Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-30, Page 6- ---%-, .
e IW �.,. t.,, w, w roti , _ 4. .gyp "'++ra.-.:x r .. 1 4.
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• •` Not Loft, but Gone Before."
" I am all attention, madam. What is One evening I was passing along Portman
there was puzzlement as well as a flash of
. •
(From «'hittier s " Nhow Bond.'?
your crime? • Square when ahead of me a carriage and pair
apprehension -or fear.
r° i -
What matter how the night behaved
She answered in exactly the same strange pulled up, perhaps to take its owners to
a " I merely bowed and then turned to Mr. A Display Wkich Delis;tted ai (toad of
What matter how the north wind raved I
voice and way : dinner party or theatre. It was still a bitter
Gascoigne, who looked hard at me, evidently Aoaerleans. .
I .. '
Blow high, blow low, not all its snow
Could our hearth -fire's ruddy glow,
" Murder. I killed him six hours ago hast,but rather carious to see who came out,
not quite sure of recognition, ,as I said. The other afternoon three or fear China -
O Time and Chauge-with hair as gray
and then went back home before I "was I used. In a few moments the hall door
" 1f Is. I ask sir to speak to ales tae- men were down at the Monument Grounds
y Pe
-� — ...d
_ .,. + . As. was sire!&Lhat_wip W.da-yl- .
missed b� the servants, sari my husband o cued emt,ttin a flood of light apcoss,
co_ e, a .t�o�ds_alflue- JkaL!' • Ln Waahin tin, evidontl _ at�t_ fQr a,frolic,_ ,
How strange it seems with so much gone
live !
was out at his club I' ltne3w, She paused the dry white pavement, an a gentleman
Poor man ! if he had only been oat, to be and for shout an hoar they were the centre
�' :
OP life and love to still on broth -r! only I and thou
as if waiting to be questioned, or too torn and lad came out and crossed to the car-
spared the shock so anddenl of a wander' crowd of americans who
2 `
Are left of all that circle uow,-
with horror and remorse to go on without ridge. caw both plainly and caught my
" Pardon me, Mr, Overbury," he an- enjoyed the fantastic piece of kite -
The (.ear home faces whereupon
some aid. breath. The man"was the very gentleman
swered me tifiiy, •` my wife ' has no buai- flying that is often the lot of a good
That fitful firelight luted and shone.
Henceforward, listen as we will,
"Who is it you have murdered, then?"' who had passed at the police station a week
mess sh ds m hearing By the bye, I Yankee citizen to ace, Two of the
y a
The voices of that hearth are still ;
I asked, frilly expecting the reply I got ago and exchanged a word: And the lady
think, es, I am sure now, that I have seen Celestials were attired in faultless tailor -
Look where we may, the wide world o er,
Elly lover, He grew-tirred of a secret my strange visitant, but her real self, here
you before -the night ofJthe sngwstorm, made clothes, but the other two still
`; ,
Those li bled faces smile no mora
We tree the aths their feet have worn,
intrigue, madly jealous of my husband, and in all the glow of life and beauty, I saw
swore at last that unless I fled him he her face the light,
ten or twelve days ago i You were stand- 'clung to, the flowing costume of the East,
We sit beneath their orchard recce,
with plainly under garish no
outside the his Sheet Police though their light silk tunics and embroi-
r * . ` a
1i a hear like them, the linin of bees
would bets m It. I knew he would horror in it now, no passion of terror about
y Y b'm ,
Station." dered shoes of richer material
And rustle of the bladed corn;
do it, too, and as I loved the wealth and its lines or smiling lips, and yet -I felt
a I saw his wife start slighly, but I replied than one often sees aside from the mem-
We turn the pages that they read,
Their written .orris linger o'er,
worldly position for whi--h I had married a positive thrill of most triumphant gladness
deliberately to him. bars of the legation. Their kite was of
J t,
as osh
But in the sun they 'riot uo shade,
thousandfold more than an human beim that I had found her
y gr ,and with her the clue
"Yes, air; I am a detective inspector." the famous dragon pattern, from
No voice is heard, uo sign is made,
it was only a question of which of us should to bring her to justice. I could have pitied
I paused ; a very painful duty was made the ground looked the exact counter of
'` '
No step is on the conscious floor! •
Yet Lore iti Ili dream, .+and Faith will trust,
fall -which strike the blow. I would not her, wished to spare her if she had sinned
doubly hard by, his presence. Why would a huge red and white lizard twenty or -
Since He who knows our need is just),
perish, so he must. And he has," she from the oft -told leas henious motive -but
he not be spared the revelation of her double feet long, with a staring bead, blue keis
That somehow, somewhere, meet we must.
