HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-07, Page 83ornoththg.__No
Ladies' combination waist
Corset and Shoulder Brace,
These garments are specially
constructed with two wide
,finely tempered. clock springs
and four narrow springs the
full length of the back" with
diagonally stitched pockets
filled ,with double whalebon
thus giving a complete support
to the shoulders and spine.
.They will ' prevent and cure
backache, round shoulders,
etc., relieving the muscles of
the back, bracing the should-
ers and imparting a graceful
form to the wearer without
any discomfort. Also leaves
the, chest free td expand, thus
givingal etioml;a the iungg
with health and comfort to
the body. They take the
place of ordinary, corsets in
every respect, . and can be
worn with ease by, any lady,
uo matter how delicate, and
are highly recommended by
the most eminent physicians
throughout the cotry. A.
trial will prove all we claire.
They are .znade of the best
English sateen in "drab and
old gold, and we are selling
them at $1.65, though they
are worth more money.
We also keep the famous
Watch Spring and Dress Form
corset.,, the latter a favorite
with , young ladies. Also a
full range of Crompton's cele-
brated makes.
I -I ic. r O
Hours 5 a. m. to 7 p.m.
W. G. B. South
L. El•, & R North
V4, G. 6 B. North
Intermediate points f
L. El's. & B, North
W,G. & B:',Smrtlt ' g.30p. m.
It EL- & B•., South f
& B. South 10.00 £1.111-
G.& 'B.North 3.20 p. m•.
Hotyyrnood 4.30 p.m.
6:13 a. m,
12.30 p. m.
2:30 p. m,
3:48 p. m,
0 00 p. m,
10.30 p. m,
Tuesdays and
3 00 p, m, Fridays
Village and Vicinity fol.
Run Them In
On the' I5th of September a young
man was arrested, brought before the
magistrate,committed for trial and got
30` days-£or'what 1 only a -little bit of
fur, (I have the authority of one of
the young women for this assertion.)
On Thursday msrning, a. row took
place inside a. place of public 'accomo-
dation and wound up in .a most
unseemly fight on the public street
Our constable was present, but made
no arrests as it was his duty to do.—
• # .
The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday; October 7th
A Wonderful 4Jmanac .
The publishers of the MONTREAL
DAILX and WEEKLY STAR, are getting
out a magnificent almanac to be khown
as the STan Alm_anael said to be the
finest almanac in the world, containing
nearly four hundred pages, with color-
ed maps. It is looked eorward to with
great interest.
Beautiful Snow
Our citizens were surprised on look-
ing out on Wednesday morning to see
motherearth. mantled with a heavy
coating of.snnw. / This is the earliest
snow has fallen in this vicinity for
many years and although it did not
remain long on the ground it was
sufficent indicationto warn us. of the
near approach of winter.
Barns Burned
The large barns belonging to Mr.
Wm. Irwin of the old "Mullin farm"
at Belfast were totally destroyed by
fire, together with the seasons crop on
Tuesday afternoon last. The work of
thrashing the grain bad just been
completedand it is supposed the fire
originated from a spark from the
engine, or some other accidental cause.
-We understand there is an insurance
of $700 in the London Mutual on the
roperty destroyed, but that amount
will cover but a small part of the loss
which is a serious one to Mr. Irwin. •
A Bad Fall .
On Monday last Mr. Walter Camp-
bell, who is superintending the delivery
and loading of apples at the station
for Cook and Cook, had a narrow
escape from a serious if not fata
accident. He was on top of a large
pile of barrels piled on the station
platform. and missing his footing he
fell to the ground striking his head
on the edge of the platform. A barrel
of isp es arca -fell from the pine •u
fortunately it did not fall upon him as
he lay on the ground though it struck
only a few inches from his head.
Walter says he had a pretty close call.
Must be Careful
Hunters will have to be careful how
they dispose of their surplus game.
The new law makes it an offence for
any one to sell or barter quail, snipe,
wird` tirkey woodcock--or-par-. rldgefor
a period of two years. Shopkeepers
are also prohibited from selling these
Ancient Workmen
The members of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen will attend the
Presbyterian church in a body on
Sunday morning 16th inst., when the
Rev. Mr. McKay will preach to them.
