HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-02, Page 5A SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE. (From Toronto Gl„ he) A little over a year ago, when the Canadian office and- factory of the Owen Electric Belt Company was opened at 71 King street west, Toron- to, it was thought the accomodation was all that would be required for some years, but so great has been the demand ~for their goods, and so popu- lar have they become as a healing power that they havelbeen compelled to secure lamer and more commodious premises, which they have done at 49 King street 'west near Bay street. Their new quarters are elegantly fitted and furnished throughout, no expense havipg been spared to make then the fist of their kind in the Dominion. Th business office, reception and con suiting rooms, factory, etc., are all on the ground floor and easy of access, with every facility for pronply supply- ing the greatly increased demand for their goods. The manager, Mr. G. C. Patterson, and his 'assistants, are always ready and willing to answer enquiries and demonstrate to the most skeptical that the Owen Electric Belt does give, a continuous current of electricity that may be regulated both in quantity and intensity, and success- fully applied to any part of the body for all nervous and rheumatic troubles, eve after all other means have failed. A catalogue of valuable information • on electricity is given to all persons asking for the same. incorporated 1889, with•Cash Capital of ROM 114E, 01/11z ELECTthc BE1: AND APPLIANCE 00. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATFERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures in seemingly hopeless eases where every other known means has failed. It is natures remedy, and by its steady, soothing (current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sciatica, General Debility, Lumbago, 1`errsvvpons epsiaDiseases, Iraricoeele, Sexual Weakness, Female Complaints Impotency, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Lame Back. Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM It is a well known fact that medical science has utterly failed to afford reliefin rheumatic cases. We venture the assertion that although Electricity has only been in use as a remedial agent for a few years, it has cured more cases of Rheumatism than all other means com- bined. Some of 'our leading physicians, recog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD: Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back; etc., that the old triodes of treatment fail to cure. There is a Ions of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try- to accomplish this by any kind of drags Is practising a dangerous toren of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CORED Flec'rieIty, as applied by the Owen Electric Ilett and `.suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known remedial agent that wilt supply what is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, impart tone and vfgor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole !less—ens c'v M. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so-caIred Electric R.••!ts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are electric In name only, worthless as a curative power, and :d .ir at any price. We Challenge the World to show an 11 ctric Belt where the d urreLt is under con- rrol of the patient as completely as this. Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr. Owers embossed in gold upon every Belt and appliance manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue --Marled (Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., • 49 King St W., Toronto. Mention this paper. 1892--VOr1`hRS' LIST --1.891 llnniripaftly of the Ton u 4iip of .t uifle.id, (•ornty of 1lnron. • 7V0+1 'r'FI I5 kiErEflY GIVEN THAT e �e trar =ni`t` I r l• lia.no! to the i,er,'tn.- mentioned is ytio thirst and fourth sections of the "Voters, List Act" the copies required by said section to he so transmitted .,r dle;iverecl of the list, pursuant to th, said Art '.f all parsons appearing by the Inst revised Assessment Roll of the s aid munici- pality to rote it the said mnnicipa_ity at elections for members to the Legislative As- -enibly and the mnnid{ipal elections, and the said li was first posted up at my office, Int S. cin. 9, .1.ahfietel, this 29ili day of August, 1802. and remains there for insi.eetion Elect lis are called upon to examine the said List and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same errors corrected according to taw. Dated at Ashfield this 29th day of Aug, '92, WM. STOTHERS, Clerk c t tbe said municipality. Belfast P.O. ' n • i dhe•Luknow" ertinel, Bruce vounty, September 1nd AUCTION SALE. —^".03F— VALUABLE 'FARM. PROPERTY , --UF— VALUABLE'FARM.PROPERTY, u-NDER AND PURSUANT TO A �J Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale bearing date the llth day of June 1883; there will be ,offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the 10th day of September, A. D. 1892", At the, hour of 12 o'clock noon at Martin's Ho;.e1 in the town of Goderich;by John Knox, Auctieneer, the r following valuable Farm Property, namely ;— The West half of Lot No. 4 in the 13th Concession, Western Division in the township of Ashfield containing 100 acres ; excepting 10 acres thereof heretofore sold. This is a good farm with about 60 acres cleared; has a good orchard,is well fenced and is situated about 7 miles from Lucknow whicb is a Sint class market. There is a good frame house on the pro- perty 18 x20. also a frame barn 36 x50 and a log house 20x30. The soil is good. TERMS : —Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of sale and balance without interest withint, one mouth, when a cued will be given. For,further particulars apply to the Auction- eer or to CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES. Vendors Solicitors. JOHN KINX. Auctioneer. Dated the 27th day of August, 1892 AUMINISTRAiOfl'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of William Leddy late of tbe township of West Wawaeosh in the county of Huron, yeomen, deceased. Pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario Chapter 110, notice is hereby given, that all persons having claims upon or against the estate of William Leddy, ,ate of township of West Wawanosh . in the county of Huron, yeomen, deceased,who died onorlabont the 22nd day of April. 