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Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-07, Page 2
. , =. . Z 1t . , =. 1t F os ,; 4'1 ' 0 z ,!. 1.1 ._ ; u Y; . `• 'O p Y. . , =. F os ,; 4'1 ' 0 z ,!. a ._ . u `• 0 ..__.� „ .,,. . L:,- _ --*- _ a -- _: _- -_ 9 U I J A� • Iron, the after ef[ects of la grippe, ete- Pink i� and not only then, b'at XMIsAn E' pt11A restore pale and &allow complexions - T-- l�lr� AND DEATH. the occasion, of health, and sena specific fqr thronghont the retara trip, continued to be al the glow . A LONDON LOVE TRAGEDY. for thegallantry - au the trottblea peculiar to the female ae:. the centre of admiration Cted With f;. w� in the case of men they effect a radi- action he displayed, fs a COrn- , and Prompt tween 35 and 40. Nartative 17E( Fa6t8 �I� in all canes arising frommental' in Vd Air Above the -gBg� parativ-4 L . ya�� overwork or excesnea of whatever Dr. Pum a Yt� G»� Atts1 Ilia father was a iirieud of hien: "Grimasona Qagg. ][�3, 'a g• orry, Saieidse• Wat8c8 of Hisag>3�- family; and an his arrival here as a debate Vie. aad to the council he accepted her `warm mv1- These Pills are near ompared Br theVr. Ile tation to become her gaeaL Dr. Ramsay 6afierer for Over Tea Years• -Treated by �Villiamg' Medicine Company, and are s le, ♦ Toronto lady's Terrible Adveatu e" has taken no prominent part as yet in the Only to Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y. and are sold DID HE XILL M WU She rale Nvom Suspension �d.Z -- r Ings of the council- the Best Bantam In the Plane, only is boxes bearing our trade in and Bayed by a Paw-Presbyteriaa 1leleamse. P ' Grow worse—like par"culars ei Her wmpper� at 50 cents a boa, or sir boxes for S Q Loudon cable says: Further - S REKLAUX IIOlRA11iM weevery as iaveattgated by a ite;@orter $150. Beer in mind that Dr. William'? bra of the Heron -Sharps the � The tes to the Pan -Presbyterian - -- of the a' News -Letter." pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the former laves and ;relations the Falls in a body on A Weald -be Suicide Biassed and Married doaen or hundred, and any dealer who offers ua it have been ash to bei ss By An Arany officer. Orilljalve�cs-Lotter). 8><tntdaYs and white them one of the ladies substitutes in this form is trying to defraud , = i? tY hard a most amazing and thrill- - A Berlin cable says : , Elizabeth Srehner, What wonderful progress the closing half I Wowsra the coloatal y of the nineteenth century has witnessed ! You and should be avoided. Dr. druggists or ft. Heron as agem tt finely fanned adv int Her estraa2dinaty mlabap a young woman of good family and pink pills maybe had of all druggists or deo - �y perm .old In � �'Ps am -� as t�nsaderable beauty, was betrayed four filen still young have witnessed discoveries direct by mail from Dr. Williamt' Medicine when he v®as health effacer in Jamaica, iaiLostrs : months ago by the young titan to and Invention.;, which, while they have Company from either address, The price 1lfiS1, About ilei&; y - Tbe pl�pare of the day would have been whom she was to have b fairly revolutionized the methods of human at which these pills are sold make a course his® died seaddenly- He trent I!larian greatly impaired, if not entirely married. He deserted her recently and life, are taken almost as a matter of course. of treatment comparatively inexpensive as eke Sharperet>cuaed to- mthe' atyed, through the loss of a life out for went to Vienna. Fearing to reveal her New and wonderfihl discoveries are made compare with other remee or medical or Rnbp R w early she hh�id ori a fortnuate cireamstance, which t?mbe shame to her patients she decided to drown almost