HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-21, Page 1q1A Nam
BAN K9F Fatted Qx " Sow-lat and 2nd, H 'Gfru is 11=ameW-11k-WM5ffln%W1U.M=C
Fatted Crewwjleifer - J we biter, a bell wen
HAMILTON A ORF-aT s'a0w Crewel Wurk-liza T Anderson, IMrs Geo5 named Va4rtkg Pot&tM2 A
A",Deijz&ff" weather Kwftz 'rer-ether 2 year ales Steer -+1A and, tad, H Girt -in Nam . D2;:'- .1
LUCKNOW. ' & mg c"' I yearold Steer -J Webster, A R An&zzoa F= Falmel Shirt - 360 Flamiltoa, Mrs 10 yda an Wool 39ASUFACTURM
Judge�t--(Itaa Wpabingtou, Joe Gaunt, Wm G-tbJ Laseuby. G NoU
It yds Union Cloth --G Nott
Capka paid up The le J)Ungannon, had a Kirkpat.:ck
people Of i CrazyPafth Work-Mins.-ftmington 10yols Nott J Baffie
Reserve Fund dead drop on the weather last week, Br, F&WL- Arasene lWork- Miss Syming.,ton, Mrs C 16 yds Lasenbov, C Dior -
Total Assets L,�,, _* McBride, J Harrison CampbeH sin
and two finer days, for. their fall ShOvir Erhma Dark -W, Kirkpatrick• Suit Lady's Uader*areWia_- Syming-tom Wec-l. 1�laakets - J S�ymingt,,., 4
President - JMM STU-twir. could not -have been seleete& The Leghorn Whfte-ld L=eJ Cx1rT11nm'�t Darnra Net -Miss Symington, Mr* 6 -Nott .01 Cabinet Ware A Sproule,
Vice Presid*mt-A- G_ RumsAy. 1,,,-rht)ru Evotne-4st and 2nd, W Kirk- -a or StocJrIng-Mi.'s, Hamilton, 15,iata-R'Slahough, M& Y,.ung
was sim del*Uful and the Mrs G, Nott ft&ial Horse Blankets, J -Lastriby,
DIIIECTORS: weather I ply . f - U- -
Tbig erowd that -gathered to see the 'Plymouth ft-,�&o J Lar" lia4el -11r,G -Nott, Sirs f. Camp- fidges- -P Kelley, W Burrow -s, Titer V. ,,A
joa-_v pa"Tal?, CmAs. Gil; Puma, Gam_ Rotm
d 4y the Blick Span�st"f Hmrlsou. W Kirkpatrick
sights were am
Lxz ffiorondo.)_ 'I LANG W,)O I I E) SHELF Ply repai Ftching, t�n any material - Mrs G Nott,
A- T. W-eGn, A- P Dorkia"'p, -J Ai
sPleadid4xhi1At,&f attractions presented Hamb,.6 W,, WC -rk MLsSymingtn,_NL,_CC%LMP- --d Ram—Fe Finl��=, J Stewart
aaJ Zzd,
flashier -J. TU W J�irk affeal ing Bain ---J S ie w a rt, R Fli n ig an
M every departm(-,nt. hritie
Hamba=_Ts *
t; PA-poit; of RT -L-nd T-PWaTrfS ft was, on thF. whole, Ll fffir-it.-CL--i's X,-tt -T Stew%rr,, C Mr,r
WmKirbridt-, J I IN& Ewe Lambs- - -J Stewart. C G irvin
ri�ceiv�41 �L-n��t ffitf-�. f 2tth.),wi, i't. oh;�:t (tillt Mlis Sy-_�_-.agton 31rg C
exlaitiun, ='d tht- Luagmificent grG4nfIs Wy,,ktt klhride I&- Lamb R Fiaigan, W E DiuTin
received atomr-
aZa T
11( C :very _4k_:0.Jn10 didt:!, J HAre�son
t:-_- N1 r4 W C Potter, Arg 111 Morris
f,'rnint tht raft --d dation both ixr ex1U1*1t1-,,r w4d. vi�Jtoj.r% SWar.ing
• W-,_ Mrs T Hzimzttn, lfrs A Pair A�.,ed Ew.� tri: -in•; in IN'��2 1,*
qt� Foung-Eit Rau illrn L'r .s
T, he park is 1��, irnl�lly suFted f&r fIL" n, Jai L.tne Drwiny ?-42nd, G!t-nBr,ni
J_ Ci_ BROWN, St-Er-Anvm pTbxpow -mJ the a4 enterprillf., Diwka* Trt, �J ta,�, i;l�a Dr,
7wif 1;. I tt -_,it.a l.; !o Miss hymington Mni G
and puhlie spirit ��'Wprn Ly the As,,.,� GTIfnea, F� vf- , .P"r f., 1,-:. - I't
DEANTAL•H a;-f,.n -Mrs CCP_ripbt:::, 3F:..Raum Lamb - I't and (,i, -n t
ciadein and(�r h', n ar_�,_mi,�-at tht, r-ar, iF
T, -T Arry P -i- G'
r.'L - c-, ti1, i�- -: Shlea.4h,_:
in; Lnckaow Ra! I wins, -X 1*o Lwh, J Cnr-.vffi
FLI L �U 0: S, Mrs G Nuti J.
