HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-28, Page 4• glauitZuutvffeutiuez - Ms LIBERTY TO UTTER AND. TO ARGUE FREELY' ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE. ALL OTHER LIBERTIES • Lucknow, Qat. aBth,1892. INFORMATIo'N comes from Ottawa to the effect that although the precise date of the meeting of Parliament •dfor the despatch of business has not been decided upon, it is expected that it will meet much earlier next session 'than usual, either oil the 12th or 19th of January. This will. give reasonably opportunity for •completing the busi- ness of the year before the warm weather comes again. As exchange remarks that it is be- coming generally acknowledged that by belts or wind breaks of tree, craps are better and safer, and orchards are decidedly benefitted, in addition to amelioration of climate. As the On- tario Tree Planting Act has been taken advantage of to a very limited extent it is believed that more encouragement is necessary, 'and. Soule propose that land planted or preserved in wood should be exempted from taxation. Torvrtto News.—THE day . before fire sweptt, their village out of existence the ratepayers of Beeton voted down a .by-law under which it was intended to provide for a system of waterworks. Even if the by-law had carried, • the means of fighting the conflagration would not have been ready soon enough to save the property of the Beetonites. But the- misfortune that has overtaken them, is a striking warning to the people of other small. towns of the folly of striving to keep down taxes at the expense of an efficient system of -fire protection. THE coming Presidential election in the United'States is to be very inter- eting because the changes that are, likely to take place. All 'the States will vote for Presidential electors on November 8th next, The total popu- lar vote in 1888 was as follows : Cleve= lined, D. 5,538,233 ; Harrison, R., 5,440,216 ; risk, P., , 249,907 Street, , Union Labor, 148,105 ; Cowdry, Unit ed Labor, 2,808 ; • Curtis, American, 1,591. The . total vote cast ' was 11,- 329,382. In . twenty-three States Governors will also be elected in November. Of those whose terms expire 13 are Democratic, 9 Republi- can and 1 Farmers' Alliance.. Next in importance is the fact that twenty- nine United States Senators are to be elected by the Degislatures chosen on November Sth. Upon the • result of these elections will depend the politi- cal complexion of the Senate after November 4th, 1893. Ectal Roseberry, 'Mr. Gladstone's Foreign Secretary, has been•• chosen to- fill the vaeancy .in the order,.of" the Garter, caused by the death of the late Duke of Sutherland. This4s the high- est British order of knighthood, and one of the •oldest and most illustrious .,f the n:ili+ary orders of knighthoo-.t in EurX ope, commonly sill to ha>..e orifi nated ie; Edward III. of Engtand, :thou: 13:+0. An ancient tradition eaunt : t3 tine etultlt tit 'of the order with the s`,.try pr.pularly told of Edward and tl,• C'nuntess of Silisbury. When -11'• • : i'•1 :tt ,r garter the king too,: it up and pr. - lit - .•d it to her, at the same tirot ext: ITIi; «i oh reference to tho,e iclit, ..L1);!. 1 as t11 I., l! .; •,. � ,l.t,� 1;, ' ,; . ... ..:c;h ,'ii«to pini who thinks wrong rf ir~'• I-;'1wLrt! atl,l •d ., that sh•�rtl1 they -he,u;(1 see that darter a(1.:ane•i so ,.:.il, ai•1 i,,finr and r• gown z. ,Iccot•ut th••msrtivc•i hall,). to wear ii .. • y The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, October 28th IMMINNIIMMEINSEV COL1J�IBIAN CELEBRATION. On the 12th of October the pupils of the 1st department; of•the Lucknow P. 3., celebrated the great anniveary of the discovery of America by read- ing essays. A very profitable time spent. The following is one of the essays prepared for the occasion by Miss Nellie Presley : Four hundred years ago to -day. October 12th, 1892, an event of great importance took place- in the history of the world, namely the discovery of this continent. . Christopher Columbus, the m in who has the honor of being the discoverer, was born in Genoa, Italy, of poor parents, his father being a wool°comb- ber. - Young Columbus assisted .his father