HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-19, Page 8' , •
During the month of Ang-
ust in order to make room
tor our fall tock of dress
goods which will begin to
arrive in September, we will
offer the balance of our sum-
mer stock in this line, consist-
ing of nearly 100 pieces, a
fine„ variety a shades and
kinds, at Cash discounts
ranging from 15 to 30 per
As these discounts mean
the selling of many lines below
in order to clear, this oppor-
tunity should not be missed
by,those desiring anything in
in theline of dress goods.
Hours $a. m. to 7 p.m.
Mauls AhRtvE.
W. G. it B. South 613 t. m, Daly
L. H. & B. North, 12-30 p. m, •
taZild 2
Knks% .1.301.. in.
W. G.. 4,e B, North 348 p. m.
Godexich t
Irtimediate points f 9 00 p. m,
L. H.& B. North 10.30 p. ni, "
Tuesdays and
Langside 3 00p, m, I'lidays
W G. & IL ,South I
L it. & B. South I 9'3°P• Te•
N. & B. booth 1.0.00a. ta.
ws. G.41; B.North 3-20p. m •
Holyrood 4,30 pan .
. SS
Vitiate and Xitinitm feitv.
The Scotch Leads
Of the number elected I the 8th
-1i*isLature of Manitoba 26 are Scotch,
-4 Irish, 4 French and 2 German. The
Scotch are now in the lead as AL
P. P's, in. the prairie province as well
as in Ontario.
Public Notice
The public are hereby notified that
any one found trespassing. o11 my
farm, north hall of lot 67 and 68 on
the first con. of Einloss„ just west of
the village, will be prosecurded.—D.R.
Webster, Lucknow P. 0.
He Got Even
:A &rifler's wife sold a roll of butter
to one of our merchants which upon
examination was found to contain a
stone in its centre,. Amoiag the goods
purchased by the woman was five
pounds of tea into which the merchant
weighed the stone and thus considered
himself considerably more than even.
We did riot hear how the woman felt
•S:..7..nd By Them
The Hamilton Weekly Tenapiar says:
''The 'country papers that are some-
times sneered at by the smart Alecks
of the city press, are the Salvation of
journalism in Canada, As a rule they
are clean, patriotic and independant,
1 marked contrast with the slavish to-
rilayisna of the great organs which toil
„rader the lash of party and monopoly.
The people of this country should
,*and by their ee° paper.
The Excelsior Life
rhe Lrpi tentinel;Bruce County, Friday, August 19th
mendirs-Winted Itiathering.of the Glans
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned for the useof the Oaledo-
niWgerottlitle and. Rail (lower part)
for the supply of refreshments on day.
of genies. Tenders recieved up to
August 27th.
Wm. ANDERSON, chairman
Arm Broken
Mrs. D. McKay, of the 2nd Cone
of Kinloss, on Monday last met with
a painful accident. She was setting
on the high seat of Mr. Angus Mc-
Kenzie's bakery wagon and when at
the cheese factory corner she accidently
fell to the ground, breaking her arm
near the shoulder.
Discovery of AmeriCa
The Minister of Education has
issued a circular recommending the
holding of suitable exercises in the
schools on Oct. 12th, to commemorate
the four hundredth anniversary of the
discovery of American. He suggest
that on the afternoon of that day, so
fares time may allow, there might be
suitable songs and recitations by the
pupils, a sketch of the life of Columbus
might be read, and advantage might
be taken of the occasion for having
short addresses, .dealing with the pro-
gress of civilization since the discovery
of this continent.
Brussels Races
On Friday, August 26th, the 'sum-
mer race meeting will be held at the
new half Mile track„ Brussel; cow
mencing at 2 p. m. sharp. The pro-
gramme comprise : -2:50 trot or
pace; mile run ;, open trot or pace:
and 2:30 Stallion trotting race. The
Directors of the Association are giving
$700 in purses. This will insure god
fields and persons interested in racing
may expect to see exciting sport.
Brussels Band will be present. ' New
grand stand, with seating capacity
Tor 500 or 600 people, is now complete
Speciatrailvv,ay rates on day of races
Important to Sportsmen
Sportsmen will be. interested in
noting that at the last session of the
Ontario Legislature an amendment to
the Ontario Game Act was passed for-
bidding the shooting of woodcock
until Sept. 14, the close seasorr having
been extended. Under the old law it
was permissible to pop them off on o
after Aug. 15„ but those who attemp
to do that this year will only succeed
in getting themselves into trouble.
