HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-28, Page 3Em I LAUGH AND I M and their food. His home was the neatest gold for the book which was so heavy that "Too maby of vFe�- place I ever saw ;his wife wag a pretty the united streu co e little woman, wholesome, ;t� of twomen uld barely JL `Mum , Is showing in all her actions. She estimate made of its weight in gold was ma, is there too many of weir and cleanly, with A lift it, , The book was weighed, and tfie -AM girl naked with a sigtL P, C6rms, GA.LLs. rha dld;,� own work, and her cookie SORE SHOULDERS. 8eRATCFJFX% IL, IF a You wouldn't be tirod. �ou met 9 was $105-000. Julius deemed this sum ;nave_ VOUNDS on or Oft, hin&to remember, hxw-as, atrouble• quato and (twhiiied to isell, so ih Cure GUA-RA.V LleaLled. She was only three to her to prepme a meal. She would take at the Vati- TEE]j� -If--YOG Use 'J['E:X A,-.; I yeaxs old-tws one ,can Hebrew Bible iq justly entitled to Oe ;Af 3!'Iti! on rl:C'eipt 0 Who spuke in that Arange, tiad way three tomatoes and & handful of crackers disQuatio:i o.11 being A f Price :','3, CeUft, BY C. I". !WGSWORFr,� Z�7-vu . d -113- in the world. ae most.vatuable book ASAesaw her mother's inipatient, �hxi g-,Ve " Jan " a tlia7a of eccalloped to Iyanzed Everywhere. -At, the r hiLrea's boisterous piaky, toes of which a caterer might 'have been There -ete a haJf-dozen who around hers proud. They had birds and books and love, now To Cook a "am. PO1%T4 FOR THE PONCE. Anti tile mother -assn and stood, and We always seemed like a holid,.7 to First raoak- your ha 188 -UE NO 43 Pear. they enjDyed it lik.; chiblren and Steeping Dran"id. ra �!l night in water, How to urtj�;e up Worn Out `" the care of the noisy broad. First should cover it entirely. Then set it And 14;ht With the Rolf at the dour. et=ch was perfectly happy vwiLh the other. on the tire to boil. The rule for j A -lrunkcird was sleeping off his potations I like to think of them oi,ea, and hope that hv fifteen minutes to each pGand, so ighta avenue hallway, near TwentV- Brits For a zszuke or a kiss no time, no plate n is , boiling a in a Third Furth., it_eoue least ofad; ce; luxuryand aelfishneas have L-o� dr!iLed Lhem You caa easily tell by weighing to the tmact street. when Patrolman Clinton of An Aevertimmenta And the sh­Ldol-v that, darLened the mother's aparf, er made life other titan the'beautiful length of time that it the Thirty-fifLh station espied his protrud- face thing it was when 16 ill be aeceseary to mg legs. O'er Lile yo ins life seemed to fall. z§t kuow them_ 'They co,)k iL When it'is w He di4alt be to h*J boiled chaw,e th Pound the al -e k&maug Lk e for, or ate f, w who have no waUr, ao-.d to Z, " rather thin solea of the poor fellow's worn the last boiling add a cupit, I -hats, as is z E� How to Light�-_.a Amon MPTION., More thoughtful than ung she felt more care, artificial wants. of mol custom with And ponaeted in childish way asses. When it is done set it to coo the park keep- CONSU L eta in dtalina witir sleeping t the bardea she could not Se Amo - Queen Victoril!'4 chaise china is a �ad when itis cold enough skin it and pnt . , 6 to ups on the tr�rj,_- and Mo bordrs ofu�rdicine stun, Sevres desses a servixtq %-,Llued &6 it in the oven to bake until the whole is He reached over and grasped thia -1y s"If­ (­. 