dell , we clely adapt ourselves of 1591 at the Gaiesvy, in the histo to the changed condition, after having seised a� time biy almost without paralFel �' herself: She velvet& a confession to her y • �- and even wonder treatment. of a�ident s, and which, to the excur- mother, mailed the letter, and then jumped that the inventive genius of man had not IIElt0137t REWARDED. a:89=311 s I„ove s under-3tudy' in a Drury at least, had s�11 the appearance ' I�aoe pantomime. girl was about lg gfo3lists into the Havel, near piehelsburg, a shoat long ago penetrated the secrets of nature, She vrheias estsne;y p>tetty, of a Providential interveutdom The distance from this city. An army officer almost dally being brought to olir aid- One of the Boys of Verve Developed By gears- age- f� .d a few was occurrence was one of the meat thrilling who bad followed her to the river bank While in all directions great advances have the commune- - vivacious and well l'ee to nit ever witnessed, even at that theatre of jumped after and rescued her. He Po'� been made, perhaps in none have the The eeenes which attended the sup - 871 after Heron met her be induced q dramatic eventa. Mang of those who her in a cab and started for her home, in strides been greater, than m the science of the age and live vritth him. `4j h� Henan Falls have passed were on of the Parisian r horn ;e in 1the � apPointled ito aflice � Gambir he took have visited I•Tiagara ,, which spite off hes protestations that she could medicine. -Old methods have entirely die- were comparable in their horror to the over the traffic and never m face her parent L While the appeared, the days of big nauseous, dmees' bloody episodes of the French Revolution, Baby with hb:y He intiroduuced her teo, a� far foot im carriage egg neo way crossing a bridge Mies Hrehner cupP, rng and bleeding have passed y, in the Lest decade of the la'A Century, says acquaiub wea in the colony view of the river suddenly pushed open p� diseases formers held to be t incurable now � #ll&o� life together aeeurexi � be - which affords an ertcellea•L the door, lea to y the I'autfa's Ca�rapaniara. Hnlldredis of men He retained o London �tia and the waterfall, and they will therefore the °roadway, and before the officer could eddy yield to the treatment of advanced and boys who, scarce knowing what they peseaa2 weeks they of the' scene medical science_ Far more than year Past did, or in the general confuaton, to what � happy_ and fop understand the am follow, threw herself into the waster. The Y Pa lYec seat July, 91h he without much effort• of memory or ims0ma- officer went after her, overcame her there have appeared in the colatnna of the force or agency their. an giaBce was re by boarded iia hot � � Bramp- tfoa. The iron railings which ren $sous struggles to free herself from him, and � ,w, -Letter, from time totime, the partica due, had joined the lately triumphant COm- took apartments Westahow: itbe aides of the bridge, would be mfficieut brought, her to shallow venter, where the jars of cures that have been the wonder of mune, were led out on the plain of Satory, thio, in the ,h �ei of the that he protection for the. most. reckless or the cabman came to his assistance and dragged an who -were acquainted with the persons ruthlessly shot down by files of the soldiers pterwoas Lai then only in isle street anent unsteady if they were supplemented ho completely exhausted to the bank- restored. Perhaps the ease of Mr. John of the new Republic, and buried in a cam - and the girl were .,,. daily strong de- with some ung yeiae netti But as theyAfter �tgrtng the ,�,T►� again the odicea Maaffltall, of Hamilton, was mote firmly