HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-22, Page 8.4 4 lil The Lucknow Sentinel 5ruc P0WW199 Friday, July 22nd )Criminal Libel Mr. James Mitchel, the Editor of the Goderich Star has been arrested llbell" ou. a s;ha��u�.-�ri�ninali�_ Air. M. C. Cameron, of that town, and the former member for West Huron. Northern Lights Those lovers of astronomical phenomena who were fortunate enough to witness the Aurora Borealis on Saturday night must have been delighted with the sight of natural fire works as seen in the northeastern heavens. 1. We have the . following lines coming in which are much in demand, and will be found special value. A nice range of black and white prints. Fancy light colored prints in all the best washing shades. A full mange of ~prices of our special Vic- toria Lawes - 23 pieces ribbon in the following colors which are much in demand — Black, fawn, rose, coral, cream, blue, tuscan and white. 5 pieces fancy table oil cloths in new patterns. 5 dz. turkey red handkerchiefs, all prices. Just -what is wanted for the harvest field. Also numerous other lines of seasonable goods to replen- ish our large stock which has been much reduced bythe heavy sales of the past five or six weeks. ..CAMERIH, MURDOCH & CO*, UJCKNOW POST -OFFICE. Hours S a. m. to 7 p.m. Items Ag$Iv$. 6:13a. m. D 1230 p. m. ,• W. G. d• B. South L.H,&.B.North SSmtoa�G. gh v SinNorth W. G. d B, Goderich Tn Tmeed ate poin f L. H.& B. North Langside ,So W,G. & B.nth' L H. &B.„—South f g, & B. South W- G.& B - North Holyrood } !anion 2-.30 p. m. irdough 3:43 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 10..30 p. m, ." Tuesdays and 3 00p. m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 10.00 a. m• 3-20p. m- 4.30p.m. H Hotel improvements Hotel improvements are all iia order in Lucknow this year. Mr. Cain's new hotel will vie with anything west of London. The Whitely house has undergone large improvements and now the Lucknow hotel, the oldest in the place is to ' be raised up, the ceiling made two feet higher and the whole inside generally remedied. Law Suit it is •more than -probable that a law suit will be instituted against the aeillageatureihreallegededgunageathee stallion " Garfield" by his owner Mr. Roe, of Winghc.m. The corporation, on the advice of one of the ablest lawyers in the Province, will fight the matter Out in court, so we understand. Passed Away ' After many long months of patient suffering, Mies Mary Ann Ag hew, daughter of Mr. Joseph Agnew, Have- lock st. passed peacefully away ouTuee- day last, in the 34th year of her age. The remains were interred in the Hope cemetery in Ashfiield on Thursday morning. Coming Nearer If you will take. pains to remember the date,' on the night of August ath, you Will get such a view of the planet Mars as you will not have again in fif- teen years. On that night Mars will venture up within thirty-five million miles :f the earth, instead of preserv- ing the usual' respectful distance of one hundred and forty million miles. It is believed that this disposition on the part of Mars to be neighborly will be . appreciated by all lovers of astronomy. New Law Everyone is guilty of an offence, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $50. who sells or gives any pistol or air gun, or any ammunition therefor, to a minor under the age of 16 years unle3's he estab- lishes to the satisfaction of the justice before who he is charged that he used reasonable diligence iii endeavoring to ascertain the age of the minor before marking such sale or gift, and that he had good reason to believe that such minor was not under the age of 16, 2nd: Everyone is guilty of an offense; and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $25, who sells any pistol or air gun without keeping a record of such.sale, the date thereof, and the name of the purchaser, and of the 'maker's name or other mark by which such arm may be identified. Village and ?Wittig Suers. High Corn Mr. George Middleton