HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-29, Page 14 • k • 9 0 aylor's Hardware Machine Gib, Harvest lroolk,e4c, PRICES 13611. N, QUALlEY 13 'PM 740 , 2(, VOL XIX. --81 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892. , It padq a I • SCCa4Y211iXf d Paint DRY COLORS, • Very Supezior at gD.C.TAYLOR' WHOL Ni). 967. Birk OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capita paid up $1,25o,000 Reserve Fund 18135o,000 Total Assets - ST.979,646 President -JOHN SMART. Vice President—A. G. RAHSAY. DIRECTORS: JOHN Pnouron, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. Roam A. T. WCOD, A. 13. LEE (Toronto). • Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAVINGS BANK—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of SI and upwards received and interest allowed. SPEfkaLDEPOSITS also received at cur• ren tes - of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUM -AGENT. DENTAL •iiMJ. S. JEROME, L. D. S. .Wingbam, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for S10. Ming and evtracting a specialty LEGAL yp A. MALCAIMSON, BARRISTER,• • Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc., (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office • at Traver's old stand.- yrMORRISON, ATTORNEY AT • law, Solicitor in Cancery. Convey- ancer. Commissioner. etc. Office. over the barber shop. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- teas, Solicitor's, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.C. Wm. PROUDPOOT. MEDICAL T A. MeDONALD., M. D.. C. MC. P. S. t.P• O. Office, Kintail. R. EurJorr. OFFICE AND RESI- deuce. Outram street, secoud door north of Little's shoe -store, 111-1R. TENNANT, PHYSIC IA N, - Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- ' Visite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 MeD. GORDON, M.D.. C.M.„ F.T. DLO -P.8.0., Physician. Sur- geon. apt( Accoucheur. Office next door to W. /kIlin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, south of D. R. McIntosh's store, DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram proinptly attended to. Charges moderate. Oftice., Cor- rigan's hall. Boarding house. Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL NIONEY TO:LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 73/4 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY. St. Helena MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE securityfor any time at the lowest rate of interest- The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the prmco- psd may be paid each year, int -est ceasmg on the amount paid. For further particulars, etc., apploks ANGUS STEWART, Lucknow. • SOCIETIES Tyr C. T. U.— The regular monthly V V • meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Unto.: will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. n. Mas. W. II. SMITH, President ; Mos. HORNELL, Seffetary. LUCKNOW •Lodge, No. H2 meets every Friday • evening at 8 o'clock in their hall. Campbell- strpet. All brethren wrdially invited. Wm. Hoon, N. Grand; Jona Etuor,Recorder. CO. F.,COURT • • Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every forst and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange kShaIL Visit- ing brethren are cordia. lly invited. T. MarrinE, C. R. D. D. YULE SEC. AO. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellowo hall, on the last and second Monday evenfngs of each month • eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. Parresisos, Master Workman R. D. CAMERON. Recorder. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER. • ME COOKS BEST FRIEND' ILAPIGEST SALE IN comm. CIO, MAIR & CO. • BANKERS, - Or Lucknow Banking CO4'y. LOCKNOW, FEB'Y 13rm,1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of nor last advertisement to you we have sold 1100actes of land. and being all the land held by us in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in our bands for sale, so that we hope to be able to spply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 100Q acres last spring we would reqyest those in want of acheap farmto apply early. as the spring time will now soon be here. We can grant, very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of Interest. If yon wish to renew or change you -mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and ata very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' notes fer long or short lime, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale notes a specialty. We do a general banking business of all kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAL TUITION. 