HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-12, Page 34
L&UGH AND I,FARlij, then countersunk the opening And scrowed A KI"LY BANANA -
$L _X
the screw in all the waYthrough solidwoo&
Careful provision was also rndo for the ma- Now Is Beeped Bftpaera - to cateii ub
doing of the woik without damage in case it T*abt. COTtK9L GAX.L% SORB SHOULDZR% SOB"CIMM or any
It wanted the of the wild wet weather. WOUND$ on or "ekly
The wind's necessary.
=0706 and the rains free fan, should become In fact, wt Blinkers is ono of the luelkientmen that S;peedy Cure QUABAN If you mme, 'X!WXZk9E;,
`T116 tam of the trees as they swayed together. some workm6 these things were religious wa& ever crested. He must have been born Sent by
The measureless gmy that was Man oa recelp4 of Price 25 Cents, By 'C. F. sEGswoxtTM
whose overthemall; duties- AnOldF,3394211, czienter� On his with a, silver spoon in hismouthand a TORONTO, CAN. AGENTS Wantied ZTeryWbOTC. ' 7']�TIXONTAT&_
roar wpeaks mare than a language deathbed, when asked A he wore PrePiared golden bowl broad and trtilk right at his
Wq=karid wonderf4 ffie, answend 'IN - I I I- - ___ _
4� phis
cr t_� "t? Pv elbow -Everything, to
ley -funds never
�,J rho s ob of- aw earth7-fl, &Via Vo%raii di,-okm� - - a 6 !�i
The answering sob of a broken sky. y If he were to go Into the gease-raisin g busi- VIM as WRIATLEIL
. I . screw witho;it gresinte it. t in the middleof the Sabars Assert 18 -SUE NO 31. IBM
I .......... _&'4'ftaQ" ..�, 11 .1 ,
t!h6tree% and the sky, and the stretch Of the
. I gloves. They are worn to tray to row, to ffurroEuid his house. All he has to do is to able itang*tera OK His n2juls.
land NOTZ
]vat th eve us a word of th secret never rude, to dance in, and are very useful but seat himself anywhere on % milking stool ft replyJAX to. any 49 Chow
Many a man hub to act a
They y_ , imply because
ten no story we understand. I not pretty. In the first place, they are too and a cow immediately hunts him up. thing suggests the right thing at the
Ilet 'Ply birch ontyouder thick, .and they do not fit with the nicety . If Blinkers should take out an accident no
Knows =in'al Mlwacld and sileat way - that gives a woman's hand a certain aristo. insurance right time. Alonzo Stubbs was a poor,
-240 rain ndglA tell what the gray douds Luce policy for only 38 minutes he but worthy man, with seven grown_ silver) va" fcar Gem
PWAM crate: air Yet they are would be fare to secure th CENTS%rgoPJXNP1dW
I very ensaP, am e inil amount Of dapghtere. His tried to dress the 7
u i=L rr�E. v I thz rl-Lt- --:;w ELL�fl Z!=. al _%;-P In nMIM-2117 4 JOURNAL e-_9 ye--,!% -Reg&
he wz"� fi-piit-e the L_ --t timt they madle over
Wliyweeps the nin.1 Do you know Its sorrowl but down in the heart of every ei;enitlally about to low his propertybecauw of a mort- their dresses and retrimmed their hats, he
DO you know Why the wind Is so swL so sadf
womanly woman there in a longing for the gage them was on it, when he was run felt that he could, without any special in nee, we i send one
delicate grays, pale tans or the higher class on for Only one dime and
Bkwe you stood In a rift 'twixt a ' day and a down by a street car, and in a suit for dam- sacrifice on hi@ part, spare a few of them 1_1111 the
t and their eyes of white suedm that are as perishable as ages gob money enough to pay off the mort- in on
grow as wives for promising but seemingly hesi- WHOJUPI whieft
ffdl expensive. No matter whether�, gage and buy another lot adjoining. Last Gating ,
Ing we send all ever the United Otatm
tree's pride strong at its top's abase- they
be high priced or not, let•
year a druggist sold him poison by mistake, , g men One time Alonzo saw to flims who wish to ..--I —
mentl an advertising clock that presented a new magazinm pletariw. card4it&;v*
Is. the white rose more of a saint; than the
them be free from holew; let shoelaces be of but he recovered in a short time and got lacard to the observer every five minutes. With terms. Our vatvmmw
red I silk and in good condition. If va: nish is AOOO Then he fell on a defective ft struck Alonzo with a forcible suggestive- of mail Send AT ONCR and
What thin the star as it sees through the needed do nob � let as hour go by before the sidewa Mur mrglot 61^0 more. Just this
casement aces. Re,bought one, and on the next you will be WE1Z PLEASKO- T. D- "Up
shoes are poWffied u and when the gloves spring his house burned, and he got BELL, X 97, Hoylestoj,4 Ind, U. 8. A.
