HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-04, Page 60 t P i . � . I . I � . I . I 11 — . ( . - . h � - -1 . fair - SOIMIB ONE HAD BLUNDERED �`"� �. j.� ® ' TE ' �Q G �, any of nsi edncat eel aha productive- o abilities consider themselves lnckv if they �11 ,-TH I� DEDICATIONS F�oert �r�t�, �t canabtsin $1.25 to $1.90 Haw -do thyee 11•` A! -a• d BIQ rapier of the " Aiittier at fathers of families keep the pot boiling ? �_ And Qpi, Villiers Had to Stiffer 'the the Plank. ,T {�, �,,e'n' axon may know how to support in respect - "i hit. J�=hn Rsbone, who has just died at dll� �lUl 1� COmO A71Nild1 G�ye �� bili+�y and comfort a wife and three or font fto nn �gA�8G Handsworth, in his 73rd ear, was one of �p childfen on1 to $1.2� s day, "in this city ; a ono her BI UVi]A1r011 the few expert shorthand writers in tl e . Glrim-Used 11 Ont, I confess Ido not And what most i>e the D Midlands when hit. Villisre #Wade hte anoaish of a parent who ie ob:iged +u help p WAS HE UAFABILY D$a3L� WI`1"H ? leasiy see his family suffer while the profits - earliest speeches as member for Wolver- from t he exercise of his earning powers go V and fl0IDO11�tCdlOIL An Ottawa despatch ssyp : To have an hampton, an when Sir Robert Pe -1 SPAIi�LF OF 6�iS ' FLUB DF R�1S. others T old and faithful as well as popular officer of governed the country from Tamworth. Su r THE $1.25 -A -DAY '!LA-'�•S CASE- . . An the dawn broke the skies were clear, the highest rank in the Canadian militia successful was he in shorthand writing that e Let me just make a rough eetimate of taste the reddening east brought further publicly censured merely ' to Or to he had more than one offer of a seat in the ,'` w . assurance that the thousands should see and cover up the Taid"ke of a an aior officer gallery of the House of Common& But he joy or sorrow ant the Sound! elf Depends, receipts and of the principal items of es- - • wont and go away nnsmtked. Bnsmeas was :n command ,s something which will excite declined to sepept an appointment of any • on your Point of view-Tlte $LPa�a- pens itnra Let me anpgo: e a man earl sierded,° and at stn early hoar nearly the symp9thy of all le. t rs of British fair one newspaper, and from first to Last Wass a Day &lass CssJale-Arses or jpsuce 9-�Yiit $1.='S a day, on which he mast sap rt his every one m the city wlra on the streets play. From a private .ourge I learn the free lance in the world of let At the ryu Tiro. Orf ®s Bard ! wife and four children. I need no into .,r moving toward the "white city" of the story of the recent .snsspension of Lieut.- outset he studied stenography merely in dstsits ; every housekeeper can pply g URRAH ! Winter is , lain Exposition, where the cera •CoL Villiers, the district adjutant general, order'to follow the debates of the revised r �� them. He will be fortunate, itdeeri, if La { >z>Janiea and pageant of the day should w i ict headquarters is Ntnnip?g, Political' Anion; tinder the chairmanship of coming ! can put in 290 days' work in the 313 -day f+ranspire.' Michigan avenue, from the and as the half has not yet, been told it will Philip Henry Mentz. The system he r I ons anticipHear ation tin ofjoy- lt:he work year, earning thus 4 ;fuel � i allow Auditorium to 54th street, was fringed os, be of interest to tell it Over. a year learnt. Taylor's -was cumbersomeand ditii- bo who cl�nbs down the for rent, $7 a*month, t84 ;feel, .._a ; f the tarsal as early .as 7 o'clock, and in the ago COL -Villiers had made all arrange- cult in contrast -with the system of to -day. y for father, mo••hei and fon; children, at t _ chestnuts from the 9 : �Og, Then >t�eb through lvhthe great people went$ to get married, and, it is believed, phonography was not yet invented ;sen- _ a week (can they live on that _), sehoala pass and oat the honievard thou- even got two months' ' leave of al>_ence tractions and "grammalogaes" had• to be Y ; ' -- -ch yellowing trees ! TO