Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-30, Page 8The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce °aunty, Friday, September 30th
Ladies' combination waist
Corset and Shoulder Brace,
These garments are specially
constructed with two wide
finely tempered clock springs
and four narrow springs the
full ,length of the back, with
diagonally stitched pockets
filled with double whalebone
thus giving a complete support
to .the shoulders and spine.
They will prevent and cure
backache, round shoulders,
etc., relieving the muscles of
the back, bracing the 'should-
,_�rs and iin trting a g again_
fbrfn to the wearer without
any di ort: _ -moo Yeaves
the chest .free to ecpand, thus
giving full action to the lungs
with health and comfort to
the body. They take the
pace of ordinary corsets in
cry respect, and can be
worn with ease by any lady,
no matter how delicate, and
are highly recommended by
the most eminent physicians
throughout the c3untry. A'
trial will prove all we claim.
They • are made of the best
English sateen in drab and
21d gold, and we are selling
them at $1.65, .though the;
are worth more money..
We also keep the famous
Watch Spring and Dress Form
corsets, the latter a favorite
with young ladies. Also a
full range of . Crompton's cele-
brated makes,
L-.0-oE1r0- --
Hours $ a. m. to 7 p.m.
W.,C. tt; B. Smith
Holynx,el }
Kinlou ;h
W. G. d: B, North
Goderich l
Intermediate Alin!.= j
L. H.& B. North '
Lang ide
W,•G. & P,.,•S^nthI
14 H, & B., South f
H. & B. S•,nth 10.00 A. m•
W • G.& 11 -North 3.20 l,. m •
Holyron,l) Q • 4.30 p.n1.
+ it!aele and Vie•intti 4,1etr5.
6:13 a. m. Daily
12.30 p. m. • `
2:30 p• m,
3:48 P. m.
a• 00' p. nl,
p. m,
Tnesdays and
3 00 p, n1. Fridays
'.30I,. u1.
Dungannon Show .
The large posters of the .,r,•.tt fall
show ar. 1►unganican nn' the 13th and
14tH 0, t},m}ee•r 1. 1.a.{,(e'1i i.. t1 el tnel
the list of :attractions to lie presented
is the best yet C,.Vr'1'er1 i,`
and if the leather 1.,,'.•, f;tt',r.i'ele
care ,wowed '.illi '„ in at.en:lan. .
.No farttler can afford to ins.;;
shoo' i t,l h . • r.. ;r«' &1.i.; t.lsru'•'•t;
at Dungannon en the above
Send t., the se r• y, ''l r. Wm. JIc-
Arthu; and ,rd ` . 1•r:, :i.t ,f -i:I the
'attrlc Monts
It Never Fails 1 Grand Ball
Charles Stewart, by his new system . There will be a grand ball and
of cutting, is enabled to satisfy the
most exacting. The size, Shape, height
or' weight of the customer_does not
signify. Call and give him a trial.
Prizes at London
In the Ladies' department of the
Western Fair at London last week,
Miss Nellie Burgess carried of the
first prizes in etching and darned
netting, and Miss Susie Burgess also
took first for her large cabin quilt.
Tea -meeting
A tea-meetin ; will be held in Erskine
Presbyterian church, Dungannon, on
Thursday evening, October 6th, when
addresses will be delivered by a
number of clergymen and others. Tea
will be served from 6 to 8, and all are
cordially invited. A good musical
programme will also be given by
the St. Helens choir.
Sell Your. Grain
The great bulk of farmers in this
section are alive to the fact that early
marketing of grain is the most profit-
able. But still there are a few who
persist year after year in holding it
over. One farmer in Wawanosh of
our acquaintance, has still on hand
several hundred bushels. Last fall he
waseffered 95c. per bushel, but refused.
All that he can realize to -day on the
same wheat is 66 cents. When this
farmer takes into consideration the
shrinkage, interest on money and diff-
erence in market value between now
and last fall he will find himself a
heavy loser. ,
Lviknew Fall Show
The arrangements for the fall show
-here on Tuesday--and-Wednesday-next-
are all completed and we expect to see
the finest exhibition ever held by the
society. The race track is in good
condition and from the number of.
