HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-07, Page 3LAUGH AND LEARN.
Her Pocket.
They oto pedd on the steps ere they went to the
And she suddenly started and cried, " Oh, say !-
Tho key of the house, my dear, is above ;
Go run up and fetch it, now there is a love.
lies infmy gcloset,
e adinenpocket up there." off from the ;
And so with step that was joyous and lights
He bounded up stairs in the gathering night.
And the door of the closet he opened quits
And he smiled to himself as he stepped inside.
And he clutched with a chuckle the old grena-
And he felt for the place where a pocket he'd
men, who, after preaching a sermon, would
take z easpoonfnl of sweetened water, and
doze off like a babe, under the impression
that it was a bona fide prescription of
morphia, whereas, in lack of this harmless
`little dose, he would. --toss. About , restlesaly
for hours.—Food.
The Dense Cleaning Season.
There's a fierce determinined glitter shining
from her azure eye,
She's ripping all the carpets up and pulling
things awry.
She has wrapped a towel ardund her head and
donned her gql1dest gown
For house cleanilrg must be finished though
the heavens tumble down.
And her husband gazes sadly at her soot -be-
sprinkled face, as she flies
At her weird and awful costume,
about the place ;
And he wonders and he.ponders, as she rushes
to and fro,
" Can this really be the angel that 1 weda year
ago 1"
The boy who got partly tanned at the sea-
shore now has the j -b finished at school.
Then h L ought that the garment was insi O
So with ,nth set together he turned it about. .
And he felt with a feverish hand in vain
For a slit, and he swore with his might and
Then he turned the thing up and he turned it
And he jumped on the cursed old grenadine
Until, ase h lay with the dregs on the floor,
Hip better -half came up and opened the door.•
And slit took up the gown and she put in her
And She pulled out the bey with a smile thet
was bland.
And she said, as she stamped on the floor : " I
declare,`Chs, the key was
-That is just ike a. man.
' right there !-"
The latest pathetic ballad is called :
".The ''slight I Lit the Gas With Papa's
Breat „ '
« fie tried
h kiss
iinterrupted !" "How
dent !"But
annoying ,,,
Without a first rate digestion, and a proper
internal economy otherwise, beauty 18 not.
Besides, it has been th the
that wine drinking
shockingly prevalent among women, even
with those who are unmarried, and should
be restrained from gains beyond a sip or
two of champagne.
Jags—I was confirmed when I was 16'
years old. Skaggs—Indeed ! Episcopalian
or drunkard ?
Priscilla—Do ycu think bathing is ,un-
healthy? Prunel!a—Oh, no, unless you get
your feet wet.
Vegetables should always be put in cold
water half an hour before using them ; it
will freshen them up wonderfully.
Woman never rea!iza what perfidious
scoundrels men can be until she marries one
of them and gives him a letter to mail.
Billjay—Poor Choily is very sick. Pop-
injay—Poor felleh !' What's the mattah
with him ? Billjay—Cholera infantum, I
Young man—Well,, sir, I've just gone
into the real estate business in the city.
Old p'nnster—Ah, indeed ! Then you have
lots to learn.
No lady will be received in society this
winter unless her clothes have the regula-
tion quarantine odor. This is official.
A great many respectable citizens who
had littleeta on Sullivan are unanimously
of the opi ion that prize fighting is a dis-
grace to civilization.
" He who runs may read " is often a great
help to the absconding cashier, who thereby
learns from the newspapers how his pur-
suers are getting on.
Perhaps the time when a woman most
feels that she is the full equal of any man is
when she has begun to feel at home on a
bicycle.—Ram's Born.
She—I wonder why it is that women are
not as great poets as men are ? He—That's
an easy one. The Muse is a woman and it
takes a man to manage her.
To get a seat in an overcrowded street
car explain that you are jest from Hamburg
and don't feel very well.
Whittier used to admit that he had no
ear for music, and could not tell n Yankee
Doodle" from `t Old Hundred." '
A sufferer from a severe cough says
that his complaint has one of the modern
improvements—a pneumatic tire.
_Mien Bleecker (patting, her friend on the
~alis -sE y�n
(of Boston) —
I do o di 1
Mrs. Young—Won't Won't you put away your
paper now and talk for a while, Jack? Mr.
Young—Yes, my love. Just wait until we
get to the tunnel. !
Boston child—Mamma ! Mamr;iaThe
baby has fell out of t e window
! Q
mother— Fallen," y , Quick
Run for the doctor !