mon trench. Thio terrible rind, however, together and seemed Tuesday evening are now there is a paned ity. especially 11i paag�ed marriage and IIQin Srehner fastened in the public mind, for the reason w� not without its humane 6denta One voted toh oElner. a of a pedestrian falling are l rstiired sorsa after dinner- I+rrce the case of a child, Pew aeeepted bilin_ Mr and Mrs. I3rehner gave that he had been paid a total disability of these is related in a ' ok Which has ugh the spaces between the bars. This their consent to the marriage, and yester- claim of 61,6W, only alter having been lately appeared i1i Paris, 11 he Journal of minates after she Ye#t hi® he said he fo> �_ ty �p� ®n th by �y tbe sent was amlomnaxd- pronauaced incurable a scare or more of a uered One,"' y �• shouted p�� by b 1u e Pierre de Lunn. Re- ber ming .ffi her moan- Med-iiu i * of Saturday. It was across this mea, who are leaders in the: medical Dro The aider has been Issued try the new Re - help and asa�+�"R'" then that Mrs. Orimasan off 5'T Mayor The Igoe=chs i3ae- publisher of till& Cmnacdeeof ia=1 it�ttliles>als �s wi6horit e � � �� accompanied fessio2i. As pts publican authorities that COIrtQ1IIIIIBt LIISIIr- srhiclsthe tuJ;iteet. Toronto. was )g>know loos often the Frffricb pec IYorza the writer has a knowledge of ents WILo were. taken with arms in their R®b°aithherag�,t, by, her two dam titers vmd Rev. John F Dom �� ter i&gs ? No nation the proceedings under which a disabr7ity hands should bs put to death immediately. sten 1�ta.>rEe 'Who ezplam, and at five o'clock Bmusay, LL. D., of Ballymoney, Ireland. matter of their claim is paid and when it is understood The order Was being relentlessly exeewed. of tEl� who during the continuamm of the courtaicel Itis Gres so fickle fm the ma4 she wed_, Throcnghout the �d t about ome- standards. In the time of the Franks their that all ;nein e1ai11Is have to l?Ws When, in the garden of the Elyaee Palace, a so su state- lm lees �G- They go banners were imitations of these of the the , scrutiny of an investiganting detachment, of Repubbean troops came' tf Pon a physicians she was I be from here ger water of the disttance a¢�es and were Rom Clovis adapted the My as the committee, the Local Medical Exam- a small band of rrmed IB9urgeIItB_ .�eri,o8g M" could a o$ blood on an t&o point of re emblem their steps to emblem of Frances 'Tihen a St_ Martin finer, the Gracd Medical EsanlineF, the mem was a bop ®f fifteen gears, still in ghost etted tthaff t►be had traria when the accident after Frmsnce Caarmmittee • and the Grand ' W1 �waa-kept�t take the Dn1tg1 - $ had aaa>nn- withhis ltue cage oP hcoaf. Thea, I`°age to oBeerS. >ftc will he Emmen .,tb�L in Wane but a Then oeesared. various changes. came � �°�m� o ma' - - _ .._ _._ �e �anei Baas eondtaeted to a larger arty . mostil the . ingcent am Sia m as big safer then tibio the bami2es of the risme case of disability could a claiili "be g P _ _. g�� a to a diisadl��pe that pied . the ono heed is eawilg which was erigiva'.l� � of Corm mlYnrate � Lined forexee Qtian. - • ©n - _ I --- - - ®aview Abbey o$ Sl;. Denys. When Sts. Louis carne ,paid. That the claim, was paid Mr. the way the fifte*n-gear-olds-bop broke out of the ed Marahall under t1m1s strr:ageat aeaniLirig�vtrJ$ s Companions, ar faced ttl1 '�ffi before he tYsmed on aheightolid as affardnasr, ,;marched from among mt p P I be flukes the a as�sd frvlila his Eastern captivity he ' He had hardBli became equally g°Od` � appsmarin off a cameras` Wider a Bag off golden lilies on a white unimmpeachable eviateaco a€ his fatal dis- Tt;inseTf in first of ;Le colorer echo coo - beg= to �` like blas& far forced