good horses that are, already on the
course each day there is no doubt but
a good field of flyers will take part in
the different- speeding contest. The
bicycle race is also sure to be interest-
ing, while the splendid prizes in every-
very-department of the show cannot fail to
bring cut keen competition. On Tues-
day evening the public as usual and 'a
good programme, vocal and instru-
mental music will be provided. Let
everybody go to the show and if . you
have an animal or any product of the
farm or garden worthy of special
notice don't fail to enter it,
A Dangerous Snake
A. few days ago while Mr. Jas.
Brocleband of Brant, his son and two
daughters, were engaged in hauling in
grain, they espised a peculiar kind of
snake, four or five feet in length,
glidingalong with.: head erect about
9 inchesfrom the ground. They tried
to kill it but it escaped into a pile of
stones. Shortly afterwards their dog
caught and 'finally. killed it. Before
this -was done; however, the dog gave
signs of being in pain, Nothing was
thought of it till the dog's body began
to swell when it was at once seen that
it had been poisoned by the bite of
the snake. It was unable to eat, and
acted so strangely that, as a matter
of precaution as well as humanness, .it"
had to be shot. The snake is supposed
to be the "racer," a species very. un-
common in these parts.—Walkerton perjury. Gore„ is the man who furnish
Herald. ed certain statements attacking the
reputation of M. C. Cameron, ex-I.P.,
which led to the libel suit against the
Goderich Star, in which a verdict was
last week. both ; uvck th
supper in the Caledonian Hall on
- nesday
ed--nesday evening next, the --5th inst., the
second day of the fall show. A first
class; orchestra will be in attendance
and supply music for the dancing.
Harvest Home
A harvest home entertainment will
be held in the English church in this
Village on Monday evening next 3rd
October, when it is expected the Rev.
M. M..Goldburg and the Rev. Mr.
Holmes will take part in the exercises.
Fire near Teeswater
During the storm on Monday two
barns, one nearly built, belonging to
Wm. Job, a farmer living on the 10th
concession of Turnberry, about 5 miles
from Teeswater were struck by light-
ning and burned, with the whole
seasou's crop. The loss will be over
$1,000 ; insurance not known.
Farewell Sermon
On Sunday evening last Mr. Edgar
Russell, who has occupied the pulpit of
the Baptist church here for the past
five months' preached an able and elo-
quent sermon, that being 'the occasion
of his farewell to the congregation.
During his stay in Lucknow Mr. Rus-
sell gained the respect of all comingin
contact with him. He returns t:, Mc-
Master Hall, Toronto, to resume his
studies. .
Destroyed by Fire
The residence of Mr. Malcolm Mc-
Lellan, near Kintail, was totally de-
stroyed by fire on Sunday, the 18th
inst, It appears that all of the fam-
ily, except Mr. McLellan, had gone to
church, and he not , being well, could
not fight the flames with success. All
-the furniture down . stairs was saved,
but that in the second story was de-
stroyed with the house. The fire is
supposed to have originated from a de-
fective chimney.
A Grand Entertainment
The Lucknow Dramatic Club have
secured the services of Miss Agnes
Knox, Canada's greatest female elocu-
tionist, for the evening of October 5th.
show ° day, in the town hall. Miss
Knox will be assisted by Harry W.
Rich, also of Toronto, comic and char-
acter singer. This. promisas to be by
far the best entertainment of the sea-
son and as the expense will be heavy'
the club look for a- bumper house.
Dress up in your laughing clothes.
Harvest Thanksgiving Service
A thanksgiving service for the bless -
of harvest will be held in St.
Peter's church, Lucknow, (D.V.,) on
Monday the thiid, of October, wheu
the Rev. M. M. Goldburg will preach
the thanksgiving sermon, and the
Rev. Mr. Hughes, will assist -the in-
cumbent, W. J. Connor, in the service.
The collection will be taken. in aid of
the funds of the church. Thanksofler-
in;; from those who cannot attend will
be thankfully received by the church
wardens, Messrs. John Grundy and
Harry Days, or by the incumbent, W.
J. Colinor. At the close of the service
the sacrament of the Lord's supper will
be administered to all who remain for
this part of the service. All are wel-
come. Come expecting a blessing.
Gore Arrested
}lobt. J. K. Gore was arrested' at
Goderich on Monday last, charged with
Died in Toronto •
Our citizens .Were . grieved last
week to learn of the death of.
Mrs. Odium, wife. of Mr. John Odium,
of this village, which took place in
Toronto . on Wednesday. She was vis
iting at the residence of her youngest
son, Al. for a week pr�,vions, and the
news of herrcic.ath was a sudden shock
to her - husband and friends in the
'village. Deceased who was in her
70th year was a true and earnest
Christian. The [remains were inter-
red in the Goderich cemetery on Fri-
day last. Mr. 'Odium has the sym-
pathy of all in his great loss.
Lines dedicated to Mr.
the death of his wife. • ,
A friend, a mother, a f.'hri+titin friend,,
A neighbor tree to every race ; •
That n,.l,le heart shd ever tend •
To fill with joy an arhin4 pisco.
