HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-18, Page 1VOL BIS 45 LUOKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMIER 18t1,1892.• tehiid UliI S DRY COLORS, • Owl Superior SS D.C.TAYLOR'S WHOLE NO 983. BANK evHAMILTON GEO, MAIR & CO. LUCKNOW. tri pad uP • $I„2d0oo Reserve Fund S65orvoo Total Assets . - - S74190646 President -Jaws Set ativ. Vice President —Ali. Rag. DIRP.•C'f'ORS : ;PAT'S Pei:IMItt, Irkra:CIET, Gra. Rom A. T- WrEfbi'Y, Itis Lem (r"li ornato)- Cashf—J.TLRNBEL L. :firfVF'31: IL4 . —Revels • VI to -3; Satar_ ,lay'+_ la to. 4_ 'lkeluosivt of fl mud npw re ed and interest a ourcli_ 9 P AL DEP101 •S ars° • rseezaed at cur - 'rill rates. of interest_ D 17T5' nc Great Britain. and the United States bought and sold_ J. C. BROWN, Stre-AGENT- DENTAL J_ S. JERO]1 . L.. D. ' S. Wringrtam, w. r"II be in f.rrcknnav on the eeennet and fourth Fri- day ani SSatnrdag of each month- mod ets Eur F`ilEng and e'otraetnng a specialty Office at Cam's - Office s Hare" LEGAL _ IIIALC0031.103i, BARRISTER X• Snfrf1t)r, Conveyancer. etc.,. ('.late of f'.inv-r a, Holt & Casnc:ma„ Goderit:8.): Ouse xt Tearer"; OH sta:ad- L H3ifORRISti'4, ATTORNEY . AT a ':1w, SoliCit:>r iu Cancery. Convey anr,er. R'•)mmisfnner. eta Office_ aver the barber shop,. j -ARROW & p otrDFOOT, BA g1r - `f ter*, 9'i)Tacntarti.,. r±te-, Graterwk. €)nt.. .7.. T. G .Ba w,- rC, 'fit s_ gBauiFOOT. MEDICAL •' j ,31cDOI'rF.3.L1rJ 3I_D_,G."_3l-C'_P'.S. �7 • O fkrzee, Wrtrtaf'6 E7.L.LOTT, N)1' It tint AND RE•M- p ,rc-nee, OEitram: street,s+ecoud'rioornorth. f JW 4tie shoe .store, - .Ii. S'I; Pl1iT IC"IAN„ . 4nro ern and �3ecconchaur_ Surgery .)p- pnSie C'ann'a hotel- Office hours from. 3' t., IT a,_ m:", and from 2 toy a T m. 3.1rcD- G4)4/DO4, Sf D_. C 3> .. F.T. Physician, ane. - 4 -eon- :and i couchew_ Office next door to W: L Liin"a implements+hop_ Residence Rosa street, e nittl. • > f D. It YcIntoahrs. stare. ' DIL Ib- Gris.D.Ol 1, V. S.., CALLS eitherby mafl or telegram. promptly atteraTed .tn.; Chartres moderate. ()bice. t.'nr- rr;,*aa"3 bail_ P.)arrling house, Cai1irs hotel. Lucknow.. • aiNNIIIIIM GENERAL MONEY EY Tri LOAN 0'7..kT FrEAL ESTATE eecnritg fir anytime, at the lowest rate of interest_ The principal may be paid at the esti of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be pail each. year, interest tering'g on. the amount. pater., 'FA- further particulars, -to., apply to STr }:fTF.w-tRT, taicknow_ SOCIETIES AT: 1 'Phe regular monthly • meeting "E the Winer' * t hri.traan T.'mpfra vie T'nu+n wimr he bees every second WerTnesdav +1 .'nch month in. the Odd Fe41owa Hall, Lock -now, at :i -b. m.. Has. W. H. ;itnrx, Prr•,;i&i:::)t ;'31u:.. E{,)RNl u. ecretarp, L1€KN W 1:. ,rhe, Nu. LL 41r- ''� :: •wt 1 •v ' ,r FrilTay -r'±toNej:.„•r>nin at 8 o'clock ,>utl)i_ril 4r. v•it. 2%.11 brethren ..r 17.1-...F.1%.1..7. r •• 1e'ratirt,. 'I -f, 1j. (i 1r1'h. r?rr''rrier. ,. - — f I )• E:,t'tl'L IST hc:rw•>orl, No. r-7 ',rat and third :11 'in. 1.17 in P v .