them to the aidewalit- The, planks that he was afterwar made swell than ground, Next came the white crow, used ability; martded the c�►�rt. Maki>eg tr,© military: ical, and b diadem He ® that �� had of ttbe iootsall:nae a few inches hues and utas sloe due entirely to is treastmaest n$ Dr. Paiute with a oaf deal of giaee, he said : in the, loan_ Lasa; vaatih _the lynglish, gP g aften thaesats+� mud he th coy had the fPoor of the -bridge, a fact overlooked Willsams' pink pi the most �, M it a na'ra cin to shoot me, I M� Gv rr, and Ulxe azie too w Hnieb to the arae of the Revolyd ion white plumes, going �d ttstat m�'Lra iU. He was rs�►t aware at tie gthem U P82900,lee tirlmcnbl® �dFJ! due. She slightly6 Vitiate semi$; . B:Ld f%mge wipe eltaaacUeristic rerctarkalhle medical discovery a$ the age. se , ,:: did of her death thatt she had ralther French sotdiesy. Witth the Revalmtwn 'Phis case was slut the first of a series of su . Certainly, my Iasi," eaid the Colonel. the P°�°_ hind the others, and, in stepping p and came �t a knot off tr -colored rihbasIIsa on .cures equally remarkable, ilio& to the same �� Taken V: i x�i tarps. in your Tlanc.e, it's all vuhaugh 6e f�Eea1- -- --- -^� Ire a�Fly tom= fact awght on. t he P> mk an<' the to' of the flag-ataf Next a tri -colored grand agency, each of wbie� has steels up with Boa. 'ghat is thee ord, r." . kametL When Hal-befare affix &®Void pun hemcH nip ea vasa Plzeced mzt iSIYe nipper le€U baud verrl ed lig tFYe west trustworthy testi- .� � r�ht," laid the ,bop, °. but see Bloat, t bare was t�Ethat a head first thramghs one of the spaces Dm rife; a of the i ,ag aedgeZnd harder of red and many. Iti ere -Letter, in oummen with here: I live iii tiliromesrtil etre et, where my ULM be had fergotten _ TT a ahsdmtte haarelr of her cam- At the Ii ee-Olatinn many Others, has taken a deep interest mother Is ,,onczP7ge in a house. Shell • watt to the cm mtaes at lien audderm disap��ce th � r was a ed and reptwed by in notting the t.estialugg given rax behalf of far ms i$ I don't come ilcn1 •, and slte'II 1� death def b wife stn Jamaica 1� : which to U&eun Meana hence.when the r t� bot in their. t urtr they g ve •way D> . �illiama' �k �� worry t1 grest doss. I yIIssG tiaasnt .to $° home bb e was a eensatim theimmrs� # S � arII r>rm>r vt �u Vk�gpo at tiro roles Sines; diem the erre of Dlr - F. A. Chase vis reperte d and quiet; her a bit, you knr,w. And thea f. bmt feather inquirS was seed by yg „,...,,�..� "of �mmpttiom Far a rmoment. French flag has chaDged with every forms $re Ym BlidEaaal recently, we decided to � Tom. I've got alq vs'aratt bore ; I'd like to t of the tl$at a the wits n horror o$ gayvest8aiamiL nrstergiew• the hdy and verify the truth Of give it to mother, so &he'll- have as much as . t"?' the a 88 � till& report ; with this end in vase Fid- that, anyway. �'ome, eetone:T, tet me ria Ui:- tiltte &s arses a t- They had seem bw II�'as poll-SOMFUTEMab,�irm Lig Ula be pm&cd$ � o� the. stir -,,.d be$osetheg Ike Love ai�oaeg. lead vans meted, 6114 bI`rs: Chase $arae£ borate a little stall&_ I grv$ yeti ms•wordof body bad m am armn rive she out t asn the cam 100 - Well and happy after long years of holler I'll ce wr- back t o be s1S6C.;A a' that the es�e ©� aee�h The etev'3 has a ht gnP lti�the � a imp to be solvedp>� aff �tL Da Ramsay, �m� the side whose gve$ is insures_ amffeYtYdsg. before she TearuLU of Mr efficacy The caiene! = struck Fait h aatani amuse ' aof amth frlYdy aclg off tltm a ue�, p of the lige, a sonar seasattiam Of yeas The lave off money kMa more people tthan off Dc WiRiam� Pink Pi2I� Mas_ Gisl►ae at the he►g'a deaaalud_ IL ilea beg%4 to amuse iib& ops