. Dtar'st friend is heaven reposing.'
Dear''t neighbor ever met
Netw with tunes of j•,y
On thy brow the crown is set.
\hither dear, of +„ns and ,lar. 'hter
•An.1 mother dear t„ < v, ry kind
A fri��r,,l of truth, nh . v• r-••1;L}tt 1: r
With noble heat t. .J.t•u1 tnind.
Now t,'r•• 1 :v. Aer,,,i the path,
Thy l ,..• r t,•. rnore
t 1 ,•it t l.•. �'�
'1'hv ;1 • , „•
.fin .1, a! ••• i•,•..: tt:
•• •t .. t'. Inst t�i:�t • Tu..; - -
J•,hn Odfnt:;
fill vow.- l t' .
:.r` ,1.r 1.,,h•V ;i; -.T
NIA t.'. 11 1, ' t.i, ,lt,• t lig,
1'•t:e ty 1inlai_rttH•ay•nat, i;.,tet.
It. t..
Meanest Kind of Swindling
A bright youngster read an adver-
tisement in a paper a few days ago
stating” a "safety' would bo- given
away for nothing, and to write for par-
ticulars. He wrote for instructions
and found that by selling a dozen
boxes of pills the advertisers would
give him, charges paid, a handsome
safety He went to work at once and
in a few days had secured orders for
the pills among his friends and for-
warded the order to the company.
The pills were sent on, together with
the information that the safety would
be along in a few days. He was so
delighted that he Showed the letter to
his young friends and eagerly watched
every express waggon for the delivery
of the safety. At last after a tedious
delay, it arrived, but, instead of being
carted it came in an envelope' and was
none other than a large safety pin,
such as is used for pinning horse
A Literary Treat
The Lucknow Mechanics' Institute
is one of the institutions in which the
citizens generally take an active inter-
est. Established only three years ago,
it now boasts a Membership of one
hundred and fifty, has a commodious
reading room, an extensive library,
maintains a largely attended night
school each winter and its annual
grant from the Government is one of
the largest in the Province. The
membership year commences Nov. 1st
'and the Directorate are already making
preparations to canvass for an increas-
ed membership. As an iutroductiou
the Directors have niiade arrangements
'to provide the citizens with a rare liter-
ary treat. Engagements having been
made with Sara Lord Bailey, elocution-
ist of Boston, to appear in Lucknow
on Oct. 18th. This lady is said to be
the peer of ' Mrs. Scott Siddons and
without a superior on the continent.
Last season she was called five times
to Toronto and appeared several times
in other Canadian cities. It is very
rarely we have an opportunity at home
of hearing so finished an artist and we
would recotnniend all people of literary
taste and students who desire pointers
in reading to give' the Institute. the
encouragement its enterprise deserves
in securing the services of so talented •
'a lady. Programmes and full'particu-
lays will appear later.
A Shooting Accident Results Fatally for one
of lit. Forest's Itrightest Young 311cn.
(Frons the Mount .Forest Representative.)
One of the. saddest accidents in the
history of Mt. Forest and one that has
cast a gloom over a large section Of
.this community occurred on. Monday.
In the •afternoon of that day Messrs.
Harry•Perry, Charlie and \Vill Jones;
took their guns and dogs and went
shooting. On reaching a swamp .on
Mr. Hatch's, farm, a couple of miles,
west of the town, in Noramnby, a
fox was scented by the 'dogs, and the
three young men`stationed themselves
in a triangular position a few hundred
yards apart. When the fox came in
sight Will Jones who carried a double
barrelled gun, shot it and all three
rushed towards the animal'which was
found • to be , only •wounded. Harry
arid .Will then started to club the fox
with the stalks of their guns, both in
their excitement forgetting to unco,:k •
obtained by Mr. Cameron their firearms. They e
When it was beginning to get hot for
Gore some time ago he left Suddenly for
Detroit and' remained there till
recently, when he returned. During
the trial of thelibel suit he kept under
cover, as a warrant hacl beefl issued for
his arrest, but this morning he made
appearance on the street thinking the
trouble had all blown over. : He was
at once arrested by Constable •Knox
and taken to jail', where lie awaited
preliminary trial, which- took place on
1 A Fine Premium'
The Toronto Weekly Empire ha;
produced a premium for its new sub-
scrilrcrs this autumn which really'calls
for special coinpli'u,nt. • •The proprie-
tors of that psi er have prepared a
handsome picture of the Conservative
1,e•1,:1.ers of Pur•iianuent, well arranged,
e.ecut,:s.l in tl.'• finest type of pinto:
;rat ure, anti vrinted on excellent
piper for trollying. No premium �iveit
away •'i''l;tt ;1:1 r� 111is }t •tr rciunl-
i". Tho 'tholr 1,i 'lire is huge, ani
'.,• Mali frame
tc„ 'n �,•t '„ t.. t•tste ftll
s.1 f.tslti,mnl,lr nt. aclay:4,
..e 1 t' 1. 1t1.1- 1i1r`alh,r111114'llt
t) i. .:t. I •. ltieturt., '.. LIV1• ..l,
e.xns 1 i,i, a,rf rlea••.ure•-•
f 1 `.