± r -r•, moot' in `1te I)r. tllrrn .L e • a ta'�a•ss .." ?f tt , -4 Et;; t •� r ..BANKERS. Or Lucknow Banking.Comp'y. Lueaarso'. F>ra'v 13.74,189 TO THE FARMERS: Trace the date of our last advertisement to your we have sold !iOOaeres of /and, and being all the /and held by ns in behalf of the various Lona Companies we represent. except the Shaw farm of J)o acrz's In Rinlose, an,I which twe are erms of offeringvers cheap and on very eaeg payment. Several f afrmera have, however, their farms in: our hands for ware, ao that we hope to be able to apply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore.. But as our sales exceeded P009i acres Twit' wing we would request those tin want of radical? farm to apply early. aa the Spring time will now soon be here_ We, can .crant very reasonable trermsof payment for all our sales, and a !nw rate of mtesast, If you wish. to renew or ,change you 'mort- gage, or put a new- )nortg on your farm, or send mnneg away in payment• of the interest ar principal of your mi rtgge, we can guaran- tee you satf. faction and at a very ,trifring expense, , We lend money on. farmers' once s f.'r Loaf; or ehout dme, and Can >;upply all (demands on rea.otahle terms Sale nater s+ speltiaity. We ,d,* a a*enPra! T' n,TcTn r bm•:m.'ss )f all Tdn«fs wtt t lferehanes, teaPers, $uppe)ta and,Farmers, GEO. A. SIIDDALL, Manager ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUEL.PHeternalise 314%. ' - CHURCH DIRECTORY. • Ff JSC •tt RCH —S rRVIcEs iI IfTi a. m_ and p_ m.' Snriday School_ 2::31't , Superintendent, Wm_ S.. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at a o'clock, B'li'le and prayer bock Iessoea.. A1I are we eeme Rey. W. J. Conon, Pastor. It-t-Fr.tOW 3'�CJ %NZcS' E.NSTI- 1' tote Peadin ; r)nri',pen everyev�'f from o'to LIp.m..,eacepdn'r-Sa•"-)v,Palr ",shy hnara with r from 2 to. a p'- The Maar-Fan -c ill be '.II slurs-l3"the•`1e hours_ D.. '" P^ . t-_�.�. sMs y G. Minuaainit, Ste. . C- T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains Ieave Lac ow for south at +i :IS a. m, IONS a,. ]n: and 6.20 p. m,• Nardi zit U2::i;1) p. m„ p. p - m- NOTICE. Tar. SE—B. .BIKER Ids OPE.231t:,L AN office- in the bm7ding • east of the • es. Printing Office. • AGREE3EESTS, BON -DS, tarps, MO•RT€ .Gus ANI,/WILLS CAREFULLY P;4tE PAP. D. Pans ,sneoibcatfons..' and estimates for build tsar,,: mils, bringer. etc., famished- . nn short notice. • §-()3trI'VILLE. Lncrnnev-.Tan .t3tyI_ INSITRA NCE. . F,Lrtr, t t*,>Tir .•,,1 • private ,fwellinsrq in the •I L 1. T+, ,, ii •«;.,•. "•,. HOUSE OE REFUGE. FORI THE POOR MID THE UNPOMIIJNATE. The following has been addressed to the newspapers of Grey county by a Reeve who has tarn pains to investi- gate the working of hoses of Indast.►y that havebeen in opera.ti©u in other counties and who bas been converted from an oppi neat to an advoeatlie of the same. It is a powerful presenta- tion of the case for Greg county hut is equally, applicable to Bruce and Huron_ `°I see by the published report of the January session of the County Codncil of Grey, that the subject of the establishment of an Industrial House in this county (where the poor could he properly eared for) was a ra ire disci, but "stag n for the -rarity of Christian , Chari again -suffered defeat. As you are doubtless aware irr I a9O a committee (of whhth . I . was` ai memtber) ' was alp ,' bg die - County- Council to report ilpon the mate terefestahlishinlgan.In lHomlein this ci)+rnty. In. carrying out the Wishes of tl.: eouneil the committee visited the House of Industry estab- fished some years ogo F.,y the G'1lmty of .York, near the tovrinof Newmarket where after careful and eaitieally ex- antiol Ig into all the costa, working .deta:i:ls, interviewing the members of the York County -Connell then .in ses- sion, the overseer, matron. and many of the. inmates, as also,, inspecting the building ,.farm, sto&' etc., et' and from other an- o stun . se . to the Wont g of . sim Frnr institutions, the comn,irtee; were so• strong and favor- ably impressed wit the great and Ian benefits to .be derived front the establ hment of such aan. institution. in Grey county that they unoninluuS- ty reported favorably. In connection with that report I might. ,iu -t say that from an 'avowed opponent to- such - is stitutiona after leaving, fuliv' :Lied their working then- and sine,, /am fully satisfied on the grounds of ,economy and the still huller. grounds of Ct.ri;*tion be{aelicenee every a'oUnty in. Ontario. whoulci acid in their ' tabli'ch- ment, and I am' -thoroughly epniVineed ' that if these nem.bers • of 'the County Council and others who are now oppos- ing them, were to visit therm Etna •see t'Leir. workim they wr fol bec`ilne as I did aconvert t•; - their establishinent. There are now established in Ontar- io some 13 Houses, and frau the public reports •:.r:' id every instance giving of the county officials to whom I. have written for ilnf lrrnnri. n. ao.Y.T that upon the 'maild of Peonuray alone a con-iid- t'rabl•e ;-,i.tin:; to the r,tt.,:l,:t� made :Lruluit;;y• Lllr1 t1L:, t: y ...:,,.• of no ?;� ;lel it tit>I1 incl (v uT.1 n.ar r•,•t.?rr. hack cr, the it Inti: cririu- ..•L : C .•. sir' • ;Lllri 'tui •i_u „+,r:!>ILr • r'ri. .L^.11 ,rt::;; .:.. LC r4zi on MUTUAL. _tri, N'1T rI"r.:0 i-.".�'r i 3119.�ii�t01rt.11?Tre ! `i.I,. ti...� ,i :r a ',it'.,l4;i tL.1'lC still( a. _tori •`, i '�. ., .,. ♦ ,.. �.. ..7.,. U,e:lLr� l,tl.r-'. ^•r rT `r f .• -r. .. t r ii 'iiir 1 1ll l:Lf� for. the d ; LANL Afigl!a, moutfis T. NI. .7-r; C. R. Eni:ian,l. to -3 ottor,:e.41-1 ,. 11..• e -'1,a1 ..0t11:• 1n0.e ,nil . > ,,:n nl"nttl a T , ... ..:....j ` l,, r • i t,t:IL ,.i1• 'r 1 it ici-:'1 f()r . J. .,11?:1•.a, R,r,. airs. vOiur, - . —...,, ...-•...-,.-.+�. '^.."^'®"'e+r_s° • r 7 --rr-!-, " rr - 7 .........r ....1... �. 3 ... .6117..:i..l.,ri. .Ti ris 1 3+211, - ti' .i•. 1 , ,at, ,i,4;r't.irL., •, i.++ 11.•••i0„.-r,1•tor. .:'1 "1 L' i .1. 'r' 'r.. `:. r n!r1i'1? •n,ia''1' t lwir • ;r r • F.,I+i • Ti 1. tl1„1i r,, 1 ;r ,',r 1'q; ,,pl I' I1, '.11 • , Vt,:1. 1 -11.1,.• r . 'A.13 a. a 1-0 1,.. • ��� �itt. ,. , iv”, f Lfl. l,•rr, t,,r`tilthn, in ti il.