Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-23, Page 2• ook `4,t *tar „ ...momormrem......•=•••••••••••••14 AXE NEM A WO* NUM ETANDENTS NEW NOM ling SAD WMERE FOOT OF ILAN Nzvsg mop. in matins OIILEWNICTORLa. ---- • ----- ..esesse.t.,,,sessesessessesseesee .,,,,„esseeseeetestemesetsees ___ wild mare who hag been eared near the A. Standish, of No. 267- South Efhird street stables of Mr- Cox, the horse -dealer, of stn y has been coterminous ...; we esair---"esseessesseesseses ----...4---4teeSseese alma truck to c ape. de tea hs south. sae the p bates hospital, Faye wedeee Stamford street, some years ay. He was ployment of Munshi Abdul Keehn as ' essesern Spain. During the latter part of dee% elphia Record. She brought in his yard one day when a lady, not par- &cretary to the Queen. The ilunshi is a .Ampszt this man was seee several tunes by her nose, or rather the remnant of it, to ticularly noticeable either for elegance of native of Agra,. and was born in 1863. batons. Ile was tan, thmared in shine, and hospital is a piece of brown paper on Mose figure or attire, walked up to Previous to coming to England he was for hie beard and the hair of Idolised hung tO day night and explained that it had been tended and said she wanted. to look at a several years in theaervice of the Nawab NM heves. Efforts to speak with hire were chewed off by s huge coach dog that had park hack. He glanced at her for a' moment of Javier& He has held his present secre- no vaise am ke always ran wksis appreuebed. for jrarSi slept in the same room with her. and then led her to a stable with a couple tarial post since 1888, &mil is said to have inatweek a search party was organized to When snout to retire she ateoped to pat of locate steno, recommending the choice of found hie potation as an inetrnetor of royalty eaptares km, and after two days' work the dog, it mede a jump for her face, two hackie one at £120, one at £150. The a peculiarly pleasant. one, while the Queen. amesederl. The man is about 50 yeses old, and lank his long, sharp teeth into her lady did not jump at the offer. "1 want is eiathnsiasLi® over his merits as a teacher. sad has been in the desert 25 year& He nose. something better than either of those." —Lady's Pictorial. tont& captors that he wag a settee of Screaniing svith, peen and fright, Mrs. "Of course, madam, you can have the best Verse* fipairs, and at the age of 24 had Standbh wee unable, for an iastant, to pro. horse in the kingdom if you like to pay the e ea' She Wanted. a Norse. and. othing was Too latereseing Letter Front air Explorer/Oath_ of the tilatelesh Degree of Losalitadn Fortralt of Manabh. Abdul kart. iiien size and Role Is !woe of the tato ' beon Iladrid cable says : The imporcial A nem of tie Parillhou remark"' sten' 41"wernillg * being grafted to e face of Mrs. Elizabeth a atory of $ visit she paid „ee,a;a--' yn7L,e.ass, ssesealaee Ihietits lismelaiteltabasiour. Jcisesph Tyrrell, of the Dominion Geological Survey, a graduate of the Uni- veraity of Toronto and a brother of Mr. J. W. Tyrrell, land surveyor, of this city, has been spending the past summet in working up the geology and paleontology of an un- known section of North America. A letter written by him on July 28th from Fond du Lao and sent via Edmonton was received by hi's father at Weston the day before yester- day, and contains some interesting informa- tion. Mr. Tyrrell has been very successful in collecting specimens and in visiting terri- tory never before visited by white man, save the employees of the Hudson's Bay Company. He is away north of the 60th of longitude, and between the 108 nreeked ea a barge itockinf fac tectiterself. The dog stood on her prostrate price for it," was the eply. "Do you know the horse the Some of Creates sayings. the daughter o his body and deliberately attempted to tear After a pause, the visitor ' quietly said : The legitimate motive of our Goveritsent resendikietasciother, nue the parents ef ties the flesh from her face. She grappled with is to do equal and exact justice 136 &IL our people, glee forbade the alarrhsge. The young him and rolled about the floor, holding a and grant especial privileges to. ismeplis eloped. A few miles from tight grip on bis throat, until the noise It is by those who have special interests *egg were overtaken by the auumfacturez attracted the other inmates of the house to to serve and not by those whose interests ap,,,ay ua oomea off the dam ter,, The The first to enter was Miss Cora Standish, are in common with the, masses that the ballot is corrupted. ageltwee friends, who beetthe joung man her room. !nut Inas lacked up while recovering her daughter, who had once fought the dog injuries, so be could not, cora. foe her life and for whom he had a dread. meat and are to remain so, there cannot be If the people sire capable of self-governate with the gig/. When he regahled She caught him by the paws and