1892, are on or before the lst day of October, 1892. to send by post pre- paid or deliver to the undersigned, solicitor, for E. Carrigan administratrix of the said estate a statement in writing of their named and addresses and the nature of all securities, it any held by them. And notice is hereby given that after said 1st day of October 1892, the said administra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which she will then have notice and that the said ad ministratrix a ill not be liable for the pro- ceeds of the estate or any part thereof distri- buted to any person of whose claim the said administratrix has no notice at the time of dis.ributien of the said estate or any part thereof. H. MORRISON, Solicitor for Administratrix. Dated at Lucknow, this 29th day of . Aug- ust, 1892. 1892 --VOTERS' MST -1892 lluntelpa"-ty of the Tonnshtp of West „ Wawanosir in the County of 111 -on. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons • mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the,•"Voters' List Act,'' the copies required "by said section to be so trans-. witted or delivered of the list, pursuant to the said act, of all persons appearing by the last revi-ped Assessment Rot! of the said munici- d,ipality to vote at the said municipality at elections for members to.the Legislative As- sembly and at municipal elections, and the said list was first posted rip at my office in St. Helens on the 2nd day of September, 1802, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omission or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have the same errors corrected accor- ding. to Iaw, • Dated St. Helene this 22nd'day of Sept. '92. R. K- MILLER, Clerk of the said[ mnnicipa"ty, St. Helen:; P.O. FOR SALE. HOUSE ANO FRUIT GARDEN IN LUCKNQLII. � I[E GARDEN CONTAINS ABOUT one acre and is stocked with a splendid selection of fruits including all the leading varieties in Plums, Cherries, Pears, Peaches, Apples. Grapes, Currants, Goose -berries, Strawberries. Etc. One of best fruit and vegetable gardens in the County. The house contains eight rooms, kiitchen and st,ne cellar and is in a good state of repair., For further particulars apply to JAMES BRYAN, SSentineI Office. r Georgian Bay Shingles. /1111E UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND 1 a.car lot of XXX Georgian Bay shingles and intends keeping them in stock during,• the season, and will be sold at . the lowest possible paying price, JAMES GAUNT, Whitechurch CLOTHES REEL. ►a11ig NEW IMPROVED "CHESLEY 1 Clothes Reel" ; the most complete, "durable, simple and perfect reel manufactured. This article can he got only through the sole agent at Langside. 96 f A, A. CROWSTON. G:raiid Trunk HAS ARRANGED FOR HARVEST EXCURSIONS —0N --- AUG, 16 ON-- AU(,1.16 Returnae2p.tember 25, AUG. 23 SEPT. 6 Return Octobar 2nd, 1892. Return October 16th, 1892. From all stations in Ontario return rates to HARTNEY DELORAINE, MOOSOMIN, BINSCARTH. REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON $28 830 835 840. BERTHS FREE—These trains from Tor- onto will have a limited number of Colonist Sleepers attached, accommodation in which will be alloted in order of application. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect with the 11.20 p,m. train, leaving August 16. 23 and September 6,1892, For full information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow (7. NADIAN PACIFIC A1{VEST EXCURSIONS FROM ALL STATIONS IN ONTARIO, RETURN RATES TO NESBITT DELORAINE BINSCARTH $28.00 MOOSE JAW } '$30.00 YORKTON PR NCE Y$35.00 ALBERT EDMONTON - $40. To leave all points in the Proince of Ontario, —ON -- AUG. IlL6 ON— AUG.16 Retu 16, 181 October AV V .23 Retur,82O.ctober Return 6until ovember SEPT.J1 • , 1592. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to connect with the 11.20 p.m. train or. above dates. For full information apply t1 any ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknow. John Grilllii, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL ESTATE, !INSUR- ANCE „IND GENERAL AGENCY, SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRID(;E P. O. THE H Leads them all for Family Groceries AND CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FIN T EAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock, - The Choicest Goods, .4 The Best Ilaue obtainable in Lucknow. DOWN ELLIOT. ANTICIPATING v. - The rise in Cotton Goods, since the cotton mills- of the Dominion have passed into the h of a syndicate, I have put in a good stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON 00008 And am prepared to give my customers the benefit of the same at old prices. Have still a good assortment of those fast -color Englih prints to choose from. Come early and secure. Also the "ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINGS: Just try them and you will have no others. All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember the place. MRS.. R. MURRAY, ST_ HELENS. M. ooRgiGANs.,,,2 Is the place to tnake your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. I have in stock the following : Dried Apple Nutmeg Extracts Oil, olive Fins Oil, sweet Fish, canned Oil, castor Fish, dried Oranges Gelotine Oat Meal Gingers Pails Hops Peels H k ey Pipes Pickles Indigo Pearline Licorice Peas, canned Lime Juice Pepper Lemons Raisins Lamps ups Rice Rice Flour Matches Sago Mince Meat Salt - Meal Salmon Macaroni Sardines Mustard Senna Meats, canned Seeds Magnesia Sugar Nits Syrups Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue. Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets .. Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods, Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Carrie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canned' Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes, canned Teas Tobaccoes , Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crystal Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Sets Cream Sets Berry Sets Toilet Sets No. 1 Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. -re-w- Goods. KAAKE & CO,'S Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window ,Blind`, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, WaII Paper, Etc. EXT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at ; or one dozen "cabinet photos free. We place inour window a quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. •The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by -Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested party on July 1st. This will commence on April 1st. KA..A _ & Co_ STRATFORD OIL CO. GUARANTEES STERLING MACHINE OIL To outwear any other oil in the market on Binders, Mowers and Threshing Machines. For sale by D. C.Taylor, L'nckn�w.