HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-19, Page 5i R11ILOss COUNCIL. The abovn'oauncil met August 8th, Members all ;present, the Reeve in the chair. After the reading of the minutes thea- followingaecouti ii were' ordered/to be paid : John McKenzie for gravel, 4 accounts $3.65, Thos. Donovan: gravel 1.45 ; P. Corrigan, gravel 750; Jars. Marshall, gravel 70c ; 11 McKinnon, Huron, gravel, $2.05 ; Wm. Watson, gravel, $1.00; John R. Johnstone,, gravel, $4.70 ; Wm. W. Malcolm, 3 accounts for gravel, $10.80 Alex. Ross, gravel, $3.55 ; John Gilespie, gravel, $4.25; E. Warden, ,Pavel, $1.50 ; Wm. McAdoo, gravel, 1.50 ; Ken McKenzie, gravel, $2.25 ; in. R. Frazer, gravel, $3.50; Henry piercb, gravel, . $5.40 ; Thos Morgan, repairing culvert, $3.50 ; Wm. A'tnold lowering culvert, $1.75; Joseph Stanley, one half, of culvert on the Greenock boundary, $3.25 ; Do. for a culvert on coles side road, $2.90 ; Ed Collins for grading $4.62; Lyman Kaake, repairing culvert and lumber. $3.98; Chas..Beechlar, plank, $5.61 ; Jacob Miller half of work on Ashfield boundary $15.25 ; Do. building bridge on con. -4, $14.40, Do. for one half job on Ashfield boundary $21.64; Jas. Webster, inspecting the same $3.75 imes'Gaunt, inspection 83.00; Janies oss, repairing culvert on con. 8, 75c; Thos. McConnell, repairing bridge and box culvert, con 10, $7.50 ; Richard 11lallough, hill on 6 con., $19.70 ; John Ross, work un Huron boundary, $4.45; W. R. Frazer, piling, con. 5, $3.00 ; D, McKinnon, cleaning ditch and culvert, .83.00: John. Black, repairing culvert on gravel road 81.25 ; Jas. Marshall, forwardo against Craig and Moore for locating drain, $4.00 ; Wm. McNiece, inspection fees, 85.00. Moved by Henry, seconded Ly Johnstone, that the Reeve.be instructed to ascertain the condition of Jessie McLeod, who has applied for assistance and report at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Johnstone, seconded by Nicholson, that fifteen dollars as relief be granted for the Elliot family, the. same to be placed in the hands of John Black for expenditure. . . Moved ' by Henry, seconded by Moffat, that the clerk do .order five copies of the Municipal World at the rate of 40c. for the use of . members of 'this council. Carried. Councillor Moffat was instructed to examine the 15th side -line on the 6th and 7th con. and report at next meet- ing as to its condition. A by-law read fixing the rate for county purposes at 2. per cent and for the township pure 's and school aid the same rate . The council then adjourned to meet again on the 19th September. ' P1 TF1'. MUD, Cl( rk. —A citizen of Brussels has loaded ul' sou,e, of his early apples, it is sail, with Croton oil so as to give the ,light iingetri'd youths a genuine ,surprise p rty. - •It is auu,.u,uce(l. that Lord Aber- deen would rather come to Canada as Govenor-General than go to to Ireland as Lord -Lieutenant. Which ever place Gladstone may send ]him to, both ;,vel the e•auntt•s- ". ill re('ciy.'. a \ynrntwelcome. Sr`RTHORN BULL. ROBERT ADAIR. ', ,.;;: 1. N11Er$T(;N1'l' WILL KEEP for service the above named animal for .1 limited num] er o` vows G,e the reast,m of • 1't'lln ; REF b •:;' :1,1.,`r was bre,] at the Ontario .A,.'enitural College. Guelph, Ap.il 4th, 1:91 ; gest by Baron Water 13!)31 ; Blain, 1:1A‘ r of riverside, 15848, by British Sovere'_n, 4333 ; 2nd dam. May- 11.•wtr. Io0;2. 1,}' 1)ukerf V'. ford, 3099 • 3rd Red Ro+e. 10496, by Ma; wad uke, 3104 ; 4th. :dam, Violet, J0.'87. by Colonel 4201 • ith il•tun Aloha. 