1­��s and 1"1!51 offs: ad&es&. z-. A-. Growing hearier every day. What did Mu4s, n you rLi,--ely browned. Some people spriakie it his t�.c, %-as on k6 W�z AA­h4c V� T�uatc. Obn & -a do whe dkeper by thea nese. ace the fellow kisedherY' -Rung it up an little WiLh bmwa sugar, in Ln instant. Only --i week- and the Little Claire, bell `eicre Puttiaginit theoven 411 puneh,ahe carriea. You must have tweaked V t In Lit r tiny w h i te Erundle-bed. vlichforms-aso�tofgL&ze. 8omeept_,u,e_, it pretty SIARTES WAVED AT ONCE u, hers cook it in Champagne j"t at the laz Lard." eti-P ww Y ��Ith hel' blue eYk-' closed, and the sunny Dick She called me " dear. " Peuelope .1 ested a witness of the incident L eve v,l�_r naive in the lair Y_ rd it with e!Qve& hima bit, sir," he replied ual N,rS Da,t:L4)1,y in Canad& in beer; many L _N'n p I didn't y Cut close from the golden head. -Nonsense ! D-eke—yes, she did. She :�'; Old burr at adL CAR.I.) WoltliS, Wootts(pek,0ataxio,4 said. 11 Oh, dear, wise dofl,t you o,L)?,, SOut-hern cook had, a way of coveriag-tn You see, air," barring the "Boat cry," she swd--andthe virords, were IDW whole ham after it was skinned wish e 111aLL4,th6 nose is the Principal organ of Feeling E� thaL she could not see- Perdit&--Wea, JAck are to be dcagh paste made of flour and � h 16 rt:zvrat.jon, and the lungs, air," wouldn't ONE MORE Fon e%Otk't have to work and be tired so. married at last, W-I'Ll we are so happy. then water ani have much to do if it wasn't for the nose. When there ain't so many of vve-" Pehel�lpe-Dii Pu -Ling it in the oven to bake. Thi--, a uI&EI,a a�sleep and especially when trouble in you and Ja�A have mii,�a a-& c;aimed, confined And the 9�-ttznft- Your Lthcr's consent '111 the ju"'a to the he's drunk as well HARYEST EXCUR81ON rlittle daughter �1,o wstalled, nta� bur PC. From the h - X ham, and the results the obtained were bre�L'the as intended `him to do, air, t a st" Perdita Pk i�..i h*11 a -d awit'l c-,urt&inly delicious- he's pretty sure to Sit�FtE 0 a -it b�t. lot of trouble in get_iug J.,k'z couatnt- and that's through his nose. All you have will be ran on October 25th, to resent Corunia The prL :,-Chief of the to do then, sir, is.to ..LL, place she �d, , . Payment by itesults. pinch his nose, shut off THE PECOS VALLEY, Moorish army t4 A Ktvil his wind, and up he comes with a snort, lea While on one 6f his European tours, a •geod deal mere human air, then the bas- The Fruit Bell of Nov. Mexico. The devil knows men Leo well to to seen Maclean. It wta he wqo rt,,.r nujze_j the Coquelin, the actor, was in Constantinople t 1 nado, and an, it sir,-Niew with a long face. Sultan's forcMI always . -Rana's HOM at the .ams time as Mr. Vanderbilt, vv,ho york qan. Tickets. may be bought at DETROIT i Chappie-I'll bet you $10 1 car, invited him to come and recite some of his CMCAGO to The gareatest man in.the world is the man borrow CtZ' 6 sooner than � you `c.�ru. monologues on boazd the latter's yacht. who 'n wait patiently, and work while Cholly-Wn - COnsumPtIves. Cheer up! C, was a most excluaive audience con- lend me $10 to put up, Chaipie- e -r- 'mere , YouareneLgoingtodieff you will but EDDY, NEW MEXICO, in tainly, dear nay (anti then he fain Sistine OnlY of Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt. exercise a little common sense, and spend a She --Who played the principal part faints}. A the opk1rezra at the Van Ogdens la --L' MM Squabbel-You Oti�ht to stay fi--�2ie The rate of paywent bad been previurtal And return, good twenty days, ab uight! y p��Itry sum. You may be very feeble now, arranged by M'r. Vanderbilt, in a .etre: sitting bolstered up in the big arm -chair, He -'rhe ofe-liestm nights. You�re no longer a gay young hus- -vhich ran as follow,, : bel Pm you may now throw up your hat or =ti Ratidelph Churchill brought a dead band. Mr. Squab N I I but hair, ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP merely a gay Young wet'shusbi� 1�d. " you will can5e our team to flow six bonpet, and shout for joy ! izttadl a lioness from Africa, which times, and I shall not t Miller's Emul- This is, the Last chance of the pear to see thl been mounted by a taxidermist &a leave Teacher -In e' think it too much if sion of Cod Liver Oil - her -In wilat part of 1.