RN D Jardin, J 1. r y I
.J lit 1%d'h I T`--- 1-t:%nd 21ij t
t tl lialka .
r C")"J -t.4 y' _NL -s i Kw_ -Lt, _41's
O."ga J"4., adcri
(7-arwia • Mrs't,
G.Irlr! Lr, J
hr�, 2 P:,L i us ough" D Jar, ii r -am
LEGAL �,j rill- Ash M MaL
%v DJariff-ft", ff Samierqrn
I � " _'y - - 7� 1 if rq G -Nott 4"; _11r -P
XJ T 'L" 4 15.
-!L- G1 §f BA11? ;Cwt, •�n rLA, - Taylor 13roa, G
Work Irn C C,iiupb�-TT, Iffig Shpto�rffn,_- R,1r1___J (�rrov.,n
an�- N- Ha' PaAr Az,,ed Ewe+ rzdiiag lamhtj ia 1-tt
etc_ (late of :r rirl
01 - Syininggton
'Mier'n offiee I
-+t *tand- Sek,;Uring UC1._. �L park Tv v t a4G' F. a r r -Li, FE ME , r r i- and 2ad, J Tabb
Outliue- Embruy��Mrs C, Campbell, Mi"
PhL&Shear1ir,_rEw"-1:it anti 2nd, J Tahf,
ne� fine di,�pkby rcoAs gra-in.5 Phic ewe andInd, J Tabb
r 7
m. o, ELF Dmix u Work - 11m 'T Anderson, Mn C PAM, La,mhlst and 2od, J Tabb
El, :,Ux Plate keaches-4 Hwr&, E Robinson Vmpb-LL
&I, C*ncexiv, eomvey- frixitaa—nd vegeti-les anddlaiiry pro dructs,
nit - - Mrs, 0 CS
offree- aver the-
dfl-ed, n&arly the wlicile lower flar, of the C ra,11 -1�1?t tt-n, 7 llaixia Woolllea Shaml, crochet or n
bazbersl!iop� Campbell Pd Boar- 4 Armour, S Clark -
r. Twidig, while the beantifmi ex- ace- JG -*ml- S "n Paintink on Silk or'.15atin, Gil - MrS C saw1haviag raised pivia 1892 -T Sauuder,-
& ?9()jrVF@*0rY, BARRUS- lark House PTa-t-_* Carwin, sm
tevs,. Soffi-m-b)rf, q.,.)jt�rfe Oirt hiby"tiarb ladies pictures, etc, Campbe14 Mrs Symington F4,WNL'ered in 1892'-J Stewart, 3 Armour'
h, Garden T Andemon S Kerr
gaNe an iatere�g and pretty appear- q�m.kea-X Aa&ps.E6 Jas Stewart Fireqcreen--Ifim C CambeU, las Syming� %,w littered in mo-2_T�zt and L)in� i Tabb,
Upper r, 'on of ffie
poD lba TzMe Bq as y Tfdy�-Mrsi G CampbeH. 3hrs G Noft '2,,4 J Armour
�MEDICAL e to, th_ h _ftw-Thoa Hamiltam, T h. Fancy Blar littered in, 1892- 1.,kt and -
Crochet Lace_ Linen 30sa Symington, S;6W atterext fa 1892-4 Clark, R 31TAllough
]Rwrses, cattle� ph -p, and espe ly V416M
sheep�, the entry was em�,' gly iNo, lits Butter _- ]i Gir':n� W` Gro cmt Lar
A- Cofton-11ra G. C.—pbell.
