HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-11, Page 1WsHa*m leads afld, Oil Very Supedor at 4 VOL XEL— 40 sUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRMAYII'NOVEMBER 111thy 1.892. WHOM NO. 982. CIREMM E(UROM COUNTY UNION OF ma"KeFHAMILTON GEO., R & CO. 19 EMDEAMOR Drip Mr- JnoL Griffin took a trip to 'j A correspondent vrrites to us as LUCKNOW. BMKERS. Haynato. Lwst weeiL The first &=vat convention 'of the follows: The population of MLqs'Jenny Treleaven -has gme to Humn COunty"Union of Christ'= Ea- is 4,;%000, an increase of 69 per cmt Reserve Fund TKQMa& Churck, Wingham, on'Wedne3day. of in the past ten years. -No more t TO THE FA�ERS: The cheese factory closed cm Mon- l000d aftmod- fertile lands can be found th. a y I'few miles inland. For Tu -z-- PhesiAmt—A- G_ M&vaam &M tfie 011te:of oar rhat adVerdsemlent to, day, Oct. 31,. after & very successfW utaiders. as had been exiDected. Ng;- settlement has -been years, we: have soM Hoaacres of raond� and befta seasono. Mr- IL White has been re- o quietly going ova Nt MIMM& Mby nab, bh.4-Eth. an,—!,oged as cheesemaker for neit eft the Convention was m'success and many fine farms stretch over large &m we reRresent- extlevt ou�r Sept, and ()eL cheese is still, on and it is safe to, say that good will he districts. The mineraJ lands are., of the outcome of it AL m weffl)�, A- M LM "hranft:7 we am offe6m 1 very j.W*R and om, WM7 easy hand coursej mainly r�ch, and to the travel - The election of oflicers. resulted in loer, by water. nature presents the same Seve=E ftwmers haxe-, however, p1aced WRUTHCHIMICH the choice I&f Rev. J. S. Henderson,'of features, yet ihh�ad but,,a sjwrt dhs- &WIF- lo) 11- 1R)"On =a= ffuim as _0. to know that our Winghara, and A- M. McKay, Brus- Drought is unknown, for the timber amr6wemaeeff6f logo) acrea 1ast spuiw — wourd esteemed, friend. Mr. Paterick OCalig- seL% Vice Pre&; J. Grem Exeter� Se(--; suppi isampleandthestreanisiunhike a -EM. ceegived want Off mchjj��V,,fijtrm, tXJ, MP ban is somewhat better and we enter- y ,-6.gAFT`M' am (great Bkrftaim and the Vuft�d h-", W,,,,, wmat vetyreasonaut. &wma off tain strarig hopes of his recavery aml Treasurer. of spring water, swift runnin& clear paytnent for aR our safimF and mbavr rate of that r his many warm Mends. and If Yom wfih- to, ranew or change In= Mout- neijghbor� will- be fa6vored. with, his Rev- J_ EL Simpson, of Brucefielcl, was ItbOundicq- in trout and enbankied presence a -ad company for a &w years chosen to preside. in, pasture lands . superior to this Yet- P"rovince. '-No one penetratina, the WTAL Reports were given on behalf of the The very brastry weather dit -nt, Endeavor Societies, sh, interior can fail ta observe the "thriv-, _4 Ten awin, ith ing condition ,f bith in an beast- Wj�gft�-HIE- We Dma money an fitmrar no b -.a rerIong, &rtnerS 'hers Owing and it is a. questdon whether the or short tbrw, lIad an, suppL�r ad On to, the fact their. is a great many apples,, acti,,& m�mhers in the county and '-in -Northwest, with all the',,Itimulus given� fUr UOL Fidling 1MA �-Itractintg M ffPeCfahF im thig vicinity ta pack mad very- few by the opening- of the, railway and We &, m generaI bauldrig.bu4litiss; of AU the neighborhood, of 503 more a8sact- VM wah MM� 'attie. ftDars, of ther abundant, crap, of the unlimited advertising of the tMM11ps yet I ate membem 'The hearing of these reports ?cc!pied considerable tim6 and numerous land companies, ha GIM A_'STD1D)A1,JL, Manager A'word of warning t4,,),. the boundr ed proportionaxely in population. 'One W(Ire, quire interesting, Miss' loaffordt- PO Collv""cer- etrl_ Owbe Of gang and those wha have lately jjAned. of Seator read mir. p reason is obviowz' Algoma is -dose by Canlew)n,R&At&(_1'am, )n�,,(t1voCbkd*1L -OffiCe: their rmnLm. bad bettertheir ' wdy- on th. an ad aLle pa er. and its climate is teinpered by the hike hot�re, e�pee ia-fly destroying mitteL, 7 ,. which gMve rise to aishort and if, with irs -alubrious yet bracing 3�00RIMWN, ATTURN9T personal property f6r we are determin- diieu-'sion. mits, Algoma has n t pushed itself into I)H4-twr fiL C!Lacery� FME AND MUMFE, to! defend, ourselves a—ad some one av notice it is be,�ause its people, have :L=,1, (6nln, A,nor, Am. Office- Over the The evening session was also, held. 'in more wil't sup sorrow if their lawleqs- quietly pursued their avoeations ancT Barber 4hopl. GUEXFH- the. Ptesbytetian. church, which com- prin ers' ink has done duty 0111V for viem- those' who have irivested.larg the gely in ter-.