HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-29, Page 5r Il 1 f � ILIAC -kV 14Y'v#0QPCil"3i e.i 640o MA1HI 11V heat BEATS THE WORLD. ' iiDeants *Captures the Gotta \Grand Trunk B .ad. Dyspepsia tat Loudon, ug Patenso Szrffertir$ for S veare--.1f - stored to .iPerfeog .11z4ei8:i„ On y last Premier Greenway _reed : e_followinig telegram from A. J. i illan, agent" for Manufo1ia ii Engla Prem ,Ala chain natio LIVERPooiy JUNE 30. reenway, Winnipeg. developed into acute dyspepsia, and soon Ole e RS•!9,Mg. e n qvR� n'' since the cotton mills of the • s ered_ more severely ' h 3 _ �.:,,f, ire '� •43' H flO Bew peopiee soft ti than Mr. S. d MelMYaho a- h` - a &� fro dyspepsia To the Oanadian NortestV and "' " ��Olmttit011 hate-ppai3$e(� �B�=- - �e-f�t�►i��-- 1.—`. well known grocer of Staunton, Va. He sip: •return.kinds of .,-. ,. ,� Before 1878 I was put in a good stock of .all NTICIPATINO b w in excellent health, weigh- ing over 200 pounds. In that year an ailment a Red Fyfe wheat awarded was reduced to 162 pounds, suffering burning palpitation o the (Signed) McMillan. I Mid ROt sleep, Lost an )epartment of Agriculture for days at a time I would have welcomed hip gold medal an the Inter- ' �lla�� f and heart, U II sensations in the stomach, 6 heart in my work, had fits of melancholia, and indigestion. flier's Exhibition, London. nausea, 8esti an. shi.: - Ma A • vu k 16th. When the question of secua sample of wheat came up Ho . McLean advised the depart - me , at he was certain that wheat cou be procured in the Virden dis r . which would hold its own ag . the world. He at once secured a ple from President Stephen, of th nnis Agricultural Society, which w. ronauaced O. K. by the Depart - ID: and an order sent to Mr. Stephen fo e quantity required. This was t my sample sent. from Manitoba,. ant a province• has the proud satis- faio of knowing that we have beaten t :v rid in this great international tition. The county of Dennis, a especially the Virden district; has o again fully established its reputa- as the great grain growing district he American Continent. We offer • congratulations to Mr. Wm. Mc- na1d, of Laggon farm, who grew the in that captured . the honors.— rden Advance. r . 1 Mr. McDonald was formerly of West awanosh, on the boundary a few ' les east of Lucknow, and his mary et.ds here' join in congratulating m in carrying off so highly prized ?and valudole a trophy. n extensive collection of death. I became morose, sullen and Irritable, life was a burden. 1 tri and for eight years products to this exhibition On � many physicians and many remedies- e y a workman employed by me suggested that I take • Hood's it had s11.Iffarfn as � it had cured his wife of -dyspep- sia. I did se, and before taking the whole of a bottle I began to feel like a new man. The terrible pains to which I had been subjected. ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided, my stomach became easier, nausea disap' peared, and my entire system began to tone up, With returning y strength came activity of mind and body. Before the fifth bottle was taken I had regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's sarsaparilla;" N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa- parilla do not be induced to buy any other. ears Flood's Sarsaparilla. S old by an draggling. ill *Ix forts- Prepared only by C. L HOOD a CO-. Apothecaries, r oven. Ham 100 Doses One Dollar WHITECHUBCH. Notwithstanding the extreme heat that we have had to endure, there has been an immense quantity of hay stored away during . the past two weeks. Ray stacks are very numerous in this section; and there is still a great de- mand for stackers. Part of the hay will have to stand for a while as the wheat which is an abundant crop is Tripe_ __ - . T,.. The Patrons at Patron hill are very strong and in good runing order. Our machine agent is very cheeky for he callad on one of our Wawanosh farmers one , day last week, laird he learnt that one of the Lucknow agents was haying his tea, and he succeeded in getting the farmer out and took his order for one of Noxon's celebrated steel binders. He claims that his great success this season is due to the firm he represents, being, free from combinations. A very heavy thunder storm passed over this place last Saturday .night, a number of telegraph poles were slivered, and part of the platform at the depot was torn up. It is sad to ° know that there are two gangs of so called young men but not worthy of the title called the boundary + lads, wh ) seem to take delight, in desecrating the Sabbath by usingerofane language and smoking pipen church, but we -have conte to the conclusion to put a - stop to such ridicilousroceedings if they have not respect eneugh for their parents or friends to refrain from such, we will certainly have to enforce the ((law made to protect . humanity and churches. RORE 1 EH Return tickets will be sold on June 14th, 21st and 28th July 18th and 19th. NESBITT. OXBOW ��� DELORAINE, MOOSOMIN. BIN SCARTH THE CREAT ROADSTER STALLION REGINA MOOSEJAW . YORKTON- PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON 830 835 840 Through sleepers without extra charge. Baggage checked- through to de tinatioa. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknzw 1 --sr CARLISLE 13026 Will be at the Wihtely House. . LUCKN �' W ON .TUESDAY _NIGHT Of each week -during the season. Parties ,having mares to breed should not book their mares before Peeing this grand horse. ' r6NADIAN Y CACIFIC THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO TRE FARMERS SERVICE Toronto to Montreal. Toronto to Ottawa Toronto to Iran' get= Every Night 9:00 p.m. Toronto to Old Orchard Toronto to Portland Tuesday and Friday 9:00 p.m. I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to PAY CASH FOR EU'1TER AND EGGS The highest price will be p-a.id for butter according to quality. STAPLE COTTON 00008 And am prepared to give my customers the benefit of the same at old prices. Have still a good assortment of those fast-coloro English prints to choose from. Come early and secure. Look Out for ThisSwindle The latest swindle is carried on . by the means of a double fountain pen, one end of which is filled with good. substantial ink, and the other that fades away in a day or two. The sharper writes the agreemant, or con- tract or whatever he way have chosen with ink that will not last. In R few d d,. he has a piece of paper • ' 'ng but a signature, over which he can write a note and easily turn it into cash. ig ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCK1NCS. Just try thein and you will have no others. All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember the place. Thmugh the White Mountains R. C. SPARLIIIC. BY DAYLIGHT Tinto to Detroit . Toroth to•Chicafto MCLEOD'S Odom IteooVator. MRS. R. MURRAY, ST. HELENS - 7.10 a.m. daily, except Sunday 3.00 p.m. daily. J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknow. loon GllRu, And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 'T -FOR-- Impure, Weak and, Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsln. Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint. Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Boa Consumption, an III rs,uay Drll s. Stones. , Jsnadree, asees. St. 'Vitus` Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - - o0DERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by 'harry Days and A- B. Congram, Druggists. Lncinsow. —Hem are some facts d figures to make the school boy qua n his t may be unkind to thrustupon notice in these, his vacation days, but the memory of past punishments will make him appreciate them all the more : , "Schoolmaster Johannne dicoon- rds that dnring fity-one years tributed 911,517 strokes with a stick, 240,100 smites with a birch rad, 10, 086 hits with a ruler, 136,715 hand - smacks, 10,235 slaps on the face, 7,905 boxes on the ear, 115,800 blows on the head, 12,763 tasks from the and Bible, catechism, the pow grammar." Teeth, teeth If you •want a Srst•clasa set of teet cheaper than the cheapest, call on D• AUCTIONEER FOR HURON Co. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place tormake your selections in CROCKERY, Ct ASSWARE' GROCERIES & P x 60Y1S10iIS;4 I have in stock the following : Apples Deed Apple olive Ps Blacking Ort, sweet Black Lead 0� castor - tnueh Bine ' OrangesSpices Strswben'ssa. canned Baking Powders ed Oat Meal! Albers Bath Brick Gagers 1ecls Talioca° ea$ Brooms Honey Tobaccoes Brushmagma Bad Ink Peauiine V Br tt Licorice Peon. canned -{ Coffee Lime Juice ; WasbmgCrystsl canfeef Good 1 ;t . Woedenwa e CocGoode Lard Flour L . CocoaiceaC•act Cakes Corn, canna , «ce .Meat 1 e , . Set „Der seta Com meal _ e tSets - ", Water Seta . Curt-. "' - .- CaniePowder pCream Tarter - hi t Creme Magnesia S , - Tm'I Sem Dates s Nuts _ 9rnrs , No. 1 Flour always on hang; Goods delivered to any part of :he town. LL REAL ESTATE, ' INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. . SA LES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed.. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS. Forsale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN. KINGSBRIDGE P. O. THE HUB Patterson, Dr. Te mart's Office. LUCKNOW, ONT. • . Leads them all for, Family Groceries New Goods. A D— F CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Rinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. KAAKE & OO.'S Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET. ' MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Wimdow Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. The Largest .Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The hest valve obtainable in Lucknow. FAT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at. $3,ci one dozen cabinet photos free, We,.place in our window a quart sealer, of 'bee*. -Any one, buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled o a ticket with the number on it you guess. The nearest number getsthe prize. - Beans putin sealer by, Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a' disinterested party on July 1st. This will commence on Apr ,1st_ gE az.CD s JOHN ELUOTJ r STRATFORD OIL CO. GUARANTEES 1. STERLING MACHINE OIL To outwear any other oil in the market on Binders, Mowers . am Threshing M:ehh • DmCY Taylor, Ijnckiva -4 . 0 al • • •