Of- officv-� Kffitid& '31M 7 Hz%maoli Sfigte BrL,,%-.y with,top-j Fergmen, J Pat-'
--ood and far ahead of I List year, both mat 1:!sw than 5GEbe-
AND P.E.Qq- Chtmffie Fmb�oy-'ou Felt or Phmifif-,311iss
ymx, ow, OFFICT. Zid� W Road Cut -J Ferguson
den, V
e. Tff to the gmility of the animals shown ffym�iou� NE lampliell Judges --W Anderson- R Fraser, J Johnston
W Cheese', not n IBB Hoime made - Symington, 31cs G -
.1•ff Lftear% shop. Ruir" and the number (in exhibition. W A Wlom, J 5- Mande Dmpe - Paw- by Henry Dodd, recom-
• qp exbibft�d
Nott zpnde!d for a priz�
yM;��VA=, PHYSI-CIAIV, Tke speedimg contests as usta-di form- I HAme-made RiW- T ffa lws� J 31zMug!Tx F.7 LW. Dvw, W.rk,-Mrs C 1twin plough, I pulper, 1. sod Plough�
5 E58 Ha in r14
Suzgeom, and Aacn=biew- SURVEY 69-
D Fames
1pnexal, Irpope ehown b W Alts
Enws &OEM 9 ta 12 ed dEe eMd xttrae6am for thie Parse
p113b-_C&91fSEnfteL 4DT=e Jargon Best and greatest Colleckion of of Lwjbw rwolmmended
a- ML.. MUA &= 2 W, 5 1P. crowd xad the •zamatk L"V9 trae,61- Aipre sy. W Ron=,] wark� -=*re:- srr&IGM L, W4 1plougha.
P 91 ,ere
one person-3fis% Symington, �Idc t16
e Earses, .every copportunky If Li ARTR J McLeod er.; me
Gomj)o., ma. c -M, IF -m affarded. t& aam. of amwmg shown b3r
3us", me -P.
D. �-Xo_, Phyd-.fan, ffu7_ lanilescape� Off painting—Mrs C ell
.1 CampD I ]giros, Goderich, Recommended
to MCA the; 'beat time possibLe- Mm Thos SalLows Woven Co=terpan&-J Lasenby'
ae,,,chetm Qffe next door to W.
=.preruent9VyP, Reddence Bass street„ AmatE� ple-a;saint featme was the Fraft-ll[Za C Campbdk 3Ym Lane Tt;e._ M, rg. W H Smith, Hga D Rogers,
JIL'BECE31iiUSYS StOlie. iffis, Tenni R Gordon :DVXGAXIFOX.
