HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-18, Page 4gkeptine � y^ ter . liciazaws ltd. -'a 4 CONYZACMS.5 We see Tay one dem '`*: geerrree exists be some Tsarists woa; of the geet of the - ; ant -that thin awe t cauatok " ' sluit meet and fl �a, port*. Mrigat pfErtfoned he far a e nom- ate meant ay "tfie'r leaders of theltiffola The Seerefienfu me. invottheeriesett 1P Rr f t el salesman, w frequently be - eon to a class of men who ander- fr 30II rueOfr'�'li t'' ` -,on.t'.� �r f] the- Hone WhfreLaurie-re tfireara g years -past ar ,o n;o uar.�tt,t The Ow► Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, riovertlis Aiwa** tr by a sly» -y of fruit tree canvass- era*there are mussy worthy inen eti~ thiS occupation. aro -others to wax it pure/weerteve his order with WS eyes wide open and his mental facul- ties in frost class ate= It ia3 best to take nothing ter granta is ging ordem as an agent. should produce wiredonable credentials and should fout able to, gibe a guara.nt- tet. the house be repreesentsk that theigtoch will be meetly What has min good Fs» 401104$i another -pew whi Fe it sea be welt .tri have ensured, while a: Cc exept More than: has been: o he provided pun. Ta this latest particular especial caro} slimed be taken,. as the majority of sales are made on commission, and the larger the order the more money pond "Teadeesrhave surrfice both.in:the-plressand onthe ply . r',roe ac :eery had t ie smoke of die in the Derain -ion -- 1)11r -de in � F 1 (!'rl i � • _fC i}_ (,' T v • Ie:u'r,•1 .L'.t':1�', luta':e'�c^. ere some lo -se '•-� �.' @:iii L'S selves one anri; out Annetationists The calaunees which marked the he- n .cress of rhe Presidential c�3.ureein tl 111 We have nor cal go tintts3de' -- e� p� take the; work fur, a. winters OCII11138 tion only,, and have severed their con- n,netirm, with. that house- before die orders are delivered: We therefore advise .cu aur readers to '.lug frtaru r. - liatble men only. ger 1 THIS WEEK We call the attention of the ladies to our 83/411003K OF FTJRS . We have a large assortment of coI1aZ ! Muffs, and Storm sloe has taken the puce of * the lowest buyers.what • at prices to� ani.. The storm co list. Be sure and see the etre boa a:`ter extent this season than we are off ea e a when you 'tint to buy. ° OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT _ � with ''. newest goods in the tt .k supplied with the newest in the market_ � ept To, mezi we say Overeoatso .when we say Overcoats it means anything from the cheap tweed to. a goo andd fur gnat at the l owed p=ice in the market_ WM. CONNELL, - LUCkUOW. hoeing coli" UO, find., Mates f6r , s 2.: fins them- 'nese uL tu. L E - the- calmness which- often proceeds ellen. have i;,tii�ri;tivallg aperi�et rl� ,,,,1 made u . tea, ,liras-. anise n: or any other a, ayelone:. 'Ulla people: 1p T-- 111 their a �. L.1t Ty. add. v a.ti'{: t r r �. •i, ee t e. Mice ,ma~r sed de •;r on, the stump ; bat they have no ruglia tale dank themselves under the Banner of Reformers and try to drag the Liam& eerie! of this caunoary- ieroa the Ramie fhdLL There ainumatinn. aturtimoin inr the &aim pletruralt,. ands thedefeat' of ofthe Liberal' cause in hast. gcliigid election was ,Ig `.rue to, the t .t, watt in, which, sone of the writdrphe leaders were FsirrtiTiir for favors frrentlie RiasL .. TTS wage of the ammtry .the apportanity tel .may, rhes• - t: s•' The Republica1L party had become the Wei of corpcored-mations and. immapolist its creed was the robbery of the maa:.y. 