HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-12, Page 4• "la
It was only a few weeks ago that
the people ,of Manitoba by an over-
whelming majority declared at the
polls that they wanted and would
have oily one school system in the pro-
vince. This was conceded to be a
great victory for the Greenway Gover-
• nment, but now comes the further
indorsation of 'that policy from the
highest court in the rale. - The
Privy Council of England has unani-
mously agreed that the Provincial
Vovernment of Manitoba had full
power to refuse to grant state aid to
separate schools, and the act 'passed'
to that effect' was constitutional.
There is great jubilation throughout
the Northwest over the decision, but
in the Province of Quebec the same
feeling does not prevail. The French
,papers .declare that the Ottawa
Government "must come to their aid"
and pass a Dominion Act compelling
the Manitobians to support Roman
Catholic Separate schools
UT '45
d�ay August 12th
The. LtscknOW sentinel, Bruce county, F Fr�
ogler- sing e- .pro v ees=or-sperhapssof-
any other two provinces, depends the
prosperity of the Dominion Should
good crops be reaped in Manitoba and
other provincesalso the very pea
depression .which has existed for some
time will be lightened and business
should improve rapidlyas this will
have been the second year of good
crops in Ontario.
"The Winnipeg Tribune, the Green- and supplied me with many testinion-
way organ is commenting on .the ears; unsolicited, of cures., effected
recent decision of the great court when others failed, most of them
Confidence In Yourself Inspires pcenldence
Is. others.
The • purchaser regards the price
when' he is buying, but the quality
when,, he is possession. I cannot be
informed by or get the local news from
the editor of this paper if I don't buy
his paper. It is published to supply
the demand it created—by its own
merits it will stand or fall: These are
trite facts which every body admits.
Apply them here. Three and a half
years ago T stated in :these columns
that my System Renovator would
advertise itself wherever introduced,
—by its own merits it would stand or
fall. It has been well tested by that
standard all over this country and in
the United States as well. As no one
can take it without being benefited by
it, and`beingantidote (preventive) there
would be less sickness among us if
taken in • time. By its ; use your
system is strengthened to resist disease,
clears the complexion, purifies, the
blood, giving tone- .ands action_ ,to--the-
1 heart, liver. and kidneys. It has
therefore stood the test, advertised,
says : "There is only one more
gssible danger to national schools
now remaining. Quebec newspapers
have already been demanding remed-
ial leglation. It will be well for
them to pacifytheir emotion.. The
people of Manitoba are free and are
determined to remain free.. We will
never submit to have Sir John
Thompson force upon ns the will of
the Quebec Frenchmen."
It may be .possible to check Mani-
Manitoba, if that Province stood alone
But behind Manitoba in this' fight
stands New Brunswick, which has
already ridded itself • of Separate
schools ; British Columbia, that never
had them, and Ontario. This is a
pretty strong combination and we
don't think the Dominion Government
*ill risk any interference in the
"Balsams illegal voting, wholesale
treating of voters and hiring vehicles
to carry them to the polls." This,
gentle reader, is not one of the charges
prepared against a member of the
Canadian Parliament, but is part of
the petition against the return of Hon.
Arthur James Balfour, late leader of
• the House of Commons 'in Great —hence the care
serious end hopeless cases. SUCH
ITSELF. The medicines are pure;
good and expensive,—skilled labor
and considerable time are required ig
the manufacture. I get two of the
principal ingredients used direct from
England because they are not to be
obtained here, nor yet in the States
in * their purity, therefore I cannot
afford to flood the country with adver-
tisements and give you value for your
money. • "The liquid prepared is of
itself," (Sacs an independent physi-
cian,) " a first clad .medicine, and
better -than anything I know to sustain
the reputation. of your Renovator."