allow $12 for shoes and $4 for school fees sands were struggling for pointe of vantage. for the purpose of a trip to England. The devised by each man for himself; and i* him the fall of the leaf slid we have left c29_� to truths the family and the cool mornin 1'lsn crowd Was in good humor.' idea, however, had to he give up then and was more to his ability as an inventor O' - ,t} ' K en est skating and and Pay for the hundred and one inciden- The Aaditorinm had been fixed an the the wedding was postponed. It took place arbitrary signs and his skill as a writer than _ ,� g tals .of living and keeping up the hoizsefur- Winnipeg- The to any virtue in ,Taylor's stenography tkat sledding ,and sleigh- nishin This allows nothit, for hie in- seadesvous at which moat of the dignitaries a couple of weeks agoin pee• '� g -- oald take carriages. A6 .9 o'clock the bridegroom did did not give out publicly Mr. Rabone owed his mastery in reporting. rides and the many diversions of thosie who entrance or sick benefit provision, or doctors bi_ls, and if sickness or idleness overtakes . gueatt+ and their local civic escorts entered where he was going on his wadding talar• To skill i s a aienograplaer he added such have not yet; entered on the serious work of s tt carriages and the start was made, the •` Sixty winters bad besieged his brow," enterprise as enables, him, once or twice to life. hinter f3 coining ! the father, or if he 19 taken assay by death, roavalry troops, the artillerymen and the and he naturally desired to avoid any give the now defunct Homing" Herakd the Winter is taming ! � what an onUw)k for m¢Iby sed children I , ,tinted escorts taking up their march o het'alding of hiBdestinatiom A reporter in- earliest verbatim report of some of the most, What a joyful thought to the beas and And what .the $1-a day marl wr_o$e in � sorted an unauthorized paragraph stating important of the Tamworth speeches, which beaux who look forward to a long season of come is $:? s,0 Less ! 1. P d ,perms, balls at homes musicalea sacred . When the rocenion, moving southward that the hippy couple, ha left for Montreal. he need to transcribe while journeying to Ile . as „ BLIGHTING w'ost ms's Ln rs and secular and all the otherfunct.,ions ern Michigan avenue, had reached 29th This unfortunate etateme>;b did all the iris- London by special train. In 1lyi hit. its- + Yes I know • the women be} t the isftee% a halt was made at the home of H. chief. It was brought under the eye of the bone conceived the idea of spplyingn steam t the Basler bring gayeties Speed the hone , p rboth m President o the World s. star commanding Major-General Hre- to the basinesa of hia father -the manaf&c- that nearer bung the sisains of the dance atxOlint by sewing. Goa l rtes th rtient ,t N�ig� rn s , (itijambian l;xpesition. art. Tha offeridor hd then left his die . lure of rates -anti so he abandoned work orchestra and the merry music of the sleigh- toilers who wear ons their liy[ a to gave the h1s �i family from want or the d•,sgrace of anpa d Bless as &.guest was Vice -President Mor- trict, dropped the sword for the shawl -strap, as a stenographer, and applied himself witri bele ? r debts ! Bat why should it be Lectsvary ? {�, Here also had gathered the Joint without leave. Having to: so long storm -1 such zeal to U -e rale trade that what used Winter is coming • v How the joyous c tickles the fuel men, �'r ny, as•our p,3wera of p gills::[,n r creast, 1. Committee on Ceremonies of the Columbian the, fair citidel, he had carried it ; let the to be a very small business developed .very o bio the future the Bee visions of ahouid the producer's life bteor. a mores of a , , �po���, fortress Of gip' falls care of rapidly, and ranks Lo day as one of the as gra y n s . I5 h should ono pis t,e boond This party embarked in six carriages and it.eelf for a few daps iPThe stern general did biggest concerns of its kind, When he took h+gher