�ll:i good i!r:ces. lit />r' •ll15 at ' 1, t r., h. • •"• . for our horses and cattle better the we do for oar poor. Age, we pay irildir ectly to the Onto Govt oar portion of $873,1.50 that is appropriated by them this year wisely, I think, for the rnnir,t, nap of the charitable i lstitu tion of Ontario„ saeh as Asylums, Reformatories, Industrial Homes, div., and of that lama amount int the cities receive ten fold more than rural districts, but we would only ava4 oar- telti of the Very genero s over of the government sod establish and Indus trial Hones we would receive . back from them. a large porton of our money_ By an act passed amine yeas ago, to those rural municipal oorparar- tion who establish Industrie'1 Houses the Government want twenty-five per cent of the amount they cost up to •1,000. To dlmtrate. If this County erected a Home that would costs say SZ0,004 which I think would be ample for our purposes, the Government would grant tb,eni 8-2,5(10. I might just say that this Act gantirg these amounts passed without 'a: dissenting voice; w-hich would be strong proof to us that they Are need, and erre bene- ficial_ • I ask the ratepayers of this county to avail tb.emselves of the offer and impress upon their representatives at the County Council the necessity of such an institution; ' Further, let us look into these inst- tut7oos and see how they are„nonnaged„ The woven inmates who are able, en - 'joy their time sewing, knitting, mal:- iing faary work of different kinds, and a attending to their sick or deformed companions, which they , do with pleasure and cheerfalness. to .each Home is usually a faun of from 40 to 100 acres, Which is worked by the men, They eu._itwate different ae . cif a +^ raise cattle, pigs, po•I3.1- try, ete. and all that is. not required for the use of . inmates is sold and iho proceeds go toward Iesse'n'ing the. eg- pence of the institute. • An overseer- and niatron'is appointed on salary by the County .Council, 'to when]. they must account for the proper care of the ' inmates and the worckiig of the irt-stitution.. A physician usual paid a salary of $I00 per annum Tooke after the health, while the ,ciery and others attend to their spiritual wants. Thos. yoat. see their moral and physical - well -being is carefully looked after. The institution would' be entirely under the control and management of Councy'Council, and no municipality need pay for the maintenance of any but the indigents they sent to it, and apt saw the e d to make for them- selves a home. bolt as your, filled pant trouble aline, (but through no fault of Mes), her husband died,, and am only ark wko should hare been her support and romfotc its her old age, (rim the property and left her a wreck, >d and body with >ola one to care for her, no means, no friend, no io,oae.but t> Tyrol. -Judges and Grand Auks have trine • aid again ' uweigbed against the in- b*asaiaYity of imprtirsoning such persons iota -, ..,. , 7 > The go appears Obs oar : > ife for` our When 4 alae fas7 ` e tell our aged, homeless, wk, and " 1 • , t 'to qualify you for flim .. 7,434..you must bye a reg- nant ricer •+ of doors, in Darns, steal font I yea commit crime7 + want ter Shall this athse t Shall we is this nineteenth vi! sad religiout freedom, boasted ropy effort, ow biota fu ! T s civilized nations $Lgt the elo &as;>a claim to be pat the' thigh of shame upon our ' ems. 4t7..