has growing in his garden in this village corn that measures from the root to the tip of the leaf 72 inches high. This is a pretty . good growth up to the 19th of July. Who can produce a longer stock? e Discovery of America It is understood the Education Department will recommend the teachers of Ontario to have suitable celebrations in their schools to com- memorate Oct. 12, the discovery of America by Columbus. There is no doubt the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the continent of which Canada forms such an important part, would be a suitable opportunity for bringing to the notice of pupils by songs, essays, recitations and patriotic addresses the greatness of that historical event. Foot Bali Match A foot ball matoh waseepla.yed tut or t'aedidates nee i+;_med xi Sara•1u;+ . • between the north and south les of the=sillageteni-ednesd evening -sin—`- ----- — which -":- which the north were the winners by The following is the list, in one goal to none. The game was alphabetical order, of the pupils who exciting all through. Another match succeeded in p.'ssiitg the' High School is on the'qui vive. entrance examination at Lucknow:— GIRLS Passed the Examination At the recent High. School Mary, 10 Kinloss 436 School entrance454 examination six out of eight pupils Garbutt Clara, 10 Kinloss that wrote from Lucknow suceeded Hodgkinson Tillie, Kinlough .... 423 in passing as follows ; Mark Doug- Mirehouse Minnie, 9 Kinloss .... Miller Maggie, 10 Kinloss .. , .. las, Ed. Odium, Geu.. Armstrong, Stewart Yule, John Lyons, Willie Morrison Janet, 8 Kinloss Dlcli innon Jemima, 9 Kinlus......394 Yule. Few schools in the county fair McIntosh Ethel, 5 Kinloss, 440 show a better record. McIntosh Maen e 4 Huron 385 H11IEi SCHOOL. 0- Fine Hotel -The large and handsome new .hotel belonging to Mr: T. F. Cain is about ready for occupation and now only lacks a few finishing touches of the painters to complete the finest hotel in the county of Bruce. It is a great credit, not only to its genial proprietor, but to the village. Mr. Cain expects to be moved " into his new quarters next week. Electric Light The electric light at the Presby- terian church was lit and burning. nicely on Monday evening when people were going to dile church to attend the lecture, but just as the meeting was dismissed the light went out. Complaints tome from the north ward that the light near the station is not .properly attended to. Who is to blame ? Good and Timer. A teacher suggests that as the pro- motion examination results are now being publishing, and it is found that a few names are not among the successful' ones,parents instead of finding fault with those who failed, should gently press them to their bosoms and tellthem not to care about it. Cheer their little hearts and make them happy, and tell them that their • good time is coming. The disappoint- ment of not seeing their nines in the paper is sufficient burden without the additional one of a scolding from those they love. If • they are thus cheered they will do"better next term at school, and will like to go there, as well. Give them now a kind word and let them enjoy their holidays. Captain Jefferis Capt. B. Grant Jefferis who has so long been in command of No. 3 Co. of, the 32nd, at Lucknow, has this year tendered his resignation. He has for several years past been resident in the United States, but always came over fur every annual drill to take command of the company, and he, will be very much mid in camps, for he was a good soldier, a genial messmate and a thorough gentleman. He has a good medical practice at present in Chicago, and the amount . of time and 'trouble Which a re -anion with his, former com- panions in arms at Canadian drill camps entails, makes it a rather heavy sacrifice on his. part. He now leaves the regiment, hearing with him the respect, good -will and well -wishes of all, and his place at the head of No. 3 will be hard to fill—Paisley Advocate.