HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-07, Page 1Taylor's Hardware 1 —FOR_ Machine Oils, 'Harvest Tools. etc. PRICES DOWN, _. QuAI.1Er U p VOL KIX.— O • had., ,D.C.TAYLOR'S' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1892. BMIK of HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capita paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets SI,25o,000 S650,000 $7,979,646 President -JOHN STUART. Vice President --A. G. RAEMSAY. DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. Wcor,, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNRITLL. • SAVINGS BANK.—Hntirs 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1, Deposits of Gl and upwards received and interest allowed. SPECL4 r DEPOSITS also received at cur rent raps of interest. DRAFTS- inn Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J: C. BROWN, SrB:-AGEN^r, DENTAL I. S. JERO'.1IE, L. D. S. \\gingham, ct ill be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and SatVirday of each month. Good sets tQc810„ Filiina_ and e''tractuag-a- specialty LEGAL PA. MALCOMSQN , BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Conveyan,er, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office 'at Traver's old stand. MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT -o law, Solicitor. in Cancery, Convey- ancer, Conimisioner, etc. • Office. over the • barber shop. (r ARROW & PRO DFOOT, BAR.RIS- Jf tiers, Solicitors,, etc., Goderich, Ont. T. T. GARROW, Q.C. \V M. PROIIDFOOT. MEDICAL A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. A O. Office, Kintail. DR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- dence, Outram street, second door north rf Little's sh:,e store, DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op_ 1 •osite Cain's hotel. Ogee hours from 9 to 12 :a. m., and from 2 to i p, m, •McD, GORDON; M.D., C.111.., F.T. •, M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur - :eon, and Acconcheur. Office next door to W. 4.11in's implement shop. Residence Ross street, south of D. li•. 1 `cIntosh's store, Di., D. GEDDES, - V. • S., CALLS tither by , nail or° telegram promptly attended to. Charges mo,lerate. Office, Cor: rigan's hall, Boarding horse. Cain's Motel, Lucknow. GENERAL , ielenhouc ,114ONY;ETO LOAN! ON FIRST-CLASS nr 'r tza;es at to ;1 c:r cent. interest, . arable yearly. Char,•es moderate, Apply to ROBERT ir 11RAr, St. Helens. GEO, MAIR & CO. BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. LUCENOw, FER'T 137'9,1892. TO THE FARMERS : Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 acres of land, and being all the land held by us in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm -of 200 acres in Kinloss, �,nd which we are offering very cheap and on�very easy terms of payment. Several . farmers have, however, ;paced their farms in .our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to spply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we would request these in want of a cheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be here. We can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of interest. - If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trilling expense, We lend money on farmers' notes fcr long or short time, and can srtpply all demands on reasonable terms. Sale notes a specialty._ We do` a general banking business of all kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers, GEO. A. STDDALL, Manager 111111111.1.11111,11,16 ceUrsasaolemmar.LUMMInoilm. MUSICAL TUITION. MISS MILLS . IS PREPARED TO give music lesgrns on the piano or •o Agan. Por terns apply at the Methodist '- Parsonage. �1lfUSIC LESSONS W ILI, BE TAUGHT HT JL by Miss Kaake. late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. ' CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES RVICES 11 a. m. and 6,:;0.p. n. Sunday School; 2:30p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible anclpraver book lcsson's. A arewelcome: REV. W. J. CONN -OR , Pastor. G. T.. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lr -kn w fe;r south at 6:18 a m 10:48 a, m. and 62017. n, North at 12:30 p. nr,; 4:02 p.. m. and 10:28 p. m, ROBERT OUNPIINGI-IAIII, �: S1rRA.