HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-21, Page 4MI 1 uzkuuwAn#ivaX Zgs LIBERTY TO UTTER aHD TO AZG1TE FREELY ACCORDING TO THS DICT LTS$ OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBKRTLES lacknow, Oct.. 14th,1882. Tula Hon. Edgar Dewdney is to be made Lieutenant -Governor of British Columbia, thus leaking room for Mr. T. M. Daly, of Manitoba, in the Cabinet. The Government organs forecast the appointment of Mr. Chapleau and Mr. A. W. Rosa to the Lieutenant-Govenorship3 of Quebec and Manitoba respectively, and the calling of Messrs Merideth and Angers to the Cabinet, with Sir John Thomp- son as Premier. The name of the man to succeed Sir Leonard Tilley as Lientenanc-Govenor ' of New Bruns- wick is not fixed. AT a meeting held in Oxford county in connection with the travelling dairy a reverend gentleman said he had made twenty-one dollars in four winter months by delivering the milk of one cow to abutter factory. This tal dairy which the Minister through the plainti l had said he The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, October 21st WiAKERTora. i�IQiAhi�u : gambetter idea of what es ain East Bruce is doing stock raising than the fact that Rowland and Kerracher, of this town, have turned over to the farmers of the surround- ing country during this season two hundred and ten thousand dollars in hard cash in return for cattle, and they are not. yet done by am means. Great fun at the Assizes last week for everybody but Mr. G. M. Massales ex -principal of Clifford public school, later a workmen in Anderson do Co., Walkerton, and later still a teacher in Orangeville. He has had two wives, and Miss Park, of Grand Val- ley, had consented to be the third. The widower of 44 Was happy in the prospect of a young wife with a little money and other desirables She appeared to be at times just as happy, bushels of love letters passed between them and ail was going on famously till a little difference about the lady property led her to back down from the engagement (such as it was) of which she had previous begun to weary. The lovelorn swain claimed damages for his wounded teelings, and some return for his loss of time and money, the later claim including 50c. for each letter written to the faithless one. In shorty as the lawyers would put the matter it Massales vs.. Park, "Breach of promise for marriage." The jury declined, to ' award damages, experimen �vonld be satisfied with $150. He of .�.grienitural for Ontario is sending had all the Dosis to pay and no. body all over the province will do a great expressed any sympathy for blot. deal of good in showing individual I During the progress of this ease, and farmers how to improve the quality of i especially when, IL P O'Connor was products. Butcross-examiningMasales there was their home made dairy p an interested audience. after all thetare solution of the butter question will be found in the more general es}abliahment of creameries These assure uniformity in quality, and the experience of the Oxford clergyman shows that their is profit for the farm - ea in making use of the, facilities they afford. If creameries were as numer- ous in Ontario as cheese factories are now, there can be little doubt that our export of butter, instead of being valued at a paltry $602,000, would the value of and a equal half m�llinns. BELFAST. Supply unequal to the demand. Apple -barrels ! Fruit is supera$mzdant An admirer of the sublime has ample opportunity to bathe his eyes in the resplendent beauty of our Canadian forests. Our streets are being treated liberal- ly to gravel. Mr. Jas. Mullin is renovating his dwelling hrouse and post -office. The new school -room is rapidly near- ing completion. Mr. Gay, contractor, is, giving it an . excellent fini-h It is to be seated after the most modern fashion and altogether will bea credit- able institution. Mr. J. E. Tom,. P S. L, paid an official visit on Friday. Mr. S. J. Boyd, teacher, is re-engag- ed r 1893. r. H. Bradford is'on the infirm list through the medium of a Fprained grist Mica Jennie Mullin is home from .Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Agar, of Simcoe Co. are visiting friends here. Rev. Mr. Kenner preached an edu- cational sermon in f ackett's church on Sunday last It is our painful duty to record the sudden parting of the thread of life of one of our most deemed citizens. After dinner, on Saturday, Mr. Isaac Branston, in his usual health and h with h" son,went t Mr. Colter, Q.C., the'ex-M. P. for Haidimand conducted the cases- for the Crown at court. Rev. J. J. Baker, 3LA , late mini- ister, of the Baptist church here is moving to St. John, N. B. where he has been appointed to one of the leading city churches. Mrs.' Hitchcox, of Paris is conduct- ing gospel meetings here this week. The attendance is large. . ALICTIOX SALES John Purvis,.auctioneer, will attends the following auction sales at the time and places mentioned below : John Conmans. Lot 6, Con. 6, Greenock, Tuesday, October 20th 1892, farm stock and implements. John Lockhart, River�dade, Monday, - October 24th, lumber and farm stock. lAUTUMN George Smyth, Lot 20, Con- 6, West 1 Wawanosh, Friday, October 21st, farm stock p �Aa MILLINERY low inM�liner�q fwest oraall�are noatest w les Opcnfor Inspection. This department is in charfe of Miss Lawson. Catt and See the <Stocl� Whether you want to buy or not. WM. G - LucknoW. • 1892 1893 TOVES STOVES STOVES. T. Lawrence has now on hand a large stock of COAL STOVES, - COOK STOVES., PARLOR STOVES, WOOD STOVES, COMBINATION STOVES, BOX STOVES. He is also making a specialty o furnace work this fall and parties intending purchasing a stove or furnace should not fail to give him a call. , He has as usual a fall stock of all kinds of e. Granite ware; Japanesed ware, Pressed Tinware. ware, Axes, Axe Handles, Cow Chains, Rope Halters, Lampe and Lamp Goods. The ming Hardware Depot. . LAWRENCE - LUCKNOW. THOS Stovepiping and Repairing promptly attended to.' and implements. A- W. Haldenby, Lot 31, Con. 133 Cn ros Wednesday, November 9th, 1892, timber in one acre lots Alex. Cameron, : Con. 2, Cuirass, Wednesday, Nov. Zed, 1892, farm stock and implements B. O'Loughlin, Lot 16, Com 12, West Wawanosh, Monday, October 31st, farm stock. HORN- Bo�rD -At Belfast. on the nth ins, the rife of 'Mr S J A Boyd, teacher, of a son. DIED. hicLxDD--h1 t acluow, on Sunday, Oct. 16th, MIxr yaret McLeod, aged 77 yeaas- Moicaitsos- - Ioniay, Oct.. 17th, 1892,, i twin son of John Murchison, abed 2 weeks. 1,tracutso3p-In hncknow, on Wednesday October '19th, 'second inn't son of Mr John Murchison. aged 18 days - STOCK FOR SALE. andets�„oue l oiler for sale at rock bc� tom prices f-rr the nest thirty day, yob Short Horn bulls, cows and heifers m calf ; ram and ewe Iambs, got by the. first prize winner at Loudon Lndu t. Cau'.o B�hires of both secs. Call ('r address to E. GAtTkSONS sr_ nelens, Out. spirits, toget er his on .. to carry on the common occupation of I b ST' f_r hip, -boor, he lost his eq�riam apple -picking. While ill the �;: be -amp to the of John NicK e, C lot 3, con. 14. E. D-. A_st fie3 � r gait �a ' The o»-nea can hat a the some u - .F baro - and fell heavily to the ground crushing =,; si>wn„ his skull and bursting a blood -cc -sic'. D. G. McEENZIE He expired in half an hour without re- Iire , rah_ aalniag consciousne`s. Deceased was 56 years of age. He was born in Middlesex Co., Ont., and moved up to this place when West Huron was in its infancy, By dint of (diligence and honest industry, he and his wife and family succeeded in clearing and estab- lishing to admirable home In all bis ways he was a typical man, and •a ;taunct believer in the efficiency of a blood of Jesus. The fun - the atoning, --rail tool place on Monday afternoon, Rev. J. Kenner officiating. The Cor- tege oxtege wended its clay to D$ngannon :emdtery where the remains were in- terred. The widow and fainr"➢y have the deepest sympathy of the Don triunity. 