dragged too many safeguards about the expression of ids lihesty ake had married s Lugo banker_ him from the side of his victim. The their will Mat started to leave the coantry on an ant- woman's nose was found in a horrible con- The discontent of the employed is due, in awe ship, but was shipwrecked Gift:spade dition on the floor. Ihrhile friends dressed a large degree, to the graspirg and heedless glebe All perished except liim, and he be- the mother Miss Cora wrapped the torn exactions of employers, and the alleged dis- lima he shoed be a recluse. Consequently to the Pennsylvania Reepital, where Dra- crimination in favor of capital as an object of governmental attention.. ammo convinced that Providence Wended flesh up in a paper; and the party hurried eacisty oe man, ever since. enquiries in and delicate operation of replacing the is constantly exposed to it. Its foreign The nation that cannot resist aggression biked lived in the desert, avoiding the Green and Miller performed the difficult lam the lespeecns: adds, tend to pram the severed member on her face. Human flesh policy ia of necessity, weak, and its nego- lends of the wild man's dory. was needed with which to make the graft, so a triangidar-shaped bit was cut from her MINX" BB TM TROLLRY. - It and sewed in place. dog is evaluable animal, and persons Igarr ineetric Jaaggeranata cmalies •114 a who have examined him state that he is in Tessa Bicycls Life. perfect health, so there is no danger of IL Tercet* report says : John Henry hydrophobia. He will be kept incline mu- lleins% & young men 25 yearn of age, was finement for several weeks, until Mrs. igsgisel,Wed bat evening by a trolley Standish is quite out of danger, after which ear Ong west on King street. The he will be shot sidlestairate man was employed as assistant firm= et the Poison Iron Works, andwas Kee. Irv" linnaktees at Mame. isiiUliiiiVst efridieg to and from Ms work E• 3. O'Brien write* from Boston, Mara, emsktarirele. Last evening he left the shop to the Moncton Transcript : I wish to state .elealter 6 (Mack, and was proceeding that the announcement in a local paragraph street towards bus home at No. that I intended to move my family to rielesigten avenue. It is =de/steed Boston is incorrect. I was, it is true, forced. Iimetwissa oppoeite Government House be to leave Moncton to obtain employment •Iktrusd eat to pass a trolley car which wag him many other*. I was on Boston Com- - in the mune directien, and when he mons on Huntley afternoon and it seemed as eels yards in front of the moving If evtiry Other person I met was from the surtureed in between the rails on to the provmces. Some are doing fairly well and =pavement, Another bicycle rider some are worse off. It is not ail sunshine we was not ascertained turned is fn Uncle Sam's domains after all- My iattkesentemenneet from the opposite side advice to young men and women el dm track and dis two riders collided. of Canada is to stay at home, macaw= thrown front him wheel intim- hang on a little longer, the tide will soon Addy in front of the approacteinteeptror, turn, and when it does, it will be with such Anargaging bus danger, made adesperate a rush as to swamp the government which attempt, to save himself, but it was too late. is so largely responsible for the hard times • lea matteet, the car was upon him. The there. Every man I have met from the bogy was evightftdty manta, she tett leg Provinces yet has declared that if there was bang eempreteer severed frees the betty. a change of government he would go home Tee realm= were removed se the morgue in to -morrow. ‘ The majority of mechanics ' I iseparien peed waggon, and an inquest have met are from the Provincea. I believe eivii is held Wont Coroner Asian- * this that this would also be true of hundreds aftereems at 3 o'ckek.. The deceased lived and hundreds of gating men and women. I lam& gather and mother an weningten would litre to glee a word of advice amenee, and enuarthurPolson'abretliessin- to you mothers of Moncton and every- where else If you care for your daughters' - welfare, keep them at home. This is no place for young girls to come. Them are thousands of human snares watchnig for them If you value your daughters' souls keep them at home. I saw two young girls on Sunday in the streets of Boston (who less than. a year - ago .were Sunday School teachers in Moncton) in company with two fast young man who were so drunk they had W keep them from falling into the gutter: 1 tell yon such sights as these should cause every true Canadian to sound a word of warning. Keep your daughters at home. an 112 parallel Mr. Tyrrell's adventures rides in the park now ? I want sornething. in the great unknown country of the North - about as good as that, or better; soMething west Territories have already made him in that style at any rate, perfect in its pace, well known as an explorer of Canada's temperate, and, as I think, matchless in Northwest territorie& In his letter he form and color." Know the horse, madam ! I should think I do," said Mr. Cox. "Why, I sold it to the lady. Do you know what the figure was? £800! I could not match that horse to -day under £1,000, and I am afraid that figure won't mit you." The figure, however, did not apparently surprise the lady. Sheput her hand into a little bag ahe was carrying, took out a card, and presented it to the horse dealer, saying, "Perhaps you will let me hear from you as soon as you think you have aomething that well snit me." Poor Mr. Cox! It was Hannah, Countess of Rosebery, nee Roths- child.