HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-21, Page 5The LucknowSentinel, Bruce Uounty, October 21st J) 1.•11101011MMA.1•111•11.. ASEFFIFLD. The' revival services still continue at Zion. Pray that many may be brought to the truth. The Inspector v't4teti &Oa public school last Priday and expressetti him- self pleased with the standing of the school. The promotion elraireiroktions tor the County of Huron' will take place on Priday lst inst,commencine at 8-5. Teachers and pupils will govern them - se,11-. accordingly_ 4 EMPORT OF S. S. 3!4). 11, HURON. -147. Clas: - Maggie E Downey, - Mary L. Paterson, Donald McCqtartles. Sen.. Iff-Susie L Kainiltan, James ffAmillton. Jim. flL-Ls Johnson. Sen- -lialoolara Martin Neal Mc- Callum. J. H,Satlie A. Mdataraes. Sen. Part- U -Maggie Paitchard, BJ Nicholson. Jun_ Part Pip 11!4, 3wney_ Sea Part I-Ganie McGtin" e., Aggie Maavigh, Mary A. GiBes. Part Campbell, Glad- stone J. Patter, Kenneth P. Gilles. Arerrage stitentiannn XOVEMBERS. a To the &WM' f die .scalina - DEAM aloe &At stneng'A us 'who are riotw.azat-pacparwt...i3 iniprious resp.--icaing future 110814-er constitutes tc;s sack A faitana with atrh.-an 1 biit just a,et n tours, 'says be txpe.e.:-. weather until . almost Chrivtraas. I recall to mind our poet. Hooks little poem on dim tiler.* in %%ilia are found all the bad .fila:431MR of Non-lernher. No doulA in =any ins-taxws this tpom ally true_ Rut ioOk for a ma irked exeflation this time *he Month heirg stormsou of magnitlide. 3: vreatresscne ° quiet ,with .No%-lenalfer ter and Noveinher weathez says are interemtia* - '-‘As at' Catherine enith) foul or ink, so will be the next Fehroary.:" As November so the following March." Thinta3f-i• E Norearaher intifitstes 4r, iserae year t come.' IFkrwers iiic*I3123 kite in the Autumn intheatts- isimtber.7 "Not -ember, take tasii Let Alps tre more . •c4If There he ice in Nonumber that will beat- duck ' wall ke notkirt..! lyereafter , sleet and muck?' . Amherley ., Oct U�3, -Rebecca Ifirakinson, of ISEreowts; mys z Edo aDttm, in a. distressed mon for three pars. • from Nervouwaess. Weakness of ry.F. Stomach, Di-sma'a and Indk_riestion DIi1 z15 heahl lits gime. iturtgitit ne hottleof South AmerciamNervio- which done, me m ;re ;good than 'arm ;;;;;'•51.3 worth of do a eller jia' my lite_ I ir• advise e'ivery weeklv ' p.-.nytn tP :is*" amaa 3.7a remedy. 1consider it the 4.4ramult!t sneAic:De in the world.' A trial hoie ziIl age yam Warrantaad hy A. GEO, MAIR &-Cal-Grand BANKERS' Or Lacknow Banking ,Oomp'y. Linesmosr. Muer 13rn.ISie.. TO THE FARMERS: Siatoe the dame of oar aorkertiseaseat to yam tre hare earl 11024tterea, of hat& aaal being all the lard b res bellaR .aff the raziens Lawn Carapaaties wee a!**refot•ait, except the :altr Enna el NA acres au aged which ate late offering wiry citesip ein very wasy terms of payment.. Several faraners , have, Baaarever Olivet/ their Lamas la oar llamas fee sale. se3that ate lave to he at&i.g.Aats time br-lk el tit e &masa far berms as Iboretefare. Brit see war sales amac-634t s last spring sae weetalti flame in waist iaciteada flan te amity . as the spritrig tine wall wow solo& ibe bore. Wie cium =ad 'miry rtAti01121& tarEITS Oti rillyeettlitt fklar1licar anal a low rate of iseterett„ li you aisle