The members will assemble in the
lodge room at 10:30. All Workmen
are invited to attend.
A Good Premium E°
We have received in advance copy
of the premium offered by the Weekly
Empire. It is a production in photo-
graveur of the pictnre presented to
the leader of the Dom. House of Com-
mons last session by the Conservative
members of Parliament. The picture
alone is worth the price of the paper.
A Social
A social under the auspices of the
Ladie's Aid Society will be held in
the basement of the Methodist church
on Thursday evening next /13th inst.,
when a choice programme of vocal
and instrumental music recitations
will be given.
served during the evening. Doors
open at half past seven. Chair taken
at 8 p. m. Amission 15c.
I Be Sure and Go
We again draw attention of our
readers to the fall show of the Dun-
gnnon Agricultural Society, which
tares place on the 13th and 14th of
October. This is one of the best local
ows in the county, . and this year
promises to be better than ever.
Look through the prize list° and see
for yourself the grand attractions the
committee have provided for the en-
jeyment of persons attending the fair.
Agnes Knox
The large Town•Hall was packed to
the doors on Wednesday evening to
hear Canana's greatest elocutionist,
Miss Agnes Knox, and not one of the
A very pleasant affair took place on
Tuesday evening Iast ' at . the residence
of Mr. A. McDougall, Lucknow. This
was the marriage of Sarah, fourth
daughter. of Mr. A. McDougall, to Mr.
W. A. F. Wilson of the 13th con. of
West Wawanosh. The important
ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
McKay, Presbyterian minister. There
was a large ,number of guests present..
The esteem in which the young couple
are held was abundantly manifested by
the beautiful presents presented to the
bride which ranged from the ornamen-
tal to the practical and useful. At
the close of the ceremony the company
sat down to tastefully spread ` and
bountifully provided tables. Mr: and
Mrs. Wilson have•the best wishes of
hosts of friends for their future 'happi-
ness and prosperity. -Coit.
Excellent Exhibitions
The Kincardine Fall Fair is. usually
a, good onebut this year it promises to
,excel all former efforts. Besides the
regular exhibition of live stock, fruits
. roots, machinery, bric-a-brac, etc, there
will he special attractions. On' the
evening of, the ,first .day, Wednesday,
Oct. 12th. Prof. Hand of Hamilton,
Will give a rand display of fireworks.
There will also be a balloon ascension.
In the afternoon, of both dayS,, (Oct. 12
and 1,3) the celebrated tight -rope
walker and' trapeze artist, Prof. Crom-
well,' will give an, exhibition in the
park. Prof. Lapier the renowned
acrobat will also .perform wonderful
acrobatic feass. Coale and spend two
days at the lake,—Wednesday and
Tqursday, Oct. 12 and 13.
President. Secretary.
A hint to Slanderers
It is much easier to start an evil
report than to stop it. Even , after a
rumor has been proven false the harm
it has done cannot always be undone.
Before repeating a bit of gossip it
would be well to ask ourselves three
questions: First, "Is it true `1"
Second, "Is it kind? Third, "Is it
necessary ? This practice would be
sure4, o sane us many bitter memories
andegrets. St. Philip Neri was once
visited by a lady who, accused herself
of slander. He bade her go to the
market buy a chicken just killed and
still -covered wit 'feathers and walk a
certain distance,.plucking the bird as
she went. The woman did as she was
directed, and returned anxious' to
know the meaninj; of the injunction.
"Retrace your steps,"said Philip, "and
gather up one by one all the feathers
you have scattered." "I cast the
feathers carelessly away," said the
woman "and the wind carried them in
all directions." "Well, my child,"
replied Philip, "so it is Alth slander;
like the feathers which the wind hath
scattered, they have beenwafted in
many directions. Call them back, now, S
if you can." O
vast audience went awaydisappointed.