• Where is the Other inch A daily newspaper is responsible for the following puzzle : Take a strip of cardboard thirteen inches long and five wide, thus, giving a surface of sixty -rice inches. law tut this strip diagonally, as true as you can, the result being two pieces in the shapes of triangles. Now measure exactly five inches fron the lager end of each strip and cut each in two pieces. Take your four pieces and putthem in t1 the tbape of an elect square, and it owdl appears to fie .jest eight inches each way, or sixte four square inches lose of one inch of superficial lneasulcem " t, with no diinin;tion of mid a question i?, *what becomes of that inch ? N Happily Wed We take the following from the daily Columbian, of New West Minis- ter, British Colunibia, of the 29th ult., and which refers. to the marriage of Miss Webster, daughter of the late James Wester, of Ashfield. "Mrs. Guest's, in this ciiy, was the . scene of a pleasant wedding party last .nighty when Mr. Peter Ryan, who has been a resident of this city for about two years, was united to the bride of his choice, Miss Lizzie Jane Webster, of Lucknow, Ont., who arrived in West minster two days ago, to meet her intended husband. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. Dr. Smith, Miss Eva Jennings acting as bridesmaid, and , Mr. Thos. Guest supporting the groom. After the ceremony the newly married couple and their friends sat down to a sumptuous .wedding repast, and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr.. Ryan occupies the position as crnotorneer on the trarbway line, and he and his bride expect to reside per- manently in Westininister." How to Keep Water Cool Here is a wrinkle—hoax to get ice- cold water in places where there is no ice. Wrap a jug --a porous jug—one of those common earthenware things— in flantieI—wet flannel --a rap it all round, leaving no place exposed to the air ; place it,filled with water—or claret cup, which. some . sinners prefer to water—in an open window exposed to all the air there is. Keep the flannel wet ; in an hour tie contents of that; jug 'Neill be almost is cool as if they hail been iced. This i$ a tropical 4 trick, ich tricks the tropic!. .433 .. Mr. Malcolur Campbell last week McDonald Hannah, 6 Kinlrrss.. Nicholson Mary, 11 Huron 454 received from a gentlemen in Chicago Pritchard J anet, 11 Huron 54 3 a statement taken, from the Court Reid Evelyn, 14 Huron Philo White books in which it says the inventory Rennie Bella, 7 Kinloss: and appriasement of Philo G. White's Taylor Margaret, S Kinloss estate in California made by Clerk of Probate court in 1891 was $38;579,65 and which has since been increased to over $40.000. The rental of the estate is over $330 per month. An Interesting Lecture . • The lecture in the Presbyterian church on 3Itaid ty evening last :wa both interesting and instt active. Mr. Ishoo, a native of Persia, who is now studying for mission work ie College, Toronto, Bare 'an' address on the manners anc1 customs of the inhabitants of that country, besides some important , statistics' of - the Christian and heathen churches there. .At the close of the lecture Mr. Ishoo exhibited a number of articles illustra- tive of the address. Sudden Death A great cleat of sorrow war expressed on Saturday last when the news was received by telegraph of the sudden death of Mr. 'George McHardy; of Toronto, but formerly of Luclnrow. . Mr. -McHardy was for many years a resident of Lucknow • and ^ Belfast, where he kept a general store, and was a man who enjoyed the universal confidence and .respect of the whole community. He was in- Lucknow a. few weeksago, and his health, though never very ragged, ' `was better than for years, and when the announce- ment of his -death was made it was a great surpritse . to all. He had been suffering about ten days with San affection of the throat, and ;up to a few hours before he died no serione. results were apprehended by the doctors, but the gathering suddenly broke on Saturday