HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-09-02, Page 4'k r" • t • „:::„..„...,•••,••2,•,•••••••••••, The Lucknow Bentinei, Bruce County, Friday, epternber 2fid- ithaucknotatutinel Mg LIBERTY TO UTTER awn TO ARGUE MERLE ACCORDING TO TEE DICTATES OP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTI1E.0-13MULTI.EF-1"'''' Lucknow. Sept. 2nd, 1802. •••••••••=0.. PASSING NOM,. When the Canadian Sault Canal is compleed, in 1893 or 1894 .at the latest, our ship owners will he perfect- ly independent of the United States canals, all the way from Duluth to the Atlantic. The Postmaster General has author- ized the posting up in a conspicuous pace in every post office in Ontario of a card containing an abstract of the Ontario game and fishery law for 1892, and issued by the Ontario fish and game coremision. Mr. Joseph Beck, ex -Warden of Huron, was here a week or so ago, with a petition to have Mr. Patrick Kelly, of Blyth appointed to the Senate. The choice appears to lay between Pat. Kelly and Timothy Coughlin, of North Middlesexs, both of whom we understand posesses the necessary qualification_ The Brandon Mail estimates Green - way's majority of the popular vote at 761, while the prohibition ticket, it says, came out 14,000 ahead. Evi- dently the people of Manitoba are con- siderably more anxious for the des- truction of the liquor traffic than they wie for the abolition of Separate schools. Bourinot, the distinguished Clerk of the Dominion House of Commons, referring to the decision of the Privy Council m the Manitoba School ques- tion,, said the other day that the decision of the Empire, which declares that no rights have been interferred with, leaves no room for any other appeal or for remedial, since in the law, and in fact, it is declared that there is nothing to remedy. TORONTO grain merchants unite in saying that, from reports received by them from all parts of the Don "union, there is promise of a good harvest in all parts of Canada. In Quebec the yield will be unprecedentedly Large, and in the Maritime Provinces mad Ontario it will be, up to the average. In Manitoba and the Northwest Tern - tory the harvest will be much better in quality than last year, though the yield wal not he s_o great A local newspaper is often accused of bias m regard to personal notices— of mentioning' the coming, and going of sone and ommit'ang, others. The faults are with the peopk and not the editor. He is always willing„ and even anions to tell who comes and who goes, if he Calli find out, but a catniary newspaper rennot afford to have a dozen aalaried reporters. If you have, vi..4tors, let ns know who they areand where they came from; if anything happens in your vithaeity let as km.aw about it; if there is a party at your house furnish us, with the names ef these present ; if you get married let as know; if yon know anything let us know aiout it. You will find us as ready to "notice ease as another, patrons or otherwise, friends or foes. Our object is to give the news. Suez the Federal Government has 'been so often beatete m apptaals carzied to the Privy Count it is believed! that the desire exists very strum* at Ottawa and Quebec to make the Sul/rune Court final resort in all eases. This desire does not, however, exist opt these places, and the country generally will condemn in the strongest pea& manner any propend /looking towards a denial of the right to appeal to England. The Privy Oenna is an independent body; it is not influenced by local or partiatan perjUdices, and its judgements have heretofore been accepted witbout Creation on issues which, had the settlement been left to Ciarcurontribunals, "mild have shaken fkledetatiou to pieces. •••••••••••••••*:•••••••., , ••••••,,,,P BRITISH officers are now on their way to the Pacific coast for the purpose of inquiring into the facilities offered by the Canadian Pacific -railway for the transport of troops. The infor- mation which is being gathered is •zelenlaleemazatty,lat for in view of ethe threatening outlook on the northern'' frontier of India. Should war break out between Britain and Russia, Afghanistan will be the battle ground and Canada's trans -continental high way will be the principal route by which thearmed forces of the Mother Country will be moved to the field of action. THE Binder Twine Trust did not like the idea of the Ontario Govern- ment going into the twine business and the Chicago Canadian American says that when one of the members of the Government went to that country to buy the machinery his footsteps were dogged by agents of the Combine, who endeavored to prevent the manu- facturers from supplying the Canadian visitor with machbary but the scheme failed. Next season Canadian farmers' may be able to buy twine from the Ontario Government, and though the products of prison labor are not as a rule allowed to complete with the regular products of the country, there will be no outcry against the move, essentially one in the interests of farmers. The latter have the ear of the Legislature, and the Government feels perfectly safe under the circum- stances in entrenching on the field of organized and legitimate labor. Its action in the premises will be g ener- ally endorsed as about the best plan and offers to bring an odious monoply to its