It would be difficult to tell which .of
• her many selections was • most appreci•
ated as each and all of them were loud •
ly encored. In all Miss Knox 'recited
eight or nine pieces including " The
Early Settlers Story," " Sandy Mc-
Glashan's Courtship," " Bairnies Cud-
dle down." ".Kaska;" " The Island of
the Scotts," " How Rubinstein played
the piano," " This •Canada of Ours,"
etc., and though some of `them
had been given in Lucknow , b
other renowned readers on . previous
occasions, they were as. new under the
wonderful elocutionary powers of Miss
Knox Miss Lalla Berry, of Lucknow.,
and Mr. J. Logan, of Wingham, sang
a number of solos between the different •
pieces given by Miss Knox and which
combined to make the entertainment
one of the best given in the village.
Harvest Thanksgiving Service
A thanksgiving. service for the
blessings of harvest was held in the
Newsy Item.Served upfor Sentinel Readers
-g. H. k p.
-Tie •- Mi es _ 1e1Yullough, of=
Kincardine, are the guests of Mrs. ll.
—Miss Maggie Gallaher has return-
ed home from her visit to friends in
Detroit. •
—Hary Hart and his pleasure party
Town Hall. October 10th, 11,th and
12th. See the hills.
—The SENTINEL will be sent to any
address from now until the end *of
the year for 25 cents.
—Wanted ---At Reid's bakery, good
smart boy about 18 to learn the baking
and make himself generally useful.
—A couple of farmers were recently
;fined $5 at Wingnam for sending
skimmed milk to the Nixon, cheese
—His Honer, Judge Barrett, held
Division court in the Town Hall on
—Our readers will please overlook
any mistakes in the S MTINEL this
week. We were at the fall show
—Mr. John McKinnon, 4th con.,
Kinloss, left on Wednesday for a trip
to Lansing and Chicago to visit
-H. H. P. P.
South American Ithuunuttisut Cure
for Rheumatism 'and Neuralgia radi-
cally cures in 1 tt. 3 ;lays. I ti action
upon the system is reinarkable and
rnystorious. Tt setliove aLonce the •
cause and the disease• iuituediately dis
appears. The first dose greatly
benefits. 75 cents. NVarranted by A
B. Congram.
About 2 o'clack on Sunday after-
noon two young fellows, bent on
breaking the Sabbath and things gen-
erally, stepped from their wheels
the school -grounds and after vie\
the new sanctum in course of erection,
burst open the door of the old building
and desecrated the room by their vile
presence. After tampering with the
clock, acid smashing -a number° of
slates, they departed by crashing sev-
eral stones through as many window-
panes. As these worthies have been
identified, 'we simply withhold their
names and addresses to give them an
opportunity to come and apologise,
pay damages and settle the matter out
of court.
—The season for auction sales has
commenced. If you want bills, cheaply
and speedily executed, call at this
—Itch on human and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by A. B.
Congram, Druggist.
-Miss Annie McPherson, or the
9th con., Kinloss, and Mr. John Mc-
Kenzie, of the 8th con, attended the
Walkerton Fair on Thursday last.
—Great interest'will be taken in a
pat tial eclipse 'of the sun, which will
take place on October 20th, and will
be visible throughout Canada.
—Mr. Alex. Nicholson, the popular
Deputy:Reeve of Kinlots, sold a fat
cow to Mr. Groff this week that weigh-
ep 1950, pounds.. She was a good one.
—The district plowing :match for
Huron and Bruce, which'. -bas been
mentioned in our columns before, will
take place on Oct. 20th. on the farm of
Mi. Wm. Reddon, Carrick township.
—Bruce County cheese, the pro-
duction of the Wiarton and Willis -
croft factories. • took first, and second
prizes. at the Toronto Industrial Ex-
hibition. •
y j —It is understood that.' the next
issue of the Canadian 1 cent 'post -card
will be larger .in size than th'e one now
in use, approximating more to that in
circulation in the "United States.
—Time hast, again brought around
the season for settling • 'accounts, and
the SENTINEL is anxious' and willing to
grant receipts to all, especially. accounts
for job printing. These must be settled
promptly., .