" 1)o you think that Hamletwas insane?"
" I used not to ; but since I have seen him
rendered by Vickers in an amateur pro-
duction I have concluded that he •waa an
" This is a very serious case," said the
doctor, examining his patient r "what was
the atman?" "nBoneleae fiswhen he h, doctor," was the
radoxical reply.
An actress should marry some man in
her profession, says an authority. That is
certainly a better plan than trying to marry
every man in her profession.
Edwin—Do you think your father and
mother will do anything for us when we
marry ? Angelina—Yes, indeed ! They
have promised to come and live with us.
OUN DS on HOI�tSF..$ or C�-4E Qut6 lY eased.
ppeedy Cure GUARANTEED if you use 1L- 2C.2'- F. BEGBWORTA
,sent by Malt On receipt of Price 25 Cents, By U.
TOit.O:T0, CAN. AGENTS Wanted Everywhere. TESTutioNIAL8.
long that they never think of regarding it
as a blunder. There are teachers who say
such an expression is right, because it
sounds right, but reverse it and say, _
kingdom, the power and the glory is thine,"
and the fault is soon perceived.—St. Louis
Globe -Democrat.
Persevering Widower—It was she who
tie weary)
drove me to drink. Mies A.
.What could she have driven you to that
you would have liked better ?—Life.
Napkins and table cloths that have be-
come" yellow and stained should be soaked
in sour milk for several days, stirring and
shaking the linen now and then. When it
is washed, after this soaking, sit will be
found to be perfectly white.
Customer—The leather seems; very thin
in this purse. Merchant—You see, Miss,
it is Russia leather, and you know they have
been having such a terrible famine over
tt When I was a little' girl,"
began. " Yon never were a
Jimmieboy, said the visitor.
was," returned Jimmeyboy.
dresses till I was goin' on 4."
Polly—Tell me a story, nurse. Nurse—
Very well, honey, what'll it be about ?
Polly—Oh—about ad about a dwarf two
miles high, who lived on a mountain that
was so small you couldn't see it.
The household blessed with noble daugh-
ters ought to be a happy one ; moat parents
forget, however, to imbue them with love
of nature, which is so invigorating and
healthful. Give .them not only noble teach-
ings, but noble teachers, and give them the
help which alone has sometimes done more
than all other influences—the help of wild
and fair nature. Yon cannot baptize them
rightly in inch -deep church fonts unless you
baptize them in the aweet waters which the
great Lawgiver strikes forth from the rock •
of your native land. Yon cannot lead them
faithfully to those narrow, axe -hewn church
altars while the azure altars in heaven
remain, for you, without inscription ; altars
built, not to, but by an unknown God.,
The other day a prominent political man,
in referring to a passer-by, digressed from
his politics long enongh to say :
women realized how much more dangerous
to the masculine peace of mind is a sweet
voice than a pretty face they would spend
more time upon its cultivation. By the
Way, have you ever thought what en
influence a low-pitched, mellow voice
possesses for you ? Five times out of six
the influence of the minister who touches
the better impnlaes of your nature is
traceable to his' deep, rich, magnetic voice.
Put sympathy in.your voice, not a make-
believe sympathy that the listener will at
once detect, but the genuine article, based
on an honest interest in your listener.
They may be bores, but if you must talk
to them force yourself to be interested.
It is not hypocritical. - It is the very
essence of unselfishness, and the interest
Will unfailingly show in the sympathetic
Clara—Wouldn't it be. a good rule to give
unmarried women of 20 the right to pro-
pose ? Charlie -•'-If society made such a
rule,--xhere would never be any unmarried
women of 20.- poem after
" Why do you return myt You sold it
accepting it ? " he asked.
under false pretences," said the editor.
" Yon said it was your last and yet you've
gone on writing."
He—You don't love me as you did before
we were married, I don't believe. She—Of
course I don't, John. Yon wouldn't expect
a woman to love a married man as she could
a bachelor, would you ?
Phyllis -4 am going to be real eeco Fh ilcal
this fall. Phyllida—In what wayy
--1 am thinking of having niy bathing drees
trimmed with lace and made over into a
fancy dress ball -room costume.
The following advertise L+'en (England) lyttap-
peared in the Wiltshire ( g :
Notice—Baptizing by the Rev. A. E.
Johnson, Stouonore Water, next Sunday, at
10.30 a- U. photographers invited."