said, her hands clutching at the thi, ! -it was devilish, and I was merciless.
guilt and his dishonor before the face of a and a waving tail of flaming red cloth that
Alas for him who neversees
fur. But -my pity was gone ; the I carelessly asked a postman who came by
stranger. lashed about in a wildly excited way. The
Who h psehimee thrrotless,, lays fgh3 ad ypreeiay, trees
woman was a heartless devil. There was as, the carriage swept off, "' who that hand-
•' Well," he said, impatiently, "and what monster cut all sorts of strange antics. For
i , •
Nor looks to see the breaking diiy
little of shame or'remorse in this coming to some coaple from 99 were ?'
is 'our ' business's here, -then, with my a while it would he still, straight and rigid
Across the mournful ufarbles play !
give herself up -as she was acting under "Oh, that's Gascoigne," he said, " lie's
wife ? " except for the ceaseless movement of the
. ; x '
Who hath not learned, in hours of t9ae th,
the frightful, half -mad excitement of horror a banker, I b'lieve ; and ain't the missus
" This, air," I said -and walking straight red tail Thea it would begin to undulate
,?� �
The truth to flash and sense unknowL,
That Life is ever lord of Death,
following the deed. She went on herself : just good, always gives us a sov, for
to his wife li lilt Coached her shoulder. like a great water -snake, and, darting about
And Love can never lose its own!
" I bought a long knife -pistols make a Christmas box; I've heerd she's wonderful
" You are my prisoner, Mrs. Gascoigne, the sky, Strain at its tether, threatening to
noise, i feigned to yield, and bade him charitable."
charged with the murder of Ambrose Hart- crawl down the chimney • of the Bureau of
meet me one evening in the old rendezvous." He hurried on and I went my way. So
"Where was that?" I said as she paused that was her game, was it --one of her vani-
land," Engraving and Printing, and then, ahang- -
With such a cry as might break from a ing its mind, mount away heavenward again
' ..
; 0
agem. ties ; she posed as a dame charitable then,
stricken wild animal more than human lips, with a snaky quiver throughout its whole
I Where we lived. We shut up the as well as a woman of social status, fond
he fell back In a chair, s^d her husband length.
house in winter and the gardens are let to helpmeet, friend to the friendless !
gripped my left arm. . The little Chinaman in a lilac sit!- shirt,
q was one bitter December n ,r' ; that
ran wild. I knew about the old, ugused wow indeed I set myself quietly to work
" What the devil do you mean ! " he said, who waa engineering the ground end of the
for some few hours I did duty nr the
icehouse hidden by"evergccens ; it is deep in to find out all about the Gascoignes, and in
fiercely ; " what monstrous mistake are you oto string, seemed to have some occult an -
night inspector of the Ma.ynai,. street
the aide of a deli. I found it out, but no a few days had ascertained that )lir. Claude
under in identity, man'" derstanding with his strange pet, in virtue
Police SLAtion.