to renew err &range yam anert- gage„ prat a anew mortgage era year farm, es stead eiaTaty away in payment :4 the interest :1-"R,noT*1 Fcata anci xwe cam .garFF:- tee yea testistaniret oral at a tasty tatinag earytatse. We limit nanny eta farm:are motes far ham err shoat tiant„ Sala =DI sumily detteards tam et/m:&& terns_ Sale tazes a :specialty_ f.ein*trzli tbzugErHtts% zha %Vial 1111weAteutts,,Ot11e Deallers,, Shippers =A FIVIMDerg.. GEO_ A. SIDDALL, Manager a If you want to buy SP1O-Fs A A., TEACHER WANTED. • AEr*ht 1,.1cci, ter Co. KINCAID'S Ity vow- aucik for, •VSTICYCZat With nadapolataii ArianHg Pimaraier yen ha -re a tenes; to what letxt,,^th fiat*. t Canal*. lain. hum. • The newest *2*.se to the titine Triiycle raked att J. C. KINCAID Teeth, Teeth If yen ;''diatitt a fors,tt-d srdt• tea cheaper than due dampest, van en Patterson, Dir. renuisie* Ofric; Lticwspir.ONT. INSIJRANC_E. 34*k 4.'4"41Tff amtnW4t na • Einsuve 1")112" Et= aaid LONDON MUTUAL. No. larv..kr Prembrealketes regprired A'Sifir SYSTEM t. 'ffft e.ratt ,f.-11401 ffam- etre* • • f -75:1-.<717T vt.24NTT.11-9 I • ler 1mA:wow Polar SrlesaL Ace,•rn •Ciii Ce4;44"..;sa1t4, ftw••••t• irEn,41.1"./ 'Mar' Stn.0,171-,1 t"4 it 41 itajr.iirr Vtid. Aq rm.= ar.t..5-k.. :6* "tte, aterttiTai inviax,rigmad -up t4 Northbf 4xi 052 ' 1.7 4:1 Sf.tc. rotnry zi !kat ou-. Oct 2(01. 92 FOR SALE. 11 W' ..I'Crar..:Z CA. IS • X a) latral. itarze Ata"F framt iionse enk: mai isern_erra„ '211 43ratlat. vines 4.1.444.a, 110; ubt.osatim ; ew-ly tens!. Pan-thralre$ may • taral ir. . . iLr. La: !tau 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT' BEING LOT/Cit. tiON. R. tia the Comity of El tarn, • tranarell fet./131t,T xavalo. int Liirkomr. ' 4, itza 'Inv& 441, shm- 4.-rio4.. 12 rtm-. fa' ittir rAta NveT.1* btitter ' • Appy on the inernissa *eV. JOIELV PARKVM.L.. Fatar Latamtar P. O rw.TCR.TIKETALE. TINtaiati. haw trnaknear an senna gtrtal 1044- a, au atria 7..214 . it. rt.., Cie it. us.. ELI &t JOHN LANE„ ACEWT, •- •CM. tiIr tle riprierim. Pimzlirna. NOTICE. '1 it liAS 41)IPTOZEIP) AN ofBrat tiat 1113311213k` *mat •of eat StstaNct. tairatinf.- Offtet, Acr...EEMILVIrS Dc474:117:;% DEEDS- 1.10E11GAGEL:: -41,N1P) WILLS lc -A -SEM -LT PREPA.37,13214..' flaw ,soadincsafiatts =2 estimate* Sor !iialte cunlis. linfirigeR. eta, faultrar?' tibratt aettriee. SONUERTI1r-11, Liallantete.:Jarajli493- John.. Gri 11 AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL ESTATE2, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES Intl *SPIIS .LL WJ ,ttw iiJ• staisinatern runtstaltottli. rarmaharai • FIRST-CLASS FARMS Farm& an l'elagrankat terms. JOHN MM. rELVG-SIEUIDGEE P.. 0. A •Trunk ANTICIPATING HSRRXGIDFOR HARVEST EXCURSIONS AUG. 16 RctuLhartmbtr55- AU G. .23 r'etmrmisrb5&d- SEM 6 Retsina Onater Flnamaall1. tis imOmitxti. mettmatz 11ARTNEY =JOR-ADM,, 1100SONIDir. SUCSC4EtT11- 1EGINA 1.100SEJAW YORKTON FROMM ALBERT CAL/GARY EDMONTON 828 $3 $350 $40 BEMIS FREE -These :rains fawn Tar - mane stall haw a Enka antreler of Celloruist Skdipern naltmcbta„.agrtmonnuotliattfina initha vivlian null tit malqbaa *ArdSetritbff La • u..arist, • ttidirwmirrig fbriam eFrifidt$ aenasnage =pike Iloweectheim trine to one, alma ftEme 113_20 wilt. Usti*, •kmirsiirg 11+6_ aludi Sttgbettgipar „Md. lika• felt hisiostmaitlia stimily D. W. HAYES, ,Atwent R.