HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-09, Page 14 LACROSSE MATCH. \ e .4444.1. • • ltairvestlf gluons. De•rer, Qiireturs itcknoto ratin • r Linde 211 kb. 14.i. Uu.e• Keadyilliied Pain DRY COLORS, Very Superior at D.C.TAYLOIr VOL XIX -37 LIMIKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1892. WHOLE NO. 973. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. .Capita paup • Reserve Fund Totd Assets - St4,25o,00d Selrick000 • ST..979,0413 President -.1Carrhr &TWAT, Vine President -A, G.- Ratuaa,v.. DIRECTORS: -DIEM PROCTOR -r CHAS'. (TpunisTET,. GEO,. gOACIF Ti'- WCOD,, A. B‘. Leg (Toront4- Cashier-dr- TITIMUCL,L, ..sr.t .3lag" RAlcrlir„-Efours TO to *--, ISatnr- . ed and interest ailbwed- le toll. Deposita of l'13 ami npwardis STIffe74Ji. DE-POO/7H arm received at cur- rent rates of interest,. DR411777Y oft Great Britain and the United States bitifight an& sold - S. C. MOWN, Stro-AGENT.. • DENTAL • S.MIEROME, L.. Lk. Wirigham, wilt be in ,Lucknow on: the second and fourth( Fri - ay and Sabirday of each: month.. Good sets for M. Piffing and evt meting a specialty LEGAL _ mitizasiam, itstapasault, P. Solicitor,," ConVeyancer. (rate of Cam,eron, Mott & Clonernar (oderich)1.. Office• at Traver's, ofd Ann& 3(012.1r1S. ON, ATTORNEY AT ram', tfolreitor u Cannery: Convey- ancer, COmmitsioner, ete... Office, over the- harbe.r shop.. •' & PRO U kWOOT, BARRIS- *Jr tem, Solicitora, etc., Goderich„ Ont X- T.. GA:anon/1, Q'.C,. PROIIDBOOT„ MEDICAL r_JP f• 0)„ Office, Mut-ail. OFFICERESI- D.E4ience,. Outram street, secouctifoor north of Ialtiers- shoe store-, . DR. TB.,,NNALNT7,.. P'Ff Vg I I.AN, Surgeon and Acconcheur.. Surgery op- posite Cain's Euitel. Office -hours from 9. to It' a., in-,. an& from 2 to 5 p. m.. • HoDt. GORDON €3!.., RT._ •M.S.„ Physiefan, Sur - and: Atccouchenr. Office next door to W.. -tribe's implementshop. Residence Ross street,. south of a. R:a9 MerkitOali'S' Ston'-.. FJt D„ mtaim-tisc V. 8'CALLS .15 either by- mail or telegram promptly afterlife& to. Charges moderate.. ;Office,. Cor- rigan?a hall- Boarding house,. Cain'a hotel„, L.ucknow. GENERAL Aitarkh-YT07.14-011.14Tr ON:MST-CLASS • mortgagesat to -'7,7r per cent- interest„ • paYable yearly.. Charges moderate-,.• Apply to Roatarr EfTraltitr, St. Helene, MONEYTOLOALVONMEAL ESTATE nenrity for any - time-, at the lowest rate of interest_ The principal may be paid at, the end of the time, or a. part of the princi- paLmay iggpaid each Tear, interest ceasing- on the- amon paid; For further particularei. etic.„ apply to AINTGIlafftnIVAR-T, LuertnOW, SOCIETIES WU.. T. U.- The regular monthly •ei meeting of the Women's- Chriatian Temperance Hiram will be held every second • Wednesday of 'each. Month. in.the Odd Yellows Hall, Lneknour, at 3 p. m. Mus. W. H. SMITH", President'; FroTtNELL, Secretary, iftT C,K N 0 W Lodge,,No. 112 meets.' every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Oampliell street. All brethren on -dirtily invited. K..T.McLron, N. Grand H. if. PIERCE, Recorder. ft O. F.,COUR-T • V ‘../ Er Sherwood, No. •- \c ., 50, Lricknow, Meet - every first and. third :.N‘: Monday in every month, in the 'Or - 74.,t.. it•'''' tinge hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e 4,0141101y invited. %'' •,; T. mAT-turE, C. R. • ...10D. D. , Viti,o SEC. O. IT. W. LE:CKNO'1V 1,00G -E OF ...ziter the .1.1teiont, )r [,r ruited Woritmen, :met in the 0,141f,•liew- .1n the last and (ieeend 11-015(lny (teeninos of 'nth month a right .9'99191(91C: ViSiing 'brethren enelially ;r1.‘ 1. p• P rTEkAtiN, mart R.. D iirrnov. Re"ordo- HE CGOICSBEST FRIEND • LARGEST SALE I3 GANIACIA. '47.97:77449.1.