HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-11, Page 5l
V. i. Bei • r n .. .. , i•�• . �-1 sp ry
9:-§ • •i "" _ �'"b f'. ! ti.: igr•Y i , _ tF s. _,••• ... . •,,,,�.,•.r..p%!.:' LJ.�.. Tit -1- .
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' ; i_orknowSenfinel. Britibe
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Teesw-sCter, October 29th, 3R99
The D ' .- i , _ met in the Towit Hall.
IOmbeza ail pregen . and the president
the chair. The mmutes of previous
meeting'were read and adopted.. lid v-
all applications for insurance be now
laid by agents before the directors for
iaminatitin - rled
Moved .by Kirkland --Tattle that
baying eocaxnined 12 applications and
found them ff rtor5 , the President
and S '::retary are iilstrncted to prepare
end i&ate policies for satue.-"Carried.
1 IM
COUNTY Off' IMt re1E
I J ewer of ihtle contained in a certain
mortyagt .which will be produ•-vd at the time�L_
Fnie there will: lir offe-reti iirr :ale bs . iii h
atic"uitiia as Sts:: '•(:sin aiuu3t"• Iis the village of
Luckriow a the County of Brum, on
ec.ued 3 ridP.y
the esd 5 1J
of ,+c-..mbr, 11 L, at One
• hS Peter tlursigan irf
od ..ui the >a i.0 (;uuiuy,
singular kt number 113
- u ail the tali ulvaosnil)
ut out hundred scree
-those priejAescr arc. a
ixame honer :cad hare. in a fair exate •14 repau.
.5 lrieatitU ar."r•," are ci.rdytd.:und :uA•.n_ il', of
tht •re.nlaiiiider nave hard % Mteal Olt '•deLC1F-
• The soil a1f past clay lcm,m. The 1irYtle_s1y.
Ai�t�n�a�xs,•� about Zest/_milei it im to .viii a 4
's+ auod, and:ilium / mire. rim. i..LiL'a31, iw
alcunritht gravel reed. There a ,,god Full
On the jteenii.a.-._, and an 'weir= d_
T;3t_ rc, Tei, per crux. the par-
chmte-money retr, the tl:°" •i* ,sal•., i••ry i
c itb •a. au• - ,ins :. • I ani.:a-y, , Da:, and
the r;.alan-.r L' is ::t}itl: 1Y_' nu,r3., jv pcaystlJit•
11 f3'.e year,iut,Ae+- a: +, - _.. j n:_n:,.
• •flther'term. and nditin n, of mit can ire
aieertainrd i3 the -limit •.< ',Al- o- from the-
ainti»r;`.nee \•eanetoa-- �•.i:riE.,i,_
The ` -eud,tre ha:'t . r•.•-• s .- bili.
.: a H '..X'
!laved ny Little-Reid
eid that the
Secretary be authorised to make and
l �7Nt'I i:li casae snxent of fear per Lent
live premium notes or...zoider-
ta.kingi held by this company and in
force at 2 ii November 18:12 said
arse ainent w 'be made as prescribed l y
`:+ uuu:, alar that postal canis _be got
printed .and sent to the members inti -
.mating the amount of assessment Aso
the date of the annual meeting, the
secretary to have a bylaw prepared I1y
Teeri-meeting of diresct:urs fur confirming
=aid an=rsament.-
Moved d br .mist., n4- irhiand
that the account of J. J_ ST..eghens
amounting to be paid_ -Carried.
Moved uv I;irklaitc: -Little that
_rui. Mr. J_ L...
irir,L,v r:l.. ltttti', tali` iu �a^ri'd.
L ai 7i1.^',Uij fr it 3 r. i i lila:"'f1II
a.-111 ; ..Iia__ L' • •••? 'tile �m4er'lw,' •r
Il ove d its1?..ill.._�Ili3iai ;Ir the.- thin
!.a .an 11 J :l• lir': It/ EI:' -e: ._ :1`_
]Collt!uuaIIy Arth,!ug'
o?rl.lrk iL lee
the village 4E411
latirltriuneer. All an
in the ei; j,tt. cute
4f nluso coli: ail ii: pZ
more or lei. On the
14 Kin, Bari• ..'W Toronto
T't[ton-V ,�:•!v aur.- .:: _ 1 •r•
A u a M Citirdha4
,[`�� mak.
ilriu n Sill sXa±i.m , jn'Gtnru-ii, retains n€ at,
131�T�: E'er
11.121 .i3= u'[' CT„ 31(10SC1ii1I Z J '
1:1 C• TI
�Yt�)t.1 �E.'f�'W
19 VcTEp 3:P-Erw'
e3itu OW
.t -tt '_'* Sitcutej Si. 1BEABBA, lame
weans icitlFaiffl and Wurthr Goods
t4(t113:`1t i
Natutall, &Iota minas a lana We*
1-.4k 'LI
Wools. W : ATRY
at tae to RrgJ1/iTtw 7' I� �L llis34if WA 7iJ r1$jj.
a' -Flonnel
. .Tag itf.seasoniisik wairiietw
tr lcideus
f I mflie :aft' exfulf,,,Iiirdentiati lNnFIIu• salt
:7l•Sa'+1Y^ +. PS^.1e.14rd 'a :nnllt•>ti:E1' •r.
wita1i.iIi d in onion- a !I,.i: ,:[•11.