�OE FIRE AND'd,l?I�, GUELPH. \o. mi. ,TO EY T( WAN ON REAL ESTATE •zecnrity fur any ti:rie, at the lowest rate of Cott 1 e -t. The principal may be 17aid. .t tl,. e::.1 „f t1.: ,i a\, or a part f the yr:nc:i- t 11 n 1y hr 1,: i 1 ::: h year. interest ccasm,r on the am":-nt paid. For; further particulars; etc., apply 1.,:Ase,:SSTEWArrT, Lucknow. • SIETIES t'. T. 1_ . — The re s11ar monthly • m,•,•tir•g „f tb' \i n1e•11's Christiai, Teml7erane I-nion will 1,e held every second, \ ednistlaV of ''each month in the (irhl`hellows- hall, 1,11, know. t t ;; p. m. iia- . W. H. 1�rlTit, I're-i,lent ; Mas. Ho1,xEi:i., Secretary, JUCKNOW Il J Lodge•, N o.112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in then' hall; Canpl7ell street, All' brethren cordially invited- K.J.McLEon, N, Grand;. H, H, PIERCE, Recorder. • . CO,.P•,COTRD • Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every forst and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. Visit- ing brethren a'r e cordially invited. T. MarrnrE, C. R. D. D. YULE SEs. A O, U.W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF t1• the Ancient Order United Worlanen, , meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second M' nday evenings of each month a eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERsoN, Master Workman R. D. CAMERON, Recorder. tt DUNN'S BAKING OWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 11h CANADA. i INS TRANCEC Farmr,s, 1, •,•1:' to t „1;r „u it inter•'t and farm• private F1wefin - in t'be LONDON%IUTUAL. No large Premium Notes' required CASH SYSTI::11 • 50 cents t', 91 cents fur 8100 f. a• three years, JOFIN LANE AGENT, - KINEOUGK. ' Also a__e9_t ft r tl:o England, THE FALL SHOW. A Fine Exhibition but Fnravorable Weather. The fall show .of the Kinloss Bran Agricultural •Society was held here Tuesday and Wednesday last, and . withstanding the most unfavora weather the show was a decided s cess. In every department the earwere ahead of last year and had weather proved fine on Wednesday crowd would have beet greatly in cess of previous years. As it was attendance was exceedingly good tween three and four thousand pebl being on the ;rounds. The disylay the large hall was a great credit to t Society and would have done credit any exhibition in the Dominion. • Th fruit display was the finest exhil ever made here, and we have it fro those who were present at] the sho both in Toronto and London that• tl show of apples and pears was larg and of better • quality. ''than either of the . above places. This certainly something to be proud and' few years will elapse Fief Huron and Bruce becomes the grea fruit producing garden of Canada. I the finer classes of fruits such peaches and grapes there we also a fine exhibit. The entries i fruit alone numbered about 400, an ,the judges had a very difficult task to make tale' awards. The ladies d pertinent thigh generally. forms .on of the great features • of our show better than ever, both in the class c work shown and in the variety of uses In " fact everything was the arid so delighted was the worthy Vi President of the 'society, Mr. Wiin Anderson,. with the grand' array o beautiful articles on, exhibition lie declared the prizes • for • ledie's work would have to be largely• increased next year. In grain, roots and vegetable,, ..and dairy .produce there was also a big display; while' the fine .collection of bcatifiil flowers and the nicer: ar- ranged cases of .stuffed 'birds feirrncd a hand:o`iic and picturesque back griatrid to the north end of the building. The iahot1-graphic show of pictures. by err local artists also ctntribut0(1 a ^o(,d deal to that section of the si:ra-. ` Tli the outside dct ar mint nothing was lacking to .make,lt a success, but tthewent lit -r was riot tine enough 1.9 ow the visitors to thug-eigl.ly ry t - the attractions. The show in Leads and OiIsJ Elieady lliNed Paint DRY Ct 1LuRS, Very Sai:lirri.,r st WHOLE NO. 976. son was thrown from' her buggy by a eollision with another rig, but we are pleased to learn that she was not seriously hurt. M r. Thos. Anderson, of Dungannon, ch I was badly gored by a lard Short on Horn bull belonging to Mr. A. Patter- son, which he went to examine in the Tattle sheds. A full list of the prizes given will appear in our next issue. The Kinlosle s branch leads theall. The Pre,ident and other officersceofficersof the society are to he congratulated on the suvY'e.