The amendment made last session also
provided that with the e.ception o
ducks, which may be shot on Sept. 1
no other game bird can be killed anti
Sept 15th, -
The preparations of holding the
great northern Caledonian gathering
Lueknoar onaSeept. 1411a being.
rapidly pushed forward. At a ineet-
ing of the District committee held in
Wingham on Wednesday last the report
fron Albyn camp was unanimously
received and enthusiastically endorsed,
and an old time gathering is to be
expected. The objects aimed at in
holding these meetings are to bring
the variothneamps and people together
to make and renew acquaintance and —Miss J. Purdy, of Harristou,
further to promote and encourage the 'the guest of Msss Mamie Burgess
display of physical strength and ems eina„e,
agilityI To this end the Sons of Scot-
—Mrs. R. Proctor arrived home on
land are arranging their programme
and attractions this yea:. The pro-
go-annue to be issued in a few days will
consist of some 36 events including
atheletic sports, tug of war and prizes
for the largest and best dressed attups
of Sons of Scotland. As a special
feature of the game,s this year the com-
mittee have secured the services of L
Cyr who is recognised as the strongest
known man in the world to -day, and
before whom the huge form of that
famous athlete Donald Dinnie falls
into insignificance.. His weight is 364
pounds, and he has raised 2,800 pounds
at a single lift audit has been found
impossible for a team of horses to draw
his folded armsapart his performances
with heavy weights are marvellous.
Altogether his exhibitions occupy
about an hour and a half. With the
thorough arrangements for which
Lucknow games have always had
credit and the many attractions to be
offered, a Gala, Day is certainly to be
expected. .
—LiktidEdna, to -night. LUCKNOW
—Burning of the old den down by Fan Wheat,
the river. Peas
r:w. left for her
honein Torouto on Thursday.
—Mr. Ben Siddall, banker, of Belle-
ville, is visiting friendsain. ..the village.
—Mr. John Wallace and son spent
last week with friends in Goderich.
—Mrs. D. McKenzie and her child-
ren, of London, are visiting friends in
Newsy liesisServed up tor Sentonet Re- les
—Karl's promise to -night
—To -day (Thursday) is our civic
—A good dwelling house to rent.
Apply to W. Bowers. •
—The Misses Allie and,Unie Little
are visiting at Kincardine.
—Airs. Wm. Hood. went to Buffalo
on Saturday last, for a few day's. •
—Airs. Rev. John Mills spent Sun-
day and Monday at Grimsby Park.
—The, Rev. R. IL Barnby, spent
few days with friends here this wee
—Miss Johnston, of Ohio is th
guest of Mrs.W. J.Little, of Lucknow.
—Miss Martha, Carrick, of Kinear-
f dine, is the guest of Mrs D. D. Yule..
Newcombe, of Kin -
1 cardines is visiting friends in the
Those Tent Caterpillars
It looks as if a large number ef
people are fond of pets, as in almost
every other garden 'the fruit. and
ornamental trees have quite a- number
of those tent caterpillars nests: in
some eases the webs are three feet
long, and yet very few attempt to
destroy them. and the consequence is
the number is increasing every year.
Those whohave no long knife, with
which tacut the limbs off. can make
a torch by tying a mee to a, long pole
with stove wire, saturating it with
coal oil, setting fire to it and holding
it under the web and . dead leaves,
thus destroying the • insects. They
are now feeding on the green leav,•
so they shoulebe burnt off at once.
A Serious Charge
On Friday last, a man named Gillen
was brought before Mr. M. McNamara
J. P. charged with laav:ne- committed
an outrage, on Catherine Leisiraer an
an inbicile girl of the Township of
Carrick. There were pmseat as wit
ns-ses, ,, the girl - herself, Ler father,,•
Henry Lessianer, Dr. of ClAbrd,
and a number oiothers from the neigh-
borhood where the girl lives. Mr.
Leisimer, is a Hessian, and speaks
English very imperfettly, and, it was
found nemasary to employ Mr. John
Klein as interpreter. The girl is very.
week minded, mei appeared to have
only the faintest conception .of an
oath. However the oath was adanin-
istered and she. told her story with
sufficient clearness tO" be intelligible.
The alleged offence, was committed on
the 12th of May last, and in th,'
absence .Of both father and mother.
Gillian, who is a cattle dealer, is an in-
telligent,looking man, and seems to lie
very little impressed with the proceed -
ins. The story as told by the girland
er father, is unfit for publieationebut
e magistrate thought there was
fficient truth in it to justify Bina in
riding the prisoner up fer, trial.
O was liberated on fundshing tail to
re aun, of 400. —Walker .1n
eI '
—A cireular sent out recently hy the
ucatioeal Department, states that
One liner each week must mow 'be.