4 NY ONEREQUIRDTGFIEST-CLA.98 IA. lessons in music can have the same from Pof. Moss, *Fellow ofthe Yorkshire Colle•ge Of -Music. For terms apply to the Rev. Kr. Connor,, the rectory. Prof. Mesa will be in Lucknow on Mondays. NIUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Wm Kaake. late of Blyth. attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. -LliNGLLSH CHITRCH —SERVICES 11 11 a. m. and sao p. m. Sunday School, 230p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wedoessday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A ellsczori—Buy:e3Ok itT-Ccessioir. /NOM.. • C. T. R. TINE TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:18 a m 1030 a. m. and 625 p. m. North at 1225 p. m., 4:05 p. m. and 1022 p. IIL it Fire and Marine insurance. '11Torth British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool Gore Dfistriet, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phcenix, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Coly.. of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT - •GUELPH: Telegraph or Telephone at my expense. INSURANCE. Farmers, look to vonr own interest and insure your farm buildings and ' private dwellings in the LONDON MUTUAL. No large Premium Notes required • CASH SYSTEM: 50 cents to 90 cents per 5100 for three years. JOHN LANE ACENT, - KINLOUCH. Also agent for tbe Phoenix. of London, England. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER RAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTLVEL Printing ° Office - AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED Plats ,specilecations and estimates for build • ings, mills, bridges, etc.. furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow. Jan .1891. LUCKNOW TNSTI- Xi tote. Reading room open everyerening from / to 10 p. in., excepting Saturdays, stem the hours will be from 2 to 6 p. m, Th librarian will be in attendance during thea beam D. 1). Your. Press:feet 1 Illarasocie Shmerataital. VST1==.4=CT" LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy lienesServed up for Sentinel Readers —Miss McRae, of Paris, is visiting friends in this village. —Georgeobinson shipped another car load of bogs on Thursday. • —Mr. Wm. Bower left for a few week's trip up the lakes. . —Several loads of new hay have been disposed of here at $5 per ton. • —Mr. Hugh Girvm shipped a car load of fat cattle to Toronto on Mon- day last. —Master. Ernie Davison, of Goder- ich is visiting his grand parents in Lucknow. —Miss Ewart, of Stratford, is the guest of Mrs. Joachim Grenache of this village. —Mr. Hugh -Rutherford, of South Lynn, Michigan, is visiting old friends m this section. —Messrs Rus. and Reg. Fletcher, of Brusrels, are visiting their grand parents in Lucknow. —The wheat harvest is in full blast and the crop on the whole is the best ever grown in this section. • —Mr. James Stewart, of Kansas City,,s was last week renewing old acquaintances in the village. . Frank Little, of Molson's Bank-, Waterloo, is spending his holidays with his parents in Lecknow: —The pulpit of the Lucknow Baptist church will be filled (D. V.) next Lord's day by Rev. W. McGregor of Wingham. —Mr. Geddes, councillor and mer - cheat, of Deseronto, spent -last week here, the guest of his beihther. Mr. Wm. Geddes. —R. Graham, of the Rethester Star Nurceries, sold the past week 15/3 trees, ornamental and fruit, in twenty eight orders. —Messrs. Archy and J� -ph Wattie, sons .of Mr. J. 11,1- Watti,4 Chicago are viaiting their uncle, Peter Cor rigan, Esq., of Holyrood. —We are glad to learn that Mr. Chas. Baird, son of Mr. Jas. Baird, of Ashfield is fast improving and is on the fair way to recovery. —Miss Elizabeth Mellis, of Kippen„ was last week married to Rev. Mr. McKibben, of Pine River, Ont., at • the residence of her.parents in Kippen. —The families of Messrs. Dr. J. S. Tennant, W. S. Holmes and Fred Gritntly spent a pleasant qme pic-nicmg at the lake, near the light house, on Wednesday. —Mr. Joachim Grenache left on Saturday last for a trip to St. Paul for the benefit of his heaith. He took the boat at Kincardine and we trust the trip wilt be