“ we compare theirs a d F,ratherlg Bare fc)r their kindled orb may have . faAe behirtJ Ina the . , : of Fife's existence. The divine to - 'er of nearly nineteen hun- dred >andrei years in•eulrated this princip both by t 3. and P�.>I�pl. s earner atop • in the -temple of rietteous- net. "Th . poor ye ha>» a ,:ways with you." Tho • sans and hundreds of thousands dollars are annu ell( con- tributed b well intentioned ehr'istian people and other, for the supporrt of foreign wh ile in order to' prevent tramps or worth .less characters seeking refuge therein a by-law could beassed prohiliitiny .anyone becoming aninmateunless he- has first. been a resident of.the county six Months or longer if desired. The farPgoing are a few of the provisions incorporated in the by-law establishing some of the Houses. Many might ask what is the 'cost per • inmate far their maintenance 2 This is a very im- uortartt gneStinn, and in. tnswr'r I ;-tat tay that from the pu}:'lishe.( ,j:',rn4N+'nt rep -:rt, which is hofor1' • find the aver r r an.- ,,, -1t f -'r each inmate in the FT•"r'-'' 'sell(: tit •iiiI.:...1 i= within a fracti t::77.¢I'hiti �n�'r+I1r,t incln+1,'c 'Y, ti f'r i fr •i"?. 1alt liln':.. attendance, a1:1rv.,"t-C., 1'1 t:lct r'v* ry 1`1-x11 lav ",-" t interest on irL7ested ca;llta,. i in my hirm'ble - Ion, 9 tt)Wa . theor&ti'o eo i3. of the hourele 1 oor of our own country would -,. re the Divineapproval quite con - ' as no '.4 as i)( iu the. version of : Fiji Islander or an African sHinguti. DOrkl- contailaute 6.. tires-- . support of .reign missionaries on Sun- day and . a your poor yrs on week .. ys- In conei , "on I appeal to you, Mr. Editar, to a your powerful influence through • e press and to all your people wh+ are blessed with loving friends an , comfortable homes, on be- half at . outcast: the axed, the homeless, t destitute, the friendless, those whas daily iife 1'4 a perpetnal strueeie fir • a crust, who have no capital, no i:..:.;:.,.-, these to whom the 1 • prayer of our ' Heavenly Father_ `-Lisp us 1 his .c ay our daily bread'. is unfulfilled- , We boas' of our beautiful God -like creed. Of the love We feel for our brother mer But do we practice a.s well e..s pr aJi ? 'however, wherever, wni-'never can . .t:u we pray fair onerc by the w ay. A rid help theme ,t�rg inn.; day to day ? 17. J. MIcF.ttot ct, the weft LK ERTO;g_ .fnw - 'ip clerk of F!'1'-r'1i the r. »• ,;'sitar. Mc. rr �i i. z 1 1 . a+ _ � Jft)Wit !lel' ln)•.7_r114 a'•i.: 3t. 1. ti i [lal]lL11C. n .: (+stic. w 'r: i,:a• L•r,'•: t.ve �'l.•II s. VT it .:1., , t has lo, ltrdl 'k. chitiir.h.r • •111,•:,ic ,;5iil to be a I'1r.J' :1r rho fosir.ior.f Pril_ci,+•.: i... '': n1 t::r+ The salary. ' _..... : t ..' . 7 ..t the Psi , rr. ... .1".. 1 «1_.:. :. 1, 1.,, t.... .:,. 1..,. •• • V ,1 'i•• ,r • • 1 ' - 1 • 1-I' L ;> ..- n,-; a 41 . - , •• tl- .,. ..,,...i- 1 t, -1)10 w • 1 Y, 1 • -•'11 _ 5 , 1, 't,'d ro rr1••'.r • '1- 1 ;,, I 1 r'tl) ,(•`rii • ".!...r." ' r•p•rs 't, 'h ' ,,. ••• �f1 ,-w,.1, ,c 14., •p vloin1rC. ,:, -'L-' :,• I. • •t 1. tr'r • `t• 1 c`. , lits. I ;,""1 )1r r: t ,rr'ch an? si,te't 1, .`ri'1' hr'trt , l.i,',;ci l• "rr'r L I f•'w ,1 1 4 I11::0+n'1•l _ this ,'11111 i.'i•'.T,r13 ..11•1 'Pt'C.0 ,. ,, 1 t lb..-:+ ...,•r "1 . r r: :f• t , /, f e !x,