This is built i
else _ knows it -no one ; so the body will Gascoigne, sleeping partner in a certain
be found. I took that,"
« For your sake, sir, I wish to heaven I of which it obeyed his slightest motion. A
had 'brown
police station an old
never care of largebanking�honse, had been married five
made a mistake," I said, gently releas- slight tarn of his alender, wrist
stable yard, the roams or offic - I have
And you: made your lover meet you near yco� His wifa'e maiden name was Ward
Ing my arm, and he fell back a step, gazing would send We ereainre mounting ward
mentioned openieg from t! " wide
this place, then?" I said, looking steadily -a beauty, but poor. He was much
almost wildly from his wife's deathly into apses, and at a sweep of his arm it
arched passage way. that Y• .t from
at her, and she shuddered. attached to her, and indulged her every
face, as she now slowly lifted herself, recov- would go through a whole aerial circus act.
)Maynard street 1Y to the yard itsr• i ; the
" Yea," came those far-off repressed tones wish that gold could gratify. , She ,was
ering somewhat in very desperation perhaps It pulled dike a demon, too, and after
inspector's office was the first doo, in the
that were getting almost unbearably ter- fond of him (I knew better than that !) and
r-auriacious after that first shock. capering around on his feet with it for half
left, as your turned under the archn ay, the
rible to hear, " I made him kneel as in lore exactly the repute the postman had
" It is some absurd mistake, of cause," an hoar in the aafl breeze, the Post says,
,,, ,
other, door was on the right a few feet
jest to kiss. my left hand, and then, as he said. She was held in highest esteem and
she. sa'd, moistening her dry, livid lips, its master was glad enough to sit down oil "
farther down. An inner door of the first
bent his head, I stabbed him downward- liked by every one, rich and poor -always
." Show your warranty please'" the big ball of string on the ground sand let
11 ,'
office led to the enhance passage and other
downward, to the heart I dragged the attended her parish church regularly, avid
I produced i read i and warned her to his arm have a rest,
P t, t,
�I '"
rooms of the building
body into the ice -house when I had made on She forgot no part of the mask,
take Gare of what she said_' But the most remaakable part of the per-
' ' .
What' a bitter night it. was, pitilessly
sure he wsa quite dead', and threw in the clearly.
" I have n'otdiiag to fear or say, except formsace came w9iear one of the kite -flyers
dreary and dark ; ttae ahoatlike flakes fall-
knife, shat the door, re arranged thebuahes, Ar,y had a cottage ornee at Highgate, in
that •I know nothing." produced a light bamboo frame covered
Ing fast and silent, whitening housetops
and went back home, getting yin with my a lovely hilly spot somewhat apart, the
" I mast know more of this, though,, be- with .rice paper, --hich unfolded in the
ani window ledges and roofs alike, and
secret latchkey. I felt only the relief garden large and, to please madame, left
fore my wife is touched," interposed Mr. shape of a butterfly_ A pack of fire-crack-
glistening into dazzling whiteness where
from danger at first, but when it,gr•ew later rather wild and rural- In the Summer they
Cxascoagne, sternly, "Who eras this Hart erg was itsma:t l ro iiy and when it was
the gaslight shone upon it, Sounds were
'-later-and I was alone in my room, it often went there but in the veinier was
land said to be murdered on the lith of this hung on the strut- of the Limit, crawled
w,' --- ---
- --_mu$ied-as-asBan--mutfie,.and.there
-came-upon-me--seized me. is its throes- shot up with only one old caretaker. "Iron
ant -h-1 -My wi€e knows no such person, steadily upward tilt within a few feet of
., a
was not a soul in sight. Who would be
the horror of the bloody deed I had done, may imagine my nese steps I visited the
and if she had why should she mord" the dra;ou's head, when the crackers went; .
*' `e�
out such a night and at nearly 1 o'clock
My God ! The hideous gilt and terror, place one day, ?ntside, took the bearings
he stopped- off with a bang and the framework folded
unless compelled ?-yet the next moment
she said, wringing -her hands_ " But ho and part of the paling where I caaid besty
"Becaus- unhappily,air on our wife's a and stmt back down the stri
P ug-
some one did come along, plodding his
forced me to do it ! He drove pia to it ! effect entrance to the deserted grounds be
own confession io me about� 3 in the morn- When finally tired o: their sporty the
way, a gentleman in a furred ulster, a
The fool, to think I cared for. him more fore dawn, Lie perdu till daylight enough to
>� of the 6th, at. Maynard street station, Oriental's hauled in the monster, ani as it
Y .';•
rather handsome, but forbidding looking
than gold, and position, , and the world's � and then search for the ice -house -the
that man was her lover, and threatened to lay on the ground its constructioti could be
marry I thought Ho Paid, as he passed,
praises " tomb of the murdered man_
tell you uuless=-- 3 clearly noted. id had a grotesque face, .