;Parii2ie L - in• from litter' ';..11[x2-- i_S•JUEL:
nrran er • arrive at Tu oxi,
item Cr-Cal-tit,:1 `t(' 1t.[1._'T-1P!. 1
it,. 1!-", at.. tteinr_nst,e_r i;_ hot?.hot?.?_
'14 for gull informationa1i1.�-'te,
E. a A"
•dent C. T. Ti.. 7,1•'7,1••••i'=1."_ -v•
will i,
1i X... T- 3•'1:.x:..-Ti[eit-1rainf, iron. tl or;
nuts. will have a limited nun} ere of s .t'inirt
• ,
I!. Viii' -L __. n_ _.Il .�.. 1fi+ Y41 .ic 1? rm+ dAtrfniitl7?lX s' t S4t'()ina._'p '�' 1'4:tf;.7lll
• . r
;•'S. F'' t'
t -•
IneweEtt folodsRn it ii' 1El! Bot. '
t rijho 3t Truribet : e fc dam" Tattier, =Da
all ftf: :eros 3iter .
-'g'dJ I3ilnr
- -� t a•
'�` a' i ' '."'"- 1j'1:? +e17Pi!!'Ai?t! r, r lisiZt•,. ; N�
�*' � I S�!'3'�i 3C•3^i'S-. :r. „33:7�`'t n 'saes- -41wp
- eL a trarrr cid. .'r..t' _
'di'6 1 T :i
z -
u 1;i "«th °t- tr. Gutd,'ri>"^ 1.•°___°n" 7 t, _ - tc •ttr•
-•!:_ T- 1+ _ whi7e ileac-- !,_ drag' -- .....
1y0lbi.•:44f477-.v- ,•...,',,;,,_. 1... .1:IIW1, Teaur,
It ..�--e•-. a Crr•-.
�... ht, , __ s_ 18*'!t t" -•[_. tut. F�-
_ : _ 3-_._d1. let'
O malt lr i'brKpd-a it (IS a ll .�i� �"..�3
4.4.4-" !„Ler agwnP_ t)_ i beam--*t.?si..Yr -.4l' "ez,ki- -,,..
$lei a.Im.4ie4ionipi...±.
ft � � �' _ .se '(seneral )trbiI.'rt . a?i[-ntIturr
` ?., g a.,...,p-
.., -_:-- n 1.13.11;118,....4,o.13.ieanr••r iii sc 4s.
rd3 1 t� p,hla. 3.nntW laazt..
Tr. "e- ; • u�'L:- 1' ; iii:�n;.:'• _+
ami 9Y ."..-'1R ••era :bGtii._ l:.aa_Lacuu.lI'
xalir - - .i: .r :ern.:.._
•u "
TOT itt nl:trti,• Y1 7U3. 1.r•-�a''1't'•` �i •.:LL_
Call n_1_1 e l GETS-
-ffini .V.1 .1%,,
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I nti TILE , _ 1h
11 .1:: L
:u left St': MD
_ 1,1 r'-- 7.-7- t the ftu,et_ e1 --.tri:.
�i -� y�, a, i y ;.[r Art: az... _ c. . woo-, :-z+aznali3, do
1 W i o.3�1- 1�t i33.7i11 l� - D • •.,_ 1- , ler- r' ' trice -7r it? dia: e^ttn ail
• X31-=U!1.8..t:- • '+:Ile:" r il�irl ; strr1T
i/rc Alii. i_'i r .:t 1 �, 1.4r iI i VIDr v fire
3iitu cn laisv w.e5, 31i v flC:lt=t;g}iit,
. l-. it a1 t - 1. ..4-14.4!1115.
CL••- -•'++i- .. ;' -oft. t7:_ 'i 'tC•' :L : ir^ottr rain
,r is _ '
ragenr../Orru tir,vrT� :y:', . i x1."5- r 'a' L/ more:.�*'= f=
of ilflnaul t -.,'1=4[e liar a1' rzt . tzza MTV-
lnttee�_ F e[ate• of n1["- 11,ar/rr-z ^t,:•^'i a _ T'nt- -
11e -aa= i [.`: •" :174,1.4 rel
'IQCIjj:+i p 3 I1 .17" 511",1:,_
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romfar as:_ , c 'Till^ • :e .7a-ri,c - of
.: ; •.r: :111:1, ,.•- Rt• -..tet' -a="•. ss,
' liny>w7,lcicr~:. 'v'-= 31antareax:_
,117. re1,71-77-titm
it rr'':"",.-�':.i sir:':I:_ ou-re
tar t •rye:.,' r; ,t2- ti^er°2t..=az2= n
•_ ! :.tI-, - i• i' .-. 'i4°.; 1, • 4 -'t•Ir ' ?t f!rrtri'
+ :�•• t' ,1'141 '.A• •.'T`�,. ._ •' 'Loy-Y.f ,-:�•1
-,ir`t_ r:!Pe1d&*ti
�s 7' ILLlins.."•C t+•}3i+• :tat- e?tiev-rie tri
-• - • }'7...7'.. :, ': C.. --- ."_.- ;- 4 1.1717.1114.• :Jyw(-e axrn
a_ 14'4'4-x: ear. '1err
ct^.r•.izs_ i1I+:b3.i.• .. .. l+ a....,.._. },. • :. -L•:n.ou•`rr:• ' e _alLullEII^�' 'til :.Wcrilt'i 'v- si'i•� tm
$?l-wr-c. 1--'- - .. •-• • e7.774-,717 o- nrair=r Can-
a -
'Our Trac -if. '1i11 ;- rm.. ion -I -tat; o: Tr:.
