Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-26, Page 1f M1 lTaylor's Hardware —POB— Machine Gills, farvest 2.. c e. PRICES D(, wN, — Qu4LwEY UP. leads and Oilf , VOL XD1,— 35 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1892. 10111( OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capita paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets $1,25o,000 $65o,000 $7,979,646 President-JOHNSTU&ur. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS : Torrx Pnocroa, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. W eon, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SA 1TIAGS BANK—Hours 10 to 3 ; Satnr" 'day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. •S°.' CIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- t rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT DENTAL J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingbam, will be in. Lucknow on the see:ond and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 810. Filling and ectracting a Rpecialty LEGAL 110101 A. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, ab Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc., (late of C.arnaeron, Holt & Camer»n, Goderich)_ Office at Traver's old stand. ORRISON. ATTORNEY AT la- • lUI • lcaw, Soneitor'in Cancery, Convey - :urncer. Commniirione-, ete. Office. over the barber shop. et ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- Jf tea; Solicitors, etc., Goderieh, Ont. J. T. GAiiaow, Q.C. tvn. Psounroor. MEDICAL T. A_ McDONALD, M_ D., C. M. C. P. S. nff 0 O. O i ce, Kintail. DR. ELLIOTT', .OFFICE AND RFSI- dence, Outram street, seethed door north .4 Little's shoe store, _ DIt T.F, NNANT, PHYSIC I A N, Suit -eon'and Aecouche r. Surgery op- poeite Cain's.laoteL_ Office hours 1a m 9 to 12. m_, and from 2 to 5 p• m. DMcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M..,F.T. • ALS., 1 LC.P.S.O., Physician, Sur - aeon, and Accanchenr. Office nest door to W. Allin'simplementshop. Residence Bnss street, mouth of D. IL McIntosh s store. DR. D. GEDDES. V. S. CALLS lJ either by marl or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigan's hall. Boarding hose, Cain's hetet, Lucknow. GENERAL MONEY TOLLOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 toll per cent, interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to Roam MURRAY. St: Helens. MONEY 1�� serunty for any tamme, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may, be paid at the end of the time, or a part of tke pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the aanount paid. For furtherparticulate, etc„ apply As®ts Suwwaan, Lireknow. ''SOCIETIES C. T. U..— The regular monthly • meed of the Weinen'a Chtistran Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month .in the Odd Fellows Le l:now, at 3 R m. Mao. W. H. Saerrrl, President ; Mas. Hotaslrcr.L, Secretary. CIC1ZUCKNOW J Lodge, No.112 en g y eat 8 o'clock in thear hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited_ K.J.McLtaa», N. Grand; H. H. Paseo;, Recorder. CI O. F•,COURT J. Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet- every first and third Monday in every month. in the Or- amae hall. Visit- ing, brethren a r e Cordially invited_ T. Mamma C. R. D. D. YULE Sze. A O. U_ W. LIFCRNOW LODGE OF ill . the Ancient Order United Workmen. meet in the Oddfellhws hall, on the last and second Monday ever:kegs of each month a el At o'clock_ V icing bretbreen cordially Invited. D. Parr mason. Master Workman R. D. Caxnnee. Recorder. - DUNN'S BAKING POWDER ill GOOD'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. _ � 1 DRY COLORS, D.C.TAYLOR'S1 Vern Superior at WHOLE NO. 971. GEO, MAJR & CO. BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. Lucsrrow. FEB'r 13tH,1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100acres of land, and being all the land held by ns in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to spply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we would request those in want of a cheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be here. We can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of interest. If you wish to renew or change, yon mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment . of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' notes