prices, increased demand and swell- � e fronds of want to young murderous tool pcinition at the head of the; Eine, which not view the matter than lightly. The eagle the matter in hand measuring rales were in hank balances •Glorious winter - y thea resumed its way along .Michigan suffers little birds to sing, tint the goat says .dada by, hand by a very slow and tedious let there ata those to whom the approach sewing machine untJ the; bri g to marrissge 11 aveane nothing of turtle doves. The Oovernment proms. her. Rabone devised ingenibue of winter brings no such joyous thrill, no only the wreck of woife of •[l and cave to Pasty Pay cry imXi� such pleasingroe L Nor is it oukv the took forward to tfi life of sarTtsnag as tlta Behind the Vice-presidential rode s to every &rant head ,of fancily ten machines which perLerm, automatically, the victimof hronic catarrh and rhegma exp: tton of the pl;ysicl, gical sirs, ;o-I•ieh, the members of President Harrison s Can- dollars, bat no latitude is to be allowed a meet delicate operations, applied steam• trim and the motormen of street cars, who they tame oricen m order that they a is •ht met. Canadian who has the temerity to assume power .to every branch, .and revoln , live" Wb_ should tie worker .troth Ltil -- After these trailed fifteen carriages, con- that responsibility without leave. Col. tifnhed the trade. For a quartet of dreTo u the icy breath r the north wind. To mnititn3ea thea roach of winter re- and suffer, while true idler, who w • n1[i >ysammg the diplomatic repreaentatavea of Viliiera was suspended from officeby tele- a . century lir. Rabone has been best sents a problem in dollars and cents.- scarcely touch her its' she toil ber € �'ved . > - nations. graph.. The matter` was evidently urgent known fti Birmingham. by. the intense in- I' hand, revels iia riches ti*:eam-tA, w-itic. a Carry might p' bodiea to clothe and k warm and d, The judges of the Supreme Bench of the In his absence Fort G ht be ca retest he took in all mat*ara affecting the a etites tpo, satin the solution of which theaght of the sighs and hi artat+es with �Dited States rode neat;. ' Lured by the enemy and ss, temporary D. A. history of o,d Birmingham. His genial face PF - After Lhasa came a ntratch of fifty-tvfo G. was appointed. It turned. one, as already was ;o be met at nearly every gathering of taxes heir ntmcss ingenuity. The honey whist, her luxury isre obought! c': by dors the . bee working industrious. during the Frim- breaLil:IIIner ;ail AIe am ecaslc•seical -Ear11 - ' riarriages, containing Mr. W. T. Baker, of announced, that the gallant soldier haat antiquarians in the district, sand he con- mer ' is able to la in a aysinteregsnpply of tins: s tans, .hulk Son?' W� y is it tbat 1- ICbicsgo, with members of the United States gore only to Port Arthur, a place within tiibuied most valuable notes and articiea food - the ssho er pursue, summer, while wealth increasle the pressure on the &nate and House of, Representa►tives, then the limitus of his district. The general was on the growth of the city, its ancient cus- PF P rodticera thereof fol• them ',o a not Leasure and dies to escape winter. The .p giv three representatives the 1''ederal army and now in a fix.. The matter had become pub roma, and the traditions of the neighbor- P only the labor of the bntb-d and father, human butterfly and ho er find. in y - . naves NSext , was a string of carriages, lic, including the reason. for his action, It hood, aver the signature "Ion " As a lad y gds PP but that of the rife as Weil, an+i often that bright with gold trappings, occupied by the was not considered compatible with sol- he had noted every circumstance of inters;t, the c;iming of winter merely a 'vane e . GomtnOrs and their ntatFtr of the States and dierly d gully to acknovctedge the mistake and had known man Of the personages of which' gices zest to around of 'varied of the tender iit,le odes, iu r> c'la: ge3�a y pe ages • i a nt s3riea o existre,r-e, pleasures ; the mass of the workers must the • ' � Territories of Lha IInited Staten. and the too-hanty'ection ynd apologize for the time ;and his memory stood him in train Bend :and brain to mately keep their what of oar br riled chant• ? ?. -mere drop " After these rode the orators and chaplains. it, so a Boors traa raked up against the bncli good stead that tilers was scarcelc a l t , a rte,: ter.