HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-19, Page 4e9
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, August 19th
or :rani: 'ii`.- ro i77011 AND'TO ABDO/
OP 00Nb01!•NO& WX PRIMA AB0v)1 ALP
StLIZi au at ,-Stl tMMa a *vn a r :J r : � '";541,a4
Ltioknow, £ tg t ZOth, 1809.
13y • vote of from 350 to 310, the
BItiuitalt House of Commons lest week
declared "no confidence" iu the Salis-
bury Government, and Mr. Gladstone
was summoned bythe Queen to
Corm It ministry, the personal) of which
Inas already been announced. It will
tiiko soma tinge, however, to got the
new machine iuto working order, and
nothing in the shape of legislation
can be looked for before tho early
part of 1893. hleanwh'tlo there wilt
eta tt number of bro.oleetione, the
remits of which will indicate the
probability or, improbability of Mr.
Gladstone being able .to carry his
Hogue Rule and other measures
through. °His present majority is
not large, and its meagreness makes
his opponents hopeful. •
The country press aro leaking a
igorous ,attack on tho usual slipshod
toothed of road -making under the
etatuto labor plan. Wo have before
drawn attention to the systoln as
being in tho and the most expensive
and, ' least satisfactory of any: Thor)
can be no uniform plan parried out
throughout to • township, each: petlt-
tnaster patches up his boat according
f') his own ideas. The expense ot
hauling Loads on a poor° road is an
Item of much irllportanoo to the far -
rout', and more than equals yoayly tho,
coat of oaoh farm for a direct tax to
be expended under .charge• of a skilled
road maker, who would construct
permanent . road. beds. In Franco
whore the Government has built' and
maintain a system of national roads, the:
annual 8:Wing to the • fai'tner ' in .wear
and tear, vehicles and the extraordin-
9ry loads which he is enabled . to talar,
to market with case, .r000ups •Oita
over and ovor again for the sharp of
tf? o taxation. These .roads are hnrd,
level, well drained and free from ruts,
tare constructed of broken stone
heavily rolled into permanent founda-
Cion.• Tho expense of keeping stick
roads Ali the best of repair is ver'
trifling, while the pleasure of travel..
Sitig is enormously increased. lentil
tvo repl`t►.00 the antiquated statute
labor plan with some such general
system we will never haat, d000llt
t 1)I)FE/ 1.U)Peas Al1'1)-j' ).Rhee':;Ri ti
Thy t i 1'illall l.oelgt' of th.e 1111lehelltl
Nat Order of Otltlfallows of t)nt trite
; and the - I l igh ,C'ourt of, independent.
Order of F'ore'sters' 'held their tate
mod :nc'tiug hast week, the one at
11'iudsor and the other at Barrie. '.1'he
annual parliaments of dose' two hollies
slays. the Toronto (7/trbr:,• ttnd others of
a situilar character, possess an interest
to ft 1't' tl1Nl'ktable largt1 1111110 1w%. ,of
people `a'tht+! Province, told their pro.
rretlinl;a'tiro wetichedl, art they should
lie, with arida. sl toad , at tont ton.
'sVhrn it is remembered that. the two
4,04* now uat'Oting have to oo;ahintd
n e)ll,l>orship of botweon forty tang tifty
thousand it will he comprehended in
mime degree how ,,largo a place these
tltt,n►ticial Societies till in a Province
it.11 Ontario's population. 1 laving
their origin in the social iiistile'ts,
they have ta vatiried from that to the.
ruutuallybeneficial stiago, or into what
tutky he caller amateur insurrule°.
'Thin social, 'congrogativo instinct wets
the>fttupdatiun hut oil it luisheen roared,
«fltav tel stipet'3trut`ture of tltytll'atb.'t+
t g:4it)st death or t ld ago that for
tete strongest hoed of union
So the awe The 'kV et,
ti rnntlnla's' u -
To a memory rntieerr tl
f ,
1,ieth in Uro oaken ehos'.it
'Where, uuwtllina2 ave' Should kn
tl ronin►:► put it. )oars ;pro.