" Detestable night, isn't its no cabs for
" Complete your statement, madam," I A grim enough search it was tco,.I tell
" By heaven ! you dare to face me .with with a gaping mouth and windmill eyes
-f, .
lova or money, Good -night
said abruptly. Who was the murdered os. in the cold gray of itis first streaks of
Y , g y
such a black lie as that:" he cried, lifting that blinked with a rotary motion. The
# {P .
"'Good -night, sir,'' I answered, and
u:an?" =< ,�
. the winter dawn, bat , I found the dell
his clenched hand but I cauaaat its I. was a body was made up of twenty or thirty of
watched the retro atin� farm, wondering
The woman answered in the odder: way, -and after careful search I found the right
Powerful man and held hiva easily. tlae lightest discs- of race: Iaaper, varying
vaguely who he vas, whence he came,
as if suddenly oblivious of her own hor- bustles among the many I that grew,
""Gently, air, and read this. I don't waist from ten tN three inches in diameter, ane
and if he were homeward bound. I no-
rible confession and the fact 'that' I. found the hidden door which was bolted
to call my man in," stretched on ue:ie-ate bamboo hoops and
w te -
tired, that as he walks l each footstep was
should of course on that detain her for as the murderess had left it, and I feared
His hand dropped -he vias ashen pale, Bitched taandem a Boot or more apart, The
instantly obliterated by .the falling snow,
inquiries. " : might make a noise- being rusted is by ilia
but be never moved as hp soak the fatal whole was won.ierfully light bot when ex-
�t a.c+:
and then I went back t,� ilia charge-raom
"•Only an obscure gentleman, with no ten days' damp -so I 'did not to
confession herself in the spirit t--uly had tended preac--ntcd a sr;rfa,ce to the air ths!:
and the fire. About half -past one two of
r .attempt
.rienda who even knew where lane was ; he Open it. Indeed, from this point,, both duty
made, As he read I coolly took the knives mode it float like a blr�i-
4 z
' y
the usuil • kind of night charges _ were
will never be missed or asked- after and and caution nsquired a responsible witness,
oft' the table, and put, them away from her Its owners said that this was not their
µ ..^
brought is-:}` bedsxeued woman as drunk
never be found I an. safe fraiu even Besides, in tent I was t we
truth, ag .
reach. I had seen her loo's and read i, feast, os. kites That ca ize gas S°ptt 9Lia, and
as could be and a ruffian caught with burg-
suspicion." should, strictly speaking, require a warrant
Then I came near her a'am. there would prroiablg be more dr+agans aloft'
ling tools on him, hiding by a jeweler's
Was she, after all, some half -mad crew- to search the premises. I returned, here-
When,11r. Gascoigne gave me back the in the sky_ They were merely cut for a
t,� '' L
shop; both were locked up. And afterthatall
tune under a fearful hallu�cinaticu ? Some- fore, to Scotland Yard, went; to mysaperia-
Paper and turned to his wife, I think I gt,acl time, awl, as one of tknetn remarked
was quiet again, 6can, toward 3 o cloce, I
haw that idea would not bald me --tine gr5m tendeat as sown as I eonid,'and told him the
never saw so tzriible a clzatt c in any man ; with a friendly grin, t6 Thie mlakce ld'e
ti L.y
' "
ma say terribly still and oh how bitterly
reality of her confession did -despite the whole extraordinary story
he Alit have grown ears older in those flo inn how_" .
n g y n. y
T y; � . - -
cold. So deadly still to be awesome in
the sense of that silent white world outside
strange, even weird, unreality about her
As I had ted he absolutely stared
appearance here and characteristics. I y
minutes. .