4141 RAM LAMBS FOR SALE VILE t1DEI.sIGN En RAS FOR SA LE 11 at Lot 1, Eat Iliti'on, Ashfield, aurae; of fine hred+Leits Ram Lambs- For re“rtici.Lbts apply to 'ROBERT JINNI . �. B. --A pure brei bull p k B rat f• - - Texans -$100 at time of serrioe if not so paid 5o,000 Barrels A.pplesWanted DCAr\"TEL0;S, OF ,CLTNTON, 17=23s o 50,0100 batre=s of' Fall =I Winter .1k.pp!e for vr.bidh the best market vice nil] he, paid_ H&4 your apples for Gunteiumm and save money. D. CANTELON, (:huoo 15 HERE: YES, it is a fact that Fall has arrived, and with it copes the announcement that - rte_ - TGEE s Is better prepared than ever to meet the wants of his ninny customers. O BOOTS,&SHQES In this department our stock contains a beautiful assortment of WOMEN'S FINE DONGOLA SHOES, (both buttoned and laced) which are selling at prices that will astonish you., BOYS AND MEN'S HEAVY SHOES extra value. Just the kind for thell and Winter wear. Ladies' Fine Buttoned and Laced Sid Shoes for :2.00 worth $2.50. IN MEN'S WEAR we also lead the trade, and are selling a special, line of mediums at $1.75, $1.00 and $2.00, which cannot be surpassed for the money, rocerryDepartnteut In this department we carry a full line of fresh Teas, Groceries, Canned Goods, Etc. IN TEAS' we are giving astonishing values in Japans at 25c and 35c ; Fink Black Teas only 35c and Young If ysons at 25c, worth double' the money. IN CROCKERY ,re have a fullrange of beautiful Din- ner Sets ranging in prices from ,i-6,50 to *14.50, also a fresh gate of Glassware just opened. Come and see the new styles and designs. Painted Flower Pots, 'something new and handsome, a nice lot to select from. Give us a call. We bought these goods right and we .pant to give everybody an opportunity of securing some of the bargains. R. HUGfIES. 4 CLOTHES RE L rI EE NEW IMPROVED "CHESLEY 1 Clothes Reel" ; the must r4mmp1�, durable. simple aatdperfect reel,nanufact This articleTc�an be got only through the sole agent at Langeide_ 966-t f A. A- CI'OWSTON. PUBLIC NOTICE. FCBLIC AFI? HEREBY NOTI- tre d that all des found Y -pastir_n with gens or dogs for t .te purposeof hunting or, ftsi'. on oats Il to 20, both mclm e, r'n the 4th; Fith, 6th and 7th ecu_ fd Eitn1os3, wail be prosecuted to the full extent of qth��e,�iia . Fargo_ s 9Y IND -lb FARM FOR SALE. FAVM CO3.-TAINITG 100 ACF `S situated lot 13, con. 7. in the To - .'p of l Co of Brnce, name hone„ good orchard, well watered and zsanvenierrtly tu- attd. ForparOca.,aai,al,?,.3 to E. _ KlitiLSC'N, Frojir et�a,,=.� r to Thoruclalellciit.. PETER CORRIGA_a, Hoiyrood P. o. rgian Bay Shingles. THE u DERSIGNEDHND a car lot of XXX Gef+rgian I;a- :shiasale- and intends keeping then in stock d n z the serif n, and will be sold at the loweett p Lke4ii}de ;fig 1m MES GAV T. w-hitecb n -r SHEEP LOST. STE AYLIi' FROM THE PREMISES OF the uudenizned lot 77, con 1, Kinloe , rem or about the 20th of August lash-. two aged encs, 073e black and one -slake.. with two shall Pieces cut; �t 3 th=. 3<fit ear and the tarp of right ear off of each animal_ Any ono. citing such imfcranatke as 'wall lead to the recovery -will be suitably rewarded_ Litcki .'w, I' pt TO THE FARIERS 1 have rented the pore occupied by Mr. Geo.. Kerr and ant prepared to PAY CAST T FOR BUTT12, An EOE The highest price will be paid for butter wording' to qualm %. R. C. SPARLIIIG. •