frr long or short !lane, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms. Sale nates a specialty. We do a general hankina business- - of all Kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers; Shippers and Farmers, GEO: A. SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAJL TUITION. MISS MILLS IS PREPARED TO MISS music less•,ns on the piano or organ. For terms -'3ply at the Methodist Parsonage. SIC LESSONS WILL. BE TAUGHT by Miss Ii;aake. late of Blyth" Pupils attended at their own hones or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake photograph gallery. Terns reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. \GLISH CJIIIUCH —SERVICES 11 III a- m. and 6.30 p_ m. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Super_ntendent. Wm. S. Holmes. Adralt claae every Wednesday evening a o'clock,, Bible and p�rr�over hook le�►n's. A nrewelcome. REV. W. J. Coiallox, Pastor_ C. T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for sontin at 6:1$ a m 10:45 a. no. and 620 p. m. North au 12:30 p. m., 4:02 p. m. and 10;25 p- m- Fire and Marine Insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England_ Phoenix, o London, England„ and Accident In- surance _Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT - GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense. . INSURANCE. Farmers, look to your own interest and insure your farm buildings and • private dwellings in the LONDON MUTUAL. No Iarbe Premium Notes required. CASH S STEM : 50 cents to 90 cents per $100 for three years. JOHN LANE AGENT, • KINLOUCH. Also ager:t for the Phoenix, of Logsdon, England_ NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS °TIMED AN office in the building east of the Sinsatann Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CARETrLLY PREPARED. Pians ,soecittcatieas and estimates for build iugs, milt, bridgewa, etc., furnished on short notice. JAS. SOME12VILLR Lracknow, Jan .1891. LtreiruNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- tute_ Beading room open every evening from 7 to 10 R. to., excepting Saturdays ,wbaa the hours will be from 2 b 6 p. amt_ Th librarian will be in attendance during ekes lionsa. D. Y u t l", IPr iltel; e Q ieranser. E•ia.taupr, • LOCAL PARAG rg,ApHS., Newsy ItemsServed up for Seattael Reader —The public school will re -open on Monday next. —A good dwelling house to rent. Apply to W. Bowers. —For, cotton bags cheap, try Con- nell —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shephard are visiting friends in Markdale_ —Boys' and youths' suits in all sizes, and at low prices at ,Connell's —Mrs. David Moody is spending a few weeks with friends in London, —Master Robert Madden, of Kin- cardine, is visiting friends in Kinloss. —Miss Ida Graham is on an extend- ed visit to friends in, Toronto and Orillia_. —Mrs. Thos. Johnstone and children of Buffalo, are visiting friends in Lucknow. —The Riversdale cheese factory was burned last week but all the Cheese was saved. —Mr. F. E. Grant was in the vil- lage this week taking orders for medi- cal books. '1 —For dressgoods go to Lucknow. He ha., a , large choose from. —Mr. Horace McCrirnmon, of Sts Thomas, spent. Wecrnesday with friends, in the village. —Thursday last was our civic holiday and all the places of business were closed. ' —The camp at the lake was broken up -on Tuesday, and the campers have returned home_ —Miss Tena McDonald and Miss Carrie La Mont, of Ripley are the guests of .Mrs. McNabb " —Mr, and Mr y- Husband, of If: �aers� ills were `"... firsts of Mrs. W. J. Brumpton this week. Connell's, stock to —Mr. W. N. Lawrence left on Monday last, for Peterboro, to assume a position in the Ontario Bank of that town. —Mr. W. J. Brompton arrived home on Friday last from an extended trip through Manitcba aril the North- west territories. —Donald Finlayson, of this vil- lager whose mind became deranged, was taken to the London Assylnm on Thursday last by constables K. J. Mc- -A meeting of the Directors of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the Mechanics Institute here, on Saturday next, August 27th, at 2 o'clock. —Mr. Lewis Clark, foreman of the. book and job department of the London Advertiser, is spending a week's holidaying with the Snairr1ai1L_ —Rev. John