1)r. ;1e :11•17',.:', 1
ry 111'•IN . I.
• rtesionding,•
rtu11t1,••1: o11 tie.: 1:l.utooraph t 1.
aniwiil a blow. when Willie remember-•
ed that the loaded barrel of his gun
remained at full cock and stopped to
let the hammer dom n, but pour Harry
struck a second time when die jar dis-
charged his gun and the entire charge
of No. 6 shot and two heavy wads en-
tered his groin, passed thrtugh the
low -et'. Peart of the bow 1 ., an(L• tore t
hole tllr„ugll the upper part of the 1,i1
bode, lncl:;ing just under the . ' i;,
that poiht. The horror of •th 11.e e:ntl r;'
can. be faint ly iiin _ in -el tl.e t 1111
injur,�rl young limn •' tl:. 1 ' " 1'••
c}1„t ,1. 111; C(,1111ntt111,n' nl.,l,,,,l_l.
paralyzed over the •a'
time in. getting :t«i-':tn•, . • NV;.:, rt:,
t') Cil,• ?war(
;.1.• • e:' .
with hitt
5 111,' lir,r'nsly' ��`i;:i•r.:1.',:t
peoCoN e f clic, he.. . •, I1,_ n
eta h,•w•ei:
plaiuitl ly l+�
!`11 t1,• he,. .•
to i .1 -tail
illi„ t„w .1. lel-. .le,r;r .
t'1 1
• �,
' 111
that he was mortally hurt and that a
few hours at most was all the time left
him on earth. With a calmness that
was simply marvelous, Harry resigned
himself to the inevitable and not a
murmur against his fate escaped him.
Right up to the last his courage and
firmness never wavered, consciousness.
never forsook him, and he passedl
peacefully away about 5:30 Tuesday;
morning, or twelve hours after ,reeeiv-
ing the fatal shot. All the time that.
he lay dying, friends of the stricken
parents and his own companions gath-
ateered around his bedside, and in every
way possible tried to show their sym-
pathy: The deceased was one of
popular young men of the town,
member of the Lorne lacrosse club add
one of the players on the club's first
twelve. a high school student, and one
who had to all appearances a bright
earthly career before him. Death in
any form and at any age is a sad thing
but coming without a moments warn-
ing to one with his life before him
seems to be the extreme of sadness.
The parents are buoyed up under the
terrible cloud that has settled on their
home by the almost happy .way in
which their boy met the grim monster
death, but theirs are sad hearts at this
time as the loss of their'first born fol-
lows only a few months after the de- t�•.
of their elder daughter. Kn.. g
this the sympathy of everyone-. who
knows them has gone out to the sor"oly
bereaved parents and the community
is stirred with sorrow in a way' never
surpassed before. The funeral takes
place this afternoon at 2 o'clock and
will be one not soon forgotten.
Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .05 to .70.
Peas .....0'0 ” 55
Oats ..40 25.
Potatoes • 15
Butter, per lb... rolls .12, tub .14 to 15
Eggs, per pound .... t'7
Hay per ton .$7 to 7.7500
Flour per cwt 17.
Where you can get Bargains
for cash: . Just received a large
large stock of all the leading
lins of
90t$ & Shoc5
Also a great variety in Men's
Women's and Children's Rub-
Men's Long Boots
Worth 42.50. Single pair
for $2.25 ; 2 pairs for• 44.00.
$1.20 boot. 1 pair for $140;
2 pairs for $2.00 Women's
Tweed Slippers, 18c, 20c, 25c
per pair. '
Call and secure
of 1lonts at
Mrs. Smith's stock" of Fall
and Winter • Gorfls is now
complete and will be found
cheap and stylish
Ready -Made
En. _Black ;.all N aN y v. it1
fasoionajlle trimmings...
'hiltrf'11'- Mantles cheap,
,11(1 (601t)rin,_r
,1lilll tt, r,;;It(11.
I tic