+ •.e • f tF.e iz - cti�ntainin Commisnioners d ad ntrtntr oral, and it was rel'ed etresl ar person of the Birmingham of half a families ul rue. Queer; rsn't it, how me*i a of water on pei'c 11rdteeu catrmges g eputy 7 } _ Issue hszva improved upon Nature's I We dustrisl vic:-Ia of oar ecenn,ni•_ he'L It of Foreign Goods at the World's Columbian that he had negle^ten to execute a minor century ago concerning whom he could tot P , L" dcEs not extir.t-uieh the fire' rB--t fi cs the $zportition carne nazi, foiloweid closely by inatraction from headquarters, to can in tell a tale or relate an incident. He •segs have all but repealed the scripttirrI He five carriages tlsRth Consuls. from Foreign the arms and uniforms of three companies able to write a unique biography -of Alex- That wor'sets Waltz ether shat he eat ' bl:ml,:e ! Thy s•.sia is alike .,si lgae. Powers. Seventy-five carriages were re- of the 95th .Battalion, which he had re- acder Somerville, the " Whistler at, the t; TIE= rg;=a-srss f>sss boss 3 and altar d . 9 to carry the Columbian' officials. ported,snon-effe�ctirecempanies To have 'P::orb," who was sentenced to llff, , -d Sural few industrious families am sti sr.t arts: ee �! TO outsf -- r` - had been made to have present a attended to anything sO trivial as his wed- actzl3=ly received 300, lashes, and was piessedyin this young and rich country' C'ca-:ty, inilezd ! Why v a:; '}a skulk woman r,ep-eaentatiive from each of the ding, add IefL this duty Wulff Ilia return, drummed out o his reg went, os`tensit•iy urely none in this city? and hide q Nur-sea do good snort , but trey or nal thirteen States o she Federal highly censorable, and so the Lor refusing to. mount an unmanaget,ble Did it ever ems-- to you that to a man of JO* not carry arms- T.`.e c"a"'n c'r&m ds union; eleven States responded and their announcement apgfars to -day in blip horse, th'ngh. the real cause was said #amity, earning 41 to $1,x0 a day, the ap- rcEn ;men of priac:pie, o. de:rrm�itat.o.p of xsptaeatatives Were dent in the procession. public prem of the Dtriniori That the to be his action in joining the Pali- proach of wmtei with its nectssari:y courage T:':e: a is a work :o i • cr •.>' ; a �mi11y s,9 a civil: escort rode the, seventeen deputy ad;utast-g-„neral at Winci , -g tical Anion. He t -id tris tare ci` the m�C- ing �; of living, >;►nat pi��nt a parr of oars a� ; strnnva=-iris ter. _, •,- � h t.:n3 Alderiasn o Chcaca The trailing line of had been reinstated, 'but. `: reprimRr3ed atrocities committed in the old Birmingham problem of suptteer�Ce importance ? Did it pr_ -acts, in a s:-c:>m AV, hen i c� c .+'r. s:.:zr en . carriages and,the mounted escort left Mich- for dereliction of duty.” Z view o Jail, from the inquest on the boy Andrews ever strike So:: tkai whEn clothing_ fuelar_d beg -:n in thi:'r, and realize :.ext• re will ligan ,t}venne at ,35th street driving the statement made public this conveys the to t^e imprisonment of the govt;rnor of the rent have � r' provided ant of such an i:elps them w be?p weal=-e!vet+, there will through to Grand Boulevard and imprfssien that the dereliction of daty here jail ; gathered the history -of tke Iar; b incometheismountretsaifi;n Will illwartant .be hon"_ . W: ea the mai-- L' -:,se �- *`3 . thence to W&shingten Park. censured ae ose out of the origilisl charge., House and yard in Bull street, and the the listie espenditurts3 which many farniiies f^r repress;c-n of effort and tie �,a-t: li}Lerty Menthe; the troops at Washington whereas it was another matter altogether of romance of the Herefordshire baronet who view as ne���ry to, the healthy enlcyruept � when tbey az-know;eea; thrix %vr! is wrong park an, the head, of the procession wh.eb nothing would ever have been said rehnquiahed Itis title and lands to' marry of Ill`s even ala .,hp most economical scala ? is private ifs c3naer Lei: n , c life, s t i 1, i .. i c t, : Gat; were ''formed by brigades in but frr the necessity of giosaing a ,the good iae�y trho lived thele. He claimed You hadn't thought maeh about it _ d o ; and that w a s y. rcrg ib x -e apr o hmatnee3 ala the asst nide of the green headquarters bungle- Lieut~ -COL :e to have discovered the Shaksp�am brooch, in th_s ae^e of multiplied legislation, of in r•.al'c�is, tbec will b t: rn;- i _ ; r -ward. Castel. As the federal repreaeentatives neared is a capable and most valuable officer, who sand aviOtna pamphlet on the subject, uric my .ns and c-,mbincs, of�ireles•and canveh- Wn they ce>�e to i:aia:e lY:. :case' a# 1. ilha pwrk, the first of twenty-one guns, the has been in the service of the- dep%rtawnr spent years Of �eihie in the most oon-En- tions and srcial organ�ations and fakes of right and ics;:ice fit tbF : a " 1 *--"tea A pn,sidentntl "ate, boomed forth. The for 30, years. ]Ie leas a participant, if I tieus search after facts whi--h he be.Iieeed one kind and snrtLer, we have bt�m, so p3t,ia4_a, demagogic pioat.-s ward tkoapa of the regular army and the Sue's mistake not, in the sse'os.3 Northwest �- *•o be of ingest in tracing the history of a[:castomed to Herrin:; society in the' Con_ brz--es :gid lull%d.^asv their «cs=_ r _e from mBitia were drawn up at " present arms.'' hellion, and will be rem�beivei by many as his native town, sparing, neither patience, trete .that there is -diger of our Ic,sing 1a� -aso1•gers and tarisn-r:r.k--- r. - , i piece As Lbs salute was fired, the opening glen one of the pallbearers at the Rational labor nor expenee in a work that is none rue eight,. of the individuals veho vowtitutf: it in Nature an; Nature-'s.4k.-­ - -••r` �-•io boomed_ Just as the Vice-PresidenVe faneraf given to his lamented comrade -in- lis o sliding Value if it he rno3terttatiaus it What it -a few men air3 women . land" , e ��vn di bf _' t'�,_ ie : i'ien leo � reached :the south open arms, Lieut. -Col. Williams. hi. P- ter^ little not.ced. He was a wc4camefignre suffer? What if a few children F•e:iah of natatal co:.aliioes ant sat:• : 3' t, , -:_• :he � Just after the salute concluded and at all galherings of press=men, and was one hruaer ~and .. col;z ? On wi+th the dance! 1sbOi I nt brit lei Rcpt ei :n "•lrr� aims . the�headof the procession had passed, the A aCOT,1L BARVIS CA11111S I. of the first, to be elected an honorary mala- We're a great people ; we've got the bt-st s,eif •ef his donb!e hli dei- ,' ,: r tT-pr_vs- baLtery was removed hurriedly to the north — ber of the Iastitnte ofJannaiiats.-Er.�lssh �� the most beautiful wer-En. tna lege-d c'.�es and -be laund :•• i R:, Lt itetoria"ribesprint+ted Wittit aterfron smartest men sill the most honored P.3; cf will tot take him, lctg tne.l t :• r: : <•iz- :bs i=Iet of Lha Exposition grounds, and when rise P.iver jardan. the long line of carriages roiled alo:vly over the nations! Who dare be so udpa`:iotic 5rea_ of urn��a_I• ci&_ s a:. -•_ rte . ho the big v"induct at Sixtieth stmt the A Berlin cable says':'l'i'e ceremony of AN >i_TFINOWN KILLED. Fat's sea hiss ^siylace . ^ . S as to su`-gist that there isi &tight• wro .g it S national &slate wins soarided over Lake christening the infant princess born to the on city; oar count -.,,cur laws, or our so- it �krhiT, 3ichi:�ata. The shovi: of troops was German Em sur and Empress on Sz tem- A'Fortes Man cat te.Pteces by s Train at Pe P, Septem- tier -y? Well, whg should ti�a idle ;row 11 f rpmmg. From the entrance of the park ber 13th took place. at 5 o'clock this evening Port Credit: . rich while thousanus wao toy ir.,ez.