Millshas gone away on a two weeks vacation and his pulpit in the Methodist church will be supplied in his absence by the Rev. Mr. Black. —The farmers in Manitoba are besieging the immigration officers in Winnipeg with applications for help for the harvesting. High wages are offered, but the supply of laborers is not nearly equal to the demand. Leod and W. Taylor. —Conductor A. E. Campbell, W. A. Quinn and Chas. Spooner of the O. P. R., Geo. Allan and W. Kirkland, all of Teeswater, R. Vanstone, L. Hanson and the Misses Mcllardy mid Shaer, Wingham, attended the Harry Hart benefit on Friday evening. —1xchanges are warning their read- ers to look out for a gang of • men travelling about the country making contracts for painting roofs. If they offer to paint yours for five dollars, or any price, don't fail to ask them how much the paint will cost before closing the contract. It is in the price of paint where the fraud lies. —The Toronto World announces that plenty of shinplasters of 25 cents value can now be had at the banks, and if riot kept there can be obtained from the Receiver -General at Ottawa or the Assistant Receiver -General at Ottawa or the Assistant Receiver - General at Toronto. Merchants and others who have been agitating for a larger issue can govern themselves accordingly. —Miss Louise Treleaven is visiting friends in Stratford —Mr. J. D. Murray shipped a car load of ^ `tie on Thursday —Mr. Wm. Geddis, cooper, intends manufacturing 10,000 apple barrels this season. —Ewen McKenzie, B. A.. will preach in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next. —The splendid rain on Wednesday night will do a great deal of good to pastures and root crops. —Mr. Robert Paxton, of Otterville, laid the corner stone of a new Metho- dist chit_ :h at Teeterville, on the l l th inst. —A new board sidewalk is being built from the corner of Outram to Inglis on Campbell street. It was badly needed. —Ewen McKenzie, B. A., has been appointed Lecturer in Latin and Greek in the Presbyterian College, Montreal. —Miss. L. Kenner, of Lucknow; and Miss. L, Lane, of Ashfield leave in a few . days to attend the Ladie's College at Oshawa. —MrBert_ McCorvie left on Mon- day 1, st for Chicago where he has se- cured a position in a large ,drug establishment in the windy city. —Mr. Joachim Grenache returned home on Monday last from his trip to the west, but we are sorry to learn that his health has not improved. —Rev. J. Qrr, wife and child, of Mono Mils, were visiting friends here on Tuesday. They spent most of their holidays in. Huron County this. summer. —R. B. Clement, Walkerton, has an arm -chair which has a history. It is cne hundred years old, and- during the war of 1812 was used by an Amerie: . Gene -,l, while partaking of a rmni,d B —A recent fraud just heard of by our country exchanges, is the butter agent, who makes contracts with the farmers to handle their butter all. summer, at 26 cents . per pound, the contract turns out to be a note for $260. Moral—Do business with your town merchant and give the agent a wide birth. " —Mr. M. C. Dickson, district passenger agent. G. T R., was in Kincardine recently. He was driv en around the town by Mayor McPherson and was highly pleased with Kincar- dine. He promised to report' in favor of putting the through London. train on the road. arriving at Kincardine at 12.15 and departing at 1.40. —Hillsboro, Manitoba, Herald says: —W. L. Forster has recently sold his farm just south of this city, formerly known as the Winter farm. We under- stand the purchase price" was about $36 per acre, and comprises 480 acres. Mr. Foster has purchased from O. C. Saries & Co. the property formerly oc- cupied -by Rev.. TcConnehey and will, with his family, become a resident of Hillsboro. We welcome such citizens. TORONTO INDUSTRIAL FAIR. The great event in Exhibitions in Canada is the Toronto • Industrial Fair, which opens this year Sept. 5th and ,closes Sept 17th. It . will be specially interesting on account both of the large and comprehensive prize list and because of the special attrac- tions to be offered. So great has been the demand for space in past years and to such large proportions has the Fair grown, that More space became a necessity and after repeated efforts the directors have secured