, , N
"'That was the very Hour " he said, `
,, L
-so intensely, strange cold, that she even
and demanded; " Were you dreaming,
said, quietly, keeping a suspicions eye m Overbury? bosh!
« ' ' $Esc iE Island to timers.
slowly, that you evoke upwith a start that
,, �, •;
ss. ,reading by the fire I felt, as if an icy
her movements; though escape from pursuit t„
it's absurd- And Mrs. Gascoigne too
The cid fellow hustled a to alae desk of
aroused me too, and. cried out those very P
: >'
chill were striking into my very flesh and
was impassible ,
a< But Lstaad unmoved persistent
words-•-' fly God ! wha't an awful dream !' iii�rrizage l.:e€ise clerk, and without any
blood -and then that curious,
.Answer. me three questions, please,
l d'orm�sii: lir -nrelimine3 he
-but would not tell me waist you dreamed. y t :
sensation crept slowly over uaa which some
madam. iVhere is tare scene of the nnurdero in my story facts which were posing-
Wss it this, Olivial Speak, J hi oven's `< Give me a marain€;e hce Ltc."•he said,
of us have felt, of not being alone, of being
what was the victim's name . and what is He was staggered, 'I stool so high as a man
t " asci t ire iw to ane a aic�..
name . I reit_ know the truth for oar t
watched by eyes that followed every move-
? of probity, capability and superior educa-
year name and address ,"
tion. i his by
" Who - for ?'' asked the ungrammatical
silence is terrible_ Have you been faithless al
ment, every breath drawii_ With a shiver,
clinched wavering my com
'She gave such a violent start that she .< t
mon seise- I.t't as quietly the wase
, „ clerk
or arae to me. Answer:
i ever ti and forced myself to turn. toward
the door, and loos; over the high railed desk
quite staggered back a step Buri Bang out esu sir, take ilia surgeon and oto -ani lit
t' � g g
She sprang to he_ fest like a tiger at in elf, of course."
boy. The cler� a loan,- whistle of surpri�
table which rose like a counter half -way be-
her hand,
�� My Cw lid 1" she said in a iaatua vyhig er to search thsit ice -house. If a murdered
P corpse is there I'll that Charles
�� It is all false,' alae cried ifizr'rely ; ";oat "'How old are yoa,? " he inquired, open, -
tweeu fireplace and entrance- I turned then
r . •
and was so startled that for a moment I
« ," . not admit
awful l Gverhury to a dreamnn fool -and leave the
What that g
SiTiW that last I
paper is a fo forgery. I arcs alae i at your mg Sala his book_
l P ° l> y < �"
stele! How could I be at that man's aline Sevaatty'fir�
stood absolutel stili as if frozen.
word strode round the tome. If it is there -well, we get a war-
desk,to to revent her leaving, and in that
P rant to the on aasp:cion_
p " Ever been married be!ore'!"
station? • I at home all that evening,,
I. was not I had heard neither
opening nor closing of that door, but I was
arrest woman -
second, reeled back against the wall with a You can hold me to my words, sir."