ISSUE NO 40.4812;
Ila refalying m eras . kai
ddverttss;�te kindly tntentiert tag c. pate:
THRILLING Detevtive t„r ' ,n.18 O
pieta love dtOries at:d I M) 2'n ' h'•
eenta(nfiver), Ind- IOiov. Co., r;.,, =wn. ind.
J immieboy
It -tie girl,
" Yes, I
" I wore
Clara—When the poor fellow fell into the
water I suppose you tried to rescue him ?
Chappie—Oh, yes ! I telephoned for a doctor
right away. But it was no use ; . the man
drowned before he got there.
Teach your daughter to run, to swim, to
be neat, to be punctual, to sew, to respect
her elders, to speak low, to read loud, to be
•gracious and graceful, to tout her mother,
to keep a promise when once made, though
the heavens fall.
First Tramp—Bill, how frightened yon
look ? Second Tramp—Do you blame me ?
Just think of the cholera. First Tramp-
Cholera can't be caught except in food or
drink. Second Tramp (with a sigh of relief)
—Then we're all right.
Mrs. Smythe—Your dressmaker's bill
came last night, didn't it dear? Mrs.
Tompkina—Yes ; why ? Mrs. Smythe—
down town onlyanI overheard we met Mr.
himo saying
something to John about the poorhouse.
Ir _
mac., f r 60 days we w.JI send sop
Imo. heavy goldelatedhissg
address on receipt of 15 cents ha
postage stamps; and will a:so send
free one mammoth Catalogue of
Watches, Jewelry,: fific.• WId1 steal
ler= Ind to agents. Thi$ tang is of very ams
4 Inducements ear for years. and to odd out
and is only offered at 15 cuts for 60 days toyeta cent,„
PO& OsdeF mediately, and get a 5i.00 sang
to distribute 1:30
o order
for Electric Appliances ; $50.00 per month
Address with stain
NATIONALELECTRICNo.1BayStreet, oronto.
Farm, 45 acres cleared i soon Locatedusea d
barn, for sale at 51,x,- miles from Glad-
;l in
good farming community, alis
win, county -seat and growing town. E. Foster.
Gladwin, Mich.
firs. Y.—I understand that they have a
onbleMdaughter—yes,s nded ? No wonder
they are so popular.
He—I see by the paper that a Iientueky
Congressman is to open the World's Fair
it. 1 was afraid hehmightt wanttad to to openeit
with a, corkscrew. -
He (salesman)—Dear little hand (absent-
mindedly) I wonder,if it will waeh ? She
(conapirito)—No, sir, it wofi t=nor it won't
scrub either—but if yoa want. it to play the
piano, it's yours, George.
Mr. LMies Snanrker—Excuse me, Pper,
but 1 have long sought this opportunity to
Miss Snapper—Never mind the pre-
amble, Mr. Lurker. Run right in And ask,
pa. He's been expecting this would come
for the last two years..
Ma," said Mies Parvenue, " Jenny
Jones has been presented at cotEnngg-
England."' That's nothing,"replied
" Why, I was it court two whole weeks
when my sister was getting her divorce.
W are just as good as the Joneses."
" 1 have never beenconquered
as be rose
womanbitterly, yet," said he, y
from bis knees, " and I will not give up
my hope." " There in more than one way
of getting left," she responded. " Some one
may accept you some day."
with a scrub bruah in her hand are more except, pe p
effective than the prayers of a deacon in a' sound. Mano ny ladies affect mit vE G�MPAti`f
church pew—when when it comes to warding off which me carry
instances a hisignificance,
t sof the possession DOI�ff°eeG+f`i
cholera. wife
i York Herald: DOM HAV>, BEEN e;vY'•+{�1iM THAT
the fasilir,n and of wealth. Twenty five years ago it was INN cdA [t•l ou o u thorifltr
u is following l to see a fine dame or demoiselle
nspenders. She's been wearing
s of a woman on her knees
Dame Experience
use any sub-
convinced many only sure -pop
offered for the P p
and painless corn cure is attended with
danger. Get always and use none other
than Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor,
at druggists •
About Wedding Binge.
350 ACRES -100
Splendid stock farm, but suitablee for
grin, in
the Township of Burford, to
only low as owner ha- other businessen age
ments which— • necessitate had other build
Good house, good brick barn
iugs. Address, S. G. HEAD, Beal Estate
Agent. Brantford, Ont.
For our fast -selling Subscription Books
Bibiea and Albums. Send for Circular. Ad
dress, Wm: BfuGos, Publisher, Tomato.