in providing, , for the family until he was seventeen years of aAe ; and meanwhile gaining in geographic- al , knowlege, he made maps and charts of the world as it was then • -supposed to be. He conceived the idea that the earth was round and that by sailing west one would reach Asia. The idea that the earth was round was a . novel one in those days as everyone believed it to be flat. As the products of Europe were ex- changed for the«se of Asia, and were conveyed from one country to the other over a circuitious overland route, the great national problem was "clow are we to find a shorter route to _1sia" .At this time Columbus came forward with'his ideas, laying then, at first before the Portuguese king ; and 'reqesting seamen and vessels to main an expedition to find the new, and shorter route. The king scoffed at hiin and would neither believe his stoiy or furnish him means. It is said that Co- lumbus' was considered such a fanatic on account of his opinions, that when he passed through the streets; even the children would point to their heads ,I and smile. After fruitless attempts to Dain'. assistance of the Portuguese and English kings, Columbus again re- turned to Spain and appeared fur" the. second time, before the Spanish soy( roans. This time the noble - hearted Queen Isabella in her earnest- ness exclaimed, "I pledge -my .crown jowls to obtain the necessary . equip- ments for Columbus' voyage." But her sacnfice.was not 'required as th`e money was., advanced without. it. Accordingly three vessels, the Pinta, Nina,• and Saunta Maria,were•manned and set sail from Palos, Spain, in September, 1492. • .Columbus sailed in the direction of the Canary Islands. Qn ' reaching there and obtaining a. fresh, supply of water he struck boldly out on the un- knownsea. As day after day elapsed anti noPaight of land met the anxious gaze'of the sailors, their hearts became wrung with superstitions fears. • In their tenor they fancied - that huge monsters would rase from the ocean and devour them. They wished to turn bink, but Columbus 'persuaded them to sail 'a few days longer. They consented, but, when after.the.elapse of several days and no land appeared the. sailors again grew discontented and planned . among- theiuselves to throw Columbus overhoard and turn the vessel homeward. Again he per- suaded them to sail and if they dis- coveredno land at the end of three days, he would' be willing to return home. At the end of that time as the*. shades of night had fallen. Colunibns. spied a light rising and falling in the distance as if someone *carrying a torch ; he called to his officers to observe it, and as they were discussing it, the joyful sound of.a gun on board the Nina proclaimed that land had Leen found. . In the morning the sailors, led by C'uluiul,us stepped foot on the newly discovered land, and with joyful hearts thanked God for chis goodness. Co'.'.::_.«its p; inted tic cros- :and fvr- merely took possession of the country in the :ial:a, or the leu. cn IA 'pain. F:: *1: ,t ''• • ' 111(1 )1•- 1t -,r,•1, rt•d l • .•1 .a::.1 ;up1«.t;ing !h --.-the,. 1 i,�' L : i ii. e.n e•rt•d v: a- 'art ,'ti T1: ii•:. :a i. ii..• 1 the d:.I k but .i •lttc r leukin„ inquires , c•,n;:crning •!i • •c:intry. .n(1 • sl,t,au.. a: Tn- li':�i, i•• t.,k, t.) .St•ain t ' , - i1 it, l'•>lurii1'u.: left forty of his, glen 11,t! to , ,t•: s.ti; for ;,.0. o1 li:. 1 t : .•1 I:IrEuM TIrM C '"L'i.I, IN .1 t i•ta, tiputh .\merican Rheumatism Curr for l.heumatism.ai,11 Neuralgia radi- « ally 'irr-s in 1 to 3 days. it, action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. it reulovcs at once the: rause and the disease iruuwdiate;y di•i- tpperirs. The tint dose grei:ly ltenetits. 75 cents. Warranted 1,v A B. Oongram. •` 1 say, "J...." If — If you find it, let me have it back ; if don't, you an keep it." et • l.ai.1 110 il•,: ' , l:e,l •' At I -' . i., all. '.e i.:iti•,i. t t 1• .,• (lay. ColUn'i,ns dressed. in, rich -ap- 1'kF'T expl air,,'d to the nobles and the :1,,q5( nihle'd uiu:t itude the heau'is• ..f the' Nt v \V rad : ar,l as he told them of the beautiful c•iun• Cry, the gorgeous, tropical birds. the el« li. htful clitllate, and, ai ove !1 f • vi- FAI1. MILUNERY �• The nevwest and neatest styles in Millinery for tall are now Open for Inspection. This department is in charge of Miss Lawson. Call and See the Siock Whether or not. WM.00NNELL, • u you want to buy Lucknow. 