I,never knew an Ambrose Hartland"— IWrs : this is my i6ratoffvsace-„
« F "g". What tits niaihie.f does
g a ,
not alone anti the door Was still shat On
smothered cry -there was nothing there ! <• B o you've beaten m Overbury!"ay'
The woman the form was ane -as sad- y 1 �' y e'
I interposed. The z-. man of Your
hotly was found in the ice house. last h Want to marry for?" _
the other side of the official desk stood a
ycuug and handsome woman vrrapped in a
• g lie exclaimed. Your earnestness forces
deal as mysteriously as it had come. I
wrenched open the door and ran to the itself on me, strange though your belief
p sprang
the knife by it. On idea body identified " Bemuse he cam"
to -day by his late L=dlsdy, we found " It isn't wean a diffi,eait, thing to marry,
costly fur cloaii, tviL2a the hood partially
seems You shall do as ou wish -we ll
arch going on l'ai'r street ss. swiftly that :i y g°'
9 but I don't know how such a queer story
q y
and letters of yoar% asci the lost arranging � it?,
drawn over her head ;she stood motion-
less, her white hands clinched on her
nothing T o:. fle-h and blood could possibly
P y will sound in a matter-of-fact law cocr'
have been many in either direction, .�
„ 91ay rias poi for some folkxt,m said the
that fatal meztinA
: "
'She sucdeenly sprang at me and tried to a� apPlic%ntw, hurrie4ly, bus, it am sq
breast, looking at me -'through me -I felt
bur, nothing was in sight , it had left off Well, that night we three went, the
grip my throat-m-addened, I verily believe forme_ I made ray first Atieamt When I was
. as if piercing to my inmost soul, with such'
snowing, but there was not a footprint any- superintendent, Lhe surgeon and myself,
-but I caught her hands aaad bore her back �, and for fifiF_t;c•u years I've kept steady
nnntterabie horror in her burning eyes and
where is the snow, no* track of a wheal in absolute secrecy being necessary at Present
to the chair in almost convulai,Ons_ at sty but I sever could gets wonraaca to sip
ghastly face as God send I may never see
Who ? What °
the roadway. lest the least whisper should ranch oleo
Gascoigne, She the very to
< „ `yea ' until dskt nighty and I'll mwixrfled
if I knows how hn
again, was cite was she
I turned back to the room and sat down. was woman
I s oae hap�Q and I
I scarcely remenih-er a greater sensation
r ,
There was a wedding ring on her finger, but
that was not lag ;there was, not s flake of
I was staggered and thoroughly shaken, I take poison. if she could not escepe.
I got that door of ilio old icehouse open
than that trial of Olivia Gasoo ane n ads in don't caa;me. Is., s enough if she din], and now .
I wan¢ to isaat^ lacea�
N, p
white on her sables either. Had it ceased
confess, and itr was some minutea, before
I could pull myself togetner.. Then I read and stepped. in first, holding high the
the world, the more that aif w waispers Vic; aazgl .liaco her
got aboatOf something uncanny ant the bot- clinched before gide backs rout Uve gotGher
sno:vini;, then, or had she comp in a
carrimGe or cab :' She must, each a might
again the epnfeasion i had taken down, lantern.
ward for folded it There it lay at our feet -with flax loath-"
tom of its discovery. Link by link the evd- outside in a3y% wa,aaa, with s pralaa,�en
deuce watching lar r, olid 1 want to laaastAe .oath
She did not look, insane either. And how
word, and carefully
away in my pocket book, thankful I had some creeping Wings of the horrible malt
was put together, and she wan con- you
damned. That and tat sine disci_ :She bald lire' license; The pr+aarher a waaiang, and if
-had she entered so silently ? All. this
not written it in the useful book. For I above, below, on the walls -thane rigid, Isle-
managed to choke the windpipe with her the1° s as Frccenting Providence, you bet
flashed tf:rough my mind in a second, and resolved
at once to fathom the za if frozen body of a murdw. red maxi _
3*stery, .. : a *
own fingers air. Gast aaign,O went abroad. 111 riot„ fill a lx&:=helom"a grave_ Here's your
then I said kindly, for I pitied her : , possible,
" Will take. that seat, madam, and
and unewth the crime so strangely
"Is Mrs, Gascoigne home
money. Gond-br, and the baippy m,n
9mbbnrl hes horosae and for -wegigon.
you revealed
tell me what you want. I am the inspector, doubt,
to me, by, I had not the least at ?"
the murderess herself, not in the At 3 o'clock the next day I asked that
ran the
She Axed W,14 i Bim. -larlr,man live Oscar -
, in charge." body,
but whether spirit from beyond the question of the footman, who answered my
A young man with a broad -brimmed - -
It seemed as if my speaking broke some grave,
or "'similitude " I+care little just now ring at g9 Portman square.
straw hat on the back of his head and a4pok D -d as lee rirased.