�ntly, Jes3 Ingeloss .s t,c•• =:x:e• tsso t o the midway plazeance and thence to the in the Jasper gallery Of the Potsdam Palace- A Toronto report of this morning Sava : g:ad to get opport---pity to '�li their 1-- bor i•ebr7 s:d, azd is des e ibr-d as. 4 ._t,,mrt, _ `.F- . great fair grounds the lusty lass banked Dr. t7rvender, Bup�iinte>~dant of the Lath- The Grind Trunk eri.rez=s ;ro n Hemiltcn, for is=�+a[i, sreary cf tL•P arra zgip oc }ieai:ng � 3y; Jinx lady. Sirs baa a pr=l; r "e :-,,.se t eran Chn oLfio-iated.. The I mpr-----', ;rhir;h'arrive3 in Toronto at 8.10 on Fii•.ay oft• the lsel€? Take a ei.tle time, th1:,'a o: iz Lot V, art? :s a'vrsys ,:t: v :•j-_-, .: in with the bice and brass of he military, _ pride of many Shires, while at intervals the Burr by her six Soa>rg sons -the evening,ran ever and kited Ii man iret�een it, Sit dean and Make a calculation of hfr trtiatmert o: am� a velar, et� !-tr [i:t. . solid ranks of the regular troops lent Princes Friedrich. Wilhelm, Adalbert,. Lorne Park :aid Port Credit- O:: a:ncal taut Fnii egznd-ani you are, of ccurEe_ Ste is still a Pard worker, a^. i:- r " sA �­ sasengih to the 'stray of glistening arms. August, Oscei. and Joachim --alt benc;_th a `tit -he iatter� pont Eus'ginetr Jo=b Ja^k r �n e^anoci� l -any? then wonder hour you h,bbc y is tba studs cf bo'h-nv ':r :ba c��i- As the Vi•� President'a carriage. pavead baldachin of red velvet, which 111. i.�, rep-irted tbats he had run over what he i e- world maize ends ince'; were vcn lir came J�;;caaa u of ,lower-- ThrXC i •ns,• . a vccee> betwelln these CoIt>�mns there was a ahlaip pl-�d in front of tl•e alar at, -which the listed to bei a rvw, but, nlon a sh figs rr�n limited to t;Ze � = I mentioned. �s11te r: -es a O1LL[ i to "we;ti F -pet raj •`present arms; and the procession moved christecing was performed- the Ern in ;hack to '`.Wrest _*slate, the ma led ; e En.ffiiiten is not a dear p:sce to lave in- - t 'tisca arced ft -um _ the h,•�; : +. - to the "white citS' hevcnd. The troops pemr led the Grana Duchess of Bad- rl:si_.s of a m,rn-werediEcov,ere,d at rhe p.•i ,t Not extraordinarily so ; but cheapners is ort_ gallery, indicated. The b-_dy was broagat into -re cn;y a relative t= -m. Rents are probably " I cell you ' 7 c-r`oirovr, r•: �'' t Elassed in review numbered 15,000 men. into iiia IIs and after them followed m_ea. P. -.c[ t• -F• is s ^t tri hc.nl. t ;-, a-_.: - .y a brilliant train. of princes a,d n table ca,v a;nd taken to Jolt-Ae S` Tuvlll s au,i' r- lower here than in Toronto or Bu&'O or it q,-• 4^i:C,aidn a ,, Wt ':i•.•:,; :3"t sea CATTLE TZ&DE j$OPARSUED. personages. .The Grand'Dacheas b! Baden talon establishment. No_ 1.51 Queen s.rfet Detroit, nasi: of caro.. en'e houses t. y g q y My V is good ? i-eu t ide'1. -rrl - `' I held the Prince`s in e•er arms daring the ,rest, where a c:'refal esaminatian ei ci�nsidered. Bet t'a stcd, what re- Repsrted Discovery of Ditease in a ship- , ony. The whole &Sgr wm invested cloning was mads to aRcertairl. if p.i;ei'•le,; mairs to be claimed' The staples of ide kL[a� i , n y bray ;bat yen '.n•, , I as^+ a mtent of Caaaritaa Cattle- with much pomp and solemnity, the p.a "'_"'-ial crit?^_` Lha idearity a; the a'nicr!ncate. . Drce�s•r= I ti�sfi &bout as much as in any oilier j.+arG of A Landon cable to, the Sits. says : • The Ernperer evidently desiring that kis oulc sass aoou• 25 ye%ra of agp, 5 vee: 3 ieche • in • Carnadi6 • prnitry 6 deai*r than E:sevri er _ _- -- _-- -. -- -- -_ . i alleged discvverp of. pleuro pnetauionia in daughter should teec Bice -all sue honsir which r,,.;_bt, 4rt11 aunt all'. sutneiEui:v n • r:s' c it+ t cads, unless i except Toronto--ard I I ^ -, _,,• "'r an American beast I>ancteci at Deptfo d has the cc, warranted. Tl:e names be- Th,; han4s 'we. -e ca:lOaAee. as :tsar. h [± i am no;, sa•e t: a_ I eh-nld. Bit -,ter slid " .