—Society. says . Again I am sitting in a house after hav- ing been traveling steadily northward for the past month. Even yet the digs are long enough here, so that I could read last night a few minutes before 10 o'clock. From this time however, they will get shorter at railroad'speed, for not only will they be getting shorter here, but I shall be traveling ' steadily southward, not so straight ail came north, it is true, but still always a little farther south each day. Since I sent you the card from near the mouth of Deer River I have had a long and difficult journey through entirely unknown -country.. We ascended the Rapid River to its source, a journey occupying about 10 days in all, then carried all 'our goods and canoes over the height of land and descended a small stream into Cree Lake. This bine lake,45 miles in length, we sur- veyd and explored, being the first white men not in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company to look over its waters, which rush down the Cree River, a roaring, boiling torrent, to its mouth in Black Lake. Black Lake is surveyed in part, and leaving two men with most of my stuff on the show of this, lake I descended Black River to Lake Athabasca and tra- veled westward for forty miles over its deep waters. It was after 10 o'clock last night when I reached this distant port of the Hudson's Bay Company, where a French half-breed named Joe Mitchell has for the last 47 years lived on deer meat and traded fer the Hudson's Bay Company. He does not speak any English, and I have to ealk to him im all the bad French that I can think of. At present I am sitting on a comfortable chair in a nice little room in his house. The open window looks westward over the beautiful broad expanse of Lake Athabasca, for though this lake looks small on the map, it is about as large as Lake Ontario, and a lovely cool breeze is now blowing over it. Perhaps the moat direct and tangible benefit derived from this breeze in that it keeps down the black flies, who are at present the principal occupants of this country. ' You will be pleased to learn that up to the present my health has been excellent, and that my men have shown themselves so far all good trusty fellows. I have made many new geological discoveries and altogether the expedition has been a great success. From here I intend to turn eastward toward Wollaston Lake and shaU thence work southward towards Isle a la Crosae., where I expect to arrive some time in September, the earlier the better, for there is work awaiting me in that vicinity. • Electricity and Rot Water verses, tie cooper. A company, says the Tradesman, is about to be formed in this country for the manu- facture of ataveless barrels under a system patented by Mr. .Oncken, from one piece of wood. The process is described as follows: The tree, which can be used as soon as felled, is sawn up into logs corresponding in length to that of the barrel required, which are then hoiled for two or thee hours in a closed vessel, a current of electricity passing through the water. From the boiler, the log of wood is taken, hot and soft, to a lathe, where it is held at each end horizon- tally, and rotated against a cutting blade, and as the log is thus revolved a continuous sheet of wood, without loss from sawdwit, is ptoduced of any desired thickness, and smooth on both sides; which sheet streams out from the rear of the machine onto to a table, until the log is almost entirely cut up, or, as it were, unrolled. The long sheet of wood thus obtained is cut transversely by shears into the required lengths for barrels. The sheets are then passed through &grooving and a V -cutting machine, that cut the grooves in which the head is eventu- ally fitted, and nicks narrw V-shaped pieces at regular intervals out of each end of the sheets, which are then dried.' It is found that when dried the wood is thoroughly seasoned by the process. When the sheets are required to be made into barrels, they are steamed for a couple of minutes so as W soften them, bent round until the edges are in contact and the ends pressed in, so as to make the usual barrel shape, when the hoops and tops and bottoms are put on in the ordinary way. The economy of manu- facture is manifest. No sawdust is made. There 15 110 planing. Less steam