TIEBILLING detective tortes, 15 Coto
Tete ove starters and tea i'opatsr Song
plate BARNARD BR4a, 35 McCaul•
street, Toronto Onh
there is less change in wedding rings than
in anything else in the jewelry line. Cupid's
band is about the same to -day as it was a
century ago. At this we do not wonder,bo attachment, is the Best Mil
for the marriage token can hardly With Baggi g
improved upon. It 18 a ring of pure gold ; made in Canada to -day.
i Irz LTEa-..
it is softly rounded, and if yon hang it upon ! 3O,poo How
a piece of string and strike it gently it will Send for a Circular and Price List, arms.
ring "out an indescribably soft and sweet Address, Ont.
numerous rings MANSON CAMPBELL Chatham,
� � H L' IN� Ir•t � 7f3C
I ,tr„-ty I L L
Nervone that atter
ybeing humbut ed for years.
cure,reetts happiness in a few
eInc to health and hap or reply.
weeks. Please inclose stamp oudeuce sacredly
sent securely sealed. Corr�P
confldentia.L Address 1). G. Oweu, Toronto,Ont
It is said that in China the w-ife., is very-
seldom mentioned by her husband,
when he does mention her it is always in
some roundabout way. Be has some name
that he calls her in his flowery language
which takes the place of the word "wile."
Sympathetic Passenger (on lake steamer)
—It usually affects people that way the
time_ You'll soon get over it. Uncle
Jo'1 (from Upthecreek, feebly) --You mean
well, stranger, but You needn't try to com-
fort me. That dinner cost me seventy-five
cents, b'gosh !
Does the point of the back of eft in r waist
persist in curling up when y
car or even in an ordinary chair ? If ao,
sew two inchesng ithe least bit tighter than the
dblack elastic on the under
leaving whalebone, and see
dress jut over the
how delightfully it will hug the top of your
" I shall not askyouoh looke la a mor"
said the photographerh I shalt •simpre
or less artificial beautyonr own fair face in
ask you to gaze upon y
that little mirror above the camera."
And the mirror, being as tough as the
photographer's conacience, stood the strain
' ” I know what I'd do if I'd been one of
Mrs. Twemlow's little girls," said Dorothy,
giving her . mother's . hand an affectionate
squeeze. What would you do, Dorothy
aaked her mother. " I'd run away, and
come end live with you and papa,
Perhaps the biggest horse in the world is
the " White Horse," o`. Berkshire. It is a
figure 170 yards long, cut in the side of a
hill. A long way off it looks as though
drawn in chalk lines, but the outlines are
and free from digrasahes lby the people, kept
ho take
great pride in it
• r roti ..r 4.G
cerasin v.r l ,,,i,,i,"•blur, ,r:..ecare
are geai)tjj 7)ilr nn,:t,�'yr„ .,.•< ••rtitl*„'. The
ring unusual ' lis hand,
•d wearing more than o
theother things ever since we were marrte ,
o e
and the wonder is she never thought of the
suspenders before. —Biller/1e Banner.
Bombinaki—Whom are you going to kill
next? Redfiagski—A man who tyrannizes
over the laboring men. Bo bns.No•A'
other capitalist, eh? g
walking delegate. s
There is one good point about cholera. It
does not keep its victims in suspense- they
they are to die, they die'quickly y
are to recover, they regain their' usual
health and spirits in a day—such, at least,
is the observation of Miss Henrietta S.en-
ealy, a volunteer nurse in the Eppendorfer
Hospital, Hamburg.
She—What makes yon think he is so
much in love with hero? He---Heteach er has been
three weeks trying
whist. ,
" Just take a turn around the block," ie
what the busy man said to the organ
grinder who was playing' in front of his
Lovers of the delicious, if deceptive, dried
apple pie, will learn with delight that the
Providence Pie Trust is now drying apples
for 32,000,000 pies. The Philadelphia Record
is moved to remark that " a larger trust in
providence than this has rarely edified the
An English
s frees concerts every Sundan hires a y
band and >n not The
afternoon, smoking prohibited.
concerts are, of course, largely attended,
good order and goond fellowshipo souls have a been rule d, so
far as heard from,
by the experiment. tells of two
A New York newspaperChet are of
small black-and-tan dogs
great atsistance to a restaurant keeper who
owns them. They are very bright dog :and
have memories that are truly remarkable,
Their self-appointed task is to wait i d if
dining -room until a guest comes in,
there is no waiter present one of them will
rush out into the kitchen or pantry, or
wherever else a disengaged waiter may be,
and by means of two sharp shrill barks,
give notice of the customer's arrival. The
doge also see that customers do not leave
without settling their accounts, for if the
landlord is not present at make he mit their
e of a
customers departure, they
bnaineae to find. hint and inform him that
he i needed at the desk.