-. of the show. not- ble uc- ies the the ex - he Ile in he to e tit ws le Re at is of, ore n as u d e - e was �f Z; re. te- f all all horses, cattle. sheep and pigs was above the a; c•rnge and intlu.l•,l rt ::is ge T of 3:l '11(n% Tlit• 1 e ,l' in tl.e ripe .^.� 'esu d `r:• tt'. all^ crowds and Throughout the afternonr l ,c til elli,t i (':. - :s ' ig crly writrht'a lit- Ili nl.a• •-'.1 ' of =i�r - teit,ers. 1\-e 1:;7v,,. r, t .r:.„ to into a des rintion of eneli evn„t•. 1 -rt. ]-in the f '';Jn.• .111•0 till' result of * ;..h T acc TWO YEAR OLD. Pl:''t•r.i., ,,f homing, ,l, llc'-1lannus .. 1 J. C. Sperling.. ... 2 Pet er Corrigeal .... - .• 4 Jas. Donnelly ; NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specifications and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished on short notice JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Tan .1891. LUCKNOW MECHAISICS• INSTI tate, Reading ronin open every erenin- from i to 10m., excepting Saturda`-2 ,ebc the hours will 1`e” from `2 1,. no, T librarian will be in attetaanee• : tb hours. D. VLE, t' `.•"±`.J,^f' MoRnoas, S.eretayy. 5o,00d Barrels ApplesWanted DCA�N'TELON', OF CLINTON. wants n 50,000 barrels of Fall and Winter Apes fur which the beat market price will be pard. Hold your apples for Cantelon and save money. D (' A 'rELUN Chi THE EE 1-H is ULD. G. Rowe. 1 Jag Fatter son 2 GREEN TROT. P. McIntosh _ ... D. A Ferrier .... .. , -1 R.. Armstrong,,... 3 P.Corrigan .. , , 4 FREE FOR ALL. Cr'o. Rowe .... 1 • 1 .1. R S•w.ar•ts 2 2 Judges—Ren. Crawford, Dungan- non ; John. Purvis, Holyrood ; Alex, Ross, Lucknow. LADY DRIVING. In this class there were font entries, and the skill displayed by the fair competitors in handling the "ribbon was greatly admired by all present. The prizes awarded were :-1st, Mrs. R. Proctor, Lucknow ; 2nd, Mrs. Rose Anderson, Dungannon ; 3rd, Miss Annie Patterson, Huron township. Jud; es- Andrew Waetcher, Brant ; Mr. Groff, 'Guelph. NOTES. In leaving the ring Mrs. R. Ander- 1 1 -) •) :1 3 4 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Dr:CG AIVIQOR, The Wawanosh and .Ashfield show will be held here on the 13 and 14. Mr. Jas. L. Grant, of Hemlock city, was in the village on business this week. We have an old saw in one of our blacksmith's shops here, which only rines on special oocnsions. If vote listen.. -next week you may bear it. Don't tell any body.. According to the SENTINEL potatoes are v>ry cheap iu Lucknow, 155. per bushel. Guess we'll .buy Caters there We understand the Blyth band has been'engaged to give tone to things in general on show day. Rev. Jas. Carey is visiting friends at London. We are pleased to state that he is much improved, in health. Mr. W. J. Daniels, our photo- grapher,' visited friends at and wear Kincardine this week. He is making preparations for a rush of business on show day. Rev. D. Rogers has commenced special services at Crewe. We trust by the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the co-operation of the members a good work will be accomplished. THE LONDON CONVENTION. On Wednesday, Thursday, .and. Fri- day,. Oct. ri-day,•.Oct. 19th, 20th gull 2i;et, there will be ' held in London the fourth, annual convention .of the ' Yeueg People's Societies of Christian En: d.-avoi• ' of the province of Ontario. This organization, a branch of • tb en -eat, Endeavor which has spread th world ever, has been .;rowing, very rapidly in Ontario during 'the past few rears. Last year there were, in at, • province at the times of the Peterber London as nonny as live oar six, for in- calculable benefit will bega•ined from the hints thrown out by the speakers for special lines of work. The London people will he able to give accommo- dation to all who cone. Rally to the Convention of '92. REPORT OF LCCE`VOIY PUBLIC SCHOOL. FIRST DE'PAR'rMS''T. Sr. 5th.—Exec lent—L Armstrong, M McCoy, A Lawson, Good — E Grey. Intermediate—Excellent—NI Gra- ham, M. Graham, A Douglas, A Boyd, J Foster. Primary 5t11_ --A Hornell, W Yule, 8 Yule, K McNabb,' Good — A Miller. Entrarl• t. c LAA—A F nLs �i a:, E Grer, S Greer, J Lees, A llatlae o, 8 Boyd. Loud—' -G 'Berry, A Lawes, W Treleaven, F Cain, W Corrinnn_. SOON[ DEPARTMENT- - EPARTMEN - - Sen. 4th.