both pleasant and beneficial to his health. —The chartered banks have reduced the rate of interest on deposits to three and a half per cent This is caused in consequence of the increasing ease in the value of money and the greater difficulty in obtaining profit- able employment for it —Complaints are pouring into the Toronto dailies from all parts of the Province against the Algebra papers for the first and second class examin- ation. There is a general demand that the papers be thrown out by the department „ex.c.uniners, otherwise flinty per cent. of the candidates who wrote will be plucked on them. —Mr. Wm. Robertson, for many years a resident of Wingham, left on Tuesday for Idaho, where he expects to receive employment. Mr. R. was secretary of the school board arid president of the Winesham Reform. Association. "Billy" will be much missed .by his friends there, who hope that he will be more suecessful in' the wild and woolly west k —It is with pleasure we notice the success of Bruce young ladies. At the head of the list for certificates in art stand the names of May and Edith 'Stewart at the recent examination of the Hamilton Ladle's Cortege. We congratulate them on (their distinguish- ed honor. Tbey are the daughters of Mr. T. J. Stearture formerly of Kinlosa, and their many friends will be pleased to learn of their Access. —Mr. Howie, of Waterloo, is visit- ing at Mr. W. U. Lietle's. —Mrs. B. Mallough, of Stratford, is visiting friends in the village. —Mr. Ed. McLean shipped a car load of fat cattle on Thursday morniog. —Miss Bell, of Wingham is the guest of Mtss Bertie McIntosh, of this vi I lege. —Mount Forest town council has decided on a rate of 21 mills on the •dollar for this year. —Several complaints are made against the large number of geese that are still wandering through the village. —Mr. John Murdoch, of Ashfield, attended the funeral of the late George Kerr at Brantford this week. • —Messrs. Watson and Day bought seven fine horses in the neighborhood for shipment to the Old Country this week. —Misses Mand and Sarah •Martin, of Goderich, were the guests of Mrs. Harry Days on Tuesday of this week. —Mr. Adam Thompson took seriously ill on Monday evening last, but we are pleased to say he is ;able to be out again. • —The voter's lista for the township of Kinloss have been printed and the Clerk's notice appears in another column. —Mr. Paul McInnes, an old resident of Kincardine, died in London on Monday last He had been in poor health for some time. —The Kincardine lacrosse club are the champions of the Saugeen District. This, of course, does not include Lueknow. —A memorial service for the Late Mica Agnew is announced to be held at Hope next Sunday morning at 10.30. • —Mr. Isaac Grofcof Elmira shipped a car load of cattle .from Lucknow station, as also did Whiedit and Simp- son, of Guelph, this week. —Past GrantrAle.x. Boss 1;111 repre- sent Lucknow lodge of Oddfellows at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Windsor on the 8th, 9th 'and 10th of August —A team belonging to Mr. Wm. Webb, of the Wawanosh boundary, ran away on Tuesday last, and Mr. Webb and his little son hada, narrow escape from serious accident —The Reporter says that Mr. Hugh • Cita, of the Kincardine Review was arrested on Wednesday rtir criminally libelling Mr. M. C. Cameron, of Goderich. He is out on baiL —A. meeting of the lacrosse club and all friends of the game will he held in Cain's new hotel on Monday night at 8 o'clock sharp. A large turn -out is requested as important business is to be transacted. Matches with Walkerton, Kincardine, etc., •—The Grand Trunk and Chicago and Grand Trunk railway companies have just issued , the annual order to employees to be vaccinated. As the companies transport thousands of emigrants it is thought best to take this precaution. Of every race in this Domir:on , The, Highland :5,eotch in my opinion Are foremost in philarstropic, zeal. Will divide at death their parting Meal. The sous of that noble Irish creed. WIllgii-e a meal to those in need. Great noble men of Celtic race, Still occupy the f yrrnost place, When death will stop the pads we trod, We'r find them at the right band of God. As APPLE TREE AGENT. Thenil living near Blyth has a goober that has hatched out eleven chickens this Year, and is performing the maternal duties of seeing