling, isset and
W:FcmiLdin. 4,14 fill 00 11-1.0 1 ,vf,ry way oomfl)rlahle. The mtirp,
uo, lnaxl(t
anj J�,rjhj
1i Ir 53 421 t - lo '01,t I Marv", -f l"livapile-m is abollit
r 1-:1, 00 3- L Inc! proillisPli
WefidLing, �! I t:io, tilt, amount paid
14 WMI11j- M. to the and
...... 1.:21,21'111.20 j(..nviljga lonlance
Ln TnIn4il .wsmmq- pliih� It -Jo
Afirm ii,1'1
wCMITI '*yr. aqTw4 writ- %1;qi" tnt,- fm- yr,-!,- nivc,;
7 -11
i1l ntr nf
41 it I) miliq rer (Iollar. The otfor-.4
14) . I wtl - .11
3F11,1u, - - I �C.intiw
4ptbutu"d. oitVAlt,61 .8va 'dqont-h� Ir It Itier CIVI
TojzxSm" 01F EUXLOSS
The bay% had some uwe sport its
When. the tumult was at im heig4t
L"Ms A -'M r-fm�"AU"w in""
Dare- tawrship. this;,enunty, says
_ z0hm, acid verin 111&61� week
te tham youi for the honer you
a letter from F-m1my P_ G., to the
aln&urc-d MPOM me as one of your
New York Merle Sours� 65
P= tqL
—A dL-er, was shot en
1l1a1Ri&Pa1 uePJTe5eotW�e!4 &*nnu-layr
,,A oW marvied % gfrl of about
ReserAe Fbard
for the past aine yellx__,�, andV�eg leme
Er aimmnera, and the, blays, determined
TOW A15stes
A ji dLe ffxst ex-Paeg&n&
U not be a eandi&ate
to, State ffiaA I wl
to) give thein something out of the
PaeHfiholft -xinimsampam
ffnwt Wilt Jbitif (#,ff onr ftuTt =E-drebum-Ift tb3, tj,.j, be . a -aimed lba&k to, tEle whae House-
JUMI, Lift linnil Inds 5 -
lbr manidip-1 hianom tEds yeax:-
nuLke this, an annin a meeazl�r tD give I
ovd-mary fil the wayof a. charivark
They went to -Ne%r* York and procured
Arim PhqHfiAtMft--%_
YOM,,, awopa� dom jard*
'Ya Lang Ivek agets
Mtft,%ME Iu ay U,+ EM Ben, �JKWI�* bQ
WnPba' 111MA-` to 36i :t a, PmPer PeE560 '6oni
& sl Meir house two, pa dela of
loam Chmugunfitt'. W.F& -mit-utt *w TeDu W_ of
ffa=, W alturas Em Ty�aiwv,, ancH waiuffi
ta t Mt the position,
fresht b1bed, which they carried, out i h,
(GTHOM35;, GML. HbAffm
Sinaw A-UL11 (IM WUL7 dlUFF
A4,aALm th-wUm ypaheartflyforthe Itheaountry.,
As soon aa�'everything,
iL T..Vam,,, A- It MEM (M—by4-
vwkam olfinlfhL�
.,M� know-ted,,le piffied,. EUVGr 1
in&X&ted, that EN--cember and May'
ckwffiw--j_ uxurw &VUL
S�%PtDMB ffU3jnfn!F 4mvoa,,. al -l -kir- PRICI-P y1ii-irkin, E&U. tfiiavgfuer�, -mins, AL Y_
X-11 rff=
ShOM71S. amd courte-sy extended to, I 'had,
retired, thescr boys, slipped h3to
ffinJnjr fk,tn' Stir iu&- all, ftffilt wtfr
ft% VW bm Be awlt mot igUtw Wh& jjwk aff thw
a" -
the above, term, '11 'Tem"'In'
theyard swroar-ding the old mfw's
kinRd fLadl mat 1"ffi=wn!` ar. stated,
(atintmE ajjr ffi=;o� :.-;+ aomtll6fre� Rah ati- —Aut,,,nA_ix4iL fa dfimeted 110 the-
vunrobedii-aft servant.