••••••,..9•Iim,•11,9";`,91,V7. GEO, NAIR & GO. BANKERS. Or Ludlum Id iking Comp'y. LUCIEN-Ow, PER'T 1310,r, 1892. TO THE FARMERS: Singer the date -of our last advertisement to you we Fume sold II00'acree of rand, and hen all the -rand held by ne in behalf of the various Loam Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm, of 200, acres in Kilion, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. • Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in, our hands for sale-, so, that we "hope to be able to apply the bulk of the demand for farms se heretofore.. But as our sales exceeded 11009. acres last spring we would request these in want of acheap, farm to apply early-, as the spring time will now soon be here.. We -can, grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and &four rate of interest. If you wisft to renew or change you mort- gage, or put new: mortgage on your farm, or send money away in. payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can !guaran- tee you satisfaction and' at a very trifling - expense. We lend money on farmers(' notes for Tong or short dine, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, - ,Sale notes a specialty.. We do a general banking business, of *11 kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers, Shippera and Farmers, GEO. A. STDDALL, Manager ,MUSICAL TUITION. miss MILTS is PRZEPARRD, TO' give music lessons on the piano or organ- For terms apply at the Methodist Parsonage.. , IC LESSONS WILL•BETA,17GHT byMiss Kitake. Tate of BIyth,.. ,PixpiTe attended at their own, homes or at her- resi- dence over E,. Kaake'a photograph gallery. Terms reasOnabie.. CHURCH DIRECTORY; RoNGLESH CtitIRCH --SERVICES IT 41 a. m- and 6:130 ,p. m., Sunday School, 19, Superintendent, Virm. S. Holmes. Adult class eery Wednesday evening a orclock,. Bible; and prayer book lesion's. •A arewetcome. •REV. VV, J. CONNOR, Pastor. C T....R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lticknow fo• south at fi.:18 10;48 a.m.. and 6-.20p.. m. :North. at It:30 p„ m,,, 4,;02!p.; m,. and 10:28 p. • Ere 0 0 Marr e 110 North British and. Mercantile, , of Ecliiiburgh and London.. Western, of 'Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Gait. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London,grigland. Plicenix, d London,. England, and Accident In - 1 aurance Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT GUELPH. • Telegraph or Telephone at my expense, • INSURANCE. Farmers, Took to your own interest and insure your farm buildings and. private dwellings in the ., • LONDON MUTUAL. No Fame Premium Note* required CASH SYSTEM • 50 cents to 90 cents per 8100 for three years. JOHN LANE ACENT, KINLOUCN. Also ager.t for the Phio,nix, 'of London, England, NOTICE THE SUTSCTITP,ER TT -1S OPENED AN • office in tl hiifliin.,elt-t •'f the SEXTI-Nr,t, Plintim; Office. ,,• AGREE,MENTS, TIO,NT9).S. T,EASF,S, DEF,DS, ‘tiP.S ;,1 ND WILLS . • .1 TIE, FT -T. TX pr, EPA I( Maps ittu.kti.“. • 4714i s 1441 1'9111i:91)9.1 4111,1t T.\'.S(rF)\ 1;491. lineknoW L ; "i )';‘, NEE( t 1 .1 .\4 El :1 I t•rs,•. r4. .1".11 aim; from 7 toll) s.to.1,„(1,3, - the hour •ill 1. . f•( r -.4. ,,; "444 hour,. I). I" 47.7 • Mtanoca, SelrfAar7', LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy items Nerved lapferSentfael Iteadear -The Rev. John Kenner is in ,Toronto this week. -Mrs. Smiley, of Dakota, is visiting friends in Lueknow. • -Mr. and Mrs. Proctor drove to Clinton this week.. -Miss Jennie Lyons is visiting friends in Owen Sound. - Miss. Maggie Pritchard, of Fergus is the guest of Mrs. Hudson, of KinIoss. - Miss Lily Kenner left on Monday to attend the Madill Ladies College at °sheave. • -Miss. Lottie Mills left on Tuesday to attend the young ladies college at