+- SiffcBmrs_ --tm_ 01o&mfi*-. OntL I 1tv are Imavine-ed, that m gf)fxi, orchard Preciptive .- audience interested in: X_ G.X�Xw, qxi 'W_H_ PIMUDEGUM. I CsitulzcH DIRECTORY. , christi I La work- After the o - new country far to' the northwest, -7— 4i d select winter vzu-ieries L.,± apules jxe Yet every 4,ty the res-irret-s pf the 30, p. ln�, Sundwv SchooL Mr- I cellent paper on -1 Our Pledge which :L. uL. =d (Tea [j eer is taking a great many orderri. tagess of iTzz mr-4, bringing it covered very Lh1t,and the di&r- oiffice-,, MmtaiL Orclock Bible Intl P 1'en� portion . . of the pledgp_t fixney----is . already - ggreatL in MS in (DuFmcm A-xp) Rzal- Phatar- Rev. Mr. Watson, delivered aw a 1� Last vi�zlr 12M waited lie V rL- turn, through the canal, yet but a short of Latw% sfit.)e store, sPonded to by tl'0 chairman, Re; J- distance back from that most impor- "Deceniber changemble and mild, If Simpson 4, P_ TMOVA-vy- PIFTS11 CITAY, EMIM7, to The whole wintei� wffl, remain M chil&' tant point, Sault Ste. Marie, axe 4 these green fiKrkates white i M[r_ D. D_ Wilson delivered an %4- capic-d hum I -and-, ta-acts of birch and 31 - G_ Faster. dresa'ou 'I The Christain Endeavor Sa- maple and elm, certain, to insure large ciety, its constitutiou and, its work." returns. so near am they. comparative- X-VMDGCW- "M it storms am the first Thursoda;yr. He- said that the society had grand ly, to, the gn-at,canals, , and point T. -R. TIME TJMLF, Tetuaihi-ng days of the M?U* 6ense separate -ftom the church it was tvhere the water--, of Superior will VIAI& a mi.. -and- 6�2Q p, 4Lo., Is t MT a. t thereof and under the direct drive the* whoeeL­ of commerce. To Of the UMQUI,'�nd they, will par -dance of the officers ok- the churclL term this a forecast won] I be pp _jF'hjr_ 11DL (WOFS, V--' :f, CALLS Naxtlt, at 12�30 p.. m— 1_6 "Itp- m- and 10:11.8 g�veffie number of storma for that -ui 4L in& rp- that the C '011stitation. of the society call- Events plainly point to th4 coming im- -If Christmas day on Thursday he� 14 anee of the Sault A Jva'x the ;!T OTIEr"o ed for, and. showed how each in it&- port. place contributed ta the well-being of key of ihe�_lakes, buz the �unction of Windy �,eftther im each week the society. He- thought that the fra- alfthe'through lines of r�ilwuv. the And hard, tempests� strong and thick- aLTBSCIEUBEr. IfX OP=MAN ternal societi6s, which. had grown up. half-wMV between this part of 6nmrio 3FE94�TVILO_kYOY 17MIL RaMME office fix the. buffilm-T east of the The SIX'Mmer.shall be p6d mad dr�-. P The, I Cora and beast shalT m ultTply_�—Fiaza , were doiug & good work and one that anti th� head' I--.ke '-u eri,-ir. seciirMT 5ir iny tfine�, at kt lbwest SMr� PH33trtiff Offiup�. 'should be done by- the churches immense carrying trade, swelling mr I3aEM�Lyrbft,j?afiEtMUJi 7e&rfi1tere5tG DEMDs, 3roF.TG_tG&,i Axa wrfmi a 'YoTma Fop. DEanmER—This mouth works and vast local improv�emen'ts_ CARX7L-Lr_V I PI&PAWMI. a% I see it through my weather glasses -Un ity looks peculiar, perhaps, I shoald say It was th, PL%na,specaheatiiias and esdmatv-j f6r bnHd national work right of American and Canadian, hu-- the pliennininal. EvFLry phase of Canadiari long, their Gamulima shore to the cf 'Suggar etc,� riamisheit aft churche:i_to work out a-' I I I winter weather'. intermixed gent . le Island,,Yet 9-11 enift seek the onlre-anal TV qp%1Aetirn,,ofthe Ww��eClb-f-tmn. fogs, rains, sinowArift.s. "oodiz. and,7,,tr­ of power to-day.was greater shortly - 1W, affiles(rxV.- o) Eeacfi M .,times recall to memory these, line�, of the dit-rifli. whieh us the "Welconie -wilt! north-east6� I t hours no less than 6,000 s, ulq jLre ways to coal fi without Em "e= ruidl, (,unulleu _U1 brethren. P_ 8� —1 notict- by sonie mishap the this. chie:1--n) Uld New York EL EFL FIETI(M. Rectifiter. LONDON MUTUAL. word fo-n- _'4ovonilher Nvas should Clir;�tl-n FKzitleavore'rs be r' he so mixed up as to) H-IXDV ITEV-S OF 1_1U:. for work, for nott, obtain -,d liv, fraud, if the script 11,111. VL,;it- holit'stv of or stolen i7 tic e-; with notice o 0 I the within twenty -Four hour-- -if it;z r t-- ach month a, 111�0. To obtaintloT,,ebt prices for -,xvmttred. 7' D. P07F1k801T, lfa.,;ter VVOrk== Al he who 1, your Richnr 1- 1 T111111, in tilt- T - :B LT -117r - LIVER -POOL SALT.'' in L ittitn4tvit at their own homils -I at her re'l tub HOUSE TO P!oiiim 1111PISO let %v,. - LO -_1 1- n7, 1) zl" I ?_