1892 -• ;189 3 MIES, STOVES, viTOVES. T. Lawrence has now on hand a large stock of COAL STOVES, -COOK STOVES, WOOD STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, COMBINATION STOVES, BOX STOVES. He is also making a specialty of furnace work this fall and parties intending purchasing a stove or furnace should,not fail to give him a call. He has as, usual a full stock of 'all . kinds ° of Q ` Tinware_ Granite ware, Japanesed ware, Pressed ware, Axes, Age Handles, Cow Chains, Rope Halters, Lamps and Lamp Goods. The Leading Hardware Iaepot. THOS. LAWRENCE, - LUCKNOW- Stov4iping and Repairing promptly attended to. - UTUMN IS HERE ES, it is a fact that Fall has arrived,. and with it comes the announcement that 19/.. AGI S Is better prepared than ever to meet . the wants many customers. o of his BOOTS &SHOES . In this department our sfock contains a beautiful assortment of WOMEN'S FINE,DOXGOLD SHOES, (Loth buttoned and laced) which are .selling , at prices that will astonish you. BOYS AND MEN'S HEAVY SHOES extra value. Just the kind for the Fall and Winter, wear. Ladies' Fine 'Buttoned and Laced Kid Shoes for X2.00 worth $2.50. - - 'IX MEN'S WEAR we also lead the trade. an,! are selling a special line of mediums at S1.75, 5.1.90• and S:100, which cannot be surpassed for,the ,honey, O , wow Departme,s11 \\-e carry a fall line of fresh Teas, In this department Groceries, (L'anned G41. Ete. IN TEAS we are :riving astonishing• value,: in Japans at •'.:'e and 3.>c , fine. flaek Teas only •35e and Young IIysons at '2.)C, Wi)I'tll double, the motley. •TN 'UR1)t'1' ERV- we have a full range of beautiful Din - !le'.' - e S ran.4i.44.,4 111 prices fi'ciii :'f)..)0 to ,51-1.50, also a fresh crate of Glassware jut opened. Come and see the new styles and designs. PaintX''d Flower Pots, something new and handsome, a slice lot to select from. i .Give us a call. We bonght these goods right and we want to give everybody an .opportunity of seal Cr e of the l)argair. the until. ; waiting to be cc r' . HUGH the Christian faith, the king andRili Continued on next page, • ..a o CLOTHES REEL THE NEW IMPROVED "'CHESLEY 1 Clothes Reel" ; • the most complete, durable, simple'and perfect reel manufactured.. Thi, article can• be ;act only through the sole agent at Langside. 966-t f - A. A• CRO W STUN: FARM' FOR SALE. WIAItMI CON"tUN1SG 100 ACRES, situated lot 13, con. 7. in the Township . of Kinle», Co of Bruce: Frame house, good • orchard, well watered and ?onveniently. situ- ated. For particulars apply to E. NICHOLSON, Prvprictc•r. . or to Thorndale, Ont. PETER CORRIGAN,, - Holhrood.P. O. Georgian Bay Shingles. 1 1 a UNDERSIGNED 7L%S ON HAND czar 1.ot«‘f XXX Georryian Bax shingles and i11ten.ls kt •1•in<-• them in : t,tck'tintip:; the sta.-on, and will be sold at the l..west p .s-•ihle pair_ price. .TALES GAUNT. Whitechurch STOCK .'FOR SAL • re a:r..lcr-7.;ne1 ,frog for =:ati at r k bot- tom 1..ricc- f•.r the next thirty days, young Sh.•rt firm half. cows an•i heifer in calf Leicester reit anti esve l.tt::h<. _• t by the first prize winner at l.a.nti•,n Industrial. Choice kirk -Li -e' ••f l.,th sear-: Call or addre to E. GAUNT .c• Si:NS . S' Ont. - RAM LiM€aS•roR SALE r HI: UNi1ETISIt;N ETM AS 1'O1: SALE at 1: t - r,_t_ -.:rl.!.-r•fr:.:1. ,il..i. - ri:- 1.:'T - p.r. j.artiti :l:,: ai•l•:1" t • Iii tf;1:T FINNiGAN. I1 1 I • rI 1x' l :.i'. •i•i 5o,000 Barrels A„ ,!es ri oted "11�t :\Si'}1.1«N. «i}' �'l.i\ i'«,\. t...ta• , :4).000 barn-ls •,f Fali and t\ -inter f•.r o-1 i -1 a, i'.1 1. pai.i. It - 1d y it r,i,; - f :caner.•'r.ey. 11. CANTE1.(N, TEACHER WANTED. • AstiiSTANT Tlr:\e'HEE WAN f -•r 1.ut ki•-,w Public Sch..,1.. male • •r female, second-c:a:s certitic.ite...>ta:ary nett t exceed there hundred d •alar per ann•trt. Services t t commence in .Tan•iary a'"93. Applications with qualifications xe eived by the underri;ned up to November'lth, I) 1; \i• Ixro-it. 5.,--ttsry Lncknow, Oct :.'nth, t' e 1,743