W baby. , -Mr. A B. Cameron, of Toronto, is spending a few- clays with friends in I Lucknows -Mr. Bert Walker'of Northfield, British Colurabia, is visiting friends in. the vilta,ge. -Miss Hamilton and Miss Hoyt, of Fergus, are the guests of Mrs. D. W. Hays, of this village. - Mrs. Frank Shelton and daughter, of Hamilton. are the guests of Mrs. .Alex. Ross, of this village. - Mr. Allan McIntyre, of Lake Lindens Michgian, is visiting at Mrs. MeLeali./s in this village. -Mr. and Mrs.. R. Shelton,. of Kincardine, spent a few days with friends in Lucknow this week. -Mr. Ted. Mills, of Owen Sound, spent last week with his parents here atthe Methodist parsonage. --The Misses McPherson's of Kin: • carcline are visiting in the village, the guests of Miss Lizzie Lawson. - Mrs. -Wm. Boyds of Kincardine, and Mrs. Frank Reid, of Joliette, are visiting friends in. Lucknow. • , --R. Harrison and wife and Ts E. Finlay and wife are at the Sulphur Springs, Pre.ston, for the- benefit of health. -The Presbytery. of Maitland will meet in . the Presbyterian chnrch in Wingham on Tuesday next at eleven • o'clock. . • -:-Mrs. -McEvoy who was visiting her mether, Mrs J. McDonald, 4th con.. Kinloss, has returned to her home in 'Middlesex. -MrT. Patterson and hie lady, ef British CoIambia were the guests of his fathett Mr. W. Patterson, 4th con. Kinkisa, .last week. - , --Mr. Thos. Burns, sr., and Mrs. Mary Miller joined hearts and hands for life on Monday last. The Rev. Mr. McKay- officiated. -A son of Mr. Normans Matheson was badly bitten by a dog belonging to. Miss Boland one day last week. The dog is to be destroyed. -Lost-between the Presbyterian church and the 6th eon. of Kinloss; Bilile. The finder will oblige by leai-ing it at the SENTINEL Office. .T. Cameron, of Toronto, Miss McDonald, of Teeswater, and Miss Mcl\Tatighton of Gtrelphare the guests of Mr. P. McKenzie, 4th con., Kinloss. _Miss• Maggie MONahh, left on; Wednesday last to attend the ni•Ant- ford Yeung . Ladie's Clillege. MTs. M,,Nabb 0,,,rompnrierl heraeBrarafsal. Iftslaon, of the 3rd (sin. of Kinloss, has the thanks of the StE•iTTNFT, staff for the large basket of beautiful applPs sent on Monday last. - Tlssa is mesh 17 1'(- g;,i44.4 ill the there hoetl fi ir some tioto„axiii the ileprovoinotits 1(1 properties in. :ill p11.1.,4 1 t 10,4v, is 0, vory (t1o•otiore4ino r. (Iri,ivir'ioi. ti 1 4'4111441(41 To the Editor of the Sentinel. • DEAR SIR. -Perhaps some of your readers might,. be interested in an account of a lacrosse match played at Kincardine between the Sepays of Lucknow and the Hustlers of the former place on Friday last. I _send you as short t report as possible of it trusting you will give it space. • The Sepoys reached Kincardine by the one o'clock train accompanied by a number d their friends. On their arrival they were given one of Kicar- dine'a usual gentlemanly recertiona and at once proceeded up town thence to the grounds through sand and dust ankle deep. The team stopped at the Royal, some of their friends going t� the Queens' and more to the Morgan House. A description of the grounds is unneceswery to those who have seen them. They go by the high sounding cognomen of "Lakeside Park." To those who have not been there I may say that nn this picturesque spot with the euphoniva name it is immaterial • whether a game is played in the wet or dry season. In the, former it is • sand and water, in the latter dust and gravel over the boot • tops. As you enter the Park one sink a in sand, a • few steps farther and one meets a • mirey swamp; near the eastern goal there stands an old out house which appears to have been. used for a decade or two as a dumping off place for all • the rubbish