„ Lackiar,w Read the rop EL_Tort Of Manitoba d • North-West for 1.892 Clzi•Fhe. s may The km& (*in .*.uuMmdtkit mmy • .U4Entt R"ff ttBa • FOR SALE - Aft ,roodlth 4110111 AM'S WILL ‘jp, Amfali,‘" OMR*. ZS/ tligh3Daii .4 ns. C• OIL eatzga.„ silunr4 ••- aanng. water teal au:Laths. .1011IN Tottx*. ancLEoris system nenovator. Anti', 4115141T ttei4nt11 tmerw.elt,.= SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE • • Ihnrenne,, IK'ttia* Lona 111flona. IEDynglazitera. Sttegratessese.„ Palbitattian zff taw inIL7C*Itz Pri"iin !Lem* Memory, Branathrlia\ CatAmn.F;t5Im_ (17.0' ,14armirate-.. St„ Tanitt.*„ ,ItoratZt: ffintecThii arms G4tratrl ' • • • • *11 1-a3r Lai tarn hot:fit- - 3; 3.31.3VERAIMET- - e.11XP:IE. • ; • J. 1101•.4107en„EtDO„ ' Ptifigarin. ttor mud )1InnizEatthrent. ' SAW 1 Hasty Thaws sati A- R. Con_T-ela.a.. Drat4ists. brafernev. • THE 'HUB Lk elm aill ffoir Family Groceries The rise in Cotton Goods, since the Dominion have.passed into the handl of a put in a good stock of all kinds of NIONVIL ay =sane Tt gairldialto le.. ant -oil r at the Cal ting dog atto Tegetber tthectythe xed Pahm0 aria, EL,!",,to COtt0- yndie: Urge end STAPLE COTTON CO0DS7 And am prepared_ to give my same at old prices. customers the benefit of I. Have still a good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from_ Come early and secure_ Also the "ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINCS. Just try them and you wlH have no others_ All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing anally kept in a general store_ Butter and Eggs taken as cash_ Remember the place. MRS. R. MURRAY, M. CORRIGAN'S • Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE GROCERIES & PROVISION& 1 have in stock the fonowin' g Rama Llfsall pat,. 1170311-Trnz Rdlih Reams Elr**81XIE* Baiiiliadt% Pembilis Efsksat ' Calie*7 CoLf5octinni&g• Cazuzata GIadis Cirevuu Cinizthilmfte. (0mm,, zzamtemill CT= =IEEE CaZINSIEVCS (Cinriaff Om= lair 054/34112071d bItIttPS Ne. 1 Plwar 11;1% Z Alp* i• att haw*. OM_ alruZm, ;0-11 .sineet olB,cattlor ikttarones kat 31ttal trarlls • itei . iFrarkles • IrnEtTN. (=raced 'R.+1144Fm. • •siltlike Mann ;$1kirCA ; Saint IStaannat ISEatiat 21/119:1213i. • .118tWer 6tffed GI otr...17,reitedl te n part aff tate town_ ow: Goods. • KAAKE & CO.'S Second Announcement off SCHOOL qiIKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALUMS withal:Dv- Miliaids„ Berlin Wo,o2,Les. 113-ffillan Rocks, Cmallts, Ay 11 rarer,: Etc. EXT katemid to) gia-e .1 lady and gentlemen a cnu eti to get a beautiful allboun, valued at $ cm- en dozen cabinet photos fi We pllac-e OUT Willow a • quart sealer of beaus_ Atuv- lose buying ei worth • of %Roods or Photos is emtlieed to a 0.-eket with it mn.inonlher jiii you zuess.: The nearest nitumbEr gets the Frixe.. ''Beaums put t-..tettler lby Mr. Kiiirrestid zund will bcotanted ' ttw disinteiested Lpturty u Julylst.. This will comllenente Apriill 1,st. • 4tSU • CO_ STRATFORD 'IA O. CANNED GOODS PzulueiAll Simon. • TINE TEAS - A tPFCIALTY. Tie32 Largest .:Sf.,-;,:k„• STERLING E, The Choice:17f. vti-7.7 111.7. (3171kor unit 111..toeF4.thng KrgEbri. 6. Mr Rest TM(• • For Rat, l'Jy; obtaindie in Lackan;oFxr., GUARANTEES Ai,}1 E 011 to JOHN ELLIOT .• Taylor, v4 • Litelatmr. AEA -