If this can be said of the vehicle (the
liquid) what must the prcductbe-but vator—two big bottles—and now
altogether a new medicince obtained I work, team and work on the farm
by a special process of manufacture. las well as ever. Lots in this town -
There are no miraculous cures in our ship took your medicines and are
day—there are means used to effect a known to be better.
cure ; these use with success and in Miss McKay, Sydenham, writes :
that I am well rewarded. ' "For 15 years I suffered severely from
The following are a few of the imiiammatory rheumatism painedand
many testimonials I might quote, and crippled ; lately I could not tarn about
no doubt some of the parties, speaking and had to be nursed. I took your medi-
well known to the readers of this cines, Protien Resurgam and System
paper. There are no miraculous cures, RenovatorannappliedE. A McLennan's
_. �e.,..,m„lt o€ cause and effect- Linament. I got rid of all pain right
out Vaso =tilt
the right remedy in the needed place away ; joints are yet stiff, but 1 ata
able to go about and do a little work,
My brother you cured of the pain in
his aide : he is as efell as ever now.
All those that got medicines from yon
while here got better."
Tebutt, from California writes
. hisgratitudefor'the good the Renovator
and Specific Cure have done his wife.
The swelling in the limbs has dissap-
peared and now she is beginning to
build . up again. She has not been.
so well for years
Mr. and Mrs. Oonnan, Brussels,
writes : "Your Renovator cured us
both ; others failed to cure our dyspep-
sia. Now we thank you."
Mrs. Snowdon, Stanley, says.: at The
six patients I took to you got quite
well and are likely to continue well"
Mts. Harrison, Glammis, says : "We
have several of the beat testimonals
living around here. The Renovator
has, done well with them. Their faces
show it. Renovator sells well."
Mrs. Gilchrist, Tiverton, writesmuch
to the same effect. _ Names are too
numerous to mention in this space.
Mrs. Jonthan, Detroit, writes,- : "I
never got anything to do me any good
till I took your medicines. I have sent
several to Windsor in search of it there.
Miss McLennan, of Tiverton, is here
and says she thinks had' you not called
at Tiverton when she was so ill, her
case then, two years ago, was serions—
her kidneys and liver and dizziness in
the head would have killed her. She
is strong and healthy ever since she
took the Renovator. She thinks there
is nothing equal to it A gentleman
inGrey county recommended the Reno-
vator as a cure for the jealously fever
amofng the doctors. When an article
is good the public should know it."
Miss Anderson, Ashfield, writes
"My conscience would accuse me if I
did not thank yon for curing me. I
was afraid I was to, be lime for life."
It is now near .the end of the season for
nd we want • to clear the stock.
Straw Hits eve offer al Half Price,
and Flowers at a Big deduction.
Harvest Tools, Ray Rakes, Mixed Paints,
a _ _
Dry y' Cofiors : Chemical -_p
White -lead.
The only permanent wall finish.
trep (Cohrs tine 4 ''.. ire
Sole agent in Lucknow for
Braided, Barbless Fence Wire.
The .Leading Hardware and Tin Depot.
Britain !
As Assocaiated Press report from
Ottawa states that the Dominion
Government has decided to . free
itself of the of charge discriminating
against the Americans on the canals
by reimposing a tariff of 20c per ton
en grain paasing through the Welland
canla. At present a rebate of 18c
per ton is allowed, provided the
cargoes proceed directly to Montreal
or transhipped at Kingston. But
grain shipped to American lake ports,
whether for transhipment to Montreal
or for American consumption, has had
to pay the full 20 cents ; acrd to, this
Mr. Swans, Colbourne, states : "Not
withstanding goods nurishment and
the best our local medical skill could
-do for my son, he certainly would
have died had it not been for the
timely partaking of your system
Renovator. Before we went to you
he was so reduced and low that he
could not move from one side to the
other and his reason and eyesight
were both effected so far as to know
nobody— not even his mother — he
was quite simple and blind. All con-'
trot of the Urinary organs had gone.
Lost the power of his limbe.. You
told us ale Renovator would act at
once on the kidneys, check, the . loss
of Albumen (-II which he would die if
not checked. This it did' successfully
in doable doses until he was able to
discrimination is due the 'retaliatory help himself: He recovered his sight
legislation of Congress. and all his faculties so well as to go in
and thank you in six weeks. He is
THE reports of the magnificent going on eleven year and is a strong
after cure. >'
crop now being harvested in Ontario
healthy big boy, eighteen mo
Mr. Clending, Mich., says : "The
doctors here had no hope of my wife.