ttendanee Cj the Blyth brasa - lbaM4 ROAD AND CAaUTAGZ'HGRSRa
CIMDES, V. s-, 47ALLS Mad whose Playing was gmady appre- L&ndPs=pe Water GoLors.-Ist, amid 2t4 Brood mareiviffi boal.by her side -EE eiff= LF nual Or team Plilnlptl1y 3.1r. r Campifell. H Giry We are, glad to report that Xr�
mtffieher-a to,.: mG&r-Vt (Office. co- dated by afl ]present, Marine Virew-lat and 2bd, IlEm 7 Sallo.wff - - Thos. Andersion. who was injured at
2 year old filly -H I Taylor, W C Potter
ukan,4 ham. Bd=U161 flome.- Caws; batid- ne foffewing is a liat of 'the pr- Aid� from fffe--3ffm C Campbell 2 old, A 11aflough, H the Lacknow Fall -Show �ff steadily
Wes G*dnaL andsubject-31ra C Campbell Girvfia�
&-wardied, Sepia - -Lit and 2hd_11ra 4; Campbell I year old g7ehHng�--H . Girtrin. vmg-
GENERAL muvy E)VL17GEM Eonars- Penea, 1-)rmwf n---IEm G Campbell Fr,,rse in'Harnesa. sWe�-Jr B Whitley, S Mrs. Wm!_ McArthur presented' her
I Pen and lak Sketch -M. C' Campbell, F A .potter
Briod Mare with fbmT. by- her. aide-- 771 adof, Hayfeu Span matched homes In hurness--T F Cain, 11111'sbaula With a fine boy baby on
0XXyy0,L0oANL! ONFIRSY4MASS NebUhniii& Crxynn, Drawix-3EM Reid R H, Young Saturday. moming last. We learn
trimortgagesat 7* to, q6, per een:L fiib�reat, Irwo-ye= old ffffy-31'Wbo&. Wllender3- Specimen Penman hig-lEr Wooia, Miss F Foal nf 1.8n,_H Girv� A Young' that hoth am doing nicely.
gr, yemrry Chw i Stallion, S,yeaxs or over, styhe and speed
paq 4,E�% modez#e� App Two. yeur old Geidhi,—,G Young,' Matean, 34iiia Laae here this year was a
to ,mmLT Xuux&y. St. Iffelenff- wr The exhi
0 ne year A) 111 GeMELS - X W") L�+_ Soecfal for the 1- best Oil Pit1na, - Sir, I c us ere(' -Wm 3�Et 3'y
WMTG LOAN OiN RE -AL. ESTATE ywo• yew oEJ Stal5am-W young, 7 Beatie, C Campbell spEmixo; 1"N TEM RMrG decided success'. the weather being very
e= for am-wtfme %t the roweaft One Year old, Stale H I TaYD),r"r Todd. !�Pednl Sx CoHection of. Photos --T L Tre- Farmer's trot or pace, best two iu three-D favorable. We unerstand the repupts
gate of filtersst_ The P�� may be Paid FoaR 4-11890--J 31cDbbftmfd, Ti Todd, T resven: McIntosh, J H MaJ.1ough, -L A Anderson ee w �Iover- a q.100 in advance of other
ii-nio%res-Mrs. R Fairba�w, Mr.4 E'A Fear 0 en. to all, trot or pace, best two a thr
at the end o£rise tbne, (')r;l Qvrt, of the Pum`!' ' Murray Gen Roe, J C Swart yeam
par the be paMezeA on ariv
Loumt PafiL Far ffumt5w particuLw%, 7,wu bi fiarn,�s4,T) McKenzie. W Hendera, F�ADW I)VP_%1LTyzVr Lady I er, afilgie-Mrs H I Howell, M has
the an maliough 31r. Alex�.Stebie, of Seaforth and
et-, appEy Lnx&mtivr. Hgagvy drangfit Stallm-M * yeirs, or over -T Tatting, -Geo, Knott, 31m Campbell 'or avIding. 1. tipeed and
Tom j 0 SbWWT__ Croeftet Work —bis Symington, IE- C Saddle horse mase . Miss Allier MeMatk of - .*_his
AQ1UeT:T.TMLtL CampbeH style cuuddere;f-�W` Habkirk, C Mullin wem made, happy on '-Wed-nesday,
SOCIETIES Running, open to aJ4 best two in thiee-R
Embroyr`fn Linen—Bliss SymEngto'14 Mrs, Beattie, mor by Rev.. D. - Rogers proL
B�O,d, -,Vlare witTl f6al by, her side -P. A E Durnia
Andersor- C Campbell Judges -T Gmulry, C Howson, J Fllrvi-4 nouncing them one:. The newly
we_ 7� 'UT�-Tb�e raguEw —aw-F T;Myearord FMy�_W HewfemJ Web- E&brOyyT31Mt1ffFTM
o me of the W"M.Ur" Chzfi&an1 Mott, wedded couple left in the afteracou
'remr,"'We winan, win be hem evezy secialid stor. .2bnahel fan wVeat,watL-1-JOh11Sa&ddi, S, vise a cab for Goderich where' they
CO n, Mrs
off e.& montill Eaitflie, 0t9yJl1G1f Embrny, ku, tta._M�%.,SymfiWt0 Furge � took the train for, their home in Sea-
EM111, Eac W, at J P�- Im- 3ftff. W. H. Two, year.uV Fiil�F- P Neff E. C CamtbeU - bushel ' C . their
i 2 ghel fia-wheat red -S Tacge. IT
gNmuff, Papsiolent, 3ffus�. NGR3*tE, Secretary- j y,,,,y j3,uafdjag_3Er% Symington, Mrs G uxwln forth.