ell perhaps it ave her courage. She
'm r P P g g to
He looked curiously at me and m com-
think. That a frightful murder had baso y y
of forgiveness for everybody' eon hill' ta.r:� K�t,c3:ara�l ('o hie aid cl.ataeanale, avlaQam he
,` �
moved a step forward but neither sat down
� � this
nor for one second dropped that weirdly unreal
on -then across to cab_ I was well
night committed by the real self�of the P� y
visitant I had spoken with I felt dressed+ like any ordinary gentleman • my
entered a suburban car' at a Mouth side
depot • �tcrda afternoon his snot by �haar:c)=Comae rlglnt, into Ila®
to y , scanned tine few lies,
horror-struck axe whether I lowered
g• as
P '
'rentals as of my own existence, but aubat+rdina'te wore a rougher cloth and lard
�, old ta:am Here s the bottle, Have
e Aere who h9A ne abaxrd and took
l� nm � a drink.'
mine 'or looked at her I felt her gaze., all. Trow
to find that actual personality, that no pretence to pass for geniality.
his tasat by itis sial a of a prosily black escd ltenkcr-Ik*ea your wife le-. drunk ?
the lame watching me as mad people do t <' Y sir she is. at hem bei ahe.and
g P P handsbme woman who, fa_se to her has- �• e,
sometimes. Mr.
young Wonaa.-a laa.f•w:a►y down t -%a atsle coos
' litektvooil-\4 h , of 'repose !
aczrordiag to the Chicago Tribwire, y Hare a
band assassin of her aeons,Our livr�3 Gatswigae are stall as, the luncheon
,� <, , P ,
I Wabt,' she said, to m9ke a confea- to Lige world re and awed doubtless, table,
t,, ess, as
. ,
« cigar won't you!
l Your paavlon, 6e said, with an '
. j p
cion of blackest guilt, and give myself al), one honored, admired, praised of men, I I stepped into the hall, however, my mag
ea a < -Thanks.. Dana year wife a
� �
g•• -mg smile- The car isn't full yet, allow oda ao �ok,O Qparifl in
to justice. � felt I must discover ands un:aaask her, but following at once, Tial;
It then
bat ant, aeon will and I think one r lea9a
of tang
i . p a Wo
h'a'0"ts _
Was not mere statement or words where was the clue to find, her ? Nothing Give your mistress this card,"' I said
that went through me u ith= an absolute her quietly, " and gay I wish to apse her on one
g Brae rxwible save the ho
getting iron azndrsira4r.o seat nnaLa,e if
.naeil:ea Ll a snia> ti ,n one's elf. IJon't
Kick lCwoosl-C4rtminl + We'll l� ze dljn_
y h
e. of seem
P P g
shoes -we often hear such s atettients, i hunt
business-" p yom
think so_ '
per, and we'll amrNmnd t , club
son, would all thorough_
especially after an at crime -it was the g
fares and public resorts When o$ duty, I
and I bloodless
The servant, took it with a dubious look
" Ies, air', I do," s;lae replied, rising up a3
and punct Lanae o. the !nays
Blinker -Does your sbiffe let, to the
manner voice- saw the , thought at length.
and went: into the dining -room. My con-
and a seat by the side of a
you ,go
lips moving and every'line on the quiver, 1 We " tees," like other folks in their lin ce,
stable sat down on the hall chair. '
white-haired old My on tim other side of
li iakvvoodWh of course !
et the voice sounded as if it came from
y often get our blood up over a difficult piece
a distance, strangely muffled and afar off- of worn that a fellow on his mettle,
I hoard her voice -'resold I ever forget
rge' it.
though now it pounded natural, near, not
y ,
Bunker -um -where is -v,Our wife!