power is required than is necessary with saws, and far more work can be done in a given time; while in putting barrels together, skilled labor can be dispensed with. • It is claimed that the barrels are stronger than ordinary atave barrels, inasmuch as they are in one complete piece, a fact which makes them free from the many chinka through which the contents can escape and loss ensue. A IAMUSSIN 01111.2014 AJeliryilidlTde Case Wieldureiatereauas Leglisb goeletFe Abrams cable sap .7. The mystery of tima handless and aimless body of & woman faninel to a sack near Althorpe has been climandup. The woman, who was identi- & piece of a chemise, was Annie Teleksed, evlio had been living with Rae iindergani at Northampton. Anderson was inn& tie be the assumed name of Andrew McBee, anager of a. warehouse in Bic- affasass, who has s bray and was living es doable Efe. In June Wes Prichard hada AWL McRae was arrested and his office eine seareked, and in the fireplace were Jim& thy hoses of a child and. the arms of to weeran. The detectives discovered that The erre raftri was murdered_ in the house isiecupiedhy the victim and her paramour. Me girl was decapitated„and the head with thearma, which were sawed A, and the lbahy ware takes to Birmingham and erecneted 13 fdefteds office. . Notheing able 'to awe& of the trunk and limbs in this *miner, the fiend placed them in a sack =Ws lime sad dumped the where they ese:og found some days later. A Good Word for the Salo. The question of the financial soundness and honesty of administration of the Salve- tionAnny has been much discumed recently.. The conclusions of an able and impartial investigator, Mr. Arnold White, are so clear and favorable to the army that we ,give a summary of them. They are taken from his article in the Fortnightly Review: 1. That General Booth and his family are. honest to the core. 2. That they take a bare living in return for their labors. 3. That they one and all, for the - good of others, are working themselves to death. 4. That General Booth himself is of independent means, and has given thousands of pounds, to the Army ;, and that two of his sons have abandoned good positions to work in the Army. 5. That the funds laid out on the Hadleigh colony have been well and •wisely spent. 6- That the capital laid out on the colony is intact, if it has not in- creased in value. 7. That money is urgently needed to carry out the original programme, and if supplied will be well spent. ALMOST A CATASTNIMPRII. The thnistans of Vie Servia's Captain &rens • 'Mosier. A London cable 'ayes: Passengers landed at Queenstown by the Saraia agree that they had a narrow escape when the steam- ship collided with the American sailing vowel the Undaunted. The credit for their nefety, they say, is due to Capt. Dutton, who, Throughout the fog, proceeded very muctiously with the Servia's bells ringing and her fog -horn blowing. The fog began on September 5th. It was go dense that a person could hardly see half a ship's length ahead. The speed of the Servia wee im- eseffiately slackened. At 2 o'clock on the of the 6th many of the passengers bits sllght shock, although about half of the ger* aboard were not even aroused foam their sleep. About twenty persona ran oris deck, and saw a big ship so near at hand that Capt. Dutton was ceiling out to frown if she needed. asuestance. The Un- darratecTs captain said that she had re- ceived no injuries, and proceeded. An examination of the Servia was also made, showing no damage had been done her - For the anglisinstan's Benefit. ZiesTudi holders of Reading bonds must smile all over when they see the indepen- dent Yankees mnIeted for about & dollar's worth of interest with every ton of coal The Englishman may be slow, but he gets there just the same. Reading bonds pay, Lester than the Stamp Act—New York Herald. They've Made a Start. A good starting point is a good thing; it's a forertmner of a !satisfactory business. We've made a good atart already on :the "New Styles" for fall. There's been con- siderable demand for our light weight over- coats. These cool evenings are a gentle reminder that the summer days are on the wane. One can dress fashionably with comparatively small cost. All the new colorings in light -weight overcoats, in Venetians, Mahone and Worsteds, from $7.50 up. We are more than satisfied with our "Men's Suit" Department; its all that could be desired. We start them at $4.50 up to $17. We offer the the latest novelties. A perfect fit combined with ease and com- fort go together with goods purchased from us. Open nights until 9. Fralick & Co., tailors and clothiers, No. 15 James street north. A Care fer May Fever. At last, after searching for years, I have discovered the cnly genuine and effective cure for hay fever. All the quinine pills in the world will not give a tenth of the relief to the sufferer that will a single trial of my great and only remedy, and I give