2:'10, by :llrred, 304 ; lith dam. Arabelta, 606, by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th dam. Red Lady, 1766, by Young Cam- , bt;d:;e. 1178 8th dam. Beauty, 638, by Brilliant, .73,5 ; 9th dam, Moss Rose, 1592, by Cornet, 432 ; 16,h dam. Ruby, 1887, by .Agricola (imp.) 5 llth • dam, Beauty (imp), 30, by Snowball, 2647. by 1.awnsleayes. 36.1, v l`Nar1 .' , 12r. 'l'fT \ . '2 1`9 each per ceason ; payable ,•u oe be`ore the gest day of November. J, 1-. • ANDREW, Teeth, Teeth If you want a first•class set of teet rhraper than the cheapest, call on , Do Pat terso.i`11t 'n;• T• .• �'. e LUC Aid- OI , OPVT. ti Sys ©m The Lucknow Sentinel; Bruce Uounty, August 19th EOD'SfGrand Trunk R�ao4ator, Ana" other Testea=remenes -' - SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE ---- -FOR Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. 81 per half pint and 82 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - - GODERICH, ONT. J. IW. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. Stop&Think Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of Bout Aoet And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boats cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles. Children's wear in all the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE. iRenairing done on short notice. JOHN PEART. TO TIJ FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and ala prepared to PAY" CASH 'OR BUTTER AND EGGS The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLING.. 'NEW E'A Canada's Great IRO FAIR. TORO NTO Sept. • 5. to 17, . 1892. Enlnr ed Grounds New Half -Mlle Track New 'Grand Stand . • And many other mprovements. Greater and Better than Ever ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 13 New and Varied Attrations of a 'Superior Character, Instructive and Amusing, the L•itest Inventions turd Grainiest Exhibits in all Departments. The Peoole's reaIAonual Outlng Cheap Exeursion on all Railways.. For Priie.Lists, Programutes and all Information, address Q J. J. Withrow, II. J. Hill, . President. Manager, Toronto. CLOTHES REEL. THE NEW IMPROVED " CHESLEY Clothes ,Reel" ; the most 'complete, durable, simple and perfect reel manufactuttd. ''This article can be got only 'through the Bph' agent at Langside. v 9b6.t f • A. A. CROWSTON. AY ONE REQUIRINGFIRST-CLASS lessons in music tan have the same from Prof. Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms • apply to the Rev. 11r. C••nnor. the rectory. Prcf. Moss will be in Lnekn. w on Mondays. • 1Allit ti 1 HAS ARRANGED- FOR HAIIVEA9T .EXCURSIONS AUG. 16 16 Au G. 23 Retu i -tober 2nd, SE PT 6 Return October 16tb, • 1892, F. all stations in Ontario return rates to HARTNEY DELORAINE, MOOSOMIN, BINSCARTH, REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON Return September 25. 1892, PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON $28 $30 $35 $40 BERTHS FREE—These trains from Tor- onto will have a limited number of Colonist. Sleepers attached, accommodation in which will be alloted in order of application. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect with the 11.20 p,m. train, leaving Augguat 16. 23 and September 6,1892. 