of the town, particularly coal dust and cinders. On the north - are clumps of cedars and on the- west' • poplars, the roots of which are sur- rounded with a growth of wild meadow grass ten feet wide by two high, where the ban is sure to be lost at the proper • time in favor of the Huatlers. On • the soeth there stands an old barracks with a number of additions, angles nooks, alleys, and corners in which 1 player not acquinted with the lay of the land is apt to be lost, not to speak of the ball. • Then there is an artifi- cial mound and a cannon, more grass., weeds of almost every variety. On the east is a wire fenee into which one "Hustler" tried to lead Charlie Mc-; Kinnon but got caught in his own trap, • In addition to this the ground is full of holes some of which looked mighty suspicious of having been put there by the hand of man and a mean man at that. The Size of "Lakeside," well, one might at enormous expense construct a tennis court and may be one or two croquet lawns ont of it. In fact it seems to be the remains of the ground on which the original -players of lacrosse practiseland as the. Hust- lers think no more of friendly rivals than they do of the aborigines they consider it no insult to take them on to such grounds. But to the game. The teams lined up, the • ball faced off. but the game was. not long in 'progress when the Sepoy's field captain de- manded a measurement of the goal poles, the result of which was to sbow that the goal on which the Sepoys were shcoting was 3 inches narrower than that of Kincardine. Game was again resumed and after hard, des- perate Play; in which the Sepoys had, the advantage, one _of the Hustlers shot on goal the ball struck goal keeper Lawrence and boun- ded out, the crowd rushed in and for a time the umpire'Alex. Cainpbell'is life wasin danger It may be said that Ale. has always backed Kincardine,against any team except Lucknow, but such is the'' gratitude ? of not only the toughs • but many others of this embryo city that they were readyto slay hitn if he did not decide in their favor fair or unfair. Bob Diirnin a big pugilist of some reputa- tion actin:1y, struek this umpire, a young mon not half his size, when reqnested to stand hack from the goal. The game went on but no Ferson could see fit Ito advsotog-e. the crowd stood so murk in front. In fad they could not be got further hack than the gravel road that rims thrnigh Lakeside,:but when a, game was 9:cored for Kincardine the er evd heRan to rush in until they saw the umpires hand go up One man remarked "you better' 'put it up you On went the play, time is:uncon- fined; muell ron;•11 play, many bard Mows, numerous shots on geal hy Lueknowls home ; at 'aro.; 7.'4,11ins metuis the 4.4phet.r through. Then • ,w 1144.41 in. Talk :Wont the howling Per' jS I 'f the Pa -t talk aliont the ancient ;),nizem-4,447 P'natiulgore ; they were as the cry 4f11,uAling inf.Lnt, 7‘) r44)Crilig 1111, colti wed 41,), co...'• 4,f 17( ery 1111, 101,1 1. s, I( IC, ' 11 till' '1111114 Wot7',. 1.11(1 111,t for eon-' til 1•ratt ;Ina lliittnian. who 0,1 yeonian keel iif 1CP. 1Illly ,iv :441 Iv 0;1,1 1) , 1en D'ituaq i) ,) 441un? of OPari8int) n14 ,1N 411 .1 144, -eytdies and e‘ ery . 1 wa.. 41 ,f it u o. (1( •,, r! w -141 1\-P tie .C71119 111: ''!, f:1ir (91i111/19' ,,f the vamp, A ,ov7 1,1,4, to • conspicuous net,t, •.(14ii7e. • illi '1: hntigh, he is' 714d. ur 1, .414 •44,44 t.4 yor \.ti• 1,144, .,.4,11 to say ;44, impro‘ing, :Lild hope PIT 1nng rico. 1 f 111111 ,1()W11 11,1'00!7:14:1,111. • ' i ; r. 10•1-. . T. . .1 ‘1"4. .11,101,; oe,oe 44f (tru( i' .41,141 el% „ 7•4'• ritt".4, (o .7 71, 7. Is.•• k \ 1 11' f 1, " 1 o,,Foot, ,1 1. r 4. 