prem iises, and' pr. urf-d a strearur ei blood
M-WWVm411 ante &_ltUWe1tlAiwAi1L
zi�,qyfe�m 110001 aarws- Diatt 40-dalp W&- WAOUU =11MM61empan tof D)� Nurefimiom a
(!zo, MaLwnffff.. Reeve. I
entizety aroud the house-
gaid ai ShGrt vifflt tq,
tin,,. %Vim n1frA el be llali&
lKpnlmw,. _Xaw. ±,&,d, I
Rasing accornpli;sh�d this without
Mjr_AY7T'14z mn Qylta Mlaftfim ,;a Wh,lrw&-E
Humor - -a
fFn am 'am iafit* a -n& �Lli indba 'Aff —Eqpom won t drst _�
_Mmie fijbiaffzqg tm Wim evem-
detection, they drove a, half-dozm, 'cavws
:nig recti rct, adjustmana-,0itagetback
Ovenfinifs and Lirmbermen�s� Rmbbevi
into ul, e yard and coneealied themselves
=OWN, St-m-A%amm
Mytim NV11 to- qh=6- P"LL UILL0,1- qaff, at W. LEVIW5.
FO *5 sing arawi�7_
to, &wait dev,�Iopuwur_i-
r,uagdltl t. u, to wtintLpLsi am-wiur fftrm,,w
'ft _Tn_;;, iig the, )r- of Awtit"I
The conlpldn�m inaJe, against Xr:-i
The tzows no. sooner sniO-d tht:-
r�Ulr'Ln� le Ir44A, ila prir�tvd, 1prliatptl�F aiiI:1! at
]B'euce f6r negleudn- his duty aii-
blood than they con-litlene b ello%, fn g
%, a ftnis ffi�ffe_
taw win -q�I+EtiLA9 In anLE aft x. wilT tdflffiX n 1 L. ELA atea
I poliee magristrate have at latit, had thA-
6anticaliv, 2r .l enuld µasily he heard
Ji a. Jiiu"I�.tt)it4iir; IL- ML S-
as! -,Z; tae CAn.u.1
t of his relnoitrthl Mr. A. W.
has been, �and-
mile or two Citliereows. caixght or-
D .T
-amt. a1,Vdn=nJ6,jIl_ P4)611�d Calla Wi4l Foe- hlX'-'.er In
ffiritt (Mme, ffrat 9mve(E.
%,�Ca tncr- cazcj�_ a. processiun, of
41kt, the hride mthe meantime- eon-
-in his
LET)oLrItefl, ,
uowq- Froin n faem in the
Fjjfillr 'Umb 'k--tMutfing m auw& I Otr
wit• aii 1 zwit,i-.2 '5;tnk-:h_
ap _mt. !-,. tl,.' a, A apt_. UIL
•_11.. IPL;okvlant�A, of it to
township, al: %f'llowin L-1 the most
"!IT, rd, a&- p,
''.. ee;! Mr. Tt� L15) -d of the .
vehement nmancc,. I ily fought' mid
L 9mve MEE 1%
&t, NityL-
r al� -
1, -1, lie �3 c ELo 0 1. !,�tan,ped`
�rlkf puovl-d the Wound and
bellu w,�dl d ell& uwX-A. the Oridal-
IVP t.A,i,
I - :1 pen- it)ui+ iubt closed at a)rL
TR. Wffu L]Iiu1 F,;L1(!. Pitl_Wk Wl�!Sll �CC'111 .
-4iste(l by Rev
R_ X!, C f L i "16,11 0or tliv Iuilillu uanCt' Of rilC The ppt,�ttx :U, Ll)fV Lita-
I r lill""' Tl hurch. ha_-
, .1:11.111*011 )E W"'HIL111 -",itiv-' )UL4 El"All F-111, le
011 -ill., I
• 11l(jIllVV ot,-eil 3 1111111ther have "pro -
t -114. illArr-er wa!� U=H
IT-,trMi%rr_, vrlllr IWTI -hv Lil ,�jt)rj and beclimeadded to
'TtTnI7P`t'Mt1W1 71niii'li'vilEllif -m(Itm , i Ill, Timitle inro In zes,,"j t!,ta,-
111ii-M )Ililtdlnps, Md - I i
I . j:-) ul X �uxlwdi_n�� rM
&,niuli: rnwitit. iiLffie, `011(LT-11il !IV 'H 1 1 WWI �-Ile Iarz(, aulimer if tile zivc,
111. Mu+.. NW.. '14) 7- lit! ML"- rat". A- levy. liaious, service
uh. .11;v, .1' -:fin 's W(I which Will bc The ljtiltrtt�rlY rP
Mas-.. M 1.1nii :1,0101illit nded
LONDON M.W. I- -in tlio dloelz! I-.ptlill -onnectit,ii witll� the held ax Zion w is nuTnerou-slyatte
UAL. a admuch enjoyed.
