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Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-11, Page 4
4 itchinoattitinel _.--- —< ,r ,] y rn MEB, ASD To ARGUE ItEMLY 3COOEDISG TO TSE DICT of CONSCIENCE WE PEIZE ABOVE ALL OT$EB LIBERTIES ' 1+ •T Y+! stO CLEVELAND FI. ECT ED. The election in the ' United States on Tuesday resulted in the selection of Grover Cleveland, as President, and a complete triumph for the Democratic party. President Harrison and his colleagues have been routed horse and foot from Maine to Texas, and we cannot tell the reason why, but we don't feel sorry. When or how we came to be a " Democrat " or have any ,particular liking for that party, we have not the slightest knowledge., but to tell the truth we are real glad that Grover has been elected_ • The Lucknow Sentinel,' Bruce County, Friday, November lith to SI. Dealers with potatoes on band are foolish to sell them now at lessglar fat that Si_ 'This time last year I had ten _ MILLINERY , .carloads, and . now I haven't .half a s i• `ca1''A - - ._ _ TEE order prohibiting the importa- tion of Canadian live cattle into Great Britainc:erm& s late force on . the 21st inst. all cattle now on the ocean may be landed and carried inland if -free from disease. After the date - named Canadian cattle must be killed as soon s; landed at a British } tion for the year 1x91 w , -. • WILL Bance :have a4 hquse _ of refuge I The result of the polls. at the 3tunicipal elections in January will decide the question for a time at least. Every man privileged to vote at muni- cipal unicipal elections should thoroughly sift this matter. , It is utterly inhuman' to imprison' for life those who are old and unable to provide a livelihood for themselves. The County pays more for their keep in jail than if they were Lodged in some comfoetalge hotel. The only advantage gained that e e can see is that their lives are short- ened by canfine.meut in the county jail, and thus the expense they incur comes to an end the quicker. But is it right Tete riiihing interests of Ontario are still in their infancy and da not as yet amount to very much The Ontario Bureau of Mines, recently established under the Ontario Government and, which is presided over by Mr. Archi- bald Blue, has issued its first annual report. It is a cx,isipreheasi, e. ,leen- . , , r Ment tiled i.`(,iltains a a`UW4 litre, •.. ♦wi,u-. able information. From dt we learn that the total ' all of eat. ral p,rsduc- a_=;1 ;05 ti73 Dry the Murderer who is. to be • hanged at Moreton, Vii_ B. on. the first of December, says : • 'I arra not fit to die.. I. have made no preparation for death yet. ' I tried to do so but it seems so hard for a man so healthy aGvd str egg as i am to die that I can - net make up rhy mind to pray. I fed scmethnes as though -it would be a bie sing if I were to drop dead in my ' Evidently he will die Of this amount bnildine stone ` Egnres at :31,000,000; crude petroletrin Ll ,209,- . axoon bniek nickel, e.:27€1,600.. Iron Mining, the report states, was of • a proa-pective character only, the • total quantity raised being about 200 tons. T `HE BAGPIPES The effect of this. national iustrn- • went in arousing the feeling of those who have,. 'from= infancy, been aecus- tom , gts std and warlike strains are, truly astonishing_ In }falls of joy and in scenes of mourning it bad pre- vailed ; it has animated 'Scotland's warriors is battle, and welcoune�1 them back after their to to the homes of their love, and the halt . of their na-iv-i ity. Its strains were the first sounded on the ears of infancy,, and are the last to be forgottin in the wanderings •ref ' . old.age. Even Highlanders will al9caw that it is not the quietest of instru- ments but, when far from their moun- tain bomes uhat sounds, however rne- lodnou$, IAd thrill ,ace:Le l their