- Bible, will save you if you famous Valley at so small an ex-pense. orna- you ehaxge me a hundred dollars each time. take it aecbrding to directions. What you menta to his London residence. is it taught that a inta should LA --k: only B�-ides, You will make us lan-h twelve need is good new blood and rebuilt tissues. DON'T MISS IT A y-,,iun man who was, &dmittei one wife ? Little BOY -1 guess -,.'a the serve L�'o mss- 01 the'weather we are now having I am from five to ten pounds of fles� with each For further Particulars address 9 to the part that sayano man can se. times, and considering the depressing state If you take Miller's Emulsion von Will Philadelphia bar three years agti, hts jus't tem secured Fria first ease_ He has fmeil his persuaded I ought not to pap you less than bottle. There is no use wasting words. A washerwoman, who won't return h:.* Zijeu Plenty Of F-�amily.-FEiezdSa you've two hundred deffiarp every time. hint should be enough to a consumptive,of G 0- SHIELDS, because he Owes an old bilL married since we met, Smoblev. After the performance Mr. Caque" pre� tke fact that Mille�'s preparation of Cod Eddy New Me wife -aren't von co Any' family ? Snobtey_011, yes! She7s-a rented the following bill : Liver Oil SAVES. In x1eQ. evening? taing ' '0 ch""ch this 11-atfitzAiitheringhaine on m*ther,a Ur� Vanderbilt to Mr. Cdqueua, Dr. . big bottles, 50c and HuSbInd-No, my titsir, Fru aide. $1,'at all Drug Stores. goi-dg round to the club to look thr,-cgh this Six tegrs at -�iq) each ............. ... .... ST FO morning's patters. The rudder Of the New CunjLrij Twelve tits of laughter at *200 each ...... 44to The Latest Wife--Cari't y�:u deep Cmpaitli,, is mer, the just as comfer_�ablv in church! &,.% lArL-,- a piece or steel that, John, is the cistern fall?" no Total .............. ........... ��Ofx) British fiz-m could ;arse iL. and the order It rained --all night,, and its running Hea�th Ydn cannot land in this had to be sear, to over." Ltsi Ki gunwor�s at For Superfluans Balm • country unt Y -M am willing w subject Fsset Ycuraetf to ltd laws. Anmrehist-What are Several requests have been sent in for a Then write on all the bills of fare -noth- its laws! HedCh officer -Fire, v.,u mu Lirkin.(ta his wife) -Did you hear of the rEmedy far superfluous hair. Thefollowing tag but distilled water used in 'this hoteLA at Rev. Dr. T be washed- Anarchist -Then l'ut going De �� hmily'd fall i.'rs- farkin- e;!atory powder. found in the last Lumher -k- Dear me, no,-, What , - L :L,� Do�:tar, - Wife-Yru are altogether too nice abou hat a;, ti� clone ? L%' is said to be effective -He has fallen Heir to v tLe death everything. am perfect-ly dLqcaazage& 0 an unele. th SrPhide Of barium .......... a) parts - Husband -1 thought you liked Utzr fastidious men. Tommv, I don't believe you will �Lver am- Ch -------- . ...... 25 parts Wife -1 do; its the fnas- Oull� Probeasor t)�Eide Of zinc ......... ....... 