to rhos on either ��
led fancies she can orders tor' goeatr izf 't" ["r
hKr set ,..ut
....was are
but now the more belewe I.., -. ild�
et.atl 1 v t, _ nus T+a.,,s •+)
crowd on her dainty digits the better she Prst>ir arP po*t '*' r,
appears to be pleased. While women are oan �,t,,i,,,,r,,,d ,.t on,:e. �, ..,,n , .,>a sr
mindful of their dress they, in this rubies, agleam.
wqnh severs! Moro to- �
jumble diamonds, pearls, garnets,INION SILVER
and other precious stones together, in
ridiculous confusion.
Entitled to the Best.
° y- of The late Archbishop Smith,
burgh, has bequeathed his splendid library
to the Scots College at Rome, and it was
4 shipped recently for Italy. The Roman
Catholics of the north lament the lose of
the collection, which was regarded WI the
finest librtii of ecclesiastical literature in
Mr. Flatteman (who has been attempting
to shave himself)—Quick, Arabella,
me a towel or something. I've nearly cut
my throat and it'd bleeding emi terribly
I Mrs.
Flattaeman—Oh, Henry,
how erate
you are --bleeding on the bedroom - carpet,
when I've often told you not to shave any-
o .
Evidently suspenders for women are not
new this year; for aa early as 1808 Dr.
Ramsay, in his history of South Carolina,
diatribe against feminine
remarks u a women will
dress absurdities that many
hitch up their petticoats
of with suspenders
ug open e s
heedless of the dans
where but in the bathroom !
Two Women.
know two women, and one is chaste
And cold"as the snows on a winter waste,
Stainless ever in act and thought,
But she has malice dumb
oward her kind, eech errs not).
A cruel tongue and a jealous mind,
Void of pity and full of greed .
She judges the world by her narrow creed ;
A brewer of quarrels, a breeder of hate,
Yet she holds the key to " society's " gate.
Oe ' ours, ,Lo-
" These apple dumplingso em haste, Lo-
belia," said Mr. McSwatL withp .
' he turned the half-eaten
none con s side, plate
over and "-" Go on, sir !" said Mrs.
Mpositively eyes, bracing herself
to meet with blazing
i3 os tively the beat I
to meet it,
ever "—But she had faintefi.
A Philadelphia physician aeys that a
great deal of what passes that heart disease
is onlyr
commenta malaria is
The other woman, with heart of flame,
Went mad fothe a lorave of her murdered faith
that marred her And out of the grave
She rose like a. soul that has Passed through
death. so broad
Her aims are noble, her pity
It covers the world like a mercy of Cod.
A soother of discord, a healer oof woes,
Peace follows her footsteps no doubt,
The worthier life of the kttwo. odd '
And. yet "society ' _Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
All a- buy, sotoevery best
money will buy,..
have, at on
ce, bottleoige, thetcbleanse tht e
remedy, eT p
system when costive or bilious For sale
in 75c bottles by all leading druggists.
Tennis Bales.
A ball through the parlor window counts
you out—about one dollar.
After hitting your opponent with the ball
it is not fair to yell out the score.player has to
Don't laugh if the other p y
run a long diatance after the ball. The
chances are that he will find an opportunity
to make you run before long.
Don't mark out the court lines with a
blacking-brush—lime is bad for shoes.
Don't get mad if the ball is lost, but sit
forW t. and
Thist while ruleis observed ervedour Pby all playonent ers.
__Young America.
The Fools not All Dead Yet.
Rene Bache tells the Pittsburg Dispatch
that any one who goes out at all into New
York society can hardly fail to be struck
with the marked absence or scarcity of
beauty in that There ve circle are so few which is
called the 40could almost count
'pretty gir`Is that you
thein on the fingers of one '-hand. Why
should this be so? Luxurious habits are
doubtless accountable for it. Pampecakring
childhood, with plenty of candy
and limited opportunities for such health -
giving exercises aa youngsters leas highly
d a a1UIPIe bad temper, and that born enjoy, is not conductive to the most
perfect blossoming of womanhood. Nor
two-thirds of the so -tallied R well along' toward
are bele,
g tong- ted d
nothing but laziness. Imagination, he Bays late suppers, cod order.
la responsible afors a the case of of la clergy- i keep the stomach and liver in 'good ,,,gives a. an ins
oronto, Oat
Even a blind man can see that more
clearly than daylight, or else why should
so many continue to use ill -smelling, oily
and often useless preparations for the
of pain, when a preparation j
ust elegant, more powerful
d a trom y
Nerviline is can be P any
dealer in medicine? Nervilinei- cut th-
stantly aches and pains. a "`v
moat efficacious remedy for internal pains.