hearts hike ouurst of their own wild native P The feel:ir s -bar li ot3 -a i.r tri eats awaken are general and undefined; be- cause they tank alike to Freucbnaen, Germ area, Spaniards and f'li ghaiar�ders, for they are common to all, but the „bagpipe is sacred to Scotland and speaks a language which' Scotehmen only can feel, It talks to them of home and all the past, and' } ringg be- fore therm ori the lair -eine shares of India and amid the snows of Canada, t'he wild and oft frequented an,euntains, glens and strearnt of Caledonia, the IT is little -weeder that the Prdent of the Toronto young Conservatives last -week declared tit something ought to Le done to wasp the exodus from Cada to the States, when ac cording to the „returns of the United States Con's office in Ontario, no less than 7,562 heads of families with periona1 effects left that city for the United States between the first of January'arid the first of October last . This . Bamber does slot include y ormg men or . wo- men who did n©t require consular certificates to enable them to . get their effects across the line_ ■ The newest and neatest Steles •Mil_tine,ry for tali are now Ojwu-for Jitspecti�fl. This department in charge of Miss Lawson. CaiI and Sce tIic Stock Whether you want to buy ' or not. CONNELL, - WMII 4.4 7. Lucknow. 1892 1893 ?• L .OVES3 STOVE ,. T. Lawrence has now 'on hand a large stock oft` • QA,L. O V BS COOKSTOVES- .. W PARLOR STOVES -_.T COMBINATION STOVES, BOX STOVES. work this fail and parties ii::e::�'"` •_1:'LLr��lasin He is also making a specialty of furnace a stove or furnace should not fail to give him a call. He has as usual a full stock- of all • `);Mels of Pressed Tinware _ -ram! �e are, JapaT eye wase, ware Axes, Handles, Cow Ch Roue s, Halters, Lamps and Lamp Goods_ The Leading Hardware Depot. OS. LAWRENCE, LUC:KNOW. Stovepiping fulld Ike airing promptly attended to. Tom DeBoucherVille Governaiient .made a big mistake when it ban the prosecution of .1lercier beft+re the • -eaurts. Had it beets content with de featini b.irn at the • polls, "and driving him from public life it would have n all right, but many of the people looked upon his prosecution as pes- cation, and its failure to convict him _ . of. wrong -Acing his rP,hahilitat d him in the eyes of his old -tine friends. His reception 3,Iontreal was rnort anthusia.stic, and no womiler need be expressed now should he again aspire to power: As . strange thing have happened. . TELE potatoe market is in a bad way, says' t1,r• Terre rr+ Press,'owing to the i.irbe q'aake:a:es aiteeted with dry rift that 'err c ,...in; in. .Said William Barret., t1.r Potato Kin;, who hat &wen i,ar,.s,na,_ "1;. ,r1.1,i,'s, f•,r a 411]arter ./ a century : ".%11 #nae ' that aorta; in have ilii r+.t_ T?s-r-- a'-- to • w11111:4 • SIJ •J, IJ•,M1 +. 1.1142.1. 3s sar3.,pies fr,lrn au -ay (34 ern cast, 740 rai'es , • 1 'T.. -ted. T Wen -1 l>asdle t:;1 :,,_ r•, + >J ' f1, in i- ,l:(• vola(', and the result t' lJ , of rtr•ry carl••ad is •r'.11. n 'h x i, rat a.• far a. 1 �sarl_ 1 , v,;11 r,• It •.1.•1f'+r11s f+,r same rill - litre • :ar1l r.3v a• . LITUM N 4' 15 HERE. i YES, it,is afactthat Fall has arrived, and \vita it ,that that. laTUGLIT Is better . prepared. than ever to meet the wants many customers. friends who are thinking of thein and the wives and 'sweethearts ' who are weeping for thein there ; and it. need not be told here of how many fields oar danger• and victories its proud s'traiaas have led_ There is n• t a batttle honor- able to Britain, in whit$ its war-1,1ast has not sounded, whet, all other inti ru nients have been hushed by , the ecu- fusiou and carnage of the . scene, the bagpipes have 'been borne into the thicx of l.tt3e, and far in the advance its bleeding, but devoted barer sink- ing ink-ing on the earth, has at once sotanded enc(,uragemeut to his cor(,nach,—(his death. dirge.) --R r.McLogMssa —Rom:MA11aM CL RED Lti A DA1_— SGath r'ic.;ye 7:JJ1'IYaYJI•LJa 1Yd clay,. fur Rh4umatism and Yetiral is radi.