Foal off goon El TaYfo)r. 2 bushel spring wheat, bLfe--L- W C Potwr,. J
ream, im fiarii,4s" J=afesom, J Fo9ter, Nott Saffreld A 'serious accident happened M
y.&t St_Xs G Na DErs, (T Cam •pbell
prwofflz 2 bushel wheat,golorado-R Mallcugh� Jag 31aster EIlwT
VCKNOW• _n 1�,entland". of this
Iafte"NooU2 Braea mare vxah foul by herf;%ULA TiLacy Patch Wock-Mrs SVmkQ001b, 3f" 'Curwfu
meets evevF FvWk6 Young. P Ireid, A 3forrim. C 2 bushel other Vanety-W C Potter, Wm. 'villap. on Fiiday evening last- He
nft at if Onalocl 7 GMpbeff - G Nott. was walking in companT vnih some
ywo, year na MMy�Ta Patchefl,-Q�aM In Wool.- Nrff
4r&,r Bros. T bushel. A= rowed baxley�H Carwft6
imobew1ho- Lramppien street.. AID bretfirem 7wo, year oH Geldilt-TayEw Bros, J 3aL+ Hanul'ton' Morris, ather boys when a young main fOT
corrUR1%F fnVeed- xJ1_36aLM%1 N. G=md; Paticned qygt in 'Getto'N' G Nott'N&W 2busheltwo rovre I J barley -S Kerr, 5 Fame sport, jumped on his back crushing
EL ]EL pnmm, Boca =r1er. minflton 2 bushel oats black -W MaJ10119h him to the sidewalk. In lifting him
0me year old F11IF-M Lockhart.
OtA-- year Old Ger1r=9_J 'W ebster, T Todd"- Embrof fa vuronteff or silk—Miss aymft.- .2- busbA oats,white-H Curwin, J Laseuby t it was learned that his leg
0- F_xQ)y&T ton, 31rs C' Camp b e 11 2 bushel pea. small --S Fame, J Saunders , to his fee
Srlertmocll'No- Fad of 1892:-P Refol Hamffton 2 bushel peas, large- S Fat"Je_ H Curwin- 1 was broken.
Linen Shirt, hawt-mSde-IFES
50) Lackmow. Meet- yeam f1j.'harnesa, vv�efgfit not to emceed 1X01 I litimhel timothy seed -J Salkeld, J S&und'em
r ymbrf on Balting-3fxs CCa, Campbell, Miss
every first and thh;& e=%- Txyror Renai, D McNevin- . mp bushel flax seed�-) Saunders J, Salkeld Ivfx H. M. Duf� while returning
Xan&q Em ev'ery bfi.K T W ]Durn� A Symington. -a in the
Ji`udge%A F MCD Best and, Largest variety of grain from La6know the other evep�w, his
the ot- i Knitted Shippers—Mrs rr SaUmm, Mrs W i strata—EH c=wfri, S Fa -e
montes. fm Nw.holaon. cawson wheat, h�rses became frightened at something
ange hall.- Vtsft-, Special the best- early red
are Tmonocr-imRED, VLTTI�E_ d Far. and ran away, throwing3rr'. Duff out
Nag bIrethmm . Fitnry Knittfam in. Wool -Mx% C Campbell bushel w
milch covor hawfilw rai-11 Or with, calf in
(C. R_ 1892-7 AniTenou, & Arm -17, Fanc Knittiu" in Cotton -Mrs C C amp-. FL(JQTSxND VEGETABLE,4 and bruising him pretty badly. He' is
-n- VuTz SEC- and 2h&, r Ander- beU�L:%hR-4ymingtoiL being tended by his brother Foresters
year O[dHeffer-lRt rtxk Early Rose potatoes -T 11�4iltuiij J
son_Cnrwin d the Court plipician.