Z. 5'riLid; -trhulial ' I
L n '1011P
invert Uvidim 1,) 6 Uian cru:, I; in lwa. 5111CH Han-.!
m till- Tliv husines., meeti. was held ab
4- .1,M11411L it ,ll'the P;L the ffnances were
Maly pk--Moiil�
. I t-0 `zrarMt� On, D!cenilhon I t!i. tion ruj
PoL-4-mill 5IL-tdim-i Ynnm s.Tlitj-v, that ara' traubILA -itlij Ifound in improvett condi
�%',11 showh
I im'd at -t faiL tX) ziee Ilim is nig " and thirry
wwut eyf!L, I Oniparod with- last year.
1K, 1R. T-nilmr.. IDPI'lTy JOHN LAME ralgell, aw. t,hil difurqnt 117017,7,
t1lo atilounui
Le film he wiiL lie lipm it, tlw NV, ill the , Hunid-pality dollars were �dtle(l tq -tile,
lluusu until '3avul%li-Ly nuon, Salary. , Tlie� Blake's church was
i6l 0:11.41 14ectluil:
k_ le rimit - Ion 111,813 W inst. by Rev. J
-lot. rLiltykillm;. tt-- % -(111 11,&r pr on the 133th
-pl-c. Godlerich. fWhu
t1jrt =13 tiffirE Sl t
'SO Intl1w, ih. 1�t 'A ti IT ;T - 63 il 7-11)rnrarnlorniiil.�.and evening, RA -v
nion L 36 "4 - o
millit.1i'. ih. tzhu .1 7 01) 100 01) Nills takillt.! tilt, service av -�:X Tht-
IRIL. wli4b- ap al ii!)
ev L 0 dollars.
L6� Q�j".6 1: t win., over tiny Ph =-= I . 3 'M collef•tion 1 ',7
ill%'iWtiL' 'I H7 09 k 53 '1 1 11) Cu 3TOTILISty a iplendid, v -ml Was sPr_
(CAL, )y
3*_1 I') o3
the Tbest prles, 6M t-dji-�4 0111I.W. ti t ved by thi. ladies r which a, public
4 -262, 1 jilpetil,14 was.lit-Id, presided over lip the
dit. lary 'Villie'; 11
.1 - pastor and iciftr,ssed bV Rev,J. `tills,
110MGTI OT L t)0 LOU of) L 5 - D)
\W L-10 I D ILI,, rq, R. 14. G. Anderson and J.
tiiu 'Ma6i'llit; )IlTillr Mllihlol' of ...... P
]B7U 7-F'T`J—Rl�Rj� )It .1*,c1l• lat, i.4
lulk. 1.,.. I't
ItMdi, in.Lontii, Lot, 30 3 to 11,L)wpll. The service.4 w9re all crow, I-
reldirrvi ir, to b)� use IlWrrilvilt Lil -,lit! Ithill'sict-111orlin'. 7 �1*1 1,4 e is frame vpneerpli
WISHillt; 11 *�, ThePtstrictur
.4i;Rt �' __ Tir, -wri .. ..... Yr- TneTnher 4 't, tile w4lork
-ur. IT 3.11 35
w i . 1) 6 c k :1, 0
tip-ric r 00
1940 (1(111 P
t fl. The 1111il(ling, isset and
W:FcmiLdin. 4,14 fill 00 11-1.0 1 ,vf,ry way oomfl)rlahle. The mtirp,
uo, lnaxl(t
anj J�,rjhj
1i Ir 53 421 t - lo '01,t I Marv", -f l"livapile-m is abollit
r 1-:1, 00 3- L Inc! proillisPli
WefidLing, �! I t:io, tilt, amount paid
14 WMI11j- M. to the and
...... 1.:21,21'111.20 j(..nviljga lonlance
Ln TnIn4il .wsmmq- pliih� It -Jo
Afirm ii,1'1
wCMITI '*yr. aqTw4 writ- %1;qi" tnt,- fm- yr,-!,- nivc,;
7 -11
i1l ntr nf
41 it I) miliq rer (Iollar. The otfor-.4
14) . I wtl - .11
3F11,1u, - - I �C.intiw
4ptbutu"d. oitVAlt,61 .8va 'dqont-h� Ir It Itier CIVI
—Tnj:!-fi.;c :umt1ml aaLs has,
ocaple weat wild with. annoyance.