P a'
low, deliberate, painfully level in inions- I and I did in my, at present self-imposed
leve! or fall of re messed horror -ons in
P y son
great many w9no ir3' to act the prodigal
find too late that �
is visi. rtela+birea in tAre
c"°unt5. g
tion, as if under intense. suppression, and + task_ sly only confidante was my wife, for o"y surprise, so secure was the woman off instead,
for all its level tone, instinct with a passion Rose would keep her pretty mouth as dose t her safety
they meted rig
Bat't'y- i
Miss Budd's
`< '
and terror that vibrated in each word: Oat J "
as Lhe grave, and besrdra I wouldn't for the air, Clasrlea Overbury_ I dap t know
bete are no ties on an
bear-. is like a rolume in a
w+ardl I did not start or move a muscle,but a ach a name ; t wa
World have had her feel psalm my lite like, do
air. Haller. Kallerr-Whatdo u � ci 'Ilkling hb'rary -, "How' is thalt's"
internally I. felt a slow horror creeping over t enmhat t
t4n,? mean,
P g constant Absenr„e off duty,'after six monilia Cary geatlernanlike, ma'am ; iitill, fine-
ix o
Bobby ? Bobby -The Telae axlh�ivepapery I Not, to bar kept„ louim. a mn two Week"-
. my whole being ; there was something in- absence, too. So I•told her ail. ' looking, I should any, ma'am, and msybe you
are aittirag,On basalt been in the chair 1 It is reperrttwl that William Black has
expressibly awful about this woman and her A week passed without any result from 1 about 4t1," long
enough to catch any. l a nnounc,a d abaft Andrew fa,arnegie will be I `
grim errand here in such an hour and y. P I " Do" be look like an imposters" said
m peregrinations after the unknown mar-
Hopper -aid alidgley anally die off he&A I the CMI.rid figure off his forthcoming nov�eL
night, deremt, but then she might not even live in the master's roice, with an amused ,tong faiiltan�e
Instead of opening the proper book I took Landes_ " MZ dear Olivia, Al
? Priddy -lam he pmpasad to, -Ala Alchise n glint, Of whores is., is predicted
•ass Gailey, and failed
I wondered if we ever met -both your cha sties draw such
a large sheet of paper upon which to take in bodily form, whether her spirit that had folk. "
ass she to a, tlsat she 'WVuld sturel" iii is in
Oh, t3ais is to Budden t" glue shock 0i i W,ormlo Smpp®rt�g b� b@end �'eep�
down her statement -why I never could sewn me would recall my facer whether she " No, air, he is nothing of that sort, I'm him
quite have 'told. ocould then fear that her "awful dream "- sure," returned Joeephas.
" Yea," I said quietly, in a matter -of- if sleepitig her real self had been -was more " Well, Wow him in here" the
" I ®mint my rights!- fiertely shouted a 1�'A%hcm-Everything I tsar too You go, in
bass-vtaiccd woanan from the tforma� one oar'
course, ofhcial manner, as if nothing in the . halo a dream, and that ite had in trine per. I was ehown in a handsame dining- the
could startle the coolness of an ex- bnt I
pi and taut, the ot$a,ez: Lriwe Som
woman suffrage irneetarng, "= You . s� (29a+aughtffnll las (least what GttxttFe boys has
world Curbed spirit actually betrayed'tdie hideous. room as entered I saw alta Gals- have'em,"
perienced police officer -I am sure nothing sec -et of her double guilt to, of all people, a coigne, who was seated by the bear* from
two laAa'37 fes
piped the husdsens--a timid voice , pap& r
a farawaiy -corner. " Here's this trviria, 1 '=
ought, all things considered; if any, a%Peri• detective_ I thoui}bt Rine would, if cocnit change color, and I eon csertain ahe held and
make a stock out of a tnau. her
It is poi the daauciaag, gnat dins hu
I'll go to tete neaghborag and gather app pgre+t is.➢ amngrmrgFr," asaya We
epee tarn quite atxideate were dight. breath ; but in the look alt's gave rite tl:® silicon" pQ„ ego ,.1.
ooarapl;cnia� the rasatlt�r moot Lie.iarfiiily,
- ---%-, .
e IW �.,. t.,, w, w roti , _ 4. .gyp "'++ra.-.:x r .. 1 4.
M1 1
w 4