'for the few; and throne—Enda of voters who. had joined the party' when it stood for lib . usoralite and pro v, cut. there ialafernns and: 4imuselves with. the rejuvenatte4 and reorganize& Democratic party. The annoancement of Wayne 5 c- ' t i- Alike Gresham, Aalfere Ceoley end other peoininent Republi than they coukt net keen step with the were &veins& withathe seder and :robbery-cruiclosed.at a algid shaken off the shacillss af proteeliant and i ts jest assurely' asc t he• electors tJ RN O. ' , s newit4anIe . and Empo to 1' � atlibuted verywideapread : .. ammece the t fid oath the ceffaut td's the, elizetiineshcovert the extent Of the .de, - 1 fectina.. It was nut a repulse. far- the RepuhliCae.. party i lit. was, an.. ever - W ter " "' 3!t-li lriuiev,• who,, . only last year returned , fxow Elba. met his Waterloo., This ejection. swande the knell. • of the: 3k- 1ahnley. bili. '.slewo yea alp the greatcongress i • victory- was 1explained- se due to a. temporary panic Itbat would g .,,aver , as the opera- • ttume of the act became heI r- l sown, Last week's verdict_ t• is capable of na sack erpammticur. Ft means ,that the people of IWnited States desire, a. re- dmitim orf the- tariff to ew point deter y . mllleft. h the country's revenue 'necesSities Witli.a Democratic Presi- dent audi as t)emaelP t House. of repro sentatives the course of the riff Re -- f ernieere would he- clear were it no that ' Senaate remains doubtful. Bkit the difference between. the two parties of that body, already sliehtmeey disappear before next, Aarch, for the success of the Domocrats in- the States conrests insures the- replacing of Repuuhlicmn by Demtocretia:;Jatoars from Wisconsin, 'Lilinoia and: Yew, York, and possibly other States aa well. The outlook is favorable- for the Democmtic control of all three branches of op1-ernntent, , in i which. dam we may confidently look' for radieaLehangesr in the fiscal legis- laion- of the United States. • oftheroastbaert week., butthey . fa. these "leaders' be deadv - by the. at andi theit ; prearaes fara tihne;. but ttf'e- & mers workingmen of the atvafteadngtoo tthiefit that fa not ay act ofBirriament the 'male of wheat ie molatetk and when. opportunity of5sra win declare but as emp hatin- ally as didiori souther= mighhorse that they `ne& teccontribute no longer toe the earn Of bloated morropoitstq who have- Fiecntn million- aires apt" the expense . of never e of the Country: There vasa taine-in the history of Canada when aw better opportunity .`vas afford- ed: tthe Bibe i party to- Brune a. policy t`I t would meet with the- approval of the elecmns: B%it that policy most. be intiorseday-thepeopler and we knn of an better way throe by =Ulna a. gen- eral. convention. of representaive elec- tors from: all .paat& of the Dominion.. The leaden -are all right in. their place, EMU the- people roust be- consulted. "if the paw ever wishes- to be- successful. at die- pales: nu 1 rn a - 5 T. 1892 - 1.893 STOVES, Lawrence STOVES, COOK STOVES, WOOD STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, 00M-131:NATION STOVES, BOX STOVES. �� pwchaAi»g tie is also making a specialty of furnace work. this falland arties usual inten foil stock of all "stove or £»mace should not fail to give sills a call. He has asGr' rte ware,p Japanese€ .ware, Pressed En& of . � � • Axe es, Cow Chas, Rope . • ; a iters, La : , ps and Lamp TTie Leading Hardware Depot. has now ou hand a large stuck of 4 ER P LUOKNOW. covepiping . and Repairin promptly attended to. APPLE ETIEESI is 1 N.:.n L. result of the :arge and re - FARM FOR SAM.,lET ARSI CDNT..IYING IW C 5, lot T;, con, 7, in the . Towrrsh:p of 1Zinloy Co Nattered'and tnveeniendy of Brute_ good .nr l tri to Thorndsle, Ont PETER. CORD.rG S H'uiyaood P. 0._ Go Pay Shingles,. UNDF1 arc 'ED HAS O& (RAND a cat lotof XXX lir Bay shingles and intends seeping thea in stock &trim; the. season, and will be sold at the lowest possible .TAMES r, NT. WIriterliturli Palulg Price, EXECUTORS SALE Val 131e PIo rty STOCK FOR SALE. Frh,e tuoiersigned oder for -cleat ruck bnt- t mpriees for dee next thirty_ days, • young Short 1i.trn , :,ails. &Ave.:ind heifer, in calf ; Leicester rank .and t•t: e' lambs, _rot by the .tiist prize winner :at London Industrial. ett•iee Berk.hirts ,f 11. -1 -11 -ria,, ('all address tt, • mmterartave crop of apples produced by i8. lohn,Rags Roberon, pro_ `his district this full, it is estimated by prietor of the Toronto Telegram, and triose competent to judo., that Past Grand rasel` of file Masonic thousands .