She took the Renovator two months.
Now she is well."
Mrs. McDonald, Amberley, was
told that she had a cancer or some
foreign growth in her stomach: For
weeks she could not retain anything
on her stomach ; her case eras hopeless.
Immediately on taking the Renovater
she was relieved and in about four
weeks dro+re into Goderich to thank
me in person •for sating her life.
Miss Mallough, Lucknow, thinks
her case almost a miraculous
one. The Renovator in''three months
made such a change that her friend,'
did not know her after her recovery.
Mr. . McLean, Egreniont, writes :
"For year I was not well and could
are cheerful and ,are more satisfactory,
in es much, as they can be recei ved
without the misgiving with which
similar reports from Manitoba and
the North West Territories are
received. " When 'Ontario has begun
to reap her har% eat the report in
regard to it are pretty certain to be
'substantially correct. Frost and
wet weather do not shrivel the actual
yield up to one-third or one -lith of
. the estimates. To hear that the barns
will not hold one half of the wheat
crop is like a tale froth good old times.
Ontario's crops are still by far the
most important of all the crops ofthe
Provinces of Canada, and upon bet
prosperity, mon than that of any ink do say
work. I took your Ile
Mrs. McKay, Langside, ''writes : I
"Your medicine cured me of the severe
pains in my feet. I eat and sleep well
Mrs. Awdry, Toronto, writes : "I
took the Renovator and Specific cure
and am wonderfully improved. I can
eat anything that comes before me and
I sleep "well."
Robert Dunlop, Kincardine, writes :
"For Nur years I was obliged to
crawl onmy fours between the 'longe
and door for fear of falling. I was
' had to Ooderich t Ie ' you,
leaven on a uaa. �., v..,........
You gave me the first dose then, after
my having a fit on the way down.
Yon told me I would never have
another. Many called to see. me. I
tell them who cured me. My case
should be known. Give my name to
the public, 10 coo, Kincardine town
ship. I continued' the Renovator and
the Protein Resnrgram for .three
months and I have never had a, fit or
anything else to ail me since—now
three years since."
This Protein Resurgam, is specific
for celebral and nervous disorders
epilepsy and and kindred deseases.
Patient 1891, sold at a $1.50 per pint
bottle. The Revonator` $1.00 and $2.
per bottle. Specific cure 75c and
51.50 per. bottle. There is no water
added • to any of the medicines. Call
or order, if not kept in stock by your
druggist. Laboratory, Goderich, Ont.
Manufacturer and Proprietor.
Sold by Harry Days and A. B.
Congram, Lucknow. See adv. on
other page.
The Proprietors of the Montreal
Weekly Herald inform us that their
offer to supply that excellent paper till
December 31st for 25 cents is -meeting
with a very gratifying response. Sub-
scriptions are pouring in from all parts
of the country, and the subscribers are
warm in their expressions of satisfaction
with the paper. Remember the sooner
you send your subscription, , the more
you will get for your money. The
price at which the paper is being given
is about a quarter of the regular rate.
Sample copies for inspection are sent
free, and the address is the Montreal
Herald Company, 6 Beaver- Hall
Hill, SMontreai. :r- a.._ ....a -:e.
Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods,
Bisenits, Raisins, Figs, Dates,
Nuts, Etc., Ete°
See our Magnificent Stock of the above
All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes
�-- lb., 1 lb., and 5 11bboxes.
by Fancy Showa We have the finest
goods ever shown in town for
Christmas & New Year Trade
And our prices are cheaper than ever.
All goods
Guaranteed Pure.
No cheap goods bought to run off at
Christmas. We carry only fine
goods all the year round.
We have just received a lir of flour
from . Ethel Mills. for Ohttmas and
New Year trade.
Now is the time to send in your
orders and get them filled at once.
SING LOT 6, CON. 14, E. D. OE
Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one
hundred and seventy acres cleared. The
farm is situated Si miles from Lnclmoar.
30 acres in bush, 80 acres In gram, 12 acres fan
wheat, good fences, good dvrellIngi bank barn,
stable and shed good orchard good we
and nil better eon.
Apply on the promises or to
Boit 170. Luckuow P. 0