LUIT-e4r Knitters 7adermare- Mrs C Camp- Peck White Elephant -potatoes-G Harris, an
uly gear U, Reffer-T Ander-gon.
Heif�,t calf of 1i8()42'_.T Webster, T Ander- bell 6 E 6antlergoa Rv. Mr. Davy, sn old pastor of the
tr,�. A.,jent (0'rifer E nited W091inteRr Table Centre P - Peck 13��ntyof Urbron potatoes— -A� Sproule Methodist church in this place, is
in,tit in ffie. 0(qdEaUov9ah=l1, Mth& rast and 'da'[L T Amlerson. ige-J Saunders A: Sproule
I Run Ctlf of Isn-J'Webster. G VounK. visiting friends
li Manduy evenings: of aach., moutfft % I here. It is expected
941COM Linen Shirt,, Machine made -His" gy=M9' Bloo,l%eet.-i- -J Sanl1reld, H clirvin
aim tlrafocl�_ V-MEt-mg bretfirlin co=gxl�r ! Aged Bull'-) P-ars Or Over T ton, miss a-amiltim Mangoldii- G Harrit* Lk Jardine he will preach here next Bab hath.
R. VWarkamm t Bla T1nd'er2- y,. 'R. MetK 7 Anderson.
ftqfW& DL P&MMWN, Blaster qx%__ sweeti Tilrnips-,T Webster, El Girvia
C 4 air., Recorifer- iTerif nO [Paimlea Ind one MAL --T An("er pair Wofaen, Ifitta, hand-inade T. 1) Carynts -_-1LSprnwle, A Dre.=V Mr. Henry Caemr, of ,kshfield, fell
1.;ymingt,,n, Mm A. Dreiny o) W B Carriits-G Harrhi, P Reid from an apple tree, ou'L"" sday last,
son- ft'i, 1) s C.k XT r. r� Pair Woollen v us , hani I Made 3L14:+ early Carrots -C G 11arrits
"d I or wfth calf in Symington'. Xri G IN�Ott Peck Onionq -J C, and brokp his arm.
h. c. -itopq i;;;�n, A Sproule
Tck Tom. -T C
Ti. 02� -P. Ifeff R,3r�&f,X Si'NeLean. Pair -itocleiiiV, band -mad' MR The Rev. Sinion Pentland, of Mich-
ys 4d.TO) � ;.,5qtt 9 ears Com -J lianUceld, G Harrist
jAr'l Hamt1tonRx% (
3MJLE� 17F xrora Heifer-Ist and 21ill, H Girvi'a. or visiting friends
PREPARE Mrs G Prim - -%_ S puQuie, TvV Milligan gan, and his bride are 9=.T_1 musin lo-sanns, an thL- inT10 Mr P-:iir WooUan. ,jod-, hand -m 00
-amilton, Winter I,Uiash for table -E 1?,obinHon, G here at present. AN I r. Pentiand
I Spar OU Fleffe
Orgau� For Corms aPP17' Mt, the r- P. JEedd, A E-' Anderson,
Metho list; nitt"HiHs H
J[rq preached an excellent serni in in the
Summer Sipiash,-E, Rohintion
Steer C"alf of Isq2.,- '.,t .In([ 2nd, T Webster. 9offb C1111shicia- evell-
E Robinson I.Methodist church last �S'-ahbatll
bell t Water Mutons G Harris, HeiferCaN )f tqqL)_L,4t and 2n Pillow 'ib Anderson, Mrs G ffowrr . nrwen ing. They leave for their home i4
9, A .4 hello (anli _T C
Lean- he ossa Celery -G Harris, It Ilorrm"
in t�
go -,T jqc_ Cans 6 h -day.
e(I 4 Citrons A Dreany, E I?A)bin%on Michigan to
2 year oR Heifee rai4 paint Lace -Mr -4 T Anderson, Mrs G Nott
Lean, I M(fill
remanabre, OWN