A young girl lying, beautiful, dead I Ps Sunday evening had it placed against ,the
Any Are soiled wash, clean or discard them, as ance money enough to build a new modem parlicr wall evening
opiosite to the place where the
pretty woman can cam as yon. see fit, for otherwise they'spoil the home he was contemplating.
band by simply looking in the mirror when sofa stood. Reginald was juit seating him -
'prettiest costume. All Blinkers has to do is to turn his goblet
he talk about dying. self beside Roxana, when a tiny bell rand,
A promisi journalist haviiig capita- up and the gods fill it with wine. Yester- and the following flashed into view
He__I called on you the other night and lated to the fascinations of a bright, Boston day he started out of town for a vacatic n - 11�t.
e I lio Mt those love now who never loved before,
you were out. * She--Ym You rang the girl, thatlemel creature w alludes to him trip. He was late in starting for.the train,
yon? And these who always loved now love the
Leads the college,
a S Tier papiez mp-che. - and he tried to catch a street car, bat, inam colleges --enrollment 22(L....
number of marticulantg of anits
Ompley-My man struck this morning, The emptionof Mount Etna missed it, and, while waiting for another, The young people laughed at the happy Canada. W1I.L REOPEN
confound him. Van Pelt -What was the - is steadity a -n came along who had been trying arrangement, which the father's mind had 6th, W. For calendar address
What ads the crater ?
trouble ? Chapley-1 let, my wife buy me growing worse. I . for weeks to dodge him and paid him a bill devised, and drew nearer together. Pre- PUNCIPAL DYER, 3LA� IELOr.
He -What an engaging girl she is! 'She of S5o. demised,
the bell rang again, and go Gas bills'
-*me now emvatL 'Yes, The car he missed was ran in! o by F
did you like my friend, room. engaged to every Other M-11in the a freight train, and a lot of folks were in are etting higher" met their gam They
;H1 hasn't any back- jured. •But he was sure he qould not = to laugh again, but it was almost a
Why, the fellow let in-- have 85 as Employer -you am not worth your salt catch his train. Hoveveri he ran, like failure_ However, they looked , into each ByOord L��d CoIIege
as I asked him. to -day. What is the matter ! Clerk everything, and reached the top 'of a long other's e es, with
(sleepily) -11 got here on time. light of steps that lead down to the train never Y wi a seriousness they had
mid Mrs. Ile P—a "a we Ann" exhibited before. The neat placard And Conservatory Of Musfa
-mind expeme when it comes to our -
Evidently the Caucasian is Playing Out.
shed just as the train was •starting. 11 if I
were only at the bottom of 'the stairs,"
ple them much
ased more. It read as fol-
Reopens September 7th, IBM
-Some of the books, I am informed, are
from diamond type.
organ gander's monkey the or her day
whipped an American newsboy.
thought he. 11 1 might yet cqtch the train."
A sorrow shared is a half a trouble-
The most largely attended
XAdies! College in, Ontaxin-
Drummer -And do you mean to say that
Wool -When I go to a Kammer resort I
Right on the top of the step 14y a banana
peeling, On 'which he hastily set his foot.
But a joy thalVa'sbared is a joy made eoubla�.
with students ftsiiia
Manitoba, British QaebeeL and aft
you never have any of your goods thrown
back I
leave all the money I have in the hotel safe.