morning, and it is supposed that death was caused, by strangulation. Deceased,, who had never married, was in his 51st year. He was a charter •member of the Odd- fellryws lodge in this village, and a number of the brethren stent to Goderich on Monday to attend the funeral with the Oddfellows of that town. The remains were interred in the beautiful cemetery about a mile and a half' east of the town rand was lara lyattended by sorrowing relatives, friends and okd neighbors. ' The ser- vices at the residence of Mr. McKen- zie were conducted by Rev. Dr. Ure, and at the grave the beautiful burial ceremony of the Oddfellows order wa,S read by the Noble Grand of Goderich lodge and ro. 1). C. Taylor •of Luck - now. We have received a letter from Mr. John )IcHardy, of Teeswater, bother of the deceased, in which he says :—" The friends of our departed brother, and especially our sister, desire to express our hearty Appreeia- tiers of the kindness and sympathy extended to us in our sad bereavement. To the elders and members of Erskine church, Toronto ; to Rev. Mr. Gils-ray, who in the absence of Rev. Mr. Hunter, officiated at the funeral ; Rev. Dr. Ire and kind friends (nxlerich, anti' especially tr, the ()rl4. fellows: of I unknow whr. gtter,d.el ir, Only too True A good old Scotch n Oman bad a serious quarrel with her minister—a scotch quarrel about church matters --- but to the surprise of the pastor she continued her regular attendance to worship. He expressed his gratilica- lion as well as surprise at her conduct; upon which she replied, "Oh, sir, my quarrel was With you. and ^,not with my Lord ! " What a blessing it would be it all easily offended, fault=finding; minister - blaming, peace - disturbing church members would not include the Lord in the quarrels with there pastors"and each other. How They Brill Bite It's passing strange how sone people will sign an agreement with their eyes wide open and live to reg et it. Some time ago an' agent of a Toronto com- mission house went through the town- ships ow nships and entered into an agreement with several farmers who were to sell to his firm all their butter at 22 cents per pound and their eggs at so much per dozen.. They (the farmers) also agreed to pay down --as a kind of bonas—the sum of $35 for which they were to receive goods to be selected from samples to be sent to them. Those who thought they were getting a genuine snap, are wondering NOV "samples" are not forthcoming, nd are troubled least the supposed "agreement" might sometime turn up as a promissory note. How Have the Mighty Fallen. How thou hast fallen! 0 Lucknow ! Thy glory is on the wane these many moons past. In this the 25th anni- versary of the Dominion and the 100th of the Province of Ontario, Lucknow alone does not celebrate. 'Tis true we had a stud -horse show in the spring and there will be a Bumpkin show in the fall and even for these we must thank the enter- prising farmers, grangers and Patrons who reside in on neighborhood. Lucknow's citizens must go to Dun- gannon, Wingham and Kincardine and in these places they are flush, but not a copper have they for any amuse- ment at home not even a dawn -tennis match. The Caledonians say they will go ahead with their gamts if the town raised $200. The hotel•keepers and another say they' will go a. $1000. Surely the balance enn be raised if some one will take hr lk Who will it be 540 421 DO1a Anderson Milton, 8 Kinloss 399 Douglas' Mark, Lucknow 9 43 99 Harper Reba, 4 Kinloss Hodgkinson Wilber, 2 Kinloss .. ` O Lyons John, Lucknow.... . . I10 Lane Hugh, Kinloss Murray (rant, 14 Huron .388 3lackenzie Donald, 4. Ashfield .... 437 Mackenzie }iugh, 6 Kinloss 396 Mackenzie Andrew, 6 Kinloss .. • 522 McClenaghan Geo., 10 Kinloss 434 Odium Edward Lncknow, 444 Reid Wm., 8 Kinloss 404 Rennie Robt., 7 Kinloss 467 Rennie Chas., 7 Kinloss 546 Valens Edgar, 5 Kinloss ' 425 Webb Wm., 4 West Wawanosh45e Yule Stewart, Lucknow 421 Yule Wm., Lucknow .... 