25 parts tedious kind I object to- �'k z­Ythin,-, you ar-_ so i,i�,,Aent. (Who h%a iea� L" servant rix, I This' 1i mi after a, light, and x ii , uv_ .a � ` - q - Totvkvite� Well, I guess the teat-Jej dont xed with water so &-a to f,,rn a. The Old Friend -1-1 hear you are engaged, he in it be posaiblf " o of a iu� Gates' timk� it, ri ser -Ape(,, teff and t �ie marry that eyonaregoingto think ", ca -use she said tient I made more 1*_Kaitld, li.ght :tali ,y Pas -e, v_ ­d spread upan t Fanny. Can troub o zLzhu any'btly in seLooL alde:� a. --t-c-oad- W�-_� re 4�:.l VSU I _g .11 L 0 light ? _,iii is now fGund to be smooth. 4eiress--Oh, Young Fiddleback? The Palatable as cream. no. He asked me as a favor No our to bi-come engaged to him for a few weeks, taste like others. In bi,-� bottles, wa"�i�lm �ouz a get that eee that: little sign that says, 'You Tapely-Yoe- are an t��,r Ian? '.Ramburg am- Do not Relleve It, to help out his credit. 50c. and $1.00. tAg"m�- this --a-Y.' SArah-yes, William I -Yes. Tapely alac` 3t,_rtrLed-; .2 ..L D,j� not beiieve th4*1 N.-�rvffi_­e will cure The Married Man -I tell my wife, every - a it! Wtwain-well, if. Hamburg whaseconsear, Uluit I ordler to neur'"gia al most ia-.tAqtl What zrr Dae r� edging thj3 tray wit Marry yl.�rr puts fur sur Esuds� teeth thing, sir­everythinll� The Bachelor- C FEINIT -3 �EWILF L of its -ebLoje_a, s 5 -�)u ach�ecoasoieyoursel�i vii -a the reflection Ever tell her a lie! The Married Man- TA,RY,•' hL<h ;:�­ whirtia,; a': ­.,er the r-whad sc��s to rnx, �n,, .1,ft r;o n-1 Fkru� &IMPIN WhY the quicker we kin git out of hem might ask Min that pain can't L -s6 for e-�-Lr. T2Oa't use Didn't I say I tell her everything ? ti V the me. better. Alz,,7-11r. B-aaker. I t�ti h,%ve ht i-Nerviline, - it might atop ttie, pa�n Mk i p.heu- P.Pom max�in­. hook,. pEerU,­ canis. With What h, Science is ever finding snaps to comfort Gr %a happened to you? Y%yu if)ok In YOMEr employ ion;; erzuu-�i to �).a e!ltit,ej J a;�vism is often diffit-ult to cure,' K-ep 012 th- I =d o� patron 3 �­jve h�bos oo m=t _� to an inerea.4e, in as&axv. ':' Bum. ker, I I - iL_ fortunate. Two doctors found on an T. 1D. e'� ')*�'n in `Lmenc­ TrY it: von wiLl be PUuNWLL dheuld think so. This raorn- agree I ru4�, g the . old faahioned li,, e UP alment as a CAMPBELL. X 626, E�qyi_t_.4 InwL ing I was iu,-,t going to be very awgry ab with Yea partly-, Mr. ff r -j. 1 Ordinary bank bill enough disease germs to aomettdn- when so , exit have been in my emplkly . i -matter of respect to your grancifather'a kill six rats. me one apeke to sae, loag enough. aunt. Nerviline is 96 new -discovery that in THRILLINC Detective Stories, pConlma plete love stories and 1()() P�pulajr SongavILM and I have be-��a trying the wheiv. day to eaa. gV_ itself ought to coudenin iL Thereiore cling cent3 (ailver). 11=dL Now. C4,_ Boy, thick wEiat I w -as going to be angry Laa�aut, Grua Sint is the most i L_norant -,nf men. to the old ; Euffaz r�a,La ; avoid the use Or and1 can't do iL,. Eat tering a booksc Her's ah I X�!rviliue, the most. powErful, pe ��p ne said netrating, killed in the nloo&. Ir. wp-% nor, thatl w, a nice book, and certain tin remedy in the world. CANCEAV as not posted on the sornethinz in the before it ruiair,deve.lops _1 un urs Driest line wouli, vGa li� -e' tLe , Last 1 11 . I . ways of fish, sad on fishing and on -w!iere DR. nSiLL-ER, Culambus, U. Dkhya of Pompeii? �vij� The vinain Exposed. fish were to he f4un(j,, explainecl the Id % 1' lae die tizher=an; gh; of ? An eruption, I belie -m. Gazzam-There a married, man pay thorou ing AGENTS WANTED .o vera the The pawer of exp�iision' wbtich fa i ted m every particular, and r marked attentzon to Mrs. Bloobumper. �Y. For our f"t-seiling Subez:rIpT Mg M -m G,?.zz,_mn (shacked but intemeiy inter- _.on RO0kX and that was what was the m&t- possess is woriderfuL Goeit toa,17,3_,)tals w -al est don't say ! Who is it sometimes M heavy for C1 �+ Bibles and Album& St-s'z trealar. Ad ter. 