After his Shari lineation.
ili=e linen eoth he 41ons to -tiny,
Likewise ht linen west.
Anil to the country takes hie way
the developiinent in this direction has
been a oognate but of course much
inferior growth in the direction of
.sooietot_intiuranoet. __pitta ahem
snoe and affords its benefits to classes
whole it would by perhaps difficult to
The explanation of the reason that
these societies aro enabled to insure
•their members at reasonable rates lies
in the fact that the work of soliciting
and procuring members is done by the
the society" mon without roward.
The desire to swell the numbers of the
individual courts or lodges appears to
be sufficient inducement to' crake
onthusiastio members labor quite as
assiduously . as the hustling regular
lino agent, whose thoughts awako or
asleep, run on "risks." On examining
it from this point of view, then, it
will bo seen that tho sooioty man pays
por capita tax and also contributes a
little work for the mutual good. The
public have boon made pretty well aware
that there aro societies and societies,
and that is therefore neoosaary to dis-
criminate. Tho Ontario Government'
has very properly taken a hand in the
work of discrimination, with the
result that._ those societies, whose
financial basis is bad and which are
mere swindling imitations of the real
article aro being crowded out of the
1ie�c . Of course such a largo organiza-
tion as we are considered should, re-
ceive"), careful supervision from the
members.. Eternal v *ilancc " is.. the
priced of safety, and the members 'of
these rospootive bodies should see to it
that their, work of watching and
scrutinising the administration of
affairs is done ' eonsoiontiously end
WHAT bas eons) over the Canadian
Manufacturer, the official Organ of the
Uanadian. Maufaoturers' Association 9
Its cry was onoo "the tariff, the whole.
tariff, and nothing ' hut the tariff:"
At one time theta was no policy but the
National .policy, and the Sir Johns
were its. prophets. Every thi ag the
tariff did was benoticial a nd the Gov-
ernment that supported it could do
no wrong. Now it is virulent. on its
attacks' upon the Govornnient` ;tierce
itt its denunciations of tho customs
de'partttient„ Land lashes sotut' of the
tariff provisions with all the fury of a
life lout; free trader.
'.Ct1u least issue of the Ont:ariotltut't to
oonttains the thane. of 853 persons who
have been ri, istt'reel as agents 111 lin
telt) under the insurance Corporation
.A.et of 1$t) .. I1t'n.'efort,h it will be
unlawful for others. than these holding
certificates to net in rho capacity of
agents for lite raged accident itisnr:111t'o.
1 t. looks tis if t he 1nsuranee .k et would
not :l cotasideraltlit int'tuue to the t;tiv
t'1'lait►elft. 'This is only. tent'' t+f the'
matey classes of fees twit have, been
prat iilrd for, mid ire tvvl the
tt't'eipts :are now over $ 1,;;t)U. The
registraation must be'repe'ittt'tl annually
l:y thug' who wish to take atia.lntaa�c
of it
TUN Queen's hday will not
!always be a public holiday In Canada.
When Vi. toric ceases to' reign and the
Prince of Wales ascends the throne
the king's Birthday will take its
plan+. This is to say, it will be a
State holiday, just as the.'.:,4th of May
is, but it will not be so much of t
bt.1iil y among .the general pail+li .
The anliversary of the Prince's birth
falls on November the t' th, too late in.
tho outdoor rtcieatiou. gruff as fir as
tltallatlaa is concerned, too Ilt`:ar Thanks'
giving Day to be very gt'nerelly
Did you ever notice wht'a a main
drops a• piece of tnest or anything of
that sort on the :loot', no diflt'reil.e
how .loon tho tl'tet'1' may be, hr wilt
either site 1t a• hick ,rt- 1ick it up and
iey it. to one side. lie 'will n at
t 't e\
t Vitt let hint deep his plug of to-.
weeon the street, and no difference
dirty the streets may be. he will
bf wla11M a careless rub on his
yo may.". ]tttwalstttont h his
Two weeks hence to the tin n he W.A.
Denuded ot his pelt.