A Life In,earalehe Company almost 2 t• th
years in the fit?? with or'y200(tpaidj
out for mortality is without a prem., su
dent Such results can only Ire ob-
tained -by the greatest teare in the
selection of lives. This is one of the T
essential elements in the manngeinent
of a. Life ins -armee Company. • Large
profits must certainly be the result of Ed
such care in the management Mr.
Frank Tayl.oe general a crf-lt /.119;irecv • la, _ • qviprri.• and
i hygiene lei ,.tt1 paL. . en•^In", •
eat in the tiage
—Mr, Rev. AfcGregor, of Wingham,
waa the guest of Mr. A. B. Congram
this week.
—Miss Bain„ of Goderich, is the
euest of Miss Florence Patterson of
;his village.
—Mrs. Wni. Wilson, Wawano.sh, ia
spending a few weeks with friends in
Oxford county.
—Mrs. G. W. Berry and Mr. John
Berry spent a few days with friends in
Buffalo this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster, of
London, are visiting at Mrs, Jas.
Webster, of Ashfield.
Mr. J. C. Mcliaele of Clinton, was
the guest of Mr. James Lindsay for
a few days this week.
—There are no hands offered, for
sale for tarzes by the County treasurer
from Lucknow this year.
—Everybody plays Laerss to -day
but the Lucknow Dramatic company
plays '`Karl's promise" to-raight.
The rural schools re -opened on
Monday last, ut the village .hot.ls
will not re -open till Monday, 29th inst
—Everybody should go to Too
Hell to -night and see Harry Hart as
Karl supported by the Luck -now
, —The Rev. Mr. McKay has gone to
the mineral springs at Preston,,for the
benefit of his health, which has been
poorly for eome time.
—Dr. Norman Kerr, of Chieago, and
formerly of Holyroed, has been
appointed Professor to the chair of
anatomy in the Northwestern Dental
College, ,, of Chicago.
—This afternoon (Thursday
lacrosse match between the Kincarduie
and Lucknow teams is to be played in
Ellie field.. Don't fail to attend as i
preinises to, lye an interesting game,
—Mrs. Stewart, of Lucknow, °was
visiting friends ie Clinton, but was
soddenly called home threugh the
serious illness of one of her children.
So sap the A",ois Etecvni.
—11,0 Oitatuio Dehorning 'commie-
sioners will report shortly. It is asid
the eonamiesioners find in favor of de-
horiting„ and that the cruelty of the
precthe. ba.z eei tangTH;4fDed hy its
• 1
Tuesday from a weeks trip t Wiarton
by carriage.
—Rev. Ewan McKenzie, B. A.,
preach in the Presbyterian .church
Sunday next
—A number of boys of the village
are camping on the banks of lake
Hurbn near the light house.
—W. J. Webster, of Toronto, has
gone back toethe city after (spending
few weeks a1 the old home here.
—Measra R. D. Cameron and Wm.
Connell went on the excursion to the
Falls and Grimsby on Saturday last.
—Mr. Brown Mallough, of Superior,
Wisconsin, is spending a few weeks
with cid friends in the village and
—Miss Mary McKenzie, Toronto
City _Missionary of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, is spending a visit
with friends in this vicinity.
—Rev. Robert McNabb, of Beach -
burg, Ont., spent a couple of days at
the residence of his brother, Rev. John
McNabb, of this village.
—Ewen Mackenzie B. A. delivered
a lecture on " American tendencies in
Canadian Politics," Aug. 5th under the
auspices of the Holyrood Mechanics
—The property of Mrs. Alex.'
Graham, lots 47 and 18, con. 1,
Kinloss, consisting of farm stock and
implements will be sold by pubic
auction on Friday, August 26th, by
John Purvis, auctioneer.
—At a recent dog show in Los
Angeles over the door of theexhibition
room was placed a sign or, which, in
large retters, was the following: "No
smoking allowed here—it wi'l hurt
the dogs.
—Clinton NeW.ST Reno:di—Mr. Smith
On or about May 24th, five yearlbg
10 Of the undersizred, lot 29, con. 4, Kin
Riity is laid up with an attack of „awe. three ._steers, wad two heifers. one steer
rbtei a Ithpearaleikritssooffothvere hijea.ulths4igsuhipPmedmsell tialineirdYklaree411heeif-giveryervingareln7Lirmati‘ thsnietaimainryartewardderimaYed.SPklielittedigli
and getting thilled• after it. It is
hoped that the young man will soon
—A little green apple hung up in a
tree, crying Jonnie„ comeJonnie, come
Donnie » Jennie he came in his sweet
childish way, and ate up that apple as
his own- lawful prey; the angels in
Heaven are singing to -day here'a
Jor here's Joenie, here's Jonnie.