110 r t0 1 1.111tAill J1111919199 . I • t , '01111 .711, r •it i•t• it ,1i41, •,,A•n,,4 , ,• ;•••,14•1,,It1t .1 o 1, • • 1, • - mg) to - I t• t 4, ie. 11,1 ' 4,1; it 1 A I1I% 11 (.0 ".4ini. (ht. Nt toe A young drng elerk,wilo was all day carrying a dub. made several dashes at 3zn Birk., and at last hit his stick just as he sins passing the cannon. Collins was several times bit at and finally laid out...0e Hustlers magnanimously ? wanted to put.* saan off bat he was much to their chagrin ready for action again. Tim Kirk bad a finger broken and otherwise damaged. Not one player of Luc. now escaped a bruise. Independent opinion e ressed it the roughest game they ever saw. game resulted in favor of Kincardineby by 3 goals to 1. not a goose eggias was the ease against Kincardine at Lucknow. The Kin- cardine Reporters account of the game is falx from beginning to end. • Yours, • LAcROSSITE OF 15 YEARS, ASEEFIELD Farmers are busy seeding. Harves- ting is about through. 'sApple packers will be very busy for some time. The yield of apples will be large in this vicinity. We are glad to see Mr. Thos. Herrn • able to be out again. The recent rains twill do al great amount of goocl. The pastures were badly in need of it. • • There are some persons talking ,of • ending the Toronto and London ibition. The following is the standing of the pupils of s chool No. 5 for August based on punctuality and profitiency Fifth -J. Wilson. A. Gardner Fourth -A. Brown, R. Gardner H. Anderson E. Gardner. Sr. 3rd. -R.. • Wilson, M. Gardner, R. Webster, E. Reid. Jr. 3rd. -J. Hunter, E. ard- • ner, J. Wilson, M. Brown, S. Webster. 9nci.=---E. Webster, F, Alderson, IL • Walker, H. Barber, S. Wilson, H. Reid, S. Webster. Sen. pt. 2nd. -B. Webster, B. Gardner, H. Gardner, J. • Hunter. Jr, pt. 2nd -S. Hackett, 0. Brown, W. Barber. • Sr. pt,._ Hunter, M. Reid. jr. pt. i -S. Hac- kett, P. Wilson, K. Webster, J. Huns ter, al'. Hunter. ,•• • WALKERTON A young son of S. Truax feIr into • the mill race on Saturday ,and had a narrow; escape from drowning. Vigor- ous efforts were required to bring him back to consciousness. A. B. Olein Q. C. is recovering from an attack of typhoid. McKelvie and Rife of the woollen milrs have dissolved partnership. Mr. McKelvie retiring. Very geueral regret is expressed at the prospect of Mr. Telford's retirement. from the principalship of the publie school. He will devote his whole time to his paper, the Bruce Herald, after New Years. .Harvest apples were selling here last week at 10 cents per bag. The managers of the northern exhibition are aiming to make theirs more than ever the leading fair of the county: There, will be more stress laid on the exhibits and leSs side attractions. . LANES. A large number of apple barrels are being delivered in this section, and picking the abundant crop of fruit will soon cornay.asce. Mr. Wni. Mallough, of Dungannon, gave us a pleasant call on Friday last. Mrs. Herman Kroll, of Alpena, and her sister, Miss Maggie Bowler are at present paying t visit to their mother, Mrs.' John Bowler. • • Mrs. A. P. Cole has returned front visiting friends at Lrussels. .Miss .Heddle, of Benmiller is .the guest of Mrs. U. Connell. • Fall wheat seeding is being vory rapidly pushed along, a few more days and the work of sewing for the seasor) of will be a thing of the cast Miss Kate Quinn has ::one '4.. .S:inicoe for a few, 'Months. roLle or so of ro.ul OU.t'a• oast side sfe Lanci steins to bc left •Ls so,niploar 1llull,i. ..t of .t11: Intld v ads in th4." l. f v, r, • - -A youn.„, untry 1' t4 1 1 • II/VO N‘,7:1 t; .•, 1.,t 111t.: t 10 L:114., ,1 Nr,V5 hor t :1'.acic A L .17 tiit rroat antbninceit tis tcxt. - Aly danlitor 17 4 n \vitt/ 1"•••••1•••• 5). 9t,