Van Pelt; -On arriving or departing?
The banana Peeling did the rexb, landing
Here the. bashful young man took her
hand in his, something he had'often wished
United States,
The faculty consists of twenty
on your bands His travelling, ac-
• quaintance-Nei sir ; loin an undertaker.
The right side of the body perspires
him at the bottom in time to catch his
train an
to j, hu4 until then, had never mustered
up sufficient courage to undertake- � The
chiefly sveclaliste6 affording students saysrlaE
advantages in 9
X&Seral-e, Selenee
]dr. Bultion--YOs, my wife and &ughter
more than the left, and the PAM of the
hand four times more than the &-.- of the
But only inan in the world for
next motto that came into view was low
pi and ItSpowmaro.
Cultaire, AM gte� .
are In Europe, an Air. ocadds-In Winans A umunna peeling would (10 a Irlend poetic, but more to the point:, 11 Lung 11r- "Ir- I now address
Paris T chesL
. Mr. BM'wPnP-3O. .1 told them I tarn. -Chicago Timm
wouldnt pay for "y but an English -speak- Daring a long over a rough road a Courtships' Coot Money and are a Great Rev. Wm. Coclarane, D. D., c2overnar.
ran Waste of Ti erne." Had someonebeenlist-
To Ike Poorikonse.
-ing nobleman. bicyclist and his wheel gradually exchanged ening, at the door a moment later he would The FOR
In thew days of putting up jellies it conditionx He grew tired, white the wheel The county house wa�gon drew up at the have heard a noise that sounded very much
should be recalled that cot 0 1 became untired. old farm house door m the Leading YOUNG
cotton batting is early morning Lke the parting of something clinging. It 9
-mom often used by experienced ho!,sekeep_ Bat, my dear Harold, I cannot marry light, and the poor overseer got out, and might have been a kiss. Again the bell ALMA College WOMEN.-
ers to cover the glasses than pas -.e or pspers yen. You can't support a wife on your knocked on the door with the butt end of rang, and the following appeared: XWV-pag istrated Catalogue r1101116-
-dipped in liquor- salary." "'Yes, Maude. It will suffice his whip. "Hey," quavered a thin voice Let us then be up and doing,
Jens --1 thought you hated Jack, and yet for you, and I—well, dearest, I will shift within, "who's there ?" " We've come for Wieart for any fAte; graduating c4mw. is Lueratw*+ wwwli.
for. myaelf.- ye, mother," said the overae�,r. 11 Who . joWs Lucedone with end wooing.
you Accepted him- Bess --I do "te him; And pr6pose or emigrate- 11ne Art* conanterellalt nAW C1611but he proposed under an umbrella, and Ho—I think Doily Griggen is terribly "Us me Imother'f' ariked the'tremulous- In fiv- minutes more the pledge had been Fluest buildings and rnishluand 11owaili
Said if I refused him he would I.L the rain rude- I was telling her one of my beat voice, and then the door was opened by a
drip o4 my new had. stories this' afternoon and 'she fell asleep. shaky hand, and an old woman, dressed in made, and Roxana led her accepted lover rates- ROOPens Sept -10th.
She—That's strange ! She told me Fester- shawl and hood, stood in the doorway. 11 1 from the room to make way for her next PRINCIPAL AUSrIN, A. X,
Mrs. B" Haw is aur daughtfr get, day that she was &oub!ed with . . - 'member," she said, slowly, nodding toward younger sister and beau. At the end of two SL ThOn=116 Cb&
ting along with her new music teacher ? . 112SOMMA. the waggon, " •We the seltet-mem, at? I weeks the seven daughters were all engaged.