adizmzxn'°_ t1 €oat � ones .ErsUgie itIl Isea H® the a-ho?eaar, herself admitted ttie reporter,' whG found him a good dera,1. wastes mn ter tEaati the t�l`a cdt�a' i� . alt' t 1m h= brachsgs against which she '' he mrr mey-lever is 1Lever oa�tetntted. Ilea a loess hag for ar iri ely, wa e: site, .. Y os sirs& ur in tioar word. a honor, ' > ti€c d�r�tL He ahaltnteefl to �Io maain who loves Ya�sueg alene eau ever whfle not wishing for stimony, in, vtrYTFlntg that scalls return its timer to t:da executed?" wiet be solid T e faits im to give her eaadici testimony tn' favor off .. 1�1 word of heuer, Luster." Q cd #be ver&cU. Hem c)� t® hdd ears with all the eIs>� she be Ymadesich. gt •� `OV ell, wen," said t:he co oael, `° this t t . irate t rc azral , be vsamlll f aril ,itsesm a ices laves IYSflneg vaitla x21 Isis Pilo k P'lFs, $err the benefit off other a€ilieted send*� t >nrst Tzeaat, &e wslIt Tsr"=:ak aIl1 Ulse c4maYlYamelrZsetats petsa�tss- To rile reporter &Ira_ Chase said gig setsmp has vritr a� vLretl as >zaetaratsae. a She t>�r to t atl that Yip to hes: eirt�th year, she had been y rather gaumg nml et Lo ahoalt, to 0. wen, l m� h"M to €Pax tip S � � ffi the e � but at, trust^ period sickness � dry its I a sm Ialbe road. i with all the d1i�r a- - z tenacity veins; "� lave of mlaaeg is a,aather name far a he'alt h girl, P _ arshis assurance has saved him_ C?"r nom&, overteesk her, amd'$cxr the ensuing tea eery. ffe �vej nig he � and tib went wa=h i= � each agpYallamg the lav of isle dP�v iL F He w in his I , ag znre more penipla love raoney the less he life was � of almosti constant misery: �e ga=tyr &Dosed and seumperec� o� to a C�avem sae s Om a r.� eW- � had, fi UlteYie is that they wPM ever stave im Ira' JaIIuarg, P891, ahe grey. warse, and •"rise last etre si;aYl 'Bee of '<iim, ' sai+l the zae� eta l� 0 F as t .6; �a d , r I fiva •'Lig hard to take to her bed aid visa • o p I a>r5a €3i zs-,� #rte cis the Ir, and tEeas While, serener. a"-G,d itis. i� a s • Ler th and i�rcr s� c mt hi abe 1 tesla ceeIl F1g ail erirtg to the paint a'ff cPeatls_ , Half err Taos.^ prsaseei bg ;tit} E , •Io1seT, veno 11 �{�, TXgthan .....�..,�f� p,�,, 'iSzi�.� y,, ���p� from fad- " • ..'�i see the WI.ln L - At� the time aIle was Yonder the treat- was now indoors in � he> Liqua item, haat11 r Yl Messages. � tt+� •..CLiu• �a fitli.G�Ci''•-_. "i! h.d � � ^ '�a�i^� L2:. r� t � ,,• .i wM at 1G}s a"ems Ids aFzffi �t to b�` - ca> of .tvarx meat a£ Ieadint, doctors. After weary fa ttem�, in the press of Eris t.::tible Flusi- > g® aE tae tae ; Take a Polaslled 3seUa➢1i - a large m©orbs Mrs_ CI?aee IaII dl for some Es '�,e he rcak a hear: v &se cif E==- �_ y; � fg-- hrre4� TI�t'L=- 1i feet or m i, -M with. a %trp1 Tat edge, nese, x12 a6ouG rhes bog she m hP r W esnrael as racomthe cal BFBCD ,ate .�ti �- = ar'e Wautci wr wa amsvaer the plu�e. Smit % andt in October asked her dossier if he having been definitely set free. Bat all at lamtV g s fl r <10E ea al to ser ttlfltxry iia D� £or be �: Im t&e � � E yew in Wiz, ' '`• a 'rr:Fa u at wEMg elag, vaithttxes >irili or maw. dear o>' vtrauPdl eanecirt to her Wing t� once t , dear epesed, Emd thr, boy -Com - s py e,,,` ,�-� ems- a= - -4 .IF. , azali let Lit raga or the air be �t�r's v61s® es news Post Ha e_ rltT:ia• � a rm t i$ tib t_ s was sW.er. S 4 CIM F, g anxe� to and on OcU.B3rrb soar mitacnlst P�I� m. r', he exc:aimed `O I by Gn tae b=essn a� the � � aid, ;or. azakv--in surer warns, lett the be dry vases finnZg .