- cai3y cure in 3 to i days. its act.;uaa ul•.f,n the cy- tem is remarkable and tnysteri,•u . 1t r( Int Ic-+•; at Once the cause :old l,r (.'.: ae• inoreeriat' la '14 - appears. - :The first dose greatly benefit . ;-• ('•'Asti. 7F-a;'n,'Jiv• 111v _i. B. C'° ,,,; rat ' WARTE feet, comes the 1.,,Ytat,+.::,S , ate, ' „ ,f I •. 121(i � A PILI .T1c)a-S• I r; .... , „ t:l 1 rre—n :I,I I:II, t, WILL t'A3' s. A "y f r: , .- ..,, f L1, i 1 1 f ,r 11, :+t..1 • •11 ' ••tt Tn,t'a'•w T .y ,' l I .T' �/1.,t C nix. �J,ta. t.(r:J: 2 :.J.:.1 -, r,••T1, •i,11, r ' ' .1.• . I, ,4" • ' .,xar.+,i I• ir(•Iir,t-t, that MITC4+ELL f:I:',s next spring thi, yy will be worth e- 1.: i) ■ ` i.r,cdprms• e ' • littioNirgre X19 11,11110-41,.M1 caaa,m..,... That $jam' lytic the Hees that she too was-- . ar' . "A Orrauxii MIMEO OTS 0 e CLOTH' REL r11 E I PIdOV-Fns `_ CicFth Eger - the >:nc t•r InipI 4 durable, s n2 a tudr,egriect- aasa>G,:.<: tm*d. fl amide 1•:'11-, lr_• ��oi onl i.hr••+t t± t.ilc rfB�4- 'FARM FOR. SALE. .1FAE.11.1 C'O TAIN-LN G 1441 A ttI:E4s. 'of ideals.. C•(+ rf )tante_ Trainee b+:mV , =+a410 ;Jrclaard..scr11 w•.i T_ 4S1:-uirnt]v at ° •, , .rt '. • • '-- E_ ISICiULSON. Prtgariftna_ or ^T1:.da?':•. (tilt. P.tt,Ti11R COI !Gi , ! of hi In this department our stock contas a beautiful assortment of WOMEN'S FINE DON COLA SHOES, (loth buttoned and laced) which are selling at prices that will astonish !you. 'BOTS AND MEN'S , HEAVY VY SHOES extra value. Just the kind for the Fall/and Winter' wear. Ladies' Fine Buttoned and Laced.Kid Shoes for $'2.00 worth.2:50. IN MEN'S WEAR we also lead the trade, and are selling a special line of mediums at $1. 75, $1.90 and S='.O0, winch cannot be surpassed for the money,. Grtwerij Dept rthicitt' In this department we carry a fit"' P ;3e of fresh Teas, Groer r -e..,, Canned Goods, Etc. • LN TEAS we a. e gii-,ng astorJi,hing .values in, Japans at 2,5c and. 35e ;, Fine Blacl, Teas only 3:,c and Toon^ Hy oI,- at ; ■■T'� ��-� IX ON. orCI „TNT; '�. '✓. C, worth double the m I��b�•. }l.J e. '1' IY• r , , . . Z\ a YZl1...7 I N ("Rn("l� FRY we have a full range -of 1 le;j,n1 iful Dian_ , A3»t,ar- f,� b }: 1 cru]' 3aa & 33' �Td d ;- , ]'� _f .i�.9 i'•9 i �. AO, ta.ISo a fresh T:',, r 1,,,,(z. O �►_ 1("�„P'�1 ( i,•zI. .i , �,eer Bay, *get. T.�� '.I:. 1(;- 1;11•, is .hS (•+N }1 tiU .■ ac.:.r1-1 :TZ ' r:. a.1 a: :�_,y . rad irat+em lF 1 1i T+in= :a-.w/g. io-t.a^3i (i11/itz.: th+e and wit: 1'w -.4... j,3 1:- 1- ant-;,/ l�fx�d3�lr i,Ji"I'-"•r Fri,re-. . A?f�lES G ? � n _ ivailJeeiaaarrb STOCK FOR S • 3F1D3] 1121 rr - TT'1m; • yre-Kt V+,ung $ Bpi! l n!§«_ c err an •. • a i i • �� ia. calf ; ircfic�-t.:1 ram a ? - ' r j..'"( . 3,•riae 'winner at Terad�an err n- tr5a1 _ Choke 3ieri..41. e .f. 34»4t _:::1 e all' •,r adda4 v, E. G A T .t Fc i1'S 11.•;•7..(4 RAM LA!VI FOR SALE I T�2I7\7 )-E ;SIGN }'1-+ n A;.z POT: SALE t 1 r T. T.. •A r�i - ar9{i. f, muaas3,,z.43 tin. lar _ : 1.,1 3,� t'• T Tlit ,Tian= avi'1r 1 • .i.oLLi 1 J.;"•3+, ira... 1� - +- l,- .' ' _ Cit a: rinn ,a: . . . '.r ; J1. t f (')assure USS. ,4')11{11(44. (�(,1 1e and see the new st des _ Li'l' ' . , :;') p;::nted Floiker Pats, ,'sonaeibing new and ha ,n,v, a nice lotto select from. Give n' a rill. ' 'We b. 'tight these g.1.►Cls right and we to arli t,) give everyl:Ody an opportunity of securing • f 111C 1. ITUGHES. i v r 1 44 f ' CALF ESTRAY. CAME '9 ; + '"F."_ • _.' 1; :. 17 71:F., ;;,; ; _-aa• ; I. • ,11 . ],+ '«•..1>,,r* im 0 snlr3a4'r4.311. 4q. r- a .r., t:,- tsr44-. •o# ia.;'t.. • r .. ... Z: .,.l.r t• •II. "!'SF„ .Tier i=re 3IIae5t)(.A'i t• 1170T4- 'er4'Tar ileatlatts :i�9fT t.aM• Y,ia:. ., 7,7-'C• T „i T A3 - giimt aa7 T.(i.