-Ir. ley . .:. te.wc:.__ .rff [• Fear's -- . __ •r - ••._ a;Y..1 •,",-.1":":'•1re .•ami
__ :' - - ''-1a:' , appir.airr, tr=,,ati::lee .:---.roe r': t_={
•T:.,,ii'•:+•-� .fore (''7•e•ii-a. (.::i:r_,•: 4.'-.__.'. r75ii tt �7W��i,(^"LJi £�'.��''_j`3 � jyj 7w•�.y;.a;,�il]�/1j J�:,]]
{.:374"° aieei.i.•r1e. T. d,.7...-. _ ., :&'•'W.id-co_ T.fj DIV Et1-U HI BELT CD..
....A_ .u.w.. 1111 • 4. Kiziz +-i-•F{.,"Tfiiif tris.
1 ki1 `wI 4, I -'btu .• n •- iteren trrt 111E water.
�: S+ thin IX- 'MA"
.3 r yl 117:: •-- 1".71'1 TJr
E`,, 5'+eta
41;4C5 K Al m $3
44;1,4.. 4
Aroyl. e -'4L.:1 I,:iillA ea.ict 7l, _ ••tU
.zU * 1h• (.7311:' ,' i •ice .
rr . - • . :3.'
bruff 1t l • it •t. = ]
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,adespc 'cc frrea2izzs'
oam mrer.
ygsoznee ..n+•- $Lt3a,1 ' tffi e:cc: '-
Ilt>Ssft•Tary t„'m,-r%=•errrcr..o
tr, t°•Lataadt. •ctj - Zt+•ti.. P'r
troOtom'+,'.•• sodti.r
romtmen- ran-m-
eeum iU, t gt¢ffil
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trra n
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rterjO w-Zy'� ililtl:b-: �''4L7 .^. Mi
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:c; 1 �
+..'..Dt •t:ts,.o..-seri
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14zttipr•"Willinui 4.'tn:trT•• ::' its:
.[iY.tii. •
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a:rte ir.• _ :'• C..._i,' •-1t.J' i•':__rrrt. vitr. .i
a.w.le , 4 • railz .7-. hm.ri: v.- - ..
Ihtnc ,vfit� roc [-4r ii -
ainpur_. • "W' a• aur_
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aizC #-i,Faer-2.: 1 P:511ILSc .,y
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.t,. Ti 'Maur c^dc% u a lraxtc
s :iy itt. L
tlllisti. c,c,_. 41111.e:l.
iip•El.. 'o ,
'T•'_7Tliit oil
TIIty! 1/7-
Ri' ii.4etri•-•
7l .inion %^'s-
ni3, , .. `., • 1E t..114 7E1iyaa..
Sviftond t t tltaT `imlT
,V anaj r :iii _ TF $h y°t>�. "Of
A: oil tali . if:
F. `I 'vk' • tatinii vi Li-. Ee...,>L,varwT w iitErs till(' !'rP_1-E lltfit ;Is
' cillo ice -to no/ u 7ire.-auiiiitil. .bilin- -,7.it1.tl'.- to '•i *LL 4fltf'
ilri7'.'.L mantes, ii f: - IT..f:9 '7'. u;i•it'_„ 11 :iu `vire i - tg
lir cat .. If -$ ten -L.4`1 _ t ,lint ?lu.t',I•ILL�:'1l \«ttiC''a i411
.,fitodE or Trio i'adli' if- flY1.i`thft41 1-0t a `rifilaa 'ari't'l ll lit: x11. P 111.2 ;ni a
'rills Line:7: - , Tilt •Its..:Lii'f '11117iatfr 24 1711' ; 1;i7..r:- -
IT, ata-iieliI n- Imo- TMS r. }keno uuiEir�u.E' -wit!. .- . rc�l3ntaf
t t L aI.iii 'r`iitt�i I) .ab T41i •a.ths * 1 aiii .i immtfilltIw
i �+
x71:7".77E 1-.51.. -
D nbtaina3 l i r il: Z.n t' i 'v •
H • RON CO 1 JOHN, EL T >.
A A . �-ti igiz .
Tltr lrii �'_iitu diel
1 .1.
1C'tliYT 1x1 II.11E`
_ C.