And two dad's on the tx'd he hos
.To rust himself.
ear the End.
It is now near the end of the season for
MII I IIT -+ J_-l.r
and we want to clear the stock.
Straw Hats we offer at Half Pirie,
and Flowers at a Big Reduction.
WM. CONNELL, - Lucknow.
92. - HARDWARE. - 1892.
Harvest Tools, 'Hay Rakes, Mixed Paints,
Dry Colors, ' Chemically pure
- White -lead.
The only permanent wall finish.
Siii$61) aaltiranic=04 WU*.
\v \v
Sole agent in Lucknow for
Preston's Braided, Barbless Fence Wire..
The Leading Hardware and Tin Depot.
.. Thu following circular has been
issued from the Experitueiitn1 Fara'
to \ ursoywen and Fruit Growers :
"An iuiporttult fe:ituro in connection
with the • Horticulture work, during
the. last five years, at the Central
Exporiiutnntal Fartn Ottawa, has been
the nesting of hardy fortes of 'Morello
cherry, recently imported from Eastern
Europe. A number. of these low •
growing. partially dwarfed varieties
havo been in bearing the ' past years
and give evidencet of unusual hardiness
v,iror ants prodtictivetiess. • This ap-
parent hardiness of tree united in
harry instances with food quality of
fruit, renders it advisable that they
should be di'eceiui,ated at as early a
date as possible, especially in the.
intert•st of •the fruit growers in the
colder parts of the Dominion in
order that nursery ,men and fruit
growers may have . an opportunity of
testing them tv thont delay., :a selNc-
tion tItLtt lin the most dcsiraablc v:arit'-
tit'. has been made, of which buds for
immediate prorogation are note' aavaiil-
able, and will be distributed under the
instruc.tions'of. the lion. the minister
rot _. ri.utturt' free of charge, on the
receipt of the application / by. the
undersigned Applications should be
addressed to the Ilorticuliurist,
Central Experimental Farm, Ottaw t:
These will be •tilled in the order ,in
which they are received, as f.lr as pos-
sible to ttit'ttt the defraud,, Using our
best judgment in selecting suitahle
varieties for thi> various sections.
Care should be taken to preserve the
dames, so thait'thte record .of the• be-
havior of each vat iet'y can be secured
for The purpose of future comparison.
'Mahaleb' is probably at present the
best available stock upon which to
work these buds. 11.1 the :absence of
this they may be set upon the shock .4
•lti�•sttrii,' '11ird Cherry,' lFrunus
l'e'titisvlvartica) or the Common heti'.
t'llel'rj�, with tl fair degree of success."
---.roux OnAtt:, Horticulturist.
CZ"' r
Georgian Bay Shingles.
Illflity uN1)b:l;. lt.Ni':1)11As ox HAND
:Y regal• lot of XXX G• eorgian l•av shlt>`ales
r t at t`tl, tttit tet M sou, at the lowest thh�ible
him tend feeling that he was almost one ...•,
themselves, had taught weir' language,
fortnnately overheard it. and Wrote it down,
so that all may road it tajhis day.
very 'wise $.ng, and ti " tt Ar . tntt'C.1s kta` +t113' ttlr Ill itt stock .faux.: the
talose days,
an to whom trho 4 1 ll� l
da itn tlititiaibl \'1', 11'hitevhunli
Thewould amce,
Unhappily for ns, "1104,41L" t lov .e ''" a I soak ; and we would ehnm t...
If your eyesight is a`.t've the average, perhaps
yn'u can tell uc r.r.:.y:, how manyd.+ts"there .trt in
. the above inner circle: If you can do this we gpt.er.