- Here I ata, icister . a g it is £n-1--nt., 'mac- Z -•= a i'O = . g,t s to she: sett out frtrrr that place. On the Wag, 3 sawn maamm&, turd b", eve .z..r rite watch, . Woeci tl � am the "F� �=' ga et - :� sa ':s'-'. HalCii tbe raecaFL azst$ace h � lady, a sir r to her,; noticing Iter weak .and kissed bee. Yvow : st r:�.,e'• v '-' Re I � � � G� , aft 6eEa*i° t-. ln: � t, a. r� «. � Gi `� s*� ,WL:n t;me , T. ii �'Ete Wend is nortle, `E` r --sae it c ttiort stro her to use Dr. ° r,.,I have gee the waw arum lag &-Wm t� vdx =,w:= .� 1� � refs -� t5< �� - ae ._''w _. cg , .aar sa--� east grad �, a1r1a %a • �F `fid The rift& Gaiot;"aI 1[ifI whist t "ZIT wars eeeg -b Ta . , _ - 3, as a o€ about 4.5 degrees to t •. Tieri WiiTiiaY1YL Plc k Pi2Ia, anti agate• am her buts a rough sold.0c w"an:d have ,Lane. He l ffi -" s r>-.- 1. - = .- H'� - �' ` rose, Came cunt to t.Yre [seg, eeut"i him, lag ars __� LL:w -� x- las tom` the Wim stri -- gLmices sad arrival at Leer desttnat,itm her friexsda tLngedl to h e, s e a_ he , __ y- c.<,. j � - jzt, - �' wonder til zem~et1 OIx . be d ai m a, ear `. r^- -yam - ---aa .ate -.'-p - _,wa ever tee edgge +'.acs ;stet casre$ullg &er ter Uig g' baUt1 ea 1, Ind haat thea t"a 1Le dloor, and Yrs c, vaEinsk he Eft Che r e Cru- p y !--* a _=_ l s a the a at soma mEw to ane$ s'rpEyt•- Oast_ 10th site Eouae;stedi Ua give the PInIc kid hEm eat taE it, asef sirain;� : lgi he arssYFsha with a F pP-�d r_ : _ r ,a c _. �%- -- -- � r�e'rt � aLi gnu vasll sc UTie err flaw Pills a tri-, aid soon farail� aGcfi 6cae£ciaT «Get cub, go>a yQ*Lisg bcigas - ' Get back WILHe i,,- -- . ''�-=�� ` _ ` - - .• i - $ Ir�e�flII8iiT t+i) oiS mfr., e'r, lash &a quire.. 3.y t.Q Cart . GID ti:Prs� tY�Br'c +� a II -e "� '• .: " I ata=. Bat = ;`�' •`� �.:—W "_.'�` - : - - , — 3a vra::e_r � iwa over a dam'. f ffeEt that nes neer e n less Qtsltan three g ` r • t t•' . �- -:_- _ ;, tiaae elm ttrt:ataaert . ``v"Lila a reddl fsuea the efiiaer returns"i to his a� � I��l >� I a� 9*' asp,-%-,.�cr� `,e'er .a - _ . - - tlMF 8 s1119ID h a •- . ' '� a� �' - w=a•: a.~''- ' -,=Z , nit es¢tan Hasp, nio>mt ,sLe was iYtlIg rer:tared, end ou Jts ebair u to bWconp"�n;0o9, as be �_ __ �,_ , ,_ is 1;srty of eon- RFi &� the r r1 a€ the _ �. � ria ��; ,t . - ` -� = :. -r- : t : a . ! _ - - L= M. ZM o,E 'Terror in, Parise i n, 15th returners to her home is Michas vmves$his' h� to*ar c y • �� where bei frieacls were rejoiced. e►ncT gralti• damned imsargato: att. 4,e iK� beu dead, ftr az e=z,Z'fc'*r'2f �� +tic ,,,,.m. � :.}k -z" ., . a- _ m_r : :f :L� L�iGL'L* Wt:r6 re�COf� Eno. Elson isracr� - a i�r ,•y ->_ -"id �- _ g #'sect alt r,l WeanclerfIII cissas& which Pink ,« S,) ,ting base tihsir hero?s; then -those t her d3.=�:•� =s _ u.n stn - �d ' ., The abatteii�a is her hgmlth . d 1 tera.a iii Gf ¢T �, s>� ` CZ= �7 � _..a= :.:.t a . r. - . - . - e w _ _ 'r f- ..,.a :a the tanneries an r, '�"`' $ vaffotcg4lC scsiisndrais W-=1. ) aBpearauiee- Stirs. i.'hase has since continued cvmdiUitnn e¢$ L E ra-M ate+ be i 8 '•'� :'-= �� s! - - - 'r ,- W M 1 ::" :a s?, sail is o[eaniYtg oil $earth and sa s that ale r: v t c ;Lean dve vlhiah he i , � �„•-r � a.�! tt"r- -{ r_ -- ' - e _ 1, iz. d W=-- :Lrr •' :n away: Ole o Ua etxyag g=1 , F Jr.Nt-�irtttsax, I:sw teres i.. sak red mm, ic`.- OtiserIstrra� _ raise Dt. Wi> isf"'Pi '1,,K V -d'. I -, Canadsis Uoa.liigldg p hero.; a eagag"' ". rlrLhmt- W-M he wEtr ==I - T� -t�ta� . isrim :s>r� ; � > ,, ¢ � ': a a f � _ a tail ar, dl it *' « Wig_ Ole a,£ 31z,Hm e.--', ate,- W : V'It . ••t .� - � -a w • - : 4 ;, >_ : a .•- - he tank i` .to pills" wlYiu's have reecuecl tier from (iaDt.l y did �,li i ow viii were e+�nga an. Joliet- Whr1s a 6r_ iffi a . - p_ , �a> -_v _: ' ' - .after many gessra of almost hopetessness., Stn;,ui, t✓14rW lathe }ort kaeaYv an; way " r : 'a '^= W v' La cow famem Iter husba,ndl aIso• expresses ilia thankfulness svm�CraEia:Irlr^atua+:LYare-t _ •-s r-- -�^ , .e.. - 14ttr,ldaClzera sm:ne.