-4.fruit -reel v'Il'ie planted hoclr, w in U»�ra Friday, When. pr•.r.e. 1'he . ‘ u'it.ies t a11ed for a kecl .chat he ,hc,ug It of the result of are the very hest and �eedlities and I the Pre.idental election he replied : "I" inferior classes are uteing rotted, tiut. will tell Coit what I -drink. I ihe1iern ihis •.s As it ,henisi •,e. \n section of I it isle'Lt1s tliat'rhe' people ha, ie�iclt'ci • f the world is better ldaiptid as a t chat the (1 vernrnent and the ma.nu- Ft-aitrrwinaL c-auntew than, Canada. 1 zactarers ,hail pct ;t,all;er • .t- ''1: :11 grid there is no 1,ettc'r :e'ctinn if- -he 1 p,lr-ua :ship." lIt' aelelc tl at Domini, n ides.:: ' `nide r l no 'eerie 1 result mac batt 1 -tido ,t;:,: • ;ti. •1 of (-)nth,r:,t -1...an -he •'auntie¢ •'f influence on nuiriie. or.inlc,n in 1'an•,t,. '---- district/ is rhe Canadian tariff '.r, iu;it 11:i..-.? `,, oro-•'fr,inenrlr in -rr7•' ,r,wins. ii.srrct .,,rtt„iitit'tl. • i t t .c.,_.^.- I. rt.plit. t t,,I t'\- ' old' 'LS r-li:'.r. p o-nciin1A1 to tile European t:,eit*Leen t. •111.1 . r:1 -re .s :lo ' . r.,\t.11 ..,e: ht., reason eche the most should not i,P e:: ; et- • : , rade tar of `lle reputatiaTI- %t: A i ;-' 't . rim' '•• •- "r`' • - • t..uuserluence of the reputation ,b- t'.rr4 article' e•an '.r ...:1:1 ,,,:r •`•;n , ,toaten at bang...= -side. tined, the country is now occupied ,,,eget f A. A. c'DA)WSTON, ThES REEL . • E. GAUNT & SONS St, ttelena. Out_ D THE . TQ ,r ,D TT i oil' EeXECtTORS OF THE L•'iTE Thomas O'Laughlin will offer for sale by riffE Public slaretnin, at'C:sin s Hotel, Lncl;now, on Sl#Fs Navlt:r 19t 1$92 p. part ,,f lot moNo..in IItit con , 1C, The soil is a , n,Ki clay, well fent :'d, d barn and dwelling-n.,u�e .,n px w wise, t rood wells, situate M o -at Ih miles from l.nclknow, There will be *field, containing screed hid' • m., D fiel i, containing Liar ae e`, mese or e.ss, • For terms and' c•Inditians .f' sale apply to the excepts•, the auction :e r ,,r to • P. N[ aLCO3E5ON Solicit -1r for Cornelius Gaynor.. Edward Czar ,i and .1% T. a . ti an. E..c.lt.- s. PrrrB i oaaitixs, Auctioneer, Date4.0ct. RAM LAMB' FOR SALE LNDERSItGNEI. HAS FOR SALE THEElt 1.•,t7., Eastern Division, A.shfie1 L a unnu{niber ,f fine lwedyteireater Ram Lambs. parkicula rs apply to ROBERT D�nT,oP.O. B. --A pure hrrd S»ftc ii: BBrar for service. Terni ----1I 00 ?at -t ne of cervine if not a' paid CALF ..UR TO THE PRE\flSES OF THE :rIltiercirrtei, T.t,t ..;• ('on. 10, (W.•.tern Division.) Ashtieid, on .,r abrrtt the first .,f 't)ct.oli r :..at, .. red and white ,tier owner is requested tp prove prp?rte', ay' e< penes and take him :away T \Tc ntnii P.0, 0, 1. J WANTED.. 300000 feet tr WA EBS FOR SALE• THE t NDFRSIGNED HAS FOR SALE at lot .1 c ,n. 10 eastern ah--i,...,nl bred Shr' shire ram 3_mbs.:a r ftw,well r Write ti Limbs. at 1,rrc:s t , -at the amts F r further par,Srnlars apply on the premises t,t t., •i W. H. Reid , If, you wast to buy SPICFS At right pricek gt to 0. KINOAID S Also try your luck for CZ'S With each pound (f Raking Powder you hire a _tl.z t •:'hug lenr^th of tinie the Caudle will 1 n* -n The tae.a . t, o ;e toe the Iivat- . e't, Tricycle valued at z lu J. jags- KINC ID 4 Lawsµ P. O. FARM FOR SALE; I Club Terms FOR 1893 AND v I . aar PRI='F Ll•; the h,was?ail, ,f Rinit,:s, .,n the 5th con.. I -rav, � AY, YOU beim: part, •f• .lot 11. 'n the Hr,lpa,�+wf � an, •lt lA,, , :al,•, 'L �.1M' n WILL . r IT • To from the village ni Lnckn• w. Toe plate Is well fenced. well. watered, and a first class or,.hard. The h ii lines las' in :0.'4 Ant' ,tf and a: ,^ = ,ti 1, :sh tinmedi.'atrr ,n easyterms payment. ,f Possession, andTour.: Ttry.an. SF:StI\LL L4t1iCY, t t•' RICHARD IT 'crH,ES Lticlaaow P• 0. \ ofmenwanimm"••••""...."11111." The Firiet•Irratof Premiums - ever offered by a Cana - i than Pam. SecondYliorkirpg F4-‘030 Satatrday " L -.lam Teeth, Teeth u -r'l.:lt a f,rt-elns^t set of Te"-^s,'14't if �O 1 cheaper than the cheapest, call cm -r-� LOGS. a ppt r$0 .n t.� INK A „ti •,, ' 1 n:antitt f 0 ..yy,,..nl. D.: t, .,..a, . L t `... IQ(.Ft. v0 IV, t�.�rT. Lucio •w G► DAILY OIOBE. a. WEEKLY GLOBE From new to cad _ . ouis Otte Dollar. i..11TONE ems.. i><s,T "P A c,a., ai A\ 7. MICLILS A H Si` 13R PRIZE A Krnitta tip+; IF THE t LO SE;TorroMo. n