additional accommodation on the Garrison Com- mons. A large new grand stand and a new speeding ring will be ready by opening day. The plan for the stand shows a design of . themost complete character, with offices and side rooms to meet the convenience and comfort of all who may be engaged in the ring, or who may wish to remain as specta- tor' of th ;speeding and other attrac- tive events. Every farmer in the province ought to see this Fair. The special attractions this year are very numerous and are much superior to previous years. Cheap rates will pre- vail re-vail on all railways. • THE SEPOYS AGAIN VICTORS - This ICTORS_This time It 1st the Hustlers; who data' to by Champioew of the Sauget* District, Who Succumb - The lacrosse match on Ellis' field on Civic holiday drew out a large crowd' of old and young, male and female,. Theday was exceedingly hot but this did not prevent fast and furious plata on both sides from start' to finish_ The. Hustlers arrived on the 10.30 train and proceeded to Oains Hotel. As they walkedto their quarters they gave evidence of a seasons training and hard practice. They are a more athletic and heavier team than the Sepoys and their defeat at the hands of a team only a few months organized must have been as great a surprise tG them as it was to some parties in Lucknow who cin see no good in the place and who put up money the night before on the Hustlers, which no one. was at all sorry to see them lose. The game was not devoid of roughness and two of the Kincardine players were particularly noticable in this respect and some of their play 'could hardly h. v e been called unintentional. We refer to Cuyler and Wylie, both of whom struck T. Kirk over the head, the former, so severly as to draw blood awl l cause a wrangle that filled up .the few minutes necessary to finish the gaIse. While we condemn such rough play, we just as much depreciate' the action of some of the outsiders who, interfered. During the progress of th,. game there were two or three who persisted in Lcing on the grounds among the players. It is possible they, may have done no particular harm but it gave the visiting team an opportunity - to .iud fault_ As a whole the Hustlers are a fine gentlemanly lot of young 'abr - esult of- the match. as decided! y Cite R ereree was 2 goals to none in: _. favor of the -Sepoys. It is claimed hp some however that another goal was taken for them but disallowed. The first goal was taken in 22 minutes, (some say in 17 and some 18) by John- stone. The hopes of Lucknow went up. After a short rest the game was renewed. Hard'play was the order of the day and after 69 minutes Coiling shot on goal, which was claimed, but disallowed on a claimed foul. When, game, began' again. Coiling, who had: - fallen with cramp in the leg, secure& the ball and scored in 3 minutes. This left 16 minutes to finish, 10 of which went to a rest, leaving six to complete the game. Five of these had been consumed when 'Kirk was -struck and . the game was not continued. Thus ended one of the best matches I, _ we have seen. The following is a list of the players :- LUCBNOW. EINCAEDENE. D. Lawrence Goal I. Miller , T. Kirk Point F. Dinsley J. Coulter ' C. Point T. Jacksoa C. McKinnon 1 defence W. Ruettel J. Berry '? " H. McKenzie D. Thompson 3 O. Jennings J. Yule Centre D. Goodwin. G: Johnstone 3rd home C. Cuylor B. McCorvie 2nd T. McSweyn, J. Kirk 1st " W. Vanstone J. Colling Ou tside G. McInnes W. Hornell Inside W. Wylie J. Jewitt Captain D. Fisher Alex. Campbell Umpire J. Henry • Referee, A. McAlpin. A large number of ladies were out, greatly adding to the appearance of the grounds. Jimmy` Patterson's big mastive gave G. McInnes the beat body check of the day. We suppose they are in every place but we know they are in Lucknow. We refer to certain snobbs who seems , to think they have a prescriptive right to stand in the front and shut out the view of others, ladies as well as men. Why will people rush in when there is an accident as they did when Coiling .took his cramp. We were surprised to see the agility exhibited by some old roosters crowding around and shutting out air. Only $17.00 were subscribed on the" gronnils. BarneyThompson, Charlie Campaign and Johnuy Kiltre of the "Hurons," Godericb, witnessed the game. 4