'olpasted haMe., _1v`9 stones Out Of Gazzam-_%Jr.,BJoo,)umper. vtb dress, V;M-,, BRIGGs. Publisht-r. Toronto. P -Plover-Yolm took a day C if to their btPas- and; t w1hs OaC7� LI-e--itiaxy to re - 90 fisnirtg.ieaterdar. Employee -Y pwre the whole of a certain taw in Eng- Have Tow uvkaza? -Ir- MICHIGA llt_000 Acres of ed Pirin L perfect on :kfiYthiag Nothir-g. air.' "ad ia Lons�eqaea,7e ef au,_ -4 a- ulieturbance- DiL SCHIFFMANQN. SL Rau% Mina-, EmP1­V­f-,- (Makin Insects , " % N 9 a powerful etf�rr, to, u_ Inse t i geaeral�v- brew� _i�e t hrQugh.sped, ai V -ill Ma3z a trial pa,;ksige of " v ­�� P,,-fi'& Loon L ke Railre%da pear elimy-Come; up to my house this even- pores in various p�krta of taeir 4,,dy zz,�d if A,��hn et, t 171 T 'a re fkee to any eaffecer. Givea r ing. to have zi� talk with y4G� aj)oat these pore-, a LANDS t P nv,u i, g from is to fe t�based by -U t-ney are aul,,- iri��taut relief in wamt cases, and Pe�� wrL. TI -es lf!.nds am taking yea into partnership. au_, -_a cL06�t.3eate--,n em:ett_ Any one ma,- tet ti2ja bi drop -�t Nswe this pap�-r ax�j L11__ where fa Tom Avit!ry, a student, appliett to the' I the thc-rax jr back os a 1��- send add t resa. FOR h � -old oarw3tir,cavo professor ti�r perulisuap to be absent. 4 Pr .'I itivery sora die For thZs reason od fi.�a ble terms should tike to litt excusefl this a zlr��s to use for PIFRCE WwL 6een found one of the Rex*avement. -Apply r� ; SALE. to J W, Niffis. I want to -.&-ke m the destructi�an of iaatc�& SympathetieFrieud-Dearme, �dfellow! Mich. P e;L�e mentioni y sister,'out ticiving--1 a? I al this paper when wri. iug. The o'd prefesaer, wh6 is no fool, lorAeki at Snobby (fishing far a, I'm carry to see you in mourning -I had' the Young man over the top of his ,Eret,- Miss Sp&rka, I'at afraH' heard -whom have you lost ? Y- do not Lind- :`­tll thel meth)d and results whet, NFT PROFIT 'a HIS LAST jULy clew s u;f said slowly : cc Want to take your very entert' i i Suburban ftesi-lent-Our cook -she left - * 1. r'- U -_ . $500an thr*-e aer-.Q of Vanes sister out e do you? Is' sae any lksa Sparks (with enthusiasm) t&uung' week- 1) Fizz� iw;,ta ken; it i.4 pleasaxi F "7 'You a -Indeed I . I . ­ 9 Planttd less than : h r. e yea -z. F��2alpO�net relation to. 117, do, _1;(i ndr�,shin' to the tAste, and act,,, Per,,ethfulas Ju,-­nBl,4ckberies,grbWK I Mr- Snobbe. eem. to able to The Sumamerthey on the aund hill, of \-6rt,, Carol na--the com Bri_,,g%--Havw is Peterkin gettia�._ al ' talk inteffigre-attly 012 the: di stillest topic, and f -,m, n tl y vet pro M ptl y c�n the K idneyS, I ing fruit centre of the st.Ate4, only I with b is urde? She seemed rather a hi'DiaggEt- the more trivial the sulajecc the maze you - brings .aching corns_ 1-iver . -7 . haur,4 from New Y! irk ; land V-tey ch--ap Pae said with it . ae Lnd Bowels."cleauses the •SVS. spiritpoi 'girl_ have, to say., P`Citmans Pa less Corn Extractor n airand water; noted a4 a h. a: cht te 46 t For fall. Gd_-_+--Nothin L,�ld be ever tem- effectually, dis:pels colds, head - L_e, 9 1 vairieulars -end 5 e­nt4 #,ij verl for 37copia3 at I tall YOU, all man, f&iLa to remove corns promptly, pa�julesaly, GUR SOUTH RN--, 1`1011F," a 40Lpage Hoetoag ffat6) m-Ln's M-Razine_ Ad-ir --. F. Thu Flat -Hueter (to the proprietor of the iches and fevers .1 A cures habituil man, it's a case ofthe ,ad with absolute certainty. Try Put Of 91­1��e love- The girt just worships -and you say you Lava no Tf Pride, Immigratlau him- makes, YOU thikk so! tYliii-id. -eagles or d1P_1- uherta. m) parer Cora'Extracter. Sure, sife, painless. "'onstir"Ition. CV Up Of Figg iS tl.e Agent_ Box _%, flauller. -North CaroUna. r Grig t1pn1v remedy ot gs-Wayi they have been married six awlitation, no balks jartjtor, ad children, r.0 As fte museum of Art. its kind ever mor'U's, and he told me cuaddentiall'y the singers and no young Indy pianists in the William Ann -You ' I deed, pleasing to the taste anl:� FARMS AND FARMING LA 'd Letter give your r.7 NDS. other fay that she still continued to put his house ? The Proprietor -Not one of them, parasol to that younz man beforeyeti go in.: ('-ptable to the stomach, prompt In • studs in " dress shirt. air- The Flat -Hunter -Then I guess I Auntie Trietop-What for? �,,s alti'on and truly bereficial, in its i 80ACRES- 45 ACRES C T ean't come- I frame h.,,,,� and barn. 2J. ra`iK1eAsRED i here were only two peep I'd like to. But I havea,t Wdlikm Arm -You might the break etlect,-, prepared only from the most fto&' at that hour besides the wbatle in eele saloon been a saintly man heretofore in this life, I statuary. tY-ceat of Gladwin Lounty, 3Rch_ for e apron behind sale at V.400. coca Lite &Ar. One of theta was three-fourths; , dGn1 feel that I deserve it. Auntie Treetep-1 suppose folks do get tlealthy and agreeable substanees, its 160 a­reF­65 derez under cuiitiva, ion -2 niflow it from county -seat_ drunk and faun -fifths &deep in the - coruer, we Ily Winter Girt. excited. I notice ll.%Lf ins 014 s -,atues has tuaLlvexU41ent qa.di ties corn mend 10,000 acres at $ and the other, with a Watered ", rose, YoTx fled fram, me in earlE6GEetE Fob y surinu: lost a head or an arm- to aH And have made it the most 15' per acre. Address, wun pacing up andi dovitu the sawaust in To enter on yot;r,,unimees reign ; r)()ptflar remedy known. Gladwam. "leb. front of him- He followed the movements But UO`w thi� StInIaler S PU--L all(i gone. of the walker with half -open, unateatiy eyes Dear one camAaek to me a6- of Fip is for sale in _-5-c ,do. Q�?­t Nerve Xen""r. .�.r-r ��, f Xarveaquii=r__, b0ttle,,; by all leading drugT'g1Sz&, "70W DOLLA P for nearly half an hear and then called tile 1 1.'. f-ue to Pit -;e:A ^t- '-".: -r- 11- I ask not -here you've been these months Sl k, -1,h Anv relia-1-4edruggist who may not barkeeper. shay, barkeep," he znut- That in the city I have cudea. I MAKER,, tered as that gentleman came ever. 6- 11 HOIr many men You've torted with: it on hand will �-iroeure it - I 'I Isne. shay_� " Well, what is it, &=Lkie ?" in How many hearts.Vum have despoiled- plot Basis For wheumat �,11-,ruptly for any on w o wishes quired the barkeeper, pleasand I sh Jn spite of its being tun essentially moist e IT ` OR SEND 3C Y_ Ay. I crave no reekoning.with you, sweet, and riii' STAMP FOR pA how loup-h thash torphUght vaes�zurt gozn' i z6ornegmin.iofcoustanta Ilack, my country, rheumatism in an its to try it. Manufactured only by bt !��C�IL4)M'j be mar here.? I vimal go It! But now tae at'r, Y i farms is - ly by 5ENGTO-US PRICE LIST, SAi%fPLE.19, taxity among the' natives of CCTONYARAI.&c- I Only say. ~Conte back. came back_' J.Lpan, while the Earopean.