the idea away. It is nothing more nor leas than a wash made of witch -hazel and cocaine to be applied to the nasal passages when the dreadful asthma comes on. It will stop the wheenng in no time, and then the hay fever will have lost oilier terror& — 07obe-Democrat. The Germ of Cholera. Dr. Hach tong ago discovered the true germ af cholera, but he has not yet found a way to kill it. The germ in a bacillua of a carved form, looking like a section of a eirele with a little head at one end. From its shape he named it the 'comma Incillatt.” What a pity he couldn't bring it to a falfl atop. —Roston Herald. His Wife, Perhaps. Office boy --- There's a woman , outside wants to see you. Business man—Book agent ? • Office boy—No, she ain't polite enough for that She acts as if she owned the hull building. Guess she's some rela- tion. The woman who never takes any interest in the fashions needs medicine.—Ram's .liforn. Mow Not To Catch 8. . • tuitions are conducted with disad becalm it is not in condition the terms dictated by its eense of ri justice. It will not do to say that this is an old and determined contention. The Ten Commandments are thousands of years old,. but they and the doctrine of Tariff Reform will be taught and preached until mankind and the Republican party shall heed the injunction " Thou shalt not steal." The laboring man, bearing in his band, all indispensable contribution to oar growth and progress, may well insist, with manly courage and as a right, upon the same rec- ognition from those who mike our laws air .ia accorded to any other citizen having a - valuable interest in charge. It is evident that tariff regulation by treaty diminishes that independent con- trol over its own revenues which is essen- tial for the safety and welfare of any gov- • ernment. Emergency calling for an in- crease of taxation may at any time arise,. and no engagement with a foreign power should exist to hamper the action.of the Government Mothers, are your daughters, pale or willow ? Remember that the period when they are budding into womanhood is most critical • fortify their system fer the change with Dr. Wilhams' Pink unsurpassed for the speedy cure of all u ebb:ea peculiar to females. A trial of a single box will convince you. Beware of imitations and take no substitute. • ge.- oral and Spider Thread for Telescopes. The ingenious astronomer captures a com- mon garden spider and places him on the end of a twig. Then he startles the spider,who immediately drops toward • the ground, throwing out a thread as he goes. The aatronomer, when the spider has got a. little way down, produces a double wire, on which he begins to twist the thread. The spider continues +Tinning, and the astrono- mer goes on twisting the thread, and, when he requires it, unwinds it from the wire as he would cotton twist. British astronomers, it may be added, envy their confreres in Australia, for there is a spider which spins a thread of three cords ; the British apiler's thread contains five cords and is appreciably thicker. Don't drink much—keep clean—eat wholesome plain food—take plenty of time to aleep—keep your house dry and free from all decaying vegetation and you will avoid disease of every kind.—Chircuso Inter. Ocean. some The Terms of the Bargaln. Clara—When George and I are married Pm to have my own way in everything. Dora—Guess you won't Clara --Indeed I will. That's the bar- gain. Don't yon remember, I told yon he proposed in a row boat, and asked if Pd float through life with him just that way? Dora—Yes. Clara—Weil, he was rewizig, but I was steering.—New York Weekly. A Woman of Talent. Mrs. X. saw a friend of hers taking lunch- eon in a restaurant the other day and read- ing a newapaper while she lunched. " How is it possible for you to eat and read at the name tirr !?" " Why, I read with one eye and eat with the other." An Ally Not to be Lost. Cook (at the china shop)—What! only three marks ! Call that a New Year's present ? And to think that I have broken in the year two soup tureens, three meat 3,137 Lost children t One Year. Last year no fewer than 3,137 children were found by the police, lost in this city. Of these 3,086 were restoredto their parents or guardians; the remainder were sent to institutions.