Mrs. Pinker ley—Splendidly. - She has only -01 shaft at random sent ®'Ease they know besto but ii Jim knew— Mr. Stubbs told his seerpt to a nee A GENTS WANTED --V) A WEXW_ G_'
F- =y ak the archer little meant" er of girls, to whom he sold the fl- MAP -MALI, 00- Tea ImPorta=
known him three weeks and he has already The largest if --Jim knew—that his poor mother was with a numbe London, Ontari
--propmed three times. return of jewelry mad to the clock for $4 more than it cost him- And the 0'
L tax assessor b any private ei-tizen of At- fib` to p��orhouse it ad break his
heart.21 "Ae ye' ready, mother- rm whose faceonce wore anultralmarme
Cholly—Why don't you dischaw nab I Tanta is that o7, negro, The books of the cammum
ppm -9: yo r expressicn, now goes whistling to and from.
man if he gets dwunk? Cb& nevah W -ked the man, gently. Yes, I be. W.ALNTED 5w Teachers to
gets dwank except an English ho Atlanta tax receivers show a Phenomenal ain7t slept sence I heerd ye were comin' far his work. 9 or one orpme Olt our
holidays_ hicream in the wealth o firgWass gabscrip""on mak; Send fm Mw
Cholly—The doom you may 1. Then I &ban in that city. f iiegroes residing for. Ws an right, an' I - dont blame . ye, Emergexey Notes. trated catalogue and termiLl
dischawge my man fah not getting dwunk go . jet but it's hard to hey worked all yer life an'
in the same way. Billings got. his pension '!"� so][ raised &family, an! then die in the poor- A beak by Piet B. G. Wilder of Cornell WILLAM BRIGGS,
didn't know Billings was entitled to A house. Ilen a-mest kill Jim *hea he Univeraity furnishes thew directions - I
She—Yourparents had always objected, pensiona3v go ]E[e thinks he* anyway. He know.." If choked, get upon all foam and cough.
oh? He-,eYes- She—But when you came claims t The maim on the dooratep coughed For apoplexy, raise the head and body
to ask her parents for their '0 have contracted a chronic cam of and turned away, pretending to examine f
or fainting, lay the person f6L DOMINION SILVER COMPARV Y.
c�'a��-'nt you that tired feeling from reading war articles the wisteria viae, that blossomed aver the
found that the whoa was on the other -foot, in the mag
maw door..
door. If an artery is cut, compressabove the WE HAVE BEEN XNFORAMZ�- THAT
eh? He (simply) --I didn't stop to we . Not for worlds woulA he have told wound; if a vein is cut, compress below. cer-zain partie-. vdthoui;Vropw&uU*~.
15,hwh foot it wam Mrs. Darley (displaying'her purchase)—I her thiLt he was carrying on' . Jim!9 order.s &_ - I our name and r—tation to—
go have bought these FaVenders for H�arry`k WKUr W;"b Urns Q11P LIM FWK" M cola W-aew fZr:.wdp of an inferior qua
I judge that you have not written much against thip time he should bring his wife to ester ; if the skin ty' destroyeJ, cover with rabIle 'Uded that o9l our Ir000ft am.
,- said the editor to his caller after birthday present Mrs. Snooper -They the old farmhouse. She came out, slowly varriih. stamped with *nr name 6o that the
examining his mamiscrip& ' " X% sir ; but are much tooline for a man to hide under looking with va,-ae, wondering eyes at alll Remove matter from the'ear with tepid can be detected at once-
howdidyonknow!" "Intheseveraesyou his vent Mrs. Dafley-That what I she was leaving'; the trees she and Harvey water ; never put a hard. we into We want several more vu 3 to mss
speak of a maiden as sitting at her window. think, - so I am going to wear them myself- -'that was her husband-41ad planted when agentsm,
-Now, in poems maidensneversit, at any- sugar gas is one of the enemies with they were young, it the bed of cinnamon In caw of poisoning, excite vomiting by Toronto. OhL
thing so commonNewhadows. They hivan Which those who labor an board merchant Pinks and the Mac.,- bushes a,. the ticklix:g the thr3at 6i by am water an
ably me casemenIUL" vessels must contend. in Bco._klyn the gate. She stopped and gathered scm- mu2tard w d
The Doctor's Daughters in a new . organi-
other day three longshoremen were over- Of the hvgFallit southern wood-" old For dust in the eyes, avoid rub bbing d[aali 10 Cent Sample
come by the go generated from a cargo of man," they called it --and then she looked avatar in th-m. Remove cinderso.etc-, with — Vnimsed cuaklen
!4r. Hand VaUOM
ration of women in San Francisco, whom 1,400 tons of sagar. it took medical aLrA to up at the window of one soon'--bridehood, the round po;iot of a W pencil. -Addresx-
object is to relieve the need of poor people
restore them to conscioumem wifehood, motherhoed angelhogd, that S,,k polsoned wounds, unless your mouth 66ym L acne to*ordw- Band
who are in dis;tress an account of il-ness - Clara (at the lawn party) -You see that meant to her. Eiiie' Carrie had died is sore; enharge,)the wound or, better, cut your own material or
the faindy. ' The "' &ughters " number there, HT-rvey 'had looked h,
He was
about forty and there am %0 WCite aeutleman over there with the wan sxP;Ie his !Wt in the cut the Fart without delay; old the W43 fiuwly tuated"
sach a sad history. heaven of her eyes there.. That, w -As nigh Wounded part as long an can be borne to a =a rr gVXZW-Lin dc
mzmb= who devote then=e"m to the He has had I�h� Mr. on forty years ago Why, where' God hot'ccal or the end of a cigar. embro4dery d e n e6
---A to th- "f the Wem W.