506 RECO3IMEND LIST Sarah Brocklebank, 12 Kincardine Ethel Donald, Kincardine M. S. Maggie Fizell, Kincardine M. S. Mamie Gentles, Kincardine M. S. May B. Ross, 8 , K,ineardine- Belle Stinson, 12 Huron. George Conley, 5 Kincardine. George Armstrong, Lucknow. Sarah Kelso, 12 Bruce, Mary Mackenzie, Southampton. John Cress, Port Elgin. Ross Johnston, Teeswater. Edward Kennedy, Port Elvin MARRIED. • Ssrra-oicl)os LD --At the residence :of the bride's father in the 4th concession of Kinds. on the 13th instant, by the Rev. F.. A, XE. Lenuan, Mr. John Smith. of Huron, to Misr; "Maggie McD .na1d, only daughter of Mr. Angus Ma %donald, of Kinloss. Ryan—Weer—At, the residence of Mrs. Gue t, Nese Westminster, British Colum- bia, en June 281.h, by Rev, Dr. Smith, Peter Ryan. or this city. to Lizzie Jane . Webster, of Lucln►ow, Ont. LUCKNOVIV 11 A RKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .65 to .70 Peas Oats Potatoes Butter, per ib Eggs, per pound . . Hay per ton +r _...00 " .5:5 1r .....00 " .26. 15 rolls .11, tu$ .12 .06 .$7to7.50 CLOTHES REEL. ►THE NEW IMPROVED " CBESLEY j Clothes Reel" the most eorpplete, durable, simple and perfect reel manufa This article can be .got only through the sac agent at Langside. 966-t f A. A. CROWSTON. Georgian Bay Shingles. E EP..SIG:KED HAS ON HAND j a car lot of XXX Georgian Bay shingles and intends keeping them in stock during the season, and will be sold at the lowest posTble paying Pricer TAMES GAUNT. Whitechurch. • RAPID CITY. iintra7010y1 fh,r last week.) Mr. A. D. McDguadri, lake shore range, *pent a few flap with Mr. D. Carnpt:AL. Mr. M-; r•I ,' k .. •,f IiTi in,rharo , wan lately the `-'' '.f Mr. T i,►er. Mitt Jennie I1.illita riritnl frienr)t :.t Kir; rrr;t i, 'Tito bfiawA Fs•ii atroi 61a✓ir4it Mfr -Kinnon, of Nw 'argrit, art ti.es.iren— their • 7aeatk,n with such large s,utnr,Fn awl at a ;t'//1 ; )- a f,zt, erg Mr Anr1Y . tcKinn'n. Clea r�r-'r,t,a .ar;T•j r3;.' .!, iJ•s� ..•^ . I ' ♦j,o :r.✓s5 b. f{ir"tylin't'41 thrt 32th. and Sr,Ir�rnn tri }Aire. r,$ rr .p'-f:t 'f, d'Y-;.c rf-ri rv. :'.i,�ir.( s*4 a','44 tin' l,rr.ticPr. �; r, .,t i}; • ;, v.a• • c-+.:. rr: Sr 'r, i ,fie ;04 A. r *:0 Lfr. ii..xt> fix r r�t•,rn�13 fr ,u► k new thatr.!/ RI! a.r ;.r. ,.•.'. 'J 'r:.. 7„, .4„,„ !'rt b, n�.a• , �.ar 9�f1.,'I� .n h�•r^. • patI ha • •, r° >< a. • rot. r 4 i `� E=r 4,4• rtl,s,rt ft last haq r"rnp they 'f's71 > r•f 1. C, a T 4 hitt ridging hor!e all our hear'_ seed 'e. •Is-r.•ieSee ' i.y f ` l of I fi v • , .4 r. zing .•, .f r i ., a{wantascp r,f and relle•.ed thr: i[.'/4u +lex' rrro, rip'ir gr .'4 f. tit"' avoid �, , ��y S,f r. bl •. ao+* i,s R� very lmiy in the our FRI.-is-0A .•.•4'' + •two,.tav ,,ry.ttiA roman*. STRAYED. CITRAYEI) FROM THE; PREMISES 0 of the undersigned, lot 29, con. 4, Kin- loss. gra or about May 24th, five yearling cattle , three steers and two heifers. One steer and a heifer are red, the remainder spotted: Anyone giving information that may lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. 4-965 JOHN ROSS. Lantside P.O' SHORTHORN BULL. ROBERT ADAIR. ItnHF. UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP 1 for service the above named animal for a limited number of cows for the season of 1892. PEDmREE—Robert Adair was bred at the Ontario Agricultural Cellege. Guelph, Ont., 4th,18 1 ; got by Baron Water. loo, 13931 •; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15348, by flritiph Sovereign, 4.335. Ind dam, May. figurer. 10032, by Duke of Oxford. 3(19 ; 3rd Med Rose, 10496, by 1ldarinaduke, •3504 ; 4th +lam, Violet,. 10f4Q7, by Colonel rialto, 426'; r,th dam A h:.. 2340, by Alfred, SO4; tdb 1017 ; Gam - 3c1 ' am- , T;r0 h).p)• ayable dam, Arabela, 606, by Robin Ha 7th dam, lied Lady, 1766 by 'irc bri+l . 1178 ; Sth darn. Beaut' Brilliant, 73,5 ; 9th dant, Mom Rut Comet, 432 ; 10th dam. Ruby30 Agricola (imp.) 5 ; lith dam., 131 30, by Snowt atl. 2647, by Lams byCharlew,127. syof .l BP318-82.00 each per *eau' J on or before the first day of Novents' , .A DBI 01. 422,