—New York Press. The Sportsman's Illoatb. And now, with the first faint turning • of, the leaf, begin the sportsman's lawful days of honest pleasure. The lazy, air of summer freshens with the first hint ef burly, brave old autumn's advent, and fur and feather feel the magic of a month with an " r." in it, and show new gloss and perfection. Now is the time for first lor g jaunts efield, for bracing nerve and flabby muscle for the work of the opened season, for running superfluous beef off lately neglected dogs, and truing their maste r s' hands and eyes to their old-time un- erring skill. Some shout in August, despite sweltering heat and ell attendant • discomforts, but your true Nimrod wants - not of such unfair sport, even in territory where the law allows it. -N bird is prime •in August, and no good Sir Knight of the • tapered tubes will care one aap for murder- ing immature lahrds, or old ort s just recov- ering from the exhaustion of shedding an. old garb of feathers and growing a new one. But with September conditions alter. The flapper of two weeks-- agone is growing strong of wing ; the ragged -looking ruffed grouse, a dilapidated akulker in berry patches, now sports :bonny nevi garb and springs with r..wring pinions in his favorite thieket, and snipe, cock and shore birds are plump, well 1. aehered and fit to lie in peace within )ailis yawning pockets of the old shooting coat Upon the vast grass -reaches of the west young chickens and sharptails have waxed strong and big, and learned the meaning and power of stout grouse's wingr, and each and all are game wee lay of the expert's craft. 'Tie tine that the - birds will be bitter still a noel hlater, but the waiting is long for eager gars, and too much of the long agony of hope deferred chimts ill with the sportsrear. s mead; fro let brave hearts and true fare keenly forth to levy toll upon, the aipenea broods and enjoy the dear -loved pleature of seeing stanch dogs at work again. —Ed, W. Sandys, in Outing. THE British Parliamentary Committee appointed to examine the subject of color blindness„ particularly in its relation to marine andrailway signaling, has made an exceedingly interesting report. They find that in the male population nearly 4 per cent. are either partially or wholly deficient in the ability to distinguish rightly the primary colors of the spectram. The tests were made with great care under the guid- ance of specialists whose scientific knowl- edge afforded a guarantee of accurate and trestworthy investigation. Because 'Berlin wool presents to the eye a rough and non- reflecting surface, the colors of which are not heightened nor dulled by the light in which it is displayed, that substance was selected for testing the eyes. From a miscellaneous heap of skeins of various colors the person submittiig to a test was required to select approximate matches for certain test colors. It was found that blindness to red was the moat common form of deficiency; blindness to green was next in frequency. Since experi- ment has proven that red and green are the two ?okra found to bo most trust- worthy for eignaling purposes, on account of their superior luminosity and their visibility at considerable distances, the fact that these are the two colors which color blind persons are most apt to mistake is a matter of the first importance. The committee found that persons in responsible positions in the marine .and, railway service, where accura-y in determining color is essential to safety and efficiency, could not he treated to read the signala correctly. As to the causes of &ilor blindness, the committee report that in the greater number of instances it proceeds from congenital defects that cannot be remedied ; but it is frequently the remit of eacessive nee of tobacco. This is a hint worth reniembering on the pert of those who may become aware of their inability to Our wife is following the fashion and diatingaieh colors. Color blindness is re - wearing anapenders. bile's been vvekrineported to he the cause nf many accidents the other things ever Rinea we were married, on the rail and on the sea. and the wonder is sas never thresght of the In Southern Firope'38,000 oranges have suspenders before. —Billerire Banner. been picked from one tree. Little Boy—Mayn't I be dishes, fourteen romp plates, eighteen a. preseherwhen I grow up ? Mother—Of coarse, you may, u dessert plates and for vegetable dishes ! my pet, if you want to. Little Boy—Yes, Shopman—Come, don't get excited ; 111 ; I do. I a'pose I've got to go to church all be generous for onee here s ten marks for you. my life anyhow, an' it's 6, good deal harder to sit still than to walk atoned and holler." Jack Alicot--Just one kin—I'll not ask for another! Mamie Mascot—Oh, I'll not let you spoil your future in that fashion— ask some other way Jellyfish are delightfully interesting little creatures until yon go in bathing withthem. The world is full of people who are equally charming until they settle dce n nest doors to yon. SOOTHINo, CLEANSIrsta, HEAUNG. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many Go -called diseases aro shift' ply symptoms of estar:11, snch as hoadftcbe loir srige of smell, foul breath, hawking and Emitting. general feeling of debility, etc. If you aro troubled with any ot these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should loge no time procuring_ a bottle of NLsAL Bkraa. 130 warnnd in time, neglected cold in bead results in Catarrb, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price (so cents sad $1) by addressing FULFORD& C3 Brocktaile eat 10 41 • . •