that they are properly ' fed, protected and educated. His highness eats at the second table if the team; appear short for his family. . —Many advertisers do not tinder - stand why custom cannotbe directly traced to the source where they ex- pended their money to s obtain it. Business is like a river with many tributaries, in which it is imposible to trece every individual drop of water to the spring irons' whence it came. Temporary advertitements in a small way will not produce an immediate or permanent increase of business, any more than a slight Fhower will effect the depth of water in a welL '' • if LACROSSE MATCH. Splendid Game aeseree• Sae 'Maple Leafs,ak Wingleani, and tic Sepays of Larelinow.„ Remarked a gentleman from Tomer - to, "That is one of the nicest games oS lacrosse I have ever seen, and' I.have seen the Torontos, the Shamrock the 31ontrealers, the Barries, the Orillias and the match between Kineardipe and 'Walkerton at Port Elgie." This about states it but it might just here be recorded that -the Lucknow Sepoys have only had ;even weeks practice, a great part of that time on groun& entirely unfit for such. About three. weeks ago the boys on payment of $19 secured the "Ellis Field" and on it did some good practice, but not just as good as they might have 'done. Already they had played.a motel with the Maple Leafs of Wingham, in which they secured one goal and their opponents the same. Winghain then owed Lucknow a game. That game took place on Tuesday and was a most 'decided victory- for the Sepoys by score of three goals to one. It was agreed that the teams play for two hours. The ball was faced off by Yule - and Cornyn. The latter secured the. ball but retained it only a second when Yule got it passed to Hornell, who - passed again to Colling who in a light- ning shot sent the sphere between the , posts, and the rmging cheers a Bounced to thf people down town that, • Lucknow hut won the first goal in: 5. minutes. The second 'game began but • the play was SO rapid and thess .crowd • so thick that it was utterly impossible • to follow it After 25 minutes, ex - eluding a number of draw -Offs Wing •" • ham scored,. the ball being put through by Carr. • • es: . 1 • s""s- • „Ss Then the Sepoys began to waken up and for a time they did play lacrosse„ somewhat in th way we were wont to see the olditsigts`pley: It was grape thattlijoicestal&-fineer----.' How Berry, Kirk and Thompson did defend the citadeL "Kirk is a daisy,"' "Thompson is a dandy" and "Berry your always there" were expressions to be heard all over the ground. The defence was good, but right here we may state that the defence might throw a little straighter and save the home boys. Johnson, the captain of the team, Ceiling and Weir, who never put up a stick until this year, "Daddy" Grandy, Jimmy Yule, Jocky Hornell,Bunt Hornell, B.McCorvie and therestnottoforgetDave Lawrence, the electric goal -keeper, did magnificent lacrosse.. But let us here say a Word for the Winghani boys, than whom you can hardly find a nicer lot of gentlemen, played an elegant g-anie. We were not personally acquainted with all the players. but from our notice of their playing all the way through each and everyone of them know what a lacrosse stick is made for, and they know how to take a defeat in a fine way. The one or -two little squabbles that took place are only the general outcome of such games. This is the list of the players: WILSOHALL Anderson Goal pillarro% CBela McLaughlin Cargill Cornyn Centre rained:arson Home Field Carr • Collier AnSETt3 Outside Home Wallace Inside Home A. SehrsAian Captains - Point C. Point Defence Field . s LUCENOW. Johnston Berry Kirk T'hoznwon Laurence - Weir yule Grundy J Herm McCorrie Coiling. W Hornell M. Campbell Referee— Win. Vanstem-s (Jolting put the ball through on the first and fourth games and Kirk on the third for Lucknow,`'while so far as we could see it was Angus' goal .-nri the second game .sso•res. Barbed wire fencing is no good for lacrosse. Lucknow Le ready for any of T h • league teams, The Sepoys are not playing "Ring- ers" this stunmer. About seven dollars was" raised m the crowd. The Wingham • club and their friends were entertained to a dinner at the Cain House. A large nuinber of ladies were present, which goes to say that they take an interest in our national gauno .1 • • _,•