work of raiking f5ands and awknnaging I!, Countrw traft 0110014-
-them personally among the deserving nick Porker and just as he was about to tibis fair summer morning that He had for- Smother fire with carpets, etc:, water any solicited- Fancy
goten her, and let her go to the j*orhouse _ will often spread burning oil and increase
her something temb9a happened- Nand -y
-PDW- Hurry up mother," said the man gently, 1,,ger.
Much &image is done by bm4hig ff 0h, do ten we! What was it? Clara- Bdore passing through smoke,take
diied mad from thin calf and kid boots with Her father married again. we're to call for another PauP-P3,9,---euger a fall breath and then stoop low, but if car- CHEAPFARMS IN VIRGINIA
a bit further down the road. 7aint much b,,i, acid gas is suspected walk erect.
--hard bristle brushes, and still more by -the In a lecture on fire prevention, Professor your a-leavin"-with 'a short laugh- He 3M. CLI]IkATZ, GOOD
use of common blacking; In the caee -of Goodman again called attention to the value was trying, tb make the best .. of it for her. 3nSA3- FUL- stepped free by Dr. ILUXes And good laird from as to WIG PER ACHE
ladiee booty, made of fine and soft leather, of wooden joists for budding pgqxms as He helped her into the wagEon, and in th Grezf Nerve Re"orer. No Fly e; after first with improvemenca. Send for our chxxaar-
both treaummts are mmor'L ' When boots compared with man and ateeL He `Plab" golden light of another new day they moved day'�r Marvelkas-; cares. T---ea"i;e ard""
trW bc�da free to Fit caaes. Send 6c Dr. PYLE & DEB A V -F -N, Fetersbar& V46
am dy remove the dirt, with a that the two tatter materials lose their on, jogging along the country read, 9:171. Arch &_ PhHadelpMa. Pa.
dampp ge ar a Ws sash tool and a stmmgth at a not very high temperature, sweet with the scented life ' of ntture, -1WRIDA-3 ADVANTAGES FOR EWA
lam kid boots. etc-, should whereas wood. will sustain a heavy stain for L investments.' See Florida Rea rAtago
be sponged, allowed to dry and then Cher- bL much longer period *hen exposed to great, the old graveyard where the sentinel stones Journal. Arcadia. FIA, Sarni" and map Ift
oughly polished with a s -AL wag or hand- heat, -
alone among the trees in their strange dumb Lanoline is one of the beat skin softeners @fiver
kers which is djght]�F oiled occamonally , Ardent Repubhcjm�o your men are weakness- " Oh, of you didn't mind -if .1 in its crude state it. was known to'the an -
If a . u man7a hair ahovm much care, being striking against a reduction of, wages? just could say a word to lfaFvey-it 'Would cient Ec;yptians, and Cleopatra, who was an
glawy, well kept; and everk pin in its p!aceo Protected umnufacturer-Yes. Ard6nt help me so much, an' I wouldn't be long, arts 6f toffet, ia said to have MEGAN LWS poll SA
adept, in the
Republican -But I thought the McKinley anointed her face with an unguent, made of
Els L "An righb lanol;ne or sheep's wool fat, the fatn6west
1=mayrely upon it th % %My, wouldn'tkeep you waitW." t.