- r: jk r E. lay been followed bs an actrisi oatbr ak of stowed on tit•, ehild Were Victoria Louise, wnit:, and the arms brotnr-d and r;ar• -nt! r_.�.=have recently ave d Det..oi n-c?r,, I -InAeX .:ERT= . eiz ) ' . k.' - ., that disease hundreds of miles, away in the first btrin the name of the Emperor's to the e1Lov.z. The face r -ms CiP•n �.rl, . sn[t ons vs1toiFasle �f pri[acs apps, xvelaie � if ^sc �iIC'• Fifeshire, Scotland, and it the Board of mother and the orb r t_that o. the fathe, s with a;liLht moustscae. The c.c hives c:n-, ,j.csli aL wLich refrigermea lam. in an aaaccar4� Agriculture act logically andiust!y import&- sister, the Grand. Duchess of Baden- sisted of a pair of old brori t over3Le sail* I.it R, l_ the milt,' arti.lea of the l foroa e� the snc1 > Righv Hon. Sir Edward _Jalet, the British ;m, ek and suit of underc!othio=. an -i cn e -lc i CUis,ne are n:,:t,.ily high enough. We have, 3 x s;39 ,s nee[ m t: tion of live rattti_e from Canatia should forth- . , - - ., z=, enrich tha Uz -1 *ith ire probibiteri as in the case of the ambs,ssador b Gertiang, rep;eser,wd Qaeen la•tei was the name " :.i. J. iian�sck, or ttiyn : ,ore a*,c reLtz, ez��.,�eat .ate: ani a I _ ar;ai „o rc, c_'3 tri Victoria who teas on' .af the Princess' Rernw; k,•' and the of :-e: "12.'. T e. rcirar-0-lcia-.or. But, alws ! Ch -re is tattle; IIoiteti S*atpp On the 6th ins t,. 1,2x1 �, them ,:?.a- W >,= z , Canadian cattle, eirporteti by the Backer-inninerous end distirgp:shed godparent& xkEt c3ltain<c3 nwliinig but .. ;.6- ,1e`o: ro:�,n•.ax in Ihz demalitas c: a, tpe*-17c -- r'r'3 '-he gereens selected ler this fane:ioa num- ani a sr�ah quAnsaty of g•:ain. Tine geneiA l:nr;r;v, syr mach, tin 1 t ta'i,es wa�"s l L Q: -.ear ,=ire dike -Crowe Colnpmy alai shipped in the Tel : bcrF<i aiirtePn. Thewatcr'which way u!ed a as:ance would in3 �•.e �:at- de-.P._�•, ;,) has f,:rtl. Wl:n- ev,rv,r r7t,�-•x._at: t., _, fr i :: ;K. -pr �s.r�. ill steamers Monks atrn anti Harana, we . PF. _ s • a ' b1c,••i_c: •i shaner ;] -sold at Caroliu,a Port, Dundee. Farm r in T3tnici-', ring baptism was b=oc�ht for vca3 u fart i Labarnr. (,� caL,r J:4 rs vt a d live :s s.L a r.n•�r � .. - l p cn t .e egnrur-.list �; t ihaL ,e sr,,m :he Rivir J-rd,aa. Lha ren sins or. SatIIrriay L •,{t :._? uL , i b •r-aFiZE : ? •1 ts9� r' 3� t'L ay is -,i vra.3 i AiT �1 `t 95 i• Rilliaim Goad, o' Lin area, Cupaar, Fyfe, gurpa = 9 =, c.--: J d:_' bought several head and 1TiSed them vrith hol-i an irclaes.. at ;1.; alloy ;•bird a 3 th•e mast ter 3 i, -s,3 p sLS'2.��a, vthise c�ppor , a Fa =z rLi-r.r �tys I'll; Iother cattle on :,ij farm.& ili.Xt day an �feG+it the ides flora Pompelt. m o'�ice..- tats 3i-,PTn0,,7::, in wilier, if pas"i' •;, t,,mitiea'rltr. s aWav nrR%tar tis t<+rn cr i -` :as .�_i Tree: - imp•�rted .cow fell -ill, was altiraat ly Few people are 'asiare teat we are in- to d..scovvr idea7�!Ic�:tica_ retire iii;., ' -�'k va _1=rti the coin.�l* of win- fl D r1:c. e:. nit1'3a# t.ai! a slaughterej, anti as a reslnit of thc".po4t_ debted to the reople of cId Pani i, who w -- ter cxra, ea t,� antes _2 : i a mss c Workers 'Q =.r-+oS-Z,a_c:,-rv�� -c s marten era^ninatioa inada by eeyeral Board a¢re all ema:Lerttd i•n the tint L' rtry of liar &: ala o; ant tars. • whom Gare al'tt3'.Z t.,il cis t Gn �.oreth,+: n sn 3 (_ti t�_a: the Chrteti, n er for one of the most F 4 : r;c)� t t di ral�i: !rri8r--. that a��:s � r.ac- I. ,er I.=la,.c_ �, a ns veal a r1s eafe,s ';t -:c i:c+.c:a"ttatvea:,ear of Agf.cstltnre e�ler:9 utas declarers to a+ tel? € 1'p harp+ 8rircat- i j os,z3)c_ .,s,=itil c. ii hips been inftc'ri i»i'h p'cu.ro-pneumonia. u.ipattar.t in,ltistrios of or<i' tir-le�-the esn- E h,,r,--{n; hi ,mit, . c,; Fieri• r j o..es and ar. .v--;�g_d W":_ b�:. i iL� ssxr3=cr Q�, a, rir>o 1 t:�,;;r. min ba. fuses Ye-irs av , when the ti nt �i,-a a le a_d ,la-'- Cru%'-.� vie, JJ A fortnight has clal.