knees. DISINFECTANT. To the Editor of the Globe: Sin,—It may be amiss at the pres- ent time when the public mind is so aroused with the fears of cholera, typhoid!, ere., etc., to lay before the people a recipe for making one of the best if not the very best disinfectant known to science, and .which can be made by anyone and at a cost so trifling (less than ten cents) that cer- tainly places it within the reach of alL Moreover, this disinfectant is so very unlike many disinfectant; it leaves no offensive odor after its Use ;-1-4 oz. nitrate of lead„ 1-2 oz. rock salt (common salt wall do)„ di...zolve the nitrate of lead with two gallons of ram water, dissolve the salt in a quart of rain water and mix both together —the disinfectant is then ready for use. Pour half a gallon down sinks and closet; sprinkle a quart round the corners of cellars, and a IitUe, say a teacupful„ round the the bedrooms and under the beds; stables and out- houses according to size. A sponge well saturated and hung up in a room Will disinfect in a few minutes.. W. D. Toronto, Aug. 26. FALL SHOWDATES. Lucknow, Oct. 4th and 5tk . Wingham, Sept. 27-28 engrossat Teeswater, Sept. 15 24 Elam at Attwood, Sept 29, Montreal Exposition, Sept. 15-23. Industrial at Toronto, Sept, 5-17. Western at London, Sept 15-24 North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 29-30 South Huron at S.eaforth, Oct. 4-5. East Huron at Brereis,pct. 6-7. Clinton, Oct. 6-7. Goderich, Sept. 27-29. South Perth at St Marys, Sept 27-25. Mornangton at Milvertin„ Sept, 27-25. Northern at 'Walkerton, Sept 27-30. Southern at Bareatfealle Sept. of 'F. North Brant at Paris, Oct 4-5. IVIGLEOD'S Stcm nenovatot Aad fothe r tested seraeorre SPECIFIC MaiD ANTIDOTE intpmar, Weak and IrapoveriefLed Dyspepsia, Steeplesonees, Palpitation a the Heart, User Cora-Rlaint. Nenralszia,. LosF; of Mesacery, Brans _ACo ..:wtion, Gall Stones. Jana:are, y and II' "mazy Dis- weep, St. Vitas' Dance,,, , Female Irregularities aad General Debility-. $1 yen half at and $2 per part bottle. watalsitt. - - Garr. J. IM.411cLEOD, Proprietor and Manolacturer. Sold by Mary DLuerkanDays and A. B. Congraza, na:WA at. it • ALL GOODS. Dur fall stock is now arriving. In a short time we -will -be -able t9 show__ one ot the best assortments Of DRESS GOODS We ever offere and pricks are rig weeds and Flannels And other Staple lines. Our assortment t in , • WM. CONNELL, Lucknow. 1892. - HARDWARE. - 1892. LLI LU C.2 Go CC ge3C Go iwa L•61 GO LIU Harvest Tools, Hay Rakes, Mixed Paints, Dry Colors, Chemically pure White -lead. /A.Li_A_13"..STITT\THI, The only permanent wall finish. OSA) VJVJ &rep Cistvaitized tr. Sole agent in Lucknow for Preston's Braided, Barbless Fence Wire. The Leading Hardware and Tin Depot. - - THOS. LAWRENCE, LUCKNOW. UTUIVIN 13 HERE 1 YES, it is a fat that Fall has arrived, and with it comes th announcement that IEETIG-JEES0 Is better prepared than ever to meet the wants of his manycustomers. 0 BOOTS & SHOES In this depaitment our dock contains a beautiful assortment of WOMEN'S FINE DONGOLA SHOES, (both buttoned and laced) which are selling at prices that will astonish you. BOYS AND MEN'S HEAVY SHOES extrz-k value. Just the kind for the Fall and Winter wear. Ladies' Fine Buttoned and Laced Kid Shoes for $2.ocs worth 52.50. IN MENS WEAR we also lead the trade, and are selling a special line of mediums at $1.75, $1.90 and $2 00 which cannot be surpassed for the money. Grocery Department In this department we carry a full line of fresh Teas, Groceries, Canned Goods, Etc. IN TEAS we are giving astonishing values in Japans at 25c and 35c; Fine Black Teas only 35c and Young Hysons at 25c, worth double the money. IN CROCKERY we have a full range of beautiful Din- ner Sets ranging in prices from $6.50 to $14.50, also afresh crate of Glassware just opened. Come and see the new styles and designs. Painted Flower Pots, something new and handsome, a nice lot to select from. - IMGive us a call. We bought these goods right and we want to give everybody an opportunity of securing some of the bargains. R. HUGHES. DOITT READ THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Fig; Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our liagnificent Stock of the above FINEST COOK LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes —4 lb., 1 ib., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T BL DECEIVED by Fancy Shows. We have theiest goocis ever shown in town fat^ Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. eoods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods honght to ran off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES SPECIALTY. We have fust received a car of dour from Ethel Mitis for Christmas and New Year trade. , t Now is the time to send in y r orders and get them filled at once. THOS. REID, 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 111.11 EING LOT 6, CON. 14, E. D. OF Ashfierd, in the County of Mixon., one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farosfs itaated 2 nages from Lacknow. 30 acral ac ainbtnb, SO acres in gives, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences„ good dwelling, bank barre„ stable sad shed, good orchard, 2 good irelLi and no better ani, Apply an the premiss or to JOHN BAILIEWELL, Hoz 179. Lucknow 1.0 • • • •