'Clim-wUmtor- tjftL_ (OiLt* off
When. the tumult was at im heig4t
Mfl- :Lt-
Vk-hLilo')Tr. and, Mm. Henry were
the bridegmoffl.. wearing notfiiva but a,
rwa_E A360 WARM6F,
reUUM." -i,, L]olne one- (Lmy Thst week the
Ewme apsettfiLg, the veHJe and,
redffan -neT underg;arment, was, seen, t6
emerge fi the door witht a:. Et*-
H* au%v,, Sididbirr ii3a Tlitnitunw_ (Chimfirw
(00dol-.. waff t��
�Ae P&x um
Asi=tkw, Tbat, owmer dajL EULVL� I By
thrOWin- the' vihbemdw t&
clubL. He macLa aii.endiaavor tn, - drive-
1PHhqft"nw Yuh.
aan��zr at
'the -eawaawax hat'lif, ltPPParankr.e in:
sad a, cu&ru riit- ciaLy added fary W
f -T
the fflanne, arl t
req ,.fi� thmit tae r
3Tr.. Steve Stoffiera aas, re+-U-rnej
1 be fldrhfuljy desi-ribed, The old m. an
ffiaU-be fbrL- they
51GUL 1
milde oile rue axt,-und'rZte hnu&e�.
2!aWPI. M� S MmL. S. Mihn
kinRd fLadl mat 1"ffi=wn!` ar. stated,
XiiL- ffuu& SaMw,&, of
Ov tiv.-J? �-Utire Outfit of cattle. an&
&J1j& dhew- wAurip, (Memibw at
Ist Week.
gaid ai ShGrt vifflt tq,
wnuld hLL.-& beatem the worl&& sprint-
M1W_NW_ A. nmomrhabam
_Mmie fijbiaffzqg tm Wim evem-
'Wovic ont the neNv- schad-me"" "s'
:nig recti rct, adjustmana-,0itagetback
WEI ly_rk� Meet iim tfie %&GGE
FO *5 sing arawi�7_
within thj-dhorw-aiy as th& horns 'of
p aallue
tt% MA&L- %M
Will& leaAer a, the tore aL
I titha-_
11iffolssIvT ==W111311its.
ggnerQU-S PikC& ErGIM ^ the red ffib=01
D .T
2-1 t> 1, I. ;X.., MD"
ffiritt (Mme, ffrat 9mve(E.
41kt, the hride mthe meantime- eon-
ASj" R
A wa& jjeI& on,.
w the hordhe dm by seremm.-
D aU"jQ%FfiTI= wAr-0
Ilona Offolle
L 9mve MEE 1%
Now. 112th, afl c& the mem
inarm tlll�' tnPof fterv�
IM-31fit ffiarm 2! tki);T) DL. ma.
Rrhmffanti: MM Out Imbn&Y.- 'Sam I '
.bets were, present The wbuttes Off
till} -x011 heli &M§w Wid is m=MffelY'_
ffirnier.ineeta� wer& rea& and eontml,-
01& vegeran, p�atem _pteth to, break, up' an&
s" M-cm.s.(01" Sul
at (1,
the Comity.labara
ed, The- aoilectoua hond wtai+ presemted-
I (]]*!erse him unique- oharivari pity
�but without aivml,. as often, would tiu--
W_ ML%ft1hj' §K itnX+1-
mwft.,di M30 Ip. rm"9mill. M'I",
yamr numoRy tM
B!F gpfilx
-ff-_4&eCfl 6os; fbr- mar gli� ancE
The trenisurers Lt
fR)r �jeptenibr aji& Ottoheir was read,.