1'or full information apply to D. W.'HAYES,. Agent G. T. R., Luckncw CA.T!ADIAN r 9ACIFfC y_ RAUVEST. EXCURSIONS FROM ALL .STATIONS JN• ONTARIO RETURN RATES TO ' NESBITT OXBOW DELORAINE MOOSOMINBINSCARTN $28.00 MOOINA JAW $30.00 YO RKTON PRICEY $35.00. ALBERT 'EDMONTON . - $40. To leave all -points in the .Proince of Ontario, --ON-- 6 Return r�til October AUG.lJ `V�f a 16, 11192. AuG.. 23 Retarn until,Octnher � '2J, 11]12, SEPTRetm�i until November ANIIIJIPAIING The rise in Cotton Goods, since the. cotton mills of the Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicate, I have put in a good stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON COC u� And am prepared to give my • customers the benefit of the same at old prices. . Have still a good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from. Come early and secure. Also the "-`ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINGS. Just try them and you will have no o s. All other departments are equally. well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember the place. MRS. R. MURRAY, ST. F2�LENS_ M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in / CROCKERY, G'.ASSWARE..GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. 1 have in stock the following : Apples Dried Apple Nutmeg Soda Blacking Extracts Oil, olive Soaps • Black Lead a Ties Oil, sweet Spies Blue Fish, canned Oil, castor Starch Baking Powders Fish, dried Oranges • Strawberries, canned Barley, pot Gelotine Oat:Meal Sulphera BBath Brick Gingers Pails apioca Hops Peels Tomatoes, canned Brooms Honey Pipes Teas Baskets Ink Pickles Tobaccoes Brushes Indigo Pearline Vermicelli Biscuit }Licorice Peas, canlned • Vinegars ' Coffee Lime Juice Pepper • Washboards Confectionery Lemons Raisins Washing Crystal. nned Goods Lamps Rice Woodenware CoCcoa' Lard Rice Flour Whiting Chocolate IMatcheS Sago Dinn*er Sets Corn, canned Mince bleat Salt feast Cakes Corn meal (Meal Salmon Dinner Sets • Currants . Macaroni Sardines Tea Set s Currie Powder (Mustard Senna (Watr Sets Cream Tarter blew 't ca Seeds Cream Sets Cocoanut Ibagnesia Sugar Berry Sets SEPT. t., ;,,.,J. Dates Nuts Syrups Toilet Sets I'a geties ticketing Toro other ;)-).lits :leo-'d No. 1 Flour always on hana. Goods'delivered to any part of the town. ufange to arrive at Toronto in time to c"ta•tert ttith the 11.20 p.m, tiain on al )ve dates. For full. information apply t, any ticket agent of the Canadian Pacitic Railway. J. Murchison, Agt, i ii:eknow, John Griffin, AUCTIONEER 'FOR HURON .Cc REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. . SAi.ES AUrEN1)ED IN ALT, 1'.11;•1'S of the County andsatisfacticu r•;•tr ,.tt •�,l A nuthberof FIRS:-CLAS6 FARMS Forsale on reasonable t.•rrn,.. JOHN GRIFFIN, KIN(.$B1;IT)Gl' P. (). THE HUB Leads them all for Parnily Groceries AND CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season, FIN T EAS we% correctness A SPFi C- r unci degr- • .oast OiALTY. with The Largest 'rhe ay •ar rou The hOiCeeattoc�l: than & TperatnhSt Goods, obtainable illlio' l2G' J3csf jl(t.?lc - d thief ew Goads. KAAKE Co.'s Second Annuncenlent of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET. MUSIC,. PHOTO ALBUMS -Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper; Etc. EXT «'e . intend to 'give. every lady and gentlemen a chance to. yet a beautiful album,,, valued at 8.3.o'r one dozen cabinet photo's free. We place in our window a quart sealer of beans. Any One, buying 81 worth' of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess....The nearest number gets the prize: Beans plot in sealer by Mr. - Kincaid 'and will be counted . by a disinterested party on .July 1st. ^ This. will commence on April' 1st. KA..A. E 8z Co. 1 J0H- A est-Lics1.1.• �,�,TFaRn01L ARAN �� .Soouteara 1: or Stile b in !'!Me D. C. Toni oil C O. • w+ey 1ae,O for (attn41, eve use, an•_ t'1.Cr.;.cst. 'eta or sent by :nail. Jt ino, yarren. r..