—Excellent=L 11eKenzie, B Bryan, M Float, W Brennan, B Harrhy and D Flood, ties. Good—I1 Gallagher, .1 Doig` ].as, E McLaren_ Fair—J Moore, A Findister, B Me_ - Quaid, L Patterson, W Corrie„ -an. Jun. 4th—Excellent—E Davison, H Armstrong. Good—J Baird, H Thomson, ties. C Mair, B McCoy, G Douglas; F Mathie Faiiir—M ennp son, 11. Grundy, (often absent. ' • • Sr. 3rd.—l,.xce-•llet.t,—D. Hendleraon, . Joao. 11IeD..mald: A. l;4.04, -,:,Lora Smith_ - Good—E. Vapee, E. Wheeler, I I AIchntosia, 0 Shoebottonn • Fair I3 THIRD DET/ARTIIIEN ndlattt, 3 aurn, E Teor. raossFir4' Stews,SknlbC L`o D R Jr. 3rd.--Exoe]lent — :Hunter. G-ood—A. JeCorvie,, J• Waat.nn. W I$t11 alarm 1s Robbie -ma C McQuaig, . J Stewart, W Lees- Fait• -A.: Ross, A Middletote• L Rte. 7� Sr:='nd.—.Exce]leat-917. Cameron Po Davison., B. Patterson, 0, - :Me Quain. . Good — R. .Aran striiing, J. Laa-sun, 111, ,Finlayson. W. Flndkteer Fair—_'1I. Greer. A. McNabb, Murdoch C. 31oLaren, A. Brenree I1 Watson. Poor—.W. Alin, , FOURTH DRFARTAI et[; e `r 'lid £xceileni- D Flyers, ,9 Doough�s, McIntosh fit••' 'I�gd — _- 'i nt�• `Y • H"]r es. i:is ' e7 •!7.-•�.�t>r 1 7 • C Part'rt:on • :. ,' 1 } =\ -,r l�.lan M Reid, C Vence t,. 1 .:-. ` ee (, :.�1'.rjiii . ,., i Il tarrir,a,iaa. t .-,li 7 _,.eki ill'.: Tl�Z tl 4i%1Lit't:t'� then are 11e,e- S27r,lt> ll7'it'i't of '.h: £ -Tr. f,>d• — r-. • . a -- 2s - T - -1-.71g',1 .i Ly. r,•itle ,a. r .h- me:,., '•Hof or 1 'til "1'.:x'1' Total i enrin•r of r.:.. M s• tciety is to foster the religions life. t, floc young pee; -.lo in the eliitrches, p,l li r t M.:,� r-•.,'L.Jt', F l+a.lall`F:,t•11, Y/ ci - • : , ZY ti societie- in .the world is now 21St a' i' 17 1 ,; 7 ,,), _ 00 nz em'b,e rs. 1t i. ':.i r,'`<:l that 'wards c,f ! 111 d::le,gat s tt i:: .be pros -rt at these a1^tins, at..; Lich ad res:,'s will 1e:> and papers read c'r. .41l.'(, 1s rc atir.� to the work ami sl -read of the gcsj-ol. ill: outline pre ,-ramme issu,'d a few days ago rives promist•s r'f a most interesting series of gatherings, tlri Wednesday,'the delegates 'a -ill be welcomed b9 Mayr Spencor, and local ministers: Thursday will begin with a snnrise prayer meeting, and throughout the day there will be re- ports and addresses given by Bishop Baldwin, of London, Rev. Dr. Rose, of Montreal, A•0andier of Brampton and others. In the evening a social will be given for the visitors in the Princess Rine, where accomodation will be made for a thousand visitors. On Friday the convention will be ad- dressed by Mr, H. W. Frost, of China Island Mission, Rev Dr. Burwash, Chancellor of Virtot'ia University, Rev, Dr. Dickson, of Galt, and otb well-known speakers. • Societies sending delegates should send word at once to Mr. A: J. Clark 3f() Sinacoe Street. London, who will e that the visitors are billeted too the houses of friends. Every arranee- ment is being made for the comfort of the ris'lting delegates, by local En - dextrose., aided by, the city and church officials, and every one comer; will have muse to • long remeahber their visit to London. Brciy society should try and send > t least one dole gate, and theme 'a itbia easy reach of Moo. e P 1: , INr __- -�, 3 a :1:.,,ri anis 1 _iia. -- ETie iic•r:t—I 7'ir�d R Little. tieeCi—: s t•c•warl. J ^ lien:lee- s, •n, L 1 oe& L l.t-, ,ns J Barber, F. 11 i.;lred i E Fina;1 cr, ,1 Mclaoaa?d. Fair— t= Mair, I{ R .e- bereeon. E Tay- lor, F Grundy, a Johnetota, M G=ra- ham, L ,mo`te's- ri • FIFTH T ET'1tRTNIE i • Sr. ("1 — 1,•ti•T]a: Good—E McLaren, W Letrs' en ` W Henderson, F Reid, M Upon:. ;I Kid,. nev, J 117cLnre. Fair—W Minton. 0. McKay, _4 T�nn�la�t. J Mt T.eaxa,.E Fleming AWinny, M Rrran, Jr. Cls..—Excellent—F McLaren, M Davison, W McCoy, M Rar1Xer_ J • McQnaig, G JohnSe e . ,Good — L Armstrong, R t nglas, M McAuley, K Robinson; W Burns, M • M cLure. Fair—Harry Barns. W Ilentiereon, Allis, R Middleton. Poor—K inns•, M Middletot, —Rebecca Wilkinson, of , lio'as- valley, Ina., says- w1 had biz, in a distressed ,condition for three years froTxi N ervousnes Wesekniess t+f the Stomach, Dy"p a, . and Isidigestion until gay health was gone.1 bozigiht One bottle of South American \•errin which done me more good than, any .S<`a0.wprth of d ectorizlg I tem- did , in my life 1 world advise every weakly person to use this N.I;,aalue and )only`' remedy.' I eonside.r it the grandegt medicine in the world." Atrial bottle ll convince yin Warranted 143- R. Oongrasn.