eu,%v s, return to. their bloody trail,. and
S_ (C-
auftttc� ve tffiFqnt
it4i_ow balancli-andueegiptsofJ1.6 9'.,
mil this time the-'cxow-& was inc:rea�-
(Toavmi afis-mper, Wimm even, Cks-11 A)LI
anti expenil#are� -'1G1:36,. IL-mving
num.1 Pr until, not less thoza
-jundedi houae,- while -
%I.eiia Poll.% iii; -!,ana; orr 1nr—',jUM1tit;ie*
'atj7:_49� accounr
cattle surr me
ion be he=&
_Tha-w�em years - a L"'o, Mow. ten I az
_X�iaccollnt was presented from Dr�
:from, evepy (iirect - cou-1d,
, the answering bellotv of aewr recruits
ffiiil, tine, off t&. Nteux". and tlier wla&
a idance
TT,,,�,, ay bei.n, - for medical. , -tte,
hastening tojoin ln, the -demonstration..
tri. the- Tbdilltht.,� un St -If tau
up C)ri�rml I afl-er
:on. till- laiat+ .flames Th,) mpson. - -
Not a, wink of sleep -came to. the
M�htih offien..
WTAfLTl. the- ff1lrP &I and in'
�Mvr irl%ia:p
' jetion waa takL-n,. the COUoLd consider-
- -
couple that night, but by early mom
ffTM XaMtih�; tflj-f Lliwast
DIM Sle"LIS011 fl)ITow"".
ing Laa. i;, uhiq were not respo ut4d)le
'int; the cattlfhad so thoroughly
of -the
in"tihi; of thi- d1r-mfzram"
j-x)r rice Payment of t1i6 c aiiii. AL coill-
educed the 6 f- of blood by their
qudlmilqw 11W U31fib tptuiL )VI=Jiltmnest -10MRI�Ip fill
- (C -_V a n- -,
Ij Ti7 AdHD�.
U 1JR2
wiff be- Beldl in
anierf n. zii
- municatit)a from C C Ji L,
itor j)y,IL_,v
, in- that it. no Ion-,,er
I, � and �tmlp
n. U11
'ir-1 fiL -L);LvInt-at fur Aleep killud
z= "ani' by
Inu, .
I S �;_Ii az L_VIj11V MOM
w -1-'rvad and plactl: I in tile.
t -hev withdrew from the dLavaa-
'.,I: 1:- � pms,
, _T
&(,I,, the -iauie pAxty iur 3
---------- 4—
ta. �U�R�MQ
lo!osua avwoverco;iLf.
1 Ytr�i tow,tiAlip '4olicrar
_1011, wrh the
MuRnuiv, tit'-ff
mitrer P;ur It
r.1 i �I
� 11,1ill] C _': wjS
_1L berit'14, ,)f weeki+ special rel jg-
IVP t.A,i,
I - :1 pen- it)ui+ iubt closed at a)rL
TR. Wffu L]Iiu1 F,;L1(!. Pitl_Wk Wl�!Sll �CC'111 .
-4iste(l by Rev
R_ X!, C f L i "16,11 0or tliv Iuilillu uanCt' Of rilC The ppt,�ttx :U, Ll)fV Lita-
I r lill""' Tl hurch. ha_-
, .1:11.111*011 )E W"'HIL111 -",itiv-' )UL4 El"All F-111, le
011 -ill., I
• 11l(jIllVV ot,-eil 3 1111111ther have "pro -
t -114. illArr-er wa!� U=H
IT-,trMi%rr_, vrlllr IWTI -hv Lil ,�jt)rj and beclimeadded to
'TtTnI7P`t'Mt1W1 71niii'li'vilEllif -m(Itm , i Ill, Timitle inro In zes,,"j t!,ta,-
111ii-M )Ililtdlnps, Md - I i
I . j:-) ul X �uxlwdi_n�� rM
&,niuli: rnwitit. iiLffie, `011(LT-11il !IV 'H 1 1 WWI �-Ile Iarz(, aulimer if tile zivc,
111. Mu+.. NW.. '14) 7- lit! ML"- rat". A- levy. liaious, service
uh. .11;v, .1' -:fin 's W(I which Will bc The ljtiltrtt�rlY rP
Mas-.. M 1.1nii :1,0101illit nded
LONDON M.W. I- -in tlio dloelz! I-.ptlill -onnectit,ii witll� the held ax Zion w is nuTnerou-slyatte
UAL. a admuch enjoyed.