—Mr. Wm. Valens spent four clays
last week in Strathroy attending to his
duties as Grand Auditor of the Pat-
rons of Industry. He reports every-
thing all right in connection with that
English Church, Lucknow, on Monday
the 3rd inst., there was a good turn
out although the evening was rather
uninviting. The church was beauti-
fully decorated for the occasion by
willing hands, with the various pro--
ro=ducts of field and N,ineyard. As the
minister proceeded from the vestry to
the chancel, the choir sang hymn No.
50, "Come ye thankful, people come.f'
The Rev: E. W. Hughes, Rector of St
Pauls, Wingham, commenced the
evening service assisted by the Rev.
M. M. Goldburg. This part of the
service being ended Rev. M. M. Gold -
burg, incu
ante. conn
good choi
dent Hanover, took the
nion serviceassisted by the
J. Connors. There was a
Tiss. E. Whitely, organ-
st, presiders usual with great ability.
The following are the selections render,
d by the choir; Hymn No. 50, "Come
e thankful people come ;" ' hymn No.
1, "Fountain of mercy; God of love ;"
nthem, "God be merciful unto us
nd bless' us ;" hymn No. 375, "My
od and is thy 'table spread ;" hymn
o. 377, "According to thy gracious
ord ;" Solo by Miss Dail& Berry, "I
ill never forsake thee," was well
endered to the delight and enjoyment
f all present. Rev. M. M. Csoldburg
reached an excellent sermon, ' taking
r his subject, "Christian zeal," The
acrament of the Lord's supper was
dministered at the close of the service
nd the collection, which was a good
ne and a liberal response to the
ppeal made, far ' exceeded that of
st year, wags taken in aid of the
nds of the church.
—Remember the entertainment by
ara Lord Bailey on Tuesday evening,
ctober 18th in the Town Hall
-H. H. P. ' P.
Fall Wheat, per bushel.....65 to .70
Peas ...00 " .55
Oats " ..:..00 " .25
Potatoes '° .15
Butter, per lb.. . rolls .12, tub .14 to 15
Eggs, per pound .071
Hay per ton .$5 to 7.40
Flour per cwt , 1.75.
l� the 24th of May,1 dark roan steer, age
2 years. with piece out of right ear, also one
dark heifer; age 2 years, with piece out of
right ear. Any one giving any information
to their whereabouts will be rewarded.
+ + +
Where you can get Bargains
for cash. Just received a large
large stock of'all the leading,
lins of
ooth & Shoes
Also a great variety in Men's
Women's and Children's' Rub-
bers •
Men's Long Boots
WorthT2::50. Single• pair
for $2:25 ; 2 pairs for
1.20 boot. 1 pair for 41,16,
2 pairs for =2.00Women's
Tweerl dippers, 18c, 20c, 25c
per pair.
C ;11 and srcnrr
—Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Kincar-
dins, and Rev. J. Kenner, of Ashfield,
will exchange pulpits next Sabbath,
and educational sermons will be preach-
ed by tlie,Doctor at Hope, Zion and
Blake's, ac 10:30, 2:30, and 6:30 re-'
-An,•exchange vouches for the fact
of a 'man being killed by lightning
while wending his way to his neigh-
bor's' to bcrrow a local paper. The
enan who subscribes to the SENTINEL
dosn't need to borrow, and consequent.
Ly runs' no such risks.
—Mr. Dan. MVlcLeay, who has spent
1 nearly three years in the SENTINEL
office left for his home in Southampton
on Saturday last prior to going to.
Toronto. Dan made many friends in
Lucknow, who will always be pleased
to hear of his future success.
—English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused. 'lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat,
coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one
•bottle. Warranted by A. B. Congram.
—Crowell Wilson, Esq., of Wing -
ham, met with a severe accident the
other evening. IL was driving along
when his horse suddenly shied at
something on the road • and upset the
buggy, throwing Mr. Wilson out,
greatly injuring his shoulder and giving
him a bad shaking up. He is improv-
ing, but is still confined to the house.
'of Boats at
Mrs. Smith's stock of Fall
and Winter Gords is now
complete and will be found
cheap and stylish.
Ready- ade
In Black and Navy with ,,
fasoionable trimmings.
Children's Mantles cheap.
In leading styles and coloring
with trimniings to match.
J "A Call is Solicited.