�'A`�` "+u' . ��L� ==7.: div, 17 : W' -t 'r "e'"_ ''• 6� and apsrediitioa of �F=k s, and tfle un- ' '.�k1 =�A afro �i�7iIa'a YS i.f �' T♦t T�T'P' 1' Ed"ryfi�. rS ,3. --::JAB ']8..`-'' iLi31-.ti'.dL:.!:>_ >n� n.^.1:L _ ffi r : ; `.-,' _'..Z i -� 'UE. 27IIL"i f ' LYG - ". t$a"1a {aLEe L- eYGx 1:Is�lr` [TE .Sa'eI=S�i'La S - -J - w " .. .F �ra3 Fa* ti$rl Iiutl'.P.rf ptea3ure with Which ho received hit1.1 .; +r ;. .v'i'a G� rt=.- nw! ¢- ^ '..i? s� '•1 -} es- -,z :rinse on twv return-, looking so well and "''S .I �,ta% rl SlThey]tti."3, aatuanamai aioa ` =- as t 7-na*= -' Ae a.,.,: ;a: Jr. a -� a -Y - .r .r - ,'! � );tiPPr, vaiiica was, an he truly doscnbelsl it, Vial � ��' � ' j ar'';�-,-. " Ba--amun. ' or a� III. It';+ 3.6• ES $lt 'FS.n" 'rr�+" C.Ci T-' 'R' �i -.�, _ .. :?".,'�U.: _ -.> ...,,- p': > Av+"4w n.s'2 a..^l s.: L"Ln E. .s [•tC@ recebnn QL*.e from tglp diOad. He N'"` is 'Z t,-�.•. 9,'-zd 1Vmm!'` -mance of t)Xf. f71s3it'� ;L G�-.=a.... , r J. ALJ%' .. ,, • w. ,.,i -r .y. r ' enndition; h -JA iilgen strah; '%' �,.%s Tr%,"'&'TOR, as L'1L't� craaaa r:.,a_y .ate -a' `:i ' .y watt theta 6•:s wife's s = 'jl•'her e1>�hlbac mi the men 3.- w=k sm t+•ka - ej.A SF-.�'3"'�i-, 3E -'�8 ! .7- :.Iv :+ -t r t.. ^ � u:A� - !i - �• - ' l r , :T� �`� flit t" Ila C..bS Anl8HC1 a' ,..{, t''� Y R 11. S S"• S¢ v's•r nG—x - uhS t IQ `611,in'7 hLl�y a fes yr yarca she weasel be Y� JrJ arm Cite 817�JFiti(LIIGPz im than be gasae uk °If a•,= _ , a.-. ; - -, - ; ,v'.: W r _ e . ti,e is _.�--`+ s�-� _ : fr.r ,e ob, .t{ to r at, or obra� he alth, anti before - . , t<.ra i "' "secLtd On � paym as an, as %1+iati r - ::&Z -__a a..•n,.A c. :.r. _ . *, she tied h":ea an<lal to the 1t T 2,11 t'. tncx� CSLrIA , ,. fs-_.. !-ta her rr",nritlon ° tl,=& Tis ream r , ,a �. .. .yt _ +o- .v,r7 ,;Gg.. n * it ri emsea eeA7vw1 tri*t&]Il a v Ltf'i'b a T. -9 i+, �C "+ 3�[" 'F. '°` 8 >, < YY •+' Y >W n S' : J H:1tL M h p�, t rs SE CCs, Q §4 "" f . f* for to, 'till ,W a t.,., �':.�k?rq+'_ ._ .,,. •. .,.. �• t t•` _ '"''. " ��� T t:'fEII•� t!'l? Wrt'Fr CaSlle Aa �, P ':+ri ";• ry;tLd ir77ri - G�LUQ is 1•l' YI1ti t SL- 1. e,, or eve aWcermhmd,mr.--er-.�.:L'.I %L'g-•�•,C u',' wwm...'.. 3. i. f, �mtti"a:'. -. , +" . . u.•. .r. t� e.' %!: t)'!'. �I �-.trtnoy ,�.'•ttz�ist*wh0'�eP,De�rt;:: larr f- r 11 �Ir'Jt,ITT.li I.tCttORa `.£' 0 els. to B'Ilww -Jima they �H'�i2r -m. tri, • • :w, .., a' v a . a • d `!'6.1, " r r wi 1! the 1 r ",."� t'• , �y QIIr� tti-gc�t&eza- 1:; =a ..,-- - xat,•A of t)-. L ti i"tissmi Pills Pi11s, SOX ewe$ to eaak ,ithPr* . I r• ., ... - . p). '. '' -1- •. a L;:::and IDT., . s,.:.r,A! aav--:' S'"•' ''•- m'' "'r^• mcN" de;udec i.w)nfita to. thos.! GAing Chem. i r,1., • Hier -S, diol 1 d►,.:etlr fE�amla. i*+.ara- :. -.sem' -a' .-* : - :W�•� r „ ... , .;_so:rr:rt Frnm m:>, f our excshant;�s we cave rs^ r:r, when h, risen to R.^ i. ✓ b :i T t •11.W ," a • :.>. .'" �b , • � I N '"...t: L .' -.r,r{ R : h i 'r,'rHt t Ile ' Cl!Glcrt:a of the 4 rtamn toe ®cervine§ �ID '. jgjl: C,iS EA.iS s 6 • w a ,.. 7e ax..:�'a .s ra 1r �•1� ,or Ii,"Lea 'teed from era ileo r:f Ur. r . ramisn. , Worry, esi 1a►m4w mu ,w-gn&tte• frost. r'' k Lu:e' o3ffi! 1 cGr—SF.le, .r _ .A- ,-, - y m - - - • .,J ti,re!>':,•.:1 nail is . Arca. iI b: 'ra• af5rz;=1�w�' W- I � -L". i'. ""g •Iic+, 1^ri t}1":^,1LS•" "iE s�lta3- .`.1,71'13 T'i1r77 irtbv'�, u tigt<e! aixst auaaYULt hW -.-� .r__it a >= t t Ly . y r , :t;n : ,i '!:r) r iillm tIIsU t,t"P. ;l nt£�"'[FVC t1e rYGl17 ' �+, = ba bta W3.; - Y i X tZt):t� STIz s c.T�ep� ri tsv i a.c+±r :1s frr3aG arzd _ . ;. r, r C,) t^ teres s 1 Y'AL 54 - 1-- ssia.