Z. 5'riLid; -trhulial ' I
L n '1011P
invert Uvidim 1,) 6 Uian cru:, I; in lwa. 5111CH Han-.!
m till- Tliv husines., meeti. was held ab
4- .1,M11411L it ,ll'the P;L the ffnances were
Maly pk--Moiil�
. I t-0 `zrarMt� On, D!cenilhon I t!i. tion ruj
PoL-4-mill 5IL-tdim-i Ynnm s.Tlitj-v, that ara' traubILA -itlij Ifound in improvett condi
�%',11 showh
I im'd at -t faiL tX) ziee Ilim is nig " and thirry
wwut eyf!L, I Oniparod with- last year.
1K, 1R. T-nilmr.. IDPI'lTy JOHN LAME ralgell, aw. t,hil difurqnt 117017,7,
t1lo atilounui
Le film he wiiL lie lipm it, tlw NV, ill the , Hunid-pality dollars were �dtle(l tq -tile,
lluusu until '3avul%li-Ly nuon, Salary. , Tlie� Blake's church was
i6l 0:11.41 14ectluil:
k_ le rimit - Ion 111,813 W inst. by Rev. J
-lot. rLiltykillm;. tt-- % -(111 11,&r pr on the 133th
-pl-c. Godlerich. fWhu
t1jrt =13 tiffirE Sl t
'SO Intl1w, ih. 1�t 'A ti IT ;T - 63 il 7-11)rnrarnlorniiil.�.and evening, RA -v
nion L 36 "4 - o
millit.1i'. ih. tzhu .1 7 01) 100 01) Nills takillt.! tilt, service av -�:X Tht-
IRIL. wli4b- ap al ii!)
ev L 0 dollars.
L6� Q�j".6 1: t win., over tiny Ph =-= I . 3 'M collef•tion 1 ',7
ill%'iWtiL' 'I H7 09 k 53 '1 1 11) Cu 3TOTILISty a iplendid, v -ml Was sPr_
(CAL, )y
3*_1 I') o3
the Tbest prles, 6M t-dji-�4 0111I.W. ti t ved by thi. ladies r which a, public
4 -262, 1 jilpetil,14 was.lit-Id, presided over lip the
dit. lary 'Villie'; 11
.1 - pastor and iciftr,ssed bV Rev,J. `tills,
110MGTI OT L t)0 LOU of) L 5 - D)
\W L-10 I D ILI,, rq, R. 14. G. Anderson and J.
tiiu 'Ma6i'llit; )IlTillr Mllihlol' of ...... P
]B7U 7-F'T`J—Rl�Rj� )It .1*,c1l• lat, i.4
lulk. 1.,.. I't
ItMdi, in.Lontii, Lot, 30 3 to 11,L)wpll. The service.4 w9re all crow, I-
reldirrvi ir, to b)� use IlWrrilvilt Lil -,lit! Ithill'sict-111orlin'. 7 �1*1 1,4 e is frame vpneerpli
WISHillt; 11 *�, ThePtstrictur
.4i;Rt �' __ Tir, -wri .. ..... Yr- TneTnher 4 't, tile w4lork
-ur. IT 3.11 35
w i . 1) 6 c k :1, 0
tip-ric r 00
1940 (1(111 P
t fl. The 1111il(ling, isset and
W:FcmiLdin. 4,14 fill 00 11-1.0 1 ,vf,ry way oomfl)rlahle. The mtirp,
uo, lnaxl(t
anj J�,rjhj
1i Ir 53 421 t - lo '01,t I Marv", -f l"livapile-m is abollit
r 1-:1, 00 3- L Inc! proillisPli
WefidLing, �! I t:io, tilt, amount paid
14 WMI11j- M. to the and
...... 1.:21,21'111.20 j(..nviljga lonlance
Ln TnIn4il .wsmmq- pliih� It -Jo
Afirm ii,1'1
wCMITI '*yr. aqTw4 writ- %1;qi" tnt,- fm- yr,-!,- nivc,;
7 -11
i1l ntr nf
41 it I) miliq rer (Iollar. The otfor-.4
14) . I wtl - .11
3F11,1u, - - I �C.intiw
4ptbutu"d. oitVAlt,61 .8va 'dqont-h� Ir It Itier CIVI