and bred!, whether her owls- or, the Bill wax passed that you should Pay higher mother." The overseer jasnpeA out and 12,000 Of good Farming
deft fingem of a maid arTang6d iL Course wagm-3 than we Paid to the pauper labor of helped her to the grrtmd- "Dan'tbelang; LLe skin being used for this purpose. Acres '10 Michigan CeOLDd, Iia Al
A quartof milk in which the juice of three Dena and Leon Lake ltaflr%mmls, at
hair skoxm h 1610 birth- Brown hair as a Europe. Protected manufactmier-Obi, there's a good soul," and he lit 1.� p -'p.?' and prices. from 82. to $5. Ver ame. Thine
a Trw 11 to enterprising now bawna.
rule, if of the peculiarly fine characterj that no !only that we should be able to Fay talkeo to the driver, a ,Eos - mandarin oras have been squeezed issued laride
P giz.ng for his to
-it, Seem very thin, will irAfcate �a godd disc higher wages than are paid to the pai%per weakuesa. "'Taint hke as if ril._e wf-re a be refrei-Iiing lotion for the complexion. church�7 ��, schools, etc_ and will ba -old on ax3f b
Eating quantities of oranges is an excel- favo-narAt terms. AVVly to.
ponuov- Hair that splits in the ends is a� labor of Eurepe. common pauper," he said there are forks lent ren�;jy for ecaring a muddy skin ; be- EL X PIERCE, vve,4, Bay city.
repr-esentaticn of the ownces teu,dency to An English magazine has recently pro- here as remember when she was the belie of
quarrel and have bickerhWs and. differences fore- breakfast is the heat time, and one may Or to
hair shows pounded a prize question wh1wh has agitated the county, and they d. -Y .say it is this son tV. CURTIS, WbItwmore,
an all occafid-oam Black. glo@V to their depths its numerous woman readeriL Jim ' tkat has run through with the indulge �2 as many as,, greoab!,. PlZaae M�ndon this Paper when writingli l
treachery ;, blonde, fluffy hair, weakness the quimtion is : " Would yoarather marry property an' is get tin' her out of Uby, indeed ?
and vanity, and red hair, temper b01 truth- a man whom you entirely love, but whose the way so he won't have to pay for
16 Why does a dog run sidewige or d
fuliless. The ant of hair known as drab, love for you you we not sure of ; or a tran her keep. I wouldn't tell her for a house
I . e purchaser of
awfmffly high iag L
the kind so lord to match and who entirely loves you, butt whose love yoj and lot." " She wouldn't believe ger if yer ally inquired th , ge GOITRE OR tri"Biffic
priced when me wants afalse baug, readsdo not feel able to thoroughly reciprocate r' did," said the driver sententiously, 11 hublack Newfoundland pup cfa dog fancier t If you Per
athat Entargewe-.IL"
thus -highly zemitive and touchy- N,, It the other day. Welk air, that's a fines- and various are the replies, but, with shiers taking her time in yonder." your neck Pds
EUE Chkno teacher, teld characteristic modesty, the mai-city of king, but eternity. t!G:1 rve been a . I 1=
was not time she was,4 4.4ked frequently, and, after close a sta=PW SM79-
a PO on. AU16ve coucludel the and prfce ofutedicine to
her one dray" that, they wei-men feel sure that they �woatd rather When the overseer want to 1.3,6k for her, she satire investigation„
main ith ithered ch pr
mi I ewh vpdte a lettex to her staking an possess the man's devotion and re lir- by w her vv-: eek esiwi to the reason is that thd animal has been brought
"pthatwzy. Why does a chicken roast on
excuse for not inviting her to an i Partial themsodreff. mass -grown stone that bore the name of her
birthday pwrty- The whoLars were An Atlanta Lady who has travelled a armt hia3band, and a smite that weaned to be ane foot or mn owl keep its eyes wide-open V
p 1,
upon in turn to read their letters, alload- deal, but whose Meaa of the lack of reffeeed glory from P�oraiflae litall night long, or 9, rooster crow vigorously
p-,% cef a I face. It had come to her in one- io, the break of early, dawn, or a pig can I
One Tattle girl made her ex=ft as lollo-Wa -- petition ammg saleswomen in America Are brief moment, the assurance that she wcuI6 . riomeward with straws in its moutli before
Mar Miss Potts: I waR� to aFologiw f4r perhars a trifle vagm recently said in an
's, . ant, g" top the poorhouse, and then --she har 4PPL103chiug rain? 'Thcsc are questions
notaaking yam to come to tnyLirth4ay •iu interview - - shop giris FLn Lw�en far difficult to solve as some of the FR
pley yesterday. I fall"y intend,24 to do so, vmrpam th in New York a wore home. coat &re as
offe a regards per- tstronomical problems." - Phj*Zzde�phia'
bmtaa I alVMY3 do in eveUthing-I put it gonal appearance and ability for mental cal-
minate. when at , rvactical role for*. Prp.q.,;.