% residing there CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., a An e-ergetic German Professor was con- So heed thoe, speed thee. Time flits by - are almost all rheumat!c_ This immunity is . - I . SAS FRANCISCO Chir- li Aa Ong Fvc -rimped for the� believed to be due to the use of very hat lu VuV VdIRK, zW v society. The were etudy- 3ecash awaic,5 thy winning smile, baths. which is universal in Japan. A lag fde=a 11 aaldhad reached Mr vrinLer girl, come back to me - c r thee ras "Bear its, Baal: hear, mighty Japanese bathes once, sometimes twice God !" The men's voices were bedrung out Mae most cost' y book in the world is the dAY-316diml Record. -41 1*_1 Ir IF,;*, 1E) sonorou,4y, when the conductor cried on% miss'" sent b Pope Leo X. to Heary VIII., Men to distribute advertising and take order title, de- WHxy suffering from toothache use for Electric Appliances; &sadful vowel t Don't say of England, at the time when the Gibbona' Toothache Gum.. gold by a Addrbst,;, with stamix W.00 per mouth W B-&-I-e , soften a feetle--aive de more y' fender of the faith, was conferred on that druggist& NATIONAL EUcTRice BELT D musical sound, BLL" Whereupon Lite' much -married moaarch�-, For a number of NO. 101 Bay Street; TorcutlL i yeara; the book remained crown property, The amount of land in chorus look up the strah3k again, " Hear us, r Y* the United States Bawl : hear us, Bawl t,�__but they quickly but Charles IL, who hmd little use for ME&- I that is owned by members of the House of DOMIN104 SILVER COMPANY rete the peculiar fituess ai the aenti_ sols, gave it to the ancestor of the Duke of Lords and 13ntish syndicates would be %U HAVE BEKN VMRXED ment and brokii down in laughter, to the liamilton, in whose fimni1y it remained until surprising to most Americans, who believe TH" TV great amazement of the little German, who: a few years %go, when the library of the that America ie owned by Americans. The Ire 19L'M our 1,te and rel;nta3ao y0 N M THE C11A THAM . FANNING ti!/LL, never saw the joke, but who returned re- Duke was sold at auction. , The missal was aggregate shows the immense total of orders for gob& of an tafeaw quality TM With Rawfiisr attncl�ment. L, the Beef m.1 r4abne %re not that an our !L= made In Canada bratantly to the old prounuciatimx purch-med by the German Government, '20,S-41,666 acres, or an area greater than today. ree P�resq :The happiest coup? which paid fbir it in cash the enormous sum all of Ireland, 2,000,000 more than an of X. -A Detroit F e of,S:)-%0M A much hi h price than this. Scotland, and more than half as much as W�:d Vaahing men $a sc% ap Astor a Clmut&r and peke Lisa, ymm .uce '11, her ,I ever knew were a 171- and his wife who however, was ered for a Rialkle England 'and Wak&--Vetc York Herald. %awars Doutmon 4MVER COMPANY. Addres% lived in two or three tiny rooms in a block, volunte- In 1512 Pope Julius IL Waa M I MA"ON CAMPBELL- Chath-arM Oast and with limited means enjoyed sa the # Baltimore ban just had a convention' ion, of oat , need of money and endeavored to borrow. cemetery superiutendent& On comforta of home. The man hada profo� He W" at that time the possessor of a iects diw-uged W" the abolition of Sunday Piso's Remedy for sion, but it Was a very lowly one; he Hebrew Bible, which, for same cause' the funerals and Over_wgrk clipped the ears and taffs of dogs fdr'& jewish e cle.gy en will be GURE FITS 0 people of Venice desired to purer glad to knAr that the perintendents be V11-ble treatise xnd bottip of medicine seft t rree to lk�, and sold illustrated bodm on dogs ch&&ft 1,hey offered to pay its weight in heve thoroughly in the &rueed st t ctEce UUT. X r-, LM Wc3t Adcliti" 5trcLt�. rarenjo. orit 01.M