.cure you An elegant and valuable le price. It.. `.•e
:a mom difficult task than ydu imagine at
To the erre person who can count the dots in the
above eircle +•.ret:v and send us the , ..:,t ntrnt-
b'i•r whi;happear therein w•tll be gr. er•.t volts -
able Gold Wtatoh. guaranteed to be a first-
class timekeeper, To the se'ct'a will be given n
first-class Set. of Encyclopedia in library
hindinc ; to the tki. i will be given a ,la'roncli
Mne(r Box; to n:. t of the neat tires will be
civ. r a Nit ,dgenuinc 1)1 ontl Fair-rift,��;
t' r.:,t'4 of the next tier will be givcr t Solid
Gold Brooch with genuine diamond setting ;
to r.4'4 of the reit tr,r will be given a handsome
Silk Dress Pattern. (to }ands in any color):
to et': -4 of the neat tnratr will be given o genuine
S11e•er Wilitrh. To the l.ut pers'n
K., sends the correct number of dots appearing
in .the above circle will be given a fine Chins)
Dinner Service; to es.4 n,f the next :. to
' the List will be given a Silk gross Yat tern
(et` yards in any color): to ns.4 of the next sere to
the .est will be riven a genuine 1)Inniond
Brooch in slid gold ,setting . to e,:.•4
t`lc next :Yt'tssr • o the :.est will be given :a
Coin Sllvor Watch. This contest will
`se ,,'ntiuctc! ON A.•.4.•. by one of the ,leading
art publishing companies of the world. Every
person answering must enclose f'rty, cents
(ail eel or fourteen three cent stamps for ,;le dopyd
of a genuine rrpruction of that fatn.'us picture,
" t. Flower Slave." size :oat- inches suit-
able and ready for fanning. This picture will be an
addition and ornament to the most artistic home.
Nothing he it fres exec :'esu sold at this price.
Our orect is to i•"teoduce thea art reproductions
in this,•,'u::t;i Our prises are genuine and rale•
able. Nothing is charted for the ah've rewards in
a;v gay. We ab.sh 4ely A• -""e t4,.141`e t.' attract
Atte::4:041 a:.! 44441. ace , e.r p1'cautiftt` works .'f art.
We echo can *end us the 'likable
o ect somber of dotso ininrson
above circle. As to the reliability 0f our comp.::•y
we can refer )vu to leading•business houses in'
Toronto, All prises ,rill be given strictly as
41r- t& and satis,ac then to the '''pu`'Irc it ataran•
test!. 14t n receipt your answer enelein 40
.ln:a y 'ho 1` lotw xr S1'nv@e as descrit'ev
vtcl baa sett c' yvht. address prwnlirly, arc'
tt you arc entitled to ait p`prise Critcorrect ai5wer, tti'u
aY.4t. 4.171x^:.) Ittf.'A i' £.,t':ltO-
'"yv "' 9 3r2tw 1 clam
Cstds L. 3.41,tt.1' T;-,:tC,
Peine • Confcctiotirrv, Fancy Goods,
Biscuits:Raisins, FiLzs, Dates,
Nuts, Etc., Etc
clir tl$I itirt ter :7;;•'eecl: etf t11t' a1_•ove
..VI Fine l'onfect i mr'r' in fancy boxes
—1 Ib.,' 1 Ib., 'and ,, no. Luxe;:.
by F.aney •Sho»s. \\'t' hast'' t he tiut•st
goods fever sl*0t%It in town for
hristinas & New Yell' Trade
And our price's are '!“,,:i r than ever.
.�1 ,sot .'s
Gllfartzntcc[d 1',,;'E'.
'No cheap goods 1'pught to tun .otTit
Christma . We carry only fine
goods alt the yea round.
We have lust received a tar of,.tlour
from Ethel Mills for Christmas and
New Year trade. '
Now. is the time to send in our
orders and ;tet themtillci at once
BEIM. 1,0T a;, CON, 14, P. P. OF
Assbtield, in the County of liur'n, one
hundred and so,4'euty aura.. ,'ld.•trtttl. The
farm is situaten; 2i wilesftvna T.0,.know.
31) acre in hush, 1 acres in grass. 12 acres fall
wheat, >,^tete.i fences. good 1 tjwellin,., hank barn.
stable and shell. good orchard, 2 good wells
and no better soil.
Apply on the premises 'r t '•
JOHN 1lA1:1•\v ELT.,
Box 17). Lncknoer 1'. t )