=_ ,i, bat the Board of : $ P - t-rtls!rt =�r t Tlat: �t u3.1r:. f ie, Agrit tnitnre hits n+ti Int given tri Sn : of i eza avatteas were maria !z that ' uneti c :r, C hap, II. -Frere i,1- sex: t -;a - ail - `-_,i^_al a^ ; org n � 1 an Ampricar. c - hie n1,nn s neral jtrs of e � . { in-, to - le ;ll[2t^ t,,- Fr: �3 t ,. tri !4. Ls, salutes c^ 1s,is (� . intetitior.s to close R; iii=h at'arkets a.�-.11S:, , izs, •� d. _ - n-^,'1 `t : r Ve �ra;:t, tCLi star: axil mrd- n',S. rs _, Q ra :l: art--. Csascli tr cattle. F,fcah re f s -mess denv �%'. n ti•ev e a pa ne ° t Lev were fora l ! C ..• r II i_-� ,i .i .I: -.:. _ a -ems: rt. ' is=�r.�:s. ezr ..• e;^•ins. !'', il• ). -! . aid caste= n=,•_r r-h-;aii tare tea -.a Prat,:. 7:: r u 1 rts:�sa to be as fresh and , ,tatie a_ tt:hen :h• v t 1 't' A t}rar, the riiCFa�3 is this rase -vas. pleuro s ! Coal•: :s I� .-GLS :y_ lni v= .ala: J `�_t, } were a• n P' i •�:1 4 ::nr:P9 1•e tt';Fs , d Ix,th_ rt3 ,t—, •r;- t'- -. e b' t i -ie w -1,o .,-.I-n F iu ^S , ! _1 c rT c . t23 l�T�dC3l 6 1 L •-� 3» ��+ aumonld, sed tnai•lt.sin that all the P • F 9 p:r r . n' , s�tS � f11W � Wl iI I Inve<,i sr.ns in=•,t•�+ell on t> e spas - e-. c r , =;r._ ri ^.ir:. ayulptorn,_ p..int-d to 's,e warn:ta:k di -ease, +.�` , 1 r:-fapte: Z 3 t:a;='s. :mi,<-as_r•, . r .P a-, •_:� .Vs,...• ,, rrn-."'.:w, i, - : �� - _ - ` t -h. the fruit h _d M^n par frit:^, jl�rs :n a Gla its- s ..,c -.>...a tl a w\-�t f< -c r -c, . • , the.. i ppecies of Lri7-t,otlt i,,,.1�n9 l�Mrcho,F sea• _ t t t ,_ 1 , , ) . _%.l-,: ala ,:.&Cc o .:is, ' 3^:r • : bT so-calle g. [ f. s:."' rY:.Sion L`lLr £:. •:z,l-,,^.r•, )i h hca.teri s:a-e, and that as ap-lm_are i C,,apter Z-I_-�• A% a s� :•t r;,t j_ ,e r t r II:On13 pe. a�&S� t<� ti:Tit'T'C:A'1 Cdr l@. Ent �• „ ♦ a ('J •Se' ti'�°E .3c t<Ae`•' r..", 3t'�- f: -_ ,::a for , e rst- n cf Et-a&m ta•i been le`t in a , ,• 1 ,, , cI a .' tiey a r - a :v to i FCS£ s t alsl)srPntly'llera is nb arts s,1 agairst any P� ; e.e: -r i,on..' e3i. a ata �.. r,• t;eL i, t,;,_L.1t � ,.;,;An ns.Ts-..:P<L7r% , �+ i the�lltt shish , h,zn it bail a� rved i•H lar• i c ti P : .:e !:' e , ,. tl•_1• q, .:-t c i• .. td. •t l.v !-h' e.1.7 a man t I arbitrary deci+ion of tt e 13or�•3 of A ricui- _ F a er-- S*C-,. Tl D s+�i pesP v -da Q ?.1E,1 Orer F,th vmx. Y dol t•7Ls1 • c,.:11 .T 3. T, a r? "i_ m Z :ll• q �' ;n t 3 lx+' f z !r �2? rS A U�r.m� L)!•�Y. a.� true elperts. ! li ' r . - r . � h a,. I 7 • , .- Y c : - +) •r---- rnil'rniti saris: . tl•P i.1:9 at thzc;% An.-"-�f !`„Ilei, ,�'..,.._,�-.—_ ' :;: _ _ ,'�'�,� g s hFamma-'I his lI tie to l thej have Eeut r t' s ii :, r+ s > r s ss, , ` z cz_- 9 nest year rat ,i C : :rr:_a r.Ire e t ..td aL , tip is a horti,i foal'• i..; p:P E ani all eFroasS over Liie C zi'e t ez Nrr�ietl n Sor 4". 1. : a-;-.-- : , i.- r q _iv r' e n-.: C C d.. mets way. Little til tri•>—•\g^ rnamrls,, I -- - ' .t Col. Clnrq,y (•r -Fr ell ,.._. p. -•� G-.. & ti 7' t'E CA=_` .9 ii., ) '3- ,111 her. ' a r... a 3'Y x-+ -�..' .3 • - -,'tr n . i' ho -'Wil t?:tl+tt a reads blue -T) d kn.c ri. Anjth i.',at LL -P axil a- �'I.:•1 ^r-�- i .s .•? er .. I an tis t. s _I calf t •_ , ,..a. v� • -. . jtrst bet iG s a . p pa - -b • _ - Mi.t �-.,, _ ..:,, . If al•ny youtig n is r sr.td. , G>;d nut ;that I de_ J`. ,. �.... r..a,'�' tet' iys:—ii, l: ntc.'cu an sr , :r ^• c.•h r i° .: 1 e Af ' . i , • 6. - . __ . • ,� the svi.ld ,v %Ped Are'; -sa i ig let cum go tea ::,ala. othef ? SJ, Sul,. - 04:.lonel. Lt , '�'� A'..:!_ . •) 11 a . - I a t.a* , R'..e :i,. _.. . . : _ . . ',A' L l.':.. -„>:,,,=,sn:�—„...:..�,�..n�..,,�,��, rte,.—n°u,..,._.�ec,.,., -;... r-, - .1.' ,r..,,.,..-.,,.....,�..�z,.�..>n.,..,-.,�.,,a„�....,,.M:,,.;"-.,�.,-,>.mm..,,.�.�-,.�,-„,..�..n,...,.....,.,,,�,n-.,..:...,..,�.,..-.,>-.-_",,--,.,........«,,,..,., _ - K.. _ »._..,..« , : , .....w, ...._..,,.... ,., r,,..>R.,..q".,�,.. , n -' .r..,, ., ..,,w.,�....�...,,,..:. . . A , ” • ' - At , ` ' • , ^ IV t P -0 f Y ,n ' ,