* qr.>. S.- ' y r r1, • m 7a'tn,i, r� til 't: r'; i 1 N�ty}3 [1"e'r+ 0.i:dOIC,'fM �Y A„�r1 il�! 3& ,-_ tit? �, `I aMP�.:..y A!, -Ar = ` .• `� �• r . • . r r ..�'.' :Yale N, r..!it _. "5 'L+°At_ Cry th"�. Cv �u, 1,ne•w 1_ bw.c+� ItT'um :nr;eie. 8 ;sora a 61:, use, r es..or:,u; 1,)ft- 3,&'i :P-rm- - - -•'t•' I . P11 "Wil r1 t, :n„� rKLI.'' `:)Ll i -a 1 `ijC„ ' S ,1 . ^rroati"n't '6• 6iLiT,�Iltlteg3Wm Wi1mut long alert r'�:n� _ . , r ..t , 'Y,tRIT]-9 -%P*- of alf way daWt-, -,bte' g,)W= 1S --n. La hrvo z,- TSYJY"r^t :.a-3.., a. ,. f -. .. I 1.;r :i! nom.. .v.+r• '1 1r-•tl y�•".�.” ,b r."1 r t .1 .. . . tf n1Lb. . J. ;/1,1`. :� w o -C. -. . .0 . .,r , i. W L • , ., � k • • Z 1 r9n a,s -)a` L: y .1' • EVERY_ �'j/ }�j�pyr�[ e#tYTS'�t�1&3aus g41 a 1rnxn:1.77a ^..r- . a • - •' . ",. ,: , , tils!r.: mtist lie, s"id11n- W YheHO �{ 1Q4r-'; .o- 1t 1 i'd.- bA14CM$ tto ai h1t;fL 3CbI$yLnZ' r1,�e ahra` .:.e =- . _ r . r Ar r 4 9 ,tit ,•r t2ke' a 1lFiia' sI>seces I27L, I RIt; Lrs tape'• had �A ' • r " "9• ,I ' �` `I. ,i t • �. r r at' U' I t 9 T• t C":"3 til tli'e tiin ka rif 'zo ..-n, • . -. e. " w i L {Vis gllygicmI ®o v+ra flo'.:4 "''-. i, e± ,r" 0 •')I<3 taut $: P+t n ...`.� 1,'�, r": -r v n h0r P! PCW' ".mel4m t hemi emote• w1, -h rutlea of the race. y- •.. "t ,. r ' a P physi l and will r„sLsctrv':s l 1, �isar,�es, is ,:SSSSSIS . p aZ - - -A. ' �. r [► l,, :1.' {L '.l ,'r °�lE'- ,hatNrzC �{IySiQ0.lggabi(� QLP.Xitnlqq � ti, geuag-iii-the-stmt mad:F1me n l a ^ , - ,. ;,� IIB -, , Lt i �,4 P trtNrt.,, . t3 r,Ite ic-s .ra•. r � i :onus. .1.:a,t f"',r ,-,Yoe toll 4rF .rs znr:�r --, .r.,): ), er i"tY i cm 'a. .hr tNa sada• tri pastas l t »¢ , , . . ( vie..:E1 a3.3atLe1'. at a:1a pa uta , fi:'Is. r r I 17Yeakkltl>18 a7�lei t tae;FY.aµ•t.••" Urn t"M.i a, a. pen.17 aw,<bmp wink tea aavd- - - . 's e'; ' F':n's l.b11s eate91 sickness; w� r. aFatr ' a t ' f) . • U6L2� ®ffiP!ILLC7hII"1.,i."l't IDntii fell" S, fi,8aftj. Isar : 3.7:.. r - ” - '�� .i r•' rr; Gh^ '^ k t, � t. -,, f 7 +.t 1 -it J •l T,ei� LD Za C AtI fir: w: ,, ` "+- .s +l •nits Y1 NCI.3 109.6 t'„A ., . liya6 ''r r � z� jprnd.s, Bf the triintaPss e.�pr:t+ ,, - . r . i -, •1 u•h sulta i gnuLtilha, , ' Le &rip •c*t1I: 'C .t1•I U.': ac'1►eeme,xiL is L� tLiem- - 1 _ - „ ` • , ^ ,. rem t ., ti)iQe as ' mzI` I.a :t1.,1 ,.,,. „, .tr t 1, r. syeteim. ,, ., i fln'3'SS't' IQT' 4 ►irl i#,'t. • 'TIIItP,{� f�14#1'ti'Sii tP..[�r • "� _ . �. y . . - r: ". v : t«r _'. ,s -. - .:*dO it :tt'a ; tis y t afters `n a. a n" ,r .1 1 : .• r.: td, TT '.li,••,sr .rn :r: •b V.E'L' attiract vu Ennio '.hP. 1•' t . -, ^ . , e •• f - +y . . r L't 6, tin, ;1. r+ ,ei i,•, rostra- Y,YJ �1J a *; 7l"f14e '` e " tl ',t,rr�- tscvku t12e43 rep! Medium t3tC h"i.. », to " urn a. i f,., !•, r•. , For err to by n.�l °n r.■c*f' r �yggryC get 7tYL"r. ' `, 7lP. 4F.1i 6n'IItsLLaa• , - ,! , n,' 1 it f1, ,n '^ �t m9oeir•r• ni per cis ('a'r• tl,"r '4' ,_ , -t tit •, + , -•.r ".n :a ad:Y►m-u}t; iutbK 4't*' ^.►'t I,' ..❑ •.!• _ w •'•:r')hil6. `r",n1.. rr j4ipt` � Nicer ...`� rel} t.1tlt'Ztj./f�, .: . . t. + .. r t'�id 4.°: - T, rl :,. vu valise �gR .r h.tmj 7n i:: 1 `,s , b k7ip -" . . . U 4� .:, . ? , I . I . . i . I V . . I 0 # I . 14 I . . I T M t , � • - i. c.-sKc<v:--,.J�efd-,.I. 1 TS.cr-Ta+„-..a.,,-.-, ,.,--meYMnear...re.,nis..c.11•n-na,m�.an.mw+,tA--M1 --sb +wnmo,nt•YAn*r1 " ..�,._ ' +ma..a,.-.�,..,-�.cMo..--.a- sell-....Q^,..�r,.•n..qr-,.--..:...•,-,—Ll-.'.1.---,»..,— „-.,n..,....•... .......,v..•,—,u..-,.,.,,.a....,....,,a...,..,...,,.,. n.n�cm,.e�,rv.�.c...,.s-...,�,., ......,.,. a. ..» ... . t1i, - -11-1 . L , . . I i -, ,I LL - -- . I L., , I lt;=- I . I * � eta A. , a n > •'-+^r. x,t ' v t►, .,, ., "tu- �.^w R1