.65 to .70
.00 " .55
:00 ;25
rolls 11, tub .13
per bushel....
Butter, per Ib
Eggs, per pound
Itay per ton
to 7.00
Came to tieprernises of the undersigned, lot
23, con. 3CKinloss, on or about the 19th of
July last, three two year old steers ; two two
year old steers and one yearling hefer. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay
expenses and take them away.
ions IlIcKEsna,
68 3 Langsitie P. 0.
5o,000 Barrels ApplesWanted
50,000 barrels of Fall and Winter
Apples for which the best market price will bo
paid. Hold your apples for Cantelou and
save money. •<-1
D. CANTELON, Clinton.
situated lot 13, con, 7, in the Township
of Kinloss, Co of Bruce. Frame hone, good
orchard, well watered and conveniently dtu-
ated., For particulars apply to
E. 'NICHOLSON, Proprietor,
or to Thorndale, Ont.
Holyrood P. 0.
VOT RS ' LIST -1892.,
Municipality uI the Township of illnloss,
Connor of Brace.
I have transmitted or delivered to the
persons mentioned in the third and fourth
sections of the "Vetere List Act"the copies
required by said section to be so transmitted
or delivered of the list, pursuant to the said
act, of all Persona appearing by the last
revised Asiessurent Roll of the said munici-
pality to vote in the said municipality at
elections for members to the Legislative
Asserubty and at municipal elections, and
the said list •wan first pored up at my office
in Langvide en the 26th day of July, 1M,
and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the smlL
list, and if any omissions or other errors are
found therein, to take imtuechate proceedings
to have the ninte errors oorret_Ied according to
Dated at Langside this 26th day of July, 1892
Clerk of the said inunicipality,
3-9,67 Langside P. O.
—These are the days when the swel-
teringpublic look both Ways for a shady
-nook, and the thermometer stands in
danger if a red faced man looks at it,
Right in the middle of it all comes the
intimation from the observatory that
the heat is going to last a ,few days
yet and the olny course left open to
the perspiring citizen if he desires to
lire through the week, is to seek an
airy couch on the clothesline during
the darkness, and hold a bog of ice on
his head in the day time
Ve -see no re:aeon why dogs both in
villages- and townships should 604
Weitz' tags. A well bred and carefully
trained (keg is a valued aniMal
whether used for hunting, driving of -
stock or for purpose of protection,
but for one dog of that kind there are
twenty worthless cure throug,hout the
country that are nothing less than
public nuisance, destroyers of property
and a me.riance of personal ,safety.
The only way to get rid of the wideth-
less canines is to tax the iledti heavily.
Let each respetable dog that has been
paid for wear a tag and urunereillessly
destroy all vagabond curs found with
. thismunicipal badge of 'respect -11.
7'6e efficiency of ,the tag system has
been shown by a case which happened
last 'week itt »Bruce convey. Some
dogs engaged in worrying fiernier's
sheep same three miles am the vil-
lage of Wiarton were shot, in the 'net,
and on. examination of the regist ler
kept by one of the Wiarton antlawit-
it,,,s, the Ulla -nen of the dogs were nvatl-
ily found and of course will have 440
cagey for the danaapt- dose, The pen -
end ailoprtiom of the lag SyStetilth Mild
1111(0t q,45113" help tto rid the' 4001111tiltey
1144411Ily naming tlitirf,„•11)1111
''f'ter hnVe ft he e u l,,e-a/Ea!).4 tlftfc•
of the sheeperorraing
4-965 JOHN ROSS, I. angdde P.O
LiC3,1\lrlD 01\T
Sept. 15th to 24th, 1892.
Canada's favorite Live Stock
$2000 added to the Prize List,
Over $1,500 going to the Horses
Cattle,f Sheep, Pigs and Poultry
Vi..-itors and rxhibittors are, premised more
for their money ttt.is year than ever betore.
Sttabliog and sipai.-le allettrd •••=e(cit-ipt
pecitaiksim'a WiIIII b oSEanat.'tractiallij.
and elaborate kind -
For Frire I.1,41, and nil inforuraition apply to
Capt.A.W.P:orte, Thos.A.Browne
Pre-Ale/Jur,. Se.,:rettars.
Mrs. Smith has just opened
up a case of Ready -Made
For tall and winter. Tttrill
be to the interest of the ladies
of Lucknow to eall and exam-
ine them before purchasing,
A few ends of Dress Goods
tiltd Prints selling at cot.
\ I