Nerviline applied externally subdues the
moat intense pain almost at once.
Ina Bad Fix.
Mrs. Portly—Don't you think, doctor,
that my husband ought to send
rdme m health e
fashionable watering,adPa me, you have a phe-
nomenally robust physique.
Mrs. Portly—I knew there was some-
thing the matter with ane. Where have I
got to go to get rid of it—Long Branch or
The simmer girl now declares her inten-
tion of filling her sofa pillows with freshly
gathered hope, instead of the odorous pine
needles, as heretofore. The hop pillows are
delightfully fragrant, and are said to exer-
cise wonderful powersd to knit up gentle- god-
deea who i anppoa busily raveling
of care that we have been y
all day long. The victim of insomnia- will
do well to ,try a hop pillow, aided and
abetted by a cup of warm hop tea just be-
fore retiring. The chances are that his
tangled nerves will straighten themselves
out, and he will sleep like a seraph. At any
irate, he will not feel depressed and misera-
ble in the morning, as he surely will if he
tampers with powerful drugs in order to
produce sleep.
..t ,
Joe andS5.85buysthisele-
gant 18 karat gold plated
hunting ease watch gents or
ladies size, anditfyoa.ta
or cause the solo o &fxf•'a
will give you One tree=
Cut this out and sena
with your order ands,*
"Mishits the watch tors*
by express, °.O.D.. all
.targe, paid by ns. It
estfsfactory.aftez err
a�ygoentassars..ds sand' ttie
,i yam
love ordered soil
y.ldtorslaws willeendyonono tree. when tashaeeom.
roles theorder, we send a heavy gold plated chain sad
anon tree. send to the
A party of gentlemeh were' the other
evening dlseneaing literary subjects, when
one asked another to point out the gram-
matical blunder in the Lord's Prayer. Half
e dozen tried. Some thought it lay in the
word " which art in Heaven," others placed
it elsewhere, . but not one detected it in the
expression, " For thine is the kingdom, the
power and the glory." To be perfectly cor-
rect the word t` is'' should be are, but
peoule have used it in the present form so
Great Nerve Restorer. No
to days use. Marvellous Dorsa' Treatise sad
e Arch Stfree . Phil Fit mew. hhia. Ps. to Dr. Sone.
Of good Farming Lsnds.bibie
12 000 n 1oh�1�ls� �Central, DetrO1D ac s
Acre o. nt► and•Loon lake Railroads.
.Ly,e..nr-d r -sr - Anse
nnf eebbo ti bo
1I new t�
lands ,-
ohtimhe:+, -,•heals, eta, and will be gold on mals
favorable-s,;rfn.. Apply to
Et. M. PIERCE. West Bal CRY.
Or bo
J. W . CUR'TIS. WbittemOOr1ee,,__ Weis
Please mantles chi., pans.. when writing
* .--At1111be stopped free Ft Or. ILItae'�
Saratoga ?
Moet Men Hate.
Trotter—I heard that thChollyr Weeks .had
a snit, for every day
in l: osier—So have I—but it's the same snit.
travel h the sir
Ifr cholera can g throng_h this' every whistler will et it. I'
where your office boy can see it.
Mrs. Peary is the first white woman to
remain in frozen Greenland through the
It is stated that during his recent visit to
Hamburg Emperor William preeented his
mother with the grounds and castle of Crop -
berg, a picturesque ruin ons hill facing his
new palace.
And good land from $6 to 520 PER ACRE
with lmprovealentsa. Bend for our circular.
PYLE * DsHAVEN• Petersburg. Va.
CENTS( s"-" sys
p,ori'93PPoaVAr Lhoanaedyearse!:
an grist.
your address
i our og -' AOR tbe°i 8C
T.ifY," which gee h
states to pries who wish to mail FREE.
magazine*, boots.' pt's
wend out patron` receive basbeis of mall. Great'
est bargain in Americo. �� .>rwu will be t
7'•ts WIFE' A11. USE FAILS.
ncifh Syrup- Taus good. use e
in time. [dead by druggists.