off until the last um I caLWon. They dress usually in Mack or I 0� f t PENAYROYipa, v,,
started, and reached your gate, I mw the same other dark color,' all uniform, with Primus --It It was so hat in f -hutch to MM Pennigon-Did you ever bet on the A ap?6fc n"'.=Lty
doctues buggy StUb&uig there, L and, tbink_ black brilliantine aprons, 'with collar and I that Miss Carter fainted while the evangel -aces, Mrs. Holdfast ? Mrs. H. -Yes. Once =ro and rp&r.,-%-to eta
ng Lrv,, d
bealthy or
jag a0me one W very ill, I did not V in. cuffa- When you ask the price or estimate ist vm Preaching- %-he-6 Charley ate two mince pies I bot on we dfacharV. No acmes or raing on ap,
Now well by ever " bkdEr-
thi)t you am ainazed 'Secundusr--Did the episode disconcert nightmare. =1 -
What was my comster.natim the next d4to it is &en so & 9 trued_ WM U1,M, agate- 16
learn that the doctor was ccUrligg Your and this calctilation 1s entirely mental. hirn tKele organs. MW of yv=
Mo*� with var
sister r Paper is rarely regafted to, unless, like my- Primus -Oh, no r He drew a lesson from Wallabet. Avoldxab
dwiled 2c a
I' about the tbraients of hell. AddrtS%
t.gelfo the cmfftemer's mind is not so active as. 9 P118010 ollifli L039 L" COMPASTo VISMOM.Puls.
In the halcyon days befere the catiqaes
the clerk s= The secret of being able to ob-
of the indMStrial world by the bizatler a car- I i The to esti canal in the world is the
pester TrIE0 had ogmsion to S=ew two pkees tain rich service ties, of course, in owupati- one PAPO UP CAP"AL, SIL1,000100
of wand toget&r neves thought of harammer- tiom Saleswomen are innumerable-" which extends from. the frontier of China loans qronev;tny-w Mr int the Unite States, %#j Lw-; a
ing i, the amm nearlr up to the head and to St. Petersburg It measures in all 4,4
to Laqal Agerits GrV"fte
in fppry All
br,,kig and destroying the teamity of the Miss Ora Kdfe-Do you believeK911�jp f"E .'b
www ozotmd it, and then eev&rg it home. Mr. Taylor ! Mr. R_ E. Taylor -Um. -yes, H. CL Frick, of the Carnegie Steel C,6=- frRy L ffkpt FresIdent
with a Wf tum of so; halt he fint careltXY but 1"re fol and that printer's ink brings panVP 19 about 5 feet S inches high and 42 43U.'r Cmv. MONTANA, is by druaRtAn or "Ut
years old.Sc'